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    1. 24 Feb: Snakes at my gate and trying to meditate lucid

      by , 02-24-2023 at 09:18 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At my gate. I see a goat running on the hill in front and then a horse behind my parking lot. I also notice the gate is not well closed, so I close it tight. My dogs are jumping around me excited. Then I check the fence and find a couple spots where the fence is lose as if someone damaged it on purpose. I scramble to fix it before my dogs see it, but they go through a hole they find. First Soraia, but I yell at her and she promptly comes back. Then Maya and Tara also escape. I manage to call back Maya, but Tara encounters a black dog about her size, they become friends and she ignores me. They roll on their backs on the ground, clearly getting along. I then notice the road ahead is loaded with huge snakes coming their way. I call Riverstone for help and he goes outside the gates to get the dog but I warn him about the snakes.
      Then the dream fades and I almost wake up but hold on to it and then I am at some kind of small room, laying on a bed, belly down.
      I know I am dreaming so I plunge my hand into the foam mattress as a reality check and grab some foam as if is it cotton candy and eat it. I expected some crazy flavor, but it actually tastes just like foam. I then get up and go through the wall. End up in someone elses apartment and then go from room to room not knowing what to do. I briefly panic when I realize I don't know the way back to my room. Then I recall again that it's just a dream and there is no point in going back to "my" room. I go out to a balcony. Below the balcony on the street I see many kids and adults looking festive. I plan to jump through the pavement below and see where it takes me. I jump flat on my belly but as I approach the ground I see it is covered in animal poop, so I stop an inch from it and just levitate there for a second. Everyone looks at me. I lay my feet on the ground and stand. Immediately see a group of people on horse back coming towards me in two lines side by side. They don't stop for me, so I quickly lift off again not to be trampled upon. As I watch from above I think it may be some parade, but then notice the outfits and lots of famous Hollywood actors walking around and conclude that it must be a movie set.
      I want to focus on something productive and stop just moving around, so I sit cross legged on top of a wall to try to meditate. I invoke my guru and ask for his guidance and teachings. Immediately I get attacked by some guy out of nowhere, jumping and trying to reach me to harm me, his face full of anger, as if he is possessed. I kinda expected that, but still it is annoying every time it happens. I transport myself to a room full of plushies, hoping it will be peaceful to meditate in there. I try again and invoke my guru, but the plushies start flying and hiting me. I deflect them with energy from my hands, but att some point they come alive and gain shark teeth and bite me. I try to ignore the pain and carry on, aware that it is still all just a dream, but I almost wake up.

      I then find myself in what appears to be an island and in front of me there is a strange asian looking tower. I get this feeling that I will find my guru there, but when I reach the front door, it is controlled by thugs and they won't let anyone in that is not vetted by them. I plan on just flying up but then I notice there is some sort of elevator on the side, the kind of those for window cleaners and is starting to go up so I hold on to a side and just go up hanging from it. It takes me all the way to the top but then I see no way to access the interior of the building and there is no way to get down from the roof either. It is also inclined and slippery and I almost fall. Again, I wonder what to do next but a sudden water rise out of nowhere covers everything below and it keeps rising until it reaches the roof and leaves me isolated on my own little island. I go around the roof and find a stone path that magically appeared over the water, so I walk it through. It leads me to dry land. I find myself in what looks like some city in Latin America. It's night now, but the streets are flooded with people panicking and running in all directions. On the tv of some eatery, I see a broadcast about some impending catastrophe. I think I also see something big in the night sky but can't tell what it is. I wake up.

      Updated 02-24-2023 at 09:26 PM by 34880

    2. Captive slave forced to paint famous portaits murals

      by , 03-08-2022 at 05:52 AM
      Sorry I haven't been posting. I been having some weird dreams. Here are two of January's dreams.

      In a dream I think before the following dream.
      I was in a vertical school. I have no idea what I was doing in there. Anyway for some reason I went into the staff room. I have no idea what happened but I think either a porucipine or a hedgehog came into the staff room via an open window and for some reason started to bite me. I just remember dream-screaming and then I woke up to use the washroom

      In one dream I had in January. I was something like a captive. Nope, not captive, but a slave? But I wasn't the only captive/slave . All but one of the group of people all looked like the adult versions of kids I went to elementary school with from JK-Gr.8. And we're tasked by our unseen "Master" to paint some murals (murals, that if I remember looked much like famous paintings.. I think something like Birth of Venus? We were up all night and all previous day and I somehow started to fall asleep on the shoulder another captive/slave (I can't remember what he looked like but he wasn't one of the adults version of kids I grew up with) But I do know that I knew it was a bad idea if i slept sleep was bad.

      The third dream was even werid. But I don't remember much about that dream except, for it involved two women and their heads somehow turned into whatever help people see in submarines. And it also involved a boy whom was wet and a white staircase. And also a festival and I think some kind of doll. I think it had something to do about a flood? At the end of the dream the boy at least "disappeared" into the water
    3. 15 May: Tricked by the devil, finding hidden room in my attic and escaping stalkers

      by , 05-15-2021 at 02:39 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Flood on a village. A stranger picks me up and jumps with me into a well, which strangely is the only dry thing around. We come out on the other side into some fantasy land. He claims it is heaven or paradise and he needs my help with something there. I encounter some ficticious relatives of mine who had been missing because of the floods. They are gathered around a table and feasting. I join their brunch, go crazy on cakes and juice and at some point realize the guy may be the devil and this is some kind of trick. But I wake up.

      Been dreaming of a bigger more spectacular version of my house. With hidden rooms in the attic. This time I go to my attic and after closing the entrance door, here is like a smaller room inside it that I can also shut close, and it feels like heaven, a totally isolated space just of my own. Then I start knocking on the wooden ceiling, as I previously encountered hidden doors with technical and electrical panels and I suspect there are more secret compartments I haven't yet discovered. I come across a large trap door that I remove gently and inside is a grid like covering a ventilation shaft. But on the other side is my cat Yéti and I wonder how long my cats have been going to these secret spots and how did he enter this place. I remove the grid and I climb inside. It is a fairly large tunnel that leads to the secret room I had suspected existed. Inside it is like a library / memorabilia shop, full of rare and weird stuff. There are shelves with political and forbidden books but also a whole shelf of altered fairy tale books, like a whole series of a punk-gothic Snow White. There are also weird costumes and incredible posters and pictures on the walls. I try to take photos of it and start getting the usual trouble that image on camera differs from what I see, but I fail to realize that I am dreaming, besides a slight feeling I might be. Then someone enters the attic, intruders looking for me and I don't want them to find my secret room so I go back and shut the entrance and then find some other way from my inner room to the outside world and start being chased by unknown stalkers trough a city. I zig zag through streets trying to distance myself from them and then enter a huge shop which is basically toys and games but is not like toys'r'us, is more towards teenagers and has a cool edgy vibe. Really annoying employees kick me out from a section of the shop and treat me bad because they have a policy of closing down some areas of the shop intermitently and I should know about it. I dwell for a while in the shop admiring some of the toys. I meet Riverstone briefly there too and I show him some toys I used to play wih as a kid, made from sticky rubber. I throw them at his face and they stick for a while and then come tumbling down and feel like jellyfish on your skin. He didn't know these things and feels repulsed, but it brings great memories to me.
      Then I leave and keep on trying to lose my stalkers by going through a shady restaurant, hoping to get out through a back door. But it seems they don't have it. I ask for the toilets and they are in the back, a really dark and degraded area of the building and there is a long line of people there. But I can't go back to the restaurant as my stalkers are probably there at the moment trying to spot me. So I wai,t disguised in the crowd of families waiting to pee. When I finally get in, there are a couple windows but very tiny and with iron bars, not fit for a person to climb out. So I leave, but then finally find some door leading to a back alley. It was close shut and hidden behind lots of stuff, but I spot light rays coming from a fringe on the floor and I break it open, so I escape my stalkers.
    4. 4 May: Storm and floods and being raped by an alien lemur spirit

      by , 05-04-2021 at 10:33 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Staying with some friends and other people at some place like a camp. We sleep in bunk beds in what seems like a barn. Apparently I am the owner and everyone else is my guest.
      I call out a girl who supposedly is my friend, but has been hanging out with some other lady and treating me badly, abusing my friendship. She has been behaving like everything is hers and even sleeping on my bunk bed, from which I kick her out. She makes a scene, but I humiliate her in front of everyone, not feeling intimidated to expose all her abuses and she then calms down. I still offer her my friendship but say we gotta stay some time apart.
      I leave to go to town and on my way a storm comes, all lights shut down and even a bus coming my way is totally without lights. I flash my cell phone flashlight to the bus but the driver ignores. The sea level is rising, the beaches are gone and it is raining a lot. I arrive downtown but it is so dark that people are walking blindly and touching the surroundings with their hands. I feel someone trying to pickpocket me.
      We eventually are gathered into a shelter with bunk beds again. I spot some familiar faces like John Blacksmith and some other friends. They save a bunk bed for me. I am so thankful because I feel exhausted.
      Later on we check the window and the city is flooded. There are vegetables floating on the waters and some of us collect a few to eat.
      Next day the waters recede and we go around seeing the damage. I find a cute dog family scavenging the vegetables scattered around. It's two golden retrievers with puppies. I want to pet one of the puppies, but one of the adult dogs looks very protective. Then I notice the other one is choking on some raw cauliflower. But now he no longer is a dog but an alien creature slightly resembling a lemur, with a very slender body with long arms and legs and a tail and light brown fur.
      He looks a bit hideous, but I feel sorry and help the little fellow. I turn him on his belly, grab him and pat strongly on his back. He spits the food and starts breathing. Then he talks and says he is very thankful for my action. Then he wants a hug. He is very emotional and I feel bad not to respond, so I accept his affection and cuddles although it creeps me out a bit. Then he doesn't stop holding on to me and actually I end up on the ground with him on top of me and he says he has something good to give me and I feel like something probing between my legs, like a very strong penis trying to penetrate me even through my clothes. I yell I don't want it and try to get away but he is oddly strong for his fragile body and I can't. He explains he will get inside me one way or another because it is the way of the (whatever the name of his species?) and when they can't go physically they go in spirit. Then a kind of cloud starts coming out of his mouth towards mine and also from his penis and entering me from below. I freak out and pass out.
      When I wake up I am Hermione and I am surrounded by Harry, Ron and some other person. They look worried but I feel ok and just want to hide away in shame. I feel weird down there and walk funny and they start making jokes about the situation and how I lost my virginity to some magical lemur being. Then I feel a bit dizzy and my face turns a glowy green and some kind of energy jumps from me to some other kid passing by. I feel relieved. Seems like the spirit got bored of being in me and left to bother someone else.
    5. 11 Apr: Bus dragged by flash flood and killing someone in Hollywood in the 30s

      by , 04-11-2021 at 09:11 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Taking a bus somewhere. My parents are also on board but not seated nearby. There is some flash flood and the bus gets dragged by muddy waters. The water covers most of the bus and I think of strategies to get out, but the windows are fixed with only small horizontal ones on top which open but hardly anyone can get through them. I get my parents out through there anyway and then I go next. Then the water recedes and we take refuge in a subterranean park just to get some rest and plan what next. My parents lock me up in a public bathroom and say it is not safe for me and they will go outside do some reconnaissance of the situation. I am pissed. But then laugh when I notice the bathroom walls don't go all the way up but have an opening that communicates with the next bathroom. I climb the wall and get on top it. On the next division, there is a dog someone also left in there alone, but he is friendly. As I am exiting through that door and taking the dog with me, some couple appears and claims it's their dog. I am a bit upset with these people, whom I think are a bit irresponsible, but I keep quiet and just say goodbye to my friend. Then my parents come back and are upset to see me outside and I joke "Did you really believe that locking me would stop me? And they agree they were silly."

      I am in Hollywood in the '30s (maybe). I got a leading part in a film and I am absolutely thrilled. I think it is all going fine, until some other girl who is sharing the house with me and some others, reveals she got a part in the same movie and not any part, but she is meant to replace the leading character. I get seriously mad, but I avoid taking my rage on her and run away to a different room to cool down. She follows me and confesses she didn't know it was me and she is sorry and that it is all some revenge plan cooked up by people who hate me and she only accepted because she needed the job and is nothing personal. I forgive her, but then later, this girl accuses me on the set, of stealing her earing which appears magically in a pocket of my coat. Then I realize she is indeed part of the revenge plan and I beat the shit out of her until she dies. Then a guy who comes to intervene and is holding a gun, accidentally shoots himself in the chin and also dies. I run away down some stairs to the basement. The police arrives at the scene and I don't wanna be caught. So I go through a trapdoor that leads to a park outside. I try to blend with the people on the street. I hear police sirens everywhere. I head to a small aerodrome nearby where some Africa dude that I know traffics stuff. I wanna try ask if he can fly me away to Africa. I ask him where in Africa it would be better for me to start a new life from scratch. He suggests Ghana and he paints a lovely picture of it. I can see myself there already and then I come back to reality and think I'll probably never make it. The police comes raid the aerodrome and my friend helps me hide by ducking on the ground in a bushy area. We slowly move towards the entrance booth and with the complicity of the lady in the booth that controls the entrances and exits, we escape to outside. I keep on the move, I hide. But I end up coming back later to the aerodrome and taking a plane later to Africa. I then see myself living there for years, getting married to a local and having a kid and sitting calmly at a café with my family, enjoying my new life.

      Updated 04-13-2021 at 09:40 AM by 34880

    6. A Place with a Mind of its Own

      by , 07-14-2020 at 08:23 PM (The Fourth Factor)
      (Note: The longer my dreams are, the harder it is for me to remember details, particularly conversations, and this was a long one. There’s several hours’ worth of material here that I can only remember happened at all because I can remember remembering it in a later part of the dream, and this does raise questions of whether they ever actually played out. But, for what it’s worth, it doesn’t feel to me as if that’s what happened, and I do have many cases of knowing dream memory is working in that way to compare it to.)

      The earliest part I can remember is of a disaster taking place, a flood sweeping through a public building of some kind. Everybody is trying to get out. I’m one of the last out, but I wait, holding the door open so that the waters don’t forcibly close it and trap the one person who’s still there. It took him a while to believe this was actually happening (understandable, considering how weird it is), so he didn’t get out as quickly as everyone else.

      After this series of events is the biggest memory gap, which seems to mainly consist of meeting up with a large group of people and preparing for some kind of expedition together. I become lucid not long before we’re going to set off, although it’s not so much me realizing that it’s a dream as it is the unconscious knowledge that it’s a dream, which I’ve been acting on this whole time, becoming conscious. And this sort of makes it feel as if I’ve been lucid the whole time, if that makes sense.

      I’m looking out the window of a house onto the rolling fields beyond as it happens. I still have some preparation to do here, though, so I’m still here packing as everybody else is leaving. I’m taking my hiking backpack, the black one with yellow trim. It occurs to me to wonder whether I need to do this in a dream, since I can just make things appear if I need them. But I have the impression, based on earlier conversations, that I might not be able to do that in some of the places we’re going, and so I’ll want to make sure I have essentials with me, at least. The last thing I grab is my brown aviator-style jacket, which I fold and pack into the backpack before buckling it and heading downstairs and outside.

      I can just see somebody disappearing past the other side of the house, down a broad stone staircase. That’s where everybody’s gone. I try flying part of the way, but perhaps because of the hiking backpack—even though it doesn’t feel heavy—it’s hard to get more than a couple feet off the ground. But flying seems to be slower than running anyway, so I just run around the side and down the stairs.

      I’m now in an area with several platforms rising a distance above the ground. Next to one on the far side is a cliff wall with a small tunnel partway up, a little above head height. A young women is nearby – it seems she had to stop to do something before going onward. I jump onto one of the platforms, where I see some piled-up clothing. I recognize it as a kind of uniform for us to wear. It looks a bit like a karate gi: loose pants and a shirt that ties around the front, white, though a little discolored with age and threadbare in places. On some of the edges, flowers are embroidered in pale colors. I put it on over my clothing.

      Jumping onto the last platform and up to the tunnel—taking off the backpack and pushing it in first—is practically effortless, much easier than it would be in waking life, which makes it kind of fun. The tunnel is not tall enough to walk in, and it narrows considerably not far ahead, so I push the backpack in ahead of me. It barely fits, and I can see it slide down once it gets past the narrow point, where the tunnel slopes downward. I barely fit, too – I actually have to turn my head to the side to squeeze through. But soon, it’s large enough to where I can crawl again, and then walk upright.

      The tunnel is made of squares of some smooth material, solid black in the center but with a stripe of red-orange around the edges that glows, lighting the way. As I walk, it slopes further downward and eventually drops me into a corridor with a grimy, institutional feel to it. All dimly and artificially lit, as if I’m somewhere underground.

      It has a distinctly unpleasant vibe – although part of the reason may be because of what I know about this place. It is actually a sentient environment, and not a very nice one, and now that I’m inside of it, it’s going to be tracking my every move and shaping itself according to my actions and reactions. It’s not the destination – just somewhere we have to pass through on the way. There’ll be a test at the end that has to be passed before we can get out – but this place doesn’t like people leaving it and will be actively throwing obstacles in our way.

      My backpack isn’t here – the place probably hid it somewhere, and so I’ll have to be on the lookout for it. I turn towards the right, reading the plates on the doors as I go by, deciding which room to enter first. The place looks to be some sort of school judging by what they say.

      As I walk, faint, unpleasant feeling-tones arise, like the ghosts of memories with an archaic, dark quality to them, although they definitely don't involve my personal past – not in this lifetime, anyway. Or maybe they’re anticipations of what I’ll find here, behind the doors. Or maybe both. I also see a set of stairs leading downwards, but I don’t want to leave this floor just yet.

      After reaching the end of the corridor, I head back, still making up my mind. It’s not terribly important where I go first, but I am aware that, as the first deliberate choice I make here, it will give the place some insight into me, will establish the course of how things will go. I decide on a room about midway between the end of the corridor and where I started from labelled “Faculty Lounge.”

      As I open the door, I’m surprised by what I see. It’s a little room, somewhat like the bedroom of a hostel, with two bunk beds, a table off to one side and some assorted furniture – overall, quite nice apart from the lack of windows. But the really surprising thing is that it’s already occupied by two people from the group I started with.

      Sam is there—Sam, maker of ukuleles, fixer of anything with strings and frets, host of concerts and an accomplished musician in his own right. His dog is there with him. The other person isn’t waking-life familiar, although he does somewhat resemble one of my coworkers, with dark hair, pale skin and some kind of facial hair, I think. A dog has come in with me as well, a large, black one. I don’t pay much attention to it besides noting that it’s mine and hoping that the room isn’t going to be too crowded now.

      Sam greets me – but he uses a different name, a man’s name. They must be seeing this place and this situation differently than I do, I realize. It had been mentioned at the earlier gatherings that it would appear differently to everybody – but I had assumed that we would also be going through it alone, individually, and so it hadn’t occurred to me that I’d find myself in this kind of situation. But I can roll with it.

      We talk for a little while. At one point, one of them advises me to be careful not to give this place “the impression that I’m somebody it can f*** with.” Sam mentions that he’s working on a puzzle—it seems to be set up on the table there—and I say I’ll leave him to it. I mention, though, that I’m good with puzzles, and he invites me to come help put it together. This must be part of their test, I realize – and it strikes me that maybe it isn’t a coincidence I ended up here to help them with it, although from everything I’ve heard, it would be uncharacteristically benevolent for the place to intentionally direct me to them.

      The puzzle seems to mainly feature cute baby animals, and it is close to being finished. I help assemble the remaining pieces as Sam tells me some anecdotes he’s heard about a 20th century Viennese composer. He can’t remember which one they’re about. I notice, though, that the bottom edge of the puzzle isn’t complete. Sam is stirring some sort of gooey blue liquid, and I realize that that will also be part of it: the tests, though different, all have one thing in common: incorporating two bowls of these brightly colored mixtures into them somehow.

    7. lxxxix.

      by , 02-24-2020 at 05:30 PM
      Morning of 23rd of Feb.

      Dream Fragment:

      Not sure where to start. I was in a church, but I remember a feel of RTS game to things and I was preparing an assault on the priest or something. Details are missing. Then I was ready and water appeared and partially flooded the church? Previously, me and someone else had replaced the trousers the priest was going to wear. Then the water was more like bed covers or something.

      Eventually this bit is over and I'm outside walking around. I walk on cobbled streets, meant for pedestrian use only. I reach some place like a parking lot. Mom is there for whatever reason.

      She starts telling me off about the trousers thing with the priest. She tells me all about how he can't get out of bed easily now and how depressed and sad he is... He has to call for a bucket of boiling water to be poured on his legs to get up each morning? I remember that scene vaguely, visually.

      Apparently he can't feel them anymore either. I think it's all a bit ridiculous, just because he was without his trousers for a while in a cold church...

      Mom and I get into an argument of sorts. She won't see reason and how there's something weird about priests story. I ask rhetorically "how miserable can he be, with his fancy BMW" but she gives me the old "money isn't happiness" crap. I comment "good riddance" if the priest doesn't return to the church, because he had a monotone voice that made his sermons completely boring, regardless of how interesting they actually were.

      Eventually we can't agree on anything and mom gets into this old and grey VW van? I walk away and put my hood up. At this point I'm keenly aware of what I'm wearing. My working trousers, my old cream hoodie and my black boots.

      I feel moody after the argument and walk back from where I cam from on the wide cobbled paths. Some teens are about, up to no good I feel. I feel moody and I am aware of my face doing that thing where I look so grumpy that I just end up looking nasty and violent to anyone who sees me.

      I message H on my phone, which feels bigger than it actually should be. My message is about mom and how it felt like she was being unreasonable. While messaging I am distracted and I take the wrong turn. I see a barrier of some kind along the path and a kid's park beyond it. I feel annoyed. In the dream I knew this wasn't the way and turn back around and cross some bridge.

      The surroundings are odd along these paths. It's like an old town area but there are no buildings properly speaking? Just some walls, not even building walls. A transition?

      I am back at the church. I realise it's more like a chapel really. There's a service and the priest is nowhere to be seen. There's a small black man. It almost looks like he suffers from some form of dwarfism. People in the church aren't paying full attention because they are reading something on the pews about the priest's current/latest condition.

      The small man invites me to stay, and I nod or something. I try to find somewhere I feel comfortable about sitting. When I do sit, he starts singing. He has a beautiful and sort of deep voice, much more than I'd expect for how small he is. I think to myself how I'd much prefer to see him all the time at the services, over that priest.

      Then everything finishes, and we're outside. I find the priest at some stairs going into an underground area, where I was going to leave through. The priest is wearing what looks to be an overly warm coat, even for a cold day and he seems to be pretty much fine in terms of his health.

      For whatever reason, an old school friend of mine is in the tunnel too, but I see him as if I'd see him every day. But he's carrying some stuff, including a toolbox like H has. I give him a hand and bring the toolbox. We quicken our pace and move away from the group of people behind us. I want to tell him something about what's been going on, but I forget what it was.

      Some transition again. I'm at the priest's house for some reason. He and his wife are there. They're not aware of my presence? They talk about how their plan worked and how they could now swap hairstyles or something. It didn't make much sense at all even in the dream, but I felt it proved I was right about something weird going on with the priest.

      No notes for now.
    8. Moon Gem

      by , 09-09-2018 at 02:59 PM (Letaali's Dream Journal)

      Fragment 1 - I'm in Pori. The city is flooded. Lots of students around. There's dead sea life scattered around, dolphins and a narwhal at least. We are not allowed to get close to them.

      Fragment 2 - Tuomas was doing homework for functional programming with us. He's one of the assistant teachers for the course, so it was strange.


      LD 107 - Moon Gem
      I'm in a setting reminiscent of Indiana Jones movies. I'm exploring an ancient, lost temple with two characters from well known Finnish movies. Uuno Turhapuro and Tuura. We found the clues that would lead us to the treasure, but I found something on my own. The temple had a room so well hidden that I'm not sure it was accessible by any normal means. I spontaneously teleported into the room. Unlike the regular moss-covered stone that the rest of the temple was made of, this room was clean, dark and slightly blue stone. Something gave the room a blue glow, allowing me to see. There were two ancient beings in the room. The room had two side chambers and stairs that led to an altar. The ancients were friendly and freely gave me the last missing piece for finding the treasure. It was a moon made of many colorful gem pieces.

      I found myself back with Uuno and Tuura, but as we were leaving the temple, we ran into bad guys. We tried to remain hidden, but my equipment, some flashlight...goggles or whatever, made noise. They were turning on and off without my control. The bad guys caught me. I felt fear and my thoughts instantly went to gaining control. "I'm dreaming!" I told myself in an attempt to gain control over the fear. I lifted my hand towards the bad guys and tried to make them disintegrate. No luck, I had no control over the situation at all. The bad guys then made my buddies tell them everything. They didn't reveal anything about my moon gem. Without thinking, I mentioned it. My friends were angry. I cursed and tried to turn back time. Again, no luck with dream control. I lost lucidity and fell into some abstract, possibly nrem, dream.
      Tags: flood, temple
    9. Lucid moment and a flooding town

      by , 06-16-2018 at 08:51 PM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      I'm lying on my back on a strange boat that fits one person. I steer by moving my feet; there's no steering wheel or anything like that, the boat just obeys me. I'm in my hometown, on a very familiar and small road. It's raining heavily. The scene is unnatural, apocalyptic even - the entire town is underwater. I see no other soul. It's dark and silent, other than the constant rain making noise.

      I steer the boat forward with my feet and mind. On some level I'm aware that I am causing this flood. I start thinking "What should I save? What should I let the flood destroy." and think this is good for the whole world. A fresh start. Pretty dark.

      I steer the boat towards an apartment made of glass walls. I go through the glass into the flooded apartment. I see several beautiful women in other rooms of the apartment, silently staring at me. They looked sad. The scene is weird enough for me to finally start questioning my state. I become lucid and try to get up from the boat. I haven't moved my upper body the entire dream and can't do it even lucid. I lose the dream.

      I no longer count lucid moments as lucid dreams, so I won't tag this as such.
    10. The Gift of Rain and the Inexplicable Nature of RAS

      by , 02-16-2018 at 08:16 AM
      Morning of February 16, 2018. Friday.

      In my dream, the most vivid scenario of the waking transition involves my dream self (personified subconscious) being on a bus with my wife Zsuzsanna and our youngest children. I remain in a passive and thankful mood. The location is unknown. It does not seem familiar, though the bus driver is on the left side, so it seems to be implied to be in America (though I have not lived there since 1994 and Zsuzsanna has never been there).

      The bus driver is an unknown chubby female of whom reminds me of my crossing guard from when I lived at 901 Rose Street (near the intersection in a second floor apartment of a building which is no longer there).

      It seems to be late morning, though the perceived time seems to change a few times (of which is very common in my dreams, as my subconscious self has no viable sense of time or continuity). There is an intersection up ahead. I am aware that it had been raining. An interesting mood develops. I realize that rain makes human life possible and that without it, the world would have no life. I have a vague awareness that the bus driver had telepathically caused me to realize this.

      There had been a flood in one part of the street (from the rain), but the water has lowered. As we near the intersection, I have the typical focus on whether or not the bus driver is competent (this being a long-term carryover from waking life thought since childhood, though this thought does not dominate or seem problematic and I ultimately trust the driver to get us home safely).

      The bus stops, but we are apparently not at our destination yet (though my dream self has no focus on where I presently live as is often the case). The bus is on the right side of the street, its back close to the perpendicular street it just turned from. The bus driver says, “I have to find something”. I am standing in the front stairwell of the bus watching her. She puts her hands down into the murky water near the curb. Soon, she pulls out a small tennis racket that is slightly muddy (though with very light-colored tan sand). I am uncertain if this is what she had been looking for, but she gives it to my youngest son. My dream fades from here.

      Zsuzsanna, in real life, had been looking at, and thinking about, small tennis rackets made for dolls while at a Kmart store on the previous day (Our Generation dolls and accessories). There is no explicable way I could have known this or for it to influence the main event in my final dream of the sleeping period. Not only this, she said her thought processes were “stronger” than usual during this event. Additionally, after my dream, she told me of how she had won a tennis racket at age twelve by reaching into water and pulling out a toy duck (relating to a matching number for the prize at a Brisbane show). This is not unusual in my experience, as at least one dream per sleeping period is based on something Zsuzsanna had thought about (or said to someone else) of which I could not have possibly known about. This was validated to have been going on, continuously, long before we met, and additionally, Zsuzsanna is the “mystery girl” who had been in my dreams since childhood (and of whom I even saw in my dreams as an adult while she was still very young).

      The scenario of this dream, a bus approaching an intersection and stopping or bumping into a curb before turning right (sometimes in the event of water lowering waking symbolism as here), has recurred since early childhood, though always with different dynamics. This is based on neural gating. It signifies whether or not the dream state will terminate or continue. (However, there are also inexplicable dynamics of which I will describe below.) As here, the bus turns right and my dream soon ends after the RAS to emergent consciousness factor, additionally validated by the water lowering waking symbolism, which occurs in at least one dream during every sleeping period (water symbolizing sleep in autosymbolism, its dynamics relevant to the specific aspect of REM).

      RAS as the personified preconscious is a bus driver here. The biological function of RAS (Reticular Activating System) is for sleep-wake transitions (though again, there are inexplicable dynamics). This is why a dream is primarily autosymbolic of the dream state and waking transition itself, which is why “interpretation” as most commonly propagated is not a real concept despite the Barnum effect.

      There is evidence that the side the bus driver is on in a dream correlates with what side I am sleeping on, especially as buses and cars often symbolize (or are an autosymbolic extension of) the human body. (This is also true for boats, airplanes, and trains when vestibular system ambiguity is more extant in REM. In fact, there has even been a dream where a bus I was on rolled over after I rolled over to sleep on my opposite side. However, the content of a dream must be looked at closely, as autosymbolism is based on the specific level of unconsciousness and varies from state to state through the waking transition.)

      I know that RAS mediation and modulation as a dream’s final event, when it utilizes personification as the preconscious as here, is often transpersonal (inherently unrelated to both the dream self and the conscious self by its very nature and purpose, as its purpose is to ignite enough emotion to trigger waking, including by way of dominance or perceived conflict, real or not, though some of this “conflict” is caused by muscle tension in unconsciousness as well as vestibular system ambiguity or subliminal concern over unknown environmental noise). This tells me that RAS is not simply the biological factor of the neural gating of the dream state in REM, but transpersonal neural gating that also occurs when I am conscious. However, the dynamics are puzzling. Sometimes these events have happened in real time (during my nap while Zsuzsanna was elsewhere and “sending” in real time) and sometimes based on recent thoughts that Zsuzsanna had held in her mind but which later integrates into my dream.

      Updated 09-21-2019 at 03:15 PM by 1390

    11. Fun with Unreal Flood

      by , 02-06-2018 at 08:22 AM
      Morning of February 6, 2018. Tuesday.

      In this dream, I sustain the water induction stage and create the concept of a world flood, but I am mainly focused on how many different ways the dream state can render it wrongly while remaining vivid and while I remain at least partly lucid.

      The setting seems to be a large city. I have a lot of fun walking and running on the surface of the ocean and riding the tidal waves toward the city, which is mostly already covered by floodwaters. I also go underwater at times (though my dream self can always breathe underwater, as it is just the dream state and the dream self’s “physical body” is just an illusion anyway).

      There are some obvious errors in rendering which I focus on with amusement.

      At one point, I am swimming, but the water’s surface seems solid, though soft. Still, I slide over it on my stomach, somewhat unrealistically. In the distance, I see the tops of skyscrapers, though barely visible, emerge from the water and then sink again. This is based partly on the slope of the water’s surface changing at times.

      At another point, I realize that the skyscrapers are miniature buildings. Some of them are not even as wide as my computer desk but imply a number of windows on each side. Still, I see them as normal buildings. Lesser waves, caused by my swimming, the water dynamics being far more realistic at this point, hit the buildings and I hear glass breaking, with the illogical impression that the small pieces of glass are going down to the bottom (inside) floors of the skyscrapers. I find interest and enjoyment in this situation for several minutes (mainly because it is the semi-lucid dream state and I can create and destroy whatever I want, the breaking glass sometimes sounding more like wind chimes).

      At another point, I find amusement in how there is a dry area between a number of miniature buildings (again, still implied to be a real and normal-sized city) with the water somehow kept back by an invisible wall in this particular area (at least one city block implied), though it is not perceived as an invisible wall by my dream self, only an erroneous dream rendering, which I actually start to make fun of in my dream. That is, I am making fun of the dream state and its inability to be consistent or render the setting realistically in this particular case, actually speaking aloud (my dream self’s voice that is) to the dream itself.

      I play around with the setting and various dynamics for a long time before waking. I mentally will new buildings to appear at times, and then bring the floodwaters to them. There is no evidence that the city is inhabited by miniature people. I am the only one present in my dream manipulation. There is not even any indication of RAS mediation, dominant or otherwise (though this is mainly because it is not the last dream of the sleeping period, where things like needing to wake and go to the bathroom are not yet dominant factors).

    12. In and Out of Floods and Lists

      by , 11-03-2017 at 11:17 AM
      Morning of November 3, 2017. Friday.

      This dream is the result of having thought about making entries or pairs of entries that list one event in one dream, and its main meaning, for a particular day for each year back to early childhood (which would mean that one entry for a specific date for each year would have over fifty dream events, each event being only inclusive of one dream for a particular date rather than the six to nine I typically recall). The dream event I had been thinking about as the first in the list for New Year dreams (closest one between December 31 and January 1 of each year), was “Muddy Dump Truck”.

      I had considered including the statement “Some psychologists have suggested that plunging through water or being immersed in some way is actually the mind translating a specific change in the sleep cycle” (even though I do not wade in water in this particular dream sequence) because this is one of the only true statements I have ever read elsewhere about dreams in my lifetime. Still, that would require an edit for over four hundred of my water induction dreams online so far, yet some people would probably still have no clue and approach me with the usual reprehensible “interpretation” no matter how much idiot-proof detail I include. (At least that has been my main experience on the Internet since 2004.)

      My dream starts off with typical lucid water induction (water as symbolizing sleep and its status and depth as associated with the glymphatic system). However, my dream’s theme continues through several partial awakenings where I turn over to the opposite side each time. (I mostly only sleep on my left side for health reasons as the body is designed to, but have a tendency to absentmindedly flip to my right side at times as sleeping in one position is often not feasible anyway.) Although I am aware of the essence of the nonthreatening flood at times, I start to fall into non-lucidity. This is intriguing because I feel very comfortable and satisfied in emerging back into lucidity through at least eight turn overs only to fall back into the “same” dream each time.

      In the final segment of this series, I am with my wife Zsuzsanna and our children as we appear now but living in Cubitis (where they have never been). We are all in the living room and it seems to be late afternoon. I notice a flood in the backyard, though I can still see many blades of grass above the surface of the water. There is conversation about whether or not the flood will eventually be in the house and apparently the answer is yes. Although I am first concerned about books and papers getting ruined, I eventually realize that there is hardly any furniture or features in the house, though I do not become lucid at this highly illogical aspect.

      Prior to this last segment, with the detail from the “Muddy Dump Truck” dream from the night of December 31, 2016 repeating through each partial awakening and me consciously focusing on it as being the “perfect” first item in the New Year dream list, there had been a few repeating segments of being at our present address where there were higher flood waters, though not as with the potential to reach within the house (our present home is up on stumps). The comfort and “perfection” perceived through these partial awakenings and back into a water induction dream (of which I have had at least one every night for over fifty years) was very satisfying at the time. It seemed to last for about three hours (but was possibly less than an hour).

      Tags: flood
    13. Duck Decoy Encroachment

      by , 10-01-2017 at 04:01 PM
      Morning of October 1, 1982. Friday.

      While in the northeast bedroom of the Loomis Street house, I am vaguely aware of the presence of duck hunters. Through the window, I see that the front yard is marshy. The streets are lightly flooded, which seems normal to my dream self, and related to the seasons.

      Although there had been no perceived presence of the duck hunters being in the house at any point, there are a number of duck decoys sitting about in the house which they had still somehow apparently set up. I find this annoying and intrusive. I gather a few and place them outside, though remain wary of being shot at if I move a certain way. Curiously though, I soon do not feel that much in danger. I notice there is now less water on the streets (very common waking symbolism). The duck hunters actually seem to be gone. (The hunters in this case are this dream’s preconscious element. There is no “threat” as the waking transition has already activated via RAS.)

      While trying to go back to sleep, I falsely recall that one of the wooden duck decoys was mine, having had it since very young, and being fond of it and frustrated about now possibly losing it. I am puzzled by the situation until I wake. (This is likely based on my feelings of nostalgia for the 1960s plastic model kit “The Visible Pigeon”, although I also had a duck decoy catalog as a teenager as I enjoyed collecting mail-order catalogs at that time.)

      This is typified as “failed flight waking symbolism”, a very common waking transition dream component (a perfectly natural unconscious transmutation of the biological falling start, which has nothing to do with waking life or the conscious self as some extremely unintelligent people pretend), not meant to be in a negative context but as a result of a natural transition from sleeping to waking and the temporary puzzlement of being in liminal space and not being fully aware of one’s physical body while semi-conscious. My hypnopompic waking “jolt” is subdued here, which is directly related to the fake ducks, which are neither real nor can fly away (similar to any dream where a person otherwise falls, or an airplane crashes, a meteor is seen, or many other generic analogies to returning to wakeful consciousness, including climbing or using a staircase or a “flight” of stairs). Flight symbols in dreams are typically linked to real-time inner ear dynamics (loosely related to dizziness or falling sensations when awake) and RAS (reticular activating system) in subliminal anticipation of leaving the dream state. Flight symbols as such have occurred in at least one dream per sleeping period for over fifty years, which automatically renders “interpretation” (in the common superstitious usage of the term) as an invalid concept, not however, discounting literal prescience, literal practice events, or literal willful scripting of a dream (including viable healing affirmations).

    14. Dream - Jells Park Dentistry & The End Of The World

      by , 10-01-2017 at 12:36 PM
      Date of Dream: WED 27 SEP - 2017

      Dream No. 201 - Separated Sections

      Dream 201 A - Jells Park Dentistry
      The dream started at Jells Park on a nice day. I was approaching a playground that I realised hadn't been there before. Just as I am asking myself what the heck it is, Dreamy WB appears behind me in an Oktoberfest outfit with her hair frizzed out and tells me it's the new “Wooden Fleet Playground”. In real life there are only 3 playgrounds, so this must have been the 4th one in the dream. I rush for the wooden swing, sitting to face the lake but unfortunately the sun is going in my eyes. I turn around to face the carpark.

      Dreamy WB then starts talking to me and that's when I become aware of my upcoming dental appointment. I asked Dreamy WB if she could attend to stop me from being nervous and she said she could. I then said I would ask the dentist if it was okay for her to attend the appointment... I was going to text him on my phone. I told Dreamy WB it was someone called Collin. I looked to see if I had a contact for someone called Collin in my phone.

      I found someone called “Colin Ho Ho”. I actually called him but he said that he wasn't the dentist and that it was another Collin. He additionally told me to look for Collin in the park. I thought I had soon found the right Collin but when I spoke to him, it was “Colin Ho Ho” again... Some Asian looking guy. He ended up telling me though that it would be okay to bring Dreamy WB into the dental appointment.

      There was now no one else in the dream... Dreamy WB and I decided to flake out on the grass. We then decided that we should practice our position for the dentist. I lay down on top of her while her arms buckled over me. I had to check to make sure she wasn't obstructing my mouth in any way. To check, I put a finger in my mouth and started moving it around. At one point, my finger hit her cheek bone and there was also some of her hair going into my mouth. She sunk down slightly to make it so the second time I did the finger check, there were no interferences. It was agreed that we'd take that position at the dentist. The dream then ended.

      Dream 201 B - The End Of The World
      I don't remember how this dream started. From where I do remember, I was at some unknown place. There was this strange event going on... I've also forgotten what the event was. It was taking place in this staged area and the audience were up, sitting on steep steps. I went to this place initially with my brother NB but I was separated from him. I battled the rest of the audience so I could sit next to him. When I sat sat next to him, I perceived a bad energy descending into the dream. I started to become internally scared. My intuition was telling me that the world was coming to an end. My brother started to look scared too but not as scared as I was. I told him I would go and look for someone who could save us.

      I ran out of the auditorium and through an empty foyer. I encountered Dreamy WB who held the exact same appearance as in Dream 201 A. I ran up to her, panicking like anything. I ended up rapidly tugging on the white part of her dress and saying to her something like “who initiated the end of the world?!”. She said that she did as there was a reason for it but that she could also save me. She didn't do something straight away... In fact, she had vanished. I looked at the floor, noticing it was like the bottom of a swimming pool.

      Then the water started to rise. I screamed in fright because I couldn't see Dreamy WB anywhere. When the water gets a few centimetres higher, the front door of the building swings right open and she comes in, body surfing on this rubber board. As the water is now at my knees, she pulls me onto the board, bringing me close with one arm while she uses the other arm to control her direction. She explained to me what purpose the board had but I have forgotten the exact explanation. I do remember her commenting on the board's colours which were, at the time, black and cyan.

      I then looked around while still clutched close to Dreamy WB and saw many people on these boards, each in pairs. On another board was my brother, with whom I recognised as Noah the substitute dream guide back in Dream 141 C. Noah was holding NB in exactly the same way that Dreamy WB was holding me. Back at our board, she then told me that she could change the colour of the board and it would have a slightly different use. The colour of everyones' board changed to orange and yellow but the structure of the board ended up being no different.

      She then looked right at me and gave me a really wide smile. She then said that the next thing she would change it to was a special board. The colour combination changed to red and lime and she was still smiling. Dreamy WB was right to say that the board was special... For some reason, despite the now deep water below, I couldn't help but smile and laugh with her. We weren't on the special board much as the dream soon ended.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - Batteries Are Charged (Receive 5 hugs from Dreamy WB)
      >> 1. Tight hug at the swimming carnival (136 A)
      >> 2. Hugged me after the hissing kitten (164 A)
      >> 3. Hugged me when I found her at the hairdressers (167 A)
      >> 4. Hugged me when the water was rising (183)
      >> 5. Held me in a hugging position before the dentist appointment (201 A).

      A part of Dream 201 B that I think was absolutely amazing; not only was I saved but the dream had remembered the sheer terror of my brother and he got saved too! It was the sweetest thing to have Noah, the so called emergency dream guide, return and be a support for not me, but my brother. I'd like to be creative and think all those other boards were miscellaneous dream guides with their miscellaneous dreamers.

      Updated 10-02-2017 at 08:39 AM by 93119

      non-lucid , memorable
    15. Softly the Flood

      by , 09-28-2017 at 08:53 AM
      Morning of September 28, 2017. Thursday.

      I am in a state of semi-lucidity, slowly becoming aware that our bedroom is transmuting into the northeast bedroom of the Loomis Street house (a place I have not been in real life for over twenty years and unlikely to ever be again). I eventually focus upon the essence of sleep, which in the dream state, is symbolized by water and recognized as such (and has been for over fifty years on a day to day basis). Water begins to flow down Loomis Street from the north. It is a flood, but not a threatening flood. I feel very relaxed and peaceful. I vividly feel small splashes of water reaching me through the window screen, which vivifies my level of dream state awareness.

      There is some sort of unusual ambiguous imagery just outside the window. It relates to a child in pajamas holding a teddy bear, but is viewed through the screen as an undersized silhouette. Conscious self identity threads are lessened and I am no longer lucid in any way regardless of the increase in vividness. I have no major concern about flood waters flowing into the house, only that some of my dream journals might become damp.

      I wander off to the west bedroom where my mother (July 14, 1916-October 2, 2002) is sitting on her bed. In this dream, at this point, I have no memory at all of my older sister Marilyn (April 25, 1942-Februay 13, 2014) whose house it mainly was.

      “Someone left the floodgates open,” I tell my mother somewhat absentmindedly (forgetting that it was me who initiated and released this dream’s content and continuity with deliberate water induction and the original focus on release and blissful relaxation). Although it seemed late at night seconds previously, it now seems to be afternoon as I notice daylight through the window of her room. However, the area beyond the backyard and alley is completely different than in reality as there is no shed visible and no residential homes. All that is visible are some commercial buildings in the distance, about two blocks away.

      My mother makes some sort of comment about access to the store being blocked by flood waters, and there is some sort of vague association with the checkout of a store (a common end marker of the dream state for me). Upon having this semi-lucid thought, and remembering more about my present conscious self and the fact that I am married and have children, I slowly fade from the dream state with soft (semi-lucid) intent and a very soft awakening.

      Water, including non-threatening floods as a dream state induction factor, has occurred continuously all my life, long before virtually endless meditation and relaxation recordings utilized the sound of water to bring about relaxation or sleep. I will hear or otherwise perceive water as soon as I enter into a more relaxed state with less emotions present. Water as the primary symbol for sleep (and sleep dynamics in real time) is also analogous to how people spend the first months of their existence sleeping in the waters of the womb. As a result, it is probably my most common dream foundation marker.

      My mother has, in more recent dreams, become more of a dream state end marker loosely associated with my wife Zsuzsanna than more direct associations with her as in the past. This is evidenced by her mainly appearing in the last scene of a dream where she is sitting on her bed (residual recall of having fallen asleep). Although Zsuzsanna appears in many of my dreams (where more of my present conscious self identity remains at least partially intact), the association with her also being a mother has, over time, altered dream state markers in some cases. However, despite Zsuzsanna having been a mother for a number of years, this symbolic transfer and marker integration is fairly recent (probably because she is now nearer my mother’s age when I was born). Being more of an emergent consciousness precursor than a preconscious factor, there is no conflict in such dreams, especially in already subliminally acknowledging this waking mechanism. (My mother was the one who usually woke me up throughout my childhood.)

      Both watching the non-threatening flood waters flow and the silhouette of the boy in pajamas with the teddy bear represent the same thing…sleep, so this is a type of parallel symbolism that my dreams often render. (Someone being in pajamas was far less of an initiation factor even in early childhood, even being a fan of “Little Nemo”, though other dream state indicators such as beds and pillows are quite common.)

      Even though a shadow of a person or a silhouette represents the lesser presence of my conscious self identity, it is slightly puzzling here as viewed through a window screen. This is because focus on a window screen has been validated to relate to some form of transpersonal communication or shared dreaming. Ordinarily, at least in lucid dreams, I sometimes indulge in “shadow play”; that is, I “test” the shadow to verify that it is actually my conscious self identity and it always is, even in a dream where it was very far away and standing on a bridge.

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