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    1. Hurricane and the Moon Bus + Lost at Sea

      by , 12-24-2010 at 11:35 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      Hurricane and the Moon Bus

      I was on a bus, probably going home from school. We lived on a beautiful tropical island that was highly populated. All of the buses were double-decker, but the top floor consisted of a bunch of portals that linked up to other buses. For example, there were about 50-80 miniature portals that were labeled as such and when you went through one you would be teleported to the corresponding bus number. It was pretty cool.

      When I was on one of the buses, the bus driver called me to the front and gave me some sort of shovel. He said that he admired one of the properties that was on the beach and told me to stick a shovel in the sand real quick so that he could find it again later.

      I ran off of the bus and did as I was told. I buried the white shovel thing into the sand and then looked to the horizon on the beach. Yeah, this was a really nice view. I looked to the right a bit and noticed a funnel cloud forming in the sky! On the deep horizon I saw dark clouds gathering and huge tidal waves forming. This didn't look good, so I decided to inform the others.

      I ran back to the city, which wasn't too far away from where I already was (the island was incredibly small and was densely populated). As I ran back to the school yard I saw a blue bus. On it was written:


      I giggled. I know - I should have done a reality check. But that didn't even cross my mind. I just thought it was pretty funny that he would be here.

      After that little incident, I continued running back to the school house.

      I told them about what was happening, and they verified my encounter by telling me that it was on the news that a hurricane was coming. We had no chance of evacuating and the school house was too old to be truly prepared for any disastrous weather.

      We were lined up against the more sturdy walls. The ceiling was old and decrepit and looked like it would collapse under any weight from the giant tidal wave.

      I found Joe upstairs. We started talking about how good/bad the chances were that we would survive this. They seemed pretty low. We were on a tiny island with no real storm shelter, there was a tornado, a hurricane, AND a tidal wave coming at us. Plus the tidal wave was probably large enough to engulf the entire island. Yeah, we were pretty sure that we wouldn't survive this.

      Lost At Sea

      My dad and I were on a sail boat and we were lost somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. We had been lost here for about a month, and in the dream it really felt as if that was the case.

      I was trying to pick up radio signals. After days of searching, I finally managed to find the correct frequency. The station was for endangered sailors needing rescue. I sent out a signal and the station came back with a recorded message saying that they were on their way. I wasn't sure if they were actually coming, so I tried finding another signal.

      Between the 2nd and the 3rd dial I heard someone talking with a tan voice. I tuned in on them. They didn't seem to be interested in sending out a search party to look for our boat but rather to keep us company.
    2. 1st lucid dream w/ slight control night of 10/14/10

      by , 10-15-2010 at 11:56 PM
      This is basically the first time I had a bit of control in a lucid dream. I've known about lucid dreaming fr months but never practiced or tried to do it until i met WakingNomad, a user here who I know in school. I overheard him talking about it and I joined the conversation and things led to another and datz y im here.

      I had my first experience last nyt. I'm used to doing reality checks. I was in a dream and did a reality check, I was dreaming. When I realized I was dreaming I was half-concsious in order to keep dreaming I remembered the technique 'dream spinning' to spin around and think of wer u want to go or about anything..wat i write here im not sure is going to be in the order of events but i'll try to make it in order as possible if i remember.

      I spun and wanted to go to the moon and remembered wat WakingNomad told me about a spaceship. So as I was spinning I recited to myself that it was a dream in order to not forget. Then suddenly I was in a spaceship and it started blasting off..It felt like real. I was piloting it, amazing I knew how. I was trying to get to the moon but it was hard. I felt lyk I was in a video game I had to go through santa sleighs tht were chasing me and every time I passed an area, they would go to another area and be even more than the previous area. I didn't get to the moon. I got sidetracked. All of a sudden I meet this person and I start singing off of music from his ipod then all of a sudden the setting changes agen.. I don't know if I still remembered it was a dream. But then I saw psYfr my friend also in waking life that is doing this lucid dreaming stuff with me, we both started doing reality checks just a couple of days ago. I'm still not sure if it was him but he appeared in my dream along with his best frend, Six, that he mentioned lucid dreaming about and has now just started practicing it as well. I saw her in a dream I knew what she looked like from pictures but never in person. I don't remember seeing her face but it was her and i felt it was her. We were doing some sort of presentation Six was supposed to come out dancing first but she missed her cue. So she just went next to me and said "dont make fun of me" I said "I won't but Aaron definitely will". I missed my cue to sing too..Then Six started showing me videos of her tap dancing from her cell phone datz wen PsYfr (Aaron) cam out singing he was the only one on cue actually performing he walked around wyl singing..Pointed to me while he sung one line then my sister Aj appeared and PsYfr took her by the hand and she danced wile he sung.
      All of a sudden I remembered perfectly it was a dream and I saw WakingNomad.I don't remember seeing his face but I knew it was him somehow. I asked him is that really you? He said yes. Then I said prove it. Tell me something about me in our waking life and he said "He hates it wen people go up and down" didn't make sense but it made sense while in the dream. (NOTE: WakingNomad didn't remember meeting me but he said he always said weird things in dreams to ppl so they wud b reminded that it was a dream) anyways he then said i hav something to sho u and we went on a bus (NOTE: wen i mentioned this to WakingNomad the next day he didn't remember a dream but he said he always took people on a MoonBus which I had no clue about. So this proves it was really WakingNomad I saw in that dream) the bus then stopped and WakingNomad ran down and before I could chase after him something stopped me from chasing him back.I felt lyk I left something on the bus then wen I looked down at my hand i was wavy. Another reality check I did..and i pinched my nose and took a normal breath and it worked. I was lucid and was amazed that reality checks did work in dreams. It was my first time to do this kind of stuff and I was amazed. The bus driver was a woman that's all I remember when I looked at her then I became half concsious agen and eventually woke up completely..
      NOTE: in my dream while i spun for the first time i thought of the spaceship and partly about psYfr since he's been in my mind for a wyl in waking life. Maybe that's y he was partly in my dream..was it really him??i have yet to find out!
    3. 07/25/10 The Moon Bus

      by , 07-29-2010 at 03:02 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      I was in a park sitting on a bench looking into a koi pond and watching the fish swimming around there. Sitting there and watching the fish was very relaxing, there was a gentle breeze blowing through the trees and that felt good. It wasn't hot as I would have expected it to be in the desert in the summer, the temperature was perfect, and I was feeling so relaxed I thought I might fall asleep sitting on the bench, which is not normal for me to be able to sleep on a park bench in a sitting position. I decided this would be a wonderful setting to get some stuff done on my laptop. I was about to get up and go get my laptop when I looked around. As I sometimes do IWL, I got a strange sensation that everything around me was a dream, it is weird when it happens IWL, and it usually triggers me to do a RC, so I did that now and found out I was dreaming!

      I now recognized the place for what it was, the koi pond inside the biodome. Now it was time to remember my goals for this. One of my goals was to meet up with BlakeE45 right here in the biodome, that should be easy. I sat there and watched the colorful fish for a while longer, but now that I knew I was dreaming I felt impatient to do something instead of just waiting there. I didn't want to leave only to have BlakeE45 show up shortly later, though. Well, maybe I should just try to track BlakeE45 down and go to him. It would certainly be better than sitting here in the biodome waiting and very likely losing the dream while I waited… So I got up and focused on opening a portal to wherever Blake happened to be right now. It took a bit of focus, but finally the portal opened, and I stepped through it.

      I stepped out on the other side to be in a bus, a double decker bus to be specific. This was surely the moon bus, I figured BlakeE45 had been using the moon bus to get to the moon since he has no doubt heard of the bus when talking to Nomad. I looked down the aisle and saw some of the seats were occupied by passengers, many seats were empty, and then I spotted BlakeE45 there. I am pretty sure that this isn't what BlakeE45 actually looks like, but it is what I saw due to a Blake I know IWL, and it is what brought the name Blake to mind the instant I saw him. A rather heavy young white man, in his 20's, his weight clearly comes from a combination of fat and muscle, indicating he is no weakling. He has a sly looking smile, friendly eyes, and a friendly joking attitude. His brown hair came down to about his ears. Right now he was behaving rather strangely, though. He was doing something at the window of the bus…

      I approached BlakeE45 and asked him what he was doing. I don't think he heard me, as he didn't respond, he just continued to the next seat and climbed over a confused person to get to the window on that row. I watched him for a couple minutes before approaching him again. I still couldn't tell what he was doing with the window, bit I figured he could tell me once he was lucid. I touched him on the shoulder and I asked him if he realized he was dreaming. He looked at me strangely and chuckled, then went back to the window. I repeated to him that he was dreaming and should do a RC. He turned around and asked if I really expected him to believe this was all a dream. I said yes. He looked around, looked back at me, then said, "Bullshit!" before going back to the windows. I said no, it wasn't bullshit, this was definitely a dream. He clearly wasn't listening to me any longer, and it was about here that my cat woke me up by rubbing her face on my face and purring… =^_^=