I woke up and checked my phone to see if I had more time to fall back asleep. Only to be shocked that it stated 1:51 pm. "This can't be" I said before checking to see why my alarm didn't go off. I began to panic, realizing that I am late for work and there was no way I'd make it to work early enough where no one would notice. "Something is wrong, this isn't making any sense to me" I continue to stare at the phone and decided to start looking around. "This has to be a dream, it has to be. I don't care how real this feels, I know I must be dreaming" But still nothing would confirm or reveal itself to be an illusion. So I decided that I'm done with this and found any way possible to wake myself up so that I can check to see if I truly overslept or not. I closed my eyes and tried my best to wake up. It took awhile before anything felt like it was happening. I eventually woke up.
Updated 02-15-2024 at 05:13 AM by 67903
A vortex howls in the gray sky above. I'm standing on the ruins of a neighborhood. Behind the vortex is a dragon the size of a mountain. He is the time dragon. I'm running to a house nearby where I need to find a gold-plated book called the Domini. The dragon claims that change isn't real, and that all will return to the way it was. He is loud and commanding, like a god. I think about how a Pizza Hut building on my street had changed. The dragon doesn't like that, and comes closer to me. I'm transformed into a tiny dragon, and I'm now in a side-scroller type game. I had an abilities menu on the left side of the screen. I had a dash move. The vortex from before was on the right side of the screen, pulling me to it. I resisted. I used the charge ability to push back to the left but it isn't enough. I'm consumed by the vortex. I'm searching around a house that has two floors, vaguely resembling The Burrow from Harry Potter. The dragon tells me to find the Domini book. While searching I find a work-from-home math booklet. I have been dreading working on. It has thin-paper, and sub-booklets for at-home exams. I also notice a letter from my GF about bills.
Updated 03-08-2023 at 06:09 PM by 99808
I haven't been able to dream journal much lately because my dreams take on a strange intangible feel where not much of it really translates well to journal form. Last night my girlfriend and I did a staycation at our favorite hotel and the beds there are magnificent. Weighted blanket and a down pad. I got very good sleep and even woke up naturally 10 minutes before the wbtb alarm I set. Nothing much would come from it because I fell back asleep to quickly without trying WILD or MILD. 10.04.2022 7:00 AMDream Watch (non-lucid) I am in an unfamiliar bedroom. It is dark but I see a nice watch on the nightstand. I pick it up. It has dark leather straps, a dark face, and grey metal case. I check it against the clock on the wall and realize it is two and a half hours slow but it is ticking at the right rate. I pop out the knob and start adjusting it but it's hard to see the dials clearly in the dark.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I work in some office in the city. Somebody left a baby there. A colleague comes to me with the baby and asks if I want to adopt him. He is adorable and I kinda want to, but I remind her it's not that simple. I do accept however to look after him for the time being, until it is clear where he came from and what will happen next. As we leave, I am on the street with my colleague and she is holding the baby and showing me a daycare just at the end of the street, where she suggests I can leave him during the day. I sense some imminent danger as I notice we are underneath a building under construction. Somehow I rewind time, so we escape whatever accident was about to happen. That's when some agents of the Adjustment Bureau type of thing appear to me, not to chase me down and punish me, but to meet and befriend me. They too can stop time and push it back and forth. They stop everyone on the street and show me something quite irrelevant about music from a street vendor while he is frozen in time. I ask if one can in theory live forever if it spends a lot of time in this time stop bubbles. In theory they say one can live a long time as we don't age there, but we also can't do much because interfering or changing anything while there can have cosmic consequences. We can go back and change course, but not change things while they are frozen, Even stepping on a bug could be disastrous. I think it is good for meditating. In a retreat with my teacher. He presents a dance he practiced with a couple students. Then he selects a new group to choreograph a new dance and I am selected to be part of the group. Then he is invited by some glass artist to blow some glass to create a piece that will encapsulate his breath as a memento, and he calls me on, to add my breath to it to. But I blow too hard and destroy the piece. We start over. I am walking down a street and become lucid. I decide to float up and think about what to do next. I sit in meditation hovering over people on the street and try to just slide through the air to keep the scenario changing without having actively to think about it. Usually the mediation collapses the dream so I am trying to keep it going without interacting with it. But as usual it doesn't last long. Mara sends his armies to disrupt me. The sky turns dark and I see some couple bad fellas following me around with clear bad intentions. They can't fly but they are apparently pushing me past some train tracks into a garden. In that garden there is some kind of abandoned building where some more fellas are doing shady businesses with, I think, stolen materials. At first they don't seem disturbed with my presence. I even notice Evangelion among them and feel safer. But the ones that were following me push me into some long corridor that takes me to a new place. Past a door, there is a hallway in what appears to be an old fort. They close the door behind me and I keep going forward looking for the exit on the other side. But someone closes the door at the other end.Then I hear them entering through the door on to my back and clearly not with good intentions. But there are windows. They think I won't jump given the height, but I can fly and levitate so it isn't a problem to me. I go to the ledge of the window outside and just float until the ground. Now the context is a bit different, These guys are like a private army in a fort, they have uniforms. Outside on the ground, I stumble upon one who is secretly meeting his lady girlfriend. She is virgin and they are about to have their first sexual encounter before he goes on some mission the next day. They both get naked. The guy is played by Chris Evans, so very hot, but here he is a douchebag whom I despise. The girl is some blond actress whose name I don't recall. At first I feel like disrupting their sex and take revenge on the guy, I even pick up a spear he left on the floor and think about pinning down his balls to the ground. But I feel sorry for the girl. She really loves him and is so into the several positions they are trying . I let them be. But I steal his uniform. Then I go around the fort and pass by all the guards on the front door just for fun. A general arrives and is welcomed by another high ranking official there, who is telling him how they captured me and also have some important documents for him. I salute them and the general asks "so why is she here in a uniform" and the other guy freaks out. I kick his ass and some friends of mine arrive in a car and kidnap the general at that instant and take me along. No guards have time to react. After that we stop at some café to eat some cookies and have a drink. It is a kitsch but high tech place, with cute cat images and amazing interactive decorative panels with waterfall and other nature images that we can mix and match and they adjust to each other - like if we put one panel close another with a waterfall, it will prolong the waterfall.
30th August 2020 7:20 Dream: Last part mostly. Not too interested in full recall. Was walking around somewhere with someone, an old schoolmate, maybe C? We're talking about buildings for some reason and then there's no transition but we're in "China" and I see Chinese soldiers in what looks to be a kind of ceremonial uniform. Covid times in the dream. But nobody is wearing a mask, not even myself or who I'm with. We're at some exhibit building and it involves going down a long set of stairs underground. People don't seem to be respecting distancing rules and through all of this I'm getting casual contact with random people and I'm touching my face, for some reason. I become concerned, but feel that because there's nothing I can do now, I just carry on. Eventually we leave back up the stairs. Even the soldier and the attendants don't care about distancing and contact, this bothers me on a very basic level. My dad then appears at some point and complains about it all. Some transition and then Deus Ex themes and fighting Paul Denton, but I'm still myself? Before all of this, I remember roaming cobble pavements late at night? I make note of the fact that it's the past, I just have this knowledge in the dream somehow, something like the 60s? Don't know exactly but some cars have unusual UV headlights or something, because everything that's got white on it lights up bright because of the UV headlights when cars go past sometimes. I distinctly remember old-styled cars and lorries. There's a dog walker at some point while I'm walking along the pavements; we try to avoid each other and I'm on the grass. Notes: - There was a very loose and casual link, I think, between the Chinese soldiers and Deus Ex, since there are several levels in the game that take place in China. It was also a game that I played back when I knew C. - Dad's appearance seems to just be a reflection of some of my own thoughts but besides that his behaviour was mostly as I might expect it to be. - The covid themes in this dream I think were mostly part of a subconscious digestion of my own processing of certain situations in waking life.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Caught on a time loop with some people who are also aware of it. We are at school, the afternoon class was canceled and I am not sure if I stay and eat at the canteen or if I go lunch at home. Out of nowhere there is an explosion and we all die and go back to half an hour before and relive the moment. It seems we can't get out of it or change it and I watch each and every one of the others losing it, going insane. But I also start noticing small changes in the history every time we relive it. I start exploring the moment from other angles. Until I finally find the bomb and the guys who set it up. It won't be easy to disable it but now there is hope, so I go back to my friends and tell them the news just before the explosion happens again.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At some kind of hotel in the country, boars come down a road around the building and everybody goes see it through the windows. I want to take picture, but I get too late, think I only catch a glimpse. Meanwhile someone's walking a dog and the boars pass right by, peacefully. Go on the subway with some kid and another adult, we're doing some study and I need to ask people money for the purpose of whatever survey we're doing. We check the coins we got from people and some dude comes to rob us. I fight back, he steals my purse. I chase him, we fight. He says I gotta let go and throws the purse far away. I say I don't care about the money (it is very little) I just want to teach him a lesson. And I beat him really bad. On top of some building with acoustic resonance, it's made of metal structure. It makes a hum with some organic or digital noises. I have a security clearance for access to this building. I detect threats and detect something weird involving one lab where they do genetic stuff, but also some time related search. Some guy robbed a scientist carrying a new formula on a syringe he thought gave him superpowers, but instead it just ages him very fast. He freaks bout, tries to reverse time on the department of time travels. He opens a portal that has consequences for 2022: the economy will shift and poor will get rich, rich will get poor. The people in charge want to fix the interference, but it reaches public knowledge and the people don't want it changed. Live in a farm in the middle of nowhere. A couple of dudes on an helicopter with a large package dangling under, land and request asylum. I allow them in, but soon realize they are up to no good. I hear them sating they need to get rid of me, I tell them I don't care what they are really up to. They don't buy it. I say I need to take care of my chores and leave them, but one of them goes after me and sees that the farm is a façade for a secret military complex that I keep. I am actually an AI android or some kind of genetically improved super soldier. They get scared, they think they know what project this might be, they are military too maybe. I manage to dodge them and lock myself in a room making a plan for what to do with these two. Then I go to a flying car and simply leave, locking up the compound with them inside.
As I came close to waking up, I saw a vision of a watch. I tried to see what time it was, but it was turned on its side. I mentally turned it the right way up, and read the time. It was 09.40 AM. When I opened my eyes and looked at my laptop's digital clock, it really was 09.40 AM. Spooky.
Shortly before I woke up, I saw a number. 12:14. My vision was black (dreams had ended, I was in the process of waking up), and this was the last image I saw before I opened my eyes. I looked sideways at the clock, and it was 12:14. I still don't know if: 1) I imagined it, 'fake memories'? 2) A complete coincidence happened. 3) I've seen traces of a poorly understood mechanism in the human psyche, perhaps this 'human clock' thing that allows people to wake up a minute before their alarm clock goes off? Edit, July 2018. I had another one. Shortly before waking, I saw a wristwatch showing the time. When I opened my eyes, the time on my laptop matched the time on the dream watch perfectly.
Updated 07-22-2018 at 01:08 AM by 17412
First remembered dream of the new year (so two nights ago, Dec. 31-Jan. 1): I was at an art store, possibly Michael's or something similar, buying supplies. My calculus teacher was there, working as a cashier for some reason. In the dream, I had a memory of recently receiving a math lesson from him, like the day before or something. I asked him for some clarification on a concept, and he explained it. So essentially he was doing two jobs at the same time. I also saw lots of girls in the shop wearing DeviantArt T-shirts and some guys as well. Then, it faded into watching some sailors load stuff into a ship. My dream journal reads this, exactly: "Apparently, people who wear jeans are more depressed because sailor boys had a depressing job, despite appearing happy, and they wore Levis and black jackets." This was apparently a thought that occurred to me during the dream which seemed perfectly rational at the time. :p Then Jafar from Aladdin appeared, cackling evilly. It freaked me out so much that I woke up. Silly, as in waking life he's just a fun Disney villain. But I think the cackle was what did it. Or the spontaneity. Last night, I have the following note on my phone at 6:06 AM: "New traveling companion who exists neither in space nor in time." I was excited to meet this individual, but then my alarm went off. -_- Ah. I really don't want to start college again in a week. Not that I dislike it or anything, but the stress and lack of sleep....aaaaugh!
1) In a way I do not understand very well know there is a person (I think it is a young woman) who is misbehaving in the future, I think it is committing a crime. This person has made a journey from the present to a time far in the future. She has used the information he has now to make the crime in the future. But I want to keep the crime is committed, I alert the police of time and give them the necessary information to take action. They detain the person and crime is prevented. 2) I'm in the garden of my house with my wife. I see her sister has a visit. I do not want to have to greet anyone and decide to go back inside the house. I decide that I have to go to the bathroom which is next to our bedroom, but no walls and I am in full view of anyone who passes by... At that time my wife appears with her sister and her visit. I feel very uncomfortable and ask them to leave, but they ignored me and start talking. Fragment 1) I've been partying with a group of people with a cousin of mine who had not seen for a long time. At the end of the party my cousin is drunk and I find that he has lost me a guitar that was mine and was very special for me.
Updated 04-15-2016 at 08:47 AM by 68319
Ok due to the reoccuring dream character (male) last night whenever I saw him I asked him if he was my dream guide. The man became frantic, almost scared. He grabbed ahold of my arms, very very firmly, and said,"Do not listen to them, I am no figment of your imagination. I am real amd waiting for you. Please do not give up on me. I will come when the time is right." Then I wake up and my boss is calling me in early.
A deal has fallen through. Sort of. I've got a prince in my debt, but that's pointless - what I needed was for him to eventually become a king, so that a little further down the timeline, he'll be able to ask another king for a favor. But the princess I'd intended him to marry has now been burned and beheaded due to a minor demonic possession incident, so now he's useless to me. I find another kingdom that will work, a desert. Two daughters. In the throne room, I meet the younger daughter, but that timeline doesn't interest me. The eldest is locked in the dungeon, and I take the prince to meet her instead. I recognize her, though she doesn't recognize me - I'd met a version of her in another world. She'd been a he at the time. The prince had known her in that world too, and I think that could work out either very well or very badly. She's a lot angrier this time around, something of a freedom fighter, turned against her own father. This is promising.
Updated 01-26-2016 at 09:30 PM by 64691
D1 - I find out why I have been falling in love with the same red haired person through time. I meet Matt Smith and Karen Gillan , and here is the synch Anyway best thing is, is the time machine is a train. We travel and tracks through space and time, on outside of train for some reason. Meeting past life red head, earlier red head this life time and later red head this life time. Which are all supposed to be same soul Anyhow was cool. D2 - Brother and ex-wife are in some kind of limbo, with 2 years not knowing what to do or where to live. They visit a warehouse with lots of boxes with special coding on them. I figure out how it works but can see no point for such a system as they have next to no stock. D3 - Horse riding competiton. Our side is very confident but are tricked due to this. Our last hope is a good rider, he jumps and swings himself onto the horses back much as a gymnast onto the parallel bars. But we are still tricked it seems.
I'm observing a time period when humanity's living on only one planet. Everywhere else has grown too cold to support them. I'm watching one man chase another into space, and he's thinking something about fuel. I'm thinking about my own choice of focus, a little amused - in a time period like this, I'd expect my focus to be on someone's epic struggle to save humanity or something to that effect. But that doesn't interest me here; this last world is going to fail regardless. I'm interested in this man's more personal struggle.