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    1. An Island, A Ferry, Old Friends

      by , 07-30-2024 at 06:44 PM
      In light of recently reconnecting with an old school chum in waking life, I found myself in his presence within my dream. He was sort of guiding me along a path on some island where he lived. We came across a ferry that took us a short way across a very narrow river. On the other side, we met up with a few of his friends, some of whom I seemed to know, others I did not. I remember having packed an excessive amount of clothing, and fussing over what I would change into. I think my little sister showed up at one point as well. There was some important crux to this dream I am forgetting, but I really hope to start journaling regularly again. I need a greater sense of spiritualism and synchronicity in my waking life, and I used to obtain often those from my dream life. Here's to hopeful, consistent Dream Journaling once again.
    2. Night of Friday 9/29/23

      by , 10-01-2023 at 11:49 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed at ???

      Purgatory Island
      I'm on an island in a Harry Potter game.
      Lots of grey colors. Feels isolated and alone.
      3rd person view. Playing as a man in a bowler hat.
      Like Wayne from Mistborn.
      There is a water-logged cave up ahead.

      Recalled from early morning.
    3. 15 Jan: Leaving a party in an island and running away from my creep dad

      by , 01-15-2023 at 09:23 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At some party with lots of people from many places. It's fancy but also in some desolate location in some ruins. I get tired and get out of there, to realize we're in an island. I ask someone what time is it and they say 2 am. I say that's not possible. They reply is the jet lag, that's why I am not sleepy. But that is not my issue, my issue is that outside it looks early morning, with sunlight. I encounter some familiar faces and they ask me if I am joining them leaving this place. I agree, because I know nobody else and don't know where I am. So they walk me to a dock and then some small row boats come and get us.
      Then we're taking a trip by bus once on land again. Still not recognizing the place as the night falls. Then I recognize the sillouette of Las Vegas in the dark, despite all the city lights being turned off. I just recognize some of the iconic shapes in the dark, like the Sphinx and the Eiffel Tower replicas. When it is day again we stop at a large mall so we can eat or buy anything and stretch our legs. For some reason I encounter my father, who apparently was looking for me and traced me back here. His behavior immediately throws me off as he starts asking questions and making innuendos that I don't even understand. I ignore him for a while and I evade his questions, but allow him to follow me around as I look at the shops for fun. I am wearing a long skirt and a corset and he touches the strings on the back of my corset, asking what happens if he pulls the strings off. I am starting to feel really uncomfortable and tell him to stop. Then I look at beautifful dresses and he asks something like who I am going to wear them for. I say I don't even know what he is talking about. Then we pass by a section of lingerie, to which I don't even look at, but he starts asking if I like this item and that item, all very girly pieces with fruits stamped and not exactly for my age as if he is signaling he wants me to be his little girl again. I tell him he is sick and disgusting and I have had enough. He plays dumb. But I tell him I know his mind, I know he is sexually attracted to me and jealous that I grew up and might get a boyfriend (I say I still haven't had one, but if I did that was none of his business). He looks embarassed and doesn't deny it. I call him all the names I ever wanted to call him and move on, through a pastry shop and then a jewel shop. He still follows me and then tells me to wait while he goes check on the bus we have to take home. I do sit in a bench thinking about what to do next, but I have no intention to join him. Billie Eilish is playing on speakers and I start singing along, and so do other teens around who smile at me. Some even start doing a coreography and I am really impressed. Then some guy I know vaguely from school also sits on the bench and he is the one recognizing me first and asks me about what I am doing here. He offers me a ride with his friends that are coming. I accept but still I feel bad for leaving my dad alone, worrying he might get lost looking for me, despite all.

      [Note: My dad was a bit of creep all my life and I do have reasons to feel some disgust and anger towards him, but some of the dreams I have been having are a bit too much, because I don't recall him actually abusing me or saying stuff like he says in my dreams. This is disturbing stuff.)
    4. 29 Oct: Family meeting, human sacrifices and reality dissolving

      by , 10-29-2022 at 07:04 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At my paternal grandma's house, fighting with the front door that I think is locked but at the minimum touch just falls out of place. My aunt Ana comes by, very distressed and says I should try again to close it, but only after she goes outside for a bit. She goes outside and warns me about my cousin Cris who is apparently causing mayhem inside, with threats to her parents and whatnot. Then some shadowy figure passes by me and I think it's her, but it is actually Duarte. He doesn't even say hi to me, just seems to want to avoid our family altogether and also heads outside in the semi darkness of dusk, to stand alone and quiet. Then my uncle is in the kitchen, quietly avoiding talking about it when Cris erupts from inside the house and heads outside to lash out on my aunt. I try to rationalize what is going on and say to myself they just need to talk. Then I go to the living room to meet my mom. The corridor light is off and the living room is also in total darkness. I feel goosebumps because of the ghost at the end of the corridor, but knowing my mom is in there calms me down. I enter the room touching around blindly, and hear my grandma's voice. She is clearly hallucinating, talking about some past job and arguing that she can do some task. I am not sure if I should tell her the truth or play along, then my mom suggests that I should pretend, so I sit down on the floor besides the sofa where she is laying down and I put a hand on her body, and play along with her story, making up replies to whatever she says.

      I'm in a world where people of different tribes are ruled by fear of some thugs who took control. Every month or so they select one tribe and ask them to offer a bunch of people to sacrifice. From that group they usually only kill two, but it depends. If people volunteer, then maybe they don't pick others. This time is my tribe's turn and I am part of the group who volunteered to go. I have managed to convince them to actually start an uprise. All of us are willing to die for it, but we want to succeed, so we contact the leaders of other tribes before going. We don't manage to get even one to join us, but I am convinced they will if we start something and show them we can win. When we're there, we're almost caught conspiring but we manage to pretend we're just preparing for our sacrifice. The guy who almost caught us, has a huge crush on me and I know he will not let me be chosen, but he hints that in exchange he will probably be able to keep me as a slave for himself. I wonder how I can use that to our advantage on the day of our revolt, but it isn't clear. For now, it allows me to get closer to him and he takes me to see the location and stage of the sacrifice event, so I use the chance to study details that might be useful. One thing I notice is that a big storm is coming and might wreak havoc the next day, helping us. On the day of the sacrifice, our leader decides to offer himself and he leads the way. Then he kills the guards and starts the fight. The storm had happened at night and left damages in a dam nearby. So we sent someone to blow it up and it breaks apart. The water floods the district where the dominant tribe lives, killing and scattering them. These images are broadcasted to everyone else who then joins us in the fight. We win at the end.

      With my mom attending some conference in a big tent in some exotic place. People from all over the world and it is all in english. I ask if she understands what is being said, and she says it's ok, but I can see she is making a big effort to follow. It is supposed to be about facing climate change and adapting as a society but soon I recognize the speakers and realize it will be a bunch of disinformation and new age BS about changing consciousness and moving to other dimensions. I tell her that, but I think she knows and doesn't care. I cope with the first session, but at the break, I go outside to breathe deep and I am amused at the kind of people who are there. There is a group sitting on top of a wall focusing down on a rock trying to make it levitate. Just for fun I tell them "try me" and then I start levitating. Unlike what happens in other dreams, they actually gasp and are shocked. They immediately know it wasn't their powers that did it, so it could only be my own. Soon I am surrounded by every attendee, begging me to share my secrets and how I developed my powers. But it doesn't happen, because we're attecked by some white planes that look more like disks. People say they are chinese planes but look more like spaceships. They drop some kind of bombs that bury in the ground and implode colapsing everything on top. The ground seems to dissolve in big pixels that and then dematerializes. People run in all directions and just nearby is the city limits. It also gets attacked and entire streets and the subway system collapses pixel by pixel, as if it is a simulated reality being deleted. I am getting tired of running and remember again that I can fly, so I shoot up and land in some other city area by the sea where people seem unaware of what is happening on the other part of town. I need to know where I am, so I pick up a map from some tourists and see a bunch of islands with Tenerife marked in one of them.
    5. 8 Apr: Escaping a volcano on an island

      by , 04-08-2022 at 09:20 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am on an island when a volcano erupts in another island of the same archipelagus. At first I am not concerned, as it is far away and hardly affects other islands. But it is close enough that I can see it. Soon it gets really bad and then a pyroclastic flow descends from the top of the volcano and everybody panics, because it looks like it will hit us. I am with a couple other people and we start running down towards the shore on the opposite side of the one facing the volcano.
      It's a race against time and we face lots of obstacles. We even have to go through some buildings and then it's hard to find the way out of them. Then we finally reach the shore and I find a couple traditional canoes from the island's indigenous people and we hop on one and start paddling away.
    6. A night of vivid dreams.

      by , 01-16-2022 at 06:00 PM (Awake to take in the view...)
      This was a good one. I slept a ton and that helped a LOT. I’m gonna have to list everything out. This journal is also going to be a bit censored compared to my private one.

      1) Shortly after descending into hypnagogia, I started getting some sleep paralysis vibrations and a feeling of rising into the air. I saw a flash of cool-looking patterns, but my eyes were shut, so I saw them internally. Lots of colors and swirls and dots, very technicolor, very cool. I saw a flash of a video game character's face for a moment, which I somewhat willed to be there. It really felt like I was opening another pair of eyes. I then woke up and had to get a drink of water. I had only been asleep for a few minutes. I was essentially lucid, but at a low level of awareness.

      2) nsfw and censored.

      3) I woke up and went into vibrations again! I had a creepy sleep paralysis dream where all these huge eyes were floating above me. But a white tiger showed up, a character from my fantasy world, and he rescued me with a mighty roar. Everything frightening disappeared. Unfortunately, I either woke up or fell completely asleep after that.

      4) I had a brief non-lucid dream which was also nsfw. Man. xD

      5) I heard a faint scream in the middle of the night. Was definitely from sleep paralysis and not real.

      6) I might’ve had a dream of taking a freezing cold shower, or it might’ve actually happened a few days ago when I was showering during a laundry cycle. Can’t remember. Maybe both.

      7) This one is going to be fun. It started with a dream that I was on a tropical island. I was running with some middle aged dudes and one of their wives who was pretty, flirty, tan with dark hair and thin, and was (nsfw and censored actions are here lol). At some point she was (nsfw actions again, holy CRAP subconscious what is WITH you lmao). Lots of moms with strollers at the beach etc. We then were at a high point somehow, just me and her at first, looking down at the whole island at the height of a descending plane. I could see rainforest, rivers, white sand, the ocean and waves, and super fancy resort huts. I then realized that my tulpa was there as well, holding my right hand while the dream character woman held my left. We engaged our hovershoes which we suddenly had, and DROPPED! Then we engaged the fuel and stopped just before hitting the ocean! I believe I thought “I’m in my fantasy world right now!” which is why I thought to engage my hovershoes. The feeling of freefall was amazing. So was it lucid -- no, but it wasn't normal either. I didn't believe I was on earth. I believed I was in a real fantasy/magical world, which allowed me to summon hovershoes at will, so there was probably some faint degree of awareness there.

      8) Next: Straight out of dream 7, I woke up, but I was sleep-paralyzed. It was powerful enough that I tried to move my dream hand separate from my physical hand. Believe it or not, it worked. I wanted to open my eyes and lift my whole dream body out of my main one for an OBE but a) I had the feeling that I’d wake up if I tried, and b) I could tell that I was gonna project myself directly into my room instead of the universe I wanted to go to. I tried to see the white tiger again and he was definitely there, but then my hand started to feel weird and uncomfortable (it was curled funny when I fell asleep). Then I woke up fully.

      9) I tried to AP again one more time, at like 8:15 AM when I should’ve been awake. I was trying this method where my tiger friend was going to yank me out of my physical body and ascend straight into another universe. Well I felt him biting me on my neck, not hard or painful at all, just like a mom picking up her baby kitten. Unfortunately, the sensation was strong enough that I woke up. It was really cool though. Actually my neck still kind of feels it which is weird because I've been awake for around 90 minutes now. :O
    7. 13 Jan: End of the world, elite group evacuated by a foundation, road trip with cats

      by , 01-13-2022 at 10:34 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I know from a safe source that the world is ending soon and a friend has one seat available to take me on a ship that his leaving earth with a few selected people. She had a plus one that isn't joining her anymore and she can chose any one as a substitute. I agree to join and I make plans with my parents, who will take me to the departure place and all. But she comes suddenly one day very early and says we gotta go now, that there has been some change and they have to depart sooner. We are even leaving from a new location. I ask if I can go see my parents but there is no time for absolutely nothing, not even picking any stuff to take with me, we just run to the car as she talks on the phone with some other friend who is providing her the new instructions. Soon after, I manage to call my mom and explain the situation and she says she'll be at the location we are going to. It's possible, because it's closer to them than for me. We meet at the destination and it is a dock. We are going on a boat. I say goodbye, hug my mom and tell we'll do this and that when I return, and then it hits me that I won't ever see them again. Then I panic and cry and I don't want to go.

      On holiday at some island with lots of resorts amd some famous hipppie dwellings. I am kinda lost for a while in some street, but then find a grocery store and feel like getting some things from it. Then I recognize some other street on the back of the grocery and find my way to my hotel.
      I am sharing a room with another girl, we take turns using the shower. I shower after her and while I am getting dressed she goes check on something. Then she comes back to say that lunch is being served only until 3 o'clock. I ask the time now and it is 2 something. I thank her. Then I go lunch at the dining room. We are with a large group, all people in their 30s-40s, we don't know each other from before, not sure what's the connection between us.
      At some point some of us start feeling weird, our pupils start forming spikes, like affected by a vibration or magnetism and we sense something weird and undefined. Someone says "Guys, have you heard of that thing that could happen nearby and there would be a megatsunami? I think this is it. We are sensing it coming, we must run to higher ground!" and we immediately agree with him. Some of us grab some food from the table, others go to their rooms to pick up some stuff. My room is too far away, so I go with the ones that are closer by and pick up someone else's bag and essentials, like warm blankets, warm coats, utensils. Then we gather in the lobby and I find that they have been contacted by a foundation (maybe the one that brought us here in the first place?) and they were told to wait for them to pick us up. They are taking us to a safe place and we will be among the few humans left to repopulate Earth. I envision them dropping us up in the mountains somewhere, so I keep telling others to take as much useful things or we will starve and die of cold. But some of them are just waiting peacefully, because they are sure the foundation has everything prepared for us in some safe bunkers. Anyway, I go to the first aid office of the hotel, by the reception and I start grabbing pain killers, medicine for diarrhea, and anything else I deem useful. Meamwhile, some older lady joins us and she is smiling a lot. She explains that 24 years ago she knew that this would happen and to prove it, she hid a small paper with a message on the medicine cabinet I am looking at. Someone looks for it and it is indeed there. On her note, she mentions us and what would happen today and she claims she was meant to join us. We are fine with it. She has a little kid, a girl, and I play with her while we wait for the foundation. She has a doll car that opens up into a caravan. I tell her I had one very similar when I was a kid. Then I reminisce trying to remember what happened to it.

      On a road trip with Riverstone and three of our cats (Ginga, Buda and Yéti) on the back of a van. He knows all the gas stations and pensions where we can stop, from his former job travels. We stop at some gas station with a shop and I check the shop while he checks the gas. But then he also goes elsewhere and doesn't lock the van. It's all fine, until we're back on the road and I scroll through my instagram and see pics on some random dude account of my cats sleeping inside the van. I feel invaded but ok, he took the pics through the glass. But then he also shares a video in which he opened the back door and is calling for the cats. Two were sleeping under a blanket and hid, but Ginga stands up, looking at the person. I feel my blood boiling. The cats could have gotten out, get scared and get lost. I tell Riverstone what happened and we shout all kinds of insults to the person on the video. He wants to find the guy in person. I say that if any of the cats had disappeared, I would beat that person with a bat until they were a meat soup on the ground. But luckily none of that happened. Then I am totally pissed at Riverstone for having moved away from the van and not lock it.
      We keep going on our travel and we arrive at a mansion which is going to be a movie set of a film we are working on. We get a tour inside the mansion by Tyler Perry. I find funny that I recognize the house from another movie, but I keep it to myself. They've redecorated and put different furniture but it is clearly the same house. I go check the landscape outside and it's vyneards. Tyler Perry points out that the house is supplied with energy from a bunch of solar panels on the backyard.
    8. crazy

      by , 10-05-2021 at 07:06 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      A dream about the other Victoria I used to work with... An old co worker came up to me in some office building hallway and told me that the other Victoria has just passed. I was really shocked. Note: I follow her as friends on fb. She hasn't been online for like 6 days. I'm not even gonna go there...


      Really crazy dream about a really small island on a lake. I was with some people. A woman with brown hair. Jamie or Asuka, couldn't tell. And maybe two others. The dream island manifested Giant animal spirits of people. Talking like King kong Giant. One guy stepped on and there was a large ape like king kong. Someone else manifested a giant lizard. I stepped on and a giant green cobra came out of the ground. The brown haired woman stepped on and another giant cobra sprang from the ground... Only it had 3 heads!!! The island itself was like only 50 feet wide, so the animals keep trying to fight, but when one of us gets knocked from the island by the creature it vanishes, and when we go back on it, the monster comes back. So we keep getting knocked off the island and running back on. Lots of crazy fights going on.


      Was outside a house at night time. Apparently it was my house. I walked up and the porch light is on and Data walks out the front door. Data from Star Trek. His pale skin looks painted on. I can't believe it's him. He greets me like he knows me and I just can't believe it.

      I wake up and remember That in my inner world house. I do have a character named Data who lives there. Although in a decade this is the first time I actually have seen him as the character. Usually he's very vague in image, like a shadow. I sometimes think he has glasses on.
    9. cccx. Survival island

      by , 07-30-2021 at 01:37 AM
      28th July 2021

      Several bits around the same theme of survival.


      I'm watching a video, or TV broadcast. It's about a survival show on a large island. They're saying "in our previous show only a few survivors could manage to scratch a living but now up to seven million tribals will be competing!", something like that. There's this image super-imposed over a panning view of a tropical island. The super-imposed image is an idle animation of some white tribals posing together, forming a sort of pyramidal composition as is often seen in group photos. I think to myself that the older existing tribes won't take kindly to such a number of newcomers.

      I also think to myself that I'd rather be there myself, playing, rather than just watching TV.

      (transition or recall gap, chronology got messed up in recording the dream)

      I'm on a sandy and sunny beach, it's near noon judging by the sun. I later become aware that to my left there is a jungle or forest area and further left and close-by is a ruined town or city. I came out of some kind of drop pod and I see someone else who just has too. I'm not sure whether or not I should trust someone else at this point.

      Then some raptors about our own size appear and they start harassing each of us. I hit them with something and try to grasp them by the neck and try to twist and break them. I possibly kill one or two and help the other person out, a woman. Then when we're in close proximity, one of the raptors is trying to steal something from me, and it succeeds. I try to catch the raptor and it behaves like a cheeky dog and I may be slightly annoyed. The woman recommends I let go and don't bother chasing the animal. I eventually let go and the raptor stops being cheeky and just ruins off into the ruined city.

      (recall gap)

      Still with the same woman? She needs to send an e-mail to someone and I know there aren't many places where she can do that, here. We go into a building that I was in before at some point in the dream. Inside, it's dark. Lots of dark brown colour, like rust. There are many mechanical mechanisms and there are a few desktop computers set up in a cramped corridor.

      There are many things here that I know to have been set up by H in the dream. I sit at some chair or something in front of a computer. I'm trying to change the plugs around back so that she can use this old Windows 95 machine, because I still don't fully trust her and figure that this way she won't be able to release any viruses intentionally, or accidentally. For some reason I'm struggling with the plugs. The video connection coming out of the W95 machine is almost like a USB but the shape is slightly different and won't fit into the even weirder input shape on the other computer, or screen.

      I eventually give up and just let her use the normal computer, feeling that I can trust her just enough anyway.

      (recall gap)

      Something about another building or another part of this same building. There's some small weird water gremlin bug thing... In actuality it looks a bit like a grey coloured shrimp but in the dream I think of it as crayfish. I am nervous around it because it moves erratically and I don't like its look and the look of its "whiskers".


      - The next day, I was using some Firewire stuff with H to set up a microphone for me to use. At the time, that made me think of the USB-like plugs in the dream, because Firewire is not too different in the physical look of the ends and its intended purpose is similar anyway.

      - My nervousness around the grey creature was related both to shallow standing water in that area and also to the residual feelings of fright or jump-scare I still get from, for example, some arachnids.
      -- I do not particularly like shrimp, neither in look or smell, though I can't say I recall their taste. I always thought they looked a bit too "bug"-like to eat, despite their popularity in my native region.

      - I had to look up crayfish because I couldn't actually remember what they looked like; the dream creature really didn't resemble them.
    10. Close call with ghost leviathan area and command and conquer with Angela Merkel | [13.07.2021]

      by , 07-14-2021 at 04:02 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Close call with ghost leviathan area
      I am at the mountain island in Subnautica, and for some reason falling down into the water at the side like a rock. I am a bit scared of the reaper, but then I notice a hole, which I go in, but I notice the water color suddenly gets really dark and I am afraid a ghost leviathan might spawn so I quickly retreat.

      Command and Conquer with Angela Merkel
      I am on a sort of flat, circular island which is in its entirety surrounded by very spiky and cartoon-ish mountains, which also nearly split the island save for a ~10 meter gap. There is apparently a battle. It also seems to be a recurring dream, where last time there was an intense battle with mammoth tanks and artillery walkers, now it is that in my fraction the leader is Angela Merkel and apparently this time, after a short battle, for some reason they apparently realize they need to nuke each other, and so they do.

      Yeah, idk what that second dream was.
    11. 25 Feb: Almost abducted, injured at the hospital

      by , 02-25-2021 at 08:57 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Visiting some island and something is off. I am heading to the local library and the streets are deserted. When I get to the library, I am almost kidnapped by aliens. I hide behind the shelves but they kinda mock me saying they can see me using infrareds. Some lady comes out of nowhere and rescues me, She takes me to a decontamination shower saying that I got radiation because I contacted with the aliens. Then she takes me to an area not yet taken by the aliens and she reaches out to the police.

      My foot hurts but I still go on a trip to the US with some friends. One of them is doing a documentary about the health system and takes us all to a hospital to inquire about costs. We use my own case to ask how much they'd charge for an appointment and right away they ask for $1000 just for just a blanket to wrap me up as I await consultation. I then show my foot to a doctor and it is swollen, two small toes feel numb and my veins are red and popping. I am freaking out that I can't afford treatment but also afraid I can't go home like this either. The doctor says I seem to have a liver problem and I am like "What? I think I just broke a bone."

      Again at a doctor office, but for some exam in which I need to fully undress and they have no other place for me to do it, but at the waiting room. I do it, but then spot some old pervert trying to film it on his phone. I yell and take his phone away but other people are sympathetic with the old man, who claims he was just messaging his family.

      Updated 04-14-2021 at 09:20 PM by 34880

    12. Zombies. Island conqueror. Witch

      by , 02-18-2021 at 09:18 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I've dreamt about zombies hunting me the two last nights. I got eaten alive once which always hurts. A dark coulor theme in the city with survivors following me. I have a gun and shoot a zombie that is about to eat my shoulder from behind but my gun turns into a toy gun and doesn't have any effect.

      I'm on an island with some people. My family is there and we are about to explore. A man says that he claims this part of the island and that we have to go away. I feel bad because he is the boss and I can't oppose him.

      I'm hunted by a witch in my house but know it's a dream suddenly. I think about hugging her but then I think about how she could hurt me and I loose my confidence. I fly out but it's not that pleasant since I was hunted.
    13. The Interview in Antissa, with Sun Spiders

      by , 06-13-2020 at 11:25 AM
      Morning of June 13, 2020. Saturday.

      Dream #: 19,535-07. Reading time (optimized): 2 min.

      My dream self maintains the instinctual awareness I am dreaming (after dropping back from post-liminal mode to pre-liminal) by becoming more aware while sitting in a bed near the ocean (potential reinduction). There is the typical indoor-outdoor ambiguity, with my bed in this instance being near a harbor in Antissa, Lesbos, though the setting does not have a more discernible definition.

      My waking-life identity is absent. I am listening to an operatic aria (fictitious, I assume) sung by Luciano Pavarotti about Antissa. (I do not listen to opera in waking life.) I am unsure of the source of the music, but it is probably from a cassette (as my dream self has no recall of what a CD is).

      The sleep-wake manager eventually appears as an unknown male, but he is in passive mode (non-RAS; non-cerebral.) I sit down and watch him create a painting. It features a black oval as a scene of outer space. (This feature represents a higher level of sleep atonia, which may be why somatosensory kicks in as the trigger in the last scene rather than a vestibular event.) There are sparse red and blue ovular arcs around the “egg.” I absentmindedly add a blue ovular arc to the image’s right side with a felt-tip pen. Almost immediately, I feel as if I may have been intrusive in doing this. I start praising his art, focusing the most on the outer space rendering within the oval. He does not seem angry or annoyed.

      A reporter approaches and wants to interview the unknown artist. There is still indoor-outdoor ambiguity, though the setting has more outside dynamics at this point. The two men stand and face each other, about ten feet away from me. The reporter says he is interviewing “the aggressor.” I am puzzled by this and state that he is not an “aggressor,” though I do not know his history. I hope I did not embarrass him by saying this.

      Soon, a sun spider (camel spider), as long as the reporter’s head, crawls around from behind his head and covers his right ear. I am amused, as neither man seems to know it is there. Another sun spider of about the same size as the first crawls from behind the reporter’s head but goes around to the other man’s right ear. The man ignores it despite being aware of it. There is no sense of a threat, as my dream self considers them harmless. I wake at this point with a sense of great amusement.

      A vestibular-cerebral handshake did not occur as the waking process in this instance (as the result of greater sleep atonia but with a directive toward hand myoclonus), so it was somatosensory in this case. In other words, I sleep on my left side, with my right ear more exposed to my waking-life environment. The somatosensory focus was liminally drawn to that factor, especially as a spider often represents the human hand and its somatosensory arousal (though a sun spider is not a true spider).

    14. 25 Feb: Aliens at a library, injured in the US, perv at the hospital

      by , 02-25-2020 at 07:50 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Visiting some place like an island and weird thing are going on. I am at the local library which is deserted and I am almost kidnapped by aliens there. I hide, but they kinda mock me, calling me childish to think they can't spot me. They claim they have infrared cameras. Some lady comes out of nowhere and rescues me, she is the library director or something. Takes me to a decontamination thing, saying that I contacted with the aliens, so I am now contaminated with radiation. Then we go away and look for the police.

      My foot hurts, still I go on a travel to the US with friends. One is doing a documentary about the health system and goes to a private hospital to inquire about costs. I use the opportunity to show my foot, it is swollen, two small toes feel numb and the veins are red and popping. They charge 1000 dollars for just a blanket to warm me up as I wait for treatment. I am freaking out that I can't get the treatment due to costs, but I am also afraid I can't go home like this either. The doctor says that I seem to have a liver problem and I am like "what? no. I think I just broke a bone".

      Again at a doctor office but for some exam in which I need to fully undress and they have no other place for me to do it but at the waiting room. I do it anyway, but then I spot some old perv filming me with his phone. I yell at him and take his phone away to delete the photos or videos he was taking. Other people are sympathetic with the old man who claims he was just messaging someone and plays the innocent victim but I do not apologize.
    15. The Cipher Tower

      by , 02-15-2020 at 12:24 AM (Night Vision)
      I seem to be visiting my parents, who live on an island. I’m busy for most of the day cleaning out a cabinet or wardrobe. In only another hour or so, there are going to be guests over for dinner.

      We’re out of the house now for some reason. Mother is concerned that I’ve been exerting myself so much, and I should drink some water. I’m not particularly thirsty but say I will. My father and I go off to a sort of convenience store-like shop nearby to buy a bottle, but the water is very expensive – almost 10 dollars for a water bottle (though I can’t swear it wasn't some other currency). That’s right, I remember – there isn’t any fresh water on the island, so it all has to be shipped here, and that makes it so expensive. My father asks if it’s OK if I don’t get the water, and I say I’m fine with it. Again, I don’t particularly care either way – I just want to keep them happy.

      Not long after that, I step onto what unexpectedly turns out to be an elevator – a floating glass elevator, à la Willy Wonka. It rises up and flies partway across the island to a large building, then down several stories into its basement. I briefly see the various underground floors on the way down. I consider getting off and heading back – I don’t want to be late for dinner – but rumor has it that the headquarters of the secret police is on one of those floors, and I have a history with them. Just walking through their headquarters would be asking for trouble.

      So I wait as some other people get on the elevator and it continues to the third major hub on the island – it isn’t very large, and so there are only the three. This one is on the other end, farther away – a place I’ve never been before. The elevator flies over lawns dotted with groves of trees. It’s dusk now, and we approach and pass a blue light – some sort of decorative sculpture marking the approach. This whole area is like an estate, or a place that was one at some previous time.

      Once we’re there, I get off. There’s a tower there – perhaps I have to climb down the side to get to the ground, but one way or another, I wind up climbing on it. It’s a fairly small building, though tall, made of square, grey stones, each of which has a shape cut through it large enough to make a foothold or handhold – circles, squares, stars, etc. Each stone is also marked with two sets of letters, one a capital letter, the others one or more lowercase ones. As I grab hold of one hollow stone, I feel a switch flip on the inside edge, causing the opening to light up. The whole thing is a giant cipher key, I realize. I don’t have any messages in need of decoding – but if I happen to find any, I now know exactly where to bring them.

      I climb around for a bit, playing around with it to make sure I know how it works. But once I’m back on the ground, a woman starts yelling at me for climbing on the tower. Guess I wasn’t supposed to be doing that. I stay calm. What she’s saying doesn’t make much sense – really not a coherent accusation against me at all, just anger. I ask a couple reasonable questions. She answers, still in an angry tone. But then, having lost her momentum, the absurdity of it seems to dawn on her, and she starts laughing. I laugh, too. It seems like everything is OK now.

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