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    1. Face Off with Team Rocket

      by , 07-02-2014 at 05:58 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      Much better recall and clarity last night. I've been reading and meditating before bed instead of mindlessly scrolling through the internet, so that seems to be helping. Also, I fell asleep listening to some binaural beats that claim to "Access powerful super consciousness connection."

      Office Space (Non-lucid)


      I am at work talking to my fellow student worker, only she's not the same girl who works with me irl. I don't remember what we're talking about. Suddenly, the girl grins mischievously and starts kissing me, backing me up to sit on the counter and grinding against me. It feels great, but this is not the best place for such activity. Especially if Brandon catches us--- I'd never hear the end of it from that perv.

      "Not at work," I say, pushing her off of me. It seems that we're actually dating, so we have plenty of other opportunities for making out in places that won't get us fired. Still, she takes my rejection the wrong way.

      "What, are you ashamed of me!?" she snarls. I'm kind of surprised by her anger.

      "No, no! It's just not professional to do that here..."

      At this point, a customer walks in. Normally our front desk person would take care of walk-ins, but she's out for the moment. My angry girlfriend goes to the front to see what the woman needs. She seems to be retired professor who needs access to her old email account. My girlfriend YELLS at her that she has to create a ticket and to stop bothering us with her stupidity. I rush to the front as the old woman is about to burst into tears. "It's okay, I can help you, Ma'am." My girlfriend stomps back to the work room to sulk. "I am SO sorry about my coworker. She's.... having a bad day and taking it out on the wrong people."

      Facing Team Rocket (DILD)


      I'm wondering around campus in the dark, enjoying the solitude. Near the back of the psychology building, I gleefully roll down the hill like a little kid at a playground. Soon, though, I hear the sounds of another person nearby. I cannot see them in the darkness, but I know I am no longer alone. I have the feeling that I'm about to be attacked. Though not afraid, I decide to avoid the trouble. I run back tothe main part of campus. Running feels so great, I never want to stop!

      *memory lapse*

      At some point, I "wake up" with my aunt talking loudly over me with her oldest daughter. She's saying that she's going to start making me do a bunch of chores in order to provoke "a conection with Jesus Christ" within me. She also says some really mean things, some of which are potentially true, such as that I take myself too seriously.

      By now, I'm hurt and angry. Doesn't she realize I can her her? I think to myself furiously. Still, I pretend to sleep so that I don't have to talk to her.

      Later, a couple who look just like Jessie and James from Pokemon are after my brother. If I understand their yammering correctly, they wish to hand him over to Lord Voldemort. They're in our old house, holding us at gunpoint.
      I suddenly become lucid.

      I grab my brother's hand and pull him through the (closed) window behind us. He seems way too reluctant to run. "Come on, you idiot!" I yell, practically dragging him behind me. "This way!"

      I intend to run down the gravel road behind our house to hide in the field of tall grass. When I get there, however, I'm dismayed to find that the field has been mowed. While we still have a head start, I do my best to make more grass appear. Every time I succeed, though, we lose our head start and Team Rocket spots us, making my newly formed hiding place utterly useless.

      Abandoning the grass idea, we bolt off into the woods instead. I pull my brother into a giant hollowed out log. Team Rocket seems to know exactly where we're hidden. They drag us out from the log and point the gun at us once again.

      This time, I have a gun of my own. I fire at them--- and miss! When I pull the trigger again, all I hear is the empty clicking noise.

      But suddenly, there are two more shots. I think they've shot my brother until they both drop to the ground, dead.

      I look up to see a man that I'd met in an earlier part of the dream that I can no longer remember. He smiles, winks at me, and turns around to walk off. I think he's going to leave, but he suddenly turns back and starts purposefully towards me.

      "What are you doing?" I ask him.

      "What do you think?" He pulls me into his arms and kisses me passionately. This is some kind of dramatic continuation from our earlier conversation, so for the sake of the plot I kiss him back. It sparks absolutely nothing within me. I think to myself, If I actually still liked guys, this would be an epic ending to the dream.
    2. Determination and Nostalgia

      by , 01-31-2014 at 04:02 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      I've been reading over all of my old dream journals, which has me feeling quite nostalgic about LDing. It's hard to believe I first stumbled upon this site nearly 7 whole years ago! A lot has changed since then, but my love for dreaming hasn't. Which is why I'm more motivated than ever to be active on here and to make more of an effort to keep up with my dream journal.

      So, here are a few of the dreams I managed to log during my extremely stressful last semester.

      Wolf Rider, Vampire Slayer (Non-lucid)


      I am taking shelter in an old colonial-style town with a girl named Rachel and a few other friends from college. Rachel and I are spending a lot of time flirting with each other, though it is a bit awkward.

      One morning, I'm talking to the town council about supplying food if we have to stay here over the winter. I suggest we use the corn field, but they tell me it is infested with squirrels. "It can't be that bad," I scoff. they take me to the corn field where THOUSANDS of squirrels are feasting on what's left of the corn. "Okay," I relent, "I see what you mean."

      While we stand here pondering what to do, wolves and giant deer emerge from the forest and into the field. The wolves seem to mean no harm, but the deer are a different story. One of them is angry with me and tries to trample me. A large wolf comes to my rescue. He lets me ride on his back, taking me safely back to town.

      In town, I'm trying to figure out the location of a Vampire nest that has been plaguing the area. The blueprint of the town shows me that the large church at the edge of town includes a system of underground tunnels--- this must be the nest! I remember that the whole town is supposed to meet in this church later. I have to warn everybody!

      I go to Rachel first, but as I'm explaining my discovery, the Vamps decide to strike. They quickly surround us, herding us to the church. I hold Rachel's hand, doing my best to protect her, keeping myself between her and the vampires as we walk.

      At the church, we are led to a back room where we're supposed to wait. I become separated from Rachel, but come across my brother. He is back from the Army, where he served as an expert Vampire slayer. He tells me that we should fight them and escape to save the town.

      I find a large colored pencil nearby (as this seems to be a Sunday school room for children), which I realize would amke a lovely stake. I brutally stab the first Vamp I come across--- right through the heart--- three times. I find more colored pencils on a table. I use them to gouge out a female Vamp's eyes as she lunges at me. She screeches terribly.

      Drink and be Merry (Non-lucid)


      I am semi-lucid, with a HUGE bottle of delicious wine. My German professor is giving a lecture outside on a hill. I am attending this lecture with my bottle hidden behind my back. Every time the professor looks away, I take a drink. The wine is REALLY good and little sips just aren't enough. I slip away so I can enjoy the drink more thoroughly.

      I somehow end of in the house of a woman who seems to be in her mid 30's. We drink the entire bottle together, becoming very drunk and giggly. I'm so drunk that my face is tingling. We make out in her bed for a few minutes, then completely pass out.
    3. Music Defines Reality + Sleep Paralysis

      by , 04-02-2013 at 02:57 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      In which I break my #1 rule yet again. >_<

      Music Defines Reality + Sleep Paralysis (DILD)


      I become lucid after some weird episode of talking to my friend's GPS. It is a very low level of lucidity.

      I'm walking down the road, convinced that it is important to go home right now. As I'm walking, I look behind me and see a woman walking a little girl on a leash. It becomes apparent that the little girl is a zombie. They are pretty far off, so I figure I am not in any danger.

      Suddenly, suspenseful music begins to play. It's really creepy, and I look behind me to see the zombie girl growing closer. I keep walking. Now, the music is growing in intensity, and I hear rapid footsteps behind me.

      I fly into the air, figuring I'll be safe up here. I'm wrong. I turn to see the zombie in the air with me. She tears into my arm, ripping the flesh away to reveal blood and muscle and bone. It is incredibly painful.

      This somehow triggers me to become stuck in sleep paralysis. I am now lying in what feels like my floor, unable to move. This horrible sensation is now shooting through my leg. It isn't pain, but it is uncomfortable enough to be just as bad, if not worse, than pain. I would have been writhing and screaming in agony if I could actually move.

      After this passes, a rather unpleasant woman in her mid 40's begins molesting me. Again, as I am unable to move, there is nothing I can do about this. This goes on for quite a while until
      I have a false awakening. I sit up in bed thinking it's over. As soon as I sit up, my vision goes fuzzy and I see weird shapes floating all around me. I can't get a grip on what's happening, and soon fall back over into sleep paralysis.

      I am sick of being paralyzed. I consider turning this into a lucid dream, but I worry that I'll just have more chains of false awakenings and sleep paralysis issues.

      At this point, I manage to open my real eyes, still unable to move. It is already morning according to the level of light. I struggle to keep my eyes open, but I manage to focus on my colorful bedspread
      until I finally jolt awake for real.
    4. Zombie Cataclypse

      by , 03-04-2013 at 05:06 AM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      Not sure what's with all these perverse dreams I've been having. I never used to have any at all. But oh well, can't complain.

      Zombie Cataclypse (Lucid)


      I accidentally set off Wal-Mart's alarm system as I'm examining some RuneScape merchandice. All of my friends run away, leaving me as security shows up. "No big deal," I think. "Not like I stole anything." They search me and obviously don't find any stolen merchandice. However, they say they're going to have to hold me overnight. "You can't do that!" I exclaim. They tell me that they can.

      When they're distracted, I take off running and leave the store. They follow after me and actually start shooting at me! Alarmed, I make my way to the back of the property where their delivery trucks are. As I'm running, I notice that my mom is tied up in the back of one of the trucks. She tells me that she got busted for shoplifting.

      I free her and we run away.

      *time lapse*

      Some strange things have happened that I don't remember. I am now trapped in a creepy mansion with two people I've been travelling with. I'm sitting at a table with one of them, a girl who is crying to me that the guy we're with has cheated on her. She says she still wants to be with him, but she can't just let him get away with cheating. "Well, why don't you cheat on him? Then it'll be even," I tell her.

      "I can't just sleep with some random person to get back at him," she cries.

      "It doesn't have to be a random person," I say with a smirk. "I mean, I'm always available." She looks as though she's considering it, so I slide closer and kiss her. We then stand up and I lead her into a back room. Sadly, some people in the mansion burst in and interrupt us, so we're once again on the run.

      I spontaneously become lucid and decide that I am bored with the dream. I don't want to be in this mansion anymore. So I phase through the nearest window and somehow end up in my grandma's neighborhood.

      After rubbing my hands together to stabilize the dream, I begin to walk happily down the street, singing to myself and just goofing off, enjoying being lucid under normal circumstances after so long. As I continue down the road, I notice that the doors to each house are open, and I can see the families inside. One little girl notices me singing and dancing. She laughs and walks out of her house towards me.

      The whole neighborhood soon follows suit. Families flock out of their houses and follow me down the road. They are all smiling, laughing, and sharing in my happiness. I am in excellent spirits.... until I turn around and find out that all of the people have suddenly become zombies!

      I stop for a moment, stunned at the abrupt change in mood. Of course, this would happen. When do I ever have non-threatening DC's in my lucids?

      Since I had not been suspicious of the initial crowd of people, they are already too close for me to simply run away. Three of them are already trying to grab a hold of me, and I've fallen to the ground! I kick them as hard as I can in the head; they fall, but are still coming after me. I manage to get to my feet and start to run.

      The zombies are still really close to me. One zombie girl reaches out to me... I suddenly realize that she is a normal human, pretending to be a zombie so that they won't get her. She grabs my arm and pulls me away from the hoarde.

      We run together into the woods, quickly putting distance between us and the undead. "I have a gun if things get really bad," she tells me.

      "What's your name?" I ask her.

      "I'm Torrie," she says. "Or Annie."

      "Wait, is it Torrie or Annie?" I ask, confused.


      I pause. "Um, okay. I'm Lola."

      We end up on a very narrow path in the woods that has a fence on either side. We stop running. Everything has gone completely silent. "I don't like the looks of this," I whisper. "Maybe you should get out your gun."

      Suddenly, a creepy voice rings through the air. "You have enroached too far into the hunting ground."

      Torrie or Annie looks at me, clearly scared. Suddenly all manner of undead animals are quickly coming down the path toward us. "We have to go over the fence!" she cries out.

      "Alright, you first." I help her over the fence. In the few seconds it takes to get her over, the animals are already at my feet. "Help me! Shoot them or something!" But Torrie or Annie is in shock or something and isn't moving. I stomp the animals' heads into the ground and quickly climb over. "Why didn't you help me?" I demand.

      Then I see the state she is in. She's curled into a little ball, crying uncontrollably. Alarmed, I pull her into a hug. "Hey, don't cry. It's gonna be okay. Don't worry, I'll get us out of here." Since she is completely unresponsive, I pick her up and carry her. We end up in a small abandoned building, where I sit down and try to calm her.

      I have a false awakening and am no longer lucid. Now I am outside of my old house with my dad and brother. The ground is frozen, and I am barefoot.

      We walk to the back road; it is still apparent that we are under threat of zombies. On the road, there are weird tree and stick sculptures in the shape of people scattered about. Suddenly, we hear a weird sound. I realize it's coming from a huge metal tower in the middle of the briar patch to the right. In a booming voice from the tower, someone begins reciting the Lord's Prayer.

      All of the sculptures come to life and begin reciting the prayer as well. The stick sculptures are carrying some kind of pamphlet and start jabbing me with them. I tell my dad and brother to run.

      I manage to evade the creepy sculptures, but we have become separated. It is hard to walk properly, because I keep sliding on patches of ice. Eventually, I come to a place that looks like where I'd been before my false awakening. "Torrie!" I shout, hoping to find her again. "Annie?"

      I walk into a nearby building and find her standing there. "L-Lola. It's you," she cries in relief. I run up to her and hug her close to me.

      "Thank god I found you," I whisper, holding her against me. "I was worried that something might have happened." All I want to do is to sit there and hold her, but I hear some suspicious noises outside.

      When I look out, two men are holding my dad and brother at gun point. One of them, who has a huge rifle. Walks up to us. "Well, well, well," he says creepily. "I think I'm gonna take you two young ladies as my wives." I give him an evil look, but he puts the gun to my back and marches us forward.

      "I'll never let you take us," I growl at him.

      "Oh really? And what are you going to do about it?" He turns and shoots my dad in the head. He falls to the ground, dead.

      Enraged, I manage to get Torrie's gun from her bag and I shoot both men. One goes down instantly, but the man with the rifle laughs at me, even though he has clearly been shot in the head. "Well, you clearly have good gun skills, but can you---" I shoot him again. He is still alive, and laughing. I give the gun to Torrie, thinking she might have better luck. He just won't die!

      I wake up shortly afterwards.

      Updated 03-07-2013 at 03:56 PM by 47876

      lucid , memorable
    5. More Sleep Paralysis - Succubus "Attack"

      by , 03-04-2013 at 04:57 AM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      More Sleep Paralysis- Succubus Attack (DEILD)


      I am lying in bed awake, with my eyes closed. Alex has just left the room, and I'm contemplating getting up early since I only have about 15 minutes left before my alarm goes off anyway.

      I suddenly get pulled into SP, however, and no longer have a choice in the matter. I momentarily think about fighting it, but I am tired and know that it won't be long before my alarm will snap me out of it.

      Alex is talking to me, and I have to keep reminding myself that she is not really in the room. I really want to turn this into a dream so I won't just be stuck in SP for 15 minutes suffering through these annoying vibrations. They are more powerful than ever, to the point that an intense pain is pulsating through my ribs. This is definitely not normal...

      The pain is getting to be pretty overwhelming, but I am still not in the mood to struggle to get out of SP. If I could just pull myself into a dream, things would be better. I try to focus on dreaming, but am distracted when a succubus shows up and a long scene ensues that I am not going to describe here. ._.
    6. Shark Eye

      by , 12-01-2012 at 05:53 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      Last night I got to bed extremely early and therefore had awesome recall. To avoid a super long post, I'll post them all separately.

      Shark Eye (Non-lucid)


      I arrive late to gym class, where everyone is playing an odd-looking game called Shark Eye.

      Across the floor is a large mat divided in half by a thick line, with different sized circles on either side of the line. The team on offense stands at the side of the mat labeled "START LINE," while the team on defense stands on the opposite end of the room, as well as having a line of players stationed behind the team on offense. When the whistle blows, the offensive line (called Heroes), must take a running start and slide across the mat on their stomachs to touch one of the circles. The farther back the circle, the more points a person gets for their team. At the same time, the line of defense behind the Heroes will each throw a ball to their teammate across the mat. If the Catcher catches the ball, he has a chance to touch a circle and therefore block a Hero from getting points (but he must reach the circle before the Hero does).

      I am watching all of this from the bleachers, extremely confused about this strange game. There is a guy sitting beside me playing on his cell phone; one of those people who always refuses to participate in class. I don't wan't to be lumped in with his sort, so I decide to try to play even if I have no clue what's going on.

      I join the team who is currently on offense and take my place on the START LINE. When the whistle blows, I run and slide across the mat to touch a circle. To avoid the Catchers, I slide across the line in the middle to touch a circle on the other side of the mat. The captain of my team says I'm not allowed to cross the line, so my points don't count.

      On the next round, I slide all the way to the farthest circle, barely touching it before a Catcher does. Unfortunately the teacher, who is the judge of all our points, has left the room, so we have to just lay there and hold our positions.

      Sadly, the Catcher I am stuck beside is known for picking on people. She grins at me evilly, knowing that I have to endure her teasing until the teacher gets back if I want to keep my points. So she spends the entire time tickling me, touching me inappropriately, and kissing me. I am torn between being annoyed and somewhat turned on. I also desperately hope that Sebastian doesn't see this happening.

      Sebastian is a white-haired cat boy who is head over heels in love with me. While I do not return his affections, he is still my friend and I know he would flip out if he witnessed this. As if on cue, Sebastian appears just as the Catcher is snuggling against me with her arms wrapped around me. "Umm, hi..." I say awkwardly, inwardly cursing at the annoying creep clinging to me. How embarrassing...

      "What's this!?" Sebastian exclaims in his "drama queen" tone of voice. "Oh, I see how it is. I'M not good enough for you, but this slut is!?"

      "Come on, it's obviously not like that. I don't----"

      "No, it's fine. Be with whoever you want to be. My feelings don't matter." He stalks off. It's clear that he's being overly dramatic on purpose, but I know that he's still hurt.

      "Sebastian..." I roll my eyes and extract myself from the girl's grasp, running after him. "Don't be an idiot, you know I care about you."

      Later, we are going to go explore one of the older, creepier buildings on campus which is said to be haunted. I am somewhat surprised to see a rather heated game of Shark Eye going on nearby. The game has taken on an almost cult following around campus. If this were an anime, it would have the same significance as Pokemon battles or Duel Monsters. Some students are shouting loudly that they have a secret weapon to defeat all other teams, which lives in the building that Sebastian and I are about to go explore.

      We sneak inside the building and walk down the spiral staircase to the basement. Sebastian is visibly terrified, and I'm light-heartedly making fun of him. Suddenly two eerie voices start calling out Sebastian's name. He yells and runs away as fast as he can. I roll my eyes. "Who's there?" I call out.

      Two demon boys with bright red hair appear. They say they are the Lords of Shark Eye. They're the secret weapon those students were going on about, I realize. "Hmph, well you nearly gave Sebastian a heart attack. How do you even know his name?" They laugh and refuse to answer.

      I wake up shortly afterwards.
    7. Where is the White Dragon?

      by , 10-01-2012 at 01:40 AM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      I don't usually have many risqué dreams, but this one was pretty interesting. ((This contains some slightly mature content, so don't read if you're not comfortable with this, please.))

      Night of 9/30/12

      ["Where is the White Dragon!?"]
      I am looking out the window late at night, when I see what appears to be two large dragons fighting high up in the starry sky. As I watch, their fight grows closer and closer to the ground until they are right outside my house. I can now see that one is white with scales and the other is a black-feathered dragon. Both are about as big as the house itself.

      The white dragon soon kills her opponent and begins to feast upon him, when she suddenly sees me watching from the window. I don't believe she'll bother attacking me since she has just made a kill, but I am wrong. The dragon sticks her head through the open window and makes a snap at me.

      I run to the other end of the house--- she follows. Eventually I am forced to jump out a window and make an escape. The dragon soon follows me, however, eyes glowing bright yellow in the dark.

      When I reach the graveyard, I realize that I will never outrun such a massive creature. I stop and wait for her to approach, thinking desperately for a plan. "Don't kill me," I say, "I can be of use to you."

      The dragon suddenly transforms into a girl who looks perhaps a bit older than I. "And what exactly do you have to offer me?" she purrs, looking at me in amusement.

      I sigh, realizing what she wants. "Myself," I tell her resignedly.

      She grins. "Hmm. That sounds like it might just be a good deal. Okay then." She giggles and pulls me forward, lying back on the ground and positioning me on top of her. "Touch me," she orders.

      I lift up her shirt and slowly trail my fingers along her smooth stomach while she watches me with an interested expression. After a few moments, she complains that I'm tickling her. Smiling slightly to myself, I deliberately stroke her stomach a few more times before moving my hands a bit higher and kneading her breasts. She closes her eyes and moans.

      Before I can take things even further, bright lights suddenly shine all around us. Oh crap.

      Apparently the sounds of the dragon fight alarmed the neighborhood, and authorities were sent to deal with the matter. Some of the men present are leaders of an important club I had joined a few hours earlier, and I am somewhat embarrassed to be caught in this situation. I look down at the dragon-girl, chagrined. She seems more alarmed than embarrassed.

      I get off of her, and while I am distracted with the leering looks of the moronic men standing beside me, some people (dragon hunters, I believe) grab my dragon-girl and run off with her. As soon as I realize this, I become filled with worry and take off after them. I have to save her!

      Some friends of mine are now helping me track the dragon hunters down. They are slowly climbing the side of a building. "Why are you wasting time climbing when this is a dream?" I shout impatiently. "Fly, you idiots!" I leap on top of the building and jump from rooftop to rooftop until I reach some old ruins where I find the hunters.

      They are armed to the teeth, while I must rely on my own hands. Soon, however, I manage to kick one of the hunters off the top of the ruins and steal his knife. I then hold one of the others at knife point and yell, "Where is the White Dragon!?" He refuses to answer, so I slit his throat.

      Suddenly, I hear dragon like noises to my left, at a large seemingly vacant area where there are chains. I "remember" that the dragon can turn invisible, so I rush past all the other hunters to where she's lying. She reappears, in dragon form. She's lying on her back, bleeding badly from a large wound in her gut.

      "It's gonna be okay," I tell her as soothingly as I can manage, gently hugging her massive form. "I'll get you out of here." But she seems to be in a really bad state, and I don't know how I will manage this.

      I wake up shortly afterwards.