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    1. Last Month's Tasks of the Month

      by , 05-11-2016 at 10:40 PM
      I've gotten a little behind again. I've been having some pretty interesting dreams, but I haven't written most of them down, so they are pretty much gone now.

      I do remember a lucid dream I had a few days ago. I did two of the Tasks of the Month...from last month. I hadn't gotten on and read the new tasks yet, so in my mind I was still thinking of the tasks I never completed last month.


      I don't remember what I was doing. I may have been flying or standing on something high. I suddenly knew I was dreaming so I swooped down flying and immediately thought about completing the tasks of the month that I had been wanting to do, which were to drain the color out of something and to eat something inedible.

      I landed next to a table that reminded me a little of my dad's model train table when I was little. I saw a lot of plastic items on the table. I wasn't sure what they were, but that didn't matter--I was going to drain their color. I started by focusing on this smooth rounds red thing. In just a few seconds it had faded to grey. I had known this would be easy.

      I then focused on a yellow item. Then blue. Each time willing them to lose their color. I was satisfied by that point.

      I then decided to look for something inedible to eat. I saw a small empty soda can, the kind that is about half as tall as the regular ones. I stuffed the whole thing in my mouth. I was glad it was not the full sized can. It took some work to crush it with my teeth. I got it condensed down quite flat...as if I had stepped on it. I kept chewing. I wondered if it would ever get small enough for me to swallow it. I was pretty sure that was required to be able to count it.

      At this point I noticed the dream fading. I couldn't let that happen. I'm not sure what I did but the dream came back. I still had the can in my mouth. I continued to chew. I was happy to notice that is was finally dissolving. I felt the metal pieces in my mouth get smaller and smaller until they were gone.

      I may have been talking to someone next. I think I was telling them how I am good at changing things in my dreams. I had out my left arm. I said that I would make it big. I watched it grow until it was cartoonishly large. Next I made it skinny until it almost looked like a stick figure arm.

      I felt satisfied at my accomplishments.

      And that's all I remember.
    2. huge friends make me lucid

      by , 10-25-2010 at 11:24 PM (Dreaming on my feet)
      Type: Lucid, quick, Nose-plug RC
      Vividness: 5/10
      Lucidity: 5/10

      Big Friends
      I was in a place that looked like a movie theatre, not sure why I was there but I wasn't really thinking about that, I was talking to three of my best friends, S J and M. I ask all of them if they want to go out and do something and they all are acting quite stand-off ish saying "No, we're going to go to Colorado and go snowboarding." I notice that I am having to strain my neck looking upwards to see their faces, and they seem to be about eight or nine feet tall, and my friend M has his arm amputated just above the elbow and it's bandaged in white gauze. This is strange so I do a nose plug RC and breathe in three times successfully, and I'm aware that I'm dreaming.

      I don't bother trying to talk to my friends since they have been stand off-ish anyways, so I walk up a slight incline and enter a semicircular shaped restraunt, with big windows and booths against the wall like any classic diner. I focus on all the different people sitting in the booths, and recognize a girl R that I had dated for a little while two years ago, and approached her at the booth. We both just looked at each other and didn't say anything, which is a very nice encounter. At this point I can't think of anything I want to do in this restaurant so I pick her up in my arms, and jump into the air and spin to try to create a new dream scene. The only problem is that I wasn't focusing on maintaining lucidity while changing the scene, or imagining where I want to end up, so I lost R and found myself only semi-lucid in a new dream scene.

      I'm in a public place, some vague looking American east coast city, I do a nose plug RC several times and it works, but the dream is fading quickly and I get nervous yelling stabilize! since there are so many people around me [waking residue since I have a room mate next door to me, paper thin walls], I think about doing some different things but the dream keeps fading and a lose lucidity .

      MM so that's it! LD 4.
      I spent the night before this going over my DJ from the last month, putting together dreamsigns and thinking about the nature, common trends and dimensions of my dreams. I also slept in from 12:30-7:30, then got up and walked around outside for an hour and focused on my senses, very beautiful brisk morning, all the trees bare and the ground frosted, no sounds at all from birds singing or cars passing, even the dogs weren't barking. Really nice. Then I went back to my room feeling refreshed and spent about an hour sitting quietly reading my DJ and doing visualizations. So yeah, I guess you could call this a WBTB/DILD induced?

      Anyway, short but sweet. I've tried to transition the scene in 2/4 lucids and failed both times. Got to read up on it more and hang a reminder list next to my bed .

      I met my goal of having 2 LDs by Oct 31st, then again met my "extra credit" goal of having 4 !! So I'm happy about that and feeling inspired.

      I hope everybody is having fun lucid dreaming and are meeting their own goals and feeling great about it!