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    1. 27 October - Fun with my clone

      by , 10-27-2021 at 11:56 PM
      WILD. Vibrations. Suddenly, I feel like I am standing, I reach with my hand and can feel a wall with wallpaper to my left and a carpet under my feet. No vision yet.
      I follow the wall with my hand and take a few steps. I want to open my eyes, but it feels risky. Instead, I stabilize my dream body - I touch my face and proceed downwards. I begin to see. I inspect my body and legs under my nightie - everything looks realistic.

      I decide to try the TOTM task - have fun with your clone. My plan for this is to use a mirror to clone myself, pulling my image towards me. And maybe repeat it a few times.

      I walk around the room and look at the bed. My body and R's are there. There's a wardrobe next to it where a large mirror should be. I think to myself, there should be a mirror here, and when I look again, it's there.
      My reflection looks slightly different than me but nice.
      "Hi," I tell her. "Give me your hand."
      She stops mimicking me and takes on a life of her own (good!), but there's still a glass wall between us. I reach out to take her hand, but the mirror is solid. I remind myself that the mirror doesn't exist and try to use more force, but the glass doesn't let me do it.
      Then there's a big TV next to it, which I can stick my hand in without any problem. The stuff inside feels slightly wet and foggy.
      The mirror also changes size and position whenever I turn around.
      R, meanwhile, has woken up. I talk to him for a while and ask if he knows how to get my other me out of the other side of the mirror. He offers no advice.
      I decide to kiss the other me. For the first second or two, I feel cold glass, but then I feel soft and warm lips. I make it into a long kiss with my eyes closed, as a silent goodbye.

      I leave the room and want to go to the workshop to give the chance to the ring task. Is it even possible to do two tasks in one dream? I don't know, but I don't care, and the cloning didn't go as planned anyway.

      I walk through a couple of rooms that aren't in my house IRL. The last room has an industrial feel, with rough walls, a series of steps to a lower level, and a tiled floor. The door to the workshop isn't where I expect it to be, which confuses me for a moment, but then I see a door a little further to the right - it's glass, sliding, with a motion sensor. When I walk up to it, it opens.
      The workshop is a lot bigger than IRL, but a little darker. There are three benches, one with semi-finished jewellery on it.
      I look for some material suitable for a ring. On one of the benches is a large piece of gold, more bar than wire, high karat (18k or even 22k). It looks too thick for a ring, but I take a closer look. It's at least 10mm thick, definitely too thick for a ring.
      While I'm thinking I wouldn't even be able to bend it, I wake up.

      - While being completely invested in getting my reflection from the mirror, I completely missed that there was another me in the room that could be used as my clone - my body in my bed! I have to try to "wake up" my "real body" one day!
      - That chunk of gold would be worth something around $50,000. I certainly wouldn't mind finding something like that IRL
    2. 26 September - Control struggles and TOTM

      by , 09-26-2021 at 07:26 PM
      comment dream lucid

      Failed WILD (light vibrations, I thought that nothing happened but I was probably dreaming about being in bed at that point or very shortly after).

      I'm in bed. I get up and walk out of the room through a hallway. Something feels off. The movement - it's slightly slower and smoother. Am I dreaming? I raise my hand to do a nose plug RC but don't even finish it, the movement has a definite weird feel. I step into the room across from the bedroom where I slept and immediately know it isn't supposed to be there.
      The room looks like a combination of my childhood bedroom and the bedroom in my in-laws' apartment.
      What was I going to do? Trumps! And something else, but I can remember that later.

      Trumps come from the Amber book series by Roger Zelazny. In the books, they are tarot cards used for communicating with the person in the picture and also for teleporting.
      I've always loved Amber and came across the idea of using Trumps in one of FryingMan's posts. If I can get them into my dreams, it would be a neat tool for summoning DCs and for teleporting.

      I try to get the cards out of my pocket. But I don't seem to have any easily accessible pockets. I remember the sweatpants that I wear IRL now - they have zippered pockets. I feel the zipper and unzip it. From inside, I pull out an old tissue.
      I face a desk. There's a black phone on it, and music is playing. It's something modern, pop/techno/dance, mostly beats, I don't like it, but it's an original song and that's what gets my attention. I pick up the phone and say, "Play some rock." The music stops, but nothing new starts. "Classic rock," I specify. Nothing.
      I leave the phone alone and return to the contents of my pockets. More pieces of tissue. A small piece of lined paper, as if cut from my DJ, but blank. Nothing more.
      A DC enters the room. He wants to know what I'm doing with the phone. I pick it up again and say, "Play something." Now it works - the phone starts playing something techno-like again.
      The DC walks to the other end of the room, where he joins another DC who was already there. I wonder what to do next. TOTM! I look around the room - the other DC is now just a little closer. I walk up to him and ask "What part of my subconscious do you represent?"
      He looks at me in great surprise. "I don't know," he says, throwing up his hands. He turns to the other DC, but then turns back to me and says "Mrzoprs" with effort. I'm not sure I've understood correctly. "What?" "Mrzoprs," he repeats.

      "Mrzoprs" is a nonsense word, but if I assume Czech etymology, it could be loosely translated as "regretboob" or "grumpyboob".

      OK, enough. I have more goals to do.
      I go out into a big atrium. My next goal needs me to fly. But my lucidity and concentration have dropped significantly and I'm having trouble getting airborne, as well as problems with my clothes getting in the way.
      Then I get distracted by a friend who finds my attempts amusing.
      Nothing else interesting happens.
    3. 4 August - 1st time flying and TotM

      by , 08-05-2021 at 08:03 PM
      comment non-lucid (shortened) lucid

      I was sitting at a table with a guy I liked and I asked him something (in Czech). I realized that I was in an international group and that he wouldn't understand me, but that if it was a dream he would understand me. He asks me some follow-up question, which makes it unclear if he didn't understand or misheard. I answer it in English. He answers in Slovak, which satisfies me - it makes sense that he understood my Czech. I continue talking to him in a mix of Czech and English.

      I used to have some language-induced LDs. These days, similar situations usually end as only semi-lucid (I know that people in my dreams understand everything). This was almost there…

      In another dream, I'm running errands in Prague, walking down a street in the centre, I want to catch a tram. I think about the previous dream - I set an intention for the next night so I don't make the same mistake again. Anyway, it's a pity that I haven't managed to fall asleep again after that dream, otherwise, I would have had a good chance...
      ...How do I know this isn't a dream? It doesn't seem likely to me that it is. But thinking about it, I don't really have any reason to be here...
      RC confirms. Nice.

      I'm in the mood for a different experience today than yesterday. I recall Sageous's thread and the memory exercise. I know I'm not in Prague, and I know I'm sleeping. I recall my birth year. Then the exact date of birth. Easy. Highly lucid, I think, ready for anything
      (not as much as I thought at the time, but it wasn't bad).
      Goals? TotY, TotM, and teleportation training. I tell myself that TotM - asking a DC which part of my subconscious they represent - is easy and a good place to start.

      I turn the corner and approach a woman. I excuse myself and ask her, "Which part of my subconscious do you represent?"
      She looks confused and scared and doesn't know what to answer. She tries to talk her way out of it, so I let her go.

      The city around here isn't much like Prague anymore. It has a vibe somewhere between the multicultural neighborhoods of Western European cities and third-world countries. There are more women around with headscarves. I don't want to ask them in case I scare them. I also notice there are a lot fewer people around than there were at the beginning. I want to go back to the center.

      I tell myself that an experienced LDer would fly, but I still can't fly. Just taking off probably won't work, it's never worked for me. I decide to try high jumping.
      1st jump - I jump higher than I would in reality and the man who passes me looks at me in surprise.
      I bounce again, and I'm even higher, about 2-3m, which still isn't enough, but gravity already has a weird feel.
      I bounce once more, this time bending my legs a lot to bounce, and gravity is already completely broken, like it was in the Defying Gravity dream. I do a half backflip and float in the middle of nothingness, seeing only solid grey above me. As I realize there's no reason for me to land backwards on my hands, I flip forward again and the street reappears in my field of vision. I use swimming motions to orient myself and dive into the air in front of me. I'm flying!
      Occasionally, I'll add a swimming stroke, but my clothes restrict my full range of motion. I'm losing altitude a little, but very slowly. I started at roughly streetlamp level and flew about 200m before I landed on the ground again. Cool!

      I want to give the TotM a second try. There's a small market in a side alley. I approach a group of people, same question as before. They look confused and I notice they're really young, young teenagers. So I explain it to them in more detail.
      "There's a theory," I say, "that all the people in the dreamworld, except for me..." a girl interrupts me: "Why except you?", but someone shushes her.
      "All the people in the dreamworld, except me," I repeat, and continue, "represent a tiny part of my subconscious. And I have an assignment that my mother gave me" (this seems like an ok lie) "to ask some people what part of my subconscious they represent. So what part do you represent?"
      The children seem attentive and understanding. One boy starts to say something but stops after two words and it doesn't make sense. Someone says they don't know. Someone else says something evasive. So I thank them and say ok. It doesn't get any better than that. Done.

      Teleportation. There are lots of doors and lots of walls around, lots of opportunities for different techniques. There's even a box that has doors on 4 sides! But I want to go somewhere farther.

      My lucidity has gone downhill from here. I want to fly more, but I'm carrying strange silver plates. I want to tie them to my waist with a towel so I can fly, and a woman is helping me, but it's not really holding. Then I think about leaving them in this locked chest I have with me, but I find it's full of silver coins with wolf images on them.
      A merchant shows up and offers to trade me silver for gold so I can have a smaller volume of stuff. He's got these dodgy coins, pale greenish-yellow, don't look like high purity. He wants to know if my Witcher coins are genuine, and he wants me to prove myself to him with a Witcher pen. I remember that I lost the pen in the previous dream. The deal is off.

      I wake up.
    4. Harassed by old woman. Dragon man with sibling, failing my first TOTM.

      by , 03-15-2021 at 03:33 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I thought about what I wanted to do in my dream when I laid in bed and thought about a cool shape I wanted to create. First of a glass pyramid and then a 3D-shaped polygon with a fire inside in order to practice my fire skills too. I thought about trying out my first task of the month by creating a clay figure and give it life.

      I'm in the woods and the big car is next to me. There are three houses and I prank knock on the one to the left and run away. A big old woman starts screaming at me. I prank knock on the second door and an old small woman jumps out and kills me. New fragment. I'm by the car again but dad is also there. I knock on the house to the left again and the big old woman knocks me down. The old woman and dad starts to carry me against the car. She carries me by the legs and dad by my hands. The old woman says something that she also needs to have some fun as she reaches her hand to my private parts. I know that I am supposed to be uncouncious but I try to kick her hand away. I don't think she succeeded.

      This fragment is in third person view. I have a brother (not my IRL brother) and we walk into some kind of temple with some kind of cult. They worship us as we walk into a big stone statue that lowers us down to the lower floor. As we come back up again we are dragons. I am a slim orange lizard dragon and my brother is a big dark dragon. We fly out to the city. New fragment. I am still a dragon and fly over a dark sky and I'm being hunted. My brother is now the dark dragon from How to Train Your Dragon. I realize it is a dream and remember what I wanted to do. I fly down to an island and try to summon a pyramid from the ground, nothing happens. I go on the task of the month instead. I succeed in making a robot body and some kind of cool high tech neck but it's dark so that I can't see. Some of the persons who were hunting me comes and I ask them if they have a flashlight. A woman gives me a good led-light with her car keys on. Another person gives me a normal silver flashlight. I ask the woman if she wants to trade the good flashlight against her small led-light so that I could get her car keys and she says ok. I look at my creation and want to take a picture so that I can show it in Dreamview's forum. I think about how I can't take the picture out of the dream and stop trying to find a camera. I am about to fix the head but the clay is turned into some kind of fabric that I can't work with. The dream is slowly fading until I feel my body against the bed. I assume I am awake.

      Notes: I wish my fire bending was second nature. Then I would not have to ask for a flashlight.

      Updated 03-15-2021 at 03:52 PM by 97565

      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Red & Black

      by , 04-25-2019 at 08:50 PM
      22 Apr 2019

      I appear in a dream scene which is just building around me. My awareness is high and as if I am really ready for this. (I have been thinking about having an ld but not much other induction that night, although I did check the task of month in order to have a purpose in case a lucid happens).

      As I look around the shaky environment, I recall the Red & Black clothes task for this month. There is a female DC with whatever original clothes she was wearing. I change them to red, then to black. One's a T-shirt with something in white written on it, the other more like a robe. I realize I can't recall whether we had to change from red to black or vise versa, so I change the color of her clothes multiple times just to be on the safe side. I make a note that this color change wasn't as difficult as I had for some reason expected.

      End of memory
    6. [Lucid Dream] Another Day Another ToTM and ToTY

      by , 10-03-2018 at 07:55 PM (The Lost Sanctuary)

      November ToTM (Task of the Month) and Jack the Giant Killer ToTY 2018 (Task of the Year) Combined

      ~ Dream #1 ~
      100% Lucidity

      Approximate Real Life Time: Around 10 minutes
      Approximate Dream Time: About one hour

      Dream: A chilled, steel blade felt cold on my back. I had no scabbard to hold the sword, so it was strapped to a belt on my back. I felt the ice cold around me, cold enough to feel warm. The moonlight was glowing, and the stars shining. A clear night with a few small clouds in between. The place smelled of cold clean ice, and torches illuminated the area of a nearby town. I walked to the town and a group of people were gathered together in the middle of the night. I asked how I can help them, and they spoke of a large giant that comes out every month to take their gold. However they didn't have any gold, so the giant took one of their families every time he came. Stomping, crushing, and destroying entire houses with families inside. So many people scared for their lives, stayed outside when the time is near at the end of each month. The giant with brown cloths was coming towards the village. I slashed my sword upwards, also bringing my body higher. I was heading towards the giant, and I had to be quick so that the villagers would be safe. The giant grabbed my entire body, so I was unable to move. I struggled to move out of his tremendous grip. I pulled myself out, and I launched foward towards the giant's heart and pierced it with my steel blade. I held on tightly. The giant started to slowly fall to the ground, and it was over. I was triumphant in my task. I whipped up a broom and flew back towards the village. The breeze was chilled, and I had my eyes closed most of the time on the flight back. But snow started to fall, and it was beautiful. I eventually reached the village, and everyone was wondering what has happened to the giant. I told them that I have defeated the giant and they do not have to worry about it anymore. One woman came up to me, and offered her gold coin to me as a reward. I said, "No thanks, I do not need your money." I took out a small bag with gold coins that I've taken from the giant earlier, and I gave it to the villagers. I smiled as I went on my way to the mountains.

      Extra: I started off in an area very famailar to me. It was the video game Overwatch, and the area seemed like the map called Nepal Village. I didn't notice this until I woke up after the dream ended.

    7. [Lucid Dream] Combining ToTM and ToTY together into one dream!

      by , 10-01-2018 at 12:02 AM (The Lost Sanctuary)

      September ToTM (Task of the Month) and Faust ToTY 2018 (Task of the Year) Combined

      ~ Dream #1 ~
      100% Lucidity

      Approximate Real Life Time: Around 10 minutes
      Approximate Dream Time: About half an hour

      Dream:I was in a futuristic city, a blend of high tech bridges above streets and railings to prevent people from falling to the below. A little girl with a teddy bear in her hand approached me. I knew what she wanted, I was Mephistopheles after all. She looked back at the museum of dinosaurs behind her. I said, "So what do you say, how about you let... me help you ride a dinosaur, while you do me a small favor: give me your soul." She nodded and she was ready. I snapped my fingers and we were back, 65 million years ago, and I needed to save the dinosaurs. Now now, don't panic, it's all part of the plan I just made up. A red streak was in the air, hot and burning. A meteorite. I put my hand towards the meteorite and contracted my palm. It was gone, the meteorite. "Well, well, well, I didn't expect that to be easy." I took the girl's hand and snapped back into the future 65 million years later. Surprisingly, it was even more high tech than the place she came from. I found a dinosaur riding shop and gave the other equilient of 1 million dollars in their currency which I brought from the back of my hand, 50,000 at a time. The girl got to ride the dinosaurs as long as she wanted. And when she was done 2 hours later, I told her that we need to go back. She nodded again as well. I snapped my fingers and we went back to the meteorite. This time I didn't destroy the meteorite. Now I turned back into the future, and the girl was satisfied. I took her soul as she looked away from me and at the museum. After that, I was gone. Am I supposed to feel guilty for taking her soul? No, because I was Mephistopheles.

    8. Cycling | Spaceship in a void + LD | DEILD Basic TOTM and more | DEILD a man with a moth stand

      by , 06-11-2018 at 10:15 AM
      I've been trying to became lucid after last Wednesday, but these last days I've only recalled one or two normal dreams/night. Until today, when I finally became lucid. I got two normal dreams and three LDs. One dream was both. I also succeeded in a TOTM, the basic one about complimenting a DC. Here are my dreams:

      Normal dream 1: I am cycling in my neighbourhood. I'm using my phone to watch YouTube videos at the same time. I don't remember what I was watching. There is a forest by the road. I see boys my age/older. I cycle the same route over and over again. The dream is foggy?? and I can't remember it fully.

      Normal dream 2: I can't remember the start of the dream fully, but I was in some kind of ship and was in danger of bombs or something. We have to go to the deck or atleast somewhere up to escape the danger. I find my three cousins and my aunt from their room. The walls are red. I tell them that we need to go. My aunt and the oldest cousin come and my aunt is already rushing up. I tell my other younger cousins to hurry up. I'm scared of a bomb. They come and we go to the deck (different scene). I think that we're safe. We are in space/ a dark and purple void?? You can fall of easily, there's no fence or anything. It's hard to describe. I see another ship in the dark. I think we are going towards it. I realise that it's not safe after all, because that ship is our rival and whoever is commanding our ship wants to start fighting with it. The other ship has canyons. I almost go back inside to find a safer place. I don't want to fall into the void. I'm scared but calm myself by remindig that I can just wake up if something bad happens. I know it's a dream and became lucid.
      Lucid dream 1 (DILD): I don't do a RC. I try to teleport to a safer place by closing my eyes and thinking of another place. First I think of my neighbourhood but decide that I don't want to go there and switch to my school. I wake up accidentally.

      I stay still and imagine my school. Soon I'm inside a dream.
      Lucid dream 2 (DEILD): I'm in the school yard. There are lots of people with dogs. I'm a little above them for some reason. In the dream I think that they are there because of a dream I just had, but it's not actually true. I remember wanting to compliment a DC because I have thought a lot about it when awake. I say (in Finnish) "Your dogs are nice and cute. Be proud of them." I said it to the crowd and not one DC. At first they didn't react at all and I became worried, but then they said "Thank you", as if they were just one DC. Then want to stabilize the dream. I forgot to do it in the beginning. I touch the ground (I'm not above the DCs anymore). It's sand. I take some of it and brush my hands against each other. The quality of the dream is kinda good, but not as great as last Wednesday. I wish it was better. I remember reading about how you are more likely to recall the dream in the morning if you try to remember things from the waking life. Or something like that. I remember my whole name. I try to remember things about last week, because a YouTuber had said it would be impossible in a dream. I remember that last week was the first free week after school ending and that I ate certain food. I don't think I could have remembered the food thing while awake... Then I look at the sky. Another Youtuber had said that it should look like a painting and I wanted to prove (to myself??) that my sky was normal. Well the sky isn't a painting but there's a message. It looks like it's written by hand. I'm afraid that it's something creepy. It's in English even though I speak Finnish. It said "Hey I'm the one reading your diary. -You" or something. It's clearly a direct message from my subconsciusness...It isn't as creepy as I thought it would be. Instead I find it super cool. The U in "You" was unfinished. I wake up.

      I imagine the school again.
      Lucid dream 3 (DEILD): I'm closer to the actual school than last dream. I'm flying. There's a stand and an old man. The stand is about a moth. It has a forest backround and pictures. I'm scared that it's something dangerous or creepy. The man shows me the moth. It's a green moth until you flip it and it's a blue btterfly. In the pictures it's only a blue moth. It's big. I don't fly away because I'm losing lucidity. The man convinces me that the moth is harmless and I let it fly to my chest. I don't control the dream enough and the dream unstabilizes. I wake up.

      So those were my dreams last night. Now that I am awake I realised that the man in the last dream was in one of my nightmares... He had a stand (I hope it's the right word) in that dream too... That nightmare is in my DJ here if you're intrested. I need to talk to him next time I see him.

      Updated 06-11-2018 at 10:32 AM by 93459

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , task of the month
    9. Eating Chocolate Cake

      by , 06-01-2018 at 01:24 AM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      02:40 AM
      Eating Chocolate Cake (Lucid)

      I am at a motel with my girlfriend and we heard banging of footsteps outside and go out to see whats going on. There is a huge swat team raiding on of the hotel rooms and a gun fight starting. I somehow have a gun now which I leave in a holster. I leave carefully with my girlfriend but we are stopped by some police officers and are taken to a table with a guy in a suit and tie for questions about how it went down. The strangeness of the situation makes me consider if it's a dream. This is enough to make me lucid even without RCing.

      I start out by telling the suit guy that I have a gun and putting it on the table. I then tell him to stop and think because this is a dream. He asks how that is possible so I prove it to him by pinching his nose for him. He believes me. I then remember my goal which is to complete the basic task of the month: eat chocolate cake. I reach behind me a whip out a slice on a small plate. It is a basic chocolate cake, not the chocolate mousse kind I hoped for but I give it a try. It is really good anyways! I think about moving on to my next goal but then realize I should have a lot more cake than just one slice since its a dream. I look away and look back and there is a full chocolate cake on the table. I eat it half of it one handful at a time and leave the rest on the table.

      Now, lets summon Juliana. I look and see the Millennium Falcon is around the corner though and run to that instead. Well that is interesting I think I want to explore that first. Maybe Juliana is in the cockpit anyways. I run in but loose some stability since the corridor leading to the cockipit is confusing.
      I loose most of lucidity and the next thing I know I am piloting the ship in 3d person like it's a video game. I am flying around a space station and docking with it. I wake up and know I have to write this dream down. I remember it pretty well but I feel close to the most tired I have ever been. It is 2:40 which means I am less than 3 hours into sleep. It takes me 20 minutes to wake up enough to fully type out notes on my phone and I fall asleep a couple times and I dream some more.

      I am on a cruise ship with my girlfriend. There is a show with a mentalist who also is a motivational speaker. I am sitting up front and when I say one thing to a guy near me the mentalist stops and gives me a look to try and say that I am being rude. I think this makes me a little semi lucid because it just felt weird he would be so dramatic about it. I barely made any noise. My girlfriend and I are chosen to be in the show. We get strapped into a amusement ride with us on rotating seats at the end of a pendulum. We have to answer questions and based on those questions while the ride is spinning and the mentalist will be able to read our minds. The ride gets going and its really a lot of Gs. I like the ride but man it just keeps spinning us non stop while he asks us questions. I actually start to get dizzy which rides usually don't do to me. I can't even focus on his questions. I tell my girlfriend I am going to phase through the seats and fly away. She says something, alarmed. I start to fly out of the seat and wake up again.

      Updated 06-01-2018 at 01:27 AM by 32125

      lucid , task of the month
    10. Magical May Competition Night 7 + TOTM

      by , 05-08-2018 at 02:46 AM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      I seemed to be in some sort of theatrical performance, as I was striding across an expansive black stage. Through a gap in the curtain, I could discern T barking orders at some confused children. Suddenly feeling rather agitated, I left through a side door, to find myself in an airy and spacious atrium, augmented by a sweeping crystal staircase. Accordingly, I started to wonder if I was dreaming. I glanced at my hand, to reveal it appearing perfectly normal with five fingers, as usual. Nonetheless, something was not quite right…
      Consequently, I located my diary, and glanced at a few words, turned away, and noticed immediately that the words had changed. Elated at this discovery, I soared to the landing, and summoned two dream characters to notify.

      Unusually, they were not irate and vexed at my proclamation; instead, they were somewhat congratulatory of my achievement. I decided to test my lucid abilities through some simplistic summoning; I evoked an iPhone (unimaginative, I know), duplicated it, and vaporized them both. Euphoric, I abandoned my companions, and proceeded down the stairs once more, to find another mysterious door. Curious, I entered through it to find a large kitchen area. However, it was not empty; a severe looking woman with her flaxen hair pulled backwards, sipped a mellow green cup of green tea, and proceeded to stare at me. Attempting to strike some conversation, I told her that this was a dream. She retorted her disbelief, as anyone would in waking life. Exasperated by her behaviour, I telekinetically seized her complacent drink, and I proceeded to morph its shape into a small statue, easily comparable to the original possessor of the drink. Her eyes widened with immense astonishment, and she unexpectedly sprinted towards the window. Horrified by her failure to leave the glass intact, and fly away, I darted to an unexpectedly bizarre. She lay on the grass floor, nude, conjoined at her elbow to a handsome man. They merely giggled at my approach. Relieved, I repaired the window, and with utmost care, I separated the bodies. She then chortled, and suggested that us three join in perhaps a ‘different’ way…

      Later, after the revelry had concluded, I stood at the front, gazing at the magnificent scenery that presented itself. I meandered through the gently tended garden in a sort of calming meditation. Before long, I had found an ideal lake, with the water serene and calm in the aesthetic sunlight. Nonetheless, I was somewhat exhausted of the calm surroundings, and wished for some movement in the scenery. Consequently, I summoned a few ducks to serenely swim across the mere. Refreshed, I controlled them to come towards me, and return to the house. Nonetheless, as soon as they had returned to me, I noticed an extremely bizarre creature. It was a giant black bird wearing a massive helmet, somewhat cylindrical in appearance. It made a strange, yet yearning call by tilting its head backwards. Fascinated by the dream’s imagination, I beckoned it towards me, as well. Before long, I had seven birds from the estate together seated in a large white room to examine closely. As I commenced my examination, the helmeted creature accordingly, commenced to fly away. Suddenly, several ‘camera-men’, halted its progress, and told me to leave until they had resolved their photography. Although I was slightly irritated at being ordered by dream figures, I left them to their devices for now.

      I discovered two cooperative dream figures wandering the streets, so I took them both to a café to discuss some key aspects of dream control. I evoked some bread rolls baked to golden perfection, almost glowing with savour for the three of us, as well as a few powerfully scented cappuccinos (to heighten dream awareness). Unexpectedly, I recalled the TOTM, and so I shaped some brown wisps between my hands to a magnificent chocolate cake. Feeling indulgent, I tasted its impossibly rich and textured contents, soon revealing a delicious berry flushed core. After our extravagance, curious, they asked me how I deal with anxiety in dreams. Feeling exceptionally erudite, I gave them a lecture on the subject, evoking accompanying imagery between my hands in wisps of fabric of the dream state.

      In a separate dream, I was supposedly taking a cello exam, in my own home. Several bizarre people were being exceptionally loud and unsympathetic, and worse, I could not find my end-pin stopper. In eventuality, it was canceled. As I drove off, I noticed that my house was lit up like a beacon.
      Tags: lucid, totm
      lucid , memorable
    11. February Task of the Month

      by , 02-01-2018 at 08:58 PM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      After some terrifying events and encounters with extra staircases, I felt safe enough to start a TOTM.
      I settled on a green lawn surrounded by a few content and blissful children.
      I had no cooking tools, but that wasn't a problem.
      Instead, after summoning some milk, butter, flour and a couple of eggs, I was all set to go.

      I made sure that the ingredients never touched the floor; I used telekinesis to mix them together. After having formed a mold I fed large concentration s of energy through my palms. The cake was complete, and I left the children to enjoy some more.
      Tags: lucid, totm
      lucid , task of the month
    12. Reflections

      by , 01-28-2018 at 10:12 PM
      Jan 23

      I find myself in my childhood school yard with high awareness. The scene is quite dark, but I nevertheless take the time to inspect in detail all of the dream characters that surround me. While some of them look quite ugly or even menacing, I live out the realization that all these people are just a reflection of my mind, they are all me. I spend some time happily shouting this and engaging the DCs.

      A bit later, I recall I was planning to do the task of the month (basic ii). A wave of urgency hits me as I remember the month is drawing to end, and also the dream may be over quite soon too. As I walk down the street, I follow the plan in case I found myself outdoors, to look for a mirror on a nearby car.

      The dream scene is quite dark, but I am still able to locate a car and move closer to examine my reflection. The image looks a bit smaller than it would in real life, so I lean even closer. I don't look quite like myself initially. The effect seems more like a dream quality issue - the image is quite distorted, although, as the mirror is slightly curved, one would actually expect it to be.

      After gazing into the reflection for a while, it starts to resemble me more. My hair is a bit wavy though. Overall, the dream reflection is quite happy. I finally get to the task of making my hair longer, although this proves more challenging than expected. I try to will my hair to become longer, but dream control's not quite working. I then decide to take things into my own hands, literally, and gently pull my hair down to stretch it. This seems to do the trick and it increases in length. I enjoy the completion of the task for a brief moment, waking up shortly afterwards.
    13. TOTM Basic i January 2018

      by , 01-26-2018 at 06:30 AM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      Rather late but...

      Relevant Part:

      I gazed out the window aimlessly in an endeavour to ignore the massive crowd enveloping me...
      Suddenly it clicked. I became lucid. I attempted to fly through the window, but failed, instead bumping my head.
      I strived once more after reaffirming my lucid state. I had 10 fingers on one hand!
      This time I succeeded and after a brief float through the air, I landed myself on a vibrant green lawn.
      After an unsuccessful attempt at remembering TOTY, an elderly man suddenly appeared beside me.
      I remember the TOTM and ask "Whose dream is this?"
      He thought for a while, and then responded "Yours, mine and his in truth"

      See personal DJ.

      Updated 01-26-2018 at 06:33 AM by 91855

      Tags: lucid, totm, toty fail
      lucid , task of the month , task of the year
    14. Potion of forbidden knowledge

      by , 12-28-2017 at 09:38 PM
      28 Dec

      My awareness spikes in the middle of the dream, making me pay more attention to the surroundings. I am certain this is a dream and happy about it.

      It takes a bit to recall my totm intentions and in the meantime I decide to improvize and go bananas with dream control. I start a massive onslaught on the dream environment, initially tking all sorts of objects in sight and later doing impromptu room modifications. It seems to come quite naturally although I am not too sure what precisely am I trying to accomplish. The technique is look straight ahead and modify with thoughts the door and everything behind it, and once changed, bring it back to its original version. <possibly subconsciously trying to integrate a version of the portal from Dr Strange>

      Once I have calmed down a bit, I finally recall I wanted to do task of the month. There was a familiar DC running around so I ask him to bring to me the potion of forbidden knowledge. He gives me a light blue medieval type of bottle and I drink the small amount of liquid it contains. Nothing happens for a while, which leaves me slightly disappointed as I was preparing for some sort of false memory revelation to take place.

      I still feel quite euphoric being in the dream and I recall how you can actually use dreams to improve yourself, including physically <quote below>. At this stage I am very enthusiastic and totally determined to use the dream to influence my appearances and get more muscular. Quite conveniently a mirror appears right ahead, so I look at myself as I try to flex my stomach muscles. As if this isn't enough to get me in good shape, I decide to do some crunches and get on the floor.

      I also imagine myself doing crunches every time I have a lucid dream, as a part of a new fitness routine. I do around 10 crunches with great ease. The movements are really light and pleasant, but this seems to exhaust my concentration and the dream soon ends.

      Quote Originally Posted by Harvard Business Review

      If I dream about doing crunches, will I develop killer abs?

      Yes and no: You won’t really get a six-pack just by dreaming, but research shows that envisioning yourself doing exercises can make specific muscles stronger, so you should get a stronger belly than if you didn’t dream about crunches. In general, if you want to improve in waking life, dreams are the perfect place to do it. 
    15. Oct. 23 Helping out a friend

      by , 10-23-2017 at 05:34 PM
      David and I had been in the kitchen to our current home, just getting some food when he saw something on the computer. Mom was on the news giving an interview, not sure for what but we were just excited she was on the news. I got my drink of water and went back to my computer, messaging a friend who said he was at the study area. He was being kinda negative so I asked him where it was, logged into the chat room from my computer and was transported to the door of the study room. Inside there were people sitting around on their phones or tablets, the room was all white and the desks were also white. The place had very few windows and one person had already taken advantage of a stool by the one of maybe two windows in the rooms. My friend had a desktop set up on one computer and I quickly walked around behind him to give him a hug, he seemed surprised but calm and I helped myself into a seat next to him. He had a big textbook open and a notebook next to it where he was writing, he was studying Japanese and I knew I probably couldn't help with that but I wanted to try anyway, so he showed me some stuff he wrote. It was a bunch of cursive letters, pretty good penmanship as well and I was quick to compliment him on it. He seemed to approve and continued working, pointing out things in the seemingly blank text book from my view and writing more cursive which although beautiful, I couldn't seem to understand or grasp what was written. I merely nodded my head and watched, it was many minutes before I felt a cool breeze flow in and I got up to stretch. My friend stopped and looked around, I did the same and noticed some noise coming from one of the phones in the room. The guy by the window was playing a video out loud, I just so happened to recognize my mother's voice from it and told my friend and the guy by the window that it was my mother being interviewed. Sadly the guy by the window didn't give a shit, my friend however thought it was pretty neat and although I didn't know what was being said and couldn't tell thinnest it was about, he seemed supportive of the act. I came back over to my friend and noticed he had a drawing up on the computer, it was a pretty good one of me laying in bed with the outfit I'd designed on me and goat horns on my head. I did actually have more goat features as far as my face was concerned, a character was standing by the bed and smirking. It looked like The Goblin King, except with no shirt on, shorter style of his goofy hair, and just some pants clinging to him. I complimented my friend on the drawing and thanked him for his efforts, he said he tried to make it look like Bowie and I nodded as I saw that he meant the body. I did point out that the shoulders were a bit too big and made him look a bit ridiculous, but other than that it was good. When I went to sit back down, my vision was getting a little blurry and I mentioned it out loud. My friend said I was probably waking up, I believed him and then understood that I was dreaming. After this realization, I fought to keep my eyes open and knew fighting it would make it slip away more. So I closed my eyes and allowed myself to wake up a little into a false awakening before quickly shutting them and heading right back into the dream, I had a little moment of rejoicing before deciding to head outside. Here I looked up to the sky and saw it was light blue even though it was still dark out, I noted it must be early morning and instead breathed in the cool scent of the air. I could feel my nostrils flaring and despite my efforts to enjoy the senses, it seemed I was about to wake up again. This time however I remembered something I read, closed my eyes and spun around in circles before opening them again and focusing one at a time. This seemed to work because my vision cleared and got clearer, I turned around and looked up at the sky behind me, it had a streak of pink and orange in it, the trees were covering most of it though. (Which wouldn't happen in real life due to the area, the trees at that area are scarce and don't block the view.) In the center I saw something that looked like a toy rocket floating in the sky, the typical red and white colours were replaced with red and gold. It came towards me very slowly at first but then sped up and flew practically toward my face, forcing me to catch it unless I wanted a bruised eye. Once caught it opened up in the middle like a pokeball and I was convinced I had the best pokeball ever. I even called it The Atomic Godball, I waved it in front of the house window and shouted to my friend that I had The Atomic Godball, rushing toward the house door but then stopping suddenly when I heard a dog behind me. It was a brownish yellow corgi, yapping at me and standing with feet at a distance like I had threatened it. I was at a loss as to what to do, I didn't want to run away or call my dream to an end but I had to make a move. Luckily the dog made the move first and jumped toward me, I instinctively tried to catch it which brought us both to the ground where I put on a smile and hugged it for all it was worth. The dog responded positively and eagerly rolled around as I snuggled against it's soft fur, after scratching it for a bit I decided to head inside and show off my new gizmo to my friend. But I stopped short of the door, I had just remembered that I might not have another lucid dream by the end of the year so I wanted to get some tasks in and I'd thought of a way to do practically all of the rest in one go. So I walked back and ignored the fact that the corgi had disappeared, instead I looked up and focused on the sky. With the task in mind of making it storm and grow flowers, I spoke out to the sky and asked politely if it would rain. Nothing happened at first and I pleaded again for it to rain, a few raindrops fell into my hand and I smiled which seemed to encourage it to drizzle. However it did not pick up and nothing was growing, it was also at this point that an older lady came out from the trees and said she'd caught me and that I shouldn't let just anyone roam around in my house because now she'd caught me. I was really confused at first and the only thing I could think of was that she must mean she caught me lucid dreaming? Or maybe she thought I was a natural lucid dreamer, I dismissed the thoughts and looked back up at the pitiful raindrops. My friend came out and I asked him politely if he would ask the rain to come, this worked before in another dream with my mother so I figured it might work again. He regarded me with a slightly confused but calm smile and looked up to the skies, he asked it to rain and although he didn't add a please it still didn't do anything. I got a little disappointed because my plan wasn't working and I wouldn't get the bonus task done or the other advanced task done, so I figured I'd just do what I could and I started waltzing around and dancing as I sing "Singing in The Rain". Throughout the song I kept looking up and doing shifty dance movements, hoping the drizzle would pick up into a storm. No other amount of rain would come and I went to head back inside, when I saw my mother and figured she had the power to change the sky once so why not again? and with this in mind I sprinted over to her and asked politely if she would make it rain for me. She had this mix of anger or confusion on her face and she said that no, she wouldn't actually. She seemed really kinda ticked off at me and I wondered what I'd done to make her angry, I had said please after all. After her declining my request, I did go walk back to the house door and wake up for real.
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