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    1. Shower, Desserts, Stitch, Medicine, Kaomea Search, Embarrassment, Back-stabbing, Aly MSN, Crown

      by , 04-01-2012 at 04:54 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Shower, Desserts, Stitch, Medicine, Kaomea Search, Embarrassment, Back-stabbing, Aly MSN, Crown


      Dream 1: Shower in Bedroom

      I was showering in a bedroom in a house that looks familiar to me, except that the shower literally was in the bathroom.

      What I mean by that is that there's shower head on top of a bedroom ceiling spraying water for me to take a shower. Even though there are people around me, I don't really mind being naked getting myself wet and clean for some odd reason.

      There's this Asian woman I believe who is coming in, and it looks like my father is helping her check the house out. My mother was there too, should've done a RC there, anyway, the Asian woman was kind of cute.

      She's wearing a white dress shirt along with a black or grey business shirt. Her hair is pure black, and her skin done is brown, but only slightly.

      While I'm showering, there's this guy that looks like R, a friend of my father, who is next to me. I don't really pay too much attention to him, since I'm still showering. My mother, who somehow is still in this dream, was saying something to my father that he could turn off the T.V. with the remote.

      I make a hand motion to her to make her stop, because the T.V. isn't really bothering whatever he's doing, but she's not seeing anything I'm doing, so instead of feeling awkward, I stood still for a while, and then went back to showering myself.

      The dream shifts to where I'm outside now, and I see the same Asian woman inside riding a Jeep or some variant of it. Apparently, she's a real estate agent, because I see "For Lease" signs in the trunk of the vehicle.

      The vehicle had tinted windows, but it was late afternoon, so the glare from the sun helped with seeing through things. I believe she's parking to go to another house.

      That's all I remember for that one.

      Dream 2: Desserts, Desserts, Desserts!

      Now that I recall this dream, I do remember Alyzarin telling me something about Cheesecake Factory one time, and how she went there, oh well, I didn't see anyone familiar or anything like that
      I'm going inside a store that makes cakes, pastries and all sorts of deserts. I head to the left, and I see cheesecake, and they have.....


      I go get a knife, and the samples are in bite size squares. I was confused if it was sharp cheddar cheese since it did look slightly orange, but I stack them laterally on the knife.

      Someone tells me that I shouldn't go overboard with the amount, but they said it in a joking manner.

      I start to eat these bite size pieces, but I don't recall tasting anything.

      Dream 3: Creature Looks like Stitch From Lilo & Stitch

      Lol, before I tell this dream, when I saw Stitch, and wake up to recall this, I automatically thought, HAWAII!!! Kaomeaaaaaaa!

      I'm in a cave, it has a mystical feel to it. There's water pouring, and I believe the sound is associating with the online alarm site I had playing of "Water" to help me sleep (like using a white noise).

      The area that I'm in, it was like a natural spiraling path going downwards. What I mean is that there's this huge vertical rock in the middle, and there's rock plates forming together to make a spiral around it as surface to walk on

      The best example I can use for this is that it was similar to the environment that Emil went to in Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of a New world where he was close to the final fight against Alice and that lover of hers, Decus. (The area is the
      Ginnungagaap I think, yeah, I know long word, I had to google that myself, even though I beat the game several times xD)

      The atmosphere was calm, tranquil, and it felt so empty. I see a creature, who has various shades of blue along with a very short composition. It looked like Stitch from the show "Lilo & Stitch," but it was so weird looking that using Stitch as an example is the best way I can try and describe.

      I think it had tentacles on its face, but that's something I'm still not sure on. Apparently, someone tells me that I have to go to it when I want to get something changed. I don't know what exactly, maybe a change like body change, or maybe a change in emotion, I wasn't given much insight.

      I do go towards the creature, and I do it slowly, it turns around, but I still can't make a good facial description of it.

      I can't remember too much on what happens next.

      Dream 4: Medicine?

      This dream seems to be me in a stop animation production scene, because the only things I saw were hands popping out of random small doors near the floor, probably to help with concealing human involvement.

      The hand is doing random things from throwing objects, or placing something in the middle.

      The flooring a gray and there's white lights on top, your usual long and vertical white lighting placed laterally on the ceiling.

      I think I kick around a few objects and continue moving forward somewhere. Then I see a sign that says Medicine, but in horrible spelling, like "Medisone" or "Medicoone," somewhere around those words.

      Then when I'm past this area, I look back and there's this random person sitting down. I've seen this person in my dreams, but it was a loooooooooooong time ago, and he's just sitting there doing something. Then he tries to throw objects at me, ranging from green pencils or pens.

      I dodge all of them, and I'm using the door in front of me to deflect most of them anyway. I grab a pencil/pen, and throw it back at him, and we continue doing this for a while until I got bored and left.

      At least it wasn't Kaomea throwing a pair of scissors at me. I'm joking Kaomea!!!!!

      Dream 5: I will find you Kaomea....

      After moving around to my sides a little bit from the WBTB time finishing from me recalling the previous 4 dreams, I feel this sensation that I'm being elevated, or that my body is getting more lighter.

      I've had times where I felt I would lose connection with this sensation, but I just kept still to finally arrive somewhere. I knew I had to have been unconscious for a while, but the Rain music that was continuously playing for a while helped with awareness.

      I wake up, I already know that I'm dreaming because I felt the sensation of going into the dreaming plane. I wake up in a random house.

      It was a small bedroom, and I look a window to see that it's close to raining outside, I feel like I'm in a basement because the window was one of those where you have to peek a little higher to see what's going on ground level.

      I look at the T.V. that's nearby me, and I'm seeing the Saving and Loading Screen for Resident Evil 4. There's nobody playing it at all, so I just watch in curiosity to see if this automatic movement of the game activating would give me a message.

      When the game finally loads, I see Albert Wesker, and soon I realize it's the Mercenaries mini-game that is being activated by itself. I try to look at the white font text on the screen to see if the T.V. was trying to give me a message.

      The first set of white font text while Albert Wesker is busy shooting Las Plagas enemies seems to appear in Spanish, and I couldn't understand anything from that.

      The next sets that I recall seemed to be making fun of how Albert Wesker's intentions in ruling the world someday with non-zombie invasions.

      (Because in Resident Evil 4, Las Plagas did not make the host into a zombie, it just controlled them and made them look like they were like zombies with red eyes and everything, but they still kept they're human traits. The only think that would be different is that they looked a little bit more darker).

      After a few seconds of watching Albert Wesker shooting, I get out of the bedroom, then I find myself in the small hallway in my apartment. It was dark, but looking ahead I could see that the blinds near the front entrance where glowing a little bit with light. It was a gray light, and I knew it had to be raining or something.

      Before I advanced any further, I stay within the exit to my bedroom, and was close to a few light switches. I didn't notice it at first but the light switches were on the right instead of the left like they were in waking life.

      Since walls where narrow in this hallway, it was enough for me to tempt myself to jump, and spread my legs mid-air to rest on my back on the right wall.

      Basically I had one feet that stayed in place on the right side, and extended my other leg to left side. It felt kind of weird for me to do this, I think I even managed to stick to the ceiling looking down on the floor!

      But that moment lasted for a few seconds, and I'm back to resting my back on the wall with my feet helping me stay off the ground.

      I take my right arm and move down a little bit to feel for any light switches, I try to turn both of them on, nothing.

      "Right," I told myself.

      (I said that in one word because it validated that I was dreaming because the light switches didn't turn on).

      I felt the dream starting to fade, and I forgot to do a stabilization technique, and got out of tune with my dream body for a few seconds.

      I find myself back in waking life for a few seconds, but I didn't move or anything, I just see the back of my eyes are gray and has that type of gray mystical field of vision that's wavy and everything, and then I get back into the dream. (DEILD)

      I put myself down back to ground level, and as I'm getting closer and closer to the door to get out of my apartment, I believe I check the blinds first before I go in blind faith of where the door will take me.

      I see it's just like a replica of my apartment, so I go outside, but not all the way. I feel something to the right side of me, like one of those one strapped bags, but it felt like my laptop case to the right side of me.

      I didn't pay attention to it too much.

      It was still raining, and I knew this was because of the "Rain" setting I had on the Online Alarm clock to play was white noise in waking life.

      I told myself with confidence, "I will find you Kaomea....."

      Since I knew I was near my apartment environment, and since I don't have that much power to just summon up a portal or something and go to Hawaii or even the Alaskan beach shared dreaming location we set up, I decided I should at least use my ability to run fast.

      I prepare myself to run, but before I could even feel the sensation of the rain hitting my skin, the dream fades again.

      I wake up again, but I still keep my eyes closed. Since I'm in the intermediate state with being half-awake, half-asleep, I categorized this dream with "Resident Evil 4" in my head, because of what I was doing watching the T.V. in the dream.

      I relied on that categorization to help with the potential DEILD I could have, but I ended up being unconscious for the next few sets of dreams.

      Dream 6: Embarrassment

      The dream starts off to where I'm hanging out with a girl I never hanged out with before, I don't even know why I didn't do a RC, because I haven't been with someone to hang out with for a long time.

      She looks a lot like Chelsea, one of my group partners in my first Biochemistry course when we had to do a presentation on a certain drug.

      I'm not going to say what exactly just to remain slightly anonymous from her.

      Chelsea is wearing a light blue shirt, and is wearing dark blue sports shirts. After walking around with her for a while, she tells me while smiling,

      "Hey, instead of me and you going to a hotel together, I think it's best if I go back to my dorm room."

      You.............did.....not....just.....tell....me ....THAT....in front...of these.........people!!!

      Since we were near a small crowd of people, (I realized I was inside of the Hookah station, or something like it. It's bar near a few fast food areas, don't let the name fool you.

      The reason why I'm presuming I was in the bar is because when I was looking at Chelsea, I looked outside with my peripheral vision, and saw the narrow street lanes, and it had to be outside near college main and the intersection).

      A couple of guys made the "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh" sound and laughed a little bit after Chelsea told me this.

      I don't know why she would tell me this, or what the hell we could be doing for her to say that we should basically go back to where we live.

      To save myself from embarrassment, I told her,

      "Yeah, I have to go to a tutor at 7PM."

      She acknowledges it, and we go our separate ways. I don't pay attention to where she's headed, she most likely vanish because I doubt that was the real Chelsea.

      I leave the bar, and the dream environment is a little different, I go to my right and move forward, then I find myself stuck between a lady trying to move her car out of a parking spot, and it was really narrow that I was forced to wait for her.

      Her car was green, and pretty generic in its composition, and she's moving the car slowly because there's two more vehicles to the sides that are too close to her car. It ends up causing a dent on the front side of her vehicle, but she doesn't seem to care.

      By this time, I couldn't tell if I was still stuck when she was backing up, I probably just stoon on top of one vehicle to see how this woman is going to back up without damaging the other vehicles.

      Dream 7: Back-stabbing

      I'm in a dark area, seems like your classic creepy mansion. The room I'm in had a fancy carpet in the middle with some fancy stuff and bookshelves surrounding it.

      I find myself being shifted to another environment, and it looks like I'm outside of the mansion or castle or whatever, and it's still night time.

      I realize my back is being braced against a huge column, and my perspective is a little weird for a moment.

      Imagine bracing yourself behind a wall, you can't really see much behind you unless you do some peeking to the left and right, but for me, it was like I was staring at myself bracing against the wall.

      There's this huge Black dude in a Black long jacket. It looked like the Black dude from one of those Resident Evil movies, but that's just using a general comparison.

      He's guarding the area in the middle of the 4 columns placed in a square formation. And he's looking at the area I'm hiding in, but he doesn't know that I'm there. Oh, and he has a really huge freaking weapon, like a really huge Shotgun.

      All that he's doing is turning his body right or left, and when he does that, I peek in the opposite direction. I waited for a while to advance, but it seems instead of shifting to the right (he just shifted to the left), he takes another shift to the left.


      BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! The shot literally demolishes the whole column I'm next to.

      I barely dodge the shot by taking a small dive to the ground when he finds me out, and I try to hide to the column to the left of me, but that would be useless since he's already found me out.

      The dream resets to me bracing against the column again, and I knew the guy would to those random formations where he shifts his body to the same direction twice.

      I still was detected by him, but instead of trying to fight him I told him,

      "Look, I already know I can't defeat you, that's impossible right now, can you at least show me who is your leader?"

      Without even answering, the leader shows up out of a dark area. He looks like Steve Carell with glasses on.

      Now that I'm awake recalling this, you have to be freaking kidding me....LOL...so much for looking like a fearless leader.

      He doesn't say a lot in this dream, I'm just explaining why I'm here.

      I tell him that I wanted to be part of his group, because I have intel from an enemy of his who thinks that I'm only working for him, and told him that I would be back-stabbing the other leader, which is Steve Carell.

      He doesn't really take it too seriously, since I am working for him, but I didn't tell him that I'm only helping both sides for my own benefit, but I don't know for what though.

      He talks, but it's like he's saying random shit to make it look like he understands me. He starts pointing at something like he's comprehending what I'm saying, but I just ...I just... lol, really?!!?

      This guy is a leader??????

      To be honest, if I was lucid, I would've just woken up from this fail leader. It's not Steve Carell that I was disappointed in, it was just that when I barely dodge a shotgun shot from some tall Black dude, you'd think that their leader would be a little MORE bad-ass than that?

      Not the glasses man, not the glasses, it doesn't help with your "evil" visage.

      Dream 8: Alyzarin

      I wake up (FA), and I go to my laptop, and I go on MSN, and find that Alyzarin is online. (She's going somewhere at the moment, so she couldn't have been online, but I guess I was too excited to tell her what happened lol).

      We chat around a little bit, and I forgot most of what we were talking about.

      Dream 9: Crown

      I believe I'm Link (this is just a video game simulation most likely), but just a weird version of him. He's like a variant of Windwaker's Link and other Links I'm presuming, can't remember exactly on his facial structure.

      The dream is pretty vivid, but I didn't really pay too much attention to the environment, except for the fact that it seemed I was in a city that was in the sky (Skyward sword association probably, but I never played it).

      Someone awards me with a golden crown, I didn't really think of it as anything useful, but the text below (like you would see when you get an item from a chest or person) said that wearing this crown allows you to double the speed for you to use an item or a weapon.

      I just run around like a dimwit, trying to test out this crown I'm wearing, and there are command prompts on what actions can help you use it's function. I saw the Wii remote animations on the top screen while playing the game.

      Don't remember much after I recall myself dashing like crazy in a random area of this sky city.

      Dang it! Again with these False Awakenings!!

      I wanted to take another attempt to sleep again, but it's 10:24 AM right now GMT -5:00, so I might as well put this as an entry now.

      Damn it, I was lucid, had the intention to find Kaomea, but forgot to do stabilization techniques.

      But again the lucid dream was vivid and looked stable, I just don't understand why the dream started to fade. Maybe it was from adrenaline, but I didn't feel any kind of rush, the least I felt was just anticipation of find her.

      Well, no use complaining about it now...it's already done and gone.