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    1. [Dream #11 - 1/28/2016] Goat Kissing & Friendly Xenomorph

      by , 01-28-2016 at 03:49 PM (The Book of the Multiverse)


      A picture of Xenomorphs

      The following has some bit of zoosexual activity. If you do not like that sort of stuff then do not read The Goat section. This dream is broken down to two parts. The Goat | The Xenomorph

      • The Goat

      I cannot really tell exactly where I ended up in the beginning but I was at some sort of giant parking lot and there was a small section housing some soil plots with a mechanic that came out from the middle that anchored a towing device.

      There was also woman running around the lot chasing after a donkey as she would try to stroke his phallic. Once she grabbed it, another human male came behind her and stated having sex with her anally. She, the man and the donkey left my view as I was then somehow brought into one of those soil plots. I immediately began pushing the plowing tool which began to pull up and mix the soil underneath. I couldn't figure out why I was doing it but I just did unintentionally. Then someone came up to me and tried to take the job over. A large human male who had rolled his eyes at me, busting out a sort of advanced tool for plowing as he ripped me from my post.

      I didn't know why he did that at first but then I began seeing other people over at the other soil areas and my mind went to suggest that there was a contest. I wanted to get my spot back and for some reason I felt that I could entrust myself in having a goat help tow. I remember turning around and looking down a sloped street that led to some sort of large building where I saw a white furred goat. I was ecstatic and began to head down the street. I approached the goat as he climbed onto me forcefully. He swung his hooves around my shoulders as he began to kiss me, tongue and all. It was a very wet and sloppy kiss where my mouth felt like it was bucketing the creatures saliva.

      I remember telling him that I was amazed that he could kiss like a human and after that is when him and I went back to the little soil patch where that guy was. The man was still looking at me coldly as if my existence was futile. That's when it cut into the Xenomorph sequence.

      • The Xenomorph

      This took place in some style of a corridor. There were windows with bright shinning sunlight that reflected off the white metallic flooring. Kind of like a video game environment that I'm getting with this as I was with a small group of people. We all headed into the elongated hallway as from behind us there was a xenomorph. Slick and black, very contrasting to the light filled room. I remember it coming at us on two feet like a biped as it proceeded on attack the party with projectiles.

      I could remember me and the others spreading out. A few of us ended up in a sort of larger room leading into another hallway. This room had a few grey colored lockers that were reflecting the sunlight that shinned from the window to the right of us. That's when we saw the xenomorph. I remember looking to see him on all fours sitting in front. I was scared, then I told him that I had relation to their species but even after that I couldn't tell what he would do. I also stated that all I wanted to do was travel to different dimensions and to see Shadow the Hedgehog.

      The creature then got on two feet and began to walk towards me, being around over 6 feet in height. I continually began to back up telling him I didn't want to get hurt. I was backing up to the window as the light reflected off his shiny black exterior. I assume my fear was beginning to annoy him as I could of swore for a minute I heard a sigh emit from him telepathically. The xenomorph then grabbed me as I tried to push away. I then believed that's when I heard him say "Stop." (again telepathically).

      He took me under a ceiling vent as we both looked up. He wrapped himself around me as he jumped up through it, bolting to the surface. This is when he pushed me onto his back as I grabbed a hold. We then arrived on top of the building to the openness of the outside air as he went skidding down the slopped ceiling. I felt a sense of acceleration and rush, similar to riding on a rollarcoster and I thought it was fun.

      We then arrived down to the surface of some sort of floating platform over viewing a city. We landed by a small, black bumper car shape of a spacecraft (assuming that it was the xenomorph's). I got down from him and I could here him faintly telling me in my mind, "I will take you to where you desire to be. I just need to take care of something first. Do no worry about me, I will be back." That's when he fled. I was then left alone in this isolated floating city area overlooking another. So I began to walk around. I soon encountered these sort of green faced, amphibian-like humanoids in space suits. I was afraid but they didn't attack me. One female voiced individual stated that they were looking for a xenomorph and told me to stay away from the area I was at because it's dangerous due to that.

      I began to worry for the creature, as for some reason I felt very passionate and connected with him. The green faced beings then disappeared as they went to scout the perimeter and I sneaked back to the black pod. I wanted to contact him to know if he was all right. I found what looked to be a smart phone on the top. I figured it was the xenomorph's. It made me giggle to think such a creature would have something like that but I wanted to use it to my advantage and use it to communicate with him, if it was even possible.. I looked at the phone and I remember seeing a screen full of apps, one of which was Google Chrome. Before I could do anything more is when I woke up.

      Notes: This is bit of a hefty dream indeed. For the goat one, I will say it deals with more of my sexuality and the eagerness to tow a field could symbolize the fact that I was doing chores yesterday and the intent on getting it done in an allotted time. The guy with the more advanced technology rolling his eyes could symbolize the negative feeling I get of people always having an advantage over me in everything.

      The xenomorph sequence would symbolize my lust for adventure and my desire to escape this world, hence being the corridor and then taken outside by the xeno. The xenomorph could represent Shadow the Hedgehog in some sort of way due to his straight forwardness in words, the fact that he would grant my deepest desires and the odd feeling of a strong connection I had with him. The green amphibians could resemble the sort of limitation that Earth has onto me and also represent the human society and their majority's fear of anything considered "dangerous" and unknown. And to extinguish any kind of spark that happens to gear me towards a fruitful existence.

      Now, with me stating that I had relations to the xenomorph species could be because for a moment in my life I would think about my soul being related to an actual xenomorph (meaning I'm a xenomorph living inside the body of a human at this day of age and once I die I will revert back to me original self). I will admit I don't really focus on my origin quite as much anymore but that dream made me recall that piece of my life again. Call it otherkin/fictionkin/starseed and what not. I still consider myself non-human but I rarely use those terms anymore.

      I honestly miss the xenomorph from my dream. And I kind of have a bit of a crush on him... But of course that doesn't stop me from having a conversation with him right now through telepathy. Hehehe~

      Date — 1/28/2016

      Went to bed — Around 12 - something AM.

      Woke up — 7:20AM

      *Time logged — 9:21AM

      Total sleep — +7 Hours

      Stress level throughout the day — A bit overwhelmed with stress, too much was going on and it began to make me feel uneasy. My lover calmed me down though before I went to bed.


      *Daytime — Did RCs

      *Recall — N/A

      *Inducing Method — N/A

      Dream Signs — The Obvious

      Perceived Length — Over 1 Hour

      Emotions — Worried, Adventurous

      Awareness — None

      Updated 01-29-2016 at 01:58 PM by 89722

      non-lucid , memorable
    2. [26-04-2015]

      by , 04-26-2015 at 12:04 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Bloodbath and alien hunting

      With two friends we took sawed-off shotguns, and wanted to make a small bloodbath. Everything looked like a DOS FPS game. We were chasing eachother in an old village. Running through old cathedral, empty streets and abandoned sections of the village.

      It was quiet. I knew that they have allied against me, and are preparing an ambush. I decided to enter sewers, go out of it in a nearest building, and take dark alleys. I wanted to make my own ambush at a crossroad, on top of one building.

      I got out of alley, and something jumped in front of me. It was xenomorph from Alien movie. I tried to shoot it down, but it resisted my shots. It grabbed me in its hands and eaten me. After a few seconds I respawned in a place far away from that crossroad.

      I heard screams. They must've met the alien. I waited, but they haven't respawned. Mad, I wanted to avenge my friends, and went on a rampage against the alien.
    3. 12-31-2013

      by , 01-02-2014 at 01:02 AM (Subjects' Dream Journal)
      Legend: Non-Lucid , Semi-Lucid , Lucid

      Underground Church Infiltration:
      My sister is trapped in an underground church. Me and a friend make our way down there. As we enter the cavern, it's massive and lit up by underground lava flowing below us. There are monsters patrolling along the church and there's a group of them at another structure by the church. My friend goes into a nearby room and does something. Either he's collecting information or just being afraid and hiding. I make my way into the church. I run in with two swords and aggro the first demon ( the format of the dream switched to dark souls style, which is a video game ). I get killed and make another attempt. This time, i have a long cable and i end up choking someone with it. This is all i can remember of this dream.

      Next dream, I'm at my school, we're playing some sort of game. I have a blowpipe and i'm shooting other students which become "infected" once they get shot. I then befriend a guy that tries to fight me. And finally, this dream ends with me watching some sort of video in the principals office. After this dream, i have some fragment about me killing Xenomorphs.
    4. Where Do My Nightmares Come From? Part 2 "The Quarantine Zone"

      by , 02-23-2013 at 01:00 AM (Golden Tales From The Dream World)

      There's not a whole lot I can say about this with out a wall of conjecture, that's coming later.
      This was quite the revelation when I woke up though.

      February 19th 2013

      I continue in the street for a bit until I transition into the lobby of my apartment.
      My aunt is there, she and a baby, along with my little cousin and some other cousins (I don't know who the baby is).
      I walk to the elevator.
      In my lobby, when you walk to the elevator and look on either side of you you see a hallway separated from the lobby by a glass door.
      I did, except on the other side of the door is a xenomorph from alien licking the glass.
      Oh my god...
      A woman runs out the elevator and catches my attention.

      "Did you hear me? I said in trying to prevent a "Zone" 1 you almost caused a "Zone" 2!"

      She's the same woman from before, talking about that zone movie.
      A picture of a movie poster that says "Zone" on it with a dark green background and pictures of xenomorphs on it appears in my head.
      Is it a spinoff from the alien series?
      I look back to the door and the xenomorph's gone.
      Did I imagine it? Must have.
      The woman remains in the lobby, she's still talking to someone on a headset.
      I decide to head upstairs in the elevator to my floor.
      As soon as I get to my floor and walk out Robert Pattinson is there to greet me.
      He has white make up on his face as though he were straight off the set from twilight.
      He says hey and gets in. I decide to stay inside as we head back to the lobby.

      "So have you seen that girl Rhea around? She's awesome isn't she?"

      "Yeah she is pretty cool."

      "Man, I hope I get the chance to meet her."

      "Yeah... Uh, you know, she's my sister."

      "Oh, cool."

      The elevator opens and he goes to meet my family members, though my sister isn't one of them.
      That woman from before is still here, what's her problem?
      I go up to her.

      "Um, what are you talking about?"

      "There may have been a breach."

      "A breach? From what?"

      "The quarantine zone."

      "Quarantine zone? We don't have that-"

      "Yes, you do, and we've been trying to keep it secure for a long time now."


      "The organization, we're trying to keep this place safe. Earlier there was almost a breach from the quarantine zone, something almost got out, it could've gotten ugly, but we got it under control."

      "I don't understand, what tried to escape?"

      "Something.... It wasn't good okay?"

      "What's going on here, who is the organization?"

      "We're in charge of this place. There are various agents throughout the building, each tenant has to live with one for safety precautions, you never know when things can get ugly."


      "A quarantine breach, sometimes they're small and controllable, sometimes all hell breaks loose. In case of latter, we need to be prepared."

      "So, that thing I saw before, did I imagine it?"

      "It'd be better if you thought you did."

      "So what's the quarantine zone?"

      "This place used to be a mess. Those things had taken over everything, it was chaos. That's when we came in. We were able to fight them back to a certain area of the building, then we sealed it off. Ever since we've
      fought to maintain the peace here."

      I see an entrance to one of the parts of the quarantine zone in the underground parking lot.
      It looks like a fort, made of some sort of unknown bluish metal.

      "I've heard crazy things about the quarantine zone, in some places in there it's winter. The things it houses are even crazier, things you just can't explain, I know they're bad though."

      It's snowing inside the building? What the hell...
      I flash to somewhere in the quarantine zone.
      It's in a room I've never seen before, it's kind of like a small laboratory.
      There's a few normal looking people in there, 2 guys 1 girl.
      There lounging around drinking coffee, must be one of the more tamer parts of the quarantine zone.
      The girl nearly knocks over a silver suitcase.

      "Be careful there, we give that thing a light push and you know what happens."

      Wait, my god. That suitcase houses the zombie virus.
      I'm back with the woman.

      "You're good to go, it's safe now. Move along."

      She points me to the direction of the elevator.
      My family members and Robert Pattinson are gone.
      I head to my apartment and try to forget about what she told me.