I'm outside a vaguely familiar farmhouse. There is a goat inside an open-sided pen area with a roof. I'm concerned that it is time to wake up the animals. There is a farmer inside, but he is naked. I'm not bothered by this. Neither is he. I noticed that one of the goats is awake, but it has a big hole in its side and I can see entrails. This doesn't bother me either for some reason. The dream feels foggy and gray in general.
Updated 03-08-2023 at 06:06 PM by 99808
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At my gate. I see a goat running on the hill in front and then a horse behind my parking lot. I also notice the gate is not well closed, so I close it tight. My dogs are jumping around me excited. Then I check the fence and find a couple spots where the fence is lose as if someone damaged it on purpose. I scramble to fix it before my dogs see it, but they go through a hole they find. First Soraia, but I yell at her and she promptly comes back. Then Maya and Tara also escape. I manage to call back Maya, but Tara encounters a black dog about her size, they become friends and she ignores me. They roll on their backs on the ground, clearly getting along. I then notice the road ahead is loaded with huge snakes coming their way. I call Riverstone for help and he goes outside the gates to get the dog but I warn him about the snakes. Then the dream fades and I almost wake up but hold on to it and then I am at some kind of small room, laying on a bed, belly down. I know I am dreaming so I plunge my hand into the foam mattress as a reality check and grab some foam as if is it cotton candy and eat it. I expected some crazy flavor, but it actually tastes just like foam. I then get up and go through the wall. End up in someone elses apartment and then go from room to room not knowing what to do. I briefly panic when I realize I don't know the way back to my room. Then I recall again that it's just a dream and there is no point in going back to "my" room. I go out to a balcony. Below the balcony on the street I see many kids and adults looking festive. I plan to jump through the pavement below and see where it takes me. I jump flat on my belly but as I approach the ground I see it is covered in animal poop, so I stop an inch from it and just levitate there for a second. Everyone looks at me. I lay my feet on the ground and stand. Immediately see a group of people on horse back coming towards me in two lines side by side. They don't stop for me, so I quickly lift off again not to be trampled upon. As I watch from above I think it may be some parade, but then notice the outfits and lots of famous Hollywood actors walking around and conclude that it must be a movie set. I want to focus on something productive and stop just moving around, so I sit cross legged on top of a wall to try to meditate. I invoke my guru and ask for his guidance and teachings. Immediately I get attacked by some guy out of nowhere, jumping and trying to reach me to harm me, his face full of anger, as if he is possessed. I kinda expected that, but still it is annoying every time it happens. I transport myself to a room full of plushies, hoping it will be peaceful to meditate in there. I try again and invoke my guru, but the plushies start flying and hiting me. I deflect them with energy from my hands, but att some point they come alive and gain shark teeth and bite me. I try to ignore the pain and carry on, aware that it is still all just a dream, but I almost wake up. I then find myself in what appears to be an island and in front of me there is a strange asian looking tower. I get this feeling that I will find my guru there, but when I reach the front door, it is controlled by thugs and they won't let anyone in that is not vetted by them. I plan on just flying up but then I notice there is some sort of elevator on the side, the kind of those for window cleaners and is starting to go up so I hold on to a side and just go up hanging from it. It takes me all the way to the top but then I see no way to access the interior of the building and there is no way to get down from the roof either. It is also inclined and slippery and I almost fall. Again, I wonder what to do next but a sudden water rise out of nowhere covers everything below and it keeps rising until it reaches the roof and leaves me isolated on my own little island. I go around the roof and find a stone path that magically appeared over the water, so I walk it through. It leads me to dry land. I find myself in what looks like some city in Latin America. It's night now, but the streets are flooded with people panicking and running in all directions. On the tv of some eatery, I see a broadcast about some impending catastrophe. I think I also see something big in the night sky but can't tell what it is. I wake up.
Updated 02-24-2023 at 09:26 PM by 34880
This was a dream that was only a hair’s breadth from being lucid – one of the dreams where I can’t be entirely sure that the only reason I didn’t realize it was a dream was that I was taking it for granted that it was one the whole time. I start out standing on a grassy hill outside a very large house at night. A man is nearby – another dreamer. Together, we fly up and then over towards the house. I have to help him part of the way because he can’t get high enough, but we make it onto the roof and go inside. I can’t remember much of the journey, which seemed somewhat reminiscent of a video game, and after a while, we reach a room with a bunch of other people. They're all dreamers, too. They’re chatting, messing around, having fun, but I have something more serious on my mind. First, though, I ask a woman to heal me, since I was injured by a monster on the way. (It isn't actually painful, still in line with video game logic.) I joke that I never got the hang of healing magic myself, but don’t mention I have a reason for not wanting to use too much of my energy right now. I go past them, up through a door in the ceiling. Once again, I'm standing on the roof. It’s night out here too, but otherwise, it looks like a completely different place than the one I entered from. Almost close enough to touch is a tornado. It’s completely still though: it looks like it was sculpted out of some steely metal, frozen in place. I did this at some point in the past, freezing it in time, but it won’t be long now until it starts to unfreeze. I gauge its strength and determine that I won’t have trouble taking care of it before it unfreezes. But there’s another problem: the effect is already wearing off with some of the monsters around here, and I probably can’t take care of everything at once. I may have to get some of the others down below up here to fight them – but I don’t like that idea. They’d probably be happy to, but they’re relatively inexperienced, and I don’t want to get them into a potentially dangerous situation. I start by taking out some of the smaller enemies with lightening – things like little wild pigs running around. Then I see that another monster is watching me – an enormous cyclops goat monster. I have the impression that he’s sad, like he’s taking it personally that he’s been unfrozen all this time and I haven’t even noticed. This is maybe weird enough to wake me up. 20.5.21
12/2/20 Elon is giving some kind of presentation. I am in the audience. I win a contest allowing me to play the guitar to accompany his band. When they play I still sit in the audience but my guitar is wired into the sound system. It sounds really good and I play better than I have ever played before. There are lead plucking parts and van Halen style taping at one point. The crowd enjoys the show and I can tell Elon was pleasantly surprised at my performance as well. We talk after the show while walking out onto a runway and to his car. His entourage is behind him and we walk side by side. I am starstruck but maintain my composure. I make a joke he likes about how people usually treat him when they meet him "omg I know right! That's totally true, like seriously people!" he responds laughing. We arrive at his car and he says we should totally do this again sometime soon. I assume he is just being nice. But later in the dream I am at another function sitting at a roundtable with some friends and Elon asks me to play along with them again. He is on stage rocking his heart out, he is obviously showing off playing a large drum and the band is just generally jamming. I start playing my guitar along with them only at some point it becomes a bass guitar in my hands. I can't play the bass as well IRL, but in the dream it sounds really good, I remember some of the chord progressions and the accompanyment meshes really well. The crowd enjoys the jam, Elon is in full performer mode sweating up a storm. At a certain point I think he has his shirt off wearing black wrist cuffs and a black headband. My friends around the table are flabbergasted that I am playing with the band from the audience. This time I scoot my chair over in front of the sound guys table who has some lights on his table projecting onto the stage. I sit in front of the light and my silhouette is outlined on the stage. The song goes really well and people clap at the end. I don't get to conversate with him after this time. But I still brag to my friends that I got to hang out with Elon in person 2 times in one week. I am still beside myself. There is another performance this time I don't know who is on stage but I have an oversized midi controller in the shape of a larger misformed original grey nintendo gameboy. It has several lines on it with options on each line like a mad lib. But when I press them they play different sampled sounds that are all in the same key. It is hard to describe but I am pretty much head banging mashing buttons and it sounds like trip hop techno. I see an old friend from highschool and he throws me the rock on horns while smiling devilishly. He asks about the controller after the performance and I attempt to explain it. People around me are generally impressed at the show. I played from the audience again but only the people around me knew I was coming through the speakers. Vr headset playing in a room. Don't recognize the game but it is somewhat surreal. My cat comes and lays down next to me while I am playing and the game sees her and puts her in the game as a dog with a cat's face. I walk into a table in the room I am in while walking around in vr. (I've never tried vr irl) I am looking for G and gather she is at some trump fundraiser, or has been kidnapped to go there or something. I drive my car to a rich neighborhood that I think the place is at and for some reason I keep looking for the place called "Goat Barn" I am unsure if it's a street or location. I park my car and begin walking around the neighborhood. It is very cold and snowy out. I wonder why I got out to walk as none of the street names match what I am looking for. I have a flyer in my hand that is for the fundraiser in typical propaganda style but there is no address on the flyer. I try googling Goat Barn on my phone but come up with nothing. I am standing in front of one of the large houses and for some reason I pull their mailbox off the post. No one is home but I am still cautious someone might have seen me mess up the mailbox. I start to walk away and see the person pull into their driveway. I cut through some yards and smaller walkways between houses to get to the other side of the neighborhood. The Goat Barn is no where to be seen.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At some kind of school I attend. Conan is one of my colleagues. I hope to get his attention but I don't succeed immediately. Everybody wants to be his friends. Then someday he notices me because I look weirder than usual. During a break, I am sorting my make up kit and he stops by and asks what I am doing. He loves my make up boxes and asks if he can try some of it. I welcome him to sit with me. We become best buddies, holding hands and sharing a secret world others don't get. Then I need to take a subway somewhere and realize I am in London and don't know exactly where. I see another colleague from school at the train station and think about talking to him, but someone else walks towards him and they both leave. I get on the first train that comes but then I get out realizing I don't have a ticket or clue where to go. I go to a counter but the people behind it sell all sorts of things besides tickets. There is a bag on the ground to my right and I pick it up thinking it fell from somewhere and then some lady starts picking with me and shows me the receipt for that bag which she had bought. I am part of a small group of poor kids who were selected to one of the most exclusive schools in the world, located in a palace. On the first day there is a ceremony in which we are introduced to the high society. Then we are left roaming free on the backstage and we go explore some hallways covered in red velvet or white satin and gold. I would normally find it very kitsch, but here it works and I find it absolutely gorgeous. I cry at the sight of the most beautiful library I've ever seen, with velvet curtains and red walls. I do not realize some posh people are gathered there and at least one of the ladies complains about these kids being there. But another old lady, very sweet, asks me why I am crying. I tell her I live in a wooden shed and had never seen anything this beautiful. She becomes my friend and tells me her name is Vesova. Some nightmare with my dog Hachi. With Riverstone again by car at night. We see a strange animal getting in front of us. A turtle with a toad head making toad noises, but the size of a pig. it is blocking our way. I then see it is not a real animal but made of clay and see that from where he came from, other animals in clay are starting to come to life and move. I tell Riverstone we should get out of there, because there is a big bull among them and I expect him to also come to life. We go up a wooden gate and we close it, but it has a hole in it and a goat comes after us and I have to climb a wall to escape its horns. Then two dogs, not aggressive but curious, also come after me and one bites me a in a butt cheek. Not to hurt but still hurts. I find Zilla at the entrance of a house backdoor that leads to a basement. She tells us to go there but the dogs also go in. In any case, they stop biting. This basement is like a club with board games and sofas to chill. But has a strange decoration, full of nets as curtains and also giant spider webs hanging everywhere. Some joke about us being caught in the matrix. I move slowly avoiding the webs, some other girls gets her face into one. Then I see a group at some sofas around a carpet where more dogs lie at their feet. It is the Portuguese President and several sons that look like his clones at different ages. A couple of them invites me to join them and I accept and sit down. One of the dogs has an eye infection, I ask if they are treating it and the guy shrugs his shoulders saying they are going to the vet soon. I take a look and find she has a metal thing trapped inside her eye. I remove it and tell them she might be fine now, but they still need to clean her eye and if she continues sick she needs antibiotics. Then I feel a strong gallbladder pain that throws me on the ground crying. They mock me a little, then ask if I am ok. I explain I have a large gallstone and sometimes hurts and suddenly I wake up and I realize the pain is real and coming from me sleeping in a bad position putting pressure on my GB. I turn to the other side on my bed and for a split second I see this dark figure leaning over me and I jump in my bed. It disappears and I am left doubting if I saw what I saw.
Non-dream stuff - Woke up at about 8:30 but didn't remember any dreams, fell asleep and woke up again at 10:15, initially remembering a couple of dreams that started to fragment before I got up to write on the DJ. Dream: I was at a computer and looking at a website; it had a plain black background and it was some sort of shop, selling plushies. There was a dropdown box and there were about 5 options. I had a dream memory or dream bit where I bought something like a crate of 200 ram plushies from some other website at a much lower price, for about 50 in total. On this website, each plushie cost anything between 16.99 and 38.99 or so. I remember buying a goat plushie and when I clicked on the plushie titles from the dropdown box an image changed to show a rotating photo of them as a preview. Then I saw there was a little wolf, called something like "bloodthirsty wolf" or something, and it was really cute and had really large bloodied fangs and had an open maw. The size of the mouth and head looked exaggerated on purpose. Most of the plushies looked to be exceedingly well detailed, despite not being much bigger in size than my closed fist; they were in a cartoony style. I really wanted to buy the wolf plushie too and I think I did, but I started to wonder if I should be spending so much money on plushies. Remember thinking to look at my bank balance, but for some reason my phone wasn't near me and I ended up not checking. It seems I've forgotten the other dreams as I wrote this one, hopefully remember them or fragments while doing something else... Some notes: While I really do like collecting animal plushes, I haven't bought any in some time now.I also wouldn't, in principle, be looking to buy them online. I like to know the quality of the material as I buy them, as when I was a child I always had a somewhat irrational fear that plushes I had would tear apart etc if you weren't very careful. I still feel like I have to be very careful with some, as I don't like the idea of damaging them.There's a big connection to my childhood from plushes in general, as my room had a lot of them by the time I was a teen. Friends often made fun of it if they were visiting and my oldest sibling would sometimes mess around with them which would really upset me and almost make me cry sometimes, though he actually didn't mean it with any ill intent. I just saw things as being very fragile, while he never did.A pair of plushies I last bought were two fluffy sheep. The ones available on the dream website seemed to be sheep, rams, goats and wolves.I'm not sure what brought on this dream context as a whole, as I see my and my partner's plushies around the house often, every day. Edit: discussed the dream briefly with my partner and he reminded me that recently we'd been working with goat and sheep leather, and that was probably what elated this dream context. I found myself immediately thinking about the leather as he mentioned this, and thinking how the fluffy side would be interesting as a material on plushes. Scoring thus far: + Previous score: 51.0 + This DJ entry score (breakdown below): 1.0 ++ Recall a non-lucid dream: 1.0 = Total score thus far: 52.0
Updated 10-20-2018 at 11:23 AM by 95293
Fell asleep at: 2:00 AM Woke up at: 12:00 PM Dream: It seems to me I am in the desert, almost keeling over due to the lack of food in my system. The "narrator" of the dream (Who sounds a lot like Oxhorn who, in short, sounds like Tom Hanks) says I am on a quest to find a "warm animal". Apparently the temperature is so hot that animals in the desert literally cook from the inside out. I come across a dead goat, or some other creature like that, and pick apart nicely sliced pieces of meat from its body. It tastes savory, but also something that could be served at a barbecue due to its peppery sort of taste. It's also kind of spicy, and the meat itself was reddish orange with black spots, implying it was cooked recently. It was, as expected, pretty warm for being recently cut meat from a goat's body. I snuck along a bag full of the stuff along with me. I come across another traveller, but from this point on I don't really remember much. He talks to me about where he can find this meat, and I told him that those goats are all over the desert, not wanting to give up my share. And the rest is all fuzzy images from that point on. Notes 1. First time I ever engaged in taste in a dream, though non lucid. Sadly, I don't think goat meat counts as junk food so no TOTM for me. 2. Now I suddenly don't feel hungry for some reason.
Ritual: I often wake up briefly during the night, but at one point last night I noticed that my husband was awake too, so we ended up having a conversation, probably around 3 or 4am. After that it was hard to get back to sleep, and I tossed and turned for a while. Eventually I realized that I was tossing and turning with the distinctive sensations that suggested I might already be asleep. I played with it a bit, rolling until I was sure that I was not moving in a physical way, and when I felt certain that I was in the dream state, I "got up." WILD, "Julbock": I realized that it was my first WILD since moving to my new house, but as is typical, I failed to recognize the ways that the dream environment was different from WL. In fact, it bore very little resemblance to the place I currently live. I remembered my intention to work on the last two TOTYs I haven't completed, but after my difficulties making rainbows the other day, the idea felt stressful. Maybe I could just relax and explore the dream world? But I knew that abandoning my intentions was a recipe for losing lucidity fast. I decided on a sort of compromise: I would work on the Basilisk—why do I keep thinking of it as Basilisk? This is a mistake I keep making in waking life, not in dream—I would work on the Chimera task, but rather than go through the motions and try to force things to happen, I would let my subconscious take care of it. I was actually surprised how well this worked. Normally, if I needed a goat (as the task specifies) I would deliberately try to summon one, but this time I just held the idea casually in the back of my mind as I walked through the my darkened apartment. Moments later, what should catch my eye, but a stuffed toy goat! It actually resembled an object that I possess in waking life, a little Beanie Baby goat that I have for many years brought out around Christmas time and designated the "Julbock." I have not yet brought it out this year, but it crossed my mind to do so a few times recently. "Would a stuffed goat work?" I wondered as I picked up the small toy. I tried to remember the wording of the task. Surely it just specified "goat," not "live goat" or "real goat," as if those terms could even be meaningful in dream, so I figured that this goat would be adequate for my purposes, and carried it with me. Since the task required the chimera to act violently against DCs, I didn't want to create it in my own apartment, what with the dream version of my husband asleep in the other room, so I left and went out into the hall. (It is worth specifying at this point that I don't live in an apartment, and have not for many years, nor have I ever lived in any apartment that resembled the one in this dream, which is what I mean when I say that this dream environment was very different from WL.) Across the hallway was an open door leading into another bedroom, apparently empty. Should I summon the chimera there? But I didn't know whose bedroom it was, so I decided to keep moving. To my right was a solid wall, the end of the hallway, so I turned left and walked down the corridor. The hallway was narrow to start with, and the walking space was further restricted by the many chests of drawers that were pushed up against the wall on the left hand side. I sidled along with barely room enough to pass through the corridor for about twenty feet, until I emerged into a slightly wider but still relatively cramped lobby area. To my left, a chest-high counter bordered a desk and work area where two women were seated, clearly employees of this apartment complex. Attached to the wall behind them was a row of large gingerbread men, a festive decoration for the holiday season—but also just what I had been looking for. I was impressed how well my subconscious was pulling through for me. You see, in my earlier WL attempts to plan how how I might complete the chimera task without harming any human-like DCs, the inspiration occurred to me: have it fight gingerbread men! I wouldn't feel the least bit bad about crushing some animated DC cookies, since I happily bite the heads off gingerbread men in WL. And now, even without any elaborate summoning rituals or focused intent, my subconscious had handily provided me with everything I needed to complete the task: I had my goat, and I had some gingerbread men that could serve as victims. All I needed now was to transform the goat into a proper chimera and cause some cookie mayhem. "Could I borrow those gingerbread men?" I asked the women politely. "Sure," one of them replied nonchalantly. "Okay," I said, preparing myself for the complicated part. "I'm going to try to keep this under control. Hopefully no one will get hurt." Though I intended my words as a subtle warning, it was apparently so vague that the women took no notice whatsoever. One of them asked the other, "Could you get me a Coke?" "Sure," the other replied. "Half," added the woman who had made the request. This puzzled me. I had assumed that the request was for a can of Coke from a vending machine. How would one bring back half? But I didn't put too much thought into it, because I was preparing to transform the stuffed goat into a chimera... everthing was in place... ...And I woke up, once again, just before I could get to the heart of the task. When I was at my best, early this year before my long recent dry spell, I could often keep from fully waking and DEILD-chain my lucids in order to finish complex tasks like this, but now I seem to be out of practice.
Updated 12-21-2016 at 07:13 AM by 34973
#11 A picture of Xenomorphs The following has some bit of zoosexual activity. If you do not like that sort of stuff then do not read The Goat section. This dream is broken down to two parts. The Goat | The Xenomorph • The Goat I cannot really tell exactly where I ended up in the beginning but I was at some sort of giant parking lot and there was a small section housing some soil plots with a mechanic that came out from the middle that anchored a towing device. There was also woman running around the lot chasing after a donkey as she would try to stroke his phallic. Once she grabbed it, another human male came behind her and stated having sex with her anally. She, the man and the donkey left my view as I was then somehow brought into one of those soil plots. I immediately began pushing the plowing tool which began to pull up and mix the soil underneath. I couldn't figure out why I was doing it but I just did unintentionally. Then someone came up to me and tried to take the job over. A large human male who had rolled his eyes at me, busting out a sort of advanced tool for plowing as he ripped me from my post. I didn't know why he did that at first but then I began seeing other people over at the other soil areas and my mind went to suggest that there was a contest. I wanted to get my spot back and for some reason I felt that I could entrust myself in having a goat help tow. I remember turning around and looking down a sloped street that led to some sort of large building where I saw a white furred goat. I was ecstatic and began to head down the street. I approached the goat as he climbed onto me forcefully. He swung his hooves around my shoulders as he began to kiss me, tongue and all. It was a very wet and sloppy kiss where my mouth felt like it was bucketing the creatures saliva. I remember telling him that I was amazed that he could kiss like a human and after that is when him and I went back to the little soil patch where that guy was. The man was still looking at me coldly as if my existence was futile. That's when it cut into the Xenomorph sequence. • The Xenomorph This took place in some style of a corridor. There were windows with bright shinning sunlight that reflected off the white metallic flooring. Kind of like a video game environment that I'm getting with this as I was with a small group of people. We all headed into the elongated hallway as from behind us there was a xenomorph. Slick and black, very contrasting to the light filled room. I remember it coming at us on two feet like a biped as it proceeded on attack the party with projectiles. I could remember me and the others spreading out. A few of us ended up in a sort of larger room leading into another hallway. This room had a few grey colored lockers that were reflecting the sunlight that shinned from the window to the right of us. That's when we saw the xenomorph. I remember looking to see him on all fours sitting in front. I was scared, then I told him that I had relation to their species but even after that I couldn't tell what he would do. I also stated that all I wanted to do was travel to different dimensions and to see Shadow the Hedgehog. The creature then got on two feet and began to walk towards me, being around over 6 feet in height. I continually began to back up telling him I didn't want to get hurt. I was backing up to the window as the light reflected off his shiny black exterior. I assume my fear was beginning to annoy him as I could of swore for a minute I heard a sigh emit from him telepathically. The xenomorph then grabbed me as I tried to push away. I then believed that's when I heard him say "Stop." (again telepathically). He took me under a ceiling vent as we both looked up. He wrapped himself around me as he jumped up through it, bolting to the surface. This is when he pushed me onto his back as I grabbed a hold. We then arrived on top of the building to the openness of the outside air as he went skidding down the slopped ceiling. I felt a sense of acceleration and rush, similar to riding on a rollarcoster and I thought it was fun. We then arrived down to the surface of some sort of floating platform over viewing a city. We landed by a small, black bumper car shape of a spacecraft (assuming that it was the xenomorph's). I got down from him and I could here him faintly telling me in my mind, "I will take you to where you desire to be. I just need to take care of something first. Do no worry about me, I will be back." That's when he fled. I was then left alone in this isolated floating city area overlooking another. So I began to walk around. I soon encountered these sort of green faced, amphibian-like humanoids in space suits. I was afraid but they didn't attack me. One female voiced individual stated that they were looking for a xenomorph and told me to stay away from the area I was at because it's dangerous due to that. I began to worry for the creature, as for some reason I felt very passionate and connected with him. The green faced beings then disappeared as they went to scout the perimeter and I sneaked back to the black pod. I wanted to contact him to know if he was all right. I found what looked to be a smart phone on the top. I figured it was the xenomorph's. It made me giggle to think such a creature would have something like that but I wanted to use it to my advantage and use it to communicate with him, if it was even possible.. I looked at the phone and I remember seeing a screen full of apps, one of which was Google Chrome. Before I could do anything more is when I woke up. Notes: This is bit of a hefty dream indeed. For the goat one, I will say it deals with more of my sexuality and the eagerness to tow a field could symbolize the fact that I was doing chores yesterday and the intent on getting it done in an allotted time. The guy with the more advanced technology rolling his eyes could symbolize the negative feeling I get of people always having an advantage over me in everything. The xenomorph sequence would symbolize my lust for adventure and my desire to escape this world, hence being the corridor and then taken outside by the xeno. The xenomorph could represent Shadow the Hedgehog in some sort of way due to his straight forwardness in words, the fact that he would grant my deepest desires and the odd feeling of a strong connection I had with him. The green amphibians could resemble the sort of limitation that Earth has onto me and also represent the human society and their majority's fear of anything considered "dangerous" and unknown. And to extinguish any kind of spark that happens to gear me towards a fruitful existence. Now, with me stating that I had relations to the xenomorph species could be because for a moment in my life I would think about my soul being related to an actual xenomorph (meaning I'm a xenomorph living inside the body of a human at this day of age and once I die I will revert back to me original self). I will admit I don't really focus on my origin quite as much anymore but that dream made me recall that piece of my life again. Call it otherkin/fictionkin/starseed and what not. I still consider myself non-human but I rarely use those terms anymore. I honestly miss the xenomorph from my dream. And I kind of have a bit of a crush on him... But of course that doesn't stop me from having a conversation with him right now through telepathy. Hehehe~ • Date — 1/28/2016 • Went to bed — Around 12 - something AM. • Woke up — 7:20AM *Time logged — 9:21AM • Total sleep — +7 Hours • Stress level throughout the day — A bit overwhelmed with stress, too much was going on and it began to make me feel uneasy. My lover calmed me down though before I went to bed. • Techniques/Practices *Daytime — Did RCs *Recall — N/A *Inducing Method — N/A • Dream Signs — The Obvious • Perceived Length — Over 1 Hour • Emotions — Worried, Adventurous • Awareness — None
Updated 01-29-2016 at 01:58 PM by 89722
I was on the mountainside. Or somewhere in the province at least, where I'm surrounded by trees and low or cut grass. I was walking and then I was chased by a goose. It wasn't scary. It was more amusing than anything. It was a big goose though. I ran around. Then there was a goat and it chased me too. Something about the beach. --- Notes: - Slept at around 3 a.m. - Set alarm 6 hours later. - Woke up a bit to the Stephen LaBerge audio in entering dreams. Wrote keywords. - Slept for 1.5 hours more. - I was watching Parasyte before I slept.
Ritual: wtb 3:15am, last wbtb 9:15am, woke 10:38am, SSILD: WILD Last sleep, last chance. It was already 9:15am, but since I'd gone to bed so late, and all my previous attempts that night had been without real motivation and had resulted in falling asleep before completing a single cycle, figured I could try once more. SSILD: tempted to mix it with other techniques, but if I was going test this properly, ought to do it straight up. My timing was messy and uneven, but remembered that was okay. Did maybe three cycles on my back, uneven length, afraid of waking myself up too much, given that it was already mid-morning, so turned on my side and prepared to let myself sleep. A few times I ran through the cycles very lightly and quickly, just to get back in touch with my senses. At some point in this process the cat jumped on the bed. I was getting closer to sleep but figured I could work with this if he settled down and didn't just start yelling. Fortunately he decided to sleep on me, and I was able to work that sensation into my rotation. I wasn't cycling regularly, just randomly once in a while when I felt I might be losing touch. I must have been already dreaming without knowing it, because I thought I was only thinking, and it never occurred to me that the presence of sustained visuals suggested otherwise. I was replying to posts on some online forum made my a friend—nothing to do with DV, no one even connected with dreaming, just an old friend I haven't talked to in a while (AS). He was posting something about falling asleep a certain way and used an acronym like "TILD," and I wanted to reply snarkily with something like, "Does TILD stand for 'talking to yourself in bed'?" At the time, I was convinced this phrase perfectly fit the acronym, so I was apparently already touched by dream logic. So I was trying to type out my reply, and I simply could not type "TILD" properly. I tried over and over, and my fingers kept slipping and hitting everything else on the keyboard. Technical difficulties like this are one of my dream signs, but since I was convinced I was still awake, it didn't occur to me to RC. On the contrary, I thought I was having this trouble typing because I was getting too sleepy! This was precisely the opposite of a false awakening: instead of losing dream awareness by believing I had woken up, on the contrary, I failed to realize I was dreaming because I thought I hadn't fallen asleep yet! (If there's no acronym for this yet, I propose FFA for "false falling asleep," as it pairs well with the more familiar term FA.) Around then the music started. I could hear a Pixies song. At the time I was sure that it was a song I knew, and it was playing perfectly down to the last note, even though I hadn't heard it in years. (I can't remember now what song it was, if it was indeed a real one.) I knew the music wasn't coming from outside me, and figured it must just be hypnagogic activity. The whole time until now I had been aware of lying in my bed, which was part of the reason I thought that I hadn't quite fallen asleep yet. After the Pixies song played in its entirety and then concluded, a new song started. This one intrigued me even more, because I was sure it was a song I had never heard before. It was lively enough to make a good follow-up to the Pixies, but the singer had an accent that sounded African. It reminded me of the song "Rise" by Seun Kuti, one that I downloaded free from Amazon and put on my running mix—but I'm not familiar with his other work. This song, like one before it, was crystal clear... like so often before I regretted that I am not more musical in waking life, because I felt sure if I were musically literate I could wake up and recreate it. But I didn't feel like rousing myself and trying to hum the melody into my iPhone when I hadn't even gotten to sleep yet. WILD: At some point around here the transition finalized, and I realized, hang on, I think I am asleep now! I'm in my dream body! I could probably just 'get up' without disrupting anything... so I got out of bed, and even though everything felt extremely lifelike, there was a lightness to my body that I was sure meant I was dreaming. I was impressed how bright and clear everything was, and how mobile I felt, unlike a lot of WILDs where it's dark at first and I'm crawling over the carpet trying to get traction. But perhaps integration wasn't perfect yet, because hardly had I gotten out of bed when I was disturbed by a loud rhythmic noise that threatened to disrupt the dream state and wake me. At first I thought it must be the mailman knocking on the door, because I'm expecting a package. But as it continued without abating, I realized it must actually be construction on the house up the hill. How foolish it was, I chided myself, to do my dream practice so late in the morning! The world wakes up and starts making loud noises; at least during the night it is quieter. (RL: It turns out there's nothing at the door and no construction going on outside, so despite these very reasonable hypotheses about bleedthrough stimuli, the sound appears to have been largely or entirely internal.) The sound was extremely disruptive and I felt alarmingly close to being woken by it. But I had just gotten into a perfectly good dream and had no wish to lose it so soon (like that time recently when I was woken from an otherwise fantastic WILD by my own snoring—come to think of it, this is another possible culprit for the sound!) How can I deal with this and remain in the dream? The answer occurred instinctively: dance! So I started dancing to the noise. It was a bit like dancing to the sound of hammers, and my dance was correspondingly jerky and spasmodic, but it did the trick! After a while I felt that the dreamstate was no longer threatened, so I paused and looked at myself in the bedroom mirror. Once again, as in the last SSILD, I was impressed how much like my waking self I looked: the hair was different, shorter, but the same face, same eyes. I smiled at myself and could see the smile in the reflection. Interestingly, even though it was a full-length mirror, I have no conception of what I might have been wearing. I wasn't curious about it at the time I was looking, so I have no impression of it now. If I had to guess, I would suppose it was a loose white summer dress of the sort I've been wearing around the house lately (I don't wear these to bed though). Even though I had come to terms with the noise, it was still loud and annoying, so I decided to leave the bedroom and move deeper into the house, hopefully away from it. It might have diminished slightly by the time I got to the kitchen, but only a little, so I keep walking through to the living room. I notice my fluffiest down comforter is heaped up on the couch for some reason. I pull it off, and as the folds of cloth open I see the dark silhouette of a butterfly within them. I am momentarily confused: is butterfly a dream figment, or is it real? That is, just as I thought the sound might have a source in waking life, it didn't seem improbable at that moment that a butterfly might have accidentally made it into the house. Dream logic prevented me from realizing that, even were that so, how would I realize it when I was asleep in my bed? The butterfly flutters up and flies into the kitchen, so I follow it. Around this time I am too distracted to notice the noise anymore, being completely engrossed in the butterfly. When I enter the kitchen, I notice that in place of the little black one I followed, about the size of an ordinary monarch, there are now two very large butterflies, their wingspans about 16 to 18 inches across. One is slightly larger than the other, a very pale greenish yellow. The other one has the same base color, but its wings have black borders. I am reminded of the task I had been intending to work on next, "creo animál." However, it seems that the dream has jumped the gun and already created the animal for me, so I roll with it and decide to experiment with "rego animál" instead—apparently forgetting I've already done this one numerous times. I know I should try "intellego animál," as I've never tried anything with that technique, but I'm not sure how to go about it, so I decide to put it off until later. I hold out my hand and command "Rego animál," focusing on the larger, lighter-colored butterfly and intending for it to land on my hand. The butterflies flit around and ignore me. I try again. Doesn't work. What's the problem? They are "animals," aren't they? I mean, in the broad sense of the term, I'm pretty sure insects count. Do I need the "auram" sphere for this, as they are creatures of the air? But I've worked with wind before—I've found it quite straightforward to conjure all the elements directly—yet somehow this is harder. I'm forgetting all the times I have commanded animals very easily in other dreams, and am probably just making it harder for myself by all the Ars Magica rigamarole, but truth be told I like rigamarole... it's more stylish and satisfying than just making things happen in a perfunctory way. I conclude that the main problem is that I'm just not putting enough focus into my intent, and so the third time I sing the command. For some reason, I always get the best results in dreams when I sing to shape them, and sure enough, now the butterfly comes over and lands on my proffered hand. What next? I walk the few steps back into the living room, and command the butterfly to fly up again and go land on the small table by the window on the other side of the couch. Again, it takes me a couple tries, but the butterfly finally obeys. As it lands there, it turns into a young light-haired woman. I am distracted from this transformation by a young blonde man who is now at my side. He is not the second butterfly, the one with black-bordered wings: around this time she transforms into a dark-haired woman who is standing near the closet. With all this transformation going on, I am inspired to try "Muto animál," so I direct this command to the young man, intending for him to turn into a butterfly. He stands there looking a bit obstinate or confused, so I sing the command in what I intend to be a very persuasive manner, and he finally complies—sort of. He lies down on his right side in a fetal position. He is not lying on the floor, but on some platform a few feet high that doesn't exist in RL (there would just be a wall there). He produces a bundle of red yarn that he stretches along the length of his spine. I watch, waiting for the transformation, but nothing happens. I command him again, and he respond that he is doing his best, but that it will take a very long time—maybe up to a year!—because the timing isn't right. It's possible that the guy is just dicking me around, but he seems sincere, and he does offer that he could transform more easily into a goat. (OMG! I hadn't even realized until I wrote this that my first SSILD also involved a goat... odd coincidence, as I don't remember dreaming of goats under any other circumstances.) I say that this would be fine, so he gets back up, discards the red yarn, and transforms at once into a brown goat of ordinary size. He warns me that when he is a goat, he speaks in a strange high voice—which seems contradictory at first, because he has already turned into a goat and is still speaking in the same voice as before. However, after delivering the warning, his voice does change. From his description of a "high voice," I was expecting him to start speaking in falsetto, but instead he sounds more cartoonish, like his voice has been sped up. With his new voice he introduces himself to me, telling me his name is "Hemm." I find myself wondering how this is spelled. I imagine it with two 'mm's, but having only heard it spoken, I can't be sure. Should I ask? Well it can't hurt, and might help me remember the name better. "Is that spelled H-E-M or H-E-M-M?" I inquire. He replies that there's no way to know: he was just a blacksmith's son and never saw it written down. I realize that I should get the names of everyone in the room, because then I'll be able to write a more detailed report when I wake up. So I turn and ask the girl sitting on the small table, formerly the pale butterfly. She tells me her name is "Anna." She is now holding a painting, a vertical rectangle about 24x36 inches, and turns it around to show me the back. "And his name was 'Jakachibe', he was a Japanese thief." I gather that the guy she mentions is represented on the front of the painting, but I barely had time to glimpse the image before she turned it around, and now she is just showing me the back of the canvas, where something like 'Jakachibe' is written in large sloppy pencil letters on a wooden crossbar. I say "something like" because the transliteration of the name is even worse than what I've rendered here—there was another 'h' in it somewhere, maybe even a 'q', something more like "Jaqhachibe," but I can't remember precisely—and I have to bite my tongue to refrain from telling her that "Jaqhachibe" doesn't sound like a proper Japanese name and even if it were, it certainly wouldn't be spelled that way in English. I just smile and nod, then turn to the dark-haired woman who has continued to stand by quietly. She tells me her name is "Caroline." After I hear each name, I am repeating it aloud, to better impress it on my memory. After talking to each of the women in turn, I notice that the young man who had transformed into a goat has returned to his former human appearance. He is of average height, with wavy blonde hair, short but not too short, a bit tousled, and he has a pleasant, open face. He volunteers that his name—in this form—is "Viryec." Or at least, he says something that sounds like that phonetically, but is probably spelled very differently—"Virjece" occurs to me as the most likely possibility—so I start inquiring more about it. He tells me that his name means something like "sincere effort." This rings a bell—both in sound and meaning, it reminds me a lot of the Pali word viriya, which has been on my mind lately, so I ask him if that term has any relationship to his name. Although he and his name both strike me as coming from northern European stock, perhaps there is some ancient Indo-European etymological relationship with the Pali... but before he can reply, I wake up. I don't know why my dreams so often seem to end just before what promises to be some interesting revelation, but here we are again. Still, I'm not that disappointed because I have so much to write down!
Updated 08-02-2014 at 10:49 PM by 34973
Yesterday I came across the SSILD thread on the induction forum, and decided to try it out. Success! Ritual: Slept about three hours, woke up with awareness of having dreamed though no recall of specifics, but figured since I had been in REM I might as well give the SSILD technique a try. Doing the sense-cycling delayed sleep onset more than I expected, even more than with my usual WILD technique of incremental counting, even though I kept reminding myself that I wasn't attempting to WILD. Interestingly, when I was starting to get closer to sleep I was experiencing much more vivid flashes of hypnogogic imagery than usual, which I attribute to having primed my attentiveness to it with the technique. On the verge of falling asleep finally, when I sense that I'm in an empty room with plain white walls, and that it's substantial enough to enter as a dream space. "I can work with that," I say to myself, and close the door. The handle has a pleasing feeling of solidity and the door closes with lifelike sensations, so I know this is actually working. WILD: What to do now? Well, I need traction, so I decide to just use my body a bit until I feel more substantial. Last night my husband showed me a video of a guy doing amazing acrobatic tricks on a pole, and that must have subconsciously inspired me, because without really thinking about it I start emulating him. It's fun because I could never do anything like this in RL (who could? It's real gravity defying stuff) and even in a dream it takes a bit of concentration, so it is a useful way to integrate myself better into this space. As I do it I remember to occasionally rub my hands in front of my face for more traction, and for some reason it occurs to me that it would be a good idea to feel my head, which I've never tried before, but the lifelike sensation of the shape of my head and texture of my hair is very helpful, they make this dream body I'm in feel more like "me." The vividness and clarity at this point is quite high, and I'm wondering what I look like. I see a mirror on the wall (the walls were featureless initially so the mirror seems to have manifested in response to my intention, though not before my eyes... it was just there once I decided to look for it) so all I have to do is position myself properly in order to see my reflection. I'm pleased with how much like me it actually looks, although my hair is different: loose, shoulder-length and with a layered, almost spiky cut. But the face looks just like mine, especially the eyes. It was remarkably like looking into a real mirror, which is not my usual experience of reflections in LDs. Given how lifelike my body feels and my reflection looks, I decide to play with it a bit. A couple times in my LDs I've experimented with trying to create an extra set of arms, like you see on some representations of Hindu deities, and I want to try that again. I'm now standing on a sort of balance beam, looking at a second mirror that has manifested on the next wall (a little more conveniently positioned than the first) and I start waving my arms and trying to create a second pair. With a little concentration I have a partial success: I think I can see and feel a second pair, but they are moving in tandem with the first. To be more successful, they would have to move independently, all four arms moving simultaneously in separate directions. I try to get the second set to move independently from the first, but I can't figure out how to do it! I realize that I simply have no mental imprint of what this would be like. Perhaps with a little more creativity or effort I could get this going, but I sense that at this moment the strain might be close to disrupting the dream, so I give up the attempt, amused by how tricky this is, and re-stabilize. What next? I remember my current task: "Creo vim." (I've been working through spell combinations from Ars Magica.) I anticipated this would be a fun one because I had no idea how it would manifest, and deliberately tried to avoid anticipating anything in particular, hoping the dream would surprise me. So I hold out my left hand and concentrate on the spell. Nothing happens at first. How should I do this? I wonder if I should be using my right hand (my dominant hand in waking life), but figure that since I instinctively started with my left, I should stick with it. "Creo vim," I murmur, since I've found that saying the name of the spell aloud can be an effective focus. A tiny bubble manifests in the air above my open palm. It looks like a soap bubble, and as I have this thought, it bursts like one. But I'm emboldened by the fact that something is happening, so I keep concentrating, and another bubble appears. It grows larger and slowly sinks until it is a half sphere sitting on my palm. From there it keeps growing, getting larger and lumpier and turning grey in color, but still completely weightless and seemingly inflated with air. When this mass is about a foot and a half in diameter, it lifts from my hand and sinks gently to the floor, and transforms into a small white goat. The surroundings have changed around me while I was focused on the spell. I am no longer standing on a balance beam in a white room, now I am outdoors at night, standing on the ground, looking at this goat that has inexplicably appeared. My husband is lying next to me, asleep. Standing in front of me is a horse harnessed to a cart. I ponder the goat, wondering what it might signify. On the one hand, it is an extremely cute little goat, with long white fur and two straight horns that are only a few inches long. On the other hand, it subtly disturbs me for some reason I can't identify. I remembered a trial take of a commercial that I saw many years ago. The commercial was intended to advertise a financial services company, and was showing clips purporting to be the customers. The most memorable one was a dignified elderly gentleman who for some reason was accompanied by an equally dignified white goat. It was so random and surreal, elegantly and subtly satanic, that the image always stuck with me—though I learned later that the scene was cut from the final version out of concerns that people might be disturbed or distracted by the goat. So what to make of this little goat in front of me now? The goat itself was just standing quietly and not revealing anything, until before my eyes it abruptly transformed into a few pieces of ripe and runny brie cheese on a plain white plate. This was even more mystifying. I wanted to ask someone's opinion about the goat and its transformation, but I looked around and couldn't see anyone else in this landscape. There was just me and my husband, but he was fast asleep and I didn't want to disturb him. Finally it occurred to me to ask the horse, as the only other creature around. I figured the question of the goat's moral status could be answered by how the horse responded to the cheese, so I picked up a piece from the plate and offered it to the horse to sniff. "What do you think?" I asked. The horse readily accepted the cheese and ate it with apparent relish. This seemed to speak well for the goat! "Want more?" I asked, offering the horse a second piece, which it consumed as eagerly as the first. I decided to try a bit myself, and found the taste and texture very much as I would have expected from a runny brie. There was a cemetary nearby, surrounded by a low wall. I could see the tops of gravestones over the upper edge of the wall, and I instinctively knew that one of them was connected with the goat, so I should investigate it to find out more. The entrance to the cemetary was just across the lane on which the horse and cart were standing, so I walked around them and went inside. From my original glimpse across the wall I had made a mental note that the relevant gravestone was the fourth one in, so I counted the stones I passed until I reached the fourth. It was an old style of slab carved from reddish stone, only about two inches in width, about three feet tall, and with a simple curved top, unadorned except for the text that was carved on it. I knelt down and looked at the inscription. I was pleased to discover that I could read it easily, and one phrase that immediately caught my attention was "Ghast of Vail Light." I took this to be the title of the mysterious goat. It sounded a bit spooky after all, but I loved this phrase! I immediately determined to remember it. "Ghast of Vail Light," I repeated to myself several times, and even said aloud to myself, "Remember that." I wanted to get it just right. Was it spelled "Vail" and not "Vale"? I looked again at the inscription. The letters were remarkably stable, and the spelling was distinct: "Vail." I hadn't done any tactile stabilization in a while, so I decided to run my hands over the face of the gravestone. It had the cool touch of real stone, smooth overall but a bit gritty in texture, like sandstone, and I could feel the indentations where the letters were carved in. I was still muttering to myself "Ghast of Vail Light." I didn't know how much longer the dream would go on, and wanted to make sure I wouldn't forget. But I concentrated so hard on the idea of remembering this phrase when I woke up, that it woke me up! I wasn't disappointed, though, because I had plenty to write about already.
Updated 08-02-2014 at 10:50 PM by 34973
I walk into a baseball park, walking next to a beautiful huskey, unleashed, that isn't mine, and I didn't know the name of. We walk to the back of the fields, the dog sniffing around and such, then it looked up in the direction of some woodlands behind the fields. A strange black goat, with flesh hanging off in spots, and with no eyes, comes sprinting past out of the woods. It passes us quickly, then collapses at the closest sidewalk to us. There was no blood around the animal, and nothing chasing it. And even stranger, the goat didn't look as if the wounds were inflicted on it. They seemed to be.. a part of it. The husky walks off, paying no attention to the animal. I examine it a little more though. Then in the next instant there is a boy next to me that I didn't know either. I had never seen his face before. He never gave a name, and said nothing at first. After glancing at the carcas, he told me to watch out for something, but I didn't catch what he told me to look out for. It seemed my dream wouldn't let me hear it, because when he repeated it a little more urgently, I still could not understand. I called the dog over using a name that I didn't know, and couldn't hear. Like the boy, I couldn't hear or think the name I called out to. The dog ran over to me, and just as he neared me, and man in a car pulled up alongside the sidewalk, a rifle in hand. He said nothing as he drove past, only looked at me and the boy, but I got the feeling if pure terror. I ran away, with the dog and boy in tow. I called out the boys name, and again could not understand the name I had called, and told him to run faster. And that was were it ended. But fast forward four and a half years, I have the same exact dream again. This time, I knew the names of the boy and the dog. I could call them out in the dream. The boy, I met in my second half of freshmen year, highschool, and he turned out to be my boyfriend in my sophomore year, Sam. I have yet to tell him of my dreams, and we are still together to this day. As for the dog, it turned out to be the boys dog (Sam's dog), Chaga. (Pronounced: Cha-Sha) The goat and the man are still a mystery to me. As well as what Sam was trying to warn me about. That is still not clear. I'm not sure if I should let Sam know about my dream, or not. I have no idea if it has any significance. But when I had the dream, I did not know him then, and had never seen him before. We lived in different states altogether. The reason I didn't recognise him from my dream the instant I met him was because somehow I had forgotten about the dream completely until I had it again a few days ago. Then I woke up and remembered everything. Is there anything anyone can explain to me? Maybe why I dreamed about someone I met four and a half years later? Or maybe the significance of it if at all?
In our province there is this newly re-establish bridge about 4 years ago. I dreamt of this, this afternoon. I was going to that bridge with my younger sister about 6 years old, we are going to cross the bridge. I was scared cause the bridge is not fix at that time and the only way to cross the sea is through the hanging bridge that hasn't have a good support. I pick up the goat's rope to have something to ride when we already pass the sea and hold my sisters other hand. I ask her, "Are you sure you want to come with me?" and she said yes. We are very careful on crossing, we even meet 3 man with a goat too going to where we start they are chatting happily and I was relieve cause if they can cross we can too. We are now on the half of the hanging bridge and the other rope which support the bridge is slightly tilted and there are also missing wood on the floor. I ask my sister if she is okay, she could still answer me but the water is already on her neck. The goat is very heavy I can't put out the rope cause I know that we really really need the goat. We continue to travel, I look at my sister she is already submerge in the water I tried to pull her up without putting out the goat's rope but i can't. I panic, my sister can't die. So I let go the rope and save my sister. And finally someone came, it was a young lad. I can't remember but I think I know him very well and my thought is it was my cousin and friend Jared. He have a boat and she let us ride. I perform CPR with my sister, the boy told me not to worry because my sister is alive and I should stay calm for her. She also told us the story that there are 3 man who died a while ago in the sea, same as what happened to us. Until now I felt scared just remembering this. Can't afford to loss my sister even if its only a dream. I love her very much.
After a few nights of no recall, I finally managed to remember a dream.It was still hard to remember, so I'll write down fragments. 1) I'm walking with my friends to school. We're walking from the opposite side that we walk normally. 2)School ended, I realised I had forgotten my notebook, so went back to get it. The school, was already closing, most of the corridors where closed. I see one of my teachers. She lets me in her class and shows me a few piles of notebook. I then begin searching for mine. I find it without much effort looking at it I felt strange. For a moment I thought I was dreaming, but didn't do a RC. 3)Soon afterwards, I find myself walking to school again, this time alone. Once i enter the building It looks nothing like my school. It looked normal from the inside, but It looked like a castle or a mansion from the inside. I then see fammiliar faces staring at me. They look angry, I was feeling nervous. Then one of my teachers shows up. She explains that she had put the entire school on mind control and made them her slaves. 4) I'm standing with a few of my classmates, they tell me that they are free of the mind control and told that the only way to free the rest of the school is to bring the teacher a mountain of coca-cola. 5) I'm standing infront of a mountain not higher than my ankle. I then realised that it's the mountain of coca-cola. 6) I'm seeing myself in 3d person. I have a goat strapped on my back and fly away. Strange dream, might not make sense. Atleast I managed to remember something.