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    1. Night of Monday 3/13/23

      by , 03-14-2023 at 05:10 PM (Dreamlog)
      Attack on the Landing Bay
      I'm in a futuristic spaceship landing bay. There is a crisis going on. Maybe we are under attack. There is a blonde woman (she was a well-known actor but I didn't write this dream down fast enough to recall) and we are running. Apparently, we are being shoved off into a spaceship to go and be the last humans. There is some high emotion involved. We may have had families that were killed by the attack, so not exactly excited to be told that we are to go repopulate. We get into the cockpit and escape.

      Updated 03-15-2023 at 04:12 AM by 99808

    2. 9 Sep: Crashing a spaceship and lucidly exploring the microscopic world of a tree

      by , 09-09-2022 at 04:04 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      In a spaceship like the ones in Star Trek. It is a very large one and we're dangerously close to the surface of planet Earth doing some high risk maneuver, trying to escape some other spaceship in pursuit. This maneuver was never accomplished and our ship is shaking and creaking like it is falling apart, but it holds up. The other one doesn't and we watch it be ripped appart. Then, I am not sure if by the effect of our massive ship or something else happening on the planet, but the ground below is also breaking apart, I watch a road cracking and breaking apart and some high pressure water jets coming from underground hitting the ship. There is a part of the ship which was severely damaged, which breaks apart when hit by these water jets and falls into the surface. It brings me and a couple collagues down with it. We don't know what to do when on the ground. First we run after the ship (as if we were running after a car) but it is massive and it isn't stopping for us. Then we run through a town to find some specific place, I think maybe some place from where we can communicate with the ship. I and another girl, we lose track of our male colleague who was running ahead of us and he is the one with the coordinates. We emd up inside the building of an airport and I look for clues of where he might have headed. Anything. I find a decorative flower bed with some plaque identifying plants by numbers and I notice some numbers are not correlated to plant names as other numbers are and I assume it is a coded message he left for us, but it seems incomplete. My colleague thinks I am reading too much from nothing and that this was not made by him, it is just some random incomplete info on an abandoned airport.

      At my mom's, very early morning. But she isn't home, she is enjoying some well deserved vacations. Unexpectedly I have other family members with me, like my deceased uncle Zé F.. I am looking for bread, coffee and cereals to prepare breakfast. We have a TV in the kitchen and I am looking for some news or show to put on for my uncle and whomever else is with us. But all channels are playing weird stuff. On the public network they are playing some videoclip of hispanic rappers singing about gangs and I wonder why the hell they are playing that on what seems like a weekend morning. The videoclip grasps my attention as it is filmed in Lisbon. Then I am there, walking through old Lisbon. It's still early morning, so there are very few people on the streets, but groups are arriving and descending from buses. We're near some church or cathedral and I spot some weird poster on a wall that reads like a newspaper and ther is some news story that Greta Thunberg is dead in a car accident with her father. I am shocked and turn around to discuss it with someone but when I try showing them the poster where I read it, the poster is gone and I am confused. I decide to keep walking and I see a bunch of tourists hangin out and listening to a guide in front of the church. I realize they are catholic devotees. I think to myself this could be a lucid dream and I would use the chance to prank them.
      Then I realize it really is a dream. I think what to do and have no concrete idea, so I just lift off in the air to try to prank these believers by claiming to be some celestial apparition, but it doesn't go as planned. I feel a very intense undescribable sensation in my mind, as if I am not just flying, but dissolving from this dream reality and I get very dizzy. I notice the dream characters don't even notice me, so what's the point of trolling them. Instead I fly away from the city and over a hill full of trees and just enjoy the landscape while thinking what to do. I latch on to the top of the tallest tree I see and wonder what would it feel to shrink to microscopic level and explore its microscopic life. So slowly I shrink myself to the size of a bug and I go down inside a crevice on the tree trunk, feeling the textures of the wood and mosses and water dripping. Then slowly shrinking more. But I eventually reach a dark crevice with dirt and I can't see a thing and feel my body stuck and unable to move. I try not to panic, think about either shrinking more or just expand to full size and blow up the tree to get out. But I doubt my abilities for a second and then I no longer can't do any of it. I wait still for a little bit but the dream isn't changing, it's just me in a dark tight hole and I feel like I can't even turn my head. I am starting to panic and wondering if I am just experiencing sleep paralysis and not on a dream anymore. So I decide it is not worth it and it is better to wake up.
    3. 6 Sep: Abducted by aliens and sabotaging the MIB-alien partnership

      by , 09-06-2022 at 04:20 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Me and mom have suspected for a long time that we have been abducted by aliens periodically. Then one day walking by the riverfront in Alhandra, she gets a bit more ahead of me and I lose sight of her for a bit. When I catch up and see her in the distance, I also spot a big alien ship pointing a tractor beam to her. She is starting to being pulled up and I run to pull her down, but we're both sucked in. She seems to be in a trance, but since I am extra weight that wasn't planned, I am fully conscious as maybe the effect only works on expected passengersWe are dropped at a big hangar but there are no aliens in sight. Looks more like an automated factory with conveyor belts and escalators and all the abductees move on their on while on a trance. They are taken to what look like shuttles and sent somewhere else. I observe all this while hiding, and when I lose sight of my mom again, I decide to jump out of the hangar through and opening to the ground, because I fear there won't be an atmosphere I can breathe, once it lifts off. I feel that now that I gained some insight into the functioning of the abductions, I may resist entering a trance next time I am abducted. I meet other abductees and we exchange info on methods to resist the numbing effect of the tractor beems, but nobody ever really managed to suceesfully pull it off. I am the only one who accidentally went through it consciously. Somehow, the next time that I am beamed up, I become physically numd and unable to move, but totally aware throughout. Once I am taken in the shuttles and end up at what looks like a train station inside the ship, I get out from the abductees lines and hide out. I spot some alien guards and even alien guns and I grab some alien grenade. I throw it to the middle of the "train station" and when it blows up and the aliens scramble, I sneak into a room where other humans are being held hostage. These people are also conscious. There is a blind autistic girl in the group with her mom and she is unaware of where she is and people are making an effort to keep her happy and entertained and hiding thr truth from her. I feel emotional and I share with them a plan to escape with them all. Fortunately for us, the ship is parked somewhere on Earth and is not flying in outerspace. It has many floors and we run down a bunch of stairs until the lowest floor. I sent everyone else before me and when it is my time to follow, we are surrounded by a couple drones flying over our heads. They zap us one by one and freeze us into what seems Han Solo frozen in carbonite, but it looks like wood. One by one we try to resist, but it doesn't work. Then I and another person notice a small detail, that the board people get frozen in, has a fixed size, like there is a size limitation to it. So we try open our arms and gesticulate like crazy to try to look larger and impossible to freeze. Somehow it works. One of the drones keeps flying around us and zapping us from all angles but we yell insults at it as we flap our arms and flip the middle fingers. That's when the men in black appear. A couple guys in suits and sunglasses, lead by a lady that doesn't seem very friendly. She is indeed pissed. They surround us and tells we're supposed to cooperate. Then zap us with yet another tool that makes us numb and obeyant. Then ask us to line up and march. At some point soon after, I manage to break the effect and just pretend to comply while making signs to my mates to see if anyone else is aware. I think a few of them are also slowly breaking the spell and regaining control. So I start walking sideways and going around in circles, then getting under an area with lots of valves and turning them, releasing vapors and causing chaos and confusion. The lady in black comes to me and tells me she has had it with me and asks WTF am I doing. I literally ROTFL and say that all their instruments no longer work on me and I suspect they are also not working on a few others either. Then they break character and join me in my little insurrection, grabbing the men in black. The lady then breaks down and starts talking like corporate talk, about the need to show results, to have a certain number of subjects being tested successfuly or else this alien-government cooperation will fall apart. I understand her frustration as an employee following orders. She is sitting down, defeated, while she shows me some dossier with graphs and signed protocols and explains why she has to keep doing it. Then I ask who the fuck was the stupid person who decided to secretly kidnap humans and why are they still doing it, when there are legions of human beings who would volunteer to do the job if only they were open about it and fucking asked. I tell them to just come clean and publicly announce this partnership and ask for volunteers and I guarantee they won't be short of interested people who always wanted to see the interior of an alien ship and cooperate with whatever studies they're doing and be part of the few selected ones, even if that involves a little anal probing here and there. They seem convinced and hire me as their consultant.
    4. 28 Sep: People and demons trying to kill me all night

      by , 09-28-2021 at 11:07 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Someone trying to kill me. Can't recall details.

      At what appears to be some back offices of some warehouse. Some lady and her daughter went in there as customers wanting to complain of something. I am alone in an office with them. They turn into some kind of mutant aligator-mouth canibals and want to eat me and someone else who just came in. The younger lady catches the other guy and kills him and I am trying to escape the older lady, but the exit is blocked by the corpse of the other man being eaten and I am stuck, climbing shelves and throwing things at her. She manages to bite my hand and it is really painful. But I hit her with something and escape. Manage to hold on to some ropes or cables from the ceiling and try to escape through the false ceiling, but get entangled in the cables. she keeps tying to reach me and sometimes manages to take a painful bite in an arm or leg. I hold on for dear life and then 3 unlucky guys from some next door offices come by and they attack them instead, giving me time to escape. I lock the door behind me, but then feel sorry for the poor guys and unlock it again, to offer them a chance to escape, even knowing that also gives the monsters a chance to kill more. As I escape down a hallway that has a wide window view to that room, I see them laying the 3 dead man in line and ripping flesh from their limbs, all happy like kids with new toys.

      I am at my mom's house, at my old bedroom, looking at my closet for some clothes to wear and suddenly I have to run away as some crazy serial killer is in the house and tries to kill me. I take the elevator and decide to hide in the tiny compartment that exists under the stairs at the ground floor. If he doesn't know the building, he won't even look at it. Unfortunately this killer has some kind of sixth sense of super hearing. He comes across someone at the entrance lobby and they say good morning or whatever and in that meantime I breathe a bit deeper and he looks back and sees the door and instinctively knows I am in there. When that other person leaves, he grabs me and then I blank. When I wake up somewhere else, turns out he is the devil, but a sexy devil. And with him are two ladies looking like prostitutes with goat legs and hoofs. He has sex with both of them and somehow I get involved and feel him penetrate me. I confess it was actually hot and pleasurable, but I don't want to turn into one of his whores, so I try to escape again. We are in some kind of house in the middle of nowhere and I can't get out. He then tries to poison me and also the other ladies, because they actually saw me trying to escape and did nothing to stop me. He orders us to drink some pasty thing that tastes like hell. I hope it won't kill me for just putting it in my mouth, so I do but do not swallow. Then spit it out as soon as I can. He takes us to a giant bed but then it is no longer a closed bedroom but in the middle of a very populated place like a stadium and the bed is like a stage and everyone is in some concert/event. I mingle with the people and meet lots of familiar faces from my school years. Then there is a football game for old times sake and as it used to happen, nobody wants me on their team. But this time I kick balls (literally) and right away score a goal and then more. All the guys are kinda upset with me, even those in my own team, because they aren't playing shit and they feel embarassed. So they stop playing and leave. I then realize I was left alone with just some child and some guy and this place is now like a deserted building we are trapped in. Outside is a completely different planet and the atmosphere isn't breathable. Here we will die, so we decide to make a run to a spaceship parked a few dozen meters away from the building. The gravity and air pressure is the same as on Earth and the air isn't toxic but has very little oxygen and so we can only hold our breath or breathe it for a little while before passing out. We hold our breath and run for it but we collapse half way, just in time to see a ship approaching and a bunch of my friends coming out to rescue us
    5. 12 Sep: Spaceships evacuating Earth, Earth collapses, I create a new Earth

      by , 09-12-2021 at 08:23 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      With mom at a beach. We hear spaceships launching nearby. We've been trying to sneak into the space launches. People who got tickets are being evacuated from the planet. But they move the launching site around, so every day we make a run to try to catch it. One day we manage to get there and we sneak into a line of passengers. Unfortunately they are asking them to show the tickets at the entrnace of the ship. We don't have any. But they don't kick us out, they assume we already had to show them at the maim door, so they send us to a ticket booth to get a reprint of the tickets. But if we go there, they'll find out. I claim that if we go there, we will miss the flight. They reply we can always get on the next one the next day. But as we are about to leave, someone calls us and says we're ok to go if we want. First we're excited, but as I walk to the ship I burst into tears and tell mom I don't wanna go. I remember I somehow left my pets behind on the farm with dad and that I"d rather stay and die with them. She agrees. Then everything starts falling apart, the building collapses like under enormous pressure, but in an orderly fashion, geometrically breaking up and being swallowed up into itself. I tell mom we need to jump through a slit to outside, but we fall into a void. The landscape outside is falling into itself too and disappearing rapidly under our feet. So we fall as if from high above in the sky. Mom is panicking, but I hold her hands and manage to stop us from falling. We are just levitating in the air and we see the earth disappearing, as if into a blackhole. But I decide to stop it by prpjecting a new reality. I tell mom we will land safely on land again and slowly I make us descend onto a new Earth, onto a street of cobbled stones and colorful houses. Not sure if this new reality is a pure illusory one or some paralell universe that we jumped to, but it looks like the one we came from.

      So I created a new earth and all the spaceships that had been evacuating come back and join us. I learn that a friend of mine, who also has superpowers, had been cooperating in a secret project to create a giant antenna in space to guide all spaceships to their new destination, a space station somewhere. It was based on his telepathic powers somehow. Once he realized I had created a new Earth, he guided them all back home. They all meet to work on some new plan to repopulate the Earth. I want to be part of it, so I join the meeting. Turns out there is a team who fears we might need to evacuate again and they want to establish a colony on Mars. My friend is part of this group and he is debating some advanced physics. They ask what I do or know and I say I am a biologist and they say I might come in handy if they find life there or when we bring life into it. Then definitely a biologist will be useful. But my friend Zilla is also in the group and when she hears this, she comes to tell about her skills and I feel afraid they might chose her instead. She knows a lot about Martian geology for some reason.
    6. 27 Aug: Poltergeist, weird workshop, friend on space trip, muslim extremists

      by , 08-27-2021 at 09:30 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At my parent's house, sleeping on the couch. Some news on tv about a poisonous spider that has been spotted in exotic fruits, mostly bananas and might accidentally be brought home with the groceries. I am too sleepy to care about it, but my dad goes around the house removing cobwebs and killing harmless spiders just in case. I later wake up and I am with Riverstone instead. I am attacked by some poltergeist and pushed and pulled through the air like a rag doll. It's not hurting me and Riverstone finds it kinda funny, but I am getting sick of it. I force myself to reach the bathroom and look in the mirror, wishing the spirit to show in the mirror. It does and it is a young boy. Slowly I realize it is a young Riverstone, which I tell him, by yelling across the hallway. He does not believe me. I splash the boy with water and smile to tease him. He does not react, he just smiles back and go away, but first, out of spite, he shrinks my cat Yéti to a hand size. I feel he is actually afraid of being alone, so I tell him to come around to play, if he behaves.
      I then go to attend some workshop on how to renew some license on something. It's at some office place at post-working hours. Meeting is on the 2nd floor and there are signs pointing towards the direction to follow. Up there, some people are just hanging, others are already seated at tables, I chose a table to sit at and then some weird shit starts. It seems like this ain't their 1st meeting. Apparently they all know each other and some people complain about the teacher. She comes forward to apologize for something but it felt more like a public flogging. People get up from their seats and continue accusing her of many things, others hug each other in support and others seem to just ignore it all and keep on filling forms. I am sure that I got in the wrong group and I am stimming by kneading some colored silly putty I found around. One lady starts talking to me in french, asks me if I am autistic. I raise my eyes to her and she immediately steps back and apologizes saying I am not. I reply in french "No, but I actually am". And she seems confused, points out traits she doesn't spot on me. I explain it manifests differently for every autistic and that I have other traits. Then my french doesn't go so far and I end up speaking in english. Anyway, I've decided to leave, so I abruptly get up and leave. I reach the door and it is raining cats and dogs. A couple of people who are at the door smoking or getting some air, look at me like "well, you ain't goin' nowhere". But I step out in the rain anyway and look for my car keys as I head to my car, because I don't want to stay around these people anymore. I can't find my keys, so I freak out. Soaked wet, I sit at some garden bench and dive into my purse, which is absolutely empty except for the car key in a pocket. But then the key is broken at the top, I might insert it but probably can't turn it around to start the car. I think about having to go back to the building and try get some help.

      I am just coming from my mom's and about to pass under the highway overpass to enter the main road, when a gate falls down and closes in front of me, not allowing to do so. There are military all over and one by one they shut down all passages under the overpass, with enormous gates between the pillars, cutting people off. They say this is the most recent quarantining measures, and I imagine my mom freaking out when she finds out. They tell me it is just over the weekend, but it feels more definitive. Supposedly we can still travel freely to East, just not take the road to north and south, but I wonder how far East we can go until we find another blockade. I also wonder if I just walk South over the hills, if they have put any other barriers ahead or if I could come through.

      Zilla went to space on a research project, while pregnant and everything is just unbelievable. I go visit her in her lab when she is back to earth and my dad comes along and his only comment his "I still don't like her much, but I gotta hand it to her, she achieved the highest achievement possible" and I know he means "and what have you done?". And I feel such a loser, but I decide to ignore him and concentrate on my friend. I give her a big warm hug, feeling happy that she is ok and she goes on telling her adventures, which I relive as if I was actually there. They went on a ship like a huge space shuttle, which orbited the earth for just about a week and somehow had artificial gravity. Zilla had some claustrophobia at first, especially when first realizing "I am on a spaceship!". I see her seated to eat at the canteen with panoramic views to space and then going to bed, in a common room, with lower ceiling and also panoramic windows above head. Before I leave, she takes me to see the ship, which is now all broken after some accident on reentry (not on her mission, but right after hers). There are plans to recover it, but I wonder if it makes sense at all considering the damage. The middle section is crunched like an accordion.
      When I am about to leave, I watch a couple, she is arabic and muslim and wearing a niqab and he is an american in jeans. She is yelling at him that it makes no sense that he left her. She says he turned a muslim for her and then started demanding she wear a burqa, while he himself continues wearing jeans and shirts and shaves just like a normal westerner. He doesn't have any justification for it, just says he wants nothing with her anymore and that she has to follow him to some place, like a court or something. She on the other hand says she is also bringing a case to court against him, so she agrees joining him to whatever thing he is also concocting. I follow then and take a sneak peak to inside the room they entered and all I can see is a bunch of bearded muslim men sitting against the wall at the end of the room, quiet and watching. Then she leaves the place through a back door, clearly upset. Unfortunately, four of those men also go after her and they carry knifes in their hands. I follow them to try to save her, but they corner her in the back of some building and I don't see anyway to help her without also getting killed. I hide under a tarp and see she manages to go through a door to some other building. But it is some dead end and they surround her and stab her. I get out from under the tarp and run towards the main street, which is just at the end of a small perpendicular street. I bump into a policeman and drop a camera I supposedly was carrying, but I don't recall taking pics. Anyway, one of the 4 men spotted me and is coming towards the policeman. By the look of the cop and the way he seems to want to delay me and not protect me, I realize he is an accomplice, so I run to the middle of the road and into the crowd. I hear the cop telling the guy I have a camera and possibly have photos. I sneak behind some panels hiding some construction work and I am thinking whether I enter a shop behind it or go down a manhole on the ground that is open.
    7. Nearly lucid | [24.05.2021]

      by , 05-26-2021 at 02:24 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Forgot to document this one.

      Nearly lucid
      There is something related to the movie the dark tower. I am younger. There is some sort of man with a spaceship, and we had an adventure and it was time to say goodbye as we stand on the sidewalk next to the place I live. We have a sort of discussion.

      Scene change. In my room. Am on the computer at night and there is some sort of loud screaming coming from my computer speakers and I felt something was about to happen. I frantically went to mute my audio, but it didn't work. This made me wonder if I am dreaming, so I pinched my nose and breathed through it, but I either tried teleporting away and it didn't work, or I just didn't understand the result of my reality check and just planned to continue on with the story. Either way, I woke up because of a noise in real life.

      I thought of reality checking because that is actually a recurring situation in some of my lighter nightmares, and the feeling was familiar as well. It was also pretty surprising since I didn't do my routine for a long time now. There was also a recurring scene, where I anticipated that I'd meet a screaming female character that has a horrible amount of terror associated with her; I think I had dreamt about her when I was little.
    8. lxxiii.

      by , 01-30-2020 at 01:57 PM
      Some fragments from last night.


      I was in some kind of starship, not unlike one from Star Trek but there was a mixed feel from several space stuff, including a bit from Starpoint Gemini. I was captaining the ship and we were headed straight for a blue-ish planet, covered mostly by water than anything else. I could see the system's star just left of where the planet was, much further away.

      Some four or five other green-coloured ships appeared, intercepting and following us closely. I suggested to an officer to simply activate the cloaking device ability and could see in a third-person view from outside the ship as the field enveloped it and the other ships disbanded in separate directions. (Expectable AI behaviour if it were a game)

      As we got very close to the planet, I could see everything in a sort of cinematic view and then the ship started getting close to the ground to land somewhere but for whatever reason it had to be at an airport, so the ship kept making really wide loops closing in and away from the planet surface.

      Every time we got close, I could see on some disembodied interface some information about the local surface structures. I did see a fair few airports, but many of which had tractors lining up vegetables in the runways. This annoyed me slightly.

      There is a transition and I am now on my own at some sort of Japanese-looking castle. It's night-time but I can see the moon and everything looks bright and blue-ish. There are some sort of holographic security features. (This part of the dream vaguely reminded me of Starbound)


      Just a small part of some other dream, I was in a town with some friends, not sure who. We just came out of a restaurant that was closing for the night and then two of us went one way, and I wondered where the third member was. I asked my friend, who only vaguely suggested the other might have gone looking for something.

      I remember wandering streets, there was a lot of light, from glowing signs and lampposts. I could see people sitting at cafes and so on.

      At some point we went into some shop and I wondered again about the missing friend. The friend that was with me was fascinated and excited by rediscovering some sort of cardboard packed plastic ketchup sachets.

      The next bit I remember, stuck in some sort of traffic at a four-way junction, with three lanes on each direction.

      Side notes:

      • The first dream was a bit more unusual as I haven't had many dreams that take place in space, even though I've played a lot of games that do.
      • The view-point changes were sort of frequent in the space dream and they felt a bit like they were made through a keyboard I couldn't quite feel. I suppose this sensation is quite similar to when I'm actually playing or writing something, where the keyboard sort of just becomes an extension of awareness, rather than existing as a physical obstacle, in a sense.
      • Most of these dream fragments I am getting lately are written quite a lot later from when I had the dreams, so it's a sign that recall is improving somewhat and I am also noticing more pre-lucid thoughts at a sort of "gut feeling" level, where I am not expressly thinking in spoken words but rather getting feelings or intuition about the dreams' content.

      Updated 01-30-2020 at 02:21 PM by 95293

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    9. Two scifi dreams

      by , 12-08-2019 at 11:57 PM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      Cauliflower Spaceship
      I'm far away in space and in the far future. I'm on a massive spaceship that was damaged from the inside, by a battle I think, I can't recall. I'm explaining to the crew that a chemical reaction near the engines created oxygen that was leaking to the fuel line, making us go way faster than we should. We were way off course, doomed to be lost in space as our ship was damaged.

      Suddenly our ship is destroyed. We have spacesuits on and float through space uncontrollably. I see an alien ship, it looks like a cauliflower. The front of it splits into 6 triangular pieces that open up to reveal a massive swirling portal inside the ship. We fall straight into the portal and find ourselves falling to an alien planet. Somehow we land safely. We are in an alien city that looks to be very advanced technologically. On the side of the road there's a booth that gives you a shower and new clothes instantly. I try it out and in a flash, my skin is dripping wet and I have a brand new suit on that's still warm like it was just ironed out. There's another smaller machine that creates coffee from some sort of recycling. It looks bad and smells like poop, which makes throw up before I even taste it. Dream ends.

      Memory-erasing hostile aliens
      I'm with army friends next to a big lake that is unfamiliar. This location doesn't look like Finland. There is a mountain range behind us that the other soldiers turned to sand with some bizarre weapon. Then the dream gets confusing, because we encounter aliens that eat memories. I can only recall quick moments of action. We were driving in jeeps, most likely leaving the lake. Another moment there is a towering alien with no facial features, like a silhouette, standing in front of us. We start firing at it, but my memory cuts there. I recall the alien firing a green plasma orb.

      Suddenly I'm standing on the road leading to my childhood home. The gaps in my memory terrify me. The aliens are using my worst fear against me. The streets are empty. I run to the house and turn on the TV. The news make no mention of the aliens. No one else can remember them, even though they could be everywhere. My brother is in the house and sees my worried look, asking what's going on. The fear wakes me up and persists even while awake. Takes a moment for me to realize that it's safe now.
    10. A new world in the space

      by , 04-02-2019 at 06:45 PM (Into my world)

      I am on another planet, maybe on Mars, and I am inside of a dome working on something with another girl, there are other domes beyond mine and two people are working in each of them.
      Suddenly the planet is destroyed, shattered by something or someone, and we find ourselves flying in the space surrounded by rocks, fortunately our dome isn't damaged and even all the others are safe.
      The domes can move in the space with rockets, so we can reunite all the squads and create something like a big spaceship.

      Now we are all reunited around a table and there is the captain that is trying to explain what happened and what to do next, but a dont care about what he is saying and I decide to explore the spaceship (somehow there is gravity within it). there is another girl with me and together we explore all the rooms until we arrive in front of a door that is different from all the others and in theory there should be space on the other side, but against every precaution I decide to open it.

      We get inside of it and we discover another world, in front of us there is a man that is wearing very extravagant clothes and he tells us that he was waiting for our arrival.
      He take us on a flying car without ceiling and he explain that we are on another world where there are a lot of different species of intelligent being who live together and humans here are Gods, so they can do whatever they want, there aren't any kind of rules for us.
      I'm shocked, and to verify if this man was telling the truth I put my hand into a wall and I moved them as if they had been in water.
      however we can't stay in this world for ever, so we had to go back to our spaceship.

      Updated 04-02-2019 at 07:07 PM by 96212

    11. xlvii.

      by , 10-09-2018 at 06:48 PM
      Non-dream stuff - Woke up between 8 and 9, few details recalled of some non-lucid fragments, but some of those also lost due to writing this much later.

      Fragment 1
      Was in a spaceship of some kind, remembering traveling through a star system that had a gas giant planet that had a smaller planet lodged on its surface; I remember approaching the smaller planet and entering a blue sky atmosphere and I remember feeling both forces of ascent and descent, but always going very close to a horizontal parallel, so the forces weren't that strong.

      Fragment 2
      Some sort of transition with the first fragment where I was a giant and going through a city. Few details remembered now but I distinctly remember feeling like the perspective wasn't quite accurate (the field of view seemed too small).

      Fragment 3
      Doing something "naughty" with my partner, in a large concrete room; there was a bulb hanging from the ceiling, tungsten. There were a couple of computers that we weren't supposed to be using or something. The room had a door but it was more like a barred door, so it could be seen through. I remember feeling like somebody could intrude at any point.

      Some notes:
      • The first dream (fragment) has probably originated from recently playing Homeworld again a bit. Another game I used to play from the same era was Freelancer, which was another space game. Often, using a system editor in Freelancer meant you could do weird things like the two planets in this dream fragment.
      • Though normally I would consider the second fragment to be a possible dream goal (like for the October competition by KarlaB18), I do not consider it detailed enough to actually have achieved that goal. The fact that it occurred is a positive for me because I rarely dream of subjects I'm very interested in or want to have fun with.

      Scoring thus far:
      + Previous score: 3.5

      + This DJ entry score (breakdown below): 6.5
      ++ Recall any non-lucid dream over 3 consecutive nights: 3.0
      ++ Recall a non-lucid fragment: 0.5 * 3 = 1.5
      ++ Fly (1st fragment): 1.0
      ++ Transform/Shapeshift (2nd fragment): 1.0

      = Total score thus far: 10.0
    12. How I Journeyed to the Third Galaxy

      by , 09-12-2018 at 03:12 PM
      Morning of September 12, 2018. Wednesday.

      Dream #: 18,895-02. Optimized 1 min 15 sec read.

      I am in the Loomis Street house on the second floor and mentally form a spaceship out of the front area. Several unfamiliar men are with me.

      I operate my jerry-built flying saucer, still made of wood from the house. It rises in the air and enters outer space. One unknown male (protoconsciousness emergence caused by my vestibular phasing response to the dream state) is wary.

      I go to Mars and enjoy seeing its landscapes. My illusory sensations of movement (imaginary kinesthesia caused by the vestibular phasing dynamics of REM atonia) are vivid.

      “I’m going to the third galaxy,” I tell the others (an association with Earth being the third planet from the sun).

      With the silly pretense of metacognitive dream shaping, I cheerfully claim every solar system has at least one planet like Earth, many of which have human-like inhabitants.

      I create a planet upon which to land. There are many unusual structures. The “aliens” look like people, but they say “arrow” (myoclonus association) instead of “hello.” I mentally try to prevent them from speaking English, but we hear some short phrases. Because of this, one male passenger thinks we might be on Earth.

      I see spiral writing and crosshairs on a computer screen. I read “TTYL” (“Talk To You Later”). I consider I should make the text seem more “alien.” I focus, and it soon mainly contains characters like those from the Netflix “Travelers” series. (It is a science-fiction series about human time travelers).

      I summon Zsuzsanna into a bedroom for an intimate experience. My somatosensory response (tactility, physical pleasure, and sense of warmth) increases exponentially. I sit on a bed, and Zsuzsanna sits on me, facing me. The protoconsciousness personification and the other passengers are watching us through a window (with no sense of intrusion). (There is a vague association with the last scene of the James Bond movie “Moonraker” from 1979.)

      Updated 10-28-2021 at 06:53 PM by 1390

    13. Lucid and Flew - September 9

      , 09-10-2018 at 07:39 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Sep 9 2018

      I was walking through a large paved road which felt like a walkway through a large park. It was a sunny morning or afternoon. The lawns on either side were lined with large oaks with twisting branches. There were passerby walking in either direction. Suddenly I became lucid and started running! I looked back and saw a DC. I turned around fully again, expecting to see a coworker from one of my college jobs*, and she was there! I was running backwards at this point to let her catch up, but for some reason couldn't stop or change directions, and instead had to run backwards, slower. When I reached her I made some conversation about the fact that I was dreaming, and she seemed thrilled. I took her hand and we started running together. We passed a few trucks (possibly ice cream trucks or food trucks) and signs, and I was able to read them clearly. I asked her whether she had ever flown before, and she responded that she hadn't, all she had ever done was float. I told her that that was a good start and we lifted off.

      I can feel the wind on my face and body and we're still holding hands (platonically). We weren't doing superman poses or anything specifically to indicate that we were flying, just setting my intention on a direction and going there. It was a great sensation. The oaks stretched even farther up now, and I bobbed and weaved through the twisted outstretched branches. I had a few near misses but overall had pretty good control.

      I decided to go higher than the trees and went skyward. At which point I could see in the top of my field of vision three or four wooden planks arranged like ceiling blade fans. I passed above the planks and at that point there were flat planes rushing past us. I looked down at my hands and while still holding my coworker's hands, I pushed my finger through my palm -- I felt some resistance at first but asserted "I'm dreaming" and was able to do it. Then I felt the dream stabilize a bit.

      As I looked back up, I saw that it was approaching dusk with a sunset in front of us. Underneath was a large wooden building with multiple levels with wraparound balconies. It reminded me of the restaurant I worked at for a while. I approached it and landed on the roof (it may have just been me at this point). I saw a small shack/building on the roof. Upon further examination it looks similar to a dollhouse made of craft wood -- I can clearly see the seems and the semi-gloss finish on the wood. The dream
      fades quickly.

      Note: I woke up from this dream at 6am on my left side.

      Summary of other NLs:
      I'm in a kitchen by a white door with glass panes near the head and the foot. The house reminds me of a classmate from my high school band's house. There were multiple locks that were complicated and kind of hard to turn. Once I turned them, my anonymous DC sidekick switched some small levers which had clear writing on them in a row. There is a silhouette outlined in the door and I think what lies behind it is a dark garage. I have a serious talk with my DC sidekick. We open the door and go through, and pass through the dark garage (felt ominous, there were other silent DCs there).

      I'm in a garden/walkway with a girl. We look up and see bright flashing in the clouds above. It takes a triangluar shape and turns into a spaceship with clear writing on it (reminded me for some reason of the writing on a bus or van). We run over hill after hill and past trees to keep seeing it. Each time we get it back into our field of vision it's more detailed. Finally we see that there is a ledge on the back of it and there are giant women sitting there. They send down some smaller but still giant women who fire beams at us. We run in the opposite direction and become extremely cartoon-like in our actions. I fuse with her and our arms and chest start spinning; there are now two copies of me, one driving the process and one fused with her. We fire beams back at the giants chasing us as we run down a dirt path in the garden. This dream repeats twice or thrice featuring different versions (ages, genders, ethnicities, other factors changed) of both me and the girl. Very vivid and very surreal.

      I'm at a store getting various items (I remember some onion bread buns in a bag that I got IWL from Walmart). I get some impulse items that I know my fiancee will be mad at me about. It's a pretty long dream as I go down the aisles. Finally I go down the clearance/general/jam aisle, where I find a stack of fresh papers. Underneath the papers I find some that I've drawn on (during my visit or my past several visits). I try to consolidate them as they're spaced out between blank pages. Someone passes me in the aisle and notices one full-color one I've done, I look up and say it's nothing, then look back down and it's even more polished and is the cover to a small booklet or magazine (maybe a doujin). I consolidate them all and tuck them into the bottom for safe keeping.

      I'm in a large bathroom with long white counters and four or five sinks stretching out to the right and left, separated by double doors. I'm at the sink closest to the door on the right counter. The stalls are behind us. There are some middle-aged men holding bags and placing their miscellany on the counters, it looks like stuff you would get in those cap-balls from the 25 cent machines (where you turn the handle). Mixed in are brass gears and writing utensils.

      *With my ability to summon DCs, it seems like I pretty much pick them at random; I haven't thought about these people in years but for some reason my lucid mind thinks "Gee, I would love to see X random acquanitance." I suspect that as I get better about remembering dream goals and incorporating my awareness of waking life, I'll be able to make more logical/planned decisions within my lucids.
    14. Sinister Device

      by , 06-05-2018 at 09:42 PM (Night Vision)
      I’m walking down the metallic corridor of a spaceship, carrying a small backpack and some other item with me. I spot a door on the left-hand side and walk in. It’s a little room with a bed, a sink and various other useful things along the walls. I set my things down. It looks like nobody’s claimed this one yet. I’m glad because I like room #2—they’re all pretty similar, but I just like this one more for some reason.

      I look at the bed—just a molded bit of plastic, no sheets on it yet. It’s pretty uncomfortable. I could have brought some extra bedclothes, knowing in advance that it would be, but I figured I’d just pick some up along the way.

      All of this is so familiar to me because I can remember all of it happening before, even the things that haven’t happened yet. If déjà vu is like seeing a firefly flickering in the darkness, this is like being in broad daylight. I remember all of it, although not everything seems to be set in stone—little things like my being the first one here and the outcome of one very big thing that’s still a long way in the future.

      Somewhere out in space, there’s an odd device wired into the workings of a satellite devoted to climate monitoring. The device had originally been with me, but some time back, in the midst of a chaotic situation, some group had managed to get their hands on it—not a hostile group, exactly, but not overly friendly either. They had managed to figure out that it was a powerful device and even how to get it to do some interesting things, but they really have no idea what it was capable of.

      This situation doesn’t bother me too much. An unmanned climate monitoring satellite isn’t a bad place for the thing for the time being. They’ve taken great pains to keep it a secret, and nobody is likely to find it there. And when it leaves dormancy and begins to destroy the satellite—it is a matter of when rather than if—there’s only so much damage it can do.

      That won’t be for a while yet. It will also take a while for them to trace it back to the device and figure out just what they’re dealing with. And that’s when they’ll come to me. I have some kind of connection with this thing, which is how I know all this, and I’m the only one who has a chance of destroying it. I won’t have to bother about getting it back. All I have to do is make sure I’m ready when the time comes.

      Someone else enters the room—a young woman, tall with short, blonde hair and a punk-ish look. I’m one of four people who have just been brought here, possibly as some kind of training program, and she’s another of them. She tells me the people in charge here found something out about her past and are making her take some kind of test—something they needed a blood sample for. She hasn’t got the results back yet. I don’t know anyone here that well yet, but I have the impression she just needs someone to talk to.

      We go out together, through a door in the ceiling. We aren’t actually in space now—we’re parked. It’s definitely not earth, though: we move through the air like swimming, as if gravity is very low here. It’s dark out, and there’s nobody else around. Not far from us is a park with a playground. We float over to it. I notice my companion is wearing a purple pair of flippers, which strikes me as a smart idea—she can probably move faster that way.

      I grab ahold of a colorful children’s play structure and maneuver through a hole in it. Might as well get a feel for what it’s like moving through the air like this. I think that this, in a way, is also preparation for what I’ll eventually have to do.

      The woman heads back to the spaceship at some point, but I stay out a bit longer.

    15. Mathematical Fireworks

      by , 05-01-2018 at 06:10 PM
      Morning of April 28, 2018. Saturday.

      I am in an unknown spacecraft in orbit around Earth, but the spacecraft is not implied to be alien.

      Fireworks are being shown far below, but eventually, it seems they are in view from the front window of the spacecraft, which is not logical as they would have to be too far up to be appreciated from ground level.

      Eventually, some of the small sparks strike the window, some seeming to create a “splash” effect, and I see they appear as glowing mathematics symbols, including pi. Each set fades as more “splash” onto the window. There is a curious sound like two sticks hitting together as well as sizzling. A few sparks come from the control panel as well, but there is no sense of threat or problematic events.

      This is autosymbolism for the usual vestibular system correlation and thinking skills correlation (which the subconscious self does not have while in the non-lucid dream state) to activate the return to consciousness, but unique as always.

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