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    1. Happy Birthday!
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      Hey, hope you come back here some time
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      Drop me a line, my email is still_dream at hotmail dot com
      Do not answer here, please.
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      I'm writing you regarding the post "am I a nagual".

      Are you still searching her?
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      Hi, sorry for kind of stealing your name!
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      Long life, Saviour.
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      ... 667
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      Hahaha, you have received 666 likes XD I almost feel obligated to 'like' something so that it changes to 667. I think I'll wait a day.
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      Love your avatar btw.
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    About Man of Shred

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    Date of Birth
    December 29, 1984 (39)
    About Man of Shred
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    I can dream.
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    Lethbridge, alberta
    Neuro-linguistic programming, Music, Magic Guitar, Drywall, Dancing, Karaoke, Hiking Frogs Into Prin
    Best selling book writer. Kickass musician. I also get paid to dream!
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    The Best of my dream journal
    MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
    - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
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    I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.


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    1. defygravity
      defygravity liked post by Man of Shred On thread : Ruiz's Toltec philosophies for life.
      The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz's code for life Agreement 1 Be impeccable with your word - Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    2. Darkmatters
      Darkmatters liked post by Man of Shred On thread : Ruiz's Toltec philosophies for life.
      The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz's code for life Agreement 1 Be impeccable with your word - Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    3. Jeff777
      Jeff777 liked post by Man of Shred On thread : Man of Shred on Dream Guide Team
      Thanks Again Everyone! Little Acceptance speech: Around summer of last year. I was 2 and a half years on this forum, Rarely Lucid, And I had 2 Infractions on my Record. Since then I have tried to...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    4. Raven Knight
      Raven Knight liked post by Man of Shred On thread : Man of Shred's New Dreams
      one of those days where I don't wanna type all my dreams. Since most of them were pretty boring anyway. so just notes and one dream. -Raven knight is taking me somewhere. - I'm lost in a...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    5. Samael
      Samael liked post by Man of Shred On thread : Man of Shred's New Dreams
      one of those days where I don't wanna type all my dreams. Since most of them were pretty boring anyway. so just notes and one dream. -Raven knight is taking me somewhere. - I'm lost in a...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    6. Speesh
      Speesh liked post by Man of Shred On thread : Ruiz's Toltec philosophies for life.
      The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz's code for life Agreement 1 Be impeccable with your word - Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    7. WakingNomad
      WakingNomad liked post by Man of Shred On thread : Man of Shred's New Dreams
      one of those days where I don't wanna type all my dreams. Since most of them were pretty boring anyway. so just notes and one dream. -Raven knight is taking me somewhere. - I'm lost in a...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    8. Raven Knight
      Raven Knight liked post by Man of Shred On thread : Raven Knight's Dream Travels
      Thank you SO MUCH Raven for showing me all of the dreams That I have forgotten. :hug:
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    9. Alex
      Alex liked post by Man of Shred On thread : Man of Shred on Dream Guide Team
      Thanks Again Everyone! Little Acceptance speech: Around summer of last year. I was 2 and a half years on this forum, Rarely Lucid, And I had 2 Infractions on my Record. Since then I have tried to...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    10. Raven Knight
      Raven Knight liked post by Man of Shred On thread : Man of Shred's New Dreams
      Low recall again... Epic dreams how i miss you. weird i'm out on some weird land that looks like it's from legend of Zelda. Some Maiden tells me that her husband is missing and she fears he...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    11. WakingNomad
      WakingNomad liked post by Man of Shred On thread : Man of Shred's New Dreams
      Low Recall Kissing I'm on a couch. A woman and a young girl playfully tackle me. I wrestle them to the ground. I throw the young girl aside and start kissing the woman. Brief moment of...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    12. WakingNomad
      WakingNomad liked post by Man of Shred On thread : Man of Shred's New Dreams
      Notes: - Train station, dog, moldovite capped tooth. - walking from town to town. - birthday party. - Obama at my house? - Kissing. - J and whirlwind - Bus, and Grandma? - H
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    13. Twoshadows
      Twoshadows liked post by Man of Shred On thread : Twoshadows' Dream Journal
      very cool!
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    14. Dannon Oneironaut
      Dannon Oneironaut liked post by Man of Shred On thread : Ruiz's Toltec philosophies for life.
      The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz's code for life Agreement 1 Be impeccable with your word - Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    15. Raven Knight
      Raven Knight liked post by Man of Shred On thread : Man of Shred's New Dreams
      Lucid with Nomad. I somehow get lucid. I'm in an outdoor castle? I spot nomad on a higher ledge. I fly up to him and say hi. "dude... why are you naked?" "I'm naked?" I say.
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
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    View Man of Shred's Dream Journal

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    um wow...

    by Man of Shred on Today at 03:13 AM
    Well we seem to be past that hurdle. Whatever it was.

    Short lucid

    For some reason I was going to school with my brother. I was really annoyed that I had to go to school. I got pissed off and went to wait in my brother's car.
    Became lucid randomly. I then remembered I often dream of Jamie in a school so I went in to look for her. I said out loud, "Now to find Jamie." As soon as I said that. It's like I was hit with a sleep dart. I opened a random door, and heard strange sounds like people talking but with a lot of reverb. I just fell on the floor and woke up.


    Very nonsensical dream with Jamie. I was lying down and prparing a giant gold thing?!?!?!?! Jamie was waiting by a door and she started looking impatient. like "Hurry up already."

    Definitely one of those dreams that only makes sense when you dream.

    Kissing who?

    I was in a room made of blankets and pillows?!?!?!? Some girl came in who seemed familiar. She smiled and we started kissing. Her face kept changing in front of me. I said, "I keep seeing your face change! I think I'm cheating." The girl looked flustered and left.

    I think it was Jamie... Oops!


    Long dream.

    I went to a farmhouse. looked like desert. I went into the basement. A bunch of people covered in a white suit started attacking me. Somehow I made it outside and spied on the people behind the fence. The people in white suits took them off. Now they were preteens in army gear... And Donald Trump was leading them.. confusing dream.


    I'm working at Walmart covering the Door greeter shift. Jamie walks by towards the Mcdonald's on her break and says something snarky to me. (Seems to be a replay of a real life thing from 2011. If I recall she wasn't saying anything snarky. But I do recall it's one of the first times she was going out of her way to talk to me.)

    Hopefully the dreams get better.
    side notes , lucid , non-lucid

    bad recall.

    by Man of Shred on 05-30-2024 at 01:41 AM
    I remember barely anything over the past couple of days.

    2 dreams from the night before.

    both were of Jamie talking to a fake version of me. Can't remember what the fake me was saying but I remember Jamie saying, "No Robert! Doing that would break us up I'm not going to do that!" Is she referring to using my temptations via the voice, to explore her temptations? I won't say much but that's what's been happening.. not only do we have fake voices in our heads telling lies. now there's fake me and Jamie... in our dreams doing the same thing. The struggle is real. Well hopefully by now, we've learned our lesson, NOT to entertain the very thing she was warned about from my dreams...

    Last night

    Where is it?

    I was walking in a different town with a group of people. I kept seeing a sign for a piano store or something. It existed in a large shopping building. I had trouble navigating the place trying to find the store but got thrown out by security from accidentally entering a VIP area. I went in through another section and found the store. My memory fades after.

    Where is she?

    I was in the mall again. with a bunch of people. There was this place with a high tile ceiling. something happened to the roof and one section of the tiles fell. The rest of the ceiling was going to give way. I climbed up some corner to escape by the ceiling. I sat there looking at the people below wondering why they weren't leaving the room from the imminent danger. And where was Jamie, and how come I hadn't seen her in a dream in so long? This got me upset. "Come back Jamie." I said to myself and started crying. (My sad emotions are like 100x in dreams) I was almost expecting her to enter the room then, but I didn't want her to see me like this so I went further into the tunnel and woke up.

    Trying again

    by Man of Shred on 05-27-2024 at 04:22 AM
    Been praying for lucids lately every night. It's starting to work. Also will be working in Cochrane for over a week with a friend. Hope it doesn't disrupt my usual routine.

    Lucid 1

    Was walking around in olds, but everything was slightly different when I became randomly lucid. I was in an alley and wanted to find Jamie. I saw 3 bikes. One looked like it might be a motorbike. Started riding it but had to pedal. Turned onto a main street and immediately saw Jamie coming my way on a bicycle. She was looking down .

    " Hey Jamie, do you really ride motorbikes? I had a lucid years ago where you were on one. "

    She stopped and recognized me. We were suddenly walking in a school hallway. A blond girl was coming our way. Jamie recognized her. Her eyes went really wide. She stopped the girl and said, "hey, you were in my dream. I'll tell you about it later." The girl just walked on.

    " Is that your Girlfriend?!?!?" I asked excited.

    "She's not my girlfriend..." Jamie said sounding pissed.

    " But, you and her.... Right? I saw that look, I know what it means."

    We were now in a locker room. Jamie started crying to herself. She became a white robot with a round head. The face was just a LED display for the eyes. She put her face in her hands weeping

    "What's wrong?," I asked.

    "I'm okay... I just think I'm on my... My... My . P."

    "You'll be okay." I said cutting her off. " I think there's a healing spring by your dream home. You wanna go there?"

    " Really?" She asked, " okay."

    Before we could go
    I woke up.

    [B][Lucid 2[/B]

    I was in a Wal Mart parking lot when I suddenly became lucid. I wanted to find Jamie again and thought I could take a car. A strange vehicle pulled up. Just two car seats and two car wheels driving itself. I picked that one and it started moving. I remembered that counting made my lucids longer so I tried it. Immediately my vision stretched... I panicked and woke up.


    I was at some job with my family. No one was there suddenly. I got in my car. Didn't turn it on and it just started rolling downhill.


    Sex dream with Jamie... She was being mean saying she wanted to break up or something. " That's not me, Robert." The real Jamie pushed through a phantom one that vanished. Jamie looked flustered at what just happened.

    That happens with the head voice too. Other voices interfere. Her voice kept requesting lots of prayers. I can see why.
    lucid , non-lucid


    by Man of Shred on 05-27-2024 at 03:35 AM
    I had an entire entry for my dream journal and it didn't post. Wasn't saved in my history. I am NOT typing them again. Will try again tomorrow....


    by Man of Shred on 05-24-2024 at 03:20 AM
    I don't know if any old-school dreamviews members are still around. But, I regret to inform you all that former DV member: Cacophony (Chloe Rose) has passed away from stage 4 cancer. I used to interact with her a lot on DV maybe 2009'ish? She leaves behind a young daughter. Kind of hit me hard today for an hour or so... anyone younger than me or in my age group when they pass... I count myself lucky. We attempted to share dreams for a short stint. She did tell me I actually dreamed of something she did in waking life, she said hoped my strange skill takes me places.

    Also, Possible Jamie sighting again. I was in olds, had to take a detour and while turning caught a girl in a maroon car beaming at me. Hair tied back or in braids. Face: familiar. It was hard to tell because it was only a split second. Hard to tell because when it comes to Jamie, The universe likes to fuck me in the ass... literally.

    Anyway dreams.

    New girlfriend

    I'm with Jamie at a highschool. She somehow convinces me to get a new girlfriend or something. It's some slightly chubby girl. later we are "going out." I kiss her goodbye at the end of the school day. The kiss doesn't feel right at all... but I say as I'm walking away. "Goodbye my girlfriend!". She just stares at me dumbfounded or something. I walk away with Jamie and say, "She didn't even respond." Jamie said, "She's not the right one then."


    I'm going from a top floor of a large building to downstairs through a series of rooms set up like an obstacle course. I breeze through most of it pretty easy. On one floor the memorable part was running into two cheetahs. They were really friendly though.


    some dream about a new job or something. can't remember.

    Almost lucid

    I was with Jamie somewhere... had a False Awakening. I was in a bedroom that felt like it was mine. There was some obscure music playing. it sounded like Classic rock, but with grunge. I remember thinking the song was annoying. Then it stopped and I heard a radio guy talking. It sounded like Gibbrish and then it ended. Saw a weird panting on the wall. It kept changing shape. I was about to be lucid but woke up.


    Me and Jamie are walking in a white area, By a wall there's a 3 foot high troll... it's female with blond hair but a wierd face. Jamie says, "Hey, I think that might be your girlfriend." I stop and ask the troll, "Who is your boyfriend?" The troll I think is going to point at me but it points to the floor between my feet. I took it as a Yes and picked up the troll to give her a hug.

    FA, The troll is on top of my in my bed. I jump up in shock and it makes me wake up for real.

    Why is Jamie trying to get me a new, "Girlfriend." in dreams. I already have Asuka, and Jamie... Is she testing telepathy again trying to make me say a key phrase? Well STOP it. I'm not an experimaent... Kinda miss the affecionate dreams.