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    1. Why Won't They Leave Me Alone!?

      by , 11-29-2012 at 05:05 AM
      This is from November 21st, I just didn't get around to typing it all up before.

      Early in the night I originally fell asleep on the couch in the living room in front of my laptop, then I woke up a couple to a few hours later and shut down everything in the house and moved to bed. So that technically makes these with a WBTB.

      #1 - Creeper Nightmare [Non-Lucid]

      Throughout this dream, for some reason all of the windows in my house had open blinds and were larger than normal, making it very easy to see into the house from the outside at any point. It was really creeping me out because in the house next to mine which was visible through the windows there were these four guys that kept peering around corners or over fences to just stare at me in a really freaky way, and then they would start laughing when I got anxious. Even when I tried to go out front or out back I would see them watching me from somewhere. At one point I was even crawling around on the floor in the house and reaching strategically over and around objects to avoid being seen by them, knowing that they were just out of eyesight staring into the window. Eventually I just got pissed, and I went out front, walked over to their fence, and jumped up on it in one swift movement. This is not uncommon for me; my dream self seems to think that walking on fences is fairly normal, though still something to be considered significant. I ran along the top until the second floor balcony of the next door house (which doesn't actually exist, it's a one-story house) and leapt over to it. I went in through the door and walked up to one of the guys who said "Oh shit!" and looked shocked. I was ready to smack a ho, but then my memory of the dream gets really blurry and I just remember there being something about my old friend T, I saw him for a second... but then, I woke up. Ah, well.

      #2 - Modeling Assignment [Non-Lucid]

      I was at some big school function where they paired us up with different students and had us take tests and do modeling jobs and stuff. There was some girl there that I was just trying to be nice to for some reason, and I remember lending her a pencil, but then she still got totally pissed at me for something. However, AB, this girl I used to know since elementary school but barely ever talked to since then, got up and started defending my honor with some long speech. Oh, also, I think for most of this dream, or at least this part onward, I was JY, this guy I also knew since elementary school. No idea why, I haven't thought about him in ages.... Anyway, like I said, we were paired off and we were supposed to be doing a modeling gig. For ours they were expecting us to submit some comic we'd made, but my partner was the one who had it on him and he didn't show up. I tried doing the gig myself and they told me my image was nice but it needed more, it had to be both of us or neither. I decided to go walking around the mall/school looking for my partner and somehow ended up back at my house. (My real house, not JY's house.) I was in my parents' bedroom and I decided to just jump back on the bed and give the guy a phone call. I told him the situation and he said that he had to ditch to go to a dentist appointment. I just said that that was fine because the school was just pushing us into it anyway so I didn't really care that much.

      #3 - Nothing Wrong With A Little Bondage [Non-Lucid]

      I was at some kind of station waiting for transportation with my parents, and there were these two random girls standing not far from us. I turned to my parents and asked them if the train that just left was the one that we were supposed to be taking, and the girls startled giggling and said that it was actually a bus. I just responded that we call it a train where I come from. It was clearly based on a train from around here, so I wasn't wrong lol. Eventually a couple more arrive and we got on a different one from them and I get a third-person view (from outside and behind the train, though it may have become a bus considering what we did next) of the train swerving through traffic and over all these crazy highways that bend at impossible angles. It basically looked like a huge video game obstacle course set up all around some big city full of skyscrapers. The dream then transitions to when I'm already off the train and I'm at a mall restaurant of some kind meeting up with M, some random DC, O, ET (heh, not the extra terrestrial), S (5 hits, for self-reference), and maybe C and a few others. We were going to do something though I can't remember exactly what now, and this random guy walked up to me and kissed my hand. I just patted him on the back and said "Sorry, I'm taken." and moved on, and I saw a friend comforting him as he walked away. Then, ET just up and decides to grab me by the arms from behind, pick me up, and hold me locked in some bondage position to parade me around the mall for everyone to see. At this point many of the people in the crowd were suddenly in fetishy outfits, and everyone was just staring at me amused as we went by. And yes, it was awesome. >.> I could hear the whole gang talking about movies or something behind me, but I never got back into the conversation before the dream ended. I had a brief false awakening where I typed up most of the previous dream on my phone, almost letting it fade from memory. Luckily, I still remembered it well upon waking for real.

      #4 - And Now The Creepers Can Fly ;-; [MILD]

      In this dream I felt that I was visiting home for the holidays, though I'm not entirely sure where exactly I would've been visiting from. I was wandering around outside on the side of my house by the next door neighbors' fence and I saw some random girl followed by SC, this girl I knew in middle school, breaking into their yard through the fence. The girl was saying that it's just something she likes to do to mess with people so they have to take the time to clean their yards up. Now this next part I really have no memory of at all, though I really wish I did. Instead, I'll just have to quote it. "Then some old guy comes running by and uses me as an external pacemaker for a second." I go back inside my house through the garage and see the girls sitting out back and think that something must be up because they should still have been in the neighbors' yard. I approach our back door and think to myself "Alright, if I can fly right through it then this is a dream." I leapt off the ground and went right through the door and wall and flew into the sky. I was excited, but immediately after the happiness set in and I turned around slightly and saw some creepy guy flying right behind me. I had an adrenaline rush and the scene transitioned into my bedroom, and I was convinced that I'd ruined my shot. I almost lost this dream to a false awakening as well, but thankfully I woke up shortly afterward.

      Updated 11-29-2012 at 05:07 AM by 50803

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment
    2. Day 3: The Secret Compartment

      by , 07-26-2012 at 04:10 PM
      Supplement Dose: 10 mg Melatonin, 250 mg Choline, 50 mg Zinc, 400 mg Niacin, 100 mg Inositol, 100 mg Vitamin B6, 800 mcg Folic Acid, 500 mg Vitamin C

      Dream Fragment - "Walking around an apartment complex with R explaining to him why DMT is special?"

      The Secret Compartment [DILD]

      The first part of this dream is hazy, but I was doing something at school which then became a mall. I vaguely remember seeing people I've known since elementary school, and then I told this girl MH who has the same last name as me that she's have to put something up my butt. (A quarter, I believe? ) Shortly afterward I became lucid, however, and I was walking around in some big department store section of the mall. The dream was quite vivid at first but rather unstable, and to save it I walked around singing "I can see clearly now, the rain is gone....", which worked like a charm. I was fully lucid in the sense that I had full comprehension of the fact that I was in a dream and none of this was real, but I still don't think my rational mind fully turned on as I was making some strange decisions. I decided that I wanted to steal a TV which would surely serve me no purpose for some reason, so I grabbed it and started heading toward the exit (the one that actually leads outside, not back into the mall). However, as I was walking up to the censors a thought occurred to me: if I walk out of here knowing I'm stealing this, the dream will probably make the alarms go off and I'll have to get out of here quickly, and that might cause an adrenaline rush which could wake me up. I opted to find a better way to sneak it out to see if I could get past the censors without a fuss. Also, when I wasn't looking the TV turned into a toy gun. I never really focused on it intently so my memory of it is hazy, but I want to say it looked like this one more than anything.

      However, my mission didn't change, and for some reason I still wanted to steal this. I walked around until I found an attractive female DC. *cough* I then grabbed her, pushed her over, pulled down her pants, and shoved the gun into her ass. Hooray, it fits! My plan from this point on was to make her walk through the censor and look like they're just going off randomly because she's not stealing anything, then walk through and get it back out of her, but then
      I woke up. ._.

      There were a few more dreams, but I guess I was lazy and possibly having false awakenings because I vaguely remember intending to type them down, but there were no further notes than those. >w<

      Spoiler for Reflections:
    3. Day 0: Lucid Fragment IV, Jello Cubes and Drugs, First Experiment

      by , 06-08-2012 at 12:22 PM
      Before falling asleep last night I decided to smoke some medium-grade weed to see if it helped with meditation more than the high-grade weed I've been smoking. The reason for this is because all of the high-grades around here are body highs, which means they have a good THC/CBD ratio rather than the mostly-THC head highs of the medium-grades. Since THC works through CB1 receptors which colocalize with and also indirectly stimulate D2 receptors, I figured this would be a much better bet for achieving a dream state; THC-dominant strains also make me hornier and trip harder in a psychosis kind of way, all evident of dopaminergic effects. The CBD strains have anti-THC action and then add their own serotonergic effects, which is wonderful for getting high and probably even for meditating in a non-dream-related way, but that's not what I'm looking for here. The outcome was pretty successful, I didn't achieve a WILD or OBE or anything because I'm inexperienced and it was right before going to bed originally, but the vibrations did get very strong, I felt warm and tingly all over and I had basically melted into the flat surface of my bed. I also used a light machine the first 10 minutes of it, and that created some pretty intense patterns that were pushing the high into complex visuals like cascading faces. After I finally pulled myself out of that, I fell asleep.

      Dream Fragment - "Flying in a jungle with N, commemorative dollar coins with jokes written on them, school/mall food court, Facebook, talking about shared dreaming?"

      Lucid Fragment IV [DILD]

      I remember becoming lucid based on the fact that something I said didn't make much sense, but I don't really remember what it was now. This wasn't an "oh no, another lucid lost to a fragment!" dream, I was just really tired when I woke up and I didn't think it was interesting enough to merit taking the effort to write it down. Yeah, I was feeling lazy.

      Jello Cubes And Drugs [Non-Lucid]

      In an auditorium, I was in a new class with lots of confusing things going on, and my mom was sitting next to me in some kind of stadium seating. She had stopped talking after some red jello energy cube showed up next to us. I was pretty high and I started playing with it, unsure of what exactly it was. I was also talking to some really drug-dealer-stoner-looking guy about a new powerful drug I was planning to synthesize, and my description was complete with cartoony breakthrough visuals with bugs and galaxies and veins and blood vessels and etc., and I was saying it could basically either make you trip balls or it could kill you, we just don't know yet. The visual was pretty intense! That part of the conversation happened as we were walking through a hallway somewhere after leaving the auditorium, but I can't remember much after that now.

      First Experiment [Sleep Paralysis]

      After I woke up I got on DV and checked new threads for probably not longer than five or ten minutes. Upon checking the Post pictures of sexy hawt females thread, it occurred to me that I still hadn't officially reset my counter to zero for the one month of no masturbation challenge, and I was finally in the mood to do so. So that was fun.... Afterwards I thought about how long it had been since I originally woke up, and decided what better than now for a WBTB experiment? I got out my bong and smoked some more of my medium-grade weed, then positioned myself lying on my back in the bed, facing up.

      At first I just felt extremely relaxed and zoned out. Then I started getting some mild hypnagogia coupled with delirium, i.e. thinking it was actually happening, but only a little bit. The first thing I remember is repeatedly thinking that I was walking into my bathroom and looking into the mirror, but still being faintly aware that I was really still in bed. There was more than that, but it's hard to remember now. After a while I got lazy and intended on giving up, so I flipped over to my side.

      Suddenly, there was a large number of things going on in the room. First, the TV was on, I couldn't see it but I could hear it quite clearly. I don't remember what was being said. Second, my cat was meowing loudly in my room, and I couldn't see him either. Third, my mom was telling me something about my cat which I don't remember now. Same story, heard but not seen. And fourth, I was on DV talking to StaySharp about everything that was happening. Throughout all of this I was aware that this wasn't actually happening, except for the thing about DV. I was able to completely open my eyes and think at least somewhat lucidly. "Okay... I can't move.... So I'm in sleep paralysis? Alright then." With eyes open everything was dreamy and extremely distant, as if it was being perceived but not really processed. I looked at my laptop (which wasn't even actually there) and saw it start floating around the room, shrinking and growing in only one direction as it did so. There was a mild sense of "That's not right....", and then I closed my eyes again. I was back in my bathroom, looking in the mirror. This image wasn't completely solid, it was like 90-95% there, basically enough for it to be a fully structured dream sequence but with me still maintaining bodily awareness. I had a baby carrier positioned on me so that the baby would be in front of me, covering my chest and stomach, but there was no baby in it. Instead, there were two long, feminine, and beautiful legs protruding downward from somewhere in it that's hard to recollect now. I could also hear the voice of my cousin K talking about how I was going to turn into her or something, but I think it might have been more of my train of thought than something that was actually happening. This weirded me out a bit and, without fully comprehending the situation, I decided that I'd had enough of this. I opened my eyes again and just stared at the wall with the intention of ending the whole experience, and before long the dreamy feeling faded away, and I could move again.

      I'll certainly be using this weed for more experiments in the future!

      Updated 06-08-2012 at 02:13 PM by 50803

      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    4. Return Of The Mall School, Hunted Down, Reconnecting With Old Friends

      by , 02-21-2012 at 06:35 PM
      Welp, I had two lucids last night! My recall was kind of crappy because of smoking weed during the day, which I'm definitely taking a break from again because it's negatively effecting my dreaming. :T But I did smoke calea too right before bed and that increased the vividness of what I do remember, so at least there's that. Before falling asleep, I started off the night with some meditation, and I tried to push the idea into my head that I would be lucid and that I was looking for Link, preferably at school. I'm not sure how much progress I made on the latter since there are a few dreams I can't remember at least. :\ But at least the former worked!

      #1 - Return Of The Mall School [Non-Lucid]

      This one starts out at a mall school, a thing I usually often get in dreams where gigantic malls are interpreted as schools (with individual stores as classrooms and stuff like that), but actually haven't had in quite a while now. I see this one annoying kid from high school walking around and want to avoid him so I go into the bathroom. While I'm there I think I have to pee, but I decide not to. I remember that I'm supposed to be leaving school with M so I walk out and see this girl L and another girl who's hazy in my memory talking about me. I suddenly start sliding on the floor, something which I've noticed I've been doing a lot lately in dreams, like I'll purposefully slide myself on the ground and ride the slide over some really long distance as if it's just some normal thing to do, and I even have good steering during it. So I do that and end up over at Barney from How I Met Your Mother, and I think I became Robin at this point. (And I just realized that we're in a mall, which is funny if you watch the show. ) We just start making jokes and walk out of the mall school and end up at my car, and we get in to drive off but then the dream starts fading and I wake up.

      #2 - Hunted Down [DILD]

      This one is rather bizarre. Though some of it seems almost first-person at times, I'm pretty sure the whole thing was actually third-person. So there are these two guys on a plane, and the plane crashes into a cloud (yes, a cloud) that turns out to actually be a mirror that was just floating and reflecting other clouds. Both guys jump out of the plane trying to hit the water below (they're flying over the ocean or something, but there are also lots of glaciers and the like, so maybe around Antarctica?). One of the guys hits the ice too hard though and doesn't make it. The other guy is swimming around in the freezing water and then someone comes down and is scouting for them, which makes the guy think that this was no accident and they were being hunted. So the guy starts acting like he's dead and just floating in the water, and he almost gets away with it but then the scout figures him out, so he jumps out of the water and starts running forward with the guy chasing after him with a gatling gun. Suddenly the scene changes back the mall school's food court, and the scout is firing like crazy but the guy easily dodges it all and people standing around are stunned. Then I think the dream started falling apart because I'm back at home, but still third-person but without anyone to see, my perspective is just quickly bouncing around my living room. I became lucid during this part, which was very odd. I remember thinking something about games in relation to what was going on... but unfortunately that's the least vivid part of the dream in my memory because after that I had a false awakening where I managed to write down every single part leading up to that, then woke up for real and had to write the first part down again out of fear I would forget it so the lucid part became really hazy.

      Must. Start. Doing. RCs.

      #3 - Reconnecting With Old Friends [DILD]

      This one is practically a fragment, but I did become lucid for it. I remember watching people playing video games in my house, and then I noticed that our old cat Karma was there. She disappeared (died most likely, she was really old) when I was in like second grade I think, and I really missed her. She also seemed younger than I ever saw her and maybe meshed with some properties of Miu, our most recent cat but who also disappeared around a year and a half ago. They really were similar in some ways and my mom frequently accidentally called her Karma. I really felt like they were both there again in this one dream cat and I became lucid when I felt their presence, so I just pet her for a minute and played around with her until something else grabbed my attention and I lost lucidity. I don't really remember what happened after that, but I really enjoyed this dream anyway.

      Fragment - Waiting to hang out with J but at my house, though I remember walking up the staircases at his apartment complex....

      So that's it for this night. I'm not going to smoke any weed today, so hopefully I'll remember more tonight!