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    1. Comp Nights 2 to 8 - Fantasy Worlds, Yuri, and Lucidity!

      by , 01-15-2024 at 01:24 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      This has been a surprisingly busy week for me... I have stuff to do every day �� It's my birthday week though, so it's okay.

      Night 2

      Meditated a bit before bed, didn't record times for any of these nights. I also did some decent reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      I can't really read my handwriting here, but there was an autistic boy who said something strange when he meant "thank you," and his mother had to translate.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      This girl, a senior in high school, was sexually abusing her brother. Their parents were dead and he was cut off from the outside world so he constantly went to her for head pats. She left for school and was almost killed for mocking a deity, but avoided it by pleading "love" for her brother. -_- It was decided that she would be executed as soon as she graduated, though.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      I was a super muscular guy with super powers, and this other muscular guy was fighting Todoroki with me. He had jetpack boots and special moves but we still beat him, slamming him into the wall of the arena. Later there was a scene change, a dungeon, where horses and monkeys were trapped in jail cells. The monkeys could (and wanted to) sacrifice themselves for the horses. One asked if he could sacrifice himself for a human but we didn't allow it. There were also some cats wandering around in there.

      Dream #4 (Fragments, Non-Lucid):
      Frag 1: Playing word games with (S) and their brother, similar to Bananagrams except we took turns.
      Frag 2: I brought something to a circus-like place.

      Night 3

      Did decent reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      I had somehow been transported to 1964 and all I had was some then-unreleased Korean candy. I decided to sell it and make a killing.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      A boy was pitching a new Owari no Seraph series, called Niko something, made by the director of Yurikuma Arashi. It was a fan fav, rated 4.87 stars.

      Later someone was asking a bear, “Sir, please give me your yuri.” But something felt off. The progression of the relationship was weird.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      My mom was being really uptight… (illegible). Later I was pulling back my hair and saw I had white hair underneath. This horrified me for some reason and I was doing everything I could to disguise it.

      Later I watched an anime an talked to (S).

      Night 4

      Did good reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Non-Lucid):
      Stephanie Soo was recording herself in a cheap apartment, except she was an anime loli girl. She stood on a coffee table and gave a tour.

      Scene change. I was making hearts in a pond. I was very bothered when someone pointed out that as a child I only made rectangles.

      Scene change. MC was an anime girl who was also a lesbian. She was in a parking lot and two people, a man and a woman, pulled into a spot in a Jeep. The girl was completely spellbound by the woman.

      The two claimed to be firefighters and stole a bunch of her stuff. When the girl said she liked the woman because she was “petite,” she got chased around the lot, but she liked it.

      Then they left, saying their name was “UTY,” and shouted “US. TRUST. YOUUUUUU!!!!!” as they drove away with all her stuff.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      People were killing Titans, also known as Guardians. They were mind-controlling them to walk into walls and kill themselves. But a small one (the size of someone’s palm), had magical powers and was able to bring them back.

      Who's from England...I need some guy tips-compyuri.jpg

      Night 5

      Did decent reality checks and meditated briefly.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Again I had another dream about having white hair underneath my normal hair. This time I tried to take a picture in the mirror, but struggled a lot.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      I was at some interesting hotel place instead of school. But my dad found me and stole a school bus and started speeding down the street. He nearly hit a car but it turned just in time, but on school grounds he crashed into a mound of dirt and killed two kids!

      As soon as the bus came to a stop I bolted out and into the school, dropping a moon rock I’d picked up earlier. The interior was different and there was a disco ball hung from the ceiling.

      My friend (A) walked in and I complained to her, but she didn’t believe me. I screamed at her that two kids were dead and he was always doing stuff like this—how could she doubt me?!

      Night 6

      Did good reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Lucid):
      I was at a carnival. A dude was selling donuts in a strange neighborhood. Later I went home and my grandma was there. For some reason this struck me as extremely strange and I stared at her for a while before realizing, Oh, this must be a dream. Then I woke up.

      Dream #2 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      My dad called me a whiny complainer. I was about to go off on him, but woke up before I could.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      I was trying to fix my mechanical pencil, singing in my head. For some reason it was a very complicated process and I was on edge. Then my mom told me that my brother’s friends had stolen my rock-climbing passes and we needed to go meet them at the place now. Apparently we were late for my birthday party (which IWL was the next day).

      I broke down crying and stumbled up to my room, screaming at the top of my lungs. My dad was in the bathroom and yelled at me to shut up.

      Night 7:

      Did decent reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Non-Lucid):
      Crocodiles were killing seniors. We followed a friendly one down a path to escape, but still had to fight a few on the way.

      No WBTB this night

      Night 8

      Did decent reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Lucid):
      This dream was in anime format, with episodes and everything. A middle schooler was trying to save this girl named Mari. He was stuck in a time loop, running to the school roof over and over and over, where she would be standing, and then he would get teleported back down until she sent him a few texts. He met a couple friends, Xu and Enta. Xu was kind or a punk, Enta was a good honor student.

      At some point a giant frog detached from another building, a dramatic song playing in the background and the sound effects very vivid. It hopped onto the middle school roof and started drinking the girl’s life force.

      Anyway in one of the time loops he managed to save her from hanging herself by dashing to the roof the second she texted, “It’s the end.” But then she said she had also taken poison hours ago and it would surely be in her system by now. So even if he went back in time again, how could he stop her?

      Suddenly he was in my body (but still himself) and taking a bath while talking to Enta on the phone. Enta had forgotten him and Xu, so MC was trying to convince him they were friends by talking about the test scores he’d just recieved. The only reason he’d taken that test was because of them. He wanted to get into a good college and make a lot of money to take care of his mom and siblings. MC started choking up when talking about what a good person he was, looking at a yuri towel that doesn’t exist IWL.

      Then my brother barged into the bathroom and I took over the position of MC. I yelled at him to get out, then realized my dad had been on the toilet this whole time.

      Suddenly I became lucid. I got out of the bath and telepathically swung the door open, manifesting forks and knives and throwing them into the wall. I mind-controlled my dad to have a desperate urge to collect them all, and started throwing popcorn as well.

      I wonder if these items come from somewhere in the world, I thought. My lucidity level was not the highest. Then there’s no guarantee they’re all fresh, right?

      I ate one of the more buttery-looking kernels, but it was nasty so I ran to the sink to wash my mouth out. Then I flew up to my room, phasing through the door easily. It might be the first time I’ve phased through an opaque surface without losing lucidity; I felt super powerful in this dream. (Still, I was only vaguely thinking of the competition.)

      I knelt down on the floor and closed my eyes, imagining a complicated T-shirt design. When I opened my eyes, it was only partially formed, so I had to manually fix it by running my hands down its length, the rest of it forming before my eyes. The design was a bit dim, so I made it brighter by doing the same thing.

      I was trying to take a picture, even though I knew I couldn’t bring it back to waking life. I just wanted to see if it would show up on camera as well. It took a lot of effort to keep it materialized, and my mom broke my concentration by yelling at me to take a shower.
      It woke me up, but I’m really happy about this LD ^w^

      Dream #2 (Fragments, Non-Lucid):
      Frag1: I was in a fantasy world and killed two crows.
      Frag2: My dog was cuddling with a cat. I was surprised because he usually wants to eat them.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      I was on the phone with a little girl. She was lying between two houses, pretending that a boy named Jake had possessed her by stabbing her with an icicle. Her real name was Jane, and she was copying a behavior my friend (S) had been doing lately.

      I called (S), who was at college, demanding to know what was going on with them. They were always away, and if they weren’t they were between houses, or with some weird guy. During the phone call I met up with them in person, and they explained everything to me.

      The kid apparently thought they were a super powerful reincarnated deity, and they had to keep up the act. The kid joined us, and (S) slammed down a dangerously hot gold hammer into the ground, pretending it was a manifestation of their powers.

      I became less and less myself as the dream went on, pushed into an observer role. The one who had replaced me joined in on a shared delusion of the two that the school principal was behind all their problems. They marched to headquarters and fought the guards, one of which was a super cool neko girl with a black-and-white mask. She talked like a robot and for a decade had been in charge of China.

      We were losing but another girl joined us. She was inexperienced but managed to tie with another powerful guard. They both died. (S) had weak fire powers and was engaged in combat with the weakest of the guards, while the MC who had replaced me was standing in the middle “charging.”

      She was enraged at the death of her friend, her powers growing and growing until she lost it and blew up the entire hallway, killing everyone in it, including her friends. (The “narrator” was really dramatic about this, repeatedly saying she forgot to shield them, trying to get just the right tone.)

      The MC walked into the vault which was being guarded. Turns out the principal actually was evil and had been possessed. She would put very little funding into the school, using 90% of it on herself. I woke up as they were talking, but it seemed like the MC was going to become the new principal, under the condition that she be isolated for the rest of her life.

      Who's from England...I need some guy tips-compmaskedneko.jpg

      Night 2
      Brief meditation and RCs - 1 point
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x4) - 4 points
      Total: 7 points

      Night 3
      RCs - .5 points
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - .5 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x2) - 2 points
      Total: 5 points

      Night 4
      RCs - 1 point
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x2) - 2 points
      Theme - 3 points
      Drawings - 2 points
      Total: 10 points

      Night 5
      RCs and meditation - 1 point
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - .5 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Total: 4.5 points

      Night 6
      RCs - 1 point
      WBTB - 2 points
      DILD - 10 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - .5 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Total: 14.5 points

      Night 7
      RCs - .5 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Total: 1.5 points

      Night 8
      RCs - .5 points
      DILD - 10 points
      Telekinesis - 5 points
      Advanced Summoning (I could see the forks appearing in my hand) - 10 points
      DC Manipulation / Mind Control - 5 points
      Eat/Drink Something - 5 points
      Fly + First Chosen Task - 10 points
      Fully Phase through Big Solid Object + Second Chosen Task - 20 points
      Basic Summoning (Partially-formed T-shirt) - 5 points
      Advanced Summoning + Third Chosen Task (forming the rest of the T-shirt) - 25 points (**This counts because it's for the 3-step tasks, right?**)
      Drawings - 2 points
      Total: 97.5 points

      Comp total: 149 points

      Updated 01-15-2024 at 01:34 AM by 99938 (forgot to add night one points)

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    2. Comp Nights 9 to 14 - Short and Nonsensical Dreams

      by , 09-16-2023 at 08:54 PM (MeiSEKAI)
      I actually meant to publish this yesterday but couldn't finish I hate school.

      Night 9

      Dream #1 (Non-Lucid):
      An anime boy and I were steering clear of a grizzly bear. At some point my dad rolled down a hill with a cat and they landed directly in its warm embrace.

      Eventually the anime boy turned into Z, and he fell and got a scratch on his foot. Nile sniffed it and I pushed him aside, intending to put blood in the wound (literally), but Z put on his shoes before I could. Then he said something unclear, and I told him, "You should communicate better."

      He started getting emotional about some (false) time I didn't tell him about a cliff edge. My mom sided with him but I laughed in their faces. She was so distressed about my bad attitude she got up, backed me into a corner, and slapped the "camera" while screaming.
      It woke me up. Unknown time WBTB.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      Plot1: I was reading a book in the hallway between my room and my dad's when some random guy came up the stairs. He must have opened a door because I asked him to close it, but he left without saying a word. My dad came out of his room and closed it, then brought it to my attention that S was spamming me. Something about a dolphin show and slippers.

      The book I was reading looked like a CD App [I remember the book but idk what I meant]. I had read it before and knew the whole story. The main character was on a quest to obtain some sentimental candy... and at some point a creepy old guy got involved.

      Plot2: A bunch of anthropomorphic animals were illegally climbing a building. They got caught and scattered, a young koala hiding inside a sewer drain. He felt depressed about the whole thing, and when his brother found him and sighed, he fled deeper into the sewer in shame.

      At the bottom was a splatter of blood, and in the corner of his eye he saw a creepy girl standing above him. Quickly he ran back up and told his brother. A floating, pale face came around the corner and they ran out of the sewer, grabbing a bottle of face lotion and a slipper on their way out.

      The brother suggested they speak gently to it, and while they did so they shoved its severed foot in the slipper and poured all the lotion on it. By then the face had disappeared.

      Dream #3 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      I fixed a graphic design.

      Night 10

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Dream about music… I was good? Played a "combo…" When I woke up at 4:07 my mom was in the room and Z was leaving for his club. WBTB.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      I was swimming in a pool by myself, repeatedly sinking to the bottom and considering drowning myself. The water looked only slightly off, and everything was vivid.

      At some point Z came in and we messed around, but he took it too far so I left. He followed me out and I said, "You might not remember this, but I came here to be alone, _not_ with you." There may have been a background track screaming "OHHHH" but I'm not sure.

      We went into the bathroom and his thermos spilled all over the floor. My body looked disturbingly different, but I didn't know how to react so I said nothing.
      6:05 WBTB.

      Night 11

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      J&L and I were playing guitar. There was something about a "small Am chord" in "real life" vs "earlier"? 4:00 WBTB.

      Dream #2 (Fragments, Non-Lucid):
      Frag1: Person played guitar. Was considered an amateur "because of graduation," but was actually good. Played "G2" chord.

      Frag2: Took up a huge portion of the dream. J and her mom and I were going out somewhere.

      Night 12

      Dream #1 (Non-Lucid):
      Interesting setting, a museum of some sort. Felt underrepresented by (illegible) and then not. J and I passed the food court, and I really wanted milkshakes but we were already in the checkout line.

      Somehow I ended up in my school, and the person in front of me was wearing a hoodie with pictures of famous rappers carrying bunnies. Some snuggled up to them, some placed them on their heads, some held them by the scruffs of their necks with a disgusted expression. It depended on their personality.

      Later A.M. was questioning me, calling me "funky" while I skipped. I stopped and said, "That's galloping! Are you a horse, A.M.?" as a joke and she and K and I laughed. Then S and I ended up in the "woods rainbow" somehow.
      4:20 WBTB.

      Dream #2 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      People dancing. Someone said, "There's no way that silly little figure is Willy Wonka!"

      Night 13

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Guy pretending to (illegible) with Ms. B. I "acorded" her in the valleys.

      Dream #2 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Flashes. "Sis Dore." Middle school. Mr. N. Something about bears as a nickname.

      Dream #3 (Lucid):
      Boy reassured people that "they were not split," in response to a girl's question. Later watching some weird BL anime about guys training to be actors/mages. At the end Ash Ketchum flew in on a broom, and Ginga from Beyblade was involved somehow.

      Random false awakening. I started writing down the earlier part of the dream, when I heard my mom say my name. I assumed it was a hypnopompic hallucination, but for some reason I felt unsettled.

      I sat up, the motion feeling unusually floaty and robotic, and looked out at the rest of my room. It seemed off somehow, and there were two dark orbs hovering in the air, small enough to mistake for a trick of the eye.
      I thought, Wait a minute, could this be a dream?, did a nose-plug RC to make sure, and it worked effortlessly!

      Maybe it was a self-fulfilling prophecy, but I sensed that I didn't have much time. I flew down from my bed, in this weird, conveyor-belt style of flying. It was hard to maneuver myself in the window's direction, and I nearly flew through the wall out of impatience, but eventually I managed to orient myself and phase through the window.

      What's next? What's next? Controlling a DC? I looked around for one, but couldn't see very well.
      Then I woke up.

      It felt short and uneventful, but at least I gained a decent amount of points for the competition

      Night 14

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      There was a club for silent people, and another for another type of people, which were the main focus, but I can't remember what it was.

      Dream #2 (Fragments, Non-Lucid):
      Frag1: "Clueless girls" were watching a romance show. In response to one line they squealed, "Oh, that was so good!" Another girl agreed but was a bit disappointed, since she was rooting for the GL couple.

      Frag2: In a bookstore like Barnes & Noble, looking for the Owari no Seraph light novels.

      Night 9:
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Dream (x2) - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - .5 points
      Added: 4.5 points
      Previous sum: 90.5 points
      Sum: 95 points

      Night 10:
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - .5 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Added: 3.5 points
      Previous sum: 95 points
      Sum: 98.5 points

      Night 11:
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - .5 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Dream - 1 points
      Added: 3.5 points
      Previous sum: 98.5 points
      Sum: 102 points

      Night 12:
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - .5 points
      Added: 3.5 points
      Previous sum: 102 points
      Sum: 105.5 points

      Night 13:
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment (x2) - 1 point
      DILD - 10 points
      Reality Check - 1 point
      Fly - 5 points
      Fully Phase through Big Solid Object + Second Chosen Task - 20 points
      Added: 39 points
      Previous sum: 105.5 points
      Sum: 144.5

      Night 14:
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - .5 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Library Theme (a bookstore counts right?) - 5 points
      Sum: 8.5 points
      Previous sum: 144.5 points

      Comp total: 153 points

      That's all, folks!
    3. Comp Nights 1 & 2 - Gigantic Moose and DC Manipulation!

      by , 09-04-2023 at 04:15 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      I'm back in MeiSEKAI for the first time in a while, with an LD to show off for comp! Unfortunately I don't have time to add much detail to non-lucids >_<

      NIGHT 1

      Dream #1 (Fragments, Non-Lucid):
      Frag1: S was still in Morocco, and J and I seriously shipped Ms. T with a new (false) assistant English teacher. I put their (illegible) together.

      Frag2: Checking out colleges but not really? Kind of a blur. Later saw S and mom, she snapped at S to not "act different." Then I (illegible).

      Woke at 2:50 and WBTB.

      Dream #2 (Fragments, Non-Lucid):
      Frag1: Ms. T and another teacher kept writing on a board that English and Art were not useless.

      Frag2: Dude had a lot of money but was saving it to go on a trip to/with/for the person he likes. He thought it was funny and didn't seem to know why he liked her, but said that she was "relaxing." 5:30 WBTB.

      Dream #3 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Featured an expert on "letter analysis." 6:50 WBTB.

      Dream #4 (Non-Lucid):
      Plot1: MC ran away from home... actually, he flew away from home, which set off alarm bells in the back of my NEO mind. He stole J & L's dad's car and drove off with their (false) dogs. Ended up in a hotel and kept getting notifications from his 3DS, but didn't wanna respond in case it could be tracked. So he searched it up on his phone, not knowing that phones are trackable.

      At some point he looked out the window of his hotel room and saw his classmates(?) on a field trip. One kid spotted him and, for some reason, MC didn't break eye contact. The kid told the group and ran into the hotel, bursting into MC's room, but by that point he'd already flown out the window. He was pursued, and they had a conversation I can't remember.

      Plot2: An assassin on the job decided to kill another guy on the side. But when said guy turned the corner, he made eye contact and flashed the revolver at his hip. MC was a bit startled. He pressed himself against the wall so he couldn't be seen from a ledge above, a good thing because moments later revolver guy was standing on it, mimicking a seductive woman's voice to try and lure MC into the open.

      Ironically MC's interest was piqued not because he was fooled, but because that was also his method of killing. If the dream had continued, it would've turned into a gay assassin x assassin romance.

      Plot3: An evil man was on trial, and a woman stood up to testify. In an NEO-moderated speech she said that even worse than the things he was on trial for, was the fact that he had groomed her teenage son. Everyone clapped and when she went into the back room, she received a bunch of Project Sekai rewards. One of them was a song so obscure it surprised me to the point of being impressed. Woke at 8:29 and had to get up.

      NIGHT 2

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      I was "getting a story" from out of a trash can, both manipulating each other. [I have no idea what I meant.] The videos were mostly ads and extremely generic. I was thinking about cognitive abilities and lucid dreams, hoping they would mention them. 4:00 WBTB.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid)
      Plot1: A journalist was jumping around trying to capture interesting moments between [stopped writing for some reason].

      Plot2: I told my mom I didn't know how to do something, and she started screaming, calling me a pathetic waste of space and an effing idiot and et cetera. I just stood there waiting for her to stop.

      Plot3: This was the largest part of the dream but I couldn't quite remember it. A bunch of people were fighting about something on a reality TV show… at some point I told my mom I was recording them to placate her. 5:30 WBTB.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      Very brief yuri plot, teacher x teacher. One of them had the asexual flag tattooed on her palm and was upset about something. Her partner suggested they move out because Japan was too (illegible, but something similar to conservative?). 7:00 WBTB.

      Dream #4 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      (Illegible, something about people not taking my advice.) S had to give advice instead, which is ironic. 7:30 WBTB.

      Dream #5 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Someone was trying to understand someone else's culture. 8:00 WBTB.

      Dream #6 (Lucid):
      Plot1: There was a lesbian TV show being played somewhere, and I found one of the actresses in my basement. I told her that I thought the show had been made in the 60s or 70s, but actually it was released in 2022. She told me that the other main lead found a husband and they were no longer in contact, but it was clear she missed her and implied that she wanted us to go find her.

      Plot2: I was in the basement talking to my dad, when I saw my dog Nile sitting outside the sliding glass doors. I told Z and he went out to get him, but walked right past, even as he went from puppy- to normal-size. To prank him I brought Nile inside and shut the doors, but he came back with a nearly identical dog in his arms!

      "Um, Z, that's not Nile," I said, but they looked so similar I doubted myself. Then another dog appeared and suddenly we were outside in our neighborhood. A glass dome surrounded it, and the grassy part in the middle had become a jungle. We were searching for the dogs that weren't Nile, to return them to their owners. I think I examined floating screenshots to find out that one's name was Riddick.

      Other animals were in the jungle as well, and they all had "file names" you could view by focusing in on them. Some were just the name of the animal ("parakeet") but others were more personal ("the weird one"). There was also a gigantic moose walking around.

      "I didn't know moose were that big," my dad said.

      "I know right? It's scary." I pulled out my phone to take a picture, but paused when it turned in my direction. "Uh, is it…?"

      I slowly started drifting away (we'd been flying the whole time), but when it stepped closer, I turned tail and accelerated so quickly it worried me. I could hear its footsteps thundering behind me, so I flew higher and higher, trying to reach a tall tree for cover. But then I saw the glass dome and decided to phase through it like I do in my dreams,
      which got me lucid!

      I kept going, flying as fast as a jet (now that I think about it, this is Advanced Flying, isn't it?), and there were clouds and green fields below me as far as the eye could see, zipping past in a blur. My fear of heights seemed to have disappeared, and I was enjoying it so much that I pushed myself to go faster and faster. At some point I tried to shoot fireballs out of my hands, but it didn't work.

      Okay, okay, I gotta think, what should I do for comp? The first thing that popped into my head was three-step tasks, and with some difficulty I remembered "Fly" as my first. Check!

      I incorrectly remembered DC Manipulation/Mind Control as my second, so I flew down to the first DC I spotted. She was a young woman in a crop jacket and loose jeans, nose buried in her phone.

      I whispered under my breath for her to get on her stomach and crawl, not loud enough to hear. But it was only when I made her want to do it, when I imagined her doing it, that she flopped onto her stomach. Still, she didn't crawl, and I started to worry that it wouldn't count for the competition if she didn't fully follow through. I had the sense that I was short on time.

      "Crawl!" I yelled, but she just lay there with an expression of lazy smugness. Again I made her want to do it, imagined her doing it, and she did! She crawled forward! I was ecstatic, but before I could even think about my third task,
      I woke at 8:30 and had to get up. Pretty successful dream, though, even if it was short and I messed up the task order!

      I actually have two or three more LDs to add from my period of inactivity, but I'll deal with them later. Oh yeah, and I filled up another DJ, though my handwriting has gotten much worse since then

      Night 1:
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - ˝ point
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x3) - 3 points
      Sum: 5.5 points

      Night 2:
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment (x3) - 1.5 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x2) - 2 points
      DILD - 10 points
      Fly + First Chosen Task - 10 5 points
      Advanced Flying - 10 points
      Interact with a Dream Character - 2 points
      DC Manipulation / Mind Control - 5 points
      Sum: 42.5 37.5
      Previous sum: 5.5 points
      Comp total: 48 points 43 points

      Lil sketch:
      23 years icedawq-unnamed-10-.jpg

      Updated 09-10-2023 at 02:14 PM by 99938

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    4. Becoming Lucid in a DV Member's Dream (Task of the Season)

      by , 07-07-2023 at 03:46 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      Another long lucid! Even if it was split in the middle. And a TON of dreams overall! Though they took forever to type. Slept at 12:30.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Something about driving and LGBTQ. Woke up at 4:00 and WBTB.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      I was reading about a closeted gay eighth grader, and of course since it was a dream the scenes popped into my head like a TV show. MC was in a warehouse with his friends, goofing around, when he looked in the mirror and said, "You know what, guys? I'm going to go do it, I'm just gonna do it, why am I waiting for high school? It doesn't even make sense."

      He was talking about doing the nasty with a girl, but he didn't really want to. He was just trying to prove to himself and everyone else that he wasn't gay. When he headed for the door, my feelings of opposition seemed to affect him. He stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. I physically typed out the words I wanted him to say: "You're not gonna stop me?!?!"

      Then I wrote out his friends' response: "No?"

      One laughed in confusion, another scowled. I remember crossing out a comma and replacing it with the question mark, then being sure to emphasize that one of them was scowling.

      MC said something about "three men," and the angry friend became even angrier. "Of course not," he snapped.

      After that MC was tempted to say the same thing about "four men," but he chickened out because there were four of his friends there and the risk of them catching on was too high. I accepted that, just glad that he'd changed his mind, and he left the warehouse.

      The plot changed. I was now actively in the dream, as myself yet not myself. I lived in a big house with my "grandma" and brother Z. He and I were in "our room," and when I gazed out the arched window into the night, I saw a peculiar black cat rummaging around, eating trash. I was fascinated by its strange appearance and wanted to interact with it.

      It was past midnight, so I waited for "Grandma" to go to the basement before sneaking downstairs and opening the front door. I whispered for it to come inside and eat something edible. It obeyed, but the granny was coming back upstairs so I fled to my room.

      She definitely knew I'd been down there, despite Z trying to cover for me. (He was not himself either.) However, she let it go and sat down with the cat at the table, saying that they had to have a long chat regarding me.

      At one point she called sweetly to me from the kitchen and snapped at Z when he spoke up. He was holding a "full" glass of regurgitated yogurt (it reached the fill line, but that line was barely one fourth of the cup). It was not abnormal in the dream, but I was disgusted all the same.


      Woke up at 5:00 and, after journaling, sat up and really focused on becoming lucid. I explained what it meant, quickly performed MILD, and upped my awareness of myself and my surroundings. Then I went back to sleep, lucidity the last thing on my mind. (As in, the final thing I was thinking about, not something I didn't care about at all... I hate English.)


      Dream #3 (Lucid):
      First thing I remember is tagging along as a man led Harlequin down a flight of stairs. We were in her dream. Once we reached the bottom of the steps, we could see an oasis-like place at the end of the hallway. But when we looked back up, we realized we had descended 2000-feet-worth of stairs, and Harlequin's family was screaming her name at the top of their lungs as if she had died.

      Trying to keep things under control, I asked, "Are you going to go to the oasis?"

      She frowned and scoffed, "My brain drew that with MS paint." Then she left the dream. [I don't remember what she looked like because I wasn't paying attention.]

      What a waste, I thought, and went to check out the oasis myself. It was really just a small room with a pool of water, cabinet, window, and carpet, but I sat down on that carpet and
      became lucid.

      I attempted to increase the vividness and thought it was working, but when I woke up I couldn't remember how it looked so maybe it wasn't. I also believed myself to be more clear-headed than I really was. To my credit, I was able to remember the Task of the Season and decided to complete a basic task: asking a dream character what will happen tomorrow!

      I phased through the window and emerged a couple stories above the ground, a tree swaying in the wind below me. Everything was a bit unstable so I grabbed a leaf and tried to focus my attention on it as a stabilization technique (as Oneirin suggested), but it didn't work very well.

      Somehow I got out of there and ended up flying down a street, chasing after people in cars and trying to get them to answer the question, but every one of them just flashed weird looks and drove faster. Finally I peered into the passenger window of one car and saw a one-year-old baby strapped into a baby seat in the middle. Next to him, on the far side, was a 12-ish-year-old blond boy.

      "Hey!" I yelled to the baby. "What do you think will happen tomorrow?"

      He glanced at me and started lifting his arms out of the harness straps. I assumed he wanted to get closer to the window, but if a car struck them from behind and he was unbuckled I knew he'd be dead.

      "Uhh, no, no, don't do that," I said, and suddenly a horde of skinny, black-bodied, white-headed, Bendy-like creatures rushed toward the car with their arms outstretched. Altogether they resembled the Wall of Flesh in Terraria.
      I was kicked out of the dream and replaced by a fourteen-year old anime girl.

      She flew through the car and grabbed the twelve-year old, sending them tumbling out the other side into an alleyway. The car was destroyed and the boy watched his baby brother get ripped to shreds, one layer at a time. But he wasn't fazed at all! In fact, when the girl held out a hand to him (third person POV), he blushed and took it!

      She was a dream superhero of some sort, and there was the sense that she had saved many people from those creatures many times before. She wore red gloves and a short red skirt, black sweatpants, and a black sweater.

      At some point they were hiding in the "|" part of a "T"-shaped alleyway, and the boy was able to keep the creatures out by stretching his body to disturbing proportions. Even as the nonexistent observer I was very confused.

      Once the creatures cleared out, the boss of the girl appeared. With a smile they said, "You must be [name]'s reincarnation."

      [Name] was a very powerful Dream Hero, the most legendary of them all, but the girl was not her reincarnation. No, that was a different girl, and she was back at the lab undergoing testing. MC reminded me of Akko, and the reincarnated girl reminded me of Diana (though she looked like Neiru from Wonder Egg Priority).

      MC was having trouble keeping her face stable (it was actually glitching) and started to deny it, but cut herself off. "Is- is Izzy here?" (Another Dream Hero.)

      Don't remember if anyone responded, but somehow it was revealed that the boy had "done this before" and was actually a member of their organization. When she heard that, MC flushed with rage and grabbed his collar.

      "Say that sooner!" she shouted. She was embarrassed because she'd been under the impression that she'd saved a helpless civilian, and now felt stupid for being so proud.

      She stormed out of the room (the alley had gradually morphed into a hotel room) and
      I returned to the dream, lucid again. I had very little memory of what had happened and zero awareness of having switched with the girl. But I realized I still hadn't gotten an answer to the TotS question, and ran back to the boy. He was being carried like a sack of potatoes by an invisible person.

      "What should I do tomorrow?" I asked. (Phrased it that way because I thought he might not respond to "what will happen tomorrow?")

      He glared at me, and the vividness of his voice increased tenfold as he spat, "I think you should die."

      I actually got goosebumps from how clear and angry his tone was, but brushed it off. The style of the dream had become cheap and pixelated, and I turned to see Mafuyu lying flat on the ground.

      I sat next to her. "Mafuyu, what will happen tomorrow?"

      She probably assumed I was asking her out and responded, "Saturday is sad day." (Both she and I were under the impression that tomorrow was Saturday.)

      "I see. Sad day, huh." I sat by her a little while longer before standing up.

      Each hotel door was themed to match a Project Sekai character. Kanade's was first, light blue and decorated with solid circles and hollow triangles. I cracked it open and found her wrapped up in blankets like a burrito. Sensing that I would wake up soon, I decided it wasn't worth interacting with her her.

      I hurriedly moved on to Mizuki's sparkly pink door, but for some reason, I knocked this time. I called her name, excited to hear her response, as she and Mafuyu are my favorite characters.

      After a pause, a very accurate voice responded, "Yeah?"

      I asked the question, but before she could answer the dream faded and
      I woke up! Nooo! But at the same time, yesss, to this amazing lucid!


      I was surprised to find it was only 6:25, but it took me an hour to finish writing, so I didn't get back to sleep till 7:30-ish. I wasn't very tired, so maybe that's why I kept waking up and had all these dreamlets.


      Dream #4 (Non-Lucid):
      This was on the border between a hypnagogic hallucination and a dream. I was in the kitchen and one of my parents dumped milk and acid in my head. Then I was in a dark void, walking down a floating runway and smashing open doors with an axe. I found my dad in one of them. He had murdered my mom. I raised my axe and killed him. Woke around 8:00 and WBTB.

      Dream #5 (Non-Lucid):
      I was being driven somewhere in the middle of nowhere to tutor a kid my age. I was very confused, saying that A was the tutor, not me. But they didn't listen. We nearly ran over a fallen tree and had to get out of the car. It was foggy outside and there was a lake nearby.

      When I demanded answers, my mom grilled me in return about how I got my voice recorder. [Answer: I biked to the store and bought it without her knowledge.]

      "I told you, I just found it in my stuff!" I protested, speedwalking away.

      I came across my brothers and a group of old friends, the only one I could see properly was a kid named Blake. He was holding a football and I asked if he was copying me, as I was playing catch with a football for two hours a couple days ago.

      Don't remember his response, but I took the football and asked if I could punt it. He refused because there was a lake in the distance and he didn't want it going in.

      Woke at 8:27 and WBTB.

      Dream #6 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Forgot everything when I opened my eyes. Something about flowers. 8:46 WBTB.

      Dream #7 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      (Illegible.) 9:06 WBTB.

      Dream #8 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Lifting weights. Later I was in a store and Harlequin was there, asking how to get home. I directed her to a staff member. 9:19 WBTB.

      Dream #9 (Non-Lucid):
      I was driving to a therapy session, though not doing a very good job. In the end I had to lift it up like a chair and force it into a parking spot within the building. Switched the parking brake on and it finally settled down. A girl next to me was doing the same. Some time later people were watching the dream on a screen, admiring the "perspectives" and skill of my "internal camera." I was a little uncomfortable.

      Plot change. Someone had filmed a TikTok of me saying, "Do you want your madlad chicken? -goes off-screen and returns a couple seconds later- Sorry, they aren't allowed in the café but here are some french fries and ketchup."

      It had 12K likes and I was wearing a dark blue plaid jacket and mask. It repeated a few times before showing the aftermath. S was grabbing me and pointing to a bundled-up customer.

      "Merlin," they said. (Not my real name but that's what they called me in the dream.) "You have to figure out their identity. Once you do, you'll be shocked."

      But I could already tell that the twist was that they were gonna be my doppelganger.

      At some point I had a false awakening and when I was writing down the dream I added, I was covered in leaves (thank goodness I remembered that!).

      Woke at 9:47 and got up for good. Kinda sad that none of them were lucids, but oh well.

      Pics of the dream scenes, and a map of the third dream (yes I am totally copying Harlequin):
      What keeps your body alive, if you aren't in it?-img_20230706_212340382.jpg What keeps your body alive, if you aren't in it?-img_20230706_212444608.jpg

      Updated 07-07-2023 at 03:32 PM by 99938 (fixed colors)

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment , task of the month
    5. Broke the Dry Spell

      by , 06-24-2023 at 03:18 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      After over two weeks without a lucid, I finally got one! And such a fun one, too! I'm quite happy. Slept at 11:50.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      I was at an abandoned carnival and intentionally ruined my phone with "Fn poisoning." I figured it would be fine since my phone sucks and I need a new one anyway, but I was trying to come up with a lie to tell my parental units.

      Later J&L and I were talking… (illegible).

      I was quite lazy with journaling this dream so I don't remember most of the details. Don't know when I woke up from it either, nor from the next one.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      My childhood friend Mason was in our basement. I hid my discomfort at him being there and tried to act cheery, smiling and chatting with my brothers. Eventually I fled upstairs and looked in the mirror, smiling at myself. A circular piece of purple cardboard was wedged in my gums.

      I was terrified, although I had the sense that this had happened before, and went to my mom. Much to my distress, she yanked it out and let it bleed. My dad was pretty mad at her as well. I could feel the air flowing through the wound and tried to assure myself that this kind of injury didn't matter, that lots of people have holes in their gums.

      I was taken to the hospital and a doctor offered me three treatment options. One was a full face mask with the label: "Is this fabric bad for your skin? Screw your skin!" Needless to say, I quickly disregarded it.

      In the end I selected a nasal spray and felt quite comforted after squirting it into my nostril a few times. (I'd forgotten that the wound was in my gums.)

      Then I disappeared from the dream, and the scene switched to a group of teen boys running from the hospital, one of them jumping on the roofs of buildings as they went. The others followed along, but with hesitance, and one nervously voiced his concerns. The boy said it would be fine because they were all sick, citing a time when his poor health scored him a get-out-of-jail-free card.

      At some point they were on a bridge and started making up a gay story featuring characters very much like them. One character was described as a "sick boy who plays soccer."

      I re-entered the dream and ran ahead of them, toward a hill resembling the Big Hill in my neighborhood. A girl, or rather the silhouette of a girl, was standing there. She was made up of a gradient, flowing rainbow. I was under the impression that she was part of an MV, and I had entered the MV using virtual reality or something.

      Since I believed I was an MV, my moves were quite dramatic as I chased the girl around, spinning and doing cartwheels and striking poses. I thought that if I caught her, something special would happen. In the background was a Japanese song with English subtitles singing a song about schizoid issues. The voice sounded like a mix of Raon, Yorushika, and Tsukuyomi's vocalist.

      I kept trying to pause the video to figure out how to say "schizoid" in Japanese, which is difficult to do when you're literally inside of it. It wasn't working, but one of the "whoa" vocalizations was supposed to sound similar to it. I thought it was the most accurate schizoid song I'd heard (that intentionally depicted schizoid topics), then thought of another (false?) Japanese song that was a close second. I found it mildly remarkable that they were both Japanese.

      I gave up the chase and looked at my wrist, finding a single itchy bump there. The song ended with the girl throwing her hands into the air and the lyrics reading, "The world of human connection is so large."
      Then I woke up.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      J and I were hunting down a monster. He had been created by some god, with the specific purpose to perform evil acts and kill people. He was also a writer, Herman Hesse I think. I felt bad for him, but he said he was not opposed to killing and requested we exterminate him before he did.

      Despite his request, he wasn't cooperating and made us chase him to a large field where families were having picnics. J threw a dagger at him and missed, and the surrounding people murmured excitedly. He shrunk down to plushie size and I grabbed him by the leg and took his gun.

      J pinned him down and I said, "It'll be over soon, Hermann."

      Then I shot him in the right side of the chest. He let out a long, piercing scream. Then he lay still in quiet agony, tears forming in his anime eyes. I sat next to him to be of some comfort and waited for him to die.

      A strong wind suddenly rustled all the trees' leaves, and an ominous presence fell over the area, accompanied by the sound of something approaching. It sounded like an extremely large tractor, but I knew instinctively they were footsteps.

      I worried it was the god who'd created him, or perhaps his monster buddies responding to his cry for help, so I bolted. I ran down to a different neighborhood, figuring it was okay to leave J since I was the one who killed him, and therefore the one in the most danger. I decided to stay and listen instead of running farther, but
      I woke up before anything happened.

      When I opened my eyes I saw a cartoonish, squiggling black scribble on the wall. I stared at it for a few seconds, thinking, What a simple hypnopompic hallucination. Then I sat up and recorded the dream at 7:30, doing SSILD as I fell back asleep.

      Dream #4 (Lucid):
      Don't remember much about the beginning of the dream, just that there was a warrior with long red hair who was being ridiculed for being a woman and wearing a white dress. Then she used transformation magic to form a heavy suit of armor, which was apparently very high-level magic. She walked past them, scowling, and the armor changed back into a white dress.

      I entered the dream later. The setting was similar to my house, but somber and monochrome. It was being used as a base for kids in training to become soldiers. I bounded down the stairs and saw chicken on the table, while someone on the intercom kept saying ミート (meat) over and over. I asked one of the kids in charge about it, saying that I thought meat was rare in times of war. He said it was, and that that was all the meat we had. I was displeased by this answer.

      At some point had a false awakening. Now I was in the living room with my mom and brother N. My dog Nile was on the couch and my mom patted his chest, asking in an affectionate voice if he would eat his food now. He whined in response, and I was so amazed that he understood her that I laughed out loud.

      Somehow we started talking about dreams and I jokingly said, "Haha, what if this is a dream?"

      I plugged my nose
      and was in disbelief when I could partially breathe. You really can be dreaming at any moment, I thought.

      My mom and brother exchanged a look, and for a moment I worried that they would turn against me like some other people's dream characters do once they become lucid. (I know this is just a schema.) I brushed off the thought, but by that point my mom had grabbed me by the legs, restraining me.

      "Mom, let me go," I said, but she just smiled at me in a way that was simultaneously playful and creepy. I phased through her by imagining myself already in the location of the living room that I wanted to be. It took a couple tries, but then I effortlessly, without even thinking about it, phased through the window onto the balcony. It was so cool, there was a clear visual transition, and I may have felt an interesting sensation as well but I wasn't paying attention to it.

      I flew into the air, but it was a little unstable. I wondered if my mind could not properly calibrate my body size, though some part of me knew that was silly. I touched down on my neighbor's deck, looking out at the neighborhood. It was so incredibly accurate—the woods, the path, the wall, the fence, the retirement home. I refrained from thinking about stability and took flight again.

      In my peripheral vision I tried to summon a burger in my hand, but it didn't work, so I thought back to that non-lucid dream where I summoned chicken nuggets right before my eyes. I cupped my hands in front of me and visualized a burger. Just like last time, it appeared first as a dark shadow, then an outline, and then I realized I was trying to imagine lettuce and tomato on it even though I don't like veggies. Once I stopped that, the burger formed completely. I thought that if the competition were still going this would have earned a lot of points, but whatever.

      I bit into it and said delightedly, "Ha! So much for 'limited meat!'" (Referring to the pre-FA scene.)

      I dropped the burger and decided to find J, but didn't want to waste dream time flying all the way to her house. So I called for her, hoping she would appear somewhere. In the distance I spotted someone running down the path. I could tell it wasn't J, but chased after them anyway, for some reason tempted to shoot them down.

      I followed them all the way to the road, but they wouldn't approach me, so I intentionally fell off my drone (I was now riding a drone), crying out "Ah!" in hopes that they would be sympathetic.

      They were, tentatively coming over to help. It was a young girl, 12 to 14 years old, with short, curly brown hair. I quickly lost interest in killing her.

      "Why were you running away?" I asked.

      "The drone scared me, I thought it was an attack helicopter." (We were in war times.) "Also, I was getting a very 'predator-hunting-prey' vibe from you..."

      We walked beneath a tree, and she explained that she was fighting in the war to strengthen her cheek muscles. I jumped and tore a few leaves from their branches, enjoying my lucidity.

      "I thought kids and children weren't allowed to fight in the war," I said distractedly, thinking back to the first part of the dream. "Oh sorry, I meant kids and women."

      She shrugged. I clapped her on the shoulder and exclaimed, "Well, good on you! I think that rule is stupid anyway, get stronger all you want! Even though you'll probably be traumatized for life, hahaha."

      She smiled weakly. During the conversation we had occasionally been ducking behind cars and running around to avoid bullets and laser beams from attack vehicles.

      I asked if she would accompany me to J's house, but she adamantly refused, probably thinking it was miles away. Out of nowhere K appeared, assuring her that it was just down the street. Sure enough, we were somehow much closer to J's neighborhood than before, only having to turn the corner and walk to the end of the road to reach her residence. But before we could, J came around the corner herself! We all called her name in excitement.

      "How is she here?" K asked incredulously.

      "Because this is a dream!" I replied, then pointed to my old friend S.E. who was passing by. "J loves shooting and killing—J, kill that thing!"

      J made finger guns and shot S.E. in the forehead with a chi bullet. She went on to shoot other people, and each time she did, an itchy lump would form on the back of my right hand. I showed it to the girl and explained that it was the result of the dream characters' deaths, as everything in this world was made of my energy.

      A small bump formed on my left wrist and I remarked, "Ah, she must have shot in the other direction."

      We entered a building, but a black placard above one of the doors reminded me of the dream with Herman Hesse, and I was unsure if I wanted to go in there.


      When I woke at 8:20 my hand was actually itchy, indented with clothing lines. I'm so happy though, this lucid was long and stable and chill and fun and... yeah Though I did notice all of the dreams were violent and/or stressful in some way. The one with Hermann Hesse was the closest I've had to a nightmare in a long time.

      Updated 06-24-2023 at 03:23 AM by 99938 (words)

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment
    6. Comp Night 4 - A Very Confusing Lucid

      by , 06-06-2023 at 02:55 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      Y'know, I really love these podcasts with CanisLucidus and OpheliaBlue. They always seem to say the most useful things right when I need to hear it... even if they said it years ago.
      Anyway, on to the dreams

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      A girl was on the subway, heading for Japan. She was confused about Chinese versus Japanese pronunciation. Someone abruptly stopped her at 3:30 to ask a question.

      That's all. Ironically, I woke up at 3:30. Logged the entry and went to sleep, attempting WILD as usual. I used CanisLucidus's "99, I'm dreaming, 98, I'm dreaming" method this time.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      Spoiler for suicide:

      There was an immediate scene change. Now I was not even in the dream, but the "camera" was on a guy wearing a turtle shell, and he said to me, "So, you're trying to WILD? Just give it up." We both became simultaneously alarmed by his words. "I mean, no, no, never mind.... I don't know anymore, you schmuck."


      I woke up at 4:21. After recording the dream, I lay awake for at least 35 minutes, doubting if I would be able to get back to sleep at all. But I was thinking of LDing and WILD the whole time, and eventually I drifted off.


      Dream #3 (Lucid):
      Where do I even start? The order of this dream is so scrambled... I'll try my best.

      I was on a spaceship, in a small room with my mom and a cabinet of spices. Lucid from the get-go, I remembered my first three-step task: flying! I jumped up and hovered in the air, being careful not to fly through the ceiling in case the dream blacked out.

      Wriggling in midair, I bragged to my mom, "This is a dream! This is a dream!"

      She clapped and praised me
      , yet at the same time, I heard her shrieking at me to do my work. It was weird, but the image of her in that room was super vivid. I remember being amazed and hoping I didn't wake up.
      Then I had a false awakening.

      I attempted WILD by imagining my mom as she was before, and she kind of "booted up," but in the end it failed. So I went to sleep normally
      and the next thing I remember is being in my living room, lucid again. I pushed my brother aside and jumped into and through the front door, trying to teleport. I emerged in total blackness.*

      At first I assumed I had woken up, but then I thought,
      Wait, what if this is the "void" CanisLucidus mentioned? Remembering how he hailed it as an effective teleportation tool, I tried to summon up a scenery. Grainy graphics resembling the ATNRPG logo popped up.** (I started playing it yesterday.) There were four letters instead of six, and they kept changing, most of them somewhat Greek-looking. I wasn't surprised; I was glad for the typical dream sign.

      I entered what I for some reason believed to be a WILD transition. I was in the woods in front of a stream, mentally comparing it to its real life counterpart. This one had more greenery, and the trees were packed more densely. A kid from my ESS class appeared, floating face-down in the river. (I was reminded of Dazai from BSD.) But he wasn't completely limp, rather suspending his waist over the water while keeping his head submerged.

      My friend A was with me and we pulled him out, despite his struggles. "Can't you see I'm trying to die here?" he snapped.

      "You should do a better job of it then," I said coldly. "Besides, we'll get in big trouble if we're caught turning a blind eye."

      He pushed us away and even started throwing punches. A was distressed but I figured it was a good opportunity to solidify the dream. Unfortunately, I couldn't feel anything.

      Don't remember the end of the scene, maybe it was another FA+false DEILD.

      I was on a spaceship again, literally on top of it, mostly non-lucid. My body was a mechanical bunny, and making it walk was quite difficult. A little astronaut was with me, and we had to avoid these moving concrete traffic barriers; touching them would be fatal. (On some level it was a video game.)

      He opened a door for us but I somehow entered the wrong one. I came across a device with the ability to change the background of my alarm clock. I was like, "Oh wow, I never knew that my alarm clock background could change!" (I was a little bit lucid since I assumed it would change it in real life.)

      A selection of anime-style backgrounds filled the screen. I scrolled through the various themes, among them Irisu Syndrome, Yume Nikki, generic night skies, et cetera. I was going to choose the first, but I couldn't buy it because I needed 30 "tickets" and owned none.

      How am I supposed to get tickets? Never heard of 'em, I thought grumpily. I accidentally pressed a button but canceled it by hitting "esc." I think it also teleported me to the correct door and sent me through.

      I was lucid again, more than before, walking through the spaceship's hallway with a bunch of people. I decided to go with the flow and follow them, wondering if they would take me anywhere important. We went through one of those futuristic, automatic, semi-circle-shaped doors into a room I didn't pay enough attention to to remember.

      I thought of the competition, under the impression that this was its own separate dream, unaware of the false DEILDs. I said hello to a reporter lady and she happily greeted me back. Then I tried to push my finger through my palm but it didn't work at all, so I looked at my hands instead. Totally normal. For a moment I assumed it was because the dream was so stable, but perhaps I was just being cocky. I looked closer and bam, suddenly I only had three short fingers on each hand! It was so creepy I actually said "Eek!" and shook them out. I looked away and in my peripheral vision saw them return to normal.

      I worried the repulsion would wake me up, so I distracted myself by flying. It was unusually difficult; I had to kick myself into the air and flail around to stay afloat.

      "Stop that," the reporter scolded. I did, and she led me over to a marked circle on the ground, asking me some questions I didn't listen to nor answer.

      I wracked my brain for the memory of my next three-step task, but nothing came up. Again I worried about waking up, and maybe the dream dissolved, or I had an FA, but this is the next scene I remember:

      My memories of this part are particularly fuzzy, and I wasn't even in it. There was a play going on (in the same spaceship I believe) but a couple actors had been abducted—a gay boy and a pretty blond girl. An image of the latter flashed across the screen, anime style, of course. Short wavy hair, long eyelashes, a floppy hat, and a white sundress.

      Someone said, "Oh, I knew that gay guy was going to get abducted someday."

      "Well, I knew that girl was going to get abducted someday," someone else put in. [The visuals were very bad.] "[Name], you should have watched her better."

      [Name] was a teenage boy who probably had a crush on the blond girl. "I thought it would be creepy to watch her too much..." he mumbled.

      They were about to set out on a rescue mission, but before they did, I woke up for real at 5:36. There was a sort of hypnopompic transition into wakening, similar to the turtle guy but less vivid. A monk was facing the "camera" and talking about lucid dreaming. I don't remember what he said.


      The reason the order of everything is so confused in my brain is because I didn't write it down right away. When I first awoke, I still believed all those false awakenings were actual DEILDs, and I tried to do another one. But after a while I realized that this time was different than the others and I needed to hurry and write down the dream, or I would forget.

      Anyway, this is my first LD of the competition! YAY! Maybe I'll draw some pics for it tomorrow.

      Edit: Pics!

      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - ˝ point
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      WILD - 10 points
      Fly + First Chosen Task - 10 points
      Interact with a Dream Character - 2 points
      *Does this count as Fully Phase through Big Solid Object if I lost lucidity afterwards? - TBD (Edit: Yep, 10 points)
      **Is this Advanced Summoning? - TBD (Edit: Nope)
      Reality Check / Stabilization - 1 point
      Tonight's sum: 26.5 (Edit: 36.5)
      Previous sum: 25 points

      Comp total: 51.5 points (Edit: 61.5 points)

      Updated 06-07-2023 at 01:56 AM by 99938

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment
    7. cclxiii. Lodged bullet, Upheaval

      by , 05-05-2021 at 08:53 PM
      2nd May 2021


      Initially something about Terraria. I'm on some kind of mini MMO server. It's 2D at first as it should be, but then starts to become 2.5D and eventually blends into normal reality as I exit some caves I'd been mining in. There was a lot of ore in the caves, but mostly copper and iron.

      I exit the cave to an exterior location. It's sunny but I'm under the shade of a metal canopy of some kind. I have guns like in UT or something. There are some flying enemies nearby, to my right, and I think about shooting them with a beam weapon but I don't for some reason. They have wings? Are they eyes, maybe? Some kind of stereotype fantasy creature, at any rate.

      Then I climb or jump down further ahead, where there's a lower roof, using it as a midway point to the ground. There's a human but he's some kind of boss? I'm talking with H at the same time, discussing what's happening I think. Some recall is missing but I eventually change to a traditional sniper rifle and fire at point blank range against the man's neck. I can imagine the bullet and it goes through the front of the neck but leaves no visible wound or blood and it gets lodged under the cranium at the back, on the right side.

      But then the person becomes H and I turn the head to inspect and there's the lump of the bullet about where I thought it would be. I tell H it's fine, we'll get someone to remove it.

      4th May 2021


      Something about schools part of a network/group called "plus (something)"? I'm in a town but unsure where. Reminds me of my native country and there's these small and perfectly laid out buildings, which are taking over everywhere as if they are invading and replacing other things. The buildings are alien in origin or something, the dream implies, but they look like regular buildings in a modern style, though having something to do with this group of schools or something.

      There's some kind of instancing effect going on and things phase in and out of reality depending on where I stand exactly; in the phase space there are only two specific things to eat for some reason and this becomes a way for me to identify that I'm in this phased space. I think something about the colour of the atmosphere changes too but recall is somewhat muddled and partly gone and some bits of this feel as if they were from an earlier awakening.

      Some recall is missing but later on, there's some bit in a kitchen underground in a bunker of some kind and this is like the headquarters of whatever is going on. In this kitchen, there are two women, they are busy cooking and concocting things? I think they have aprons on but I don't recall any other details other than that maybe one had her hair tied up. They are the masterminds, it's implied somehow. They don't seem to care about my presence. The door to the kitchen is locked with some type of electronically controlled lock and some people want to get in here because a meteor is crashing soon and this is the safest place, even within the entirety of this bunker. There's a large window into the next room and there are random groupings of people through there. I remember interacting and talking with the two women but I'm not sure what any of us said.

      Then the meteor hits and some people outside the room get scared but nothing much happens other than some prolonged shaking.

      (recall gap)

      Outside with someone, implied to be after the meteor hit on the surface. I was here before at some point in the dream but it wasn't like this, everything looks kind of orange and wrecked now, debris and general mess everywhere. There are dead headcrabs? The person I'm with is cooking and eating them.


      Some other bit where I see a city like London (which layout I know vaguely) in some kind of overview and it's broken up by ravines and mountains. Someone wants a new map made to reflect all this or something and I or another dream character draw it on some kind of black sandy stuff with a stick or rod? The lines are a dark blood red.
    8. July Competition 19 long and cool lucid

      by , 07-31-2019 at 09:39 PM
      dream starts with sexual content i skip

      ...i walk with the girl and we pass a meadow next to a house. she tells me she doesnt like the city. i say why not its not that bad and its kind of green and other citys are worse. we some dog babys and the mother some of them starts barking but the mother keeps them back and educate them. one of them runs at me and i kick it away. one of them is more like just a face on the ground and morphs into a butterfly. my awareness rises. we reach a canon and i get lucid doing a rc. i ask her if she wants to fly with me and start flying. i reach the ground and meet some people. they are something like superheroes? one of them has a problem with me. i fly further to a woman who greets me in a very friendly manner (maybe with a kiss?) i tell her that in the following 24h i can help her. the group of "heroes" arrives and the guy that had a problem with me pushes me with his thoughts away and laughs. i come back and remember that telekinesis is not that difficult and start concentrating and do a gesture with my hand. suddenly his face get serious and a second later he flys up 5m in the air and crashes in the ground again. i lough my ass of because it looked funny like hell.
      the dream fades and i am in another dream. i do a rc and still dreaming. i find my self indoors. i phase myself slowly thru many layers of walls and rooms and wooden construction out and climb some parts. i am on a roof now and jump from roof to roof. i want to find me some icecream. i jump down and see some people that look like they sell ice on big bicycles like it is typical in mexico but everytime they come closer the just transport paint for some reason. i cant find ice and have a FA. i sit at a table eating icecream. i do another RC and again still dreaming. i get up and look out for icecream again to finish the task. i ask a young guy at a corner of a street. he tells me he doesnt have some but i tell him he should look behind him and when he does suddenly he has some icecream. i am happy and pay him some coins. its ice made out of coca cola. i continue my way and notice i am in the suburban train station. i want to get out but dont want to phase all the way out so i phase straight thru the walls and imagine to be outside and after the second wall flying thru i find myself outside. i fly up a building because i want to see the sunset. after founding a good place to be i do another handgesture to let the sun go down. i am a little out of practice so it doesnt work immediately suddenly there are one or two guys next to me and distracting me with talking shit and how it doesnt work. the sun goes down but the visuals get super bad like in dark night and i start to calm down rub my hands and focus on the dream. i tell him that for his reason i didnt notice the sunset properly. i try to get the sun up again but it doesnt work. i switch the roof and remember that the sun goes up from the opposite side so i turn around and fair enough see a nice sunrise. i jump and fly thru several roofs and found a well painted arty house. i enter thru the roof and explore the inside. there is a lot of art in the rooms. i see a woman lying in a bed and aproach her. i resist to start something and just pass into another room where i see another person sleeping i think its a boy but then it turns out to be a guy. i phase out and think about what to do next and remember Dreamers method of narrating the dream to remember it better so i think what happend so far. something happens and the dream destabilizes but this time its not getting black but white. i go into it and let it happen. everything around me spins and patterns appear a short moment of drawings. i ask a question to the dream: what to do/work? a new dreamscene appears and a guy talks with me he wants to tell me something but dont remember the word in the end he tells me something about a doctor or that i should be a dentist. im not sure about it and ask him what about physiotherapy he tells me that its possible but i wont learn to much there.
      i phase into a house and i feel its mine. i enter the kitchen and eat a fresh cherry and think what to do. i feel like the dream is hell long and try to remember how fast i got lucid so that the REM might be very long. i want to meditate a little but i feel like the dream destabilize
      but i let it go to not forget to much about it.
      lucid , memorable
    9. Apex Meandering Around Clayfield

      by , 08-09-2018 at 09:04 AM
      Morning of August 9, 2018. Thursday.

      Reading time: 2 min 20 sec. Readability score: 60.

      I naturally flow into the state I call apex lucidity. Usually, though, the state has to be reinitiated by creating and going through a door (or window) that is deemed difficult to open or phase through. (I sometimes end up sliding an entire wall like a sliding door before being fully integrated into this extremely vivid state.)

      In this case, I effortlessly slide out of the illusion of my dream-rendered physical body into my apex body. From here, I phase through a window onto the ground outside. I look back through the window. The setting is incorrect in several ways, despite the augmented realism. Firstly, it seems to be the Gellibrand Street apartment in Clayfield, where we have not lived in years (and it has not been there in reality for years). Secondly, it was not possible to look through the window from the ground level at that address. Thirdly, rather than the driveway, it seems more like the space north of the Loomis Street house in America. Fourthly, the bed was never oriented this way as in the dream. The bed’s head was always out from the window, never the side. (Since childhood, my dreams render everything incorrectly in as many different ways as possible other than literally prescient threads, which makes me wonder why anyone would bother with “interpretation” in the typical use of the word, especially as dreams are typically reactive representations of the dream state itself.)

      Even so, I keep studying the bed where Zsuzsanna and a baby are sleeping. I keep puzzling over the situation because I do not see my real physical body in the bed (which should be to the right of Zsuzsanna and our baby) as I expect to. It makes me uncertain, and I question if I am “still” in my body and ended up falling out the window in reality. (This makes no sense either, as Zsuzsanna would have been blocking me from rolling over and out the window, so that is already the fifth error here.) I am temporarily absentminded and had already forgotten that my original dream body that I supposedly came out of is not my real body either.

      Still, I soon gain back my apex state after this brief lapse. Even so, I feel what seems like an invisible cat wrapping around my left leg, impeding my walking out to the public sidewalk. I consider that one of our cats is probably on my leg in reality as I sleep. (Though this was not the case, it was just illusory.) I try to shake it off without waking myself, and I do, curiously, without a hypnopompic kick resulting. I continue walking into an open area that is more like another place we had lived years ago, on Duffy Street. (As I had written in other entries, walking is more challenging and blissful in apex states than flying is in lower states, one reason being that walking is closer to ordinary consciousness in the highest lucid state with a more defined vestibular system correlation that is not as illusory as flying. Therefore, stable walking signifies far more control of RAS mediation than flying does.)

      Soon, I shift into the summoning state of lucidity as typically begins every sleep cycle. About six young, unfamiliar servants walk toward me and coalesce into my dream self. Coming out instantly at that point, I decide not to return. I feel energized. Once again, I consider how realistic the state is in physicality and overall fullness of self.

      Updated 08-10-2018 at 03:53 AM by 1390

      Tags: bed, phasing, window
    10. Train Phasing (again)

      by , 05-30-2018 at 10:19 AM
      Morning of May 28, 2018. Monday.

      On my way back to waking reality by way of a passenger train (autosymbolism for both the induction and waking process), I decide to walk after remaining in passive lucidity. I hover above my seat and phase through the train as in past dreams (though in this case, actively flying ahead to phase through the front of the train rather than just letting it phase through me while I hover in a fetal position) and walk through an isolated grove, feeling a deep sense of peace and love as both my returning memory and realization of Zsuzsanna being near me in bed breaks through the liminal space barrier of the illusory dream state.

      I first developed an understanding of the illusory nature of the dream state at age three (probably why I rarely have “bad” dreams unless related to health by way of transpersonal premonitory threads). Since then, I have phased through hundreds of vehicles, including the roofs of taxis, usually entering lucid omnipresence as here. This is all about vestibular system correlation and a vehicle being an autosymbolic illusory projection of the physical body in REM sleep. However, even walking is not what I am doing in reality, as I am asleep at the time, but walking is closer to the preconscious transition than riding a train is.

      Tags: phasing, train
    11. LD 91 - Just hanging out with a girl

      by , 02-21-2017 at 02:16 AM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      I'm in my brother's old room. My brother is in the backyard with three women about to have sex. My mom is hanging from the roof and throwing rice on them. I start to question reality. This can't be real. I focus on my state and what I feel. Slowly I start to feel my real body and I stop there, don't want to wake up.

      My brother is no longer outside, but one of the girls is. She has long blond hair and nice curves. She wants to talk to me and attempts to write something on the glass with her finger. I know it's not going to work and she realizes it too. I quickly get to the backdoor and let her in. Her body is no longer as curvy, sad day. "Having sex would wake me up. Lets not wake up immediately." I think.

      And so we talk. She's energetic and likes me. We talk about music and dancing. We go to my room and I ask her to phase her hand through a lamp that I summoned out of thin air. She acts like she's doing it, but she really isn't. I show her how. With a little effort, I manage to phase my hand through the lampshade made of glass. I think my hand fused with the glass as it went through. I feel the glass squeezing my arm. We listen to music and I try to show her how I dance, but I struggle with it. Why is dancing so hard in dreams for me? After that I go to bed and ask her to join. Her body is pressed against mine and it's like lava. Not literally, but her warmth is intense. Shortly after I wake up, you can guess why.
      Tags: family, phasing
    12. [Long and detailed lucid!] WILDing, summoning Ryuuko and taking a look at her (glitched) model

      by , 12-16-2016 at 03:39 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      So this was probably the most stable and most vivid lucid dream I've had so far. Maybe not the longest but it was rather long too.

      I'm not entirely sure how exactly I got into the dream. I had been drifting back and forth between sleep for hours in the bed, always trying to think about visualization and WILDing, but never really managing as I always fell asleep quickly. I think this time I lost consciousness just for a very short moment and snapped back at just about the right moment.

      So I was lying in a bed, had my eyes closed, and saw mostly normal phosphenia. I didn't feel entirely normal and I wanted to open my eyes and be in a dream.
      So I opened my eyes, being in a state of what I'd call skeptical lucidity, I believed that I was kind of in between dream and reality. What I saw in front of me was a massive cupboard that covered the whole wall, though it was composed entirely out of drawers. My vision wasn't normal either, it's like I saw a correct main image but then much weaker and transparent copies of the main image slightly wavered around.

      I left the small room and went down a hallway to the left, it was dark outside and the light was very dim. My vision normalized somewhere here. A bit down the hallway I turned left again and entered a very large staircase (5m x 5m or so, the structure was very similar to my first boarding school). Around here I tested my powers for the first time, summoning a faint green glow on my fingers. I also heard some unintelligible voices from somewhere else in the building, but I didn't really care. I wanted to fly but I still didn't trust my current state completely. Then I summoned some weird stone, it was beige and glowed somewhat white and it had levitation powers focused in it, and this is when I trusted my lucidity. Then I did something I didn't ever do before, instead of looking for an exit point or breaking the glass, I just phased through it, and by that also through one of the steel bars that were between the glass panels.

      Now I was outside, floating around a bit. Either it quickly turned bright or I have a memory gap here, I'm not completely sure. Now I was in a place that was kind of city, kind of village, kind of medieval, kind of modern. Imagine a small clearing and a raised plateau in front of me, there were tables there with some stuff on them, parts of the ground were neatly layered with stone, parts were grass. Around the perimeter of that clearing were buildings which seemed kind of medieval, but the further the buildings were away, the more modern they seemed. There even appeared to be tall apartment blocks in the distance.
      I remembered I wanted to do stuff with Ryuuko in my dreams. I suppose this is the time and place to elaborate on her, refer to this place:
      Ryuuko Drakisu | Dream-Alter-Ego and persistent DC
      So I landed close to the tables on a small free patch. I remember a bearded man standing there. Think of a Nord from Skyrim, just looking better, more realistic and having less of an annoying aura. He greeted me shortly I think.

      So I summoned Ryuuko kind of as an empty DC, like a model with only the most rudimentary understanding and behavior possible, which is pretty much what I wanted at this point. I think she appeared in plain sight but I'm not entirely sure. Also there were a lot of details that were wrong. Her horns were reddish and on her side, her face was just wrong and from someone else, the hair was too short and had a wrong light brown color, her skin was too dark, had freckles and actually on all places of her body except the face the skin texture was missing, it was like Vantablack. Though parts of her natural scale armor, that is on the arms and legs, seemed to be present and mostly correct, I didn't focus on their details all that much though. I think I saw her wings in a folded state too, but again didn't pay enough attention to them to tell for sure.
      I told this Ryuuko model to start fixing the skin color. What it did was a bit bizarre, it touched its face with its hands and then kinda rubbed the skin color all over her body, gradually replacing the blackness, albeit the revealed skin texture was still wrong and covered with freckles, I wonder why.
      At this point I also noticed she was naked and was missing her clothes.

      At this point the bizarreness of what I saw made me think about what to do, and it seems my focus slipped and
      I lost my lucidity. Somehow me and the Ryuuko model walked into a nearby shop, where I remember seeing her one last time, still not completely fixed up. Then some people were quite frankly talking about completely irrelevant shit, some stickers and some glitter was around but I hardly want to bother remembering. I know that for some time I just observed, then I ate some of the glitter. Then I woke up, much to my dismay. Had my focus not slipped I bet I could've still done a lot more in that dream.

      Updated 12-19-2016 at 12:39 PM by 48127

      memorable , lucid , non-lucid
    13. [01-12-2016: ToTM DILD]

      by , 12-01-2016 at 10:52 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I woke up in my room. It was completely dark all around. I left it and thought that this may be a dream. I made a nose plug RC and it succeeded. I was lucid. I thought "Lights on" and light turned on in most of rooms, however some of them remained dark. I recalled a ToTM basic task about igniting a house. I went to my kitchen and flied into a window, phasing outisde through the glass. It was early morning, still dark. I flied towards neighbor's house, trying to set it on fire mid-air with a gesture, but it didn't worked. I landed on the road and started rubbing my hands while focusing on some potted flowers. They instantly set ablaze. With more rubbing and focusing I set some trees around the house on fire and watched as it spread on the house. Then I moved along the road, trying to fly again but for some reason I couldn't do it. I recalled an advanced task with car lifting. There was another house with a garage. I phased through fence and it's walls and found an old Fiat 126p car. I lifted it up and phased back to the road. Then I placed it one the road and entered it, turned the engine on and drove. I drove along a completely ruined road with huge holes in it. I lost lucidity. I drove to my school, entered a classroom and sat by a table. Again I thought that this might be a dream and made the RC. I became lucid again. Teacher - a redhead woman in late forties asked me "What makes you think this might be unreal?" I didn't responded, instead I tried to phase out through the wall. I doubted that I might be able to do that and failed, then lost lucidity again. I found myself back in my home village. There was some big ceremony coming. I was wearing a black suit. I left my old school and moved to a bus stop. There was a huge bus, my friend went out of it and I greeted him.
    14. Not My House

      by , 11-22-2016 at 04:13 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)

      Well this should make up a little for the last few LDs; really vivid and stable.

      I am in some strange house back in town. I see my Father and and wife milling about. Then we are in a car looking at the house. Neighbor's are outside staring at us. I think how this is all wrong. We live out of town now. I hate this. Then we are back in the living room. I am still perplexed why I am living in town, but then it dawns on my that this has to be a dream.

      I immediately remember the lucid task to put my head through the floor. I kneel down and take a moment to stabilize visually. I pay close attention to my hands and the carpet. The texture is very vivid and the color is something like faded dingy mauve. It looks like someone needs to vacuum or, perhaps, shampoo. I go ahead and start pushing my heading into the floor. It feels a little like jello then solid wall. I try several times and stop when I realize and I not thinking about it the right way. This is more like phasing. I think to reach through like its an open window. Suddenly, There is an electronic whoooomp sound and a space opens up for my head and I peak into the sub-flooring. Of course, it's pitch black so I snap my fingers and create a flash light with my index finger. ET phone home? I am a little shocked how well my dream control it. Darkness it always a struggle for me, but everything is now brightly lit.

      There seems to be a space of a few feet deep in here and directly in front of me is a mirror. I look into it and see my face is just a skull is with frame around it. I giggle at the oddity and then look around some more. The area is dirty with a few pieces of scattered trash. I try to take mental note of each piece but quickly realize it's a waste of time.

      I stand up and now my head is poking out the top of the roof. I go ahead and climb up and see one of the neighbors taking out the trash. I tell him he's not my real neighbor and that I don't live here. He asks why and I say that it's because I don't like him. Then for some reason, I jump down and hit him with both feet. As I do, he grows like Jake the Dog and pushes me back up on the roof. Everything is getting weird and I realize that I am loosing focus. I decide to go ahead and wake up so I don't lose lucidity and forget the dream.

      Updated 11-22-2016 at 04:17 AM by 5967

      lucid , memorable , task of the month
    15. [20-09-2016]

      by , 09-20-2016 at 02:39 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was in my bathroom, it was a dark evening. Lights were turned on and doors closed - I sheltered in bathroom so zombies wouldn't get me. I heard them rampaging around my house, destroying everything. They weren't coming closer to bathroom, they were avoiding it entirely. I thrown some paper through a window, and realized that someone could be hiding in another rooms. Then I realized that it's a dream and received lucidity. I phased through wall and and got outside - it turned into a warm summer day. There was a group of people sitting on benches around stage, where one man was talking. The man was bald, and he was wearing a light brown sweater and jeans trousers. He said "Now I know you all almighty douchebags are all lucid dreaming addicts..." I haven't listened more and just phased back into building and found someone alive in one of rooms. It was a blonde woman, about my height and weight. She was wearing a white t-shirt and jeans trousers, she had really long hair. I took her hand and we phased through walls into a safe room in the house. As we entered it, the building changed and it was a really tight storage with wooden walls. We were standing close to each other. Really close, as it was a tight room. We kissed for a while, I found out that I can just control level of pleasure received with my thoughts, and pushed it until everything went black.

      Second dream

      With sisters we were in some ruined city swarming with zombies. We had our weapons ready. We were running through a destroyed flat, shooting down every zombie. Then suddenly we found ourselves in living room, in front of tv. We were inside a movie, and now we were back in our house. We ate some sweets and then I wanted to go to toilet. I walked through doorway and got teleported to some platform. I became lucid and vividness of the dream increased. I looked at the platform I was on - it was constructed from rock blocks made out of light brown stone and chiseled atop to mimic tiles. The platform consisted of six rows of them going horizontally. On both sides there were fences made of gray stone, curved inwards. Looking forward I saw just blue sky with some clouds floating gently. I moved forward and saw a huge, beautiful and monumental castle going out of the mist. I was there in some previous lucid dreams. This time the castle had a huge tower, and was much bigger in size and much more beautiful. When the whole mist dispersed, I could see the building in it's entirety and it's whole beauty - my jaw literally hit the ground as I started at it in awe.

      The only way inside was to fly, as the castle was floating on the skies. I felt a strong draw towards the tower. I felt that it must and has someone important waiting for me. I felt that my goal was to reach the tower and meet with that person. I started flying above such platforms like one described before, just much shorter. There were also frames made of dark brown bricks, through which I flied in order to reach castle. Then I flied into a barrier that made me see only dried lava - layers of basalt and obsidian. Controlling speed and height of flying with thoughts, I managed to break through the barrier and was almost in the castle. Then I heard an alarm clock, with my thoughts I shouted "Shit, alarm clock!" And it echoed in my mind until everything went black and I woke up.
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