• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. May/30/16

      by , 05-30-2016 at 08:20 PM
      I remember two dreams in fragments but again non-lucids T_T:

      1st fragments:
      I did something with my friends

      2nd fragments:
      I remember having an awesome day with the Dolan Twins.
      We were at their pool at their old home. I don't remember more

      I watched the Dolan Twins' YT-Vids.. maybe that's why I dreamt of them
    2. No memory

      by , 05-30-2016 at 06:40 PM
      Had many dreams but they all faded
    3. No memory

      by , 05-30-2016 at 06:40 PM
      Had many dreams but they all faded
    4. With my gf

      by , 05-30-2016 at 05:20 PM
      I'm with my girlfriend somewhere I don't recognize. There's a stand with stuff for sale. I mention that something is being sold for a dollar fifty. My honey says that's good to know. I feel at peace being with her.

      Lately been having quite a bit of nightmares. Going to make it a goal to transform my next nightmare into a peaceful dream.
    5. Another Facepalm Morning – Missed Signs (Fragments)

      by , 05-30-2016 at 03:28 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: May 30, 2016 – 7:00AM (USA Eastern)

      1. I am at my lab bench trying to turn on the two LED goose-neck lamps above my bench. The lights will not turn on when I flip the switch, so I reach in and check the bulb. The left lamp shorts out and makes sparks when I twist the bulb. The right lamp has no bulb in it at all. I completely disregard the classic light-switch dream sign, and even more stupidly tell myself, “Oh well, the lights are not supposed to work in a dream anyway.”

      2. I am helping a friend sand rusty spots on a trailer before repainting it. We are using ridiculously small pieces of sand paper that are not much larger than my finger tip. It must be magical sand paper though, because all the rust is gone with one gentle swipe, leaving the metal shiny clean.

      It seems that I’ve improved my recall recently, but now I’m back to ground-zero on dream signs and triggers. *adds to-do list item: NOTICE DREAM SIGNS!!!
    6. 2015-05-28 and 2015-05-29

      by , 05-30-2016 at 08:00 AM
      2 nights ago:

      + snowy star trek: kirk, spock, mccoy / buses roundabout, exploding car

      + half-visible man in restaurant [double take], leave, friends waiting for hours outside, sit at table, talk about selling old home, bad strategy one guy says, to buy back and sell it will take 8 times the investment, we used it to finance our move I say we doubled our money but nobody's interested

      + runescape/game overhead map, city routes, sea lanes, gold/ diamonds markers on the open sea on island where you're attacked, flyer advertising unique items in a harder area, hide it when sister comes by

      + packing up my things (laptop, duffle bag) on chairs on street so they won't be stolen

      + meet JW as new employee, he calls me I don't recognize him I hear him on phone and in "reality", he mentions "Wei" (from his old job) is now here too, he wants me to show him where the HR office is, it's quite a walk away, I think he can go himself, after all, I went myself, then I think I can drink a soda while we walk and agree, he says that Wei is from his wargaming club, I ask is that the one where people pound their fists into the table and yell. JW is asking about the company news (USENET) reader, I think who reads USENET any more? It's just for porn these days I think. A young girl from HR comes and mentions that the "vague" (?) software sucks.

      last night:

      fairly long night, memory overflow, detailed dreams, a bit fragmented.

      + in former PTL adult home, wife is away, I'll go get junk food? She returns too soon, same day
      + playing monopoly with TZ at a (party?)
      + in a toy store playing with a lego-like system?
      + I have an award, two pins on my lapel which I put in before entering into a competition, digging hole into electronics the woman will help
      + bus ride, guy yelling outside, bus moving fast I hop on and it swings around and stops at a stop
      + dark snowy road, baby crying, one car arrives and rear-ends another, they jump in to house, guy commands to go get stuff, in return for food he'll provide
      + guys have to give back things to the sitting woman: table, sculpture, etc.
    7. Flying Sea Containers (Fragment)

      by , 05-30-2016 at 03:43 AM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: May 29, 2016 – 6:30AM (USA Eastern)

      I am riding in my dad’s truck down an everyday stretch of road. I suddenly hear a loud aircraft behind us so I turn around to see what it is. To our left, I see four sea containers that are attached together and are flying low over a shopping center. As I watch them fly very low over the road behind us, I question, “How is that thing even flying?” Moments later, it crashes into the ground and pulls down a bunch of wires and a traffic light pole.

      As I awaken, I say, “...yep, that happens every day. Nothing to see here, move along. “
    8. Dream Views Trade Show Booth (Fragment)

      by , 05-30-2016 at 03:36 AM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: May ?, 2016 – ? (USA Eastern)

      (Note: This entry was forgotten on my voice recorder and I failed to record the date and time of the entry. I’m certain that it was May, but no idea which day.)

      I am at a trade show walking with a couple of familiar associates. We get our entry passes and walk onto the exhibition floor. One of the other guys tells me that they’re going to go over to our company booth. I let them know I’ll be there in a minute because I want to check out a couple of other booths. I walk for a bit and find a booth with a large banner that says “Dream Views”. I walk up and find OpheliaBlue talking with several people at the side of the booth. She waves and I wave back. As I get closer, an older guy with a nametag that says “Quirky” greets me. I ask him where Alex is and he points toward a conference room with closed blinds, saying “He’s in the middle of a meeting over there.” Just to the right of the conference room, Gab is sitting with some people at a table. I wave but she just gives me a blank stare back. I tell Quirky, “I’ll come back when they’re not so busy.”, then I walk off.
    9. Road of Tree Roots

      by , 05-30-2016 at 03:08 AM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: February 1, 2016 – 5:30AM (USA Eastern)

      I am driving a very small car up a steep mountain road. On the right side is a steep uphill grade and to the left is a sharp drop-off into a river far below. I drive along for a bit when my passenger tells me to turn into a small road that goes up to the right. I turn and drive up a very steep and narrow road. After a short bit, the road narrows even more with trees really close on both sides. After another short while, the surface of the road becomes engulfed by the roots of trees. Eventually, the roadway becomes elevated on top of the roots which is now quite a ways above the ground. I approach a corner in the road and some of the roots are broken away, making it impossible to drive on. We get out of the car and walk the rest of the way around the turn and down the road.

      Eventually the tree root road comes down along a fence and meets the ground. I am walking toward a farm house where a woman is washing clothes in a tub and putting them through a wringer before hanging on a line to dry. I continue walking toward an outbuilding where I meet up with some familiar DC’s. They invite me inside to find a bar and pool tables.
    10. DJ#189: Schools & Royalty

      by , 05-30-2016 at 02:51 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was at university trying to find out if I could transfer into a lucid dreaming class next semester (Doh! :p) I sat in on an information lecture about it, then at the end asked some questions. They told me that it would actually take up two classes instead of one, so if I did it then I would have to delay my degree by 6 months to catch up. I mulled over this, then I think I told her I would think about it and left.

      Dream 2: I was at my primary school in the evening. There was a huge disease ridden tree in the courtyard which I started to climb before coming back down and walking out the front of some classrooms, full of memories.

      Dream 3: There was a news segment about the royals on tv, apparently celebrating Charlotte's first birthday, where William said that the first rumours about Kate being pregnant started 10 months before Charlotte was born so he had a bit of a giggle at that.
      Tags: non - lucid
    11. DJ#188: Agents & Athletics

      by , 05-30-2016 at 02:47 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was a part of some secret agent group that was like a maths taskforce. I got into an argument with my brother after he said my maths wasn't good enough, then I walked around the secret base for a bit, with lots of Asian décor, then had an epiphany and started getting every maths question right.

      Dream 2: I was arguing over the audio format for a project I was working on with some others.

      Dream 3: An old guy was telling me and some other people about how he had grown up in a tiny little town ninety years ago, and how much everything had changed since then.

      Dream 4: I was at an athletics track where a whole bunch of kids were competing. I went to the discus cage and I think tried to kidnap one of the kids lol.
      Tags: non - lucid
    12. DJ#187: Lockpicking

      by , 05-30-2016 at 02:42 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: My brother got a lockpicking set as a present for his birthday, complete with a set of tools and five practice locks, which I played around with for a bit.

      Another big dream adventure but I forgot it when I woke up.
      Tags: non - lucid
    13. huh?

      , 05-30-2016 at 02:14 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Not sure what's going on. Not really remembering dreams. And if I do, they are chaotic, nothing that I can put into words.

      True, I sleep less than normally. Going to bed around 9-10pm and getting up around 3am. I sleep better than when I was on midnight shifts, but something is off.

      I'm also having hard time getting a morning nap, since I have only one shot at it having only one day a week off.

      Too many thoughts in my head, too many things to work out. I kinda know what's bothering me, but I just can't get rid of it. Maybe with time. Or maybe I don't want for it go away. This way there is always hope.

      Where are the times of 7 DEILD chains? Happy times.
      side notes
    14. Weirdness

      by , 05-30-2016 at 01:42 AM
      I'm in a dark place by a building looking at someone. Then all of a sudden I am like falling and I see a chest on top of me which I am trying to get off of me. Been having dreams where I am feeling really uncomfortable lately...
    15. Dad & dreams

      by , 05-30-2016 at 12:41 AM
      Non-lucid: I was with my dad in 2 different dreams but over the day I lost track of the details. Both pertained to my childhood town.
      Tags: non - lucid
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