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    1. May/29/16

      by , 05-29-2016 at 10:45 PM
      I don't remember my dream
    2. A long and dream filled night

      by , 05-29-2016 at 08:14 PM
      I had many dreams tonight, ranging from deep epics to short lucidity bursts.

      The first one was once again an utter failure on my part as far as DILD goes.

      I was downtown, when I realized a miley cyrus concert was going on in an intersection. I was a couple blocks away when I noticed Miley walk out of a VIP area that was unmarked with two organizers, telling them to do something. I didn't really care about her but I thought it was a great opportunity for me to take a leap and explore the VIP. I walked past her and casually said hi. She asked if I was invited in there I said of course and kept walking, she said are you going in? I freeze up then say yes. I enter the plaza. It's a residential home downtown with a plaza out back, and there are a bunch of roadies and such here. One of them was phillip seymour hoffman's character from Boogie Nights. I entered the place, and in a room watching a movie I found every popular kid who I have ever felt judged by in my life. All the kids from camp, from high school, were all there. I walk in and ask what kind of drugs they had taken to be watching such a strange movie, and a girl pipes up "aww little jonny is scared of a little bit of drugs" to which I reply "Actually I'm just super baked and hoping you have some better shit on you". They all laugh and I walk out. I feel kind of liberated, and it's funny how now in life I don't have to worry about popularity being outside of a teenage environment, and yet that time of my life is still so deep rooted in my subconscious. I should also say that when I entered that room I should have immediately reality checked seeing as it was a room completely filled with bendos but eventually I will have that skill.

      I later left the party and got in steamy. Lee was driving and in the back was me, tyler, and anna. There was some random porno on in the back which was super weird so I just got out to walk. As I was walking they decided to go to a big party so they started ripping backwards down the road with the doors wide open so I could jump in. They gave me they keys and I took it to a parking lot once they hit their party. I woke up as the cops came to arrest me for having drugs in the van or something.

      I went back to bed, and found myself on a path in the deep rainforest. There were massive trees around, and someone was narrating in my ear about how old they are, and how the female trees live for thousands of years, where the male trees will grow up in droves, and then burn down all at once, yet the females are so large and thick the fire cannot start them. I exited the woods above a high cliff/hill that was next to a city, with a beautiful bay of water at the bottom. As I was walking along the path, I saw a beautiful sight. I should have reality checked but I was so fascinated. It was one of those pathways with trees lining both sides of it, and they curved sharply just above head level to form a beautiful tunnel of branches, and out the other end of it you could just see water. I stared at it for a long time and walked through it. At the other end on a bench to the left of the trees was an old woman, staring off at the ocean. I walked back up through them, and as I began to I was suddenly listening in on a phone conversation between my dad and Cam, talking about how I always suspected I was dreaming, and that everyone was a figment of my imagination. I still did not reality check!

      After they finished I was at the top of a cliff created by building parking lots at the top of the steep hill. There was a trade show or guerilla marketing fair there where phone companies had people doing running races and such to win free swag. I looked off at the beautiful blue water and knew I wanted to fly over it. I told the person at the koodo both that I was going to sue them for making me do this in their games (ha!) and then I jumped off the edge of the lot. I went plummeting toward the water, and realized I would probably die. There was a guy on a jet ski below staring in horror, but at the last second i pulled up with inches to spare, and ripped across the surface of the water at the speed of a fighter jet. The exhilaration was so much that I instantly awoke.

      In my final dream, as I began to sleep again, I was at my old public school. It was a simple dream, I simply watched a street dog walk around looking for a mate. He found a beautiful border collie, and grabbed her, as she willingly led him carry her by the scruff to his territory in the school. I knew he would begin mating, so I lost interest. Next to me suddenly was a phillipino woman, who said "This reminds me of my home country... but I can't remember where that is." I knew immediately she was a dream character hastily thrown in to distract me, and she did not know her origin because she was not real. I hit lucidity fast and hard but started waking from the excitement, and unwisely tried to scream lucidity boost when I should have simply slowed down and observed the world around me in a meditative way. It was fleeting and strong, and then I awoke.

      Dream Signs
      Beautiful Girls
      Breathtaking views

      lucid , non-lucid
    3. The Woods

      by , 05-29-2016 at 12:22 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I'm walking down a driveway in front of a two story structure as a narrator finishes speaking. I begin thinking about my awareness practice and wonder how good I'll be at lucid dreaming/dream yoga in three years if I keep working hard at it. I wonder if it'll all be worth it. My awareness raises as I reach farther down the driveway, and it feels as though visuals from my pre-bed meditation kick in. I become lucid as my hands come in front of me, and I'm good to go; no need to do a formal RC at this point. There is a slight shock at how clear/rational my mind feels at this point. I fly a bit upward and notice a street running in front of the property, dense woodland laying beyond. I continue flying, and make my way across the property and across the road. As I enter the woodland I make a point to use all of my senses, anchoring myself into the dream. I feel this area may be due to my first dream goal of heading to an astral forest. My stabilization feels pretty solid as I enter my way into the trees, gliding smoothly. I begin rubbing my dream body to practice this technique a bit. I feel all my limbs and torse get stimulated by hands as if a slight staitic is running through them. I consider using visualization to try a dream goal, but decide to explore and practice stabilzation instead. I continue my way through the trees, alternating between rubbing my dream body and using my senses. The branches are thick with pine needles. The dream gets a bit blurry but I hang in for a while. I enter a void soon then go into a short period of non-lucidity before waking. I attempt a DEILD, and get very close to my separation point, but I don't quite 'sink' into the next. I stay up for the day.

      Updated 05-30-2016 at 10:35 PM by 50425

    4. May/28/16

      by , 05-28-2016 at 10:30 PM
      I've dreamt of being in school and made it through my thursday scedule:

      German, Chemics, Physics, Maths, English (yay all 5 major-subjects in a row!!), and finally social studies. Then I woke up XD

      Actually I love dreaming of school because normally I have the best dreams when my classmates appear but this time I just dreamt of a normal day in school?! Hate it XD
    5. Arrested labor & dorm like living

      by , 05-28-2016 at 08:42 PM
      D 1: Non-lucid- Mike & I were driving along & I was telling him to slow down so we didn't get stopped but he didn't listen & a cop came up behind us with his lights flashing but just went around us. Then out of nowhere another cop came up from behind us & before we know it we are in some military installation & are made to some kind of labor on an assembly line. Then at the end of the day they say we are going to receive some sort of compensation but instead of giving us money they say they are going to give money to our favorite charity & I was livid thinking "we are a kind of charity" seeing as we are badly in need of money.

      I lost dream 2

      Dream 3: There are four of us somehow related 1 was a toddler & then another that is about 10 & then the 2 older ones are me & a guy who are in our teens. It seems like we weren't all related biologically but step siblings somehow. We are in some sort of low budget carnival on the grounds where we are supposed to be staying. My dad was there with us telling us to be good etc. There is a playpen, a wooden one like back in the early 70's. We were trying to figure out how we would all fit in this tiny thing for some reason & complaining. Then us kids were sent up to a room to live in what was like a dorm & after we entered the room I woke up.

      Yesterday I took a nap using this video below. I was in a dream & became lucid & was trying to change the whole dream into Platform 9 3/4 but my daughter called & I had to deal with that. I was so pissed off! I have never tried to change a whole dream before to make it what I wanted I have always either just been there already or it was a very close scene to what I wanted.

      Explanation of details-Blue
      Side Notes-Purple
    6. 2016-05-28

      by , 05-28-2016 at 02:02 PM
      + camping tent anchors -- will they hold in the ground around UL (boy scout)

      +(f, impression) in some place, preparing for bed like in a dorm room, group of people?

      + dice game, demonstration/magic failed, more dice inspection, dice inside of dice, rolling dice, finding the right dice that would give the right (low numbers) results, coloring the dice, etc.

      + in a room with old chairs, trying to get them to stand up but they're rickety and fall over, old couches

      + outside, I see a hot (naked?) girl up ahead, I have her on my laptop screen? I close the laptop screen so that others won't see. I'm sitting in a room next to a naked hot girl with spread legs on a couch, it's a combination of live scene/picture, I'm sitting in front of her and I wonder who took the picture, did I set up a selfie? It's like I was surprised and I'm trying to cover up my private bits by putting my pants in front of me.

      Then I'm outside again and see closeup of the face of a pretty girl wearing a thick application of bright pink lipstick, she has a luscious mouth. I'm looking at some girl up close and she leans her head back and I look up her nose and I see a long way and something bright is there, then her mouth is open and I see on the roof of her mouth a bright, reflecting air bubble.
    7. [28-05-2016]

      by , 05-28-2016 at 07:45 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was in an arctic tundra. It was a dark evening, I went out of hunters hut and wanted to hunt some birds. I was wandering around a forest, looking for birds or anything living in the vicinity. I only moved a few hundred meters and went back.

      Second dream

      I was in a city, in some kind of skate park. I was jumping around it, in some kind of contest.
    8. 5/27/16

      by , 05-28-2016 at 01:07 AM
      Well... I've had no dreams that I can recall the past few nights, but I just had a brief dream I remember quite vividly.

      I was sitting in some sort of hotel lobby, in an armchair. Next to me was a golden table that had a vase of colorful flowers on it, with a mirror above it. The gold revolving door was twenty feet or so away, and opened to a busy street, but no one came in or out. They just walked by. There were two armchairs next to me, and in one sat a random girl I've never seen before, and in the other sat my English teacher. My English teacher and I were conversing pleasantly while waiting from something or someone, though I'm not sure what or who.
      At some point, I grew bored and went to go get my recorder, which I remembered was in the dining hall (I don't own a recorder). I went inside, and the room was just a maze of white walls. I wandered around a while before finding myself back outside, holding a red recorder which apparently was from my youth. I walked back towards my chair, trying to remember how to play a song. I began playing "Victorious" by Panic at the Dicso, very awfully at first, but soon had managed to play it fairly well. I went over to show my teacher. Then the dream ended.
    9. May/27/16

      by , 05-27-2016 at 11:35 PM
      I only remember fragments of my dream. It had something to do with pillows and a wedding... still don't know where this all came from and why I (my dream me) was so interested in this topic.

      And for those who care: Sorry for not posting something in the DJ but since my last post I somehow lost interest and I don't remember any special dream since then.
    10. #246 - Fishing crocs / Lucid

      by , 05-27-2016 at 11:11 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      I remember being in a really low paying job by the shore. There's a lot of people around doing various jobs, but fishing is the more risky and better paying job. I'm not a fisherman, I'm doing some other job which isn't enough to feed my family (I have a wife and child somewhere in the background). While I'm on the beach I hear someone nearby shout out that they're looking for a new fisherman, I jump at this opportunity.. I really needed it. No matter what the risk is.

      I've joined the fishermen out in the water, I can't remember if I'm on the boat at first, but at some point I make a small catch and I'm quite pleased. I hop out into the water, it's close enough to the shore to be belly-deep. The fish we catch have a mechanical part to them it seems, and we sell these to make good money. But they're usually quite dangerous which is why the job is so high risk :/. I see off to my side about 2 metres away this huge red crocodile-like beast. It must be 3-4 metres long and covered in thick red spiky skin. Shit... I hope it doesn't notice me, I'm walking in pace with it as it wades towards the shore. It doesn't seem to be hostile, odd. I wade out of the way behind a boat I think, then when I come out on the other side I spot a HUGE hagfish. Its mouth opening and closing, displaying multiple rings of teeth descending into its gullet. I backtrack as it swims slowly past. It also seems oddly non-hostile... I head towards the shore, the red crocodile beast has swam off in the direction of the hagfish. I then see another huge crocodile beast, this one with grey-silvery skin and much bigger. It seems like a more ferocious and dangerous breed, it heads off towards the other beast. They creatures duke it out, I can't remember clearly what happened but they all died and I swam over to reap the materials from their corpses. I'm amazed that I got such a good haul for a one-off fisherman job .
      I'm back on the shore now, I've got a few small pieces of mechanical bearing-like things in my hand. I'm fiddling around with them while sitting down, trying to get comfortable on the slope. I keep sliding down, how did I used to do this? I put my foot on a wooden wall and stop sliding, I think this is how I used to do it?

      I JUST remembered that I had this, I can't remember a lot though. I realized I was in a dream and decided to stabilize, I remembered talking to my dream buddy about advancing my abilities with stabilization and wish I had finished reading the article he'd sent. I started by pressing my finger through the palm of my hand, it briefly stabilized but it wasn't enough. I then span on my axis a bit and felt the world begin slipping away. Aw shit. I willed the world to stay materialized which worked in my favor for a bit, but it still wasn't enough. I felt the world around me zoom in and out as I wrestled with stability, until eventually it faded and I awoke.

      I think this is my 60th lucid
    11. Disturbing dream I had about a woman I knew

      by , 05-27-2016 at 09:43 PM
      OK, so I Had this Disturbing Dream last week about a woman I knew. Basically, the woman, who I do not wish to name, was one of my old carers who I had a crush on, sort of. And basically in the dream, I went to one of my favourite shopping centres(or malls), and she was luring me to different shops, the GAME shop there had black walls instead, and I rung up her mother, who I also knew as one of my Teachers, and asked what year she was born, she said 1982, making her 34.

      The scary thing about this dream, was, even though I'm getting over this woman really well, was that I couldn't control my willpower, and it suddenly came out of nowhere, why I picked up the phone. It's so wierd, does this mean anything? I've barely got her in my head and I've been getting over her when suddenly this dream appeared.

      It's disturbing, I must admit.

      Updated 05-29-2016 at 11:14 AM by 90720

      Tags: dream, lust, mall, sex, shop, voice, woman
      nightmare , memorable , non-lucid
    12. Rachel

      by , 05-27-2016 at 06:02 PM
      I'll keep this short and sweet, but know that it was a beautiful dream, and my greatest failure as a lucid dreamer. As a guy trying to create RC triggers on only two things, beautiful girls and beautiful views it is a sad thing that I could not achieve this in a dream entirely composed of those two things.

      I was at a cottage that was mine, though I do not recognize it. Rachel was the cottage next door, and I had randomly reached out to her after years of no contact since high school. She admitted to me that she had a crush on me way back then, and I waltzed over to her place. Her Father emerged and immediately asked me if I work in sales as I was very well dressed for cottage country. I said yes, and he basically gave me a long speech on success and said I had what it takes and that he would take me on as his portege. He took me into their cottage and I was looking at the absolutely beautiful concept cars that he had in the house, one of which was actually a bath tub.

      At the end of the dream Rachel and I went down to the water and cuddled on a little island as the sun set.

      Why the fuck I am incapable of creating these triggers is beyond me, but it is my main goal as of now.

      Dream Signs
      Beautiful Girls
      Beuituful Views

      amazing cars
    13. The rich people's version of trash

      by , 05-27-2016 at 02:59 PM
      Had a couple of dreams but didn't log the first one. Both non-lucid. The second one I was in this beautiful mansion & this obviously rich older woman, who looked & talked like she had always had money was trying to understand the other people there who were supposed to be others who had married into this family. It was unclear of those details. But she was taking part in some sort of obstacle course which was set up outside her house to try and make them feel at home. It was really weird. She was showing me a room with lots of huge pots & pans & all kinds of stuff. I kept thinking omg I could only dream of having all of these that she deemed unfit. I was just reading about the room of requirement in Harry Potter so this all actually kind of makes sense, lol.
      Tags: non - lucid
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. 2015-05-27 massive insomnia, almost WILD, dating sons's ex-gf, cleaning; girls, rings, river

      by , 05-27-2016 at 11:30 AM

      + I'm dating my son's (S2) ex-girlfriend, L. We're very flirty and giggly together and very touchy. She's very petite and I pick her up and carry her (I think like S2 used to), I feel her weight but I can carry her easily, she laughs at this. We lie down in bed and kiss lightly. She needs to do her homework. She's lying on her back (we both are) and she sprawls her left leg over me, and I touch it with my left hand. My right arm is around her neck/head/shoulders, we're lying closely together. I ask her in a foreign language if my arm is bothering her. She answers in (English?) that yes it is because she has to read.

      + I have the job of completely cleaning out my ex-JrHs "girlfriend" KS's old house. I'm assembling a team to do it. We need to totally clean it and get it ready (for sale?). I have a plan in front of me on a piece of paper of multiple neighborhood houses that need to be cleaned, and how I'm going to rotate the cleaning women from house to house so that they do not encounter each other when they transition houses. Each woman will need to work on each house, doing their own phase's job. I'm wondering how I'm possibly going to get KS's house cleaned out (in one day?) when it takes 3 women working in phases to clean the other houses.

      + (3rd dream forgotten)

      DEILD alarm @ 5 hrs. Too loud. Fully woken. Massive insomnia, almost back to sleep several times but just couldn't make it. Too hungry/worried about stuff perhaps. Didn't make it back to sleep until about 9 hrs, slept until about 10:30 hours.

      + almost WILD. I see an image form and I realize that I'm seeing through my closed eyelids. I think I see something blue on the bed. Then son comes into our room IWL and I wake up, grr.

      + Walking past a group of girls that is gathering with a teacher, I'm looking at them but I walk on by to an area next to them. There is a climbing rope there and I wonder with my strength increases and weight loss if I can climb it now, I probably should be able to climb it easily I think. I imagine climbing it using my feet to hold and my arms to pull up. I reach for the rope and see that it is shortened, the base of the rope is about 6-7 feet above the ground. I reach up for the rope and start to pull myself up with my arms. I don't make it very far, it's pretty hard to make any progress at all, I feel in my arms and shoulders how hard it is to pull myself up. I see a basketball hoop with a net near my face to the side.

      + I'm swinging on a set of olympic rings. I'm holding an "L" position with ease. But the problem is that I'm drifting/swinging from left to right. I see I have a flat/athletic torso/abdomen with a bit of an "out-ye" belly button, I poke a finger in there briefly. I think if I drop and reform the L that I'll get a better score, I do that but now I start drifting/swinging too much from front to back as I hold the L position.

      +(f) view of a busy road during the Olympic games, cars are driving down some mountainous road to the athletic events. I see a river far below and I think that the water in the river is probably polluted.

      + recalled from a previous day (2-3 days ago): I'm playing on a tennis court, with a (female?) tennis player, I'm holding a racquetball racquet. Try as I might I can not get a ball past her, she always hits it back. I'm thinking about how I serve the ball.
    15. [27-05-2016]

      by , 05-27-2016 at 07:57 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in a dark, cold cavern. It somewhat looked like an old computer game, there was an altar with some small chest on it. I touched it and found myself in a strange city. A twist of mixed architectural designs. It was still dark, only street lights were shining. I walked up to a rooftop of a building using an outside staircase. I realized that it's a dream. I thought "What about warming this place up a bit?" I summoned an atomic bomb which stroke the city. It didn't changed much. I put my hand in a gesture trying to grab something, and I dragged a small, yellow glowing ball of energy to me. "I'll use this to power the city." Then I wandered the town some more. Going through alleys I was powering up whole districts by using the orb - basically pointing my fingers at wires. There were some dark figures wandering around, I pointed fingers at them and they disappeared. I entered a secret complex of "keepers"from thief games. There was an enforcer patrolling the area. I pointed finger at him and he fell dead. I thought "I should restart and let him live.

      I lost lucidity and found myself at the first cave, escaping from enormous, deadly spiders.
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