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    1. April 3, 2018 Non-Lucid

      by , 04-04-2018 at 07:42 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      The idea was back when I played rec basketball when I was younger. I was upstairs on the second floor of a complex on a basketball court. Something was occurring, someone was talking to me about something. The scene went to a small room that looked like a little coffee shop. There was a group of people looking at me. The game was now baseball and I was up at bat. I was swinging and missing. I could hear my friend JP asking me why I sucked so bad.

      There was another part of the dream held on the coast of a city. My sight was looking at three people on the very top of a parking garage overlooking the ocean. It was like a montage for one of the people to get better at basketball. That person was a guy with long curly hair wearing mostly black. At some point the view was over the edge of the garage looking at the ocean. The guy was telling a younger girl to jump into the ocean but she was afraid their parents were going to be upset.

      There might've been other things going on in the chickahominy basketball court but I can't remember.
    2. Restaurant with friends

      by , 04-04-2018 at 02:11 PM
      I walked into a fast food restaurant late at night in a dark-colored dress. Walking felt kind of awkward - maybe I was wearing heels too? There was no line, so I walked up to the counter right away and looked long and hard at the menu. The staff there sounded like they were getting bored, so I just ordered the first thing I saw, which was a hot dog. They told me to look at this touch screen and select the options I wanted. There was a peaceful beach background on the screen and orange boxes with black text popped up when I There were lots of options and whenever I chose something the staff would immediately do it. For example, I chose medium or large and the workers behind the counter would immediately get out the size bun and start cooking the hot dog of the size I chose. The last choice had two options: one said "crunchy" and the other said "I'm not hungry". I had no idea what crunchy meant, but the people that worked there were getting impatient and I definitely felt hungry, so I chose crunchy. When I did so one of the workers immediately went to a machine and put my hot dog under it. She pressed a button and the machine dumped salad and ranch on my hot dog, something I definitely did not want, and gave me the hot dog. I was too tired to say anything about it and I suppose I did choose crunchy, so I just took the tray with the hot dog.

      I looked around for a place to sit. I thought I saw a guy I know from church, so without saying anything, I walked up to his table and sat across from him. When I sat down, though, I noticed that the guy was a complete stranger. I started to panic until I heard a friend say "Hey Julie, how's it going?". I looked at her and then looked around to realize the other people sitting in the area were a bunch of my girlfriends. I was relieved and I responded to my friend, then grabbed my cup and when to the fountain to get myself a pop. The hunger is a weird feeling to remember, especially since I was not hungry when I woke up.
    3. Day 50: Continued Practice

      by , 04-04-2018 at 12:52 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Fell asleep at: 11:00 PM

      Woke up at: 4:00 AM & 6:30 AM

      I wanted to break the trend of me getting real lazy after getting just one LD, so I kept on going with my awareness and logic practices. Needless to say, I got another lucid, albeit a short one.

      I woke up around 4:00 o' clock, and then went back to bed only to wake up two hours later.

      Dream 62: Walking Around

      I suddenly got lucid inside of my house after wrangling the rhinocelope inside of my living room by way of the nose RC. I didn't really know what to do at that point. I completely forgot about the TOTMs, there were no clear objects to interact with, just a really low level lucid in general. I remember walking out of my house and walking around for a little bit, but I'm not quite sure.

      As a result, it ended up getting buried under a whole bunch of other dreams which I can't quite remember. I'll pick it back up, as long as I don't get lazy.

      Updated 04-11-2018 at 12:06 AM by 93490

      lucid , side notes
    4. Dissappointment

      by , 04-04-2018 at 12:29 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      ܢܖܣܒܠ ܒܘ̄ܠ*ܬ݈ܡ
      ܐ ܟ̤݈ܠܼܕܥ݈ ܐܫ ܐ̄ܬܬ ܘܠܬ܀ܘܠܡܥ ܪِܢܕِܝܘ**ِِܢُِܢ܀ܘِِܓܪِ ܐِܓٌܬܬ ܘ̄ܠܬَܢܩ܀ܕِ ܘ‏*݈ܠ݈ܡ݁ ܢܡ ܘܠܬ ܪِܢܕܒِܢ܀ ܥܠܡ ܘِِܓِِܪِ ܐِܡِܠِِܩܣِܡ ܥ݁ܓ݈ܝܱܢ܀ܢܖܥܣ ܡܓܩِِܪܕِܝܬِ ܗܓ ܐِܡܠِܩܣِܩ ܐ ܐܪܪ݈ ܐ݈ܡ݀ܬ ܡ̄ܢܕ̄ܬܬ ܀ܡ݁ܪِ ܐܝܬ ܡ̄ܢܕܬܡ ܢܡ ܀ܐܝܬ ܡܢܕܬ݈ ܗ ܐܩܩ̄ܪ ܡ̄ܫܬ ܠܦܩܣܩ ܐܝܝܠ ܐ ܨܒܒܠ ܐܩ݁ܬ ܡܱܪ ܪِِܓ ܐ݁ܫܡܪ ܀ܐܩܩܪ ܡِܓܥِܠِܢܬ ܐِܝ ܐ݈ܝ
      ܐ݁ܝܡ̄ܫ ܨܩ̄ ܀ ܡ̄ܢܕ݈ܢ̄ܡ ܫِܡ ܩِܠܠ ܡ݀ܢܕܩِܬܬܘٓܬ ܡِܓܬِِܦܬِܡ ܀ܐܝܬܱܢ ܦِܠِِܒܪܕܬܡ܀

      ܐܝ ܥܠܡ ܐܝܝܠ ܝܱܪ݉ܠܬ ܗ̄ܓ ܐ ܪِܡِِܢ̥ܪٓܠ ܒܣِِܠܬِܡ܀܀ܐ݈ܩܱܪܡ݀ ܐ݀ܫ ܬܘ̃ܪܬِِܢ݁ܩ ܪِܡِِܠܢ݁ ܩِܠܠ ܫ ܩٓٓܝܕِܢ݁
      ܐِܓ ܥ̄ܒܒ ܥ̃ܒ̃ܐِِܪܬ
      Tags: persal
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Completing all but 2 beginner tasks for April TOTM

      by , 04-04-2018 at 10:04 AM
      Long lucid dream WILD, that got more stable over time. I counted my fingers at different points when I doubted myself. I felt it was a pretty long, detailed lucid dream, and was a bit worried I would forget parts, especially as I slept between having the lucid dream and recording it.

      In our apartment I looked around the room, and everything seemed in place. I put my hands to the light and looked at my palm, which looked normal. I looked at pictures on the black closet. There were lots of tiny pictures. I looked closely at them, trying to take in detail.

      Tried to remember more dream tasks. I was in my parent's garden. I was wearing my blue top and black tracksuit bottoms. I tried to pull something out of my pockets but there was only fluff from the trousers. I felt the grass with my hands and my face, and I felt the texture and the temperature (it was not cold). I looked at the sky, it wasn’t too detailed and colours blended into each other. I tried jumping and gravity was a bit off, but I didn’t jump too high. I attempted to read ingredient labels, which was funny because they looked roughly convincing at a glance, but when read closely, they looked like made up ingredients.

      I wanted to eat chocolate cake, so I opened the fridge with the intention that I would find one, but the fridge was full of other stuff, so I didn’t eat anything.
      lucid , task of the month
    6. Day 48 & 49: The Calm Before The Lucid

      by , 04-04-2018 at 04:12 AM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Didn't recall anything on Day 48, except for some vague imagery. Fell sleep around 11:00 PM and woke up around 7:00 AM. Dream counter: 59.

      Day 49 is when things start to pick up. I guess thanks to reading up on both Sageous's 'Lucid Dreaming Fundamentals' and FryingMan's 'Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming', as well as Sensei's 'Thanks For All The Fish', Dolphin's 'Essentials to Having A Lucid Dream', and some ancient, long-forgotten DJs I found in the grandfathered DJ forum. Needless to say, this couldn't have been possible without them. So, thanks if any of you are reading this.

      Day 49:

      Fell asleep at: 11:00 PM

      Woke up at: 3:00 AM and 6:30 AM


      Dream 58: Lucid Once More!

      Riding with my family in the large SUV. From where we're going, I can recognize that we are going out of downtown and headed towards the high school, but we're going in the completely wrong direction from where we should be going. Usually we go towards the intersection on the way to school, and out of the neighborhood caught in between the school and downtown. Immediately, I get that "feeling" that Sensei elaborated on in his post, and I just went with it. No further questioning required.

      I open the car door and gingerly step out. I think the car might've stopped on my way out. Everything was super vivid and really bright, too--something someone would associate with a bright summer day. I don't exactly take in the time to soak it in, I'm just so excited to have gotten this far.

      I spot a girl by the side of a building, some stuff happens, and I then try to change up the dream environment. I woke up shortly after. Not because of a sudden "jolt" of excitement (If that were the case I would have woken up a whole lot earlier), but I think because I caught the LD near the end of a major REM period, that and I lost my train of thought sometime near the end of my lucidity.

      I have a system set up where, whenever I get lost in my thoughts, I interrupt whatever's going on and either observe my surroundings or do an RC. It's a really efficient system, mostly because I tend to fantasize about things on a regular basis. This is basically the only way I RC now, when I'm not being observant/aware. I really regret not having this system down-pat, as I feel it could have helped me not to lose track of myself at the end of my LD.

      I woke up subsequently after that LD. I walked around a little bit, pondered whether to write down the dream in my DJ, and just decided to use a mnemonic technique to remember it in the morning. I thought having a really bright phone screen in my face during the middle of the night would only keep me up.

      Post WBTB:

      Dream 59: False Awakening and an LD in one night? Nice.

      Pretty much what it says on the tin. I had a FA where, during the middle of the night, I got up to record my previous LD, alongside a dream I don't remember happening at any point.

      Dream 60: Tantalizing Trump Towers

      I'm in this barren, empty room with pillars and a kitchen set in the back. Everything was colored pink, or a really faded red--one or the other. Then I lost my train of thought (Or, in the context of this dream journal, pulled into the Thinkspace). It was about Trump Tower, the one situated at New York City. Apparently, the design of the tower has this window that, if directly shone upon by the sun, would then blast concentrated solar energy upon Central Park, setting it ablaze. Pretty...interesting to say the least.

      Dream 61: Tower Defense-Os

      Nothing much to this one. Just something about a tower defense game only with classes duking it out on top of a sea of milk and corn flakes.


      1. To make this less of a headache to read, I bolded the titles for each dream. I'm always for convenience (Maybe because I'm really lazy), so I hope this helps for people who want something easier to digest.

      Updated 04-04-2018 at 04:25 AM by 93490

      false awakening , memorable , dream fragment , side notes , lucid , non-lucid