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    1. A long Way Down

      by , 04-08-2018 at 10:04 PM
      I was non lucid at first but I'm skipping to the lucid part. I had entered my old home yard after exiting the window and after I bid farewell to some guy.
      After that I flew into the sky. Once i landed I found myself on top of a curved black metal thing as I looked down below to see the height exaggerated. I was waaaaaaay up high and below me were dark buildings at different heights for me to land on. As I jumped and landed on the ones I chose I also took note of the crimson colored sky that also had various warm tints to it. I was enjoying the setting but than random women appeared and a race track formed. I decided to go for the race but I was pushed by one of the women. This led to me messing up her jump. Keeping herself from falling she held on to the track till the scene shifted.

      I was now sitting on a patterned floor looking at a guy who looks like vincent van gogh and another girl. As I was looking at the guy observing him, he got an attitude and told me that I needed to change the observant part of my self. I tried to get him to explain but he just seemed annoyed so I got up and began talking to a little Japanese girl. I tried out some Beginner Japanese on her and she corrected me saying that I had to end my sentence with desu ne. She wasn't entirely wrong since I was looking for an expression that meant I wanted a confirmation.

      Than thats when I saw a older Japanese guy step in front of us. Thinking he was her older brother I smiled as I watched him bow a little to greet me. I than shyly ran behind a pink wall as I watched the screen where my mother,the Japanese guy and my brothers were fighting in a game with their chosen characters.


      I was non lucid in a car with a teen who said that I would be poisoned if I ate the Jello made out of bee honey. I chuckled then dodged their attempt to feed it to me with a spoon.

      Next thing I recall is I was in a mall where I asked a woman about someone's power ability. They responded to me with a neutral stance that was kind of a let down though. Someone than started attacking the place and I became lucid.

      I wanted to leave so I stepped out a door but found myself still in the mall. My next try took some determination but I ended up at my old house room.Unsure what to do I began singing and looked out the window to see a full fledged forest in the yard with a ray of sun hitting the leaves. I liked it but than flew out and around. Didn't go far though

      A random group of people began fighting each other. Apparently for dream bases. I ignored it as I looked at a flower plant with gold leaves in a small pot on a window sill.

      Pic does not belong to me)

      Updated 04-08-2018 at 10:41 PM by 67570

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    2. DEILD Journey #7

      by , 04-08-2018 at 09:11 PM
      This was a strange night, and strange morning..


      -Meditated for a few minutes to relax and forget about some things that were on my mind
      -Wrote mantra in DJ: "I will gently wake from a dream, motionless with eyes closed."
      -Repeated this as I was falling asleep

      The night was strange from the beginning because as I was repeating mantra while trying to let myself sleep, I really felt as if the intention became solidified, and actually felt my legs become much heavier. Then my arms and body in general became heavy, as if in response to my desire to remain motionless upon waking. Then my cognition became very odd, which was a little disturbing. It's hard to describe, but my thoughts were just strange, foreign and garbled. This isn't the first time this has happened after setting this intention, and previously I would disregard my intent and tell myself the contrary, that I would just sleep the night through and not concern myself with lucid dreaming. This time I decided to ride it out and see what happened, although it took me a while to fall asleep, and it was very uncomfortable to be in my head. In the background noise of all this, my thoughts would sometimes turn to the paranormal, further complicating my efforts. Eventually sleep overtook me.

      I woke up in the night and definitely moved, but stayed awake briefly to see if anything happened, before falling asleep again. I was reading KingYoshi's WILD guide before bed, and he mention with DEILD that remaining motionless and eyes closed is great, but that you should still make an attempt with it even if you did move while waking up. Yoshi's emphasis on falling asleep and letting things happen with minimal input is also pretty interesting for a beginner like me.


      I am flying a helicopter with J or someone else at night over a city, and there is a mountain range in the distance. There are lights between some of the peaks, coming from somewhere far off that I am interested in going to. It looks like lights from a city or a stadium or something. I decide that I want to fly between the peaks, and radio this to the air traffic controller in the city I am hovering over. The man on the other end tells me not to, because I don't have the training to be flying at night, and that this would be too dangerous. I tell him I will return to base, but hesitate about saying "base" and search for the correct non-military word.

      I am in a building and it is either a match of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (having a lot of dreams about this haha), or a non-video game military battle. There are some noises of someone's quiet footsteps, so I sneak around the door way into a different room. To my right are two doors, and another entrance to the room I am in, and to my left is a window (random details). I have my gun ready to open fire on whoever comes in through the entrance. I hear the breaking of some glass or the crumpling of some paper under someone's feet, and this lasts for a little while.
      This is a little strange, and I realize that I am dreaming! I look around the room, but my vision is becoming foggy, and I realize that my hold on the dream is weakening and I wake up.

      Another fragment about some authority figure, and some task I had to do.

      I think I was having an olfactory hallucination after waking up from the lucid dream, which has also happened before. It's just this strange smell that is sometimes there for a while after I become lucid and wake up. Feeling a bit strange today but that could be from lack of sleep from my weekend of waking up throughout the night to try and become lucid!

      WILD Attempt (noon nap)
      -Progressive muscle flexing/relaxing, and put a blanket over my eyes to keep the light out. I decided to put an emphasis on letting things happen, but still incorporated counting with exhale, as this seems to help with my mental chatter. Changed positions a couple of times after nothing was really happening, to get comfortable again like in Yoshi's guide. In the third position my body became very relaxed and I definitely got to the point where I was teetering on the edge of consciousness/unconsciousness, which was definitely a step in the right direction! But, excitement kicked in and the heart rate went up as I noticed some vague physical sensations, and things kind of fell flat. Was also a bit apprehensive. Oh well. It does help a little bit to not fight the excitement, and just let it happen and then return your attention to whatever else.

      It's kind of funny that I seem to get more excited during the WILD process than I do when I actually become lucid through DILD.

      Updated 04-08-2018 at 11:09 PM by 40630

    3. Carved in Stone

      by , 04-08-2018 at 06:04 PM (The Fourth Factor)
      This dream took place in a city than my brain identified as Dubrovnik. And it wasn’t entirely unlike Dubrovnik—it was by the sea, and in the right sort of general landscape, only hillier, and it did have a similar aesthetic. This wasn’t the first time I had a dream set there, although I don’t think I identified it as anywhere familiar that time.

      In this dream, the city seems to be gearing up for a festival, with some tents and stalls already up, some still being set up. The city is full of people, which strikes me as an unusual circumstance, as if I’ve been living here rather than a visitor like them. As I hear people talking among the crowd about the best route to a certain location, I know the answer. But right now, they’re heading in the right direction anyway—at least, if they want to see the preparations along the way, which is what I want to do.

      Across a canal or some kind of long, rectangular pond, there are yet more people near a fountain, including someone I know—an old classmate of mine, an Italian exchange student. She and an unfamiliar man are embracing there. In front of me, some other people I recognize as classmates have also noticed, and they don’t like what they see. One young woman in red makes a disparaging comment rather loudly, clearly intending to be heard by them. I don’t know what the story is here, but I find it hard to believe that it could possibly be any of their business.

      I run into her again later on, as part of a group of performers, doing some kind of open-air act—oddly, it’s as if they’re all hovering above the water of a canal like the other one, only wider. I wave to them as I pass, and they wave back, but nobody else is even acknowledging them. I have the impression that they’re afraid to for some reason.

      At some point, I’m further up, out of the city proper. I pause to look down a broad stone staircase—really, more of a terraced sidewalk—that winds its way down to the sea. The sea is shining and calm, pale blue and pink, as if the sun only rose a short time ago.

      And further still, there's some kind of special site. I climb on a big rock to get a better look at it. The whole area is blocked off with a sheet of glass and has a rather stage-y appearance, as if it were intended to be seen from this angle. To the right is the entrance of a cave, where cacti and other scrubby plants are growing. To the left are four reclining chairs in a row—I assume that means this place will be open to the public at some point, since I can’t imagine why they would be there otherwise.

      The ground they’re located on breaks off with a sheer cliff face which I’m directly facing, and I can see something interesting there: some kind of symbol carved in the pale stone. It's a small circle with two lines inside it, which are arranged like the hands of a clock when it’s 10 o’clock, and coming off the bottom is a long, wavy line ending with a wedge, like an arrow. It strikes me as vaguely alchemical. I wonder what it signifies—it definitely seems to suggest some kind of downward motion.

      Some other people have gathered here while I’ve been looking—I recognize someone else I know. The last time I spoke to him was very awkward, but he doesn’t mention that, which I’m glad of. He’s telling me about the cave. But unfortunately, I can’t remember much of what he says—only that something important took place here a couple millennia ago.

    4. Save the research facility

      by , 04-08-2018 at 04:00 PM
      This dream was really long and probably had a detailed story, but sadly I don't remember most of it.

      I was in some sort of large yard with lots of special buildings in it, and the buildings had lots of computer and technology stuff, so I am calling it a research facility. I was wearing a white skirt and shirt, and I had a denim jacket on. I believe I was the leader of this organization because I kept telling people what to do and they would do it. Most of the people who worked there were guys and girls I knew from high school. Everyone was dressed for their job except me, I guess I could do what I wanted since I was the leader .

      At some point I became aware of some bad guys running around planting bombs on the buildings. I was running around frantically trying to disable all the bombs, and I was telling people to go and find these bombers and such. I told some people to build more buildings as some of the buildings were getting destroyed, and I told one guy to go check the security station and call me back and tell me where all these intruders are. I remember thinking that as long as we kept some buildings long enough someone would come save our facility. Eventually I found the people bombing our buildings, but I didn't do anything to them, I just followed them and disabled all their bombs while telling people to build stuff as far away from the bad guys as they could.
    5. Lucid HH; Alien invasion

      , 04-08-2018 at 01:32 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Went to sleep at 6pm, exhausted from work. Woke up at midnight and as falling back to sleep, got HH. I thought, next one I get, I'll should enter it. Waited for a few seconds and a next crystal clear image appeared. I think I got up and walked into it, then lost awareness.


      We got invaded by bad aliens. So someone made a costume which will make us look like them. We put it on a escaped from some building, into another one. We took it off and then I realized, it was also changing our voices into alien voice.

      We learned about another species of aliens that also came to fight us. There were green humanoids. Now we didn't know, which costume to put on to sneak by them. But first, I had to change my shoes to tennis shoes, so I can do some running.

      We were sneaking by these new aliens when we heard that they realized we are also good guys, so they were not going to fight us. They were raising their arms in surrender, and kneeling in front of us to let us know.
      Tags: invasion, lucid
    6. Syncronicity has me puzzled

      by , 04-08-2018 at 10:10 AM
      On youtube I found a guys channel and was following a tutorial, which seemed to be on astral projection (I found the channel because I was looking for stuff on aboriginal telepathy).

      I was following the tutorial spoken directions but didn't feel drawn to use a location I knew as it suggested. I started to see a picture in my mind that was very clear of plants growing in a field, with water droplets on them and as I looked around the area I was strongly drawn to a thatched building with a dark brown roof, and white chalky walls. It made me feel warm and safe. It was very peaceful and quiet there, I did not imagine anyone there and felt it might be disused. There were just dirt paths and trees round and about.

      Anyway when I finished, my wife showed me a picture in the paper. It was incredibly similar to what I had been visualising Oo. A place nearby to where we live.

      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    7. Lots of fragments

      by , 04-08-2018 at 09:56 AM
      - Walking along a narrow canal path. Someone tries to stop/rob me but I jump into the water and swim away.
      - At a hotel a local dish is being prepared on a long tresselled table by a woman. She is layering rings of fish. I talk to her. Later we are offered some food but its not vegetarian.
      - In our house we have 3 big screens set up in the front room. Each with a bright interactive display. The next morning we get up from downstairs and my cat tells me it wants to go on a dance programme. I go to pick it up but it tells me to put it down again. It is pale coloured and sleek. It asks me to open the doors as obviously it cant do that itself. There are two downs on the narrow hallway going upstairs. I find that the programme the cat wants has downloaded incompletely (hacked) and so doesnt work. The cat goes on a drawing programme instead and uploads something it had been drawing. Other people go on other things. I find a picture of a fox so it can get the right colour for its drawing.
      - At my parents house I'm trying to help my dad get in without a large about of dogs also getting into the house.
      Tags: cat, fish, holiday, water
    8. Dream - Torturous School & Catch Up To The Boys

      by , 04-08-2018 at 08:31 AM
      Date of Dream: SUN 8 APR - 2018

      Dream No. 307 - Separated Sections

      Dream 307 A - Torturous School
      I don't remember much of this dream. From what I can remember, I was back in year 12 again. The environment felt like Killester but it wasn't... It was some unknown school. The environment was unknown but my grade 4 teacher Mrs Br. was teaching the class and in this dream, she was strict and scary. What's worse is that I was sitting right at the front, all of us were on the floor with our legs crossed, just like in primary school.

      We were about to be on a two week holiday break when we received a list of the homework we had to do. The amount of holiday homework was ridiculous and was a lot more than what I actually received in real life in year 12. In the dream later on, it felt like I was on holidays but at the end of week 1, that's when we were returning to school. I freaked out because I hadn't done any of the set tasks. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream 307 B - Catch Up To The Boys
      This dream started off like a false awakening. I woke up in the morning and got out of bed, expecting the typical Sunday morning breakfast of sausages mustard and bread. I stood around the corner of the bench, talking to my brother. I said to him something like, “you haven't seen your friends in a while. Are you going to arrange to see them sometime soon?”. He told me that they already arranged to meet up in the city at 10:00 AM this morning.

      As soon as I heard him say 10:00 AM, I freaked out. I wanted to go with them and it was already past 10:00 AM. My brother then actually disappeared from my sight without reason and so now it was assumed that he was well in the city and I was stuck at home. I knew my parents wouldn't take me and so I was well and truly imprisoned in my own home. Eventually though, I feel this strong energy from afar and that's when the dream scene proceeds to change.

      I am now in my bedroom of my old house and Dreamy WB is in there with me. Her appearance in this dream is the symmetrically parted afro, a black slit dress and black heeled sandals. We sat on the bed for a while and she gave me a massage. Soon after, we got up and proceeded to the kitchen. She said something to me while in the kitchen but I forgot what it was. I was then on a paint program and it actually showed details of my trying to sketch an image of Dreamy WB. I remember drawing the hair so carefully but found it difficult to fill in the sections with the black airbrush. In the paint program, I drew her afro in its asymmetrical parting.

      The dream then showed me and Dreamy WB walking next to each other in an unknown suburban environment. I could tell though that we were heading towards the Glen Waverley train station and she was going to accompany me to the city, helping me finally catch the boys. Once again we were talking about something but I forgot what was said. For the last parts of the dream, we never reached the train station; that's when I woke up.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None

      Dream 307: Competition Results

      307 A
      Competition Night: 7
      Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
      Estimated Length of Dream (Lucid Only): N/A
      Dream Guide: None
      Emergency Team: None
      Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

      307 B
      Competition Night: 7
      Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
      Estimated Length of Dream (Lucid Only): N/A
      Dream Guide: Dreamy WB
      Emergency Team: None
      Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

      Points For This Entry: 1.5
      Calculation Details:
      - Non-Lucid Fragment (0.5)
      - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0)

      + Previous Total: 3.5
      Total Accumulated Points: 5.0

      Updated 04-08-2018 at 09:05 AM by 93119 (Forgot an entire dream section and just remembered it now.)

      non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    9. Unreachable

      by , 04-08-2018 at 07:34 AM
      I had quite a weird dream last night.

      I was talking to my best friend, and she was running through what she was doing for the week.
      Then she went; “Friday is private, I won’t be reachable at all,”
      This felt super OOC, as she and I always talk and share everything. But yes, that was a very odd dream.
    10. Golden Leaves/Acceptance Vs Expectation

      by , 04-08-2018 at 05:47 AM
      These dream entries are longer than I expected them to be. I hope this means progress. I have a feeling long dreams still won't appear as much though. Hopefully the memorable short ones will still come.

      Golden Leaves

      I was living with a family who seemed asian. I was the adopted sister I think. The grandmother wearing a traditional comfortable outfit, lime green and yellow, entered the room and told my sister that the plane flight was ready for her so that she could escape and that her father would be picking her up soon. She replied with an "okay, thankyou Grandma"than stepped out the door. It made me feel unwanted to have to stay behind so I crawled onto my bed feeling disappointed.

      But than for some reason someone began drawing in the living room. This inspired me to finish my art project. I took a paper and brush and began painting what seemed like an orange tree or bamboo stalk. Than I got an epiphany and decided that golden leaves would fit perfectly. As i stroked the page with yellow paint leaves began to form kind of like they were growing on the page. When i felt it was complete enough to take a look i pushed the golden leaf stalk out of the page by feeling myself pick it up and it manifested. It was pretty tall, almost up to the ceiling but felt like it didn't have much weight to it. I stood it on the second drawer cabinet of a white small plastic table thing than admired the view of it within the room.

      After a dream shift I recall being inside a stadium or gym with a crowd of creatures and people all around me.There was a white bat like human pig creature announcing the battle between I and another being was about to start. I lept towards my opponent, knowing I wouldn't hurt them and that it was somewhat a dream but than after two attacks, block and defense moves btw my opponent,somehow it was over.

      The announcer than shouted who would like to battle next. I shouted for me next and ignored Gohans attempt to try and battle. But even after I made the puppy dog eyes and fell to the floor the announcer said no and picked someone else. Knowing that the battle didn't mean much in the end and that I had, had my go, I decided to leave the stadium.

      I was now in a huge school yard and remembered that I had to go to class. Once I ran up the steps, I saw someone order a robot to roll up the stairs. It was working on electricity and as I was going to class I heard others asking the guy questions. I began to ponder about them as I sat in the classroom till it felt like evening or late afternoon. I walked down knowing I was wearing a white shawl with my short white dress. But by the time I was outside it was gone. I ran back inside with someone who said they would accompany me but when we reached the classroom the building began to shake.

      A villain had attached a detonator to the school. Knowing those around me had powers, including I, I jumped out the small rectangular window and ran as far as I could from the detonation area. As I ran I saw a girl holding a baby and began to feel like i wish i could hold the baby but than i continued to walk towards the inside school garden, where light shone above the circular/dome glass.

      Next the dream shifts an I'm at my old house room. I see a rat on the floor and a girl's voice points it out. Than the rat becomes bigger and changes into a short black dog with a purple scarf. A man who looks like my old middle school social studies teacher walks in than snatches the dog."you can't see her anymore" he says than leaves.
      "That's not right.Don't worry, ill get her back for you". I'm fully lucid now and step out the room to see the living room is dimly lit. I stay put than feel a dark energy form as wind begins to push me back. "No way, im going back because of you!" I shout. Suddenly after focusing my view more I see a short dark shadow who looks like a stick figure alien with angular points for hands and wobbly arms. He pushes more dark energy my way.

      I step back than try manifesting light blue energy balls but it doesn't work. I try a boomerang as well but it didn't pop up. So than I go for my last weapon. Words and music. I sing a song hoping it'll change the shadows mood,( as if it was mermaid
      melody lol)The shadow slightly shifts than is out of my view as I step back further. I no longer feel him. I think this was the time I looked to the bed and saw someone with holes on their back and a smiley face. I tried to heal it but couldn't. They seemed fine though.

      Acceptance Vs Expectation

      I was in a apartment where people had gathered for a party when suddenly a invisible figure grabs me by the hand and begins to show me the way.
      I become lucid thinking that my intent to summon Dawn worked when I notice he walks me into a restaurant."I don't feel like eating dream food so why are we here? Can't we just sit down?" I think as I look at the people in formal dresses and the red carpeting. He than sits me down and I begin to ponder if he is not Dawn but has the other dream guide's personality. I see an outfit form than that looks like a light purple pants and tucked in collar shirt. But still no face. They than sit next to me and give me a hug. I hug them back but surprisingly they start blowing in my face softly. I don't know why but I begin to giggle for some reason. And as they laugh next to me, they than decide to blow harder till I'm pondering why they are doing such a thing. When they stop I see their form change and they become more muscled with blue hair that reminds me of Eye. I tell them to stay next to me and observe as scratches appear all over them. Seeing this as a opportunity to heal someone I manifest a cream ointment (ignored the lotion name on it) by asking it from someone. They hand it to me and I ask if I can put it on who I thought was Dawn. But as they touch their scratch they say no and seem like they are just relaxing within whatever form they are in.

      After waking up from that dream I came to realize that I really am expecting many stuff from my guides and in order for me to see true forms I need to be balanced and push aside my expectations and let in acceptance.

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    11. Day 52 and 53: Lazy Daze

      by , 04-08-2018 at 05:43 AM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Nothing much happened Day 52. For some reason, the Balloon Trip theme comes to my head whenever I think of that day. It could link to some fragment, but I'm not quite sure.

      Day 53:

      Fell asleep at: 12:00 AM

      Woke up at: 9:42 AM

      Dream 64: Sadly No N64 References...

      I'm exiting from my Art ll class, headed towards and out of the cafeteria, when my friend Ace stops by. Our exchange was...awkward, to say the least. It's been a while since we talked and I just wanted to extend the conversation. No matter what I did, she and I always just acknowledged each other awkwardly throughout.

      She brings me to a table of several of her friends. I don't remember what they were talking about for the most part (Something about role playing? Idk). I left shortly after that.
      non-lucid , side notes