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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. 16-03-2014 Morning nap

      by , 03-16-2014 at 09:44 AM (awesome ninja dream journal)
      I cant remember how long I was asleep for but I could hear my little brother squeeling with joy in the living room. I fell asleep and had a false awakening in my bed. My door was slightly open and there were two way bigger than normal puppies in my room. I got up to smell them and the first one was so frightened it wanted to run. But I wouldn't let it. I started petting it so that it would get used to me while I was thinking about how I would break this dog and establish dominance. I think before this dream fragment I was actually asleep, because I remember my dad coming in late at night, and saying "there now everything has been fed". And outside lying against his car was a dead bloody cow.

      Also when I woke in the morning my brother was holding two little Greyhound puppies. So I guess thats where THAT dream came from.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Straw Hats with swords

      by , 03-15-2014 at 09:48 PM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      1. Trying to change the quality of the light, but it’s actually (grated) cheddar cheese floating down like snow…

      2. Stirring a thick mixture of some food.

      Inspiration: Lmao I have food on the brain lately because of all the cooking I’ve been doing! ‘Cheese’ probably comes from the scalloped potatoes the other day, ‘thick mixture’ from chocolate chip cheesecake dip, ‘changing the light’ from my nightly routine of watching my eyelids and trying to change the lights. (It’s a great way to drift off.)

      3. The Mugiwara from One Piece all trying out swords. It got to Chopper’s turn. I thought it was strange seeing them with the swords.

      Inspiration: Just read the chapter (Thriller Bark arc) where the shadow in Luffy gives him the skill to use a sword! I thought it was weird because Luffy is such a hands on guy. XD

      Updated 03-15-2014 at 09:52 PM by 20026

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    3. 3/10/2014

      by , 03-15-2014 at 05:46 PM
      All I remember was a big factory and having to escape from some zombies or something. I had to get in a minivan that was in a tall garage to drive away.
    4. 3/7/2014

      by , 03-15-2014 at 05:40 PM
      All I remember is being at work on the phone asking about overtime and if I was going to get hit
      Tags: work
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. People at work / Motel questions / Potluck / Fragments

      by , 03-15-2014 at 02:57 PM
      People at work
      I'm at work, sitting in my cube. My old cube is behind me, directly across the hallway. My current cube doesn't have too much stuff in it, but the old one seems to be where I store old equipment; it's filled with old computers, monitors, and stuff. I'm sitting at my computer watching the intro to some movie over and over. There's a short moment when an actor comes into the frame, and I'm trying to figure out who he is. Peter something, though I'm not sure if it's the actor's name or the character's name. I remember it's some kind of in-joke. I'm having trouble with the movie player; it's not doing what I want, skipping around, and I keep missing the spot I want.

      Now a compliance woman is in my old cube marking things as needing upgrades. She's almost done - she didn't realize I was in my new cube - and I make sure to point out everything old I have assigned to me, letting her know how old it is, and she says that nearly everything I point out can be upgraded: three old towers, two ViewSonic CRTs, even an old UPS, even though Brad P (takes be a while to remember his last name) has half of it (the UPS is actually split down the middle). She points out some older servers that I got when I was first hired in 2004 and says that because they run Windows XP they'll need to be destroyed, but I tell her that they run Windows now, so they're compliant, and she agrees. She asks me if I'm running a media server, and she can tell by the look on my face that I do (I don't IRL). She gives me a friendly warning that they're going to start cracking down on people running them if they hear music blaring out of cubes and advises me to use headphones, and that it can be hard to find a pair that doesn't hurt the ears. I tell her that I've had a pair I've used for a long time, and she looks pleased.

      Now Mike, an old work acquaintance, is in my new cube. I call across to him to find out what he's doing, then notice a bunch of other guys looking in through my cube windows (I was surprised to see how transparent they were). Mike seems to be hiding from them, and no one else is willing to go into my cube (no idea why). I call to him again and he comes over into my old cube with us. As he does so he bumps me and the nose pieces of my glasses scratch my nose. I remember the pain of the scratch. He apologizes. When I try to put the glasses back on, I see the pads are messed up. I go to fix them, but he takes them, fiddles, and gives them back before running off. I try again and find they're even worse. I fiddle with them for a moment and get them right.

      Now I'm in a back room with a compliance guy. We're cooking something in a strange toaster oven - it's shaped like a toaster but has a "tunnel" running through it to put stuff in, with the element running across the top. I use a tiny pizza peel to pull out a bagel sandwich I'm toasting, hoping it won't burn being so close to the element.

      Motel Questions
      My wife and I walk into a building so I can ask some people some questions. To our left is an auditorium with the door left open; looking through, I see a guy talking and only one guy in the audience. To our right is a smaller room with three women sitting behind school desks, ready to answer questions. I get really anxious, wondering if this is only for attendees of the conference, but I try to be strong and push through and hope they don't question me too much if I act like I belong. They clearly know I don't and ask if I filled out a sheet (they give it a name) showing my current knowledge. I didn't, so they give one to me to fill out. It feels like a dismissal, that I should leave and come back with it filled out another day, but I decide to stay and fill it out right there. I look around for a pen and a flat surface to write on. One of the women says something else.

      Now I'm in a back room, which appears to be a motel room. It's hard to move around as there are extension cords - both standard three-outlet two-prong cords as well as orange three-prong cords - running everywhere. Along the floor, along the ceiling, through mid-air. I recommend moving one of the smaller cords, as it would meet their needs and get rid of the mid-air cords, but a woman says they can't do that since some of the cords are plugged into something to monitor energy usage and I was suggesting moving the cord from a non-monitored circuit to a monitored circuit. I keep looking for a good solution and see one involving some splitters plugged in somewhere, but as I'm about to suggest it she does first. I lamely say that I was about to suggest the same thing.

      I'm at a large church potluck. As I'm going through the line, I happen to go through with RP who thanks me for the kindness we've shown J, says they'll pay to make sure everything is fixed properly, but says that he'll be ending the lease soon. I finish getting food from the first table and move onto the second, but there's a lot less here than I expected. I do see some deserts, including a random assortment that includes a chocolate-covered Oreo. I grab what may be the last one as I'd like to try it. Now I'm seated at a table right in front of some crackers and cheeses/spreads. I have no idea what the different crackers are, so I choose one at random. It's a rhomboid, and I notice many S's printed into it. I notice a legend on the package; at first I think it says S means "spicy," but looking again I realize S means "not spicy." I think that's confusing. I use a pinkish spread on it.

      Something about a hotel room, parkour, and questions about something.

      I'm sitting at a table with my family. My son asks what my dreams were, nd I tell him about my near miss from a couple of days ago. A nearby family overhears me and is interested, so I explain more about lucid dreaming.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Lucid Dream #83: Nose Pinches Don't Work!

      by , 03-15-2014 at 12:58 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Related Fragments: I am at some gave development conference where you have to design a game in 48 hours. I play two of the games.

      My game is called robo-hunter and it is supposed to have a retro feeling. It is rendered in 3D and in the game you are a spaceman and you travel around a maze avoiding or fighting robotic enemies and collecting coins and power-ups. Everything is done in bright colors though.
      But this game has a cool introduction that shows you all of the enemy types by panning around the world in a cool way.
      There are three types of robots. The weakest type are simply little walking boxes with wind-up keys and eyes. They're cute. But there are a lot of them, and they have little laser antennas on their heads.
      The second type look like your classic retro robots they hold dual laser pistols and are tougher.
      The third type are these big hulking tank robots. They are a complex 3-D model and have missile launchers. There is music synced up to the sound of them walking. The music or the robot alone were not very cool but together they sounded much more intimidating. I've noticed music is starting to take hold in my dreams more often.
      The judges at the game making competition stopped there and didn't even bother to play the game. They simply stated that I had won right there with my opening movie.

      I played someone else's game. It is rendered in 2D and has these different planets you can travel to. Some of the planets are very strange. I remember one called the algae planet that looked like a big green virus.
      I asked them how they rendered the background. Was it procedurally generated or what? At that moment, the background began to glitch and I saw the stars form into orderly rows.

      Lucid Dream #83

      I wake up (enter the dream) and I have just arrived at school on the bus. First thing that is fishy is the fact that I am on a school bus. I get out and read the sign.
      "Bicameral High School."
      "Oh, SH*T I'm at the wrong high school! How did this happen? Oh man now I'm gonna be late and my parents are gonna be p*ssed!"
      I start walking around the school. Knowing it's not mine, no reason to go into the school. The school looks like mine in most regards but seems to be in a more urban area.

      "Oh man... I am in such deep crap. Wait... This kind of thing never happens to me! Better reality check!"
      I do a nose pinch reality check. It doesn't work, I can't breathe. This was weird.

      "I can't breathe... this means this is waking life! No, this can't be right! Something is up."
      Keep walking, crossing streets and heading into an urban/city center area. I keep thinking to myself. I have my phone in my pocket. I could make a call to someone.
      I stop and really think about my situation. I look at a brick wall and punch it. It doesn't hurt.
      "Okay, I don't know of any high school named Bicameral High School anywhere near my district. This city does not look familiar. You know what, I don't care if that nose pinch doesn't work, I have to be dreaming."

      I do the nose pinch one more time just to make sure, and it does not work this time either. This is freaky, but I know for sure that this is probably just a lucid dream. As I walk down the road, I notice something else. Like 80% of the dream characters in this city are females. Very attractive females.
      I had some diolouge with some of the female dream characters, but cannot recall what it was. Something prompts me to start running. By this point I am getting out of the city and into a residential area on the other side. There is a small corner ice cream shop. I look and run across the street to get inside. As I am running, I affirm that my dream guide will be inside.
      I get inside and nobody is there. Then, my dream guide walks out from the back room. (Bonus points for wearing the ice cream vendor uniform.) She opens the gate in the counter and allows me to come back behind the counter.
      "How come my nose pinch reality check didn't work?"
      "This is not a lucid dream. It is an alternate reality representative of your sexual desires. You know how you (garbled)"
      She sits down under the sink.
      "Does that explain why all of the dream characters are female?"
      She says something but it's garbled and quiet. I feel like she's shrinking away under the sink. I grab the sink basin, the sides of it bend and crush in my hand. I rip it off. Water sprays out of the pipe and Lia is nowhere to be found.
      "Hey... I wasn't done talking to you."
      I turn around, the broken sink outlet is still gushing water, and I am still holding a bent metal sink basin. There are about half a dozen dream characters standing in the door of the ice cream shop. Half female, half male. Most of them look to be adults or middle aged.
      "There he is!" one of them yells.
      I recognize the look on these characters faces. They are "crazed" with stopping me from lucid dreaming. (Don't know why this keeps happening.)
      I run to the side and punch through the glass on the side of the shop. I remember the way the broken glass doesn't cut me and just sort of fell away from me. The ice cream shop has one of those fenced-off outdoor eating areas. Some of the characters follow me through the shop, while the others surround the eating area from the outside.
      I climb up onto the fence of the eating area and jump. The characters are surrounding me at this point.
      Come on! Fly Fly flyflyflyflyfly!
      I jump up just as the characters are about to grab me. I go about ten feet into the air and start drifting back downwards. I try to remember how to fly, cause it's been a long time. Oh, yeah!
      I put my hands down to my side and focus my energy through them. I got my little blue fire jets. I angle myself out over the street and keep going up. The mob of dream characters gives me that "we'll get you next time!" look. But I have a new problem. There are huge fully grown trees in this area and my flying feels a little less controllable. I don't want to hit the trees, but I keep brushing up against smaller branches. This I don't mind. It actually helps me to stabilize the dream some.
      I turn back, facing toward the urban center of the city. I am getting above the trees now, but there is a large pine tree that I am going to hit the top of. I don't try and stop flying, I just let myself hit it.
      I end up grabbing onto the top of the tree and almost sort of hugging it. I just feel it and stabilize the dream some. The dream is destabilizing, I am waking up. I do my best to hang onto the tree, but end up waking up.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 10:11 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. loony toons and zombies

      by , 03-15-2014 at 12:20 PM
      It was a show about a house, or the house was real. But anyway, it was full of all kinds of creatures, including Daffy duck, who started out as the main focus. Instead of his usual personality, he was the sweetest character. Like usual, although my dream identified him as Daffy Duck, he didn't have the appearance of Daffy; instead, he looked like a blue bunny.
      My view of events isn't first person, my vantage point looks is more like being a camera in the corner of the ceiling. I can see everything, but I'm not taking part in anything.
      All of the doors were locked, but seeing someone outside, daffy unlocked them and let in what he thought was a 'friend'. As daffy is smiling and talking, the zombie gently takes his hand, then his arm, then suddenly bites half off it off and eats it. Daffy's face is one of horror. He can't move. The zombie eyes the wounded arm oddly, as if saying "why does he still have my arm (my food) attached to him?"

      The zombie is attacked by all kinds of cartoons as he goes through the house, including a little blue thing with crab-hands and characters from Ed, Edd, and Eddy.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Help!

      by , 03-15-2014 at 11:21 AM (Welcome to my dreams!)
      1. [Non-Lucid]
      I destroy this guys big yellow speaker because he did something to me, (I don't remember what) the next day he finds me at school I think and picks on me then attaches the speaker to the back of my chair and starts pushing me, so I have no control as this asshole is pushing me down the street (I'm all beat up now but I never remember us ever fighting) I notice hes pushing me past my local shop One Stop and so I make a break for it through the door.

      I successfully escape the insane asshole, I'm now laying down across from the shop assistant (she's on her knees probably writing on something) and i say "help me please" in an unwell fashion, so she goes off to find someone, (somehow I'm back in my chair now) she comes back with like 5 psychiatrists all smiling at me as if i have been mentally screwed up by this event, I'm now thinking to myself "I'm fine, I don't need this shit" I think I have to sign something after that.


      A pool above a pool, possibly in Minecraft.

      Possible dream signs:
      Wheelchair?, Minecraft
    9. Fake eyelashes 03/14/2014

      by , 03-15-2014 at 05:21 AM
      I watched someone gluing on fake eyelashes. Her lashes looked so heavy. They looked like they're pulling her eyes close. I told her to carefully lift them up a little by pushing the lashes upward. Her fake lashes ended up sticking to her fingers. She had the glue out, already applying glue to the lashes again. I see that the fake lashes were completely covering her eyeliners. She then commented "What's the point of putting on eyeliners?". It's like she read my mind.
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    10. Platform work

      by , 03-15-2014 at 02:15 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      Me and another girl were up on a raised platform, doing our job of receiving and distributing goods.

      She’s embarrassed because we’re wearing colored underwear, no pants. I show her that you can change the color by changing mine to a light blue.

      The plot changes. In my place is a guy with longer hair. A group of others were looking up at him from somewhere below. They come up onto the platform.

      A video of the guy’s life is playing (there was no TV though, I think?). He’s a bit embarrassed as it plays through his earlier years. There’s a narrator or commentary, one of which was ‘when he got his first dom…’.

      I feel like the group were idols or something and the guy was going to become one.

      Inspiration: Changing color comes from me working on editing in Photoshop. Idols is ironic because I saw this news later.

      Updated 03-15-2014 at 09:35 PM by 20026

      Tags: girl, guy, underwear
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Cooking / fragment

      by , 03-14-2014 at 03:03 PM
      I'm in a large kitchen area, wearing my blue bath robe. The counter wraps around three sides, and there's an island in the middle. Behind the kitchen is the living room. I'm at the table doing something. I realize that my wife was cooking something but got a phone call and had to step away, so I should deal with the food until she comes back. I go over to the stove and see she's got chunks of potato, kielbasa, tomato, and mushroom sautéing. I wonder what it's for, since she doesn't like mushrooms. I grab the spatula and start folding it every so often. While I'm standing there, I decide to do the nose-pinch test. I get my right nostril to seal properly, but I can't seem to get the left one. It doesn't feel like a dream, but I decide to do a backup test just in case. My wife is still around, so I don't want to do anything too crazy. I cast around in my mind for another RC, and the only one I can remember is jumping and coming down slowly. I give a small hop and come right down, so I decide I'm not dreaming and get back to cooking the food.

      Now I'm at the island. I've got a bowl out and I'm moving the food from the skillet into the bowl. My wife is finally off of her call and comes over as I'm nearly done. I ask who it's for, and she says it's for her.

      A mashup of Words of Radiance and Imager, including Kaladin.

      Updated 03-19-2014 at 03:14 PM by 28190

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Pokemon in Paris

      by , 03-14-2014 at 12:12 PM

      WBTB 6:30 am

      7am non-lucid

      We're in Paris. My brother has two large toy plastic pokemon balls. He throws them around and two kids notice and try to take them, playfully. Later he tells me he got them back.

      I think before this part, it was a dream about the game pokemon. Or maybe the anime.

      My brother's pokemon balls were green and large, like the size of a beach ball. I remember thinking, oh, the new generation has green pokeballs.

      Pokemon have up to ten generations of parents now listed in their details. In my dream, I saw it listed as 0. But for example, if you bred two growlithes, and their offspring with another growlithe, the grandchildren growlithes would have a 2 in this category.

      Updated 03-15-2014 at 02:12 AM by 68036

      Tags: video games
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Bang bang!

      by , 03-14-2014 at 11:20 AM (Welcome to my dreams!)
      1. [Non-Lucid]
      I'm in this place and some of the walls are glass, I have a gun, a bad guy comes walking in so I aim and fire then take cover behind a wooden beam, another guy walks in so I spin to my left and shoot through the glass wall shattering instantly, the guy gets hit and probably died, a third guy enters and somehow he gets past me.

      2. [Non-Lucid]
      I'm at my Nan's, I'm sitting in the chair opposite the TV, Nan is sat in the chair at the other side of the room to my left, she whips out a some paper and reads what is written too me, she written it herself, (I thought for some reason she had got cancer and that this was her way of telling me) David is stood between us and as she is reading it he starts rattling paper and I tell him to stop multiple times as I can't hear my Nan over the rattling, I then ask her to reread the last part, She then walks over and shows me a drawing on the paper and it has a stop sign in the middle. I then see food on a table.

      1. Having a fight with Neil, it gets pretty intense.
      2. I'm with this police officer finding my way to the train station.
      3. I'm in Minecraft following these 2 guys.
      4. Re-coding a game of some sort making it look different with pyramids and stuff.

      Possible dream signs:
      Stop sign, David, Nan, Neil, Minecraft

      Updated 03-14-2014 at 11:24 AM by 63320

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    14. 1st Dream Journal

      by , 03-14-2014 at 05:18 AM
      Before I actually write about my dream last night, I'll write about the common thing that I noticed I repeatedly dream about.

      *When I was a kid, we moved houses twice. One when I was younger than 10 and one when I was older. Then we left the country and moved here to the US. When I dream, the surroundings is very familiar, that is, I'm back at my old house at the country I left 8 years ago. Sometimes it was the first house we lived on, sometimes it was the second house we moved onto, and sometimes it was the apartment, or the final house we lived at before leaving the country.

      ~Dream last night~
      IT's a little fuzzy and I can't remember much, but I dreamt about being inside then going outside a van. The van was parked at a wet market in my old country (again)

      Hm... then later in my dream I'm pretty sure Minato from Naruto was there. o.O His hand was bleeding.

      Yea that's all I remember. Phooey.
      Failed attempt at Lucid dreaming. I didn't "wake up" inside my dream like the other night. lol.

      I wonder why I keep dreaming about PLACES I haven't been to for more than 8 YEARS. It's weird. It's like revisiting the past, and everything is familiar. ><
      dream fragment
    15. Floor W

      by , 03-14-2014 at 02:41 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)

      1. Mom is teasing dad about something he had when he was younger, which he gives me to me.

      I see a Pokemon-type map in my head and wake up.

      Inspiration: My Pokemon Platinum memory palaces. I'm working on one that uses floors.

      2. I was lying down in bed last night after going through my palaces and noticed that the white light behind my eyelids reminded me of an angel. I visualized one flying down from the heavens, and saw an outline of the angel’s face in the lights behind my lids.

      Then I was struck with a sudden recall of having been in…a library? After a bit more thinking, I remembered the main dream I’d forgotten from the 12th.

      I was going down floors that were labeled in alphabetical order, and items under that letter were in each place. I stopped on a few floors I believe. One had a food buffet (W?).

      At one point I go to the bathroom, and it’s dirty. I try not to touch the seat as I go. Someone peered in and I said ‘Don’t look!’, covering myself with a trashcan lid, because it was embarrassing to be seen using such a dirty restroom. I accidentally sat on the toilet seat lid.

      I wanted to find Wiccan things, so I went down to floor W. I went right to the bookshelves. I saw The ‘Circle of Three’ series by Isobel Bird, but since I’d already read them multiple times, I passed them up. I found a book I hadn’t seen before and was looking at the cover as I held it.

      I think there was someone else there?

      Inspiration: The ‘Geia’ dream, most likely. I need to add ‘dirty bathroom’ to my dream signs.


      1. Something about Jet-Puffed Marshmallow Crème in a block.

      Inspiration: I made a recipe that used it last night, and found it to be very messy! But delicious.

      Notes: I couldn’t go back to sleep after 6:33am even though I was tired and comfortable. My brain was too active. I did take about an hour nap in the afternoon, no dreams that I remember. I had a really miserable day because of my allergies going berserk. @_@