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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. 30th Sep 2013 Video games, books, anime

      by , 10-01-2013 at 03:06 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from yesterday's WBTB/nap.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was watching video of some card game, prolly Hearthstone, and there was one dragon card that was really powerful, but not from IWL version of it.

      Dream 2:

      I was at home and i was checking bunch of books, there was one that had like questions and checkboxes, like character creation and among other things it has special section where there was selection of dragon that character would be after he dies. I got really interested in book but then i was suddenly in the bathroom and family started distracting me, i've had random thought about what's going on that almost got me lucid but dream ended.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was watching some anime and there was something about town in the skies and a dude who everyone was calling 'god'.(Definitely based on one episode of anime i was watching recently...)
    2. Lucidity Meets Bad Dream Recall

      by , 09-30-2013 at 09:49 PM
      I was in my kitchen and my Mom and Brother Jon were talking. I interrupted them when I realized I could breathe even with my nose being pinched shut. I showed them and my Mom didn't believe me but my brother said "Oh sh*t, you must be dreaming!" I got excited and began getting in everyone's face and saying "i'm dreaming!" But, due to my dream recall being horrible at the time, I don't remember ANYTHING else. Besides waking up that is.
      lucid , dream fragment
    3. RC Failures

      by , 09-30-2013 at 09:29 PM
      All I remember is trying my new (as far as I know I made it up) finger-biting RC. All I do is bite as hard as I can down on my finger tips, one at a time. I think the reason it works so well is because the pain lasts for a few seconds, so you get a really good sense of "When I do this, it hurts" so when performed in a dream, you are very surprised when it doesn't hurt. ANYWAY: It actually hurt in my dream. I got confused and woke up.
      dream fragment
    4. Cat Liter Blues

      by , 09-30-2013 at 09:26 PM
      All I remember is an image (I think a still-image as odd as that may seem) of my cats liter box tilted over and a huge pile of cat liter and feces up against the wall. I also remember being VERY angry.
      dream fragment
    5. Pot Cookies

      by , 09-30-2013 at 09:23 PM
      All I remember is eating a bunch of pot cookies with a friend of mine (can't remember who) and he told me to only take 2 but I secretly ate a LOT. I eventually just ran and don't remember anything after that.
      dream fragment
    6. 30/09/2013

      by , 09-30-2013 at 07:39 PM (LucasPotter's DJ)
      Had a super long dream last night, but sadly... I didn't write anything down and now I don't remember much.

      I know that there was a lot of driving, a lot of running around, my parents, my cousins, sex with Lea Michele (best part of the dream ) and some fighting/end of the world stuff. You know, the usual.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Impression

      by , 09-30-2013 at 02:57 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      I was at Jamie S's house, where he's basketball area is. I think it was Jane's 50th birthday and we had to dress up in costume for it. I was with Jarrod F, Ed (Big brother contestant), Jane and Tim. I remember trying to be more out going to impress Jarrod. Ed had left, and I was trying to take his place. Ed and Jarrod were good friends, and I wanted to better him, if not be similar.

      Attachment 5655
      Ed - Big Brother

      I was now in the car with Jarrod and the sky didn't look right. I looked into the distance and saw a volcano. It was shooting smoke and debree out of it. I think there was two volcano's.
      Attachment 5656

      We reached out destination, and it was like a town that looked built in an Arabian country, light tan buildings and road. I decided to jump up and grab onto a pole. I was just hanging there for the hell of it. It felt very easy to just hang, as if I was stronger then normal.

      Attachment 5657
      Arabian Town

      We were now in a office of some sort. It was myself, Jarrod, and two DC's. One of the DC's was behind the desk and I showed her what was in my bag, so she knew I didn't steal anything. There was strange items in the bag, with one being a quarter full mouth wash bottle. The DC behind the desk said something about the mouthwash, and I said that I don't care if it's out of date, i'd still have it. I think it expried 2011-2012. We were all laughing. I mentioned to her, what would I be like in the bed room then? The moment turned a bit awkward and she didn't hear me the first time, so I repeated myself. It was still awkward.

      Dream Fragment:
      I was still in the Arabian country and I was part of a game. I think we all had certain super powers. I was being chased.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. 29th Sep 2013 Fragments

      by , 09-29-2013 at 11:37 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragment):

      I was in some city area.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      Was playing some game and had to pick outfit for main character from a few options that gave various bonuses to stuff.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was watching some yogscast videos, they were playing some glitchy simulator game then there was something about robotic hand and then some minecraft map which was using alot of lava underground and was also kinda messy.

      Dream 4(fragment):

      Something about weapons and talk about weapon stats.
    9. In love & falling

      by , 09-29-2013 at 07:19 PM
      Date: 19 Sept

      Pre bed: 200mg valerian

      WBTB: 60 mg caffeine (RB)

      Non-ld fragment: I am trying to take a shortcut at night in this familiar from previous dreams city. In one of the dark streets, I run into criminal DCs with very bad teeth. A number of young people sitting on a bench agree to defend me if necessary and I go sit there. I find one of the guys extremely beautiful. We talk for a while, but they are leaving soon. I notice that his whole body is covered with small, shiny clear droplets of water and stare in fascination.

      In love: Very deep sleep and my recall is not very good.

      We are moving in the dorms because it is much cheaper. There are six beds in the room and a guy who already lives here. I ask if only two of the beds, ours, are going to be used. He confirms.

      The dream goes on for quite a while with all kinds of thoughts about clothes, bathroom etc. Then it looks like more people actually live here and we will be sharing the room, now apartment with them. Someone opens the door and lots of DCs come in, new roommates, I think. This girl asks me questions about the admin, I don't understand what she is saying.

      Bf is gone and this guy comes and talks to me. I realize that this is a dream but my mind is kind of foggy. I remember having thoughts about me being in deep sleep and that this is good for stability. The guy leaves and another one appears, I like him very much and remark that he shows some persistent DC qualities. He comes and goes several times but looks the same, gray t-shirt, black hair, some eyeliner even, a bit like Mark Terenzi. He also gives me a kiss. We talk for some time but my memory is really bad. The dream starts to fade, I lose my sight but I can still hear him. I tell him to keep talking to me, I will hold on to the sound. I can feel my eyelids and am careful not to mess this up, but soon the image returns. He gives me another kiss. The dream slips away again and I struggle to bring it back. He is on the other side now but looking totally different and there is another guy dressed with the same clothes and holding a similar colorful object. The dream fades and I fall into oblivion.

      Falling: I am walking down the stairs talking to this DC. It looks like I have forgotten my handbag, I turn back and see it at the top of the stairs. I make it fly directly to my hands. The DC remarks that I am not supposed to do this while abroad. I have this warp-like feeling and realize that I never woke up from the previous dream. The B6 woman is also here in the background and I wonder if I should go and talk to her, examine her energy, and ask why does she always behave like that. At the same time, I don't want to waste too much time with her and risk things getting out of hand, so decide to just ignore her.

      I am looking at a large modern glass vase that they are selling in this now shop and try to move it with tk, but not much success. I also try with an elegant china tea cup but I feel that I don't really want to be breaking these things. Finally, I remember Angel Falls and follow the plan of "here and now". The main idea is to use the turn your back technique. I already hear water running just behind me (like a fountain in a mall). I am in some sort of not very well lit mall too. I take a few steps back, concentrating on changing the surroundings. I actually slip backwards a few steps, which feels kind of weird and not very effective, but the surrounds begin to change a bit. I decide to facilitate the process of getting rid of the old scene and into a new scene by falling backwards.

      As I do this, it's as if something immaterial swallows me and I enter void weightlessness combined with motion. I shortly see lots of greenery in front of me that is very similar to rainforest vegetation, but it quickly vanishes. I am speeding backwards in the void with this weird feeling of traveling through space at high speed. For a second my mind is totally blank and I feel stressed, I try to remind myself to keep cool, be patient as it seems to be taking too long and shortly pretend I am meditating. Then I try to concentrate on one of my visualizations and build the scene as I had imagined it. During the entire time of the experience, I hear the sound of falling water. It is much harder to concentrate and visualize than I thought, but I succeed in having lots of water flowing on me in the darkness now. I try to prepare the scene again even though it's not the right place where I actually wanted to start from. I am still flying backwards through space, this thing doesn't stop even if I expect it to. I briefly see the top of a barren hill with a non-human castle in the negative mood of some game or a game related dream. I don't want to be there. The falling continues and I finally find myself in bed. I stay still for a while but nothing happens.

      Comments: is it just me or is it really hard to concentrate on anything while in the void. I have noticed this another time as well. The moment everything disappears, my mind also goes totally black and if my mind is blank...then there will be nothing to project around me. Maybe I need to think about stuff, rather than struggle to visualize.

      Updated 09-29-2013 at 07:29 PM by 61764

      dream fragment , side notes , lucid , non-lucid , memorable , task of the year
    10. 09292013AM Hurricane(s)

      by , 09-29-2013 at 06:06 PM
      I walk out of the restaurant that I was eating in. I know that my girlfriend’s family was eating in there. I look to the left and see a huge tornado start forming. I it suddenly turns into a full blown tornado and starts heading straight for the restaurant. I think about it for a second, and then rush back up the stairs and into the restaurant. I am yelling about the tornado. I pick my girlfriend up and tell her to run. I grab my keys off the table and then pick the computer up and follow them out. We get outside and I try to get them to run perpendicular to the tornado. We start running left and then see that we are surrounded by four tornados….
      Tags: tornado
      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    11. Old stuff and comparisons

      by , 09-29-2013 at 01:29 PM
      I dreamed of identifying old stuff that needed to be gotten rid of because it was broken or unneeded. There were clothes there and electronics.

      I also dreamed of doing comparisons which did not produce expected result, for example because of unexpected duplicates, or differences in emotions, or someone with ill will.
      dream fragment
    12. Job dream success

      by , 09-29-2013 at 09:00 AM
      Today I had a dream about entering this big busy building. Inside I remember there were people rushing to and fro everywhere. Everyone had their job interviews, no matter what the job, inside this one building.

      I went there to meet up with the two men who took my interview (in real life), and they let me know that I was successful in my job. A third person came over, a lady who was going to show me exactly where I was going to work from that point on.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. 28th Sep 2013 Fragments

      by , 09-28-2013 at 11:40 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragments):

      I had somewhat different body structure and i was checking some graveyard-ish place, searching for something, there was a dragon helping me and there was undead attacking us occasionally, there was also some place with skeletal captain. Later on we found group of people led by some dude that was searching for immortality and and also was going to artificially make dragons from bones or something, we were against that so we had to fight and stop him. In the end we managed to knock him off and also there was also some girl. Then dream randomly went about discussion which method for slashing cheese into parts using claws is better.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was playing some game that looked like Terraria, but was very different, namely game started at the edge of the map and there were mazey metallic constructions with traps and puzzles through the whole map. Also it was possible to spawn underground for entirely different level.

      Dream 3(fragment):

      I was in some futuristic place.
    14. 2 Interesting Dream Fragments

      by , 09-28-2013 at 05:18 PM (Second Reality Experiences)
      1. A ghostly hand touched my hip on bare skin as I was sleeping. It was so icy cold it woke me up and even when i got up and went to the bathroom I could still feel the prickly cold where the hand had been.

      2. I was in a room doing an experiment with bees. There were several containers with bees in them and I was measuring the frequency of sound that the buzzing produces. According to the dream, the frequency directly correlated to food scarcity and happiness of the bee. The higher the frequency, the more content the colony was, and the more abundant their resources. Lower frequencies linked with problems.

      Looking back on that I wonder how "true" this dream experiment was. I don't know where my brain came up with that but it sounds like a valid hypothesis.
      Tags: bees, ghost
      memorable , dream fragment
    15. 28th Sep 2013 Fragments and Short DEILD(I think)

      by , 09-28-2013 at 03:00 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps.

      Dream 1(fragment):

      Can't recall the dream itself but i have strong feeling of being in quadruped stance through that dream.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was playing Akashicverse and apparently was fighting second stage boss, it's synchronization with music was kinda unstable and some attacks were different. Then it went OMAKE form and there it was much slower, had less HP and attack patterns were entirely different. After more or less usual first one there was one pattern with vertically raining red projectiles and one pattern with circular spread walls of projectiles that were changing with each wave and getting harder, after that it randomly changed to very last pattern of that form.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was looking on a pic with a dragon and a pirate, there was story and/or dialogue to a pic and according to it they were friends.

      Not 100% sure if actually woke up and DEILDed or it was 'DEILD from FA'
      Dream 4:

      I wake up and keep eyes closed, soon i start feeling the dream and... apparently my limbs feel like they are entirely different now, then i hear somebody in the room and he says 'Wake up~' and starts trying to wake me up.
      I 'wake up' into false awakening but i still feel that i am dreaming, the room is surprisingly exact copy of IWL and that confuses me for a bit but then i go to balcony, as i look around, outside apparently is exact copy as well, then dream fades out. Then i get very short FA/HH where i briefly see my snout.