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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Trumpet induced anesthesia.

      by , 08-03-2010 at 07:36 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Trumpet induced anesthesia. (Non-lucid)


      Not an amazing night. I went to bed thinking in my professional situation and I did not focus a lot on dreams. Three last night. Mostly fragmented:


      - I was indoors.
      - There was a woman that needed surgery.
      - The doctor would put her against the wall, but in the next room. The he grabbed a trumped and placed it on the wall. He blew very had and made a very loud noise. I wondered if the insane sound would know the patient off. I opened the door and I saw the patient knocked out by another wall. I realized that the waves pushed her to the back wall. She hit her head and got knocked out. I realized that it was a dangerous way to do it. She started moving so I witnessed it was not a good idea.

      This dream was very long, but I lost it. Rarely happens to me, but it did.

      Missed Dream Signs:
      - The way the doctor trying to induce anesthesia on the patient.

      What I would have done if lucid:
      - Head for a ToTY.
      dream fragment
    2. Dream discussion

      by , 08-03-2010 at 07:23 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Dream discussion (Non-lucid)


      Not an amazing night. I went to bed thinking in my professional situation and I did not focus a lot on dreams. Three last night. Mostly fragmented:

      - I was indoors.
      - I was talking with other two DC.
      - We were seating in a rectangular table. It was pretty big. Dark wood.
      - The topic was: Dreams and Dream Recall.
      - A female DC said that Dream Recall is not important.
      - That DC tried to erase dreams from other DCs minds.
      - I felt I had to avoid that happening.

      Missed Dream Signs:
      - Talking about dreams.

      What I would have done if lucid:
      - Talk with the female DC and ask her why she said that.
      dream fragment
    3. Halo Frag-8-2-10

      by , 08-03-2010 at 03:51 AM (My Randomness)
      all i remember is having some guns from HALO 2, a red one and a black one with glowing white dots.
      Tags: halo
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Night 5: Snakes, school, and a feline dreamguide

      by , 08-02-2010 at 07:19 PM
      Last night's dreams are pretty fragmented, but I figure since I'm fairly behind in my journaling I should get a move on.

      To start, the first thing I remember is trying to get into a building of some sort but being hindered by a huge mob of snakes. It was me and one other person (maybe my girlfriend?) along with a huge golden retriever. We were trying to move the snakes with sticks, but eventually I ended up with a hatchet, so I just chopped them up. After a while I felt hopeless for some reason, like there was no way we'd ever make it through the snakes, so for whatever reason I just started sawing at the dog's leg with my hatchet. I soon realized that was ridiculous and cruel, so I stopped and hugged the dog while he ate the rest of the snakes.

      I really honestly don't remember any sort of chronology for the rest of it. I do remember having several dreams within dreams, and for some reason I feel like I was trying to infiltrate someone else's dream (or maybe the dreams of multiple people, I don't know). At one point I ended up at my high school (which didn't look anything like my high school) for some sort of beginning-of-the-year orientation, even though I just graduated high school in May. I kept trying to figure out why I was required to be there, and I kept looking around for anyone I might know that had graduated with me to confirm that graduated seniors were actually supposed to be there, but I didn't find anyone. After I went through a bunch of hand-stamping and other weird shit (I did note that when the lady stamped my palm, it looked different every time I looked at it--I'm getting so close to a lucid dream but I can never remember to actually think that I'm dreaming, even if I notice things are ridiculous!), I started talking to a woman who was evidently the new leader of my "team" at the high school (right now we have a dean for half of the student body, then another dean for the other half, so I guess she was replacing one of them). She talked forever about absolutely nothing, and at one point a young man walked up and started making fun of her, saying I was only here for one thing: to see the ladies. At that point he very quickly drew a cartoonish girl on a piece of paper, and I smiled at him and walked into the cafeteria.

      The tables were arranged in such a way that I think it was impossible to get to certain seats. It was set up like one of those impossible geometric shapes, like the endless staircase or the Möbius strip, so when I spotted my brother sitting at one of the tables and he waved at me (my brother's gonna be a junior in high school next year, so it made sense that he was at the orientation), I just jumped up on the tables and walked across them to get to him. I heard a female voice chastise me for it--when I looked to my left there was a girl yelling at me, but seeing as how she was still a student at the high school she was younger than me and I therefore didn't pay her any mind. Another dude started yelling at me for being an asshole to the girl, and I apologized, but I tried to explain to them that if I hadn't climbed over the tables I would had to go all the way around the cafeteria to get to that spot. They were still pissed and eventually I stopped talking to them. Also, for whatever reason, I had sunglasses on the whole time.

      The next part was the last part. It made absolutely no sense, but that's because it was like a string of continual false-awakenings. I remember some sort of flood happening, but I don't know what that has to do with anything. All I can remember is that through all my fragmented dreams last night, I can remember feeling the presence of a certain being--a cat with a wizard's hat on it. He changes color depending on what dream I'm remembering him in, but he was always there last night. Finally my last dream consisted of me actually conversing with him in an entirely abandoned clearing surrounded by forest. We were on a brick-paved circular clearing and I was sitting in front of him. We were talking about whether or not I had proven myself capable of infiltrating other people's dreams for him, and I was really really desperate for him to consider me worthy. All I asked was, "Do you believe in me?" And he said yes. It was at that point though that I woke up at an earlier point in the dream where the flood was happening again. As I encountered people during that flood (my girlfriend included, I think--because at some point we had a conversation with her mother about our sex life, and I'm pretty sure her mother doesn't know that we HAVE sex life...yeah.), I laughed to myself, because none of them had any idea what was going on, but for me it unfolded exactly the way it had in my dream earlier, so I knew exactly what was going to happen. Then I had another false awakening and found myself with the cat again, and realized he'd tricked me. Still, I couldn't be angry because I realized he was just testing me to see if I was good enough to infiltrate dreams, and I'd just failed his test. I asked him if he stilled believed in me, and he said, "Of course I still believe in you."

      I feel like that process might have repeated itself a few times...but finally at the end I was watching a movie with my girlfriend and two other people, a guy and a girl who were siblings that I didn't recognize, and as we watched the movie I realized that all the movie was was a replay of the flood from earlier. Before I realized that the siblings' mother would come in and out bringing us popcorn or whatever, but the instant I realized that I'd lived through the flood that we were watching, their mother came out in the form of a cat. And that's when I was sure of it--this cat is my dreamguide. The cat talked to me and the girl (not my girlfriend), but I don't remember what he said. Eventually I turned to face the girl and her eyes had become like cat eyes...and that's when I woke up.

      It was pretty fragmented last night, but I got pretty close to lucidity I think.
    5. Boredom

      by , 08-02-2010 at 07:02 PM
      Lucid?: Yup, DILD. Finger through palm RC. I did it while getting a glass of water.
      Dream prep: 3 mg Melatonin, I'm attempting to try a lower dose tonight and see what results i get.

      To start out, I believe i was dreaming before i became lucid, but thats where my recollection was boosted, after becoming lucid, i was grabbing a glass of water and decided to do a RC, i proceeded and figured out i was dreaming. i started wandering around, i opened and closed doors at my own will. without touching them, in other words i performed mild telekinesis. but then i started to get distracted and started arguing with my parents in my dream. and i showed them the finger through palm RC. they told me to leave. so i did, and before i knew it there were guys standing outside of my house. i was commanding them to go away. but it didnt work.

      Side note: I kinda ended up becoming side tracked when it came to exploring. so i believe i slipped non-lucid after a while.
      lucid , dream fragment
    6. Frustrated Ball / Cocaine Wars / Tree Dilemma

      by , 08-02-2010 at 06:54 PM (Dreamworld of a DreamPwner)
      1. I was traveling out in the cornfields with Matt.
      2. Jasmyn posts on Facebook that she is now "with it."
      3. I'm talking to Matt. He asks me some sort of question, or the conversation goes in some direction, and I mention that I tend to dream about two people most often: him and Jasmyn. He asks me why I think that is. I tell him that I tend to dream about the people that I care about. He acts surprised.
      4. I buy presents for my brother in sister and they turn out to be really lame. I think I got Micah drumsticks and Kristy something similarly-shaped.

      Frustrated Ball

      Jasmyn gets pregnant by sleeping with a random unremembered guy at a party when she was drunk. I get really angry and we fight hardcore, including some physical pushing and stuff in class. Chelsea and Erica (her friends) are disgusted by my immaturity. There's a class downstairs taught by a Mr. Walker-esque male. Eventually, we rehearse for a ball or choir performance of sorts. I'm dancing near Jasmyn with no idea of what the fuck I'm doing. I'm eventually dancing with this really cute girl that I hit it off with, and I can see Jasmyn's frustration. I give her and Jasmyn mixtapes while dancing, and Jasmyn smiles.

      Break. This dream showed a number of the recurring aspects of my dreams, including the thought of being back in school with a schedule, my feelings about the separation with Jasmyn and her "sexual exploits," my discomfort about how her friends think about me, and my interest in finding someone else to love. In particular, I remember three dreams in the recent past in which I found someone else. Thankfully, there was a happy "ending" (more just a cut-off in memory) to this dream, where my friendship with Jasmyn was reconfirmed. This dream may tie in to the fragment about Jasmyn I had, covered above.

      Cocaine Wars

      I'm walking down the highway with some other people, analyzing how to get onto I-65 to get to Indianapolis. We snort some coke on the highway, and it's good. Some cops come by and stop. The guy next to me quickly slips his coke stash into my pocket, and I frantically search for a place to stuff the coke while we're ordered to strip, finally finding a little fold in the ground. The police strip search all of us by the side of the road. Break. Eventually, I am wandering the countryside naked, looking for my friends.

      Break. I swear, cocaine has shown up in my dreams more than any other drug, and I've never done it. On the contrary, I smoke pot everyday (in fact, often before bedtime), and I literally remember no dreams about pot that I've ever had. Of course, there's the whole nakedness aspect that shows up in many people's dreams, as well. I have a feeling that this dream ties into the countryside fragment with Matt somehow, which may in turn connect to the conversation fragment with him. After these two dreams, I woke up and jotted them down, then returned to bed.

      Tree Dilemma

      Before the following dream, I had somewhat-spontaneous thoughts about lying in a doctor's office, with the doctor caressing me. My mind would fly around to different ideas. Every now and then, I'd catch myself in the ideological swirl and try to focus on lucidity, but I don't remember at any point being lucid within what I would consider to be a dream.

      I was required to complete a number of tasks as Bilbo for 40 points in a quiz/task game involving Matt C and Chris H. The final task is to scale a tree to get to a window to get to what's inside (an hourglass, a la the Zelda commercial?). I scale the tree, but it's tall as fuck and I'll have to jump to make it to the window. I reflect that Bilbo wrote about the illusion of height. I decide against jumping. During my time in the tree, I hear a quote on the radio about introducing people to new music (High Fidelity-esque). In a higher reality (was I in a dream within a dream?) Jasmyn smiles and thinks about me while I put a poster on the wall of the same room (telepathy? alternate future?). Back in the tree, the police arrive and I get the fuck out of the tree. I run and hide behind a fence while a nearby cop looks for me. I accidentally make a noise. He heads toward me. I pull out my gun, cock it, and....imagine a number of ways to dispose of him, then wake up.

      What a weird dream! First off, there's revolving identity, in which at one point I am Bilbo, and at another point, I am Ryan remembering the words of Bilbo. There are little implantings of my everyday thoughts (Zelda hourglass, High Fidelity, police) throughout the dream. Most interestingly, there's the whole section where there's a sort of higher-level dream (a la Inception) that is ideologically connected to the dream within a dream, but this higher level also involves my ability to read Jasmyn's thoughts. I don't remember any appearance of this higher dream, aside from what I mentioned, so I'm fairly sure that my dream-within-a-dream construct was only imagined (an imagined dream within a dream, wow!). And of course, the fucking police show up...typical. I'm always smoking pot in public, so the police are a constant entity in my mind. There's just something really iconic about a police car to me. Interestingly enough, the end of the dream melds with my imagination (is this normal or is this just a function of every dream? in essence, can you imagine different courses of action for a dream with that still being the body of the dream, rather than imagination?). I'm beginning to wonder if I should color-code my imagination sections, or if that would be redundant. Certainly, the thoughts leading up to a dream are imagination rather than dream-body.

      Updated 08-02-2010 at 11:43 PM by 34717

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Football by a Beach Park

      by , 08-02-2010 at 05:55 PM (The Inner Crazy of Mr Speesh)
      Lucid: Nope
      Dream Aids: None
      Vividness: Not great


      I was tossing a tiny football around with two old friends that I haven't seen in probably 10+ years (possible dreamsign? this seems to happen fairly often). My overall form was much better than it would have been in waking life. Then a cousin of mind came over with some people I work with (an odd combination), and asked if I wanted to explore an abandoned building. We walked over to it. The building itself wasn't very exciting at all, and just smelled really bad.

      This segued into another more interesting dream.

      Updated 08-03-2010 at 07:56 PM by 19726

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Off to the store.

      by , 08-02-2010 at 04:49 PM
      Was at a family reunion last night at my parents' place, which seemed to have provided the location for the dreams last night that I could remember.

      1st off, a small fragment of what feels more like a memory than a dream, but doesn't make any sense. My cousin and I standing in the back yard chatting, as we had done most of the actual reunion. He asked if I'd drawn anything new. I stated that as a matter of fact, I had, thinking about the fact that my sketch book was in the van. Dream shifted or ended or something before I could go get it.

      2nd. My wife Jen, my friends Brandon and William, and I had left my parents place and were walking over to a nearby gas station I used to go to for squishees and snacks and such after school. We were standing across the road from the gas station waiting for a break in traffic. William asked if I remembered how to do this (referring to crossing that street and its 4 lanes of constant traffic) In response I grabbed Jen by her hand as a break in traffic was opening up, and we all dashed to the island between the lanes, and then across to the other side of the street a moment later. We got into the gas station of indeterminate branding (it's a Chevron, but didn't have any recognizable markings in the dream. Never noticed that in the dream though) and William and Jen went off to get their own things. I was standing there just off beside Brandon, when I heard a couple of girls who were there comment "Wow, he's big" "Isn't he a bit too big though?" followed by the two looking over at me. I, wearing a tank top, took this as referring to my arms which, while larger than the average guy, are certainly not what I'd consider to be huge.

      Few moments passed, and there was some other girl I didn't know who went to walk by in front of me, and then started touching and rubbing my upper torso. She wasn't looking at me though, but past me, and seemed to be acting almost like she was drunk, but minus the stumbling around.

      Dream shifted slightly, and while I don't have any actual memory of it, I have it in my head that some people were either in the shop, or came into the shop, and were going to try and hijack a train that was apparently nearby. Next thing I remember of the dream, which actually came after I woke up, was a birds eye view of the train they were trying to hijack, zooming towards the back of the train, and specifically the last car. The roof dissapeared like a cross-section, and showed a bunch of crates arranged in a V with the apex pointing towards the end of the train. I got the impression there were train guards stationed there? And there was a voice over mocking the people on not being able to hijack the train if they couldn't even figure out which end the engine was on.

      There was probably more to remember, but as I was lying there trying to recapture the dreams, I was being talked to. I could feel myself losing grip on details, and that made me a sad panda.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Fragments.

      , 08-02-2010 at 01:26 PM
      Lol I remember a random part of my dream included Cvan. He told me on MSN "hey this is for if you feel like fapping" and gave me a link and I thought it would be a porn vid but it was a porn .gif of something I can't remember what. Haha xD

      Okay, another part of my dream. We (myself and someone else that I can't remember who. It might've been my brother) went to this martial arts place. I think that Jacinta (a highschool friend) was there and that she was training and I think she made us feel unwelcome there. We went to two different martial arts places and she was at both.
    10. Vampire fragments and Leonardo Decaprio

      by , 08-02-2010 at 10:39 AM (Purple Trees and Zombies: Trippy Dreams of an Artist/Writer)
      A bunch of frags last night because I didn't sleep well. I'm surprised I even recalled anything at all. Watched True Blood and that influenced many aspects of my dreams.

      Fragment #1

      I'm in a car, sitting there waiting for someone. An older man is with me. I know who he is in the dream, but waking, I can't remember. Dom's character from Inception opens the car door and sits down in the driver seat. I scoot over (somehow we can fit all of us in the front seats) Dom tells me to start cleaning up the car, how could I get it so dirty? I begin to clean it with the older man giving me helpful advice on what to use, and how to clean. There was more, but I can't remember.

      Fragment #2

      I'm a knight, and I'm searching these tents for survivors. A child calls out for help, a little creepily, but I go anyway. Two children are there, a blond girl and a boy. They peek from their hiding place and tell me to come into the tent. I already know what they are. Vampires. They want me to come in the shade so they can feed. I feel bad when I go in, pretend to be stupid so they attack. I drag the girl out into the sun, but I forget what happened to the boy.

      Fragment #3

      It's winter, and I'm taking pictures of these strange peacock/eagles that have landed on this dock. It's red with gray underfeathers. Another comes, black one, and tries to hurt the first. I throw snowballs at it, stunning it and making it fly away. A second one tries to hurt the first and I hurl a big ice ball at it. It slumps over dead, then turns into a man. The red bird shapeshifts into a man and says not to worry, the others were evil.

      There was more to this dream, but I can't recall.
    11. 02/08/2010

      by , 08-02-2010 at 08:05 AM (scumpy's journey to lucidity...)
      1) something about Arthur???

      2) Playing soccer at the Portuguese club. We're dominating some kids. I'm trying to get my shoes on to play but I notice that they're broken, somehow I will them to get fixed and they do! (I don't become lucid ). The kids we're playing are really arrogant.

      3)I'm walking through the mall in my hometown. I think I'm semi lucid or at least dreaming that I'm lucid??? I have a basket ball in my hand and I'm using it to stabilize my dream (I read a tutorial about this before going to bed). If I was lucid I loose it. It's the Derby btw. the two main schools in our town and the rugby and hockey games are on. Gym is winning the rugby. We go to the hockey field and Rowan begins to play, he plays quite well, running fast and falling over while he takes a back stick shot, he almost scores. I'm getting ready to play too when some people on horses come onto the field. It's some other sporting event that is taking place, we lead the horses off.... the dream ends

      Updated 08-02-2010 at 08:20 AM by 34248

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    12. 01/08/2010

      by , 08-02-2010 at 08:05 AM (scumpy's journey to lucidity...)
      1) I remember playing on top of some roofs with my friends, I think we are kids. We have like a fort up there. At some stage I am on the ground and some other kids are on top of the roof where our fort is but I'm an adult now (this could have been later).

      2)Running somewhere with someone who I know is a genius, we're running through peoples gardens to get to our destination, I trust him because he's a genius. we run into a garden and I see a mother and a daughter that I know doing zoomba in their living room we sneak into their house to try sneak out the back and continue on our journey but they see us. They turn into a different mother and daughter (G and H).

      At some point I have a big scab diagonally down my face because I ran into something. I pull the scab off trying not to anyone see but G sees and whispers judgmentally to someone else what I am doing.

      We're travelling in D's car and we have to avoid ostriches in the road. We turn left towards mountains (V's farm). I think the vehicle changes my dad and my uncle are there on the left there is a huge platform built onto the side of a mountain, it is Bafana Bafana's south africa soccer team) world cup training camp. It's like a HUGE highway on ramp ending in a dead end. My dad and uncle? discuss how this facility can now be used to bring in money and offset it's huge cost.

      I'm in a house still have the wound on my face, I'm really upset about having been forced to do something against my will by my family.

      Updated 08-02-2010 at 08:11 AM by 34248

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    13. 31/07/2010

      by , 08-02-2010 at 07:52 AM (scumpy's journey to lucidity...)
      I suspect going lucid a couple times but waking up straight away.

      1) I remember something to do with the TV show fringe....

      2) I've somehow bought a old trailer/house from an old lady, it needs serious repairs. A repair guy comes to inspect it and as he enters one of the old ladys plates falls off the wall, I notice that she has plates hanging on all the walls and that the top of the walls need repairs, the floor is also wonky. There are cinder blocks and a trampoline holding up the floor underneath the trailer. I remember telling someone that at least once it's fixed I'll have a trampoline . I remember looking around the garden there was a tree and a swingset.
    14. Fragments for July 31 2010

      by , 08-02-2010 at 04:08 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm at a football stadium in the desert. The Cincinnati Bengals are playing a game against an unspecified team, and I'm on the field as a Bengal's lineman pushing against the enemy offense. I actually do an OK job, and as the downs progress I get teammate support in a kind of military, "Hoo-ah!" way

      2. I'm watching what seems to be a fight scene from an X-Men comic or movie taking place in a desert. The choreography is stunning, as is the skill of the mutants. The fight ends with Jean Grey drawing all the combatants towards her in a massive display of psychic power, then throwing them apart in a sphere of blue light. The Silver Surfer rides by, quipping, "And I thought I was overpowered!"
    15. 8-01-10 Donuts

      by , 08-02-2010 at 01:46 AM
      We were trying to test out the flavor of all the pizza's and donuts (many different brands). We also found an old book and House was about to buy a gun.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
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