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    Lucid Dreams

    1. 8/22/10 Let the Fun Begin

      by , 08-22-2010 at 09:14 PM (WarriorTiger's Visions of Misconceptions)
      This starts out as a long non-lucid dream, but I did manage to become lucid! YAY!

      I was on a ship in the middle of the sea. I don't know why I was there, nor how I got there, but it all seemed natural to me. I was watching some of the crew members run around. A few of them were working, a few of them were playing games, and a few of them didn't seem to know what they were doing. I felt like something was off, but at the same time had spotted a nice looking woman. I walked over to her and smiled.

      We engaged in mindless chit-chat for a while. It was like neither one of us wanted to say what we were really looking for. I knew what I had wanted. It wasn't soon after that, that I was in a brand new place. Having no idea how I had even gotten there. It looked a bit like the forest. I was wondering if I had teleported. That would be cool. The pretty sea lady was gone, sadly, but there was nothing I could do.

      I walked around, looking for other signs of human life. The place was void, and it seemed a little dark. I promised to myself that I would not panic in the face of unknown dangers. I took a deep breath in, and calmed my nerves. I didn't want to enter the forest, so I instead walked along the outside of it. There was like ocean and cliff side next to me. I wondered if I was in Ireland, when the scene changed once more.

      Now I was in a room. My current girlfriend, Silver Wolf, was there. Also there was my ex-girlfriend. My ex was laying on top of my legs. I had always joked about her chest size. We are all just talking, even though I feel like I am a prisoner in my ex's house. I feel like something is off. I know something isn't right and begin to analyze everything. My ex sits up and there are two weights left where her chest would have been. I can't move my legs. I tell myself to remain calm, and take a deep breath in. She says she had gotten a reduction done, and this was how much they took off. I looked up at Silver Wolf and ignored my ex.

      My ex walked over to me. I was suddenly listening to music and she takes the earplugs out of my ears. I can still hear the music. Wait.. I must be dreaming.

      I tell my ex that I am dreaming and I want her to go away. She laughs at me. I notice then that I am handcuffed to the bed.. What the heck is that all about. I focus my energy to try and change the scenario. Nothing happens. I am sure I am dreaming. I can't move my legs, sleep paralysis. I can still remain calm, my breathing rate is normal. I am in charged of my dream. I go through reaffirming and solidifying the dream. I looked back at my ex. "I know this is a dream!" I make the handcuffs disappear and my ex cackles. "You are good, that is for sure."

      I sigh. I don't have time for this crap. Not now that I know I am lucid. And its so vivid. I pinch my nose and breath in and out. This action gives me dream control.

      I laugh back at her. "So who are you really? You know.. it doesn't even matter. You're gone." She vanishes right in front of my eyes. Now I look at my girlfriend. 'What should I do?' I ask myself. I decide to have fun, after all I haven't been in complete control for a while. I change her to be blond, and skinnier than she is now. Now we are going to play a messed up version of cops and robbers, where I am the caught robber. She attaches restraints to my wrists. She is teasing me by going slow. I see a shadow move across a door way out of the corner of my eye. I look to it and command that there be no interruptions. Then its like I can see into another room. "And no parents!" I shout. The image changes slightly. I look at Silver and tell her to hold on for a sec. She freezes and turns to shades of gray.

      I walk over to the figure I see in the room. It's my ex's mom, Bree. I haven't seen her in a while. "Surprised to see me?" she asks. I know she is not a DC. I go to sit down, trying to summon a chair at the same time. It fails and I sit on the floor. I am overwhelmed by a vast array of emotions. She tells me everything is okay, and that I am doing good. I am on the right path. She is trying to get my attention to tell me something important. I can feel the dream slipping. I take notice of how my non-dream body feels. I am still dreaming lucidly. I look up to her. I am going to stabilize the dream when my cell phone vibrates.

      I hear it in the dream and feel like I am being pulled away. I try to reach out for Bree to hold onto, but am awake before I can.

      Bree died a couple of years back. So I was especially surprised to see her. I think its part of an ongoing attempt to give me a message.

      Updated 08-22-2010 at 09:33 PM by 27884

      Tags: bree, sexual, vivid
    2. Dream Journal Entry 2

      by , 08-22-2010 at 07:57 PM
      I had super powers, and I was trying to infiltrate a base of some evil people with super powers. The place was Estate from MW2, I was escorting someone without super powers inside to do something, we entered through the side entrance at the bar, and went upstairs. Although we were caught by someone patrolling the stairs. The scene changed to a old house of mine, though I still had super powers, and I took a hard drive from someone evil and walked into the garage. My "mom" took me on a walk and gave me a number, we then parted ways and I reentered the house from the front, and then walked back into the garage. Everything was different, like I went back in time, and I saw my "mom" again, I decided to try and have sex with her (it was not my real mom, someone different lol). I then became lucid, I tried to stay calm, and thought that I did, but the dream slowly faded, I tried looking at my hands. But I soon woke up.

      I fell asleep very shortly and was at a new school, although it was different. It transformed into the palace of the Greek gods. I walked around and saw a room with mirrors, they reflected a different place inside the mirrors, in one I saw dolphins. But I soon left, and fell into this weird sleep state, I all of a sudden awoke to my "mom" bringing me to the same school. I got out, and detached the door of the car since my backpack was stuck to it. I unstuck my backpack and put the door back on, and went inside. My vision changed to that of a news channel and I saw my "mom" crying about the long sleep I had. She said something along the lines of "I was doing so well with the drugs" or something, and then talked about how she got a call from the cops about me. I woke up.
      lucid , memorable
    3. Lucidity interupts the Heist

      by , 08-22-2010 at 06:57 PM (My Official Journey Into Lucid Dreaming)
      I haven't been Lucid in a few weeks. I'm glad I finally got one. I was losing faith! This one interupted my Dream Architects (my subconcious) intentions...lol. The details are too fuzzy to remember, but the major parts are still with me:

      I am with someone I know. I think it's my ex-wife (god, I wish i could exorcise her from my dreams!). We have a mission, however, our car has broken down. We steal someone's car, and drive to West Virginia. We encounter a hotel and check in. We begin our mission by changing our clothes so we look like, "Them". They are on to us! I have to deceive the leader, which I do at first, but eventually he catches on. I realize I am in a school of some sort. I am sneaking around trying to find something. I don't remember what, but eventually find it. We have accomplished the mission and are ready to go. We are trying to leave, but we have to pack, and can't do it fast enough. We finally pack and leave. We got away! Now we go to return the car, and are caught by the owner. I do some quick haggling, and we agree to pay the owner $300. After all, I had the car repaired while it was stolen (huh?). It was a black Hummer, and very hard to drive. Nothing seemed to work properly.

      I decide to look at my hands (FANTASTIC! The RC has become habit!). Hey, my pinky is too short. I am dreaming! I try to fly. No luck. Can't even get off the ground. I try to conjure an object in the palm of my hand. It doesn't work. I think to myself, "This is my dream, why can't I do this stuff?" I tell everyone around me I am dreaming. They don't seem surprised, but they stare at me watching. I check my hands again. Still dreaming. I try to fly again, but this time I close my eyes first. I can feel myself gaining altitude. Cool! I open them, and slowly sink to the ground. What's up with that? I can feel myself waking up, so I quickly spin around several times. Ok, I'm back. I try to talk to people, but they remain silent. The entire dreamscape has not stopped any animation. I don't know what to do, so I just slowly let myself lose lucidity.

      I need to research dream control!

      Fell asleep: ?
      Headphones: 6.5 hz Isochronic pulses at 120 hz base with pink noise all night...

    4. First Really Lucid Dream

      by , 08-22-2010 at 06:21 PM
      I remember this one so distinctly. I was on the 97th floor with my two sisters and 2 others people. We were doing Yoga. It was the empire state building next to another building just a little shorter. The room was a yoga studio with light blue walls and maple wood flooring. We had a blue cylinder candle in the middle. It had been lit for hours and was a liquid. I was standing up when we start doing a chant, and I decide to hit the lowest note I can. None the less, the building starts shaking, and we all notice the candle doing the Jurrasic Park ripples. Then the entire building (like a real earthquake- I live in LA) starts swaying back and forth. I look out the window in broad daylight and see every other building swaying back and forth, then we all hit the floor and I accept that I am going to die. I look out the window again and our building sways around and crashes directly into the other one. The last thing I remember is looking at my sisters and saying I love you, two times. The second time it slowed down to a high pitched dragon fire breathing type of sound-and I closed my eyes and felt my self ejected from the building. Then I woke up. IT was awesome.

      Next time, I want to be able to control this and transition into another dream from that one, not just wake up.
      lucid , nightmare , memorable
    5. Pterodactyl

      by , 08-22-2010 at 06:18 PM
      I had a dream last night about this very large pterodactyl that kept circling and flying around me, my house, and the neighbor's house. It was incredible to witness. I was slightly afraid of this magnificent beast, but I followed it and was in amazement. It would circle me if I remained still, and often got far too close for comfort, so I would move, just to make it fly away, or avoid my movement. I could see every detail of this beast. I could see a relatively small clawed finger at the tip of the wing. While circling me, about six feet away, it would leave circles in the ground from time to time with its claw. I was frightened, but fascinated. I followed it down to my neighbor's house, which is only a few hundred feet away. There I stayed on the corner of the house, watching it circle the house, getting closer and closer to the house as it circled. Finally it was so close I moved again, just to frighten it back. I then thought to catch it on camera, and pulled out my cell phone. I turned on the phone's camera, pointed it at the road, and saw a shiny mallard duck flying. Then the pterodactyl circled back around and snatched the duck up and flew off. I captured the final swoop and grab on my cell phone and felt content knowing I could share this with people.

      Here's what has been happening in my life:
      Last night before bed I was looking up at an almost full moon. The clouds were high and moving extraordinarily fast. The clouds were moving towards the south, which is rare for where I live. I remember looking up at the moon realizing that my string of bad luck was over! It has been a rotten month for me, and I believe that with the moon hitting full, it will all start to get better after this. I have had a nemesis lately, which has been making false allegations about me, in an attempt to hurt my friend, while gaining control of a situation. The man doing all this is truly a monster. We call him the Prophet. He believes he sees demons, and God speaks with him. He shakes, speaks in tongues, and forces everyone around him to believe his whacked out version of Christianity. Either way, my life has been very stressful lately because he has even lied to the police about me.
      After seeing the moon, and the dream I had last night, I know that this monster will grab onto something else, and fly away. The only uncertainty I have remaining, is my desire to see the pterodactyl, and why I was fascinated by it? Do I feel that the pterodactyl represented my nemesis? No. Do I feel that it was a messenger of things to come with that situation? Yes. I’ve always been fascinated with dinosaurs, although pterodactyls have never been my favorite. It was a truly magnificent sight. Does anyone have any ideas on what else I might be missing? I thought about the relevance of it circling my neighbor’s house. My neighbor is a single mom whom is very close to me. I often watch her children for her. She is aware of my situation with the nemesis, and has been very supportive. Maybe being there was a way to feel support or strength while watching the pterodactyl. Help! I’d appreciate your input.
    6. The Canteen Matrix

      by , 08-22-2010 at 01:49 PM (Dreams of the Maeniac)

      There's something about vampires.
      There's definitely something about vampires. But was the vampire thing before or after the cafeteria? I don't know. Let's pretend it was before.
      [COLOR="royalblue"]I'm some evil guy, fighting another guy. There has been vampires involved, but I have been trying to turn into a vampire, and I know the final steps to become one. Apperantly, I just need to drink a lot of blood now, so I try to scratch this other guy as much as I can, and I'm sort of chasing him around a black and red evil-looking pillar. A pillar which apperantly also helps me become a vampire. I don't know what happened to the other humans or vampires, whether the vampires were killed or if it was the humans, and in that case I don't know who killed them, or if they all died... But one thing is certain, this big, dark, evil-looking room only has me and the survivor human in it. Maybe we used to be friends?

      I think we got out of there, there was something about a pool, and a big white house, a bit like that christmas level in Hitman Bloodmoney, except with more summer and blue pool. You know, high up in the mountains, [/COLOR](Not sure about that)[COLOR="royalblue"] white, square, modern arcitechture [/COLOR](Has to be white, right?)[COLOR="royalblue"], and guards walking around with uzi's and black suits.
      Obviously, a shootout came out of this. I think I was hiding behind a small white wall right next to the pool, maybe I even emerged from the pool? Anyways, there were guards everywhere, around the pool and coming down a long staircase from an upper level of the house.
      Again, I'm not sure if this was before or after...

      I'm in a canteen, or a cafeteria. I think I might be on a school, but I don't think I go to this school. Maybe I'm new and I just don't recognize people. I think there are 2 or 3 people that I know who are, so I just follow them, but I don't really [I]know[/I] them, so the situation is quite awkward; We're standing in a huge queue, waiting to get some food at the counter. I feel slightly claustrophobic. I get my food and sit down at a table, I realize that there's a bunch of stuff missing on my plate. Apperantly I dropped a lot of it on the floor, under the table. Luckily, it was in some sort of packaging, so I just reached down and picked it up again. I don't remember eating anything, because I think I decided to get out of there.
      I went to the end of the room, not the way we came from, a lonely, gray door at the end of the room.
      I enter it, and I'm in a long, white-gray, boring looking hallway with lots of identical, boring, gray doors.
      I enter one of them, and now I'm in an equally boring, tiny room with absolutely nothing in it. This didn't amuse me, so I made a door in the wall in front of me out of thin air. I entered it - another small, boring room with nothing in it. But this room already has 2 doors in front of me. I take the left one.
      Now I'm in a similar room, but this one has been lived in, so it looks a lot more alive - But it still gave off that nerd-who-never-cleans-up-and-never-goes-out feel to it. An overall gray feeling still remained.
      There was a man lying on a couch, watching TV, I think he was holding a can of soda or beer. He looks like he's somewhere between 25 and 35 years old, he's got short, brown hair. [/COLOR](In dream, I don't recognize him, my Dream Intuition tells me he's a gymnasium teacher at the school I was just at, and in retrospect, I think he reminded me a little of Remus Lupin, perhaps more than just in looks.)[COLOR="royalblue"]
      I notice there are a bunch of drawings on the wall right next to the TV and the couch (it's a very small room), I start talking to him. I tell him that drawing like that, random doodles on his wall seemed like a thing I would do. We had a nice conversation, but I forgot pretty much all of it. Somehow, our conversation turns to lucid dreaming, and I suddenly realize that this could be a dream. With a smirk and a feeling of mild interest, I pinch my nose and close my mouth. The teacher is looking at me, looking interested and expectant.[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="darkorchid"]I try to breathe, and sure enough, it's easy to. I'm amazed, confused and a little sceptical. I continue to converse with the teacher, but it's kind of a one-way communication, as I'm probably more thinking to myself. I think for a moment about what I should do. Should I head outside and fly? But then I realize that I don't know where the exits in the canteen is, I think it's a little too bothersome so I decide to stay,[/COLOR] (Laziness at it's peak.)[COLOR="darkorchid"] besides, I'm not entirely convinced that it's a dream yet. I do the nose pinch RC a few times, but now it's a little less clear; I can breathe alright, but the breathing is slightly restricted when I do it. I decide I need to perform another test, even though I'm still in the mindset that this actually is a dream. There's two doors in the room, one right beside TV which leads back, and another door on the wall opposite to the wall with the drawings. I open this door: A huge croud of people is standing in a circle, this door led back to the canteen. I look around on people's faces. I see three people talking, and I turn and see 4 people all in a big conversation, doing their own thing, completely unrelated to anything I could have made up. I notice that their clothings is so different, so colorful and various. The entire crowd is so extremely vivid that I simply decide that the dream is too vivid [/COLOR][COLOR="royalblue"]to be a dream, there was no way that I could have created all those people so vividly and alive.[/COLOR]
    7. Night of 8/21-8/22

      by , 08-22-2010 at 12:37 PM (SCPantera's Dream Journal)
      I'm pretty sure I just had my first lucid dream. It seemed kind of long at the time but I may only remember some bits and pieces now, gonna try to get down as much as I can. And it's weird, it feels so foggy now. Was a very intriguing experience. There was another dream before it but I want to get down as much of the lucid as I can so I'm writing it first.

      I'm trying to recall what it was that triggered the reality check. I think it was that I was laying in bed or on the phone with my wife and she said something absurd (I think it had something to do with her saying she was on her way home from class at university, and I quickly realized she doesn't go to school in reality) that caused me to quickly consider that this isn't real and pull a nose-pinch reality check. I was able to breathe like my nose was just a little stuffy despite the nose-pinch. There was an obligatory, "Holy shit, I'm lucid!" moment. To keep the dream from fading from excitement and to calm down, I closed my eyes and (for whatever reason) pictured a topographical map key. Feeling it was stable, I opened my eyes, did another reality check (marveling of course at how weird it was to be breathing through a pinched nose, and then started wandering my environment. I seemed to be in what looked and felt like my old house on Broadway. I was a little unprepared for my first lucid; I hadn't thought of anything cool to do. The first thing I did was go into the bathroom. I figured since I was lucid I might as well start playing around with how well I could control it. I went to the door of the bathroom and decided I'd summon something on the floor outside and close the door to see if it appeared; I arbitrarily chose cake, and then I sort of glanced up and back down and it was there on the floor, slightly stale and with a big slice missing--I didn't even have to close the door. Happy, I went to the big picture window out front and continued experimenting by swapping between night and day by closing my eyes for a second then looking at the sky. I noted some unusual mixed success, namely whenever I wanted it to be day or night it would literally only be just starting day or night (ie at dawn or dusk). It's a little foggy if there was something occurring between now and what happened next, but the next thing I remember was that I was quickly running out of ideas for things to do, so I thought, "Well, I've always wanted to experience sex as a woman, let's give that a try." So I went back to the bathroom (it's notable that the previous time it was the bathroom from the old Broadway house, but it was now the bathroom from my previous apartment on Oak Street), stripped down, then looked in the mirror. Quick comment after the fact, the mirror worked just fine for its purpose in the dream, but before transforming I started in my normal dream avatar--which is myself as I recognize but much thinner. I was able to transform myself by pointing to the parts of my body that I wanted to transform and focusing on them. I started with breasts, then moved on to my penis. I recall being amused/annoyed that as I was shrinking my penis my foreskin wasn't shrinking with it so I had to do that separate. I started to get a little impatient so I just waved my hand around in front of my crotch and looked up at the ceiling to try to speed things up. Eventually everything looked pretty good, wasn't perfect, and I noticed that at some point I had lost all my body hair without intentionally trying to, but it was good enough for a first attempt. I was trying to decide what I wanted to do first with my new body when I noticed I sorta needed to pee so I decided to get that out of the way first, so I did. Just that was an unusual new physical sensation. There was some toilet paper sitting in the bathtub next to the toilet, so I grabbed some to clean things up a bit (since I was planning to shortly be playing around down there soon anyways); as I was cleaning up the phone rang and I answered it. The voice on the other end was some woman trying to tell me about how there were cloths in the tub that I could use for whatever but to leave them there so she could wash them later (I noticed here that it was hard to focus on what was happening now while I was on the phone trying to listen). I looked back into the tub and the toilet paper had been replaced by dark blue cloth. I shortly regretted flushing a few of them down the toilet. I checked the mirror one last time to see if things were still good and then went back out to the living room. I'm think there may have been somewhere here where I experimented with my new body, but if so unfortunately I don't remember it. Eventually there appeared in my house (as though she was familiar with the place) a thin, light-skinned black girl. Delighted to find another person to help me experiment with my new body, I asked her if she wanted to have sex with me. She seemed apprehensive; focusing on her I first removed her clothes then, noting of course that she too was female and thus would make proper copulation difficult, made her instantly grow a penis. She wasn't very amused by this, however, and she angrily stormed off to the basement. Shrugging, and once again bored, I decided to turn my attention on mentally recreating graphic-update remakes of old school video games I love in my mind for entertainment. I started with what I assume was Final Fantasy 6, though thinking on it after the fact the action doesn't match up properly with the game (though I specifically recall Terra's appearance). At some point this was interrupted with my wife calling, when she called what had been the video game scene taking up my entire stream of consciousness suddenly appeared as though I'd taken it out of full-screen mode on my monitor on my computer at my current apartment. I even had my headphones on, so I had to remove one of side of them to expose an ear for the phone like I usually do. I was annoyed at the distraction but answered the phone anyways. I don't remember the contents of the actual phone message, but I note again after the fact that it started to break my lucid concentration. The last part I remember now was going down to the basement where I found the black girl (who had now been transformed into some sort of small Pokémon-like creature) cuddling on a table with another small Pokémon-like creature. Saying, "Oh, so you'll have sex with him but not me!" and did my own storming-off-angrily upstairs and back to the living room, where I waved my hand and did some sort of mental slash across the table they were lying on and killing them both. My memory of this dream ends here, though when I woke I seemed to think that there was more non-lucid dream that came after this. I awoke just prior to starting this journal entry and did a quick reality check that passed, officially ending my first lucid dream.

      Note to self: be wary about answering phones once you're lucid; it seems to help break lucid focus. In fact, I'm going to try to make an effort to start reality checks whenever answering and/or ending phone calls. I'm going to try to remember that the next thing on my agenda for practice when a dream goes lucid is controlling the environment; this time I kind of let the environment do what it wanted around me.

      There was a dream sequence either prior to or leading up to where it went lucid. There was a long prelude to most of what I remember, but the bulk of what I remember was that there was this stretch of interstate that I would drive down as though I was in a GTA-ish sandbox type game and try to score points on this segment of highway. The segment of highway was kind of a long straight section with a curve off to the right. I'm thinking I may have lost more memory of this dream out of excitement for the lucid one, so maybe more will come back to me later.
    8. More Flying Attempts

      by , 08-22-2010 at 06:11 AM
      I have really got to stop trying to fly. I heard some guy it took ten years for him to learn to fly, and since I've never dreamed of flying... I'm going to need a lot of practice.

      I had just walked around the corner of the house and happened to be looking at the sky. Lo and behold, flying through it was three rather box-y looking, blue and orange space shuttles. I randomly connected them with something from a past dream--in fact, as I looked at them, I was remembering which entry of my journal they were under. [Despite this, when I went back and checked it in the morning, that dream has no record of having blue and orange space-shuttles.] However, I remembered them from a previous dream, and told myself I must have been in another dream. I promptly raised my hand in front of my face, and was delighted to discover my pinky finger seemed to be having trouble connecting with reality [Under normal circumstance, I wouldn't have been delighted, but hey--I was dreaming ^ ^] So like in the last dream, I raced off around the side of the house, hardly noticing that the DC I had been talking to seconds earlier was gone, and hurried off down the driveway. Perhaps it was my imagination, but I seemed to be able to run rather quickly. Anyway. Once I got to the street, I tried to fly--by jumping. No dice. So then I closed my eyes to try and envision myself some nice wings.
      ...I discovered I had trouble opening my eyes again, and was disheartened when I managed to open them a tiny bit, and saw my bedroom. End of dream.
      However, due to this second [!!!] lucid dream, I am able to come up with a couple of hypothesis.

      1.] My House is a dream sign. Both Lucid dreams have occurred when I have been around my house. I've had two other dreams that I've recorded that include my house, but that was before I got into serious lucid dreaming.
      2.] I'm going to need a whole lot more practice to fly, so I'm going to start with something easier.
      3.] This dream will be the last time I close my eyes on a dream ever. again. I've learned my lesson [Found out two days later you shouldn't close your eyes unless you've centered yourself enough, and will stay in the dream]
      4.] I noticed a lot of my friends from theater tend to crop up, so that means I will spend a large part of rehearsals this year doing reality checks. Just in case.

      Updated 08-22-2010 at 06:24 AM by 35704

    9. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 08-22-2010 at 03:16 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      ¡Single Sentence Sizzler!®

      Ghost Town (DILD)

      Quote Originally Posted by Mzzkc View Post
      Without any goals in mind, I wandered around aimlessly, in an eerily-deserted, colorful, suburban dreamscape, for what seemed like hours; the dream ended when I got upset with a ski-ball machine that called me out for 'cheating.'

      Updated 08-22-2010 at 03:31 AM by 25167

    10. 08/20/10 My 4th Lucid Dream: Familiar? maybe.

      by , 08-22-2010 at 01:06 AM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      This lucid dream was really close to my 3rd one. I think my LDs are starting to get more frequent now. I am so excited!

      Some notes about the dream:
      FOR THE 4TH TIME! This dream seemed like a normal dream, but I felt some of it, and I remember feeling the RC. Again, I didn't have COMPLETE control over my actions. This seems to always happen in my lucid dreams. Isn't it true that DILDs aren't as vivid as MILDs or WILDs?
      Anyways, here it is.

      I was walking down a familiar street in our downtown. I remember it like I WAS lucid from the beginning. I thought to myself, "Well, this is weird. I thought I was asleep..?" So just to make sure it was a dream, I RCed. I was dreaming! I love the way plugged nose breathing feels. Like I said, some control. The dream was a little blurry too. Since I fell back asleep after I dreamed this and I was too lazy to write in my DJ, I can't recall the second part of my lucid dream.

      I'm not sure if I tried to fly or not, but I went over to what was supposedly, my friend Mike's house.
      I think I teleported or something. I can't remember. I remember being in the back of his house. I tried to remember my dream goals, but I couldn't. I simply didn't know what to do, so I decided that I'd walk around. (See, it's things like this that your not prepared for!)
      I saw Mike's pool. To me it looked almost like a hot tub. Well, it was as small as one. I saw Mike and some other people, but I don't really remember them.

      I turned around, and I saw this gigantic swimming pool. It could have been 14 feet deep. Um.. I guess to show off; I tried to fly. I closed my eyes, jumped up, flapped my arms; and to my disappointment I was still on the ground. I guess I just didn't believe. So I closed my eyes again, really believe I could fly, jumped up, then flapped my arms. I opened my eyes and felt myself hovering.. sort of. I was about 3-4 feet in the air. And as far as I could tell, I was gliding towards the pool.

      I glided towards the water and splashed in (almost like a goose, lol). I felt the water and saw all the droplets like it was in slow motion, beautiful. This moment was also embarrassing. I think I got out of the pool, but I wasn't so sure. Just to check to see if I was still lucid, I did another RC. Ahh. It felt great. I wasn't so sure on what to do next, so I started spinning. I reckoned I would start fresh from a different place. But it didn't work. I must've needed to close my eyes or something.
      I can't recall what I did after this, but there was another whole half of the dream that I had forgotten.

      Updated 08-22-2010 at 01:14 AM by 32984

      Tags: familiar, fly, mike, pool, water
      lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    11. Forest with a Gate

      by , 08-21-2010 at 09:45 PM
      I am standing about 6ft. away from a big metal electric gate. It is the kind of gate that slides. Behind the gate is a huge forest. I realize I am dreaming and that this is my opportunity to complete the task from class. I try to reality check and look at my hands but they are not clear. I do other reality checks but none are difinitive. I decide to fly over the gate but I am unable to move. I feel like I am blocked.
    12. First OBE- incredible!!!!

      by , 08-21-2010 at 05:46 PM
      Amazing OBE -- I'm sleeping in the basement of my grandparents house when I actually go to sleep. I had already slept for about 7 hours, just going back for a nap. After falling asleep I wake up very groggily and climb over the foosball table, slowly. I had risen from the same position that I fell asleep. I'm not sure of the details, but I went to the bathroom and at some point it dawned upon me.. I thought in my mind " I can't believe that I didn't lucid dream... Unless I'm dreaming right now!" I then did a reality check, I held my nose and tried to breath through it, and I could breath clearly even with my nose pinched shut. I found that every time I did this, the dreamworld became more clear and more real. I walked upstairs to find a totally different architecture in the house. It was unbelievable.... It was so vivid and real that I was forced to reality check every minute so that I wouldn't forget it was a dream. I decided I wanted to do something extreme, so after checking again and again to make sure it was a dream, I ran out the front window and flew out over the river. I became so excited and my heart was racing so fast because it was so lifelike... My eyes opened and there I was, back in the basement, awake in real life.*
    13. Lucid City Chase

      by , 08-21-2010 at 05:18 PM
      Got up this morning at 6, listening to shitty late 80's pop with the usual cheesy intro riff and a high bpm loop of the same 10 second vocals. As it turns out, the entrance to a city marathon is right outside of the apartment I was in. Their idea of "workout music." After about two hours of being angry about it the race starts and the music stops and I go try to go back to bed, race announcer infrequently interjecting an otherwise smooth contemplation of descent. Before I hit delta wave, I was thinking how I'd escape if the apartment suddenly toppled. No intention of really sleeping or dreaming.

      I felt the vibrations anyway, to my glee. I haven't recognized dream entry in a long time. After about a minute, the scene materialized as a false awakening, I was alone in a double-bed setup. I reality check, just to make sure, and then begin exploring the dream apartment. Pretty much the same, a bit cleaner, brighter carpets and more floorspace. I make my way to the balcony to jump. I start hovering, and look up at the sky. Completely overcast and bright, just as in waking life. I float away from the balcony. . .

      My boyfriend wakes me, I feel exiting vibrations as he pounces on me, tugs an arm, wrenching me from the dream. I shake it off, audibly and grumpily tell him to back off. The louse cuddles right on top of me, and I settle back in.

      It's... Still a dream? I didn't reopen my eyes for the scene to appear. There's someone on top of me, but it's not my boyfriend. This guy's taller, older by a few years, brown-haired, skinny, with rectangular facial definition. I stare at him a moment and fear flashes through his eyes as we both realize: we have to fight, as he's an impostor! He dashes out the bedroom and exits the apartment, slamming a door which I can't unlock. I can hear the elevator. Unperturbed, I jump off the balcony in a dive, the sky is murderous grey here, and the buildings are greater in quantity and more densely packed. I see For Sale signs on some apartment buildings, including the one I was in, as I descend. I land softly, on my feet. He's just now exiting through the front. I need a weapon, something with range. I reach behind me and whip out a bow and three arrows, firing them in quick succession, missing twice and hitting the third against a shield which he conjured. The bow morphs into a boomerang, which I throw. He jumps supernaturally over it. I fly up to avoid having to catch the weapon's hefty return. As it turns out, he can fly, too.

      There's no fear here. Neither of us are afraid. I'm in it for the hunt, the adventure. He knows he's a minute dream character and will cease to exist after I wake, save in this dream journal.

      But he chooses to run. He meanders under bridges and through smaller and smaller alleys, places with ceilings I can't fly through. I follow on foot, and spawn throwing stars. We're in a clearing with cement brick tiles and an outdoor cafe surrounding an open center. I can't throw the stars there. Instead, I fling them into the air, knowing by self-fulfilling lucid dream prophesy the exact points at which they'll land. Time for a new weapon. How 'bout a longsword? I know shit about swordfighting, by the way, he no longer had a shield but another two-handed sword, smaller, lighter. I'm nearly out-maneuvered when the ninja stars land, tearing a rip in the cloth of his shoulder, distracting him such that his sword disintegrates under one whack with my new hammer. He flees. Typical.

      I follow, it's now a footrace with that announcer guy from the real world. People are watching us, which seems to amuse him for a bit, but ultimately he leads me out of the city. We turn one more corner, and suddenly he's gone. I take the time to materialize a weapon I do know how to use: a pistol. Amazingly it morphs right between my palms as I made my hands into a fake gun. I take off the safety, peer around the corner, business end of the weapon never leaving the direction of sight. The man comes into view again, and runs into a white domeish building at the end of a heavily-treed (mature trees everywhere, creating shade from the now blasting golden sun) parking lot. I follow in, of course. I slow my pace to a walk. I know what room he's in. The building is completely empty, like a house but with a big, auditorium room at the end. Bright maple flooring, polishes and clean, with sunbeams draping generously on the floor, through tall windows, coming from both east and west sides of the building. I've still got my pistol at hand. He's cornered in that last room. I cross the doorway and he appears out from behind a spiral staircase. He looks at my pistol, at his own, and nods. We meet each other in the middle of the floor, turn around, and start stepping. Annoyingly, with each step I drew toward the duel, I shifted back into the waking world...
      lucid , false awakening
    14. my second lucid dream

      by , 08-21-2010 at 05:04 PM
      I had my second lucid dream last night, another DILD after WBTB.
      I got up around 4 am, and stayed up for about half an hour. When I went back to bed, I found it really hard to get back to sleep. I kept drifting off and then coming back awake. Then I fell asleep, woke up, and when I rolled over my boyfriend was sleeping beside me. Considering my boyfriend is in an entirely different city right now, I knew that wasn't right, and did an RC. Of course, I was dreaming.

      I got up out of my bed, and was determined to get outside. First I tried to just change my surroundings, but when that wasn't working, I decided to just go up the stairs and out the front door. But when I turned towards the stairs, the entire room was packed with furniture like a barrier. I tried moving it by hand, but everytime I had a piece moved out of the way, when I turned back, it was back where it had started. I tried to move it by telekinesis, but everytime I picked up a piece of furniture, it seemed to be lifting out of an exact replica of itself that stayed in the same place.
      I was getting frustrated and didn't want to ruin the dream, so I just looked for something in the room to entertain myself with. I grabbed my steel bedframe, and started bending it into different patterns. It moved in my hands like playdough, which was a pretty neat experience.
      I still wanted to get outside, so I decided to just climb out the window above my bed. I started walking across my mattress, but before I reached the window, I woke up.

      I dont think I'd consider this one quite as successful as the first one(the first was definitely more fun, if nothing else) but every lucid dream is a step in the right direction!

      Unfortunately my recall the rest of the night was awful. The only other thing I remember is a man finding a dinosaur egg in his basement, and hatching it on his couch.
    15. Lucid Dream #5

      by , 08-21-2010 at 04:28 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 3/10
      Vividness: 5/10
      Length: ~5 Min.

      OK, this one happened right after the other one. Again with the saying to myself repeatedly "I will have a lucid dream." So the dream started out at school and I was trying to talk with my friend Swazy. Then the next thing I knew I was walking by a house and I saw a girl that didn't look like Swazy, then I told her that I would make it up to her if she'd let me in. So we started to walk around the house and I was like "Hey, I don't remember coming here? Am I dreaming?" So I checked my hand and sure enough. The '9' that's usually there wasn't.

      So I basically went along with everything that happened. Here's what happened. So we continued to walk around the house and I was like "how are we going to get on that roof?" Then I saw a ladder and I told that girl "Hey, we could go up on the ladder." So I ran towards it and climbed up. Then I was on the roof and waiting for that GUY? (yeah, she turned into a little 8 year old looking boy) To go in his bedroom window. I thought we were to going to go in the one to the left of the house so I tried to earthbend and make a little platform to land on. But it didn't work. We weren't going into that one anyways. We were going in the one to the right of the house. So when we got in I looked back at him and sure enough he was a little kid, so I tried to change him and I made him look like an old lady. Not what I was going for. I was like "wow, wow, wow, OK that's really bad." Then I saw a computer and I tried to look up Brittney Spears (I kinda forgot there's no internet.) But it didn't work. The dream faded away and I was back into the waking world.