sneaky I was reading text DV style. Nomad was live chatting with someone. He was talking about me. He sad he's going to deliberately make me think one thing and do another. wbtb. Felt really hollow inside. Drifted in and out of sleep. Voices were whispering me saying, "You're really not going to like what Nomad did," a while later the hollowness was gone and felt normal and fullfilled again. in my dream Nomad was saying, "I put the astral chords back together that I cut between you and Bjork earlier" The conversation shifted into a full dream. Grove 4 life Me and Nomad are outside my house on grove street with Bjork and random other DCs in bumper cars. "I'm sorry," he said, "I got super jealous. I thought wrong about what you were doing. Is it really her?" "Are you real?" I asked Bjork. "I am." She said and blew up a part her bang that was hanging near her right eye. It materialized back and she shook her head. "Hey, How do I know this isn't some DC you created of her to fool me?" I asked nomad. Bjork looked confused for a second and vanished. "She just woke up." Nomad said, "Does that answer your question?" "How do I know you're not just making me think that? It was the pretext of your plan!" "I already told you. I'm sorry." "Well, You implanted the idea in my head." I said, "Just like inception. Now I can't trust anything! And what made you change your mind all of a sudden?" "When I went to seal off her inner world from you. She knew what I was doing and she got really upset. I knew then that what I was doing was wrong. So later, it got the best of me and now I restored everything." he said. And we got out of the bumper cars. I started jumping over them. "where you to going now?" "Asuka is gone and I have to find her." "Want some help?" He asked. "No, You've helped enough." I said and woke up.
2017, 04-22 The Cure I am in what looks like a park of some kind, there are lots of trees growing, but it's more well maintained than a forest. The trees are trimmed back away from the path I'm on and the grass has been recently cut. I follow the trail for a while and I soon see some buildings that look like they could be offices or a school. I keep following the path through the trees. I come around a corner and see a man there leaning against a tree. He greets me as I come around the corner. I see he is holding what looks to me like a joint. I look at him for a bit and I wonder if he could be Nomad. I ask the man if he is Nomad. He doesn’t answer right away, then he says he can be whoever I want him to be. He then hands me a joint and tells me to have a puff, don’t worry, it’s the good stuff. I take the joint and look at it for a bit, wondering if it really could help with my depression… so I take a puff on it. I notice almost right away that I feel a bit different, and in a good way, I am thinking this could definitely help ease my depression symptoms if it works consistently. I go to hand the joint back to the man, but he waves it away. He says to go ahead and keep that one. Use it all now, or save some for later. He hands me a small bag that looks like it contains more pot. He says this stuff is good for what ails you, it’s a plant that costs him nothing to grow, so he doesn’t think he should sell it for a profit. Screw the pharmacies, this is free medicine! He rolls another joint from pot in another bag, lights it up and takes a puff. He says if I wander around here much I had better just try to not act stoned. He says the authorities here prefer if everyone stays sick, they don’t approve of free medicine. I ask again if he is Nomad, adding that I haven’t heard from him lately. I ask if he has been going to the moon, because everything there looked pretty well abandoned, like no one ever went there any more. He says he’s been out beyond the moon. I tell him I got things started at restoring the biodome on the moon, brought some of it back to life, but there’s still more to do. He said I should plant marijuana there… lots of marijuana… then distribute the free medicine. He seems too wrapped up in his pot to give any clear answers. I put the small bag of pot in my pocket and wonder how long that will help my depression. I wonder how I can approach my doctor with the idea I illegally smoked some pot but it helps my depression… I am wondering if doctor/patient confidentiality covers my revealing to him I have illegally smoked pot when everything fades to black and I wake up.
Construction A short dream of Asuka bringing me to some steel construction building. We are jumping up climbing steel beams and running along the beams. I feel like it's for training or something. Nomad Not dreaming but falling asleep to a youtube video of Chuck Missler Give a commentary on the least exciting part of Exodus, which is the last ten chapters or so. FA, I am now hearing the commentary in Nomads voice. I turn to look at my laptop screen and Nomad is in a skype video window giving commentary? "Why are you talking christian stuff?" I ask, "thought it was irrelevant to you now?" He stops the commentary and says, "It's ALL relevant bro." Implying all religions. I look around the room and it is different. Wake up for real Chuck Missler is still giving commentary. FA, In the same room Nomad stops his commentary again and laughs, "Dude I just saw you have a false awakening!" I shake my head. "You know it's a dream right?" Before I can answer a child runs into the room and hugs me. "Dude this IS a dream I am coming over right now!", "No," I say, "Asuka says I have to watch the children tonight, While she trains HARD!" He protests but I shut down my laptop screen. missing time FA, I'm on the moon, Nomad is a werewolf Cyborg with a red robot eye, and a giant blade for an arm that is wide at his left shoulder and is pointy where his hand should be. He has a multicolored gem in his third eye surrounded by 5 or so gems of different color, they expand and spin around his head and then retract. "What are you?" I ask, "Some sort of hippie terminator?" "GET TO THE TOWAAA!" he says, giving an arnold impression. The dream splits and in this version he suffers from ALS and I am wheeling him in a chair that sports a small laptop with a text to speech clicker in his hand. "They may have taken my ability to move," he says, "But at least i can still dream like a mofo." I am getting tired pushing him by the time we reach the tower and falls asleep just as I reach the door. FA, I'm back with cyborg Nomad at the tower. We go in. FA, I'm on a lift going up the tower I roll right off and fall to my doom. FA, Back on the lift. Nomad stops me from rolling off this time. "How many FA's is that now?" He asks. I shrug and stand up, "I don't think i can even count how many you've had!" I summon a beer and take a sip. "But it's my first one of the night officer Nomad. Scouts honor!" FA, and we are now at the top of the Tower in a mini dome overlooking the inside of the larger biodome The sight is spectacular. I wake up briefly and turn over to my right, and I'm dreaming that I'm back in my inner world looking after the kids. I roll over to my right and I am back with Nomad. "Dude you are having too many FAs!." he says, "How are you doing that?" "I found a small remnant on Walms's soul in my inner world that he left when he died. He came back for the body. but some of the soul was left, so I ate it." "I don't think his soul is exactly compatible with you." He pulls a seed out of nowhere and makes me eat it. "These should stabilize the FAs for a while." he says. "Now off we go!" He draws a circle with his sword arm and creates a vortex and we begin to get pulled in but my memory fades or I wake up here.
Updated 03-29-2017 at 03:19 AM by 6012
08/09/13 Dreamscape Exploration I am at work. I have actually found a job, though it is not a job I want at all. I am sitting at a desk in front of a computer with a phone, and the phone is ringing. I don't want to answer it. But it is my job to answer it. I'm not sure what I think is going to happen when I answer the phone, just that I am sure it will be very unpleasant. I finally pick up the phone and say that this is the help center, can I help you? There is a pause on the phone, then a strange voice speaks. The voice says that if I think I can really pull a being of pure darkness into the light then I am dumber than I look. I ask who it is, telling him again that this is the computer help line, is he having computer problems? He says no, I am having computer problems. What? I look at my computer screen and it shows an image from the game Prototype. My first thought is that I was playing it at work and I need to hide the screen before my boss returns. I ctrl + tab to another screen. The voice on the phone says I can't cure a disease with a virus. I hesitate, then I ask him if his computer has a virus. Because all of the computers are equipped with an anti-virus program that should be able to handle that. I will talk him through using it if he needs me to. He says no, I am the one with a disease and a virus. The virus feeds the disease until all is lost. I now think of the song by Queensrych called Spreading the Disease. Then I start hearing the song. The song wakes me up and I realize I have been dreaming… I am lying in bed listening to Queensryche. The song finishes and then all is silent. I wonder why the alarm went off. I sit up and I see I am in my dreamscape bed. I am still dreaming. I get up and stub my toe on a Buddha statue on the floor. Ow! I'd swear I heard a cat laughing. There's a black cat on the chair. I go over and pet it, the cat purrs. I go across the room to the door and open it. The hall is beyond it, long and with no doors. I head down the hall, the cat is right around my feet. I see a door at the end of the hall and go through it. The entire room is filled with graffiti on the wall. So many things written. "There is no cure." "The cure is a lie." "The virus is death." "Life is a disease." "Sometimes death is better." "Stop spreading the disease." There are many other strange statements around the room. A grumbling old man enters the room with a bucket and a sponge. He starts washing the print off of the walls while muttering expletives. I realize he looks like my guardian Hetfield did before I started seeing him as James Hetfield of Metallica. I go to the next room and I see a television showing a beautiful healing spring. Nomad is there. I need to go there. I step through the television into the healing springs on the moon. I hear a voice behind me yelling. "Now why don't you go hug and kiss a deadly virus? Does that sound like a good plan to you? Go hug and kiss a deadly virus!" Nomad looks behind me at the portal and asks who that is… I tell him I have no idea, but they're in my dreamscape, so maybe it's a subconscious fear that I need to overcome. Winter is floating in the middle of the pool. I see Alex Mercer from Prototype off to the side looking around. Go hug and kiss a deadly virus? Ok! I run over and hug Alex. He looks at me strangely but doesn't do anything else. I feel a bit awkward and I back away. Ok… now that I've made a fool of myself… I slip into the water and sink to the bottom. The water feels good. Full of healing energy. I decide to stay there instead of returning to the surface. I wait there for a while until I wake. Welcome to Hell I find myself sitting on the bottom of a pool of water. It is warm and comfortable there. It seems I was just here, and now I am back here again. I have a desire to stay here. So I just sit on the bottom of the pool for a while until Nomad swims down beside me and looks at me. He speaks telepathically since speaking underwater doesn't work very well. He tells me to come to the surface, we can go take care of the task of the month. He says I'm the one who says I know the devil, or the Lord of the Pitt, or whatever he calls himself. I say ok, and then swim up to the surface. It seems harder to get to the surface than I had thought it would be. I get to the surface and pull myself out onto the land. Alex is gone, and for that I am grateful. The memories of the previous dream are still with me, and I remember hugging Alex when I clearly shouldn't have, clearly he didn't want me to do that… I lead Nomad into the tower and to the communications room. I activate the communicator and get a connection with the Courts of Chaos, which is an area most people refer to as Hell. I get in touch with an old friend, Pilgrim, who is also known as the Lord of Darkness. She looks like Pilgrim from the Spawn series with large black bat wings. Pilgrim comments on the fact it has been quite a while since we have talked, and we spend a bit of time talking to each other, and Nomad, too. I finally get to the point where I ask if the Pitt is around, to which Pilgrim says she believes he is. She says he's not around too often, having quite a few other multiverses to deal with, but he is around right now. I tell her that is great, I'm bringing Nomad through. One of the mirror portals opens and both Nomad and I go through it. On the other side of the portal Nomad and I are standing in a place that definitely looks like Hell, like the biblical version of hell. There is fire everywhere, the sky is red and choked with smoke clouds. I see open flows of lava that flow like rivers and streams. Smoking volcanoes riddle the surrounding mountains, a couple of them are actively erupting. Pilgrim is right there to meet us. She says it has been so long since any of us have been out here that the Pitt can spare a bit of time if we want to meet with him. She comes with us towards what looks like a large fortress. A foreboding fortress. We go inside and to a large room where there is an even larger demon. Lord of the Pitt is sitting on what looks like a throne, well he is really more kicked back on the throne and relaxing. Nomad transforms into a somewhat demonic looking form and walks right over to the Pitt and starts talking to him as if they were old friends. The Pitt doesn't seem to mind. Nomad says that the round of drinks is on him. He summons up some beers, different sizes dependant on the size of the person drinking it. Pilgrim and my beers are normal size, his is medium since his demon form is a bit larger than a human, and the Pitt's is HUGE. So the four of us sit there in the throne room of Hell with the devil himself drinking beers and chatting for a while. I'm not sure how long this goes on for. I don't remember any details of what we talked about, though. Not sure how much time passes before I finally wake. City of Infection I am in what looks like a park. I look around there and see it is nice and green where I am standing, but not far off I see smoke and fires burning. I wonder what is going on there. I see that I am not alone. Nomad is there with me. He looks over at me and asks if I am ready to go. He says he has already taken out several tanks and a strike package of three helicopters that were called on him because he transformed into a big cat in front of some Templar idiots. It was fun. I look around a bit more and I see Alex Mercer from Prototype is there with us, as is Q from Star Trek. Q says the doctor is in the hospital near the center of the zone we are in. He says the dimension is pretty stable, so use mostly whatever powers we want… within reason. He looks in my direction and says dropping a massive Immortal Fire in the center of town would not be considered within reason. I hadn't even thought of dropping a massive Immortal Fire, so I am not sure why he chose to single me out. Q looks over at Alex and then at Nomad, saying such a small group should be able to get in and out without stirring up too much of a disturbance, which is what we want because stirring up too much of a disturbance might lead to a nuclear cleansing… which would be a completely pointless loss of life. Many humans were as yet uninfected, and it is only humans that are susceptible at all. Other animals have proven immune, except maybe monkeys… there were reports of monkeys in the zoo eating each other… Q looks throws me a syringe of blue fluid. He says to give it to the local Alex Mercer, it will make sure he isn't affected by the vaccine. I ask what if we don't see the local Alex Mercer. Q says he is sure we will once we start making a disturbance, and he is sure we can't do it without making any disturbance. So after saying to go at it Q disappears in a flash of white light. So we leave the area of park that looks healthy and enter the city around it. The city looks trashed, like some kind of post apocalyptic nightmare. Cars wrecked everywhere, fires burning, even dead bodies left in the street. What I notice is that there is no movement in the street. No people, no zombies, no Templars… no one. But I hear some commotion ahead, so we keep going. We come to an intersection where there is chaos. Nomad transforms into a cat man, looks part tiger, and pounces on a zombie that was about to kill some woman. He has little kitty claws that are as big as Alex Mercer's claws… and cuts through a couple more zombies with them. Alex's hands had morphed into claws and he tore a zombie apart before it could attack a couple of people cowering back against a car. I form my Witchblade into a sword and remove the head of a zombie before using Damage, Inc. to shoot a fireball at some other zombies. So we made our way down the main road leading to the center of the area, taking out any zombies in the way and healing any injured civilians we happened to find. I notice that there don't seem to be any Templars around, so I figure they just haven't noticed we're there. After all, we haven't made any disturbance that they would notice. The hospital is the largest building in the area and very distinct. There are Templars around the hospital. It looks like they are determined to keep anyone from going in or out. This is really easy to get around without alerting them. All three of us take the form of Templar soldiers and walk right into the hospital without being questioned. Once we are inside, I wonder where the lab is, where will we find the doctor? I am thinking I could do a telepathic scan of someone when I hear a noise off to my left. I look over just in time to realize Alex has just consumed someone… but who? And why? He says he knows where the lab is. He says the Templars have been holding back and waiting for the doctor to finish the vaccine so they could use it for their own purposes. But time is up… the vaccine is done. He heads down a hall, Nomad and I follow him. We pass through a couple doors that say authorized personnel only and then into a lab. I look around the room. There is a man on the other side of the room near some test tubes of liquid. He is doing something on a hand held computer. There is a woman right behind him. She is about to stab him in the back! When Nomad says something to alert the man, who I am assuming is the doctor, the woman quickly hides the knife and turns away from him to see who else is in the room with her. I recognize her right away… she's Karen Parker, Alex's ex-girlfriend from Prototype. Seeing that we are all disguised as Templar soldiers she doesn't seem particularly alarmed to see us. She speaks quietly to keep the doctor from overhearing and asks if we've come to make sure she doesn't run off with our precious vaccine. I hear some explosions outside. I wonder what is going on out there. Both Karen and the doctor look in the direction of the noise as well. The commotion dies down and all is silent again. Karen is speaking a bit louder now, asking us if we don't speak. A couple soldiers come to the door and look into the room. One of them asks if we've seen anything suspicious. He says Mercer is in the building. Karen seems a bit alarmed by that idea. The soldier says not to worry, they'll track him down. I find myself wondering, they'll track him down and then what? Get their asses kicked? The two soldiers leave the room. Karen is right next to me now, I'm not sure what she is looking for. Is she looking to see if I might be Alex Mercer in disguise? She sees the syringe of blue fluid sticking out of my pocket and asks what that is. Before I can even consider answering someone else enters the room. It's Alex Mercer, looking like himself. He says Karen should have known she couldn't hide. Karen starts making excuses, says she really had no idea what was going to happen and she is glad to see Alex is safe. Alex grabs hold of Karen, she grabs at me but just gets the syringe of fluid. On a strange hunch, I tell her to be careful with the syringe, if that stuff gets on Alex it'll kill him. She responds by immediately jabbing Alex with the syringe and injecting the contents. Of course nothing visible happens since the fluid in the syringe was just meant to make Alex immune to the vaccine. Karen looks over at me and exclaims that nothing happened. I pretend to think about it for a bit and then I say I just got it backwards… the fluid in that syringe was supposed to protect Alex, not kill him. Whew, that was close… Karen tries to pull away from Alex but doesn't get very far. He sarcastically says he can see how happy she is to see he is safe… She reaches towards me and says, "Help me…" and I can see fear on her face now. Before I even have a chance to do anything, however, Alex takes her from the room and both of them are gone. I guess I could follow them… but why? Nomad is talking to the doctor. He says we are there to make sure he gets safely out of the city with his vaccine. We head back to the front of the hospital. There is still some chaos going on there. A couple helicopters are in the air, some soldiers are yelling into communication devices to find them… and kill both of them! So no one really questions when we jack a tank. We are on our way to the edge of the city when I feel the dream slipping. I tell Nomad I will have to go, but if I'm needed I'm sure I'll be back… and then I wake up.
05/29/13 Winter Shield I am in a place I don't recognize. I have somehow become semi-lucid without remembering how it happened. I look around and I see Nomad sleeping in a bed. He is there holding Winter. I stand and watch them sleep for a while, thinking they look peaceful together and feeling lonely that there is no one in this dimension meant for me. I am lost in my own thoughts when I see that I am not the only one watching them. I look around and see there are Templars everywhere. I am not sure what they are doing there but I am sure they are up to no good. I drop an Immortal Fire spell right near Nomad and Winter. The explosion of energy incinerates all the Templars in its path. When the energy fades I see all of the Templars are gone. I look back at Nomad and Winter, feeling a little better. Being alone doesn't mean I have to give in to the Templars. I wait for a bit longer and Nomad wakes up, or more accurately he enters the dream. He looks up at me. I tell him he had been surrounded by Templars, but I got rid of them. We can get right to putting up a shield around Winter. He agrees that is a good idea, first we'll have to go into her inner world. He says he isn't sure what condition the place is in… Since I have never been in there I let Nomad take both of us into Winter's inner dream world. Once we are in Winter's inner world I see that it is in complete chaos. The place is on fire, and there are dream demons flying everywhere. Nomad looks around and then says the dream demons are only DC's. That means her inner world has fortunately not been invaded as it appears. The dream demon DC's are making things a bit chaotic so I focus on two songs at once. Enter Sandman to create a cyclone of energy and Black Hole Sun to draw all of the free flying dream demons into the center of that cyclone. There is a large explosion in the center of the cyclone and the DC dream demons are destroyed. I look around and see Nomad holding on to Winter. I focus on the song Blitzkrieg by Metallica in order to form a defensive shield around all of Winter's inner world. After that is done I focus on the song Full Moon Light to spread healing energy throughout the place. It flows to all areas of Winter's inner world as well as through Nomad and Winter. Nomad looks upset by something. I ask him if Winter is ok. He says we need to go to the healing glen. I open a portal to the healing glen and we go through it. We are greeted by the Crystal Golem. We all sit down in the tall grass, Nomad is holding Winter close to him. The birds are singing, there are butterflies flitting around as well as some other iridescent insects. An angel is singing a healing song. For some reason the healing energy isn't making me feel any better, I am feeling more alone than ever. So I get up and leave, walking through the tall grass until I come to a small pond. I sit down on the banks of the pond and look out over the water wishing I didn't feel like crying. But I am alone… so it's ok to cry. So I sit there and cry silently. I don't know how long it has been before someone is beside me. He asks if I am ok. I instinctively try to wipe the tears away, it is a habit for me to not want to be seen crying. He doesn't say anything more, he sits down beside me and puts his arm around me, pulling me close. Somehow the fact someone came to check on me makes me want to cry more, people don't do that in my waking life. I look to my side and see Altaïr is the one sitting beside me. We sit there for a bit until I hear strange noises behind me. Nomad is there, says something about smoking a joint. Winter is playing around with some kind of ninja powers. Nomad says we have to find Ezio. Altaïr says he already knows where to find Ezio. The Ezio we are looking for is from the same world he is from, just a different time period. He said he scouted the area and caught sight of a shadow templar disguising himself as Altaïr, but he disappeared before Altaïr could stop him. A fake Altaïr… that would explain the visions I got of Ezio and Altaïr fighting, it was no doubt the fake Altaïr. Good to know since between Ezio and Altaïr I would tend to choose Altaïr. I wake up, and for a few seconds I still feel Altaïr's arm around me as if he had come out of the dream with me. Shadow Ambush I am in a city I don't recognize. I look around but I don't see anything that can help me recognize the place. Something about it reminds me of a city from a video game, so I decide I must be testing out the latest virtual reality system. So I set to exploring the town. There are quite a few people wandering the streets but I don't recognize any of them and none of them seem to notice me. I continue wandering until I find several guards that seem to be bullying one man, pushing him around, threatening him… I figure it is probably an optional task to teach those bullies a lesson. So I check for weapons and find I have a sword and a hidden blade. Good enough. I go over to the guards and tell them they had better leave that man alone. The guards laugh at me and tell me I had better move along if I don't want to get hurt. I tell them I don't see anyone around that could hurt me, but this is their last chance to back off. The guards just laugh at me. One of them says maybe they should put me in my place. The guards are now surrounding me, there are five of them. The guy that had been being bullied takes the opportunity to run away. Jerk… he won't even stick around to offer a reward for helping him? Well, kicking these guys' asses should be a reward in itself. The guards are around me with their swords drawn so I draw my own sword. This brings more laughter. One of them laughs and says the little girl thinks she's going to be able to fight. One of them attacks me. I block his attack and then cut him down with a counter strike. The other guards seem surprised I was able to do that. The others attack me now, I dodge out of the middle of the group, using a counter strike to take another one out. Three left, and they're all attacking at once. I focus on one and use a counter strike, turning around quickly to find the two coming from behind me… are already dead? They haven't even hit the ground yet, and there is a man standing between them, the one who killed them. I recognize that man as Ezio. He is looking at me strangely. Ok… taking out a few guards is easy, but I don't think I'm a high enough level to take on Ezio… but I don't have to. He comes over to me, it sounds like he is going to ask me to join the Assassins, but he gets interrupted by another Assassin running up to him. He says there is trouble, and Ezio is needed right away. Ezio follows the other Assassin quickly and I follow Ezio, since he's apparently going where the action is. We leave the main area of town and end up in a small glen of trees. The other Assassin has stopped and is just standing there. Ezio asks what is going on, who is in trouble? The other Assassin looks up with a really evil grin on his face and says Ezio is the one in trouble. There are Templars emerging from the trees. They all seem to be surrounded by dark auras. Shadow Templars! There are shadow Templars in this game? Then there had better also be magic to defeat them! Ezio is instantly ready to fight the new enemies. I tell him to wait just a second… then focus on the spell song Battery to summon a lightning bolt of light energy to charge Ezio's sword. He looks at the sparking blade only briefly before attacking the shadow Templars. There are six shadow Templars including the one disguised as an Assassin. The Templar disguised as an Assassin is the first to fall to Ezio's blade. The others has been moving in, but when they see their friend go down so easily they seem to hesitate, giving strange glances at each other. I hear someone muttering about dark energy making them invincible… and a response of just kill them! Ezio takes out a Templar coming at him from in front and then one off to his right in one smooth motion. I manage to take out one attacking Ezio from behind and then counter strike the one attacking me. I turn around just in time to see Ezio cut down the last Templar. Ezio looks around to make sure there are no more Templars hiding in the trees and then over at me. He asks who I am… there was something strange about those Templars, what was it? All I end up tell him is my name… Raven Knight… then I feel like I am about to wake up. I find that disappointing. I don't want to return to my waking life. I realize I have spoken aloud, said I don't want to leave. Ezio says I don't have to go anywhere, but apparently it's not up to Ezio… I wake up.
05/26/13 The Haunting of Ezio Auditore I am lying on my back in a green field of grass. I am looking up at a clear blue sky. I have entered this dream already lucid by way of a hypnosis program. I hear the music of Metallica playing in the distance, I fell asleep listening to Metallica. I get up and look around. I am alone in the field. I remember that the first goal was to do the usual healing. So I focus on opening a portal to the healing glen on the moon. A portal opens and I go through. On the other side I am near the healing springs. Nomad is already there, and Winter is floating in the water. I go over near Winter and focus on the song Voices to heal her. Healing energy flows through Winter, and through everyone at the healing springs. When we are finished with the healing I tell Nomad that we have to find Ezio. I remember a previous dream that indicated shadow Templars would be going after Ezio. I focus on opening a portal to find the instance of Ezio that needs help. I focus for a bit and finally a portal opens. Nomad immediately disappears through the portal, I follow after him. On the other side we are inside a building, it is night time. My first thought is that we are in one of the Assassin Dens or Assassin Towers off of Assassin's Creed Brotherhood or Revelations. I look around the room and I see there is someone in bed sleeping. It is too dark to see who it is. But there are strange figures standing over the bed. Five of them, two on each side of the bed and one at the foot of the bed. One of the figures near the sleeper's head takes out a glowing dagger and prepares to stab the sleeper. I yell at the figure to stop and jump over the sleeper to tackle the figure before it can stab the sleeper. I pass right through the figure and crash face-first into the floor. I look back at the figure. While I didn't succeed in tackling the figure, I did succeed in distracting it from the sleeper. I think I surprised the figure simply by being able to see it. Nomad tells me they are on the astral plane, I need to also be on the astral plane to fight them. As if to prove the point he transforms to be part panther and shreds one of the figures with massive claws. The other figures turn from the sleeper towards Nomad. I have to be on the astral plane? I am unsure of how to switch planes like that… Nomad is fighting the figures. They are attacking him with strangely glowing weapons, astral weapons. I wonder how I can help if I can't shift planes. I form Witchblade into a sword, but it passes right through the figures without effect. Nomad has now torn another of the figures apart. I see the sleeper shift restlessly as if having a bad dream. I am getting frustrated at being ineffective. I attack a dark figure, this time charging my Witchblade sword with energy. That seems to have done the trick, and I slice one of them in half as Nomad shreds a fourth. The last one is coming at me and I am able to cut it down before it reaches me. I go over to the sleeper, who still looks uneasy in his sleep. I look closer at the sleeping man… I recognize him. Ezio Auditore from Assassin's Creed. I wonder how he could not have woken up during the time Nomad and I were fighting the intruders. I look closer and see Ezio is in an uneasy sleep. I hesitate, then I carefully try to wake him up. No response. I try a little harder. No response. Nomad says he thinks Ezio is being kept in a dream state by a dream demon. We need to go into his dream to allow him to wake up. That sounds a lot easier than trying to shift to the astral plane. I find a dream crystal in my pocket and I give one to Nomad. The gems activate and we are both beamed into Ezio's dream. Once we're in the dream I see Ezio's nightmare. There is a platform with some people tied to stakes, surrounded by kindling. A man up there is laughing and about to set the kindling ablaze, burning those people alive. Ezio is trying to get to them, fighting his way through a hoard of Templars but not making any progress. It is clear he is desperate to reach those people before it's too late. I look around to see where the actual dream demon might be. I don't see any one enemy that stands out. Nomad says there are so many dream demons. I look around again, there must be the main dream demon somewhere. I finally spot that the man on the platform about to light the fire is the main dream demon. Nomad has charged into the group of Templars and is scattering them, throwing them through portals that form in the sky. I head straight for the man with the torch. When I get close enough I use the song Dream Warriors. The dream demon gets pissed off and transforms into a giant wraith. I look and see that Nomad has gotten rid of enough Templars that Ezio has reached the platform, though now he is staring at the wraith. I use another song, Enter Sandman by Metallica to create a cyclone of energy around the wraith. There is a large explosion as light and dark energies mix like matter and antimatter. As the wraith explodes there is a blinding flash of light and then the dream suddenly ends. I wake up in bed.
05/11/13 Search for Nomad I am on a long driveway in front of a nice house. I am thinking it's mine even though I've never seen it before. There is a huge yard around the house. I see rolling fields of grass and wild flowers with a forested area in the distance. I look around a bit more, the grass is tall and blowing in the wind. There is a tree with a wooden swing hanging from it. I can hear the birds singing all around though I can't see any of them. I entered this place through a hypnosis program so I am already lucid. I think I have plans to continue healing Winter since I don't yet know if she is feeling better or not. I focus on opening a portal to the healing glen. I go through the portal into the healing glen. I see the crystal golem in the glen seeming to be tending to something. I don't see Winter or Nomad. I ask him if Nomad and Winter are around. He says no, but if I need healing... I say I'll be back after I find Nomad and Winter. I focus on a portal to the healing springs on the moon. The portal opens and I go through. I am alone again. No one is there. The pools look very inviting. But where are Nomad and Winter? I wonder where they might be. Has something happened to them? I focus on a portal and on finding them. I will open a portal to wherever they are. I focus, but nothing happens. I wonder what could be wrong... I decide to try to bring them to me. I focus on my altered lyrics of Dream On by Aerosmith. The song plays through, but still nothing happens. I try again, focused on Nomad. Still nothing. I wonder what could be wrong. I wonder if they are sure ok. I am trying to think of another way to find them when the dream slips away and I wake up. Dark Tower: Defenders I am near a small camp just near a rundown looking town. It is night time and the stars shine brightly above. I am not alone there, I am there with Roland, Eddie, and Susanna. One of the first things I notice is wrong is Susanna has her legs. I think that is really odd, as in the Dark Tower books she is missing the lower part of her legs. In spite of that difference I still recognize these people from the Dark Tower series. They apparently realize I am there because Roland motions me over. He says the people of the town are too scared, and they believe there is nothing that can be done about the attacks that come. He says they are also too afraid of being infected, which is actually a valid fear. He asks if I, an assassin, will stand beside them until the end if needed. I hesitate, wondering how he knows I am an assassin, but then I tell them I will stay with them. He asks if I would happen to know any other assassins I could call on, we will be seriously outnumbered. I think of several. My first thought is MoSh. I use Dream On by Aerosmith and focus on MoSh. MoSh appears out of nowhere, much to Roland's surprise. Eddie and Susanna are talking to each other off to the side. I focus on the song and this time I try to summon Nomad. Nothing happens. I focus harder but nothing happens. I focus on summoning Spike. He appears, then asks where the bloody hell is he. He asks if I just teleported him. He says he's always glad to see me, but next time give him some warning before pulling him in. I think about that and decide he is right, it is kind of rude to just grab someone… Now I am hesitant to summon anyone else, and Roland takes my pause to mean I am done. He says the only direction the enemy can approach from is west, so we need to guard the narrow approach from the west and not let any of them pass. Everyone spreads out, the area is mostly desert so vegetation is sparse and I can see the others take up positions. There is some light coming from the east and I can now see that we are in a narrow canyon, and there is indeed no way around us. Things are approaching. They look like big trolls. And there are a lot of them. The silence of the morning is broken by gunfire. I check and realize I have a gun. That's a first… so I start shooting at the trolls as they charge through the desert. They seem heedless of the fact they are dropping as fast as they can come. I shoot one as it is about to reach me and it practically falls at my feet. In the brightening day I can see worms wiggling around in the head wound… YUCK! Its whole body is covered with those worms. I can see why the people in the town were worried about infection. The trolls just keep coming, it almost seems unfair to be using guns on them when they don't even seem to have the intelligence to realize they're dying. Finally they seem to get the picture and the ones farther away are retreating. I wonder what will keep them from coming back, or if they will actually remember this canyon as a bad place to be. I am thinking about asking Roland when I wake.
05/09/13 Healing I am lying on a blanket in the middle of a field of green grass. I lie there for a few minutes, looking up at the blue sky as clouds drift by. It is very relaxing. I am lying there relaxing when I feel something wrapping around my right wrist, it feels like a snake. I hesitate just a little too much before sitting up. A snake thing wraps around my other wrist. I look around and see I am not alone there, I am surrounded by Templars. The places where the snakes… more like tendrils… are holding my wrists are burning. There's some kind of dark energy pulsing through the tendrils. The tendrils are extending from two of the Templars, right out of their right hands. One Templar says there's nothing I can do to stop it now, they own me. I form hidden blades on each arm and twist around to cut the tendrils. There are many more tendrils heading my direction from all the other Templars. I form Witchblade into a sword instead of hidden blades and cut through the tendrils as they try to grab hold of me. There are just too many of them, they're all coming too fast. I won't be able to hold them off for long. I get another idea. I put the sword away and let the tendrils wrap around my body. I focus on the song spell Whiplash by Metallica, sending the energy back along the tendrils to their source. The backlash of energy knocks each of the Templars back on their asses. They are recovering quickly and sending the tendrils out again. I start to set off an Immortal Fire spell, but I don't get all the way through setting it up before I am grabbed by the tendrils again. I use Phantom Lord by Metallica to create a wall of fire around myself, the tendrils burn off. During the time the wall of fire is protecting me I am able to complete the Immortal Fire spell. A blast of energy extends out from me, destroying my own wall of fire and all the Templars standing around the outside of it. When the energy clears I am alone in the field. My first goal is the usual healing. Since I wasn't able to find Nomad and Winter on the moon earlier I decide to try the healing glen first. I open a portal and go through to find out my choice was correct. Nomad and the crystal golem are standing near a levitating Winter. I go over to them and focus on the healing spell Voices, directing healing energy through Winter. Golden energy is permeating the entire area, flowing through everyone there. It feels very relaxing. I hadn't realized it but I had been quite angry at the Templars for intruding on my earlier peaceful dream. I realize how angry I had been as I am calming down now. I am so relaxed I feel I might fall asleep. As the spells are coming to a close I really do fall asleep and wake up in bed. Dark Tower: Ambush! I am in a comfortable looking house with three other people. I don't remember the name of the one, but the other two are Roland and Eddie. The third man is staring at me with his jaw open. He says he never actually saw a walk-in walk in before, now he's seen everything. I tell him there's one more to join us. I think about getting MoSh into the dream. I have had an idea for improving the chances of shared dreaming so I decide to test it out with someone I know I can make a connection with. I focus on the song Dream On by Aerosmith, but I change the lyrics from "Sing with me, sing for the years. Sing for the laughter, sing for the tears. Sing with me, just for today. Maybe tomorrow, the good lord will take you away," to "Dream with me, dream of the years. Dream of the laughter, dream of the tears. Dream with me, just for today. Maybe tomorrow, the good lord will take you away." I focus on the alternate lyrics while keeping in mind who I want to make contact with. After a brief pause MoSh appears in front of me, looking a bit disoriented. Roland says we really need to get moving now, before Balazaar's goons come after us. Eddie seems to want to talk to the other man some more. Roland tells him to talk as we go. He asks who can drive. Eddie, then me, then the other man, and finally MoSh all say we can drive. It appears Roland is the odd one out there. So we go outside to where there is a car and a truck parked. I am hoping I didn't lie, I am not familiar with driving a stick shift… I need not have worried, it is an automatic. MoSh, Eddie, and the other guy all get in the truck, which I find a bit odd… there is more room in the car… I decide not to worry about seating arrangements. I drive the car, following after the truck, Roland is in the seat beside me. Roland is silent for a while, then he finally asks where exactly it is that MoSh and I come from… is it from Eddie's world? I don't have to figure out an answer for that, however, as the truck in front of us blows a tire and skids off into the ditch. I slam on the brakes just in time to keep from hitting the row of spikes on the road. We are under attack! I wonder how they had time to set up an ambush. Roland is out of the car in an instant with his gun drawn, he takes out two of the goons before they can react and take cover behind a couple vehicles hidden alongside the road. I get out of the vehicle quickly, but not fast enough. We are in a shootout. But do I have a gun? I don't see a gun anywhere, I am dressed in my Assassin robes, I have two hidden blades… didn't anyone tell me not to bring a hidden blade to a gun fight? Shooting is going on around me while I look for my gun. I want to help out somehow… so I sneak off to the side and into the trees. Maybe if I can just get behind them… Someone shoots at me, but he misses and leaves himself open to be shot, I think he gets shot by MoSh. So MoSh got a gun and all I got was hidden blades? I focus on summoning a gun but nothing happens. Shit. The shooting continues. I circle through the trees, and I spot a pair of goons approaching with the same idea I had. I climb up into a tree before they see me. Then as they are passing below me I jump out of the tree and do a double assassinate on the two goons before they can circle around behind Roland and the others. I think that might be why I couldn't summon a gun… if I had, I wouldn't have been sneaking around and found these two! I go to continue circling around behind the other goons when there is an explosion. Someone must have ignited a gas tank. I see smoke rising from the trees ahead, but then the dream fades out and I wake partially… I doze back into the dream, not lucid now, and time has passed. I am with Eddie, Roland, and MoSh and we are in a nice looking house talking to Stephen King, which I think is pretty awesome. I wish I had one of his books to get signed. MoSh is looking around the room. Roland is saying something about Stephen King creating us. I tell Roland that I don't think Stephen King created anyone, but he can see into other worlds that most people deny the existence of. Influence events? That seems likely, let it be written, let it be done. But create real living people? Only a god can do that. But I really want to know how he can see the other worlds, because I want so badly to see the other worlds while I am awake, to have final proof that they exist… Then I ask Stephen King if he could write me a door… a door from my own house into my inner world, or a door to any world where magic works, really. Because if I just had my powers I could go anywhere. A short story would surely do. Make the door appear in June 2013, please. In the home of Raven Knight. And not locked, or write in a key with it. Stephen King looks at me strangely, and then I wake up. Dream With Me I am in my own room lying in bed. I sit up and stroke a furry animal by my side. The animal pikas at me. Pikas? I feel another animal beside me, and this one vees when I pet it. "Pika!" "Vee!" A pikachu and an eevee. I get out of bed and do a reality check, which is something I am trying to get in the habit of doing every time I wake up in bed. I pinch my nose and find I can still breathe. I'm dreaming! My first thought is to just go outside and fly somewhere, I always like flying dreams. I think for a few minutes, then I remember I had a goal of trying to share a dream with a couple people. I decide to try my new song spell to reach someone I haven't dreamed with before, or at least not much. My first goal will be to share a dream with FH. I remember he wanted to get to the moon so I will do it from there. I open a portal. Nothing happens. I wonder why it's not working. I look at my closet door for a bit and then open it. My closet door leads to the moon. I go through the door to a place at the base of the tower. The door vanishes behind me. I focus on the song Dream On by Aerosmith, but I change the lyrics from "Sing with me, sing for the years. Sing for the laughter, sing for the tears. Sing with me, just for today. Maybe tomorrow, the good lord will take you away," to "Dream with me, dream of the years. Dream of the laughter, dream of the tears. Dream with me, just for today. Maybe tomorrow, the good lord will take you away." Now I just have to focus on who I want to make contact with. I realize I have absolutely no idea what image to focus on. I focus on the idea of bringing FH to the moon as I focus on the altered lyrics. At first nothing seems to be happening. Then someone starts to take shape. It's like a malfunctioning transporter on Star Trek. The image forms a bit, then disappears a bit, then forms again. I try to get a good look at the image but I am failing. A man, I'm bad with ages but my guess is in his 30's, dark hair, his hair is short, might be slightly receding… he is average build and height… the image is so non-descript, this could describe countless men out there. I wonder if that's what FH really looks like or if that's just how I picture him… I think the image is going to come into focus but instead it disappears. I drop an Italian curse word… Cazzo. I was also going to try to share an Assassin's Creed dream with SJ. Key note being Assassin's Creed. I focus on the alternate lyrics again, and this time I have a clear image to focus on. Pretty, long dark hair… Maybe I can pull SJ into a dream and shift this dream to an Assassin's Creed setting at the same time. So now I focus on the song, and on both of us being in an Assassin's Creed world. The scene around me does shift. I do teleport. I find myself in a place that looks like one of the cities from Assassin's Creed, the original game. I think it is Jerusalem. I am standing between two buildings, out of sight of the main walkways and streets. Perfect, I think SJ would like to meet Altaïr. As I am focused on the image of SJ someone starts to form in front of me. Then I start questioning myself… what if we get attacked by a hoard of Templars? If we get surrounded and attacked, would that make it a nightmare for her? No… I don't think so. Give her a sword and she could play virtual reality Assassin's Creed like I have done in previous dreams where I wasn't lucid. So I keep focusing on SJ. She is materializing, it is working! Someone rudely shoves me out of the way, I lose focus, and SJ disappears. I look and see Altaïr has pushed me out of the way. I step back out in front of some guards that are chasing Altaïr, and they run right into me, we all fall down in a pile. The guards quickly get up, several of them are cursing at me, and they continue in the direction Altaïr went… but I figure he is probably long gone. I am thinking about trying Dream On one more time when I wake.
05/08/13 Crystal Healing I am lying on a blanket in a green field of grass. I sit up and look around me. I am alone on the field. I remember a goal of helping to heal Nomad's friend Winter, who has been having some problems with fibromyalgia. I focus on a portal to go to the moon and it opens. I go through into the area near the balancing pools. The healing springs. I look around to see if Nomad and Winter are there yet. I don't see them. I wonder if there might be something wrong. I focus on opening a portal to find them. A portal opens and I go through, not sure what I might find. I find myself in the healing glen, the home of the crystal golem. I figure Nomad must have brought Winter here for healing since the healing in the springs on the moon doesn't seen to be doing the trick. The crystal golem is there, he is standing right next to a floating Winter. Winter is levitating about three feet off the ground, surrounded by a glowing golden aura. Nomad is watching this. Nomad says we were trying to get anyone who would help to heal Winter here. I focus on a portal to find Basara, I figure he would help. A portal opens and I see him playing his guitar. He comes right through. So the three of us all use healing spells on Winter at the same time, while the crystal golem continues his healing. A swirling orb of golden energy surrounds Winter, flowing around and through her. The entire glen fills with the healing energy, it is flowing around and through all of us. I see gross worm like things coming out of Winter... I thought those were all gone! After the healing spell is done the golden energy continues to permeate the clearing. The crystal golem says those Templar attacks have done a lot of damage, Winter needs to have dreams within dreams where she can focus entirely on healing. Nomad looks pissed when he mentions Templars. The crystal golem says anger will solve nothing, and he seems to make an attempt to calm down. I wonder if all of the parasites are really gone this time. I remember that Nomad wanted to travel through time to make himself lucid. I wonder how we can do that since I haven't been dreaming that long and I already know I'm dreaming. I am still pondering that when Nomad kisses Winter and says this will have to pass. I am pondering opening a portal through time when everything around me fades to black and I wake up.
05/06/13 Land of Confusion I am lying on a towel in the middle of a green field. It is a very peaceful setting. I sit up and look around. At first I think I am alone in the field but then I see there is a man there with me. One solitary Templar. He is watching me from a distance. I figure I will ignore him but then I remember the tasks of the month. One of them is to tell a DC that they don't exist. This should be an easy one. I go over to the Templar, who seems unsure of what to expect. He says he is just there to watch, he means no harm. I say it doesn't matter. He isn't even real. He hesitates and then asks what I'm talking about. I tell him he doesn't exist. He pauses again and then says if he doesn't exist then why do I keep killing him and his friends. I ask how I can kill him if he doesn't exist. I can't kill something that doesn't exist. He pauses again. I remember the other part of the task of the month, which is to set myself on fire in front of a DC. I've already confused this Templar, why not go a bit further. I ask him if he'd like to see someone on fire. He backs away, holds his hands up, and says no, don't do that. I tell him I'm not going to set him on fire, I'm not a sociopath. I'll be the fire. I call up a small fireball and set myself on fire. It's warm but not hot. I'm on fire but not burning. The Templar just stares. He is totally speechless. He says I really am insane. I comment that I should've known. If I'm on fire he wouldn't piss on me to put me out. Typical Templar bastard. He doesn't seem to know what to respond. I hear a meow and I look down to see Grumpy Cat roasting a marshmallow on my left foot. I summon a splash of water to extinguish my fire and then scoop up Grumpy Cat to pet the cat. Grumpy Cat submits to being picked up but looks grumpier than ever, she has a look in her eyes that says she would like to scratch my eyes out but for some reason she doesn't make any move to do so. Grumpy Cat wiggles in my arms so I put her down. She walks away, sticking her tail up as she goes as if she is flipping me the bird with her tail, telling me to fuck off. I am left alone with the confused Templar. I remember that I had been planning on checking on Nomad since I haven't heard from him for a while. I focus on opening a portal to find Nomad, and one opens. I am about to go through the portal when I wake up instead. Captive Rage After waking up from the previous dream I manage to go back to sleep and go directly back into the same dream. I am in the field of grass, the Templar is still there watching me as if nothing had happened at all. I focus on opening a portal to find Nomad and one opens. This time I am able to go through it without any annoying waking up. On the other side I am in trees, up in a tree. I hear the sounds of quite a few people not far off. I follow the sound, keeping to the trees as I go, jumping from tree to tree. I have the idea if I appeared in the trees that maybe I should stay there for now. I reach the site where I hear people without being spotted. I look down on the scene below. There are lots of Templars, some of them look like human Templars, others look like orcs. There is an altar with a woman chained down to it, there are strange things crawling all over her. The things look like worms of some kind, and they are burrowing into and out of her flesh as if it was loose soil. I recognize the woman as Winter. There are a couple Templars watching the torture, but most of them are focused on a large humanoid panther that they have chained to a huge stone of some kind. That looks like Nomad, though he doesn't appear lucid. A Templar is right beside him trying to be heard, which is very difficult considering Nomad is yelling some of the loudest expletives I have ever heard. I look back down and see the altar is right below me with two Templars, both men, watching. All of the others are distracted. I form Witchblade into tow hidden blades and jump down on the two observing Templars, air assassinating both of them at the same time. The move is silent and does not get any attention. I am trying to get through the locks to free Winter when I realize Nomad is no longer yelling expletives. I can now hear the Templar telling Nomad that the sooner he cooperates the sooner Winter will get well. He resumes cursing at that Templar. I focus on a healing spell, using Voices to send healing energy through Winter. The healing energy forces the worms out and they burn in white energy. Winter seems to relax, though she is still badly injured. I sneak around the outside of the clearing to approach the rock Nomad is chained to from behind. They are locked, of course. I use the unlock spell from Harry Potter, alohamora, to open the locks and I kick myself for not thinking of the spell when trying to free Winter. As I unlock the chains, an enraged Nomad realizes he is free and grabs the Templar who has been talking to him, practically tearing him in two with his claws. He rips an orc Templar open and heads directly for Winter. One Templar yells to stop him, another one says if the first one wants him stopped to do it himself. Nomad reaches Winter and tears the chains off of her, they are smaller than the ones that had been holding him. He looks at her and is pissed even more, tearing into more Templars with such a rage that the remaining ones scatter. I open a portal to the moon, telling Nomad that Winter needs healing. The first place I think of is the healing springs. Nomad seems to calm down when he sees me and sees the Templars are gone. We go through the portal to the healing springs. Nomad sets Winter in the water, the water around her glows with a bright light as it has its healing effect. Some dirty black stuff washes off of Winter and disperses. I use my healing spell on her again, focusing more healing energy through her. The worms are all gone now, and the wounds they have made heal closed. After the healing she seems to be sleeping peacefully. Nomad is crying now, saying he couldn't stand watching them do that to her… and then he adds that they will pay for what they've done. Everything fades to black as I wake.
04/21/13 Treasure on the Mountain I am in a green field lying on a blanket, staring up at the clear blue sky. Someone is standing over me with a sword, and it looks like he is going to run it right through me when he gets struck by lightning. I hear, "Pii… kaa… chuuu!" as the lightning bolt goes off, the attacker collapses to the ground smoking slightly. I sit up and see there are more enemies around me, and a pikachu sitting right beside me. An angry pikachu. He uses his thunder attack on more of the people standing around me, I recognize them as Templars… I use Battery and add my lightning to Pikachu's storm. Templars are taken out in a massive lightning storm. The field of green grass is now clear, though there are some burned spots on the grass where Templars got struck by lightning. I remember that the plan was to get to the moon and do some healing. I open a portal to get to the moon, then I go through into the area around the balancing pools. Nomad is already there, as is Winter. Winter is floating in the water as if asleep, she is a mermaid just floating in the middle of the pool about a foot under the surface of the water. I get in the water and feel its relaxing warmth, I focus healing energy into Winter and through Nomad's foot as well. Nomad has said the injuries on his foot are just about gone, which I am glad of. I focus more healing energy on Winter. I drift in the water for a few more minutes, or it might have been longer, I can't be sure. Nomad gets out of the water and I follow him to the moon tower. Inside the control room there is a display showing the deck of the Black Pearl, I know what ship it is because I can see Captain Jack Sparrow on it. A portal opens near the display and Nomad goes through it, I follow him. On the other side Jack doesn't seem surprised when Nomad and I just appear from nowhere. I notice we are sailing rather close to a sheer cliff on an island. The rock face climbs into the sky, it looks virtually impossible to scale. I see a ledge far up the cliff, almost to the top. I know that is where we are going. Jack says we have arrived just when needed as usual, so how do we go about getting to the treasure cave? I activate my tiara and form raven wings, flying up into the air briefly and then landing. Nomad transforms into a winged black feline, a lot like a large winged panther. Jack says something about how having a pair of wings sure would be useful… I use Of Wolf and Man to transform Jack to a winged form, his wings turn out to look like the wings of a giant sparrow. He flaps them a couple times and easily takes flight. All of the crew are watching the three of us with their eyes wide, no one says anything about wanting a pair of wings of their own, however. I pick up a golden monkey statue before taking to the sky and flying up to the cave entrance. Nomad and Jack follow me. Inside the cave there is a pedestal near the far end of the cave. There is a spot on the pedestal that is the right size for the golden monkey. I set the monkey on the pedestal, it fits into an indentation like a key. It sinks down farther into the indentation and then a door slides open in the back of the cave, a door that had been completely invisible before. We go through the door and down a long passage before coming to a huge chamber. The chamber is illuminated through a hole in the roof of the cavern through which I can see blue sky. The room looks even brighter than it would otherwise look because there are piles of gold coins scattered through the room, huge piles, it definitely looks like a dragon nest. And in the middle of the room there is a large golden egg nestled in a particularly large pile of gold. Nomad has gone over to the egg and is looking at it closely. I comment that without its mother's flame to warm it the egg won't hatch. Jack asks what I know about dragons, I tell him I have seen a dragon egg hatch one time before, and this one looks like that egg off of Harry Potter. Nomad transforms into a humanoid winged black panther and takes the egg carefully in hand. I look around and see Jack Sparrow collecting some gold in a large sack. He looks and sees me watching, he says his crew won't work for nothing… There is so much gold there that the small amount Jack collects isn't even noticeable. Nomad suggests taking more, the egg probably needs to be in gold when it hatches. I collect a bag full of gold before we leave the cave and fly back down. The door to the treasure chamber closes when we remove the monkey statue. We all fly back down to the ship where the crew is still waiting in the Black Pearl. Jack tosses his bag of gold over amongst them, telling them that is their cut to divide amongst them, they look in the bag and seem very happy with that. Someone asks what about the other bag, and what is with the egg? Jack says he's going to be a father… then indicates a chest, which I pour my bag of gold into. Nomad sets the egg in the chest carefully. I tell Jack it's going to need some fire to hatch… fire like its mother would provide if its mother had still been there. We build a nest out of hay, grasses, and some wood, and then I use a small fireball to set it on fire. The fire caresses the surface of the egg. Jack tells his crew to gather what they can find that will burn, that fire can't be allowed to go out. They start bringing various items over. I wonder if the egg can still hatch, how long has it been without its mother? I am still wondering this when I wake.
04/20/13 Stolen Treasure I am on a ship at sea, it looks like an old pirate ship. I am there with Jack Sparrow and Nomad, I look around and see Spike is also there looking out over the ocean. I see there is another ship in the distance. A sailing ship. I wonder what that ship is doing. Nomad asks if I realize I am dreaming. I do a reality check by pinching my nose and finding I can still breathe. Jack says they have already spotted us and are getting closer. Nomad says someone should distract the enemies while someone else goes in and gets the monkey idol. I see that the other ship is indeed getting closer. I am not sure if they are approaching us or if we're approaching them, but they are definitely closer. Some cannons are fired at each other, then the ships are close enough to board, and then a fight starts. I wonder where the monkey idol might be kept on the ship. I have an idea on where I need to go to find it. Fighting is going on all around me now. Someone tells me the idol is in the cargo bay, go get it while everyone is distracted by the fighting. I look over the edge of the ship and I see there is a hole in the hull of the ship made by a cannon ball. I slip over the edge and in through that hole. I now find myself in a room with a lot of crates in it, though there is one in the middle of the room with three men guarding it. I wonder why they aren't going out to join in the fight… whatever they're guarding must be very important. The men attack me when they see me. I form Witchblade into a sword and block the attack from the first one, using Battery to strike the others with a bolt of lightning. I am able to take the last one out with my sword. I go over to the crate they were guarding, keeping an eye on the exit to the deck, wondering if anyone heard that something is going on in the cargo area. I look into the crate and I find a statue made of gold in the form of a monkey. That's what we're after! I take the monkey statue from the crate and head back over to the hole in the side of the ship. I jump out of the ship and telekinetically fly over to the Black Pearl, depositing the statue on Jack's ship. I telepathically tell Nomad that I have the monkey statue. He and the others fighting on the other ship come back to the Black Pearl. We are already moving away from the other ship, it seems they are much too slow to catch up with the Black pearl. A few more cannon shots are exchanged before we are out of range, leaving the other ship far behind as they are still trying to turn around in order to follow. I am watching that ship disappear in the distance as I wake up.
04/19/13 Healing Quest I am in a wide green field completely surrounded by Templars. This is getting to be an old scenario which I am quickly growing tired of. I decide to completely ignore them this time and I open a portal to the moon. I go through the portal and slam it closed in their faces as some of them try to follow me. On the other side of the portal I find I am at the healing springs on the moon. Nomad is there with me, and Winter is relaxing in the water. I focus healing energy through Winter, and then more through Nomad. I stop and think for a minute… I remember saying I would try to heal a friend on Facebook who said she was getting the flu. That person, who I will refer to as SJ for her privacy, had chatted with me on Facebook and I agreed to help her by trying to heal her flu before it gets too bad. I wonder how I am even going to find her since I have only talked to her a couple times and have never met her. So I focus on the energy I felt when I was chatting with her on Facebook, focusing my natural ability to track and trusting it to find her. A portal takes a little time to open, but finally it does. I go through the portal into a dark place, though it is just dark because it is night time. There is a woman there who looks familiar, she looks like the photo I have seen on Facebook, she is even dressed in the Assassin costume she has used for her profile picture. She looks at me and smiles, she gives me a hug and thanks me for coming here to help. I tell her it's really no problem, I would like to be able to use dream healing to help more people, one problem seems to be that a lot of people don't accept that it works. Part of it might be my own self doubt… so I focus healing energy through SJ, directing the energy to back up her own immune system in fighting off the flu virus that she has said is trying to make her sick. Golden energy flows through her as she is standing there. I tell her there is a place she might want to see, it also has a very relaxing and healing effect. I take her back through the portal to the healing springs. She looks around the area, seeming to like what she sees. Nomad wants to know who my friend is, he says she looks like a dreamer from our world. He asks if I met her on Dreamviews. I tell him I met her on Facebook. He gets out of the healing pools and says hello to SJ. Winter doesn't respond to our presence, she is still floating peacefully in the water. I slip back into the water, telling SJ it is very relaxing. I close my eyes and relax, letting the healing effects flow through me as I fall asleep in the dream and wake up in my waking life. Wizard Glass I am in a cave with some other people. I look around to see who is there. Roland is sitting near the mouth of the cave holding a box, there is an orb inside the box that is black and it seems to be glowing with black light. I go over closer to Roland to see what he is doing. He is just sitting there gazing at an open door. The door appears to be set in nothing but air, and I see a moving picture through it. I see Eddie through the door, and I remember a time when Roland held the box open while Eddie went through the door to take care of some things. I wonder why I might be there, I have the idea things aren't as they were meant to be. I hear voices talking from the back of the cave, they are saying all sorts of negative things. My mother is telling me she is so very disappointed that I am a useless lump in life, saying I shouldn't still be dependent on her at my age… I remember the nature of the voices so I make an effort to tune them out. I go over to the entrance to the cave. I see some people approaching the cave on the path. They are limited as to how many can approach the cave due to the narrow and winding path that approaches, but there are quite a few of them. I think maybe I should have some backup, and the first person I think of related to the Dark Tower is MoSh. So I open a portal to find MoSh and one opens. There is a strange interaction between the portal I have opened and the strange door, lines of force flowing between the two gateways. MoSh comes through the portal. Some invisible force tries to pull him through the door, but as soon as my portal closes the force dissipates. I look back out at the approaching people, they look like Templars to me. I wonder what they are doing there. I figure whatever it is they want it can't be anything good. One of them approaches the cave entrance and sees MoSh and me there. He sees me right away but has not seen MoSh, since MoSh is off to the side and a bit closer to the door. He points a gun at me and says he is here for the orb, so step back while he takes it. MoSh doesn't give him a chance to try to shoot me, he shoots the Templar who has come to steal black 13. The others behind him respond by firing weapons at us, weapons that are far too advanced for the time period the Dark Tower takes place during. Automatic weapons, high caliber fire arms… someone throws a grenade in which I kick back out. It goes over the edge before it explodes. That was apparently not agreed on as I hear a lot of cursing after it explodes, someone calling someone else an idiot and saying that would destroy the thing they were after. So there is a shootout from the cave entrance, MoSh and I are able to pick off the Templar attackers as they approach. The others take cover around a corner in the path and are out of reach. I look over at Roland, but he appears to be zoned out into another world, I wonder if he has even heard the gunfire. I figure black 13 is responsible for his current condition. MoSh and I make our way out of the cave to intercept the rest of the Templars before they can resume their approach. There is another shootout at the bend in the path, MoSh and I take out more of the Templars as they retreat back down the path, there is a lot of cursing from them. Roland is then near us, he picks off a couple more Templars that are trying to circle around below and shoot at us from there. Eddie is there now, too. The remaining Templars disappear through a portal at the base of the cliff. I wonder what there will be to keep them from returning and stealing the black 13 later when no one is there. Roland has apparently thought of the same thing, he says he would rather not have it that close, but they'll have to take black 13 back with them so they can keep an eye on them. He asks if MoSh and I know who those people were who were after the ball… I tell them they are trouble, and apparently they have decided to put themselves in our road. It is here that I wake up. Treasure Hunt I am on a ship at sea with some other people. I see Nomad not too far away and I see Captain Jack Sparrow standing right beside me. He is pointing out over the ocean to a rocky looking island in the distance, it seems we are heading for the island. Jack says something about the lost treasure being there, in a wrecked ship among treacherous rocks. Another pirate says only a crazy person would get close enough to attempt to claim the treasure said to be in the ship's hold. He laughs and returns to his duties. As we get closer I am able to see the treacherous rocks and the ship that is wrecked somehow in the middle of them. I wonder why they had been heading there in the first place. We get what seems like dangerously close to the rocks before Jack tells the crew to stop. We'll have to get closer in a smaller boat, which seems a bit dangerous, too. I decide I can swim it better. I jump off the ship before anyone can tell me to stop and dive into the water. I find I can hold my breath for quite a while, and I swim near the bottom side of the ship… which is actually the top of the deck… and I find hatches that lead to the cargo bay. I surface for a breath and go back under to the cargo hatches. It takes a bit of effort to open it but the hatch finally comes open. I swim inside and find there is a pocket of air trapped within the ship. There are crates and things lining the walls, many of them have fallen over and spilled random contents on the floor, which is actually the ceiling. The air smells stale. I see what looks like a loose plank in the side and I see it is a covered window. I open it up and a rush of fresh air flows into the room. I call to the others that I found a way into the cargo bay. Nomad and Jack join me in the ship's cargo hold and we start looking through the containers. I find a chest full of gold coins, that is the first sign of treasure I have found. I tell the others I have found treasure. Jack looks at the gold but doesn't seem all that interested in it. He says that's not what we're looking for. He says go ahead and take what I can, but what he is looking for is a golden idol, a statue of a monkey that is said to have magical powers. A monkey statue? I start looking through other containers, I am not finding a monkey. We have soon searched all we can get to. I swim underwater to check out a few more containers that I can reach. I find more gold, but still no golden monkey idol. Jack says they must have already gotten it. I ask who. He doesn't seem to be paying any attention to me for the time being. He goes back outside the ship and gets in the boat to go back to the ship that brought us there. The ship, now that I see it from a distance, looks like the Black Pearl. It is a cool ship. We are heading back towards the ship when I wake up.
04/18/13 Ambush I I am in a green field, I am completely surrounded by Templars. I don't really want to take a lot of time on these Templars. I tell the nearest Templar that I am about to drop an Immortal Fire in case they would prefer to leave before that happens. No one responds by leaving, instead it looks like they are about to attack me. A strange energy seems to be radiating off of them. I use the Immortal Fire spell and create an explosion of fire that expands out from me… Before the fire has even faded I open a portal to the moon, heading for the balancing pools. I go through the portal and into the pool. Nomad is already there with Winter, and he seems to be trying to heal her. I focus healing energy through Winter and also through Nomad, I figure to get rid of the remaining sores on his foot. I am still focused on the healing when a dark shadow passes over the healing springs. I look up and see there are huge winged creatures in the sky over us. They look like giant bats or wraith horses, and each one has a Templar riding it. They are in the biodome? They dive down and are attacking everything in sight. They are dropping energy bombs. The bombs are exploding and spreading dark energy all over the place. I use another Immortal Fire that creates only light energy, I don't want to cause any more destruction than the Templars are already causing. A blast of light energy extends out from me and incinerates the Templars, along with the dark energy bombs they are dropping. I get on Stardust, a winged unicorn with flaming mane and tail. I ride into the sky and survey the area around the biodome. There are Templars attacking everywhere. There are Templars attacking over a city down below. The city is around a large temple. Nomad has followed me into the air and immediately attacks the Templars. I use the song Battery and strike a number of Templars with lightning. I fly down over the city and see there are all different races living in the city, all of them being attacked by Templars. I wonder what it is the Templars are after… I activate another Immortal Fire, and create another explosion of light energy. The light energy is destroying all of the wraith Templars it hits. I land in the city down below, feeling a little drained now, maybe too many Immortal Fires at once? I see Nomad blowing on what looks like the Horn of Eld from the Dark Tower series. Shortly after that I notice there are many others in the fight now, many of whom I don't even recognize, but they seem to be fighting against the Templars. The fight is still going on when I am unable to avoid waking up. Undercover I am with some other people just outside a town. I see some people sneaking into the town. The people disappearing into the town are Templars. The Templars are disguised as civilians. I am there with Nomad and Altaïr, I notice they are disguised as the Templars are. I am in the same disguise. We enter into the town. Q appears and says the Templars are aiming to plant dark energy bombs in various parts of the city, he isn't sure if the goal is to gain control or just to destroy everything, but it has to be stopped. So we split up and head into the city, looking for the Templars or the bombs they have left. Nomad and I are near the castle in the center of the town when we spot a couple of Templars leaving a bomb. We each take out a Templar with our hidden blades. Another Templar says something about a traitor, but doesn't get a chance to sound the alarm before Altaïr silences him. I hear someone calling for help from inside the castle. We all go in and follow some stairways down into a dungeon where there are several Templar wraiths torturing an orc. We still look like Templars, so they take no notice of us. We easily get close enough to covertly cut the bonds holding the orc back. The orc grabs an axe from a surprised Templar and cuts him down with it. I take out a Templar right beside me using my hidden blade. At first they seem to think there are traitors among them, but it doesn't take them long to realize they have been infiltrated by Assassins. Nomad is throwing Templars through portals, he says something about them respawning if they are killed. I use Through the Never to open a vortex portal to somewhere around Pluto, and it pulls a pair of Templars through it. It will take them a bit of time to get back from Pluto, I figure. I then wonder if they won't just open a portal and come right back… The orc we freed has no ideas of sending Templars anywhere except the grave. He is about to attack me when I transform back to my Assassin form and he stops quickly, realizing I am not an enemy. I return to the surface and scan the area using Eagle Vision to see if I can find the remaining Templar infiltrators. I see the trails they have left, though it is not that easy to follow. I am not sure which way they went in! I follow a path to a bomb, which I send through a portal to a void between worlds where it won't hurt anyone. I get attacked by what looks like a random civilian, but is actually a Templar. I see him coming since he is glowing red, I see him in time to dodge his attack and counter with one of my own, forming Witchblade into a sword which he practically impales himself on. I see other people who look like Assassins searching the area for any more bombs. I wonder how many Templars got into the town. I never have a chance to find out before I wake. Ambush II I am in a hotel room, it looks weird there, sort of like a dream. Maybe it is a dream. I pinch my nose and find I can still breathe, so I know I am dreaming. I hear a lot of cursing from nowhere at all. I recognize the voice of the person cursing as Susanna Dean from the Dark Tower books. I am not sure how I recognize her voice, but there is no doubt in my mind that is who it is. She is getting angry at her alter, Mia, for setting Eddie and Roland up to be killed. I remember the scene in the book that this is referring to. I talk to Susanna telepathically. I tell her that no matter how many hired goons have been set on Eddie and Roland, it won't be enough. Mia asks who the fuck I am, she says she didn't know before and wants to know now. I tell her to be glad I don't want to alter the story enough to kick her sorry ass right out of there, and send her chap along with her. She says I couldn't do it, but she doesn't sound too certain of that. I have to get to Eddie and Roland. I focus on opening a portal to find them, and it opens, so I go through. I am near what looks like a truck stop called the Dixie Pig. As soon as I appear there someone starts shooting at me, so I hit the dirt. As I am there on the ground I see I am not alone. Eddie and Roland are both there, Roland is looking at me strangely and Eddie looks a bit disoriented. We are being shot at. It is the small army sent by Enrico Balazar to intercept Roland and Eddie. Roland asks where my friend is. I focus on a portal to find MoSh. The portal opens and MoSh comes through, hitting the dirt as he is also being shot at. Eddie seems to be coming around, and we all start returning fire. I shoot a couple hired goons that are closing in on us from beyond several parked cars, behind which the remaining people take cover. Not all of them make it, however, Roland shoots three, Eddie shoots two, and MoSh shoots two. There are at least five more hidden behind the vehicles. I see someone else coming onto the scene. Nomad is riding what looks like a saber tooth tiger and shooting with a couple revolvers. He flushes the five goons behind the car into the open and shoots a couple of them, the others are left open to being shot by Roland, Eddie, MoSh. We make our way to the gas station area of the truck stop as more hired goons close in on us. An 18 wheeler comes barreling out of control and crashes between us and what looks like a couple dozen more hired goons. Roland wants to go out the back, there are three customers in the place that are staring wide eyed at us. Roland tells them all to get down, but only one of them does it. A couple older women get shot and collapse to the ground. Eddie recognizes one of the enemies and refers to him as old double ugly. Double ugly seems to recognize Eddie, and hesitates much long and gets blown away by Eddie. I notice for the first time Eddie has been shot in the leg. Some hired goons are coming around each side of the truck stop, and some are coming through as we get out the back. None of them get very far before we cut them down. John, the customer that is still alive, says he has a way to make an exit but we need a distraction. Roland shoots one of the fuel tanks and starts a leak. John throws a lighter to it and it bursts into flames. We all head down a path behind the truck stop as the gas pumps burst into flames. We haven't gotten far out of the way before there is a huge explosion behind us. It looks like it must have taken out quite a few of the goons with it, I wonder if any of them managed to get away. We all pile on a boat and head out across a lake to put distance between us and any remaining goons. Roland, Eddie, and John talk a bit but I don't pay a lot of attention. We get to the other side of the lake and enter a boat house. I tell them I can do some healing. Eddie looks a bit confused, Roland looks at his right hand, flexing all five of the fingers there. He tells Eddie I can do it, but hurry. I find the bullet wound in Eddie's leg and focus healing energy through it. The wound begins healing and quickly closes up. I also heal a bullet wound in Eddie's arm and a bump on his head. I look over at Roland, but he says he is fine. I grab his arm anyway and focus healing energy through him, I remember he was having some trouble with arthritis… which I am sure I can't cure, but I think it should help some anyway. And I have even less time than they do, I feel I am about to wake up. As I focus healing energy through Roland everything around me fades and I wake up.
04/16/13 Field of Dreams I am lying on a blanket in a green field, I have just entered a WILD. The field is a very nice place, and a gentle breeze is blowing across the grass. I see I am alone in the field. I try to get up but there seems to be something holding me down. I can't move. I wonder if I am experiencing sleep paralysis. That seems odd, I haven't had a problem with that in the past. I try again to get up, but when I find I can't move, I decide to let myself relax and enjoy the feel of the soft grass beneath me and the gentle breeze blowing over me. But I feel like I'm not alone… so I don't want to stay still. I look around and I don't see anyone. But I feel them there. I lie back in the grass and try to feel who might be around me. I sense hostile intent. I don't like the idea of being in sleep paralysis and surrounded by enemies. So I focus on the song Dark Power of Abyss and try to do an Immortal Fire. The spell goes off, though it isn't as powerful as it usually is since I can't move. What it does do is break my sleep paralysis so I can get up. I look around and I don't see anyone, there is no sign that there was anyone there at all. I focus on opening a portal to the moon, I remember plans to continue healing. A portal opens and I go through to the balancing pools. When I get there I see that Nomad is already there, as is Winter. I go over to Winter and focus healing energy through her, hoping to keep her fibromyalgia under control. I direct healing energy to Nomad's foot to get rid of the remnants of the sores he has there. After that is done I sink into the balancing pools. It is very relaxing. I sink into the warm water and fall asleep in the dream. The Goblin King I am with a group of other people at the entrance to a castle. I recognize the people I am with. Nomad, Spike, Bakura, Altaïr are all there. What I notice is that while I recognize them all, everyone looks like a Templar. I look like a Templar. I wonder why we are all dressed as Templars. Templars are a dream sign, so I do a reality check and become fully lucid. There is a group of Templars going into the castle, and we go into the castle with that group. No one notices us there and the gates close behind us. Nomad says we have to find out where the Goblin King is being held. I look around for some sign that might tell me where he might be. I see one door that has a couple Templar guards on each side of it. I wonder if that might be where we need to go. It doesn't look like they're even letting Templars through the door. I get over closer to them and notice they are watching me closely. I focus on reading them telepathically. The door does indeed lead to a dungeon, and that is where the Goblin King is locked up. They are under orders to keep everyone out except for a select few Templars. It also appears that the guards are under orders to kill the prisoner if there is any sign of a rescue attempt. I move on before anyone becomes too suspicious. I tell the others I know where the Goblin King is being held. I am thinking one of us will have to disguise ourselves as a specific Templar when I see someone approaching the door. I pull invisibility cloaks from my pockets and pass them around, we slip through the door behind the Templar guard that they allow through. On the way down to the dungeon Altaïr takes out the single Templar, who has a key to the lower areas. The dungeon is empty except for the Goblin King and a couple more Templars guarding his cell. Nomad takes out one of the guards and Spike takes out the other. Inside the cell we find there is a goblin chained to the far wall, he looks very cranky. After letting him know who we are we try to unlock the chains, but the key doesn't fit. I use the Harry Potter unlock spell alohamora to open the locks and free the prisoner. He is clearly not in the mood to make a stealthy exit… he charges out of the room like he thinks he can take on every Templar in the place by himself. We follow him out of the dungeon and get to the main level of the castle just as he is bursting through the door into the main courtyard. Nomad fires off a flare, no doubt indicating it is ok to make a move now. I hear a commotion from outside the castle, it sounds like there is an army attacking the castle. The Goblin King is under attack, though no one is attacking the rest of us since we still look like Templars. I use Battery and call down lightning to strike Templars as they attack the Goblin King. No one seems to know exactly where the lightning is coming from. They notice when it appears several Templars are helping the Goblin King, however. Something is smashing at the main gate of the castle. Nomad gets over near the gate and pulls the lever that opens it, allowing a swarm of goblins into the castle. Now everything is chaos. I make sure to switch back to my usual Assassin robes, I don't want to be a target for the goblins. I use the song Damage, Inc. to call fireballs to hit Templars. The fight doesn't take long before the entire place is overrun by goblins. I see a portal in the back of the castle with the last few Templars retreating through it. The portal closes just before the goblins reach it. I am thinking that must be the last of them, and it is here I wake.