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    1. Yucky Dream

      by , 06-25-2010 at 02:18 PM (xFaithfully's Dream Journeys)
      June 24-25, 2010.

      I had a dream that I was inside my mother's house. I thin there was a guy and a girl in the bed in my brother's room. I went to do something, and then a few minutes later he was on our living room couch moaning, I think he was with a doctor. So I went and asked the girl what happened. This is what she said:

      "I was laying at his feet. (And then she said something about a broken leg, like she rolled over it) Then he had fallen off of the balcony...and his arm had fallen off."

      Then I woke up.
    2. Strange Dream #3

      by , 06-25-2010 at 02:12 PM (xFaithfully's Dream Journeys)
      June 22-23, 2010.

      I was at this supermarket's restaurant, and my sister S and I were standing in line to order. My mother was already eating in the next room. So my big sister K was on a field trip I think, and they were supposed to go eat there. They came in long, tan limos. I went outside (the outside looked very familiar) and saw most of the teens either sitting on top of the cars or standing on the sides...it was crazy. So when they stopped at a stop light I took advantage and hopped on the side of SG's car. When they pared, she said something rude to me, I think. We then went inside and I was bumped to the back of the line with my sister S. A few minutes later I said, "I've got to go to the bathroom. Will you come with me?" She murmured fine. But we didn't go to the bathroom, we went to my mom. I asked her about something and she told me to go gurgle bodywash! (The bottle looked a lot like the kind you get at CVS) I can't remember what I did next, then I woke up.
    3. My Scary Demon Dream

      by , 06-25-2010 at 02:05 PM (xFaithfully's Dream Journeys)
      June 21-22, 2010.

      My little brother had died for an unknown cause. He came back to life as a demon, I think. My dad, and I'm not sure if the rest of us were there, but I was there too.
      I would say to my little brother, "It's okay, it's okay." while backing up and crying.
      (I was really scared) His face would turn a deep dark red and he'd start running toward me. My dad stopped him somehow. He then disappeared or something, because he was all around us. This guy was there to help us out I think. There was fire everywhere. He had this contraption mind control thing, it almost looked like a toy. He pressed the button and fell to the ground. His head started shrinking. I was gasping in horror. (What the toy thing did was transform you into a cat and leave your body there, almost like Avatar, except your a cat) I knew that Tom was out to get me, so I quickly pressed the button. I then felt my head shrinking, like a swirling sensation. My image went black, but I appeared as an orange shorthaired cat, and I could feel I had a tail. I think the other guy, which was a cat, told me to do something, but I can't remember what we did. I think I then woke up.
      Tags: scary
      non-lucid , nightmare
    4. Some Fun

      by , 06-25-2010 at 01:10 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)

      Yay! I got a stripe on my belt! Anyway, for my dreams:

      1- In Which Hazel Does Not Act Her Age
      My brother comes into my room with this old (fake) sword that he used to have. He begins knocking things off my shelf and just being a pest in general. When he doesn't stop like I tell him to, I throw a temper tantrum like a five year old. O.o After it is over, I wonder why I am acting like this... Oh, it must be a dream. I reverse time and handle the situation more maturely.

      2- A Family Outing
      I go out to a really strange restaurant with my family. I don't trust these people, something isn't right... As predicted, the owners are up to no good. They are locking people in cages out back. Well, they certainly aren't going to get ME. The only problem is, they have some kind of strange machine that makes them not feel pain. "We'll take care of it," my parents assure me as they allow themselves to be locked up in the cage. "You act as the decoy."

      No problem. I take off, and the crazies are quick to give chase. Hm, if I could just run a bit faster... But no, they're still catching up to me. Time to fight. I fight like an expert, but it doesn't matter. They can't feel pain and I can. Just as I am beginning to think I will lose, the one standing in front of me suddenly crumples to the ground, crying out. "Ah, shit, they broke the machine!"

      I grin in triumph as my parents and my brother arrive on the scene. "Took you long enough!"
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Laser Sniping

      by , 06-25-2010 at 12:26 PM (My poisoned mind O_o)
      Success, after 3 days I remember something of a dream I hadn't realized just how much I wasn't remembering dreams lately...
      Only a fragment, but here goes.

      I'm playing a game, but I'm in it... I'm playing against 2 other people, one of them is B. The scenery is remarkably blue, but I don't remark on this. I make my way to a ramp and spot B. I take aim with my sniper, but noticing the blue laser pointer coming from it I point the gun down and change to my sniper, I don't want B to see the laser before his time comes. I don't get this, I did have my sniper, but I changed to another one. I take aim again, he's seen me and is lining me up. He's too late, I take the shot and head shot him. This is very odd as in any game I've ever played there's no way I could do this to him. He would see me first and I would just see him as I die. Later I wake up while feeling that my girlfriend is upset for some reason.
      A fun dream, oddly blue, with a curious end... I have no idea why I dreamed about her being upset, she only featured in the last half a second of my dream, and that was her being unhappy. Also about about 8000 km away from her.

      I remembered another really fun dream I had one time, amazing sights.

      I'm walking between the flats at my house, it's night but seems unusually bright. I look up at the sky and my breath is taken away. Thousands of slowly spinning asteroids fill the sky. Sparkling in a myriad of colors. I explain to the people around me, a small group, 2-3, and they weren't there before, that the earth must be passing through the asteroid belt.
      That view was absolutely amazing, one of the most truly amazing looking things I've ever seen in a dream. Very memorable. A bit scientifically inaccurate, but who cares. Science is for wl, not my dreams.

      I've been trying some methods to gain lucidity, mainly WILD's, but also for DILD if I can. However this has been I think a bad idea, as waking up in the middle of the night when you have to be up for school at 6 am and you're in the middle of semester end test week... Well I've been fairly tired. I think maybe this has been causing me to fall asleep too easily too, and hence not being able to transition into lucidity. So I've just been interrupting my sleep for no reason effectively.
      So I'm gonna start on my dream recall for a while instead of trying for lucidity atm, as that evidently needs work.
    6. battle dream

      by , 06-25-2010 at 12:13 PM
      i dreamti was in this huge field,following a trail through hedges. At the end of the trail i saw 2 bees flying towards me, and their buzz was unnaturaly loud..I'm irrationally afraid of bees, i don't know why. suddely i was iin this ocean and i dropped to the ocean floor where this giant bee kept smashing me with boxing gloves.
    7. mabe lucid dream

      by , 06-25-2010 at 12:08 PM
      i am not sure if this dream was lucid or not but it was pretty unusual so mabe it was

      i was in my house and it was dark, twighlightish. I think I started to realize i was dreaming, but I didnt have time to finish because these huge clawed furry hands gripped the corner of the wall down the corridor. I remembered I had seen those hands in a photo, and I had only seen the hands, not the rest of the body.
      So I deceided to talk to them, I dared them to come round the corner.I had thought my brain wouldn't know how to create the rest of the monster because it wasn't in the photo i had seen. i was right. The hands came round the corner and scuttled towards me like spiders. at that point I woke up.
      Tags: nightmare
    8. medieval dream

      by , 06-25-2010 at 11:58 AM
      I dreamt i was in this medieval village, and I wasn't sure what I was doing there, and It seemed to me i was aimlessley wandering around for hours. then suddenly i was in this ocean and a huge mechanical arm was trying to crush me... I woke up afraid and then I think I had a nightmare afterwards.
    9. medieval dream

      by , 06-25-2010 at 11:57 AM
      I dreamt i was in this medieval village, and I wasn't sure what I was doing there, and It seemed to me i was aimlessley wandering around for hours. then suddenly i was in this ocean and a huge mechanical arm was trying to crush me...
    10. Log 2

      by , 06-25-2010 at 11:50 AM (World of Kaos)
      Dream starts off in a warehouse where I have just woken up (false awakening). I go onto my computer to post my dream journal for the morning, only the computer does not work for some reason. There are people inside the warehouse, some of them had something to do with paintball, don't necessarily remember what. I decide to go outside and take a shower, so I proceed outside to this movable structure and shower. We all leave the warehouse down towards a 7-11 when it starts to snow in the parking lot. Big drainage hole. I grab my back that was at 7-11 and proceed backup towards the warehouse. An old lady starts yelling at me for no reason.
    11. crow dream

      by , 06-25-2010 at 11:32 AM
      i dreamt that I was in my school playground and i was barefoot, and wherever i stepped the ground was poited and spiky. After a while of constantly jumping in pain, i turned into a crow and flew for a half-second, after which i woke up.
    12. the most horrific dream i ever had

      by , 06-25-2010 at 11:27 AM
      last night I had casualy looked into my sister's room from outside the door right before going to bed. I had seen this figure a lot like a person which shook me a little, but I went to bed. I dreamt I was in my house and i looked in my sister's room and she came out. I looked down the corridor and saw my sister come out of a different door, see me and my sister next tome, and say, "hey whats happening?!" I suddenly felt really scared and then I was in this dark, smoky tunnel and there was this sort of little zombie girl walking up to me, and then I woke up.
    13. flying dream

      by , 06-25-2010 at 11:20 AM
      I dreamt I was in this country where everypone was expected to fly, and everyone found a way to fly. I found this really od style one person stunt plane, and i had this model called Gordon something who was the greatest stuntplaner who had ever lived. There was this turtle who kept tryig to steal my stuntplane, but ever managed to because it was too slow. Then i found this gigantic dragon, which I could smmon from another dimansiion, i wanted to show it to my friend but when I tried I got this small dragon which was slow and pretty boring. After that I woke up.
      Tags: non-lucid
    14. escape dream

      by , 06-25-2010 at 11:14 AM
      the first part of the dream i was i this futuristic landscape, where everything was dark and automatic. i fell into this river and had trouble swimming in it, and it was deadly cold. Then suddenly i was with my family and we were in our house and we were tiny ad we couldn't get out of it because there was this gigantic person stopping us. At the end we made this really complicated plan while being constantly pressured by this watchman and desperately preparing, and then finally we managed to distrct himand escape through the window.
    15. duplication

      by , 06-25-2010 at 11:08 AM
      I dreamt that I was in my school and I could create perfect copies of any person or object. i was very excited the whole time and whenever i used this dream power I had a great feeling.i remember duplicating a football and a bathroom, then I woke up.