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    1. The goal of Hockey

      by , 01-02-2011 at 10:33 PM
      I went to class with one of my friends. I was not signed up for the class, but just went for one day. I did not have any of the materials needed. I sat down with my friend, we all sat cross legged on the ground, facing the female teacher. Once she begun class, everyone opened up their books. I remember the text being a light blue on white. I did not have the book so I looked at the person's next to me. I was rather confused and had no idea what was going on, and decided to leave the class and wait outside for my friend.

      Later I was walking with my boyfriend and a friend down a road. They mentioned a Hockey game being played on Tuesday night at 8pm. I then remembered...I am on the hockey team, and we have a game this morning at 7:30! I asked them what time it was, and they said 7:36. I being run down another road, wondering if I am going to get kicked off the team for not showing up to our game. Somehow, I managed to get to the game before it started. I was in my pads, white and green, very similar to the Star's white jersey. I sat on the bench with my hockey stick, a guy telling me to look at the big tv as I was on it. I didn't look, instead tried to play it cool. I noticed I was the only girl on the team. I wondered if the other team would treat me the same as the other guys, or be more gentle. It was then I noticed the other team, in white, blue, and red. There were two girls on their team also. Soon I was on the ice. I was able to steal the puck from a player and shoot it along the edge, and another player of mine gained control of it. I needed to block some players on the other side, and did successfully. The player on my team with the puck attempted to make a goal, but the goalie seemed to stop it. But they had not, and I barely tapped it in as they flung themselves on the ice in an attempt to block it. It seemed to go so slowly as it went it, but surely enough we scored. I remember looking at the coach, telling me I needed to switch with another player and rest on the bench. I attempted to skate over, but didn't seem to go very far. I was suddenly unable to skate, and the dream ended
      Tags: hockey
    2. 01/01/2011:

      by , 01-02-2011 at 09:38 PM (Adventures of a 21st Century Dreamer)
      lucid,non lucid,comments

      Futuristic Ninjas:

      I was watching a ninja war from above. I didn't have a body, just awareness. The battle field was like a wooden maze with huge parks in certain places. There were two factions, gold and black, they looked like regular ninjas only their suits looked futuristic and they had helmets with visors. The gold ninjas were winning. I kept wondering why ninjas were fighting each other head on. Clearly the gold were winning, so if I was the boss of the blacks I would employ sneak tactics. But instead the ninjas would teleport to each other and then start using martial arts. There was a gold ninja standing on top of a building just watching the fight like me, I assumed he was the boss of the golds. I zoomed in on him,and he was radiating a lot of energy...

      Suddenly I had a body, I was a ninja dressed in all black..shit!. With my visor I could see what was actually happening when two ninjas came head to head, their arms would rapidly fire bursts of energy and if you took too many hits you die. I was crouching behind some stacks of wood, paranoid that some gold ninja was going to kill me any second. Everything felt so intense...then I saw a gold ninja about 200 hundred yards away, I took the quietest step of my life thinking if I can get to him before he turns around..instantly I was behind him, my right arm just acted on its own and fired two deadly shots into his back( cowardly I know but..I was a ninja!)

      Now I was out in the open, I needed a place to hide but there was nothing. time skips and it turns out I killed about five ninjas with my tactic, as I'm finishing off the sixth the gold boss notices me. He seems faster and stronger than everyone on the battle field, I start running for my life. It turns out the ninjas weren't tele-porting, just moving faster than my human eye could perceive.

      We leave the maze and end up on a high-way somehow, I take a glimpse behind and crash into a truck?. With my back on the wind shield I look up and the gold ninja lands on-top of me, about to unleash a deadly blow...my little sister wake me up

      Way home:

      fragment of me getting lost and some guy showing me the way back home, but it involved climbing buildings and mountains. and then at the end he waved goodbye and said shalom?.

      Updated 01-16-2011 at 01:38 AM by 40241

      Tags: black, gold, ninjas, shalom
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Soldiers, skiing, maze,

      by , 01-02-2011 at 09:27 PM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      * I think I am in some kind of game. I am in a complex of old abandoned buildings. I know that there are black and white soldiers around. They wear futuristic armour, similar to the iron man or star wars one. I am going up on an outside staircase circling around a concrete column. Suddenly there is one of those black soldiers. Somehow I know it's my friend "El". I start shooting at her. She falls on the ground. I pick her up and carry her up the staircase and put her down behind a corner. I take of the Armour or scaphander. She wakes up. I am thinking to myself, that they must have it somehow timed up that she wakes up at the right moment. (this last bit doesn't make sense, but this is the way I remember it).

      * Wehave a New Year resolution that we are going to eat healthy. My friends and I meet up in our kitchen. There is"Mk" and "Rsh" and I. Mk brought three bags of salad. "Mar" is going to cook something. "Mk" wants to go to Tesco, but can't make his mind. He asks if I go too. I am thinking whether I need something as I know that when I go, I buy loads of stuff that I don't need.

      * It seems that we are around TateModern or similar kind of building. There is supposed to be a big balcony with a garden or playground. However, we find here just a massive hole with some columns erected in the middle. Something is probably being built there.... ((then I'm talking nonsense about Mk and Mr, New Years resolutions and news :-D)

      * I went skiing in my village. There were many skiing entertainments. There were snow dunes and. I jumped and spun on those. There was also big snow wall, as half U ramp. So I was jumping on it too, but towards the end, there was less and less snow to the point that I had to stop.I tried to sky though, but I couldn't. I had to walk.

      * I was in some kind of psychology experiment. I had to get through a maze. I was playing against other people. It was taking place in a basement of some large and old building such as supermarket. My goal was to find documents and money, so I could get out from the maze. As I walked through I saw draws and wardrobes everywhere. The documents and money were supposed to be in one of them. I had to run and search for them. I found some in one of the wardrobes in an old blue, flannel jacket. It was a valet with various documents and money. However, there was no ID that I needed to get out from the maze. (there was a woman playing against metoo. I thought itwas my neighbour " "Kourilova". One farmer asked her whether she was pregnant. She got angry and told him not to ask her that ever again! I don't know where is this last bit coming from or what does it mean. Bizarre)

      ** this was an extraordinary colourful night. Looking forward to more of those.
      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Bacon

      by , 01-02-2011 at 09:08 PM (My world, my rules)
      non-dream / dream / lucid

      Sonhei que eu estava no meu quarto (onde já deveria ser mais de meia noite) assistindo um filme (provavelmente Corra que a polícia vem aí/The Naked Gun), com a luz acesa. Depois, resolvi ir até a cozinha. Lá, encontrei um prato com várias fatias cruas de bacon. Curioso sobre o gosto, resolvi experimentar. Percebi então que o bacon era a carne de porco que tinha sido servida na virada do ano (com filetes de bacon em cima).
      Terminando de comer o bacon, fui para o banheiro escovar os dentes. Não me lembro mais o que aconteceu, mas nesse momento eu suspeitei em estar em um sonho.
    5. Lady's Man

      by , 01-02-2011 at 07:33 PM (The Midnight Train)
      Lady's Man (Non-lucid)


      I am at an old man's house. He is rich and has a big house. There is also a girl there and I am not sure if she came with me or she lives at the house with the old man but they get along well.
      All of us are leaving for some lunch but something is wrong so I decide to stay behind with some jealousy. I walk back towards the house which looks like Tricia's as they drive away in the cool blue sports car.
      Tags: homestay
      dream fragment
    6. Accessing old dream memories and creating a portal.

      , 01-02-2011 at 07:25 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      I'm at university. The classes have just ended and I'm leaving the classroom, planning on going home.
      I ponder about what to make for dinner as I walk down the hallway.
      The hallway ends at some point and you have to go right into the next hallway in order to keep going.
      As I look up I see the end of the hallway, the red wall which I see every time I leave the university, but this time, it is very different.
      There is a message written on the red wall. It's written in white paint, as if someone had painted it with their fingers onto the wall.
      It looks a bit sloppy yet elegant in some way:

      "You are one of the chosen"

      I immediately become fully lucid.
      Someone wrote me this message a few days ago in waking life. I found it mysterious at the time,
      but it appearing in my dreams must mean it had a stronger impact on me than I initially thought.
      I don't bother to RC or perform any stabilization techniques.
      I feel like there is absolutely no need to, but more importantly, I'm rather preoccupied with something else:

      I suddenly "remember" how to open a portal to other places.
      The memory came very sudden and without context. It's a memory from childhood dreams.
      I can clearly remember how to open the portal, like if I had done it 100 times, but I cannot remember one single situation where I actually did open one.
      I feel that there is an immense amount of other memories where that one came from, but I'm unable to access them.

      I consider the possibility that it could be a false memory. I've started reading WakingNomad's DJ: http://www.dreamviews.com/f107/nomad-chronicles-82576/
      Maybe that's where the idea comes from?
      No. I'm entirely convinced this is my own memory, and it is real.

      I'll create a portal!
      I start drawing a circle with my right index and middle finger in front of the red wall.
      I begin at the 6 o' clock position and move clockwise.
      I know I could do this a whole lot faster, but I want to feel and experience every single detail of it.
      I also remember that this is not the way I used to travel, I had a more effective way.
      Where do these memories come from? Are they really from childhood dreams? The memories are so real...

      As I reach the starting position again the image in front of me distorts slightly, like touching the surface of still water.
      Right now the portal is useless, I haven't created the exit point yet.
      Before I do that, I decide to verify how well I'm doing. (This is why)
      I'm nearly fully healed, my aura is quite smooth again, though I still feel like I'm lacking a lot of energy.

      I choose the first thing that comes to my mind as an exit point for the portal. It's a place in Italy, on top of a mountain, it has an amazing view.
      I give the portal a slight nudge with my right middle finger. It opens.
      It looks like it leads straight into a void. But I remember that's what portals look like.
      I feel excited to go through the portal. It feels like there are dangers associated with it, but I also feel that it is safe for me.
      I step through...

      ... I fall out of the portal and it closes behind me. Something just happened but I can't recall it.
      I look around. The portal worked, I'm exactly where I wanted to be. The view is amazing, and I really enjoy the fresh breeze of air on top of the mountain.
      I feel very good, I just achieved something big, though I don't know what it is.
      I make a mental note to investigate my childhood dream memories in the future, though I don't know how. Something is hidden in there, something important.
      I remember that I need to look for "her" as well.

      Well of course! I can just open a portal to her.
      I remember that finding her aura requires a lot of energy, I may not have enough and it feels dangerous toying with it in my current situation.
      I should wait until my energy is fully recovered.
      But... I don't actually need to find her. I suddenly realize I know where she is!
      She's on the planet where she taught me how to walk on water.
      I want to open a portal but I suddenly realize the place is too far away, I don't have enough energy, at least not right now.
      The planet is in the Andromeda galaxy... it is very far away.

      Somehow I feel like all of this is supposed to happen.
      Maybe she hasn't shown up recently because she knows I'd remember how to open a portal and find her?
      The dream slowly fades away, I make no attempt to stabilize it.
      lucid , memorable
    7. How Do I Know If I Had A LD?

      by , 01-02-2011 at 07:22 PM
      Hello everyone, this is gonna be my first thread on DreamViews. By the way this site is awesome and perfect for all the questions I ask myself on the topic of dreaming.

      So like alot of other newbies, I want to have some comfirmation on whether or not I had an LD last night. I believe I had 3 last night and I only learned what it was at 11:00 last night.

      My first one I was sleeping then woke up (real life not a dream) then checked if my ipod alarm was going off in my earphones and it wasnt, then i rested my head and closed my eyes and then I heard the alarm going off and I knew I was in that transitional stage. Then I popped up on mars or some other planet and there was a huge power plant about 50 stories high to my left. I then wanted to fly and I started flying and I flew around the plant looking at it and controlling where I wanted to go. NExt I remember being in a school room. and I was there with some short friend of mine ive never seen before. Then a big green giant was there and the room turned into a small science lab big enough for one island table in the middle. he was going to attack us then I didnt know what to do then i remembered reading a thread on here about saying someones name and they will appear in front of you if you cant make them appear yourself. I said superman and he was behind the green monster and then we left. I was in the hall with 2 other friends and i started running up and down the hall way, i then wanted to fly so i lifted off the ground and flew a little, i then jumped farther than usual. my next one i was right behind my computer chair. i started levitating upwards and flying up then landing and being very exhausted.

      If you read this whole thing can you please help me? How do i know if they were or not. and how will i know in the future?
    8. 1/2/11 - 5

      by , 01-02-2011 at 07:16 PM (Somniloquent G)
      Today is by far my worst recall day of the year. :( This is what happens when you get less than 7 hours of sleep. :?

      [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Black"]1/2/11 - 5[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="#808080"](Non-lucid)[/COLOR][/SIZE]


      [COLOR="#808080"][/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"]1) Fragment: I'm looking at the forums and looking at one of the threads icedawg started. I don't actually read the post - I just look at icedawg's avatar, etc.

      2) I'm scrolling a map, kind of like a video game. I overshoot where I wanted to look at and see India. India has people working and the farms are being farmed. There are blocks like in Minecraft that the people are working on. I scroll back up [/COLOR][COLOR="#808080"](there was probably more here, but I forget) [/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"]and when I scroll back down I see that India has been evacuated. There's no one there anymore - the whole place is gone. They had to leave because they were too poor, and it's really not fair that they had to leave their homes. I figure they must have gone north to try to work in some American industrial city.

      It's a holiday, and either I got something for my brother or I didn't. There was some commotion about this, but I can't remember. My mom is there, too.

      3) We're in a game of Minecraft and I decide to harass Mark75. I'm going to cause him lots of problems by griefing his area, so I destroy the blocks around him and mine upwards. I go to the edge and look back, and what I've done is much worse than I had intended: He's trapped now on a pillar all by himself. I must've destroyed pretty much the whole map. There are just two pillars and even the ocean floor is gone. Someone else is atop the other pillar (Seeker?).

      4) Same as 1. [/COLOR][COLOR="#808080"](Literally, the exact same fragment. I woke up around 6:00 and had that image of icedawg's stuff that's to the left of all his posts, and when I woke up around 10:00 I had that exact same image in my mind.)[/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"]

      5) I'm on X Street and it's become a swamp. There are people floating on rafts. I notice two of them - TheLucid and someone else [/COLOR][COLOR="#808080"](I forgot who.)[/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"]. The latter had an avatar of a doll with straw hair.[/COLOR][/INDENT]

      Updated 01-02-2011 at 08:24 PM by 40334

      Tags: d_v, minecraft, mom
    9. Airplanes, Rifts, and some nice meals.

      by , 01-02-2011 at 06:17 PM
      Okay, this is my first Dream Journal entry. I Might as well say this now: I have bad dream recall, thus my working on this.
      I do not know how many dreams I had, nor which ones I am describing here. I will begin with what I first remember.

      In this dream, I was a child, a boy, probably on a school trip. I remember being in some sort of mall, with lots of food shops around. All of the other children were eating at McDonald's, and I was eyeing this one girl, sitting there with the other little girls. Something happened, and I wanted to pee. Looking around, I saw no signs of a bathroom, so I decided to open the zipper on my jeans, and pee inside the trash bin. Don't worry, it was the organic-labelled one. The dream gets cloudy here, and the next thing I remember was exiting some place, probably a bathroom, and going to another restaurant.

      Now, I do not recall which one it was, but I may have seen it in one of Amsterdam's airports. Or was it London's airports? Well. I enter it, and one of the clerk guys offered me some sort of food with blue cheese and a beer, I do recall that beer being an English one. I order it, and then someone I know inside the dream appears. A woman, no more than 30 years old, but I do not recall her face. Only that she was wearing something that may have been pink. She starts to scold me for not being with the other children at McDonald's, and my comeback to that is:

      "But McDonald's is the worst place to eat! They make horrible burgers."

      Now, it gets cloudy again. I remember eating what I ordered, some sort of cheese sticks and...I do not recall what else, but they were absolutely delicious, creamy and gooey and cheesy and wonderful. And, I may speak, I've never eaten blue cheese in my entire life. The same woman appears again, and I offer her some of my food, saying something like "Here, you will understand what I mean.". She proves it, and, like me, finds it wonderful.
      "See? I told you it was good." I tell her. I offer my food again, saying we could share, and that is all I remember from this dream.

      Now, in the next dream, I was in an Airplane, the last seat. It was preparing to leave, so I was getting ready, buckling my seatbelt and everything. Then, the airplane departs, and I'm no longer seeing myself, but the airplane, as if my eyes were a camera on the top of it. Lots of ducks were flying, trying to avoid the turbines, and the pilot comments on it. "Lots of ducks here, we're going to move to another place.".
      Suddenly, the plane has legs. Mechanical legs, of course, that I was not seeing. But I was hearing the heavy smashing sounds. Even with legs, it was going at 300km/h, according to the pilot. More travelling, and finally, we find some sort of downwards highway, in which the plane starts to fly.
      That's all I remember.

      That's it, folks.

      Oh, yeah, in some part of it, I may have been playing Rift Online, and, astonished, may have tried to ask around whether the game was in an early open beta or not.

      Updated 01-02-2011 at 06:19 PM by 40607

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    10. 1/02/2011

      by , 01-02-2011 at 05:56 PM
      Apple from Fridge
      I get an apple from the fridge, walk over, and sit down on the dining room chair. My sister comes out of the back of the house and says to me
      "So yah, your gonna have to drive me to the funeral very soon, like now actually"
      For some reason I do a nose pinch RC....which doesnt work. This was the third time I did it in the dream, and for some reason, nose was plugged in it.
      I said, "Do I have to?"
      Michelle said, "Get your butt off that chair and take her"
      Tina then show me a note, showing me a note from her ex, to tina, after I saw him one day. He said something along the lines of he never wanted me to meet him ever again, and he hated my ass. I thought, how rude. She said he was just mad that she dumped him. I shrugged my shoulders
      End of dream
      Dream Guide LD
      So, I am walking along a street, and do a nose pinch RC, it works, I'm a little surprised, because everything is a bit realistic. The dream starts to do that weird rotation on me, when its about to fade, so I rub my hands, and do a little spin, and then shout STABILITY PLZ. I get mediocre stability, something Id prolly expect from being sick for so long and forcing a lucid. I go up to the nearest person, whos this aztec old lady. I ask her where my dream guide is, and she pauses for a moment, and then says, on 21st. I say, That far away? Come On man" She pauses again and says, its right up on the left. lol. So I go up to this house, and ask the lady of this hostel type place where my dream guide is. She says right through the door in the back. I open it, and its this young white dude with metallic blonde hair. He's just putting up his sheets on his bed like he just woke up. I ask him how to recall my dreams better. He gives me a quirk and says, "(He also said not to tell anyone, only to tell them to meet their own dream guides)" I laugh a little, and say, are you for real?" He chuckles, and leads me outside. I get kicked out of the dream, and I say HELL NO in my head, and I concentrate, relax, and reenter in the same spot. He seems a bit happy that I could do this. I look around at the scenery to get a grip on the dream, and prevent it from fading. Then we start talking. He starts morphing into an old friend of mine, and starts making crazy faces at me. I laugh, and he says," Get a girlfriend, its best to lose the-" Dream fades, I reenter, and he's up on the building, he waves me up there , and I try and climb, and he laughs, kicks me off, and says, "Jump" I jump, and he smashes me to the ground. I faintly here him say as the dream fades "Better luck next time."

      Overall a great dream, and very funny. He seems like a cool dude, one that likes to morph a lot, as I suspected in the beginning. Even his energy sig morphs a little. But he taught me what I wanted to know at the time, so all's well.

      Disneyland Arabian nights
      I was in some sort of pool, and an event where people slid into the pool. We were under a gazebo. My Dad was there,so was Michelle my stepmom, and a couple of my brothers. Then one of my friends Jeff came to meet my Dad, and he held out his hand to shake, and my Dad refused to shake it. This surprised me, and he said that my friend looked like a hillbilly bum. As he said this, my friends stomach got really large for a second(RC) absurdly so, but I waved it off as a trick of the eye. My friend scooped my Dads limp hand up, and shook it anyways. I told my friend, lets go, cause I was pissed, and we went to meet up everyone else. As we were walking along the disney resort, there were these purple tents that looked like Arabian disney/magical purple tents that everyone was sleeping in. We either jumped, or ran to the tent where everyone was at. This dream was really realistic btw, I thought this was actually happening IWL, even though I was aware of my surroundings, I was surprised to wake up in my bed And once we got to the tent, everyone was there in the group that I met over in California, and then this other dude showed up. They started discussing money to pay for the tent, as it was rather expensive, and I said I'd stay with my parents. They were like, "Ahh thats too bad". We continued to have a great time, and thenI woke up in my bed and was like WTF, where am I.
      Astral projection attempt
      I was in the vibration stage, and it was hurting like a motherf-er. I continued to try and project, and then I began to see everything around me without my eyes open, which made me open my eyes, and that shut off the projection. I closed them again, and was vibrating, opened them, wasnt. I chuckled to myself. I did my best, but I felt that I didnt have enough energy in my weakened state. So I decided just to go to sleep.

      Pretty much, Ive been really sick, to the point of developing a rash, but I figure if I really do my best to recall my dreams, and do WILDs and shit, then when I cease to being sick, Ill be phenomenal at it. Sort of like training with internal weights. ITs really difficult too lol.

      BTW, I came across an old task for WakingNomads meet your Dream guide for his Shared Dreaming class yesterday, and I was like WTH, and decided to do it. So, belated success my friend. belated success.
    11. Jan 2 2010

      by , 01-02-2011 at 05:31 PM (Mah Journal)
      I was at some sort of camp thing. We had to set up tents on this lake. The lake had a rocky bottom and lots of water fowl. We were walking along the edge of it, trying to get to the end to set up the tents.

      Something happened, and we ended up having to cross the lake yet again. But this time, there were a bunch of dead birds. I was in the lead, and I shouted to the back that the water fowl was dead and was causing the water level to rise. There was barely and rock, and we were walking in the water, clinging to the posts and trees by the shore so that we wouldn't fall in. I kept trying to tell everyone how high the shore was, but no one seemed to listen.


      I was at home. I had to quickly make dinner since we had to leave soon. My mom was there too. She had made spaghetti the night before. I quickly piled some into my bowl along with some cheese. Then I spread out some apples and a few other dishes. I watched the spaghetti explode in the microwave, and was worried that the bowl would shatter too. Luckily it didn't; it just came out bubbling and steaming like mad. I quickly ate the spaghetti and then realized that there was fruit to be eaten too.


      I had the most wasteful LD ever. I was in a room, seemingly a changeroom, with a booth that seemed like a restaurant booth. I decided to go to sleep on it. Then I felt myself separating from my body. I floated up and let myself rise as much as I could, until my head bumped against the ceiling (that hurts a hell of a lot more than you would think O.o). But, my throat was parched to the point it hurt, so I swallowed, and that sent me spiraling back to reality (!@$%#!*&@%^#!%^%# &!^# ^!#$^ &#!$ ).


      Had some other dream, can't remember it at the moment... will edit if it comes back to me.
      lucid , non-lucid
    12. A base? An Army?

      by , 01-02-2011 at 05:27 PM
      Been waking up more than usual, I didn't feel like I did get any sleep, but thinking about it I remember an army? And a sandy base. The second I re-read my dream Journal for Yesterday, I remembered the sandy base which then lead me onto remembering some sort of army, or someone dressed in the uniform.

      I don't remember quite what I did, I don't remember seeing myself. But I do remember that I wasn't walking... I think I was floating?
      A confusing dream. Shame it wasn't Lucid - what I was hoping for.

      Whilst trying to become Lucid - I kept telling myself, stopped and then tried getting to sleep my eyes started to change, I could no longer concentrate on anything. The way I clear my mind, is creating a store, clearing it of racks of items and just leaving the counter. The counter being my objective. My mind stopped concentrating on that and just went away, I wasn't thinking of anything. But I do know I could feel everything, I was hoping I would make the switch around the time, but I'm unsure how to execute that at this point in time. I'm currently using DILD. But as suggested, I won't try properly until I've done a week or two of my Dream Journal. This is certainly a new enjoyable experience.
    13. Digimon, modelling and another predictive title XD

      by , 01-02-2011 at 05:17 PM
      I'm standing in this huge japanese market. Numerous shops line both sides of a dirt street. The buildings that the shops are tunneled into appear mexican, but signs hanging down above them have a japanese flair. I appear to me marcus damon, and im here because of the latest craze: miniature customisable aerial RC plane combat! I enter the large archway into the shop. There are hundreds of mini aeroplane parts, ranging from propellors to machine guns. A plump, bald, bespectacled man is sat in the store. He helps me to pick a starter plane and parts. This man seems similar to the one I met in my first LD, who taught me how to use dreamworld abilities, except this guy doesn't have a beard. Could he have shaved...?

      Im now driving down a motorway at night. Me and my mum are moving to a new town, or so it would seem.

      We're at the new town. Im in a house with two other digimon tamers, both girls. There are bunkbeds, and bunkbaths (like multi - level baths). For some reason I say "You guys are awesome. Better than a bucket of sex!" What? What does that even mean?!? Anyway, we go out into the town, and come to a railway surrounded with trees. It's still night, and I see two small dragons flying down. They appear to be digimon, and one joins me. However, he then seems to communicate with his old tamer, Seto Kaiba ( I've been watching too much YGOTAS rofl ). Seto Kaiba the abruptly kills him. We all swear vengeance and decide to kill him.

      Unfortunately, the scene changes once more. I'm in my living room with the battle of five armies boxed set. (Because my dreams involve so much implanted memories, I'll just colour them differently) My dad bought it for me and my brother as a present. I open it up, and everythings already painted. However, the giant mountain that was promised is missing. Instead theres a tiny hillock. I grow annoyed, until I lift it up and reveal a massive snap together mountain underneath XD.

      I wake up shortly after and take a while to realise I dont actually have the set
    14. Nothing Much

      by , 01-02-2011 at 04:23 PM
      Buying this really comfortable chair with wheels and springs from a car dealership
      New years party

    15. cats

      by , 01-02-2011 at 04:13 PM
      I'm playing basketball at the park. It's a beautiful sunny day, no wind, perfect for my jumpshot.

      We have trouble keeping score of the game (which happens in both waking and dreaming) but the game finally ends.

      I get into my car to drive home and hear a tiny "meow". Down on the floorboard are two kittens. 2 more poke their heads out of the glove compartment and in the back seat are the mother and 2 more kittens.

      "Got to find homes for cats again" I think as the dream fades.

      We've got 4 rescue cats in waking life, the last one is a red tabby my daughter found in the snow outside her dorm room at college.

      A couple of months ago this red cat jumped onto my lap and ran across the keyboard of my computer as I was about to enter a dream in my journal.

      He typed 3 letters on the screen. "r-e-d". What is it with dreamers and cats?