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    1. ToTM Completetion + A tiny Mole Gecko!

      by , 07-02-2010 at 11:37 PM (Enter the mind of Mr. Baggins)
      Dream Lucid Comment

      I was laying down in on my bed, in my room. It was very dark but I could still pick up the shadows and shapes etc. I thought I will try have a WILD so I went to grab my drink but I got disstracted by a weird shadow on the wall, it was in the shape of a lizard when I woke up.

      RC + Drink then back to sleep for me!

      I was back in my room, it was sort of sunny outside so I decided to get out of bed. I walk into the living room and see my friend texting someone on his phone. I turn around and look out the window behind me and see the sun but I also see the shadow of a person moving along the ground, I turn to my friend "WTF... Did you hear my mum get up?"
      He did not reply so I waited to see the person, it was some Indian lady wearing a purple head thingy (Sorry, forgot the name) and in a white dress. I thought nothing of it, she just calmly walked around the cars and looked and smiled at me as she went out of my view "WTF.." I think to myself as I'm walking back to my room.
      In my room I laid back down and was going to try WILD when the thing on my wall caught my eye again so I decide to investigate. I take a look at it, it has a brown furry body like a tiny gecko with a moles head "Awesome... never seen one of these before!" I poke my head out my door "COREY!!! Come check this out!"
      I hear my brother come running "What? What?"
      He looks at the thing on my wall and his mouth drops in awe "Wha... What is it?"
      "I have no clue but he is mine now"

      The scene changes

      Now me and my brother are sitting down next to my bed observing the animal/insect, it is now like a bigger lady bug with 10cm high whiskers. "Must be a Wombat!" My brother says.
      I look at him weirdly and look back at the thing, it is now just a bigger lady bug, everything is the same just overgrown. I tell my brother to get out but he refuses, we get into a big arguement about how come he should stay and observe. He finally gives up and puts hand down to get up... Squashing the coolest thing I've ever found! I begin to get teary as I wake up.

      RC + Drink

      I tried to WILD but failed + This dream has a long boring part which I will cut out.

      I'm standing in my room, it is really dark again but this time I can barely see anything. I hear a noise... someone is in here with me and I begin to get scared. I see a few sparks when a green flare is lit and my whole room is illuminated, I see the man who had just lit it he turns to me and says "We're watching you, always have and always will" I get scared when there is a...

      Scene Change

      I'm standing near my dresser and it is fairly bright outside. I look down and see my ipod touch and decide to play some Megadeth. I select it but no sound comes out "Weird.. oh I didn't turn it up"
      I click the button on the side multiply times when the music goes Extremely loud but I turn it down as quickly as it went up "Wtf... they don't go that loud.. I must be dreaming!" I look around and am excited about being lucid "Wait.. better RC!" I pinch my nose and breathe in. I look at my hands which both have 5 fingers so I decide to do the RC with my finger through my hand (I've never done it before and was wondering what it felt like) with a wriggle and a push my finger goes through. I moved my finger while through my hand and I could feel the bone so I just pulled it out and went outside. I started running screaming out how I'm going to fly but when I jump I fail, so I try to make someone appear "When I turn around CT will be standing there!" but I turn around to no CT. "Hmm.. I should ring her" I pull out my phone and it was already calling her.
      "Hey where are you?"
      "At school, where you should be!"
      "What.. it has just started holidays.. tripping balls much?"
      "Fuck you then" she hangs up.
      "Well I'll be damned, shes not happy..."
      I look around to see if she was hiding but when I turn around I'm getting chased by Bees "Bees... WTF!! Why are they chasing me?" I'm flailing my arms around in the air like a maniac as I head for the door.
      Inside I go looking for my mum so the first place I check is her room and she is there "Mum, how can I find someone in a dream?"
      She looks confused and says "Like everything, the net"
      I look down at my hands to RC cause I could feel I was waking up when I got distracted thinking about how to find someone over the internet like my mum said.
      The I woke up.

      Updated 07-02-2010 at 11:41 PM by 33190

      lucid , non-lucid , task of the month
    2. Beh-beh-beh Bumblebee (Fence Autosymbolism part 2)

      by , 09-29-1981 at 03:29 PM
      Morning of September 29, 1981. Tuesday.

      A seemingly shorter dream (after a series of unrelated dreams), deemed shorter in conscious afterthought (which consequently probably seemed much longer than it was, almost “timeless” at the time) involved a boy’s spirit (a young boy, Scott R, who my sister was watching in real life at the time, as his mother had abandoned him) somehow becoming part of a bumblebee, yet also moving about in an invisible “cloud” of some kind at the same time. He is singing a melancholy song about being a bumblebee. One line is “Beh-beh-beh-bumblebee” (which is not a stutter but a slow musical intonation). It almost seems like a sort of prayer as well as a “cheerful” yet somehow mournful inference.

      At the waking stage, he lands on the top of the south fence of the backyard of my sister’s house on Loomis Street, which divides her backyard and the neighbor’s backyard.

      This is part 2 of a random but extensive set of dreams pertaining primarily to fence autosymbolism (which means it is inherent to the dream state, not waking life). A fence is rendered as a metaphorical barrier between the dream state and the waking world, though can also serve as induction and dream state revivification in some cases (though not as often as doors do in my case).

      In addition to liminal space autosymbolism, the very common dynamic of vestibular system correlation is present, with a bee as representing synaptic gating (due to the association with a bee “buzzing” and loosely associated with electricity as such). Thus, the bee is the preconscious factor of this dream. (The preconscious is often personified, and because the bee seems to have Scott’s essence on one level, it is partial personification here.)

      An additional but inexplicable factor is that the boy (Scott) also had the same dream during the same time period (though from his viewpoint as actually seeming to be a singing bee). Most people do not accept shared dreaming (or in fact anything they cannot explain) even though I have experienced it continuously since earliest memory, especially with Zsuzsanna. However, this series is for explaining fence autosymbolism and to help rise above the deception of “interpretation”. People will believe whatever they want regardless of someone else’s knowledge and experience. After all, each life is unique.

      In part 1, I wrote a little about the relevance of the rabbit. In that dream, it was a factor of returning to deeper sleep (even though it occurred during what would otherwise be the waking process), while this dream is a factor of closeness to waking (and was the last dream of my sleep cycle). (The rabbit goes under the fence but is stuck for a time within the fence itself. The bee in this dream lands on the fence with the assumption it will keep flying. Neither dream relates to waking life, but the dreaming process itself.)

      Updated 06-02-2018 at 05:41 PM by 1390

    3. The Bee

      by , 11-12-1977 at 05:12 PM
      Morning of November 12, 1967. Sunday.

      My parents and I are living in what seems like a large, long, abandoned brick building, seemingly off a lesser-used back road (narrower end to the road), that could have served as a school at one time, such as a large Kindergarten venue. I am not sure what state it is in, probably Wisconsin and in a rural area of La Crosse. There is also the idea that my sister Marilyn (unmarried in my dream?) and brother Jim may also be living there. There are no other buildings around and I do not see any cars anywhere. It is mostly like an open field outside of our home. I do not actually see my parents or relatives.

      There are a lot of outer (oriented inward) corners where outside walls join. A large bee is in one of these inward-oriented corners. There are sparse (pale violet) wildflowers here and there around the building, but mostly sparse grass, both green and dry, as high as seven inches or so in some spots. I walk around outside and am somewhat concerned about the bee following me or possibly even stinging me. This does not happen, though. I try not to do anything that will draw the bee’s attention even when it is on the other side of the building. Also, at a couple points, I can carefully look around a wall to an inward-corner to tell if the bee is in that particular area or not.

      This was related to a real life event and a comment by my brother Jim regarding bees; “If you leave them alone, they will leave you alone”. I try to hold onto that idea in my dream, the idea of which probably created my dream to test that theory in the first place, thus this dream has been “explained” as a “testing ground”. Evidence: Isolated field and school-like building. The inward-corners almost like a “two-sided box” to check progress now and then.

      “The flower doesn’t dream of the bee. It blossoms and the bee comes.” - Mark Nepo

      Updated 07-22-2016 at 11:45 AM by 1390

      Tags: bee, bumblebee
      non-lucid , memorable
    4. The Bees Come in…

      by , 11-26-1976 at 05:26 PM
      Morning of November 26, 1976. Friday.

      In my dream, my last one of this morning (the sun already up in reality) it seems to be late morning, perhaps around ten o'clock or later, as my Cubitis bedroom is bright from daylight streaming in through the windows. I am still aware that it is winter. It does not seem that cold to me, though. Though it is Friday morning, I get a sense that it is Saturday morning.

      I am in my bed, having seemingly been sleeping and not yet fully awake. My bed (lengthways east to west) is out from the left side of my bedroom’s door - that is, the east inner door to our living room from my room’s viewpoint (in contrast to the door to our carport from my room, on my north wall). I become aware of several bees slowly coming into my room from under the door. They do not sting me or even come near me, and I am only slightly wary of a potential danger. They seem a bit disorganized and very slow, sort of hovering in the air (close to the floor) at times, maybe even a bit sluggish from the cold. (In real life, there is a big enough gap under this door for larger bees to come through from the living room, though this has never been much of a concern).

      Although I notice a few more large bees over time (though not unrealistically large), nothing happens. They mostly remain in the area near my door and not much higher than a foot from the floor.

      This dream colored my mood in a curious way, not in a negative sense, just of an unusual indescribable elusive awareness. This may be related to my associations regarding my quitting of school (in the first few weeks of tenth grade), as bees used to fly in and out of empty soda cans within a small fenced-in area for placing recyclables near the roofed outdoor lunch area - and thus were sometimes very annoying. However, a few friends and I later spent more time near the outer north wall in the same general area though where no other students went, even though it was just around the corner. Another influence may have related to having seen “The Savage Bees” the previous Monday, which probably combined into a composite association (relating to those afternoons at high school during lunch).
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