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    1. Crossfit Battle

      by , 10-12-2014 at 09:00 PM
      Non-Dream Dream

      Recall is a little better this morning - hopefully I'll be lucid again soon!

      Dream 1: The city is falling apart and the ground is opening up to reveal fire down below. It has a video game feeling. That is all I remember.

      Dream 2: I am having a pool party and I am a goalie in a water polo game. I also steal a fence from a neighbor.

      Dream 3:

      My friend AG invites me to a crossfit-like gym that looks kind of like a large warehouse inside. My wife is with me and is hesitant to participate because there is a very large crowd there. I am walking past my wife, about to do my first exercise, and I notice that one of her nipples is showing. I motion to her to cover it up. A fat woman next to me also notices the nipple and starts to make fun of my wife. I start talking back to the woman, defending my wife, and I notice that the fat woman's nipple is also showing. Then the workouts begin. The first couple of exercises involve jumping over a very high fence and using a jump rope that has a heavy block in the middle of the rope.

      After a couple of exercises everyone make a large circle and a beautiful, muscular young woman walks out into the middle of the circle. She is supposed to fight someone who is not there. I volunteer to fight in his place. The game / fight consists of her trying to get me down on the floor any way possible and there is a time limit. After her time is up I try to get her down on the floor. She tries everything to try and get me down on the floor. She even picks me up off of the ground but I always somehow precisely counterbalance her movements and she is unable to throw me down. It is now my turn and I do a gentle leg sweep and slowly lower her to the floor. She is extremely frustrated and angry at how easy it was for me to win. She gets up and attacks me with some kind of jump kick. I catch her legs mid-air and pull her forcefully into my waist. At this moment we are both very turned on and emotional (love). She wants me to communicate with her through my heart (literally with my heart, no speaking). I express through my heart that I have very strong feelings for her and that I very much want to be with her but I am married.
    2. Coyote Attack

      by , 09-25-2012 at 09:10 PM
      Non-dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I am house-sitting for my parents in their old house on Pam Ln. My wife is with me and we are sleeping in the master bedroom downstairs. The bedroom looks very similar to what I remember as a child except in addition to the sliding door out to the spa there is another very large window behind the bed. My wife wakes me up. It must be morning because we can see clearly out of the windows. She is very concerned because we see a coyote walking across the window by the spa and our cats our outside somewhere. I try banging on the window to scare it away but this doesn’t work. After this attempt I resort to tormenting the coyote. I am laughing at it, scratching on the walls, yelling at it, and talking shit on it because it can’t get inside.

      Suddenly it gets dark outside as if it were nighttime again and the coyote grows bigger. More coyotes are outside now and they are trying to get in. I regret my previous actions and I am now frightened. The coyotes are very intelligent and one of them is talking to me – it called me stupid. My wife and I move upstairs to my old bedroom, closing two doors behind us. We are almost certain that the coyotes will get inside of the house but we feel safe in this room. We realize that we will eventually have to face them when we leave the room and we are scared.

      Wake up.

      Dream 2:

      I am in a huge crossfit gym getting coached by coach D. There is some kind of tournament going on. I haven’t been to the gym in a very long time so coach D is designing a special workout for me. I begin with box jumps and he brings out a 12” box. I pride myself in being a great jumper so I tell him that for this exercise I want to use the same box everyone else is using. He brings out a 30” box and I am having a lot of trouble with it. It seems to be as tall as me and I have to use my hands to pull myself up onto the box. Embarrassed that I can’t do it, I call coach D over and ask for the shorter box. Then I move on to a 225lb deadlift and a few other exercises. Coach D and some other people are recruiting me for their football team but I decline. They want me to play the occasional cornerback by I say that in order for me to play I have to be one of their main options for quarterback and wide receiver because that’s what I’m used to.

      Soon after my workout I discover that there are hundreds of pigs lying around the gym. They are all dead, hairless and they appear to have been infected with something. I am completely grossed out. We all get white trash bags and go around throwing all of the pigs in the bags. I am now standing in a disgusting pool picking up the pigs. Coach D apologizes and explains that his pigs are breeding out of control and he can’t handle taking care of all of them – that’s why they died.

      The horrible pool of water that I am standing in contains a bunch of broken needles. Me and some other guy step on the needles and one goes very deep into my foot. I announce that I have been stabbed in the lymph node and it is very deep. The guy next to me says it will be fine and I reply “you don’t know as much about science as I do.” I have a strong feeling that it will give me cancer.

      I am not in the gym anymore and it looks like I am at someone’s apartment. I go through some weird scenes explaining what lymph nodes do. Basically if you leave stuff open then bad things like pollen and other irritants will get into the lymph nodes (?!?). Bill Murray is acting it all out. Bad things are attracted to me now and are trying to get me sick.

      Dream 3:

      I am in the parking lot at a golf course. Some guy comes up to me and begs me to play. He tells me that nobody is playing this course because there is some crazy guy roaming the course. He offers to pay for everything: green fees, golf balls, etc. I accept. We go into the pro shop and he purchases a couple of golf balls. I tell him that I’m not very good so I will probably need more than that. We head out to the course and the guy changes into my dad. The course is very difficult and the balls are cheap. They look and feel like balls of mud. I manage to birdie the first hole. On the second hole I out-drive my dad off the tee but he ends up winning. I got stuck in a sand trap that was impossible to get out of. One time I managed to hit the ball from the sand trap and hit the flag stick, but the ball just rolled back into the sand. I eventually realized that there were other holes IN the sand trap that were eligible.

      I go back to his house and he administers some strange medicine that makes me very sick but I get better later on.