I was at the nursery owned by my father's friend, who will be called A. I was in this back section where there was a brick wall on one side and a large amount of thick shrubs down the other, my favorite thing to do here was to run around naked of course. I hung my clothes on the shelf behind me, and then I ran up and down the isle a few times, I heard my father from the other side of the shrubs tell me we had to leave soon, so I ran to that side of the isle, and A was there with another customer. I grabbed my shorts and struggled to figure out how to put them on for like a minute, A looked away and gave the most disappointed sigh I've ever heard. I dreaded the lecture I would receive as I finally stomped into my shorts. I put my shirt on, and I had a feeling that my father had already drove off. I was suddenly in a shoe store kind of listening to him rant, "Nudity is like candy, you can't have too much or you'll get diabetes." I gave him several mhms and was sure to mix some yeahs and ok's in there as I completely stopped listening. We then exit the shop, walk down some fancy stairs, and make our way to the car. I was in a vets office, he looked at my kitten Pandrea for two seconds and started drawing on a white board. He drew a bladder with kidneys, and a beehive. He pointed to the organs and told me that she has a fatal kidney disease which can only be treated by honey, which he doesn't have. Me and my father are suddenly by a brick wall in the middle of the night, a coyote snatches Pandrea from my hands and jumps over the wall. He tells me that she's dead now, there's nothing I can do, but I jump over the fence, the coyote is so scared that it drops her and runs away. I pick her up, there's several more cats beneath her, many are gray, and some are also black like her so I can't be completely sure which one she is. I take them all over the fence, there's one black kitten that looks like it's about to die so we assume it's her. My father places her in a rabbit hutch and pours cold water on her body. I was afraid that she would become too cold, but the it appears to be healing her. [COLOR="#EE82EE"]rcs-1 nlds-2 meditaition-1 total-4 comp total-59[/COLOR]
I had a new dream last night involving my mom, sister, and granddads old reliant which is by far the most disturbing one I have ever had. This dream was set in the time when granddad was living at the nursing home in the final months of his life. When this dream started, me and mom were in granddads old reliant. Mom was driving and I was in the front passenger seat. We were on our way to pick my sister up from practice for a play she was going to be in. Soon we were pulling up to the community theater where my sister's play was going to be and where she was having the practice. Mom pulled into a spot in the parking lot and then told me to sit tight as she turned off the reliant and then got out to go and get my sister. After I had been waiting in the car by myself for a few minutes, my sister was walking up to the passenger side of the reliant and then opening the front passenger side door and then telling me to scoot over to the middle seat. I looked behind me and saw that the back seat was full of granddads stuff and there was nowhere to sit back there and then pulled my feet up on the passenger seat to give my sister room to get past me and sit in the middle but she reminded me it was her day to choose where to sit and she wanted the window and I needed to scoot. I reluctantly unfastened the tan shoulder belt and then scooted across the tan vinyl bench seat to the middle and then fastened the tan lap belt around my waist as my sister plopped onto the passenger seat and then closed her door and fastened her shoulder belt. We had to spend a little while waiting in the reliant together because mom was talking to some other parents out in the parking lot. Eventually mom was walking towards the reliant and then sitting down in the driver seat to my right. She started up the car and we pulled out of the parking lot and were heading towards home. Mom was then pulling into the parking lot of the nursing home where granddad was staying. She told us she needed to stop by and check on granddad as she pulled into a parking space and turned off the reliant and told us to sit tight and stay buckled. I told her I wanted to see granddad and she told me she needed to see how he was doing and that if he was feeling up to it she would come back and get us. She then closed us into the car and disappeared into the nursing home. Not long after she went into the nursing home, she was walking out of it and back towards the reliant. I was hoping that grandad was doing well and then we could go and see him, but as she was fumbling through her purse for the keys and then unlocking the driver side door I noticed she was shaking and looked really upset. She sat down int the driver seat, closed her door, and then told us granddad had been taken to the emergency room and she needed to go to the hospital and check on him. She told us she needed us to be quiet and then started up the reliant and drove it to the hospital. When we go to the hospital, she pulled into a parking space in the parking lot and told us to stay buckled-up and then cut off the reliant and got out and walked towards the emergency room entrance. Me and my sister then had to wait in the reliant for what felt like an eternity pressed up against each other in the front seat which was really uncomfortable. I was really worried about granddad and what was going to happen to him. I really didn't want to talk about it, but my sister did and kept asking me things like if granddad was going to die which made me really upset. She kept wanting for us to talk about granddad and I kept trying to change the subject because I did not want to share my feelings with my sister. The longer we had to wait in the car. the more worried I was getting that something was seriously wrong with granddad and that maybe he would not make it out of the hospital. Eventually I heard my sister say "mommy is coming" and then I saw mom slowly walking through the parking lot towards the reliant where we were waiting. I woke up from the dream before mom got in the car and had no idea how granddad was doing or if he was dead or alive. It took me a while to fall back asleep after waking up from this dream.
Updated 09-02-2024 at 03:20 AM by 99032
On Tuesday night, I had really disturbing dream I have from time to time about my fathers passing this summer. This is the first time I have had this dream since before Christmas. The dream starts with me driving my SUV rushing to get to the hospital because my father has had a few setbacks and my not survive. I get to the hospital and spend the day with him and other family members. He is still lucid and carrying on converstations with all of us. During the day, we have several scares where his vitals drop to dangerous levels but they keep bouncing back. My uncle and I decide to spend the night at the hospital with him since his vitals are still not stable for long periods of time. Everything seems to be going ok for the first few hours and then around 11PM they start dropping out of control and the doctors tell my uncle and I we need to let the rest of the family know. I wake up form this dream when I am pulling out my cell phone to call my mom and let her know dad has taken a turn for the worse and she needs to get to the hospital. I did not have this dream recur last night (1/15). I normally go a long time between when it recurs and hope that continues to happen since it is so disturbing and reminds me of the worse night of my life.
I once had a dream of my friend crying. And not the small, soft crying— he was heaving and sobbing and bawling his eyes out. In my dream, I walked towards him and placed my hand on his shoulder, and asked, "What happened? Why are you crying?" He looked up at me looking devastated and replied, "Jane (another friend of mine, not her real name) has cancer." And then I woke up. I didn't think much of it then. I've had loads of weird-ass dreams. It was months later when I brought it up to Jane, laughing, thinking it was one big joke that I managed to dream up something like that. To my surprise, she didn't think it was funny. She then told me that a few years ago, another friend of ours (let's call him John) told her he dreamed that she had breast cancer. We were both shocked and scared, if you can imagine.
Morning of October 6, 2017. Friday. Something has happened to my physical form, but possibly only as I am “sleeping”. I think of myself as a paragraph of writing, in the form of a hazy cloud of about four feet long, hovering a few inches above our bed. Being a paragraph incarnate makes me feel somewhat vulnerable. I am aware of Zsuzsanna sleeping om my left, but my viewpoint is curiously from somewhere in the center of our bed at times. Other than being only a hazy cluster of “words” hovering a short distance above our bed, there is a perception of having an additional “shell” at times, or some sort of armor, but which comes and goes. There is no viable perception of having a physical body. I vaguely remember an affirmation (“I am of the healing powers of Universal Mind”) but I do not fully grasp or sustain it. I turn in my “sleep”. It is like a twisting that “rolls” from “head” to “foot” when I do. It occurs about four times. I am aware that having transformed into the form of a paragraph relates to my illness (food poisoning). I only feel slightly ill in the dream state. Before I am fully awake, I start to realize aspects of this abstract dream’s source. It is quite old and it has been years since this memory was more present. Years ago, in an animated version (shown on television a few times) of “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court”, there was a scene where a boy informed the main character that he was a page. The Connecticut Yankee responded by saying something like “A page? You’re no more than a paragraph.” Additionally, having the “armor” around my cloudy form relates to the (King Arthur) knight association with the story. The perceived “suit of armor” is obviously a biological symbol of wishing to be protected from the norovirus. The rest, including “being a paragraph”, is incidental to this association with the Mark Twain story, which I had not thought about for a long time. Since early childhood, my non-lucid dreams, other than prescient or precognitive threads, have often resolved themselves in meaning in a form of light hypnopompic thinking (as well as reveal source patterns that created my dream in the first place), which is often carried directly into conscious afterthought (although this process is occasionally “replaced” by a false awakening where I am writing down my dream or talking about it with someone else). In a way, this has always been like having two dreams in succession, the original dream (often surreal or at least unusual and illogical) and the decoding of its meaning while waking or in a different (much lighter) level of unconsciousness. (It was not until I was about seventeen years old that I started to come to terms with the fact that most people were apparently not like this.)
I was in school. I felt really ill and wanted to get back home quicker. I went to my head teacher and gave her a note from parents that I'll have to get out quicker this day. She was hesitating if she should let me go or not, but in the end I went out of classroom. I met our religion teacher and told him that I won't be able to conduct the lesson. I went downstairs to cloakroom and heard an alarm - everyone was escaping the school. Next day I felt better and went to school. On a lesson with my head teacher we were analyzing a text of some unknown author. She said "From the text we can see that the author had a terrible writing style and gigantic ego."
1) A married couple who are friends of mine and my wife have been separated for some time, and have now reunited. They talk about having a child, he does not want. She has been out traveling for a while and now we want to go to see her, but we are not sure that we can see her. We decided to wait on the street, while she appears. I see several people walking and all wear sunglasses, I see a girl wearing glasses that are too big for her face, she is very thin and looks very sad. 2) I am in my work, comes a couple to ask for information. Then I realize that the girl who has entered seems sick and call my wife to come with a car to take her to the doctor, but when we got in the car not find Dr.
I was in school. I felt really weak, I had high temperature and seizures. I was almost sleeping there. Teachers had nothing against it. Suddenly my mother and sister appeared, and I went out of school with them. We drove to some kind of government building, I was waiting for them to finish theirs paperwork. Somehow whole my class drove there too for a school trip. I drive back to school with them, and wander corridors. It was dark and the building was empty. I went out - the school was surrounded by huge mountains. They looked beautiful in the sunset.
Morning of September 1, 2015. Tuesday. My wife and children and I are living on Loomis Street, it seems (though my wife and children have never been to America). At least that is where my entire dream takes place; in the front part of the house. However, the house is mirrored from north to south - the first distortion of the Loomis Street house in this particular way that I remember. It does not trigger any degree of lucidity that the house is mirrored from my right to my left as such. My family seems to at least partly be living in the first small bedroom. My sister Marilyn makes an appearance as she was perhaps in the early 1970s (before I even moved back to Wisconsin). She seems healthy and happy. She goes to open her bedroom door and the door mostly falls off the hinges but is still partly attached at the top. She is annoyed and mentions something about how she wanted to listen to Neil Diamond with her door closed (apparently so as not to bother others, including her sickly husband). (This is odd, as she had never listened to Neil Diamond in real life regardless of her huge record, reel to reel, and cassette tape collection.) I go over and make the offer to fix it, but her husband Bob suddenly shows up as if having just arrived (possibly dropped off by his relatives or perhaps my sister Carol - this is not certain). He insists that he can do it. He looks very ill and begins at the top of the door frame. The hinges are not as they would be in reality. Each of the two hinges in the door frame (the ones that came loose) is held by two silver sets of nuts and bolts, the bolts facing outward from the door frame. He begins to work on the top nut by tightening it with his hands. The other nut below that is there but very loose. The other two nuts (for the bottom hinge) are somehow somewhere in that bedroom on the other side of the door (which is not logical, as the nuts would have rolled into the living room relating to how the door mostly came off, not the other direction). Just as he is tightening the top nut, he drops his left arm (the hinges are on the left side of the door from the living room perspective). He then seems to go into some sort of pseudo-ritualistic trance. I notice that there are dark reddish circles around his eyes and he is wearing no shirt. (He is just in his underwear.) He had arrived in only his underwear and had apparently been in the hospital for a week or more. He just stands there looking very ill. He starts chanting “Have a headache…don’t care…have a headache…don’t care…” (which seems to mean he does not care about anything in life, even continuing to fix the hinges). I get the strong impression that he is very close to death. I decide that I will manually tighten the other nuts myself, but just as I contemplate tightening the bottom nut of the top hinge, my dream fades. Zsuzsanna woke with a slight headache and a bit of nausea so it is possible our empathetic link projected into a different dream character (as this has happened before) - even though her character in my dream seemed healthy and happy. In fact, this metaphor (a door not being on all the hinges) does seem to have something to do with empathetic links that need to be strengthened for the health or vitality of both (including at different levels of thought). A door itself is a point between two rooms and often takes a dreamer into different levels of consciousness or awareness. Precognition unveils. Right after my wife had the television on (and just as I was ready to post this), the first thing she hears is “Neil Diamond…(pause)…No, it wasn’t Neil Diamond”. My wife just smiled at me and said “You’re funny”. Of course, this is a natural event via the Source, like digesting food, not an active “ability” for the most part (at least in this particular case).
Updated 09-01-2015 at 01:33 PM by 1390
What amazing recall I have...ugh. I know absolutely I dreamed last night, I just can't remember 90% of it! Here is what I DO remember - Some kind of mass disease situation going on, and alot of families driving to the local CVS and camping out there, waiting for a cure. The disease effected children, so everyone camping out had at least one child. I also remember a creepy guy there. I don't recall if he was trying to get the kids away from their parents to kidnap them, or if he was the one handing out the cure to the disease. In some way he was manipulating the parents or kids. The parents may have been hanging out in the parking lot in hopes of him releasing it. - In order for kids to be selected for the medicine, a match-up style game had to be played between two opponents. Kind of like a tournament. The game involved a shoebox sized wooden box with little wooden tiles inside. It was basically candy crush meets scrabble, I think. Matching up of different styles of the wood tiles was definitely part of it. Thats about it. Hopefully writing this down will cause my brain to leak out more detail on the next dream~! INSPIRATIONS: So obvious. I was talking to someone I call "semi-creepy guy" to myself, because he is..semi-creepy. So, as a result, I had a creepy stalker guy in my dream. Also, I have lately been addicted to the new Candycrush game, hence my certainty in the kind of game that was played in my dream.
Morning of November 24, 2014. Monday. I am back at my older sister Marilyn’s house in La Crosse and trying to get her to appear by calling out to her to show herself (having the understanding that she had died yet also still potentially present in certain supraconscious dream realms, perhaps). I am semi-lucid in an atypical way; not in a more coherent sense. In one sense, it is vaguely like some sort of soliloquy-like seance. Over time, my sister does not walk from the other room as I expect her to even though I vaguely sense her presence on the other side of the darkened doorway. I am trying not to project my frustration as there is a growing realization she does not exist anymore, yet at the same time I sense her unwillingness to come out. However, there is no stronger focus on mortality by that point. (I have had very similar dream scenes in the past but usually tulpa-based, not related to real people either living or deceased.) Eventually, three cats enter the house somehow (possibly through the open front door). One of the cats seems to be one which my family presently has (though had supposedly died in my dream’s back story weeks before). It is Franco, a black and white male cat. The other two cats are more like miniature leopards in one way but still with domestic cat attributes including the body proportions. From here, my dream goes into some distorted scenes where my perception is badly skewed. I falsely “remember” that these were my sister’s two cats. Somehow (also an in-dream false memory) they died around the same time she did, which is supposedly related to something unexplainable (relative to “mutual deaths” which stems from real-life ideas of the past where a sister’s neighbor died and then their otherwise healthy spouse died shortly thereafter, supposedly out of grief). However, at the same time, there is a highly ambiguous idea that they are still alive (but Franco had been partly made sick by them as well) and had caused sickness in other people (in turn causing their death) by biting or scratching them (again, a false memory as the other people reflected upon other than my sister are still alive). Again, this is directly related to the two “leopard cats” (possible association with leprosy as well as the pet hybrid bobcat attack I experienced in my youth). They are not very aggressive (they seem to be mostly just playful though do attempt to “hunt” based on my body’s movement), but I want to completely avoid contact with them as they are seemingly venomous. I am aware of mild pressure on my body at times but I do not seem to actually be bitten at any point. (This seems partially related to a “struggle” with the bed sheet and an attempt to get my real physical body into a more comfortable position.) I go to the couch, slowly going back into a semi-lucid state, and am on my knees on the floor at that point, my head near the seat of the couch. However, there is not that much coherence even though my general awareness is slowly sharpening. I then go into an odd state that is quite rare, where I attempt to “spit out” my dream while still in it before I fully wake. It takes about three attempts in making sure my dream’s environment does not “enter” my waking essence (the opposite of healing dreams where I intentionally carry facets of my dream’s energy into waking life). I do not seem to recall reading about this sort of dream experience, other than some supposed healers in real life spitting out the essence of what they supposedly take out of their patients. On another note, this dream setting near the couch is the exact spot of one of the only times in my life I have been ill in this manner in real life (from one of the only times in my life that I drank alcohol).
Updated 09-10-2015 at 10:56 AM by 1390
11/2 I'm crying to my ex's mom. She's being uncharacteristically nice to me. My ex was in an accident that melted his eyes and he was now blind. An image comes up of an almost piece of pottery with a face. It looks melted and the eyes are hollow. I'm telling his mom how much I love him. Cut scene, and now I see that that was a dream. My ex is okay, but had a vastectomy. The word appears on a piece of paper like in a notepad. 11/4 nap I'm in my kitchen with my ex. He's sitting at the counter. We're both dressed nicely. I know we're not together as a couple. He's talking about a surgery and having his bladder removed. I want to hug him and comfort him, but I refrain. (Can someone help me interpret these please? I just broke up with him about a month ago. We were together a year and 4 months. I have no conscious regrets over the break up.)
Morning of October 7, 2014. Tuesday. I am living with my family in an unfamiliar setting. It does not seem to be a composite of (or have features of) any known locations. Assuming the main wall which I am near at the beginning of the dream is oriented south (which feels right related to where I live now), there is a hall that goes to the south in the southeast corner of the room and a large bed comes out from the middle south-side wall. It may have a frame rather than just being on a box-spring mattress but this is not clear - it is fairly low to the floor. Just east of the bed (south wall) is at least one large brown wooden wardrobe, similar to one we actually have. I am not clear on any other layout other than the room I am in though it seems there may be a large kitchen to the west via a doorway in the northwest corner of this room. My youngest son is present when I look up and see a small person on top of the wardrobe sitting on his knees and looking down at us warily. It is a male but I am not sure of the age, possibly a young boy, but he seems like a weary old man in some ways. He is only about a foot and a half tall at the most. He is wearing a drab and baggy mossy green jumpsuit with a hood that covers most of his head except for a small region of his face. I say to my son, “Oh look, it’s a leprechaun”. I ask him if he is hungry and he nods tentatively. I reason that a rat or two may have stolen his last meal, which was probably only a bread crumb. I reach up and take him down with a hand on each hip, trying not to hurt him. I stand him on the floor near my son and continue to say “Look…it’s a leprechaun”. My son seems interested in seeing this “magical creature” in our house. After a time, I realize that it is probably not a leprechaun but just a homeless man that had found his way into the house and had been hiding in the walls for a time. This seems a fairly common occurrence. I tell him that I am sorry for calling him a leprechaun but that my son likes leprechauns (false in-dream memory). He does not seem to mind and then seems more like a boy with a disease that is linked to why he is so small. He seems a bit unsteady so I place him in the bed because he says he has a medipack of food he needs for nourishment. He needs to place it directly into his stomach which is fitted through a tube on his side. After several minutes pass, I look around and see a young plain-looking girl with shoulder-length straight blonde hair. She is looking around the corner of the edge of the hall. She does not seem familiar in any way but I seem to understand that she is the boy’s sister. I say, “oh, hello” and she leaves after smiling a short time. Soon after this, an older male walks partly into the room and I realize that we are being visited by possibly a friend of a member of my wife’s family in Brisbane. He does not look familiar in any way, either. I tell him that his son is having a meal and resting. I also tell him about a couple recent encounters with similar miniature people (except that one was only about six inches high) that were homeless (false memories, of course). He talks about how unfortunate it is that some people with this disease do not have homes or proper care and walks back to apparently the living room of this unknown house. I go to take the boy from the bed (he seems very listless and possibly ill at this point) because a mess is being made from the food pack because of a leak. I ask him if he can stand after standing him up on the floor because he seems a bit wobbly and I am not sure if he can walk very far. The food is like some sort of green mush, like mashed peas or porridge but quite runny. A lot of green goo is running over the bed and dripping down the side onto the floor. This is quite annoying and messy but I do not want to show any anger. Instead, I mention to myself that I will have to get a towel and clean it up. I am kind of glad that the people are only visiting and will not be here very often. My youngest son (who I was showing the rather ominous in afterthought “leprechaun” to in this dream) went to the hospital a day after this dream (has not been in several years) with some sort of totally unexpected unknown stomach virus. He seems to be doing better. Thus the typical layer of precognition (which I even sensed in-dream this time but did not want to). Also, something I had left out from the original entry involved a play on “leprechaun” being like “leper-con” (relative to the disease.
Updated 09-20-2015 at 11:08 AM by 1390
Dream 1 I'm walking towards home and pass through the settlement bottle-o area when I see a car drive passed me slowly. It's a female driving and she's having a good look at me and says "hey good lookin". She parks her car not to far away and walks towards the entrance of the settlement. I'm tempted to go talk to her or at least give her my phone number. I miss my opportunity and even think about leaving my number on a piece of paper and put it on her car, but decide to just not worry about it. Im at my house now and I'm watching a pornographic film, staring the girl I saw at the settlement. She looks pretty thin and is getting rag dolled a little in the film. The couple are now standing while she is riding him. The area around her pussy looks as if it's caved in, looks pretty strange. It's as if she is anorexic. Dream 2 I'm in a school room which feels like my old primary school. The teacher has made my seating arrangement at the front of the class, next to some girl. The girls seat is vacant for now. As I sit down I notice that a mixed martial arts fight is on the TV. One man is dominating the other in the fight and the ref calls it off due to the other man not being able to intelligently defend himself. Shortly after the ref walks over to the officials who are outside the cage. He talks to them through the cage with his back towards the fighters. The man who won the fight runs over to the still downed opponent and starts to beat him up again, even though the fight is over. It's pretty disgraceful to watch and not a good look for the sport. The man who won pleads his case with the ref on why he attacked the downed fighter. He spoke in broken English and sounded as if he probably spoke Portuguese. I start to think about how I've changed since being sick and that I needed to mention to a friend on why my personality has changed slightly. It was Chris from work. Dream 3 I'm playing battlefield 4 on a map called Siege of Shanghai. I'm in the middle of the map underneath where the roof campers usually shoot from. I have a spray bottle in the hand which has a mixture of vinegar and water. I spray the enemies which temporary blinds them. As they run away shielding their eyes I sneak closed to them hoping to get a knife take down on them. Dream Fragment 1 Rex goes missing and comes home a little wet. Then lose him again. Dream Fragment 2 In a paddock and my dog is with a couple animals. They have been transported to another area where we're moving to. The house that uses to be built has vanished. It's as if it had been folded up and transported away. Side Notes: Not sure if I heard alarm each time it went off. Woke up a few times and recalled dream but fell asleep in the process. Need to repeat mantras more often due to waking up and not reality checking.