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    1. Fragmented dream.

      by , 05-08-2011 at 01:24 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      I could only remember a very short bit of this dream.
      For some reason, I was a lucid dream teacher in a school. I wasn't grown up or anything, still just a teen. I had to teach these two students named Hank and Jane, and help them become good at LD'ing.
      Sadly, that's all I remember. But this is good, because I haven't remembered a single dream in months now. My recall is finally going back up thanks to everything I've been practicing. ^^
      Where I was:A classroom at some random school that I've never seen before.
      What I was doing:Teaching people on how to lucid dream.
      Who was there:Two odd dream characters named Hank and Jane. Sucks I didn't go lucid. I wanted to talk to them more. But who cares, I'm going lucid tonight~
    2. First (Fully) Lucid dream!!!

      , 03-19-2011 at 11:46 AM (My Nighttime Experiences)
      I had a few dreams earlier which i recall but this is the lucid dream.

      Key: Non Lucid Lucid

      I was sitting in a folding chair with 3 of my friends at the elementary school of our district. And i was listening to my iPod. I don't know what music it was or any music at all but my teacher walked in front of us and started mouthing things, i didn't hear him so when he started to walk away i pulled of my earphones and said," What?" he turned around at started mouthing something again. i pulled my earphones out again and i said, "What?" (should've become lucid taking my earphones out twice! lol) then he started to say something but he was talking really quiet and not how he really talked at all. so i reached up, did a nose pinch RC and was fully lucid!! i ran down the hall screaming," This is a dream!!" And the people just kept walking away. my arms were really heavy so i stretched them out a bit so i could run and jump easily. i walked down the hall and followed my best friend, but like 2 or three people were right on MY back following me. so i screamed, "STOP FOLLOWING ME!" and they turned around and walked away. i followed my freind for a few seconds then said," where r we going?" he didn't say anything, but you know what i heard? the scariest noise ever... it sounded like this:beep, beep, beep,beep, beep, beep,beep! beep! beep!!

      Then I woke up. i was sooo mad i set my alarm for 5:09 but i mustve became lucid at like 5:07 or 5:08! i slapped myself for that i was soo furious, that was my best lucid dream ever in my life!

      Updated 07-26-2012 at 03:57 PM by 42776

      lucid , memorable
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