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    1. WILD Attempt & Zelda Prediction: It's Bad

      by , 02-25-2023 at 06:01 PM (Dreamlog)
      Up at about 4:30AM for a WBTB. No recall from earlier in the night. I've just taken the supplements below for the first time. I'll be back to record later. First impression: Choline smells terrible. Like fishy terrible.

      Update: Laid in bed for a long time. GF's regular weekday alarm went off by mistake a couple times and messed up my rhythm. Eventually I relaxed enough to start feeling WILD vibrations. I got all the way through the process of "going through the wormhole", and I could see a dream in a tiny pinhole at the end. It was my childhood home. I could see my old PC monitor with Runescape on it, but the dream was black around the edges. I forgot that I needed to 'grab' the dream and I missed my opportunity.

      I find myself in my bed and I think to do a nose RC. I can breathe through my nose so I know I'm dreaming. I start to rub my hands together, spin, and demand that the dream stabilize. It doesn't do much, and it feels very unstable and groggy. I try to leave my bedroom but the dream fades. I have a few more false awakenings with similar results. At one point I did spin and see some marked improvement in quality, but not enough to try and pursue a dream goal. I was trying to go to a forest and explore the dream environment.

      I'm in something similar to a fast-food restaurant playscape. There is a pool resort nearby. Sunny day and all that. Looks like a dope vacation spot actually. I'm crawling through the tube tunnels, and eventually come out the other side. There is a group of people playing the upcoming Zelda title, Tears of the Kingdom, on an outdoor TV setup. It is lagging really bad. I'm upset about it being this bad. I wake or otherwise recall nothing beyond this point.

      Regarding the supplements. I did notice a bit of a headache during the attempt (and now still), as well as some stomach discomfort. I felt my heart beating faster but that is most likely attributed to the WILD experience itself. Nothing earth-shattering but thought I should note it.

      Hoping for better results next time. I will say that this is the first time in a long time that I've actually felt the WILD vibrations, tiny victories I guess.

      Supplements: Primary Trigger Combination (1st Attempt)
      Galantamine: 8mg
      Choline Bitartrate: 250mg

      Default = Commentary
      Blue = Dream
      Green = Lucid

      Updated 02-25-2023 at 06:05 PM by 99808

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    2. 10-14-14 Auntie's nose

      by , 10-16-2014 at 06:23 PM
      My aunt had a dog nose and mouth, and she yawned widely and rolled her tongue around and showed her long teeth.
    3. Working at Unscheduled Times, My 91-Year-Old Grandma Working, and a Weird Garden Experiment

      by , 09-13-2014 at 03:19 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was working at Target (never worked there IWL). It was a HUGE Target. I was walking around the store when a young lady stopped me and asked me if we had this one belt in her size, which was a weird size, a 70/30. She pointed to a big but short rectangular black belt that had holes down the middle. It was hanging up with a bunch of other belts that were all mixed up. It was the only belt of its kind that I could see. It looked like it wouldn't even fit around most people's waists because it was so short. Maybe it stretched. Anyway, I told her I didn't think we did, but I'd go check. I went to the front of the store and entered an office where a manager, a female, was standing up at a computer and working. I asked her if they had any more of that particular belt in a 70/30. She looked up the inventory on the computer and came up with nothing. Just as I thought, that was the only belt of that kind we had. I went back to find the lady; the store was so big and had so many shelves and aisles, it was like a maze. I found her looking at some dresses that were hung up on shelving instead of on fixtures. I told her we didn't have her size, a 70/30. She then said her size was a 30/70. I guess I had mixed it up, but regardless, we had no more belts like that. She then took a long, flowy, almost prom-like light blue dress from where it was hung up on the shelf. She was going to ask me if we had it in her size, but she then said
      "Oh, it's dirty!" I looked at it to see if it was, and did see a dirty spot. She proceeded to throw the dress on the floor.
      She asked if we had any more and I said no, we didn't. I looked at the other dresses that were hung up, and there weren't very many, but they were mixed up like the belts were. She started to complain about the store, all while smiling.

      Then, there was something about a video game, an online one that had to do with the store, though the content of the game had nothing to do with Target. It was more like an open-world RPG. I was playing and noticed parts of it were closed. I think there was some kind of maintenance or update that was going on. I was then at the store in an office with many other employees where the managers were having a meeting with us about it. I don't remember the meeting or what was said, but after that, I kept coming into work and clocking in when I wasn't scheduled. I'd stay for a few hours, walk around, play the game, or help the bakery (waking life work coming in here), and then clock out. No one had said anything to me about it, and I thought it was ok because I thought others were doing it as well.

      Then, I was clocked in not at my scheduled time. I was in the bakery. It was nighttime. I was thinking that maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. I then started to think about if I had worked too many hours and I as going to hit overtime. I was also trying to justify myself coming in not on my scheduled time, thinking that at least this time I was helping out and not wandering around the store for no reason. A manager then came up, the assistant store manager. He was telling Taylor and whoever else was scheduled to work something about staying late or leaving early or helping someone else out. I can't recall. But he didn't address me. I figured it was because I wasn't really scheduled to be there.

      It was then 9:30 pm and the lights in the bakery all went out. We were closed for the night, even though it was a bit early for that. I guess they wanted to bakery to close early for some reason.


      I was in the bakery again. It was nighttime again also. It felt a little like my last dream, but I can't recall if the scheduling thing carried over or not. I was about to leave when my grandma walked into the back. Her hair was up in a bunch of tiny buns, and it was blonder and thicker than it is IWL. Wow, she was working at 91 years old! Impressive! I think I "remembered" something about her having worked there for years and years. She wasn't working as a baker or anything though. She was actually working in the meat department. She got out her equipment, a knife and so forth, and started to cut some raw meat off the bone. Her hands were shaking as she did it because of her age, but she kept up. I wondered how the other employees felt about her being there for so many years. Everyone must know who she is, the 91-year-old woman still working in the meat department. I was now standing a few feet away from her. She was stooped over the sink area working. I then noticed she cut her hand a little; I saw her bleeding, but she'd just wipe it off and keep going. I asked her if she cut herself, and she said yes, but didn't stop what she was doing. Maybe she was used to it; maybe it happened all the time.

      Then, I was in the bakery again on a different day. I asked someone I was working with, who was working on something on a back counter, if they knew Helen. They said yes. I told them she was my grandma. I don't remember what they said. I asked someone else this as well, and told them that she was my grandma.


      I was with Dallas at our apartment. I was planting a bunch of vegetable seeds...in my nose. Yes, in my nose. I think Dallas planted some things in his nose as well. I had also planted some in a roll of paper towels in the bathroom, and had planted some in some cardboard or in some other substance in the living room. It was some sort of experiment we were doing on how different conditions affected the growth of the plants. I planted carrots in the left nostril and lots of tomatoes in the right nostril. I also was planting some tomatoes and possibly other veggies in the cardboard/whatever it was in the living room, and watching as sprouts would come up almost immediately after I would plant them. It was really cool to see! I saw a timer at one point that started at zero and as the plant was sprouting, it would gradually increase. I knew I needed to water them and take care of them. I knew the ones in the bathroom would be ok because of the moisture and humidity from the shower when we showered. I was thinking about watering the ones planted in the living room. I was also thinking about how in the world the ones in my nose were going to survive at all.

      My nose felt runny and full from the growing vegetables. I even looked in the mirror at one point and saw some weird vegetable growing out of my nose. It looked nothing like any vegetable I know of IWL. It was long and skinny at the top, getting fatter at the bottom. The top was white, and the bottom was brown.

      I then had an idea of another place to plant the vegetables, which made a lot more sense than any of the other places I had planted them. I had some white, square dinner plates on the living room floor lined up in an upside down "L" shape. I couldn't plant the seeds directly on the plates, obviously. I needed some soil. Dallas was going out somewhere, so I asked him to get some soil while he was out. I looked at him, and noticed that he was wearing a red and white vertical striped button up with a red emblem on my right (his left) upper side, on his chest, but it was unbuttoned. He had a shirt on underneath it. IWL, he would not wear anything like this; it isn't his style at all, so I was surprised to see him dressed like that. He looked skinnier than he does IWL and younger too. He had no facial hair and a few freckles on his face. In fact, in a way, his clothing reminded me of something Ryan, a guy I dated over 3 years ago, would wear. His looks kind of did too, but not a whole lot.
      "You look good!" I said to him.
      He really did. He looked very polished and cleaned up.

      I was bent over the living room garden when something fell out of my nose. I was surprised at first, and I took a look at it. It was a large, weird looking carrot! It was orange and very fat on the top, getting skinnier towards the bottom, as carrots do, but it looked more "fake", cartoonish or something; it was very smooth. It had some leaves on the top, but not many. It was also slimy from being in my nose. I held it in my hand and examined it. I then exclaimed to Dallas
      "THIS came out of my nose! THIS!!"
      I was so shocked that something so big could come out of my nose!

      I then had another carrot, one from the living room garden. It looked quite similar to the nose carrot, but looked more "real"; it was more rough to the touch than the nose carrot, and also wasn't slimy from the mucus. It looked healthier to me. I was thinking about why that was. I thought about sunlight and water. I think I went to wash the nose carrot off to see if that made a difference, but it still felt smooth to touch. It still didn't seem as healthy as the living room carrot.


      That last dream was quite vivid, especially when I was looking at my husband while he was dressed in the red and white shirt. Really, all the dreams were pretty vivid last night, I'm guessing because I was so tired and didn't sleep much the night before. All in all, a great night of interesting NLDs.
    4. Child abuse.

      by , 01-21-2013 at 11:55 PM
      I'm in a kind of hospital room where a young man is immobilized on a bed with his family and two children who seem to be twins. The children are blond , about 4 years old. I begin to play with one of the children and it disappears. Then I started playing with the other. I lie on the floor and lift the child wiht one hand and he begins to laugh. All of the sudden the child goes to the bed where the young man lies. He jumsp on the bed and falls to the other side.I managed to lift the child but soon he seems to have difficulty breathing as if he was choking. The Child's nose begins to ooze and then I ask one of the family a piece of cloth to clean it. The child's head is tilted and I tell the family that the child has trouble breathing. The family is angry. They take the child and put him under the bed. I leave the room angry. I wake up.
    5. Nose Nightmare

      by , 10-27-2012 at 07:42 AM

      Driving car past the shopping centre and turn at the stop light to pick up some passengers (about 3). I get back to the stop light and blow my nose. A dark jelly like blood comes out that I can smell. I say something and pull back on the the road.
    6. Aftermath / Flashback / ToTMs / Epic FA / OOBE

      by , 09-24-2011 at 06:24 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: September 24, 2011 – 5:15AM (USA Eastern)

      (Note: I drank a full glass of mixed organic tart cherry, pomegranate, and apple juice about an hour before going to bed. Additionally, during WBTB, I drank another half glass of the same, then repeated the following mantra while falling asleep, “Earth, Air, Fire, Water: I will lucid dream tonight.”)

      I awaken on a couch, stark naked, trying to figure out where I'm at. I ask myself, “How much did I drink last night and who ended up taking me home with them?” I rub my eyes for a moment, then look around the room while asking myself, “Where the fuck am I? Why does my head hurt so much? Did someone put something in my drink again? Have I been raped again? God, I hope they at least enjoyed it, because I can't remember anything.” As my eyes start to clear up, the living room triggers a lot of distant memories. This is a place I have been many times before.

      I sit up on the couch while looking around the room, trying to put the pieces together. The familiar medium oak wood paneling on the bottom half of the walls and light floral wall paper, separated by a dark chair rail. The large wooden console TV adds a hint of familiarity, as well as the classic 1970's dishrag color scheme sofa. A familiar canary yellow Western Electric rotary-dial phone is hanging on the wall and I've seen these yellow and pink floral curtains before. The circular textured tan and brown ultra-shag carpet only appears in one place in my memory cells. After a brief moment, I fully realize that I am in my grandmother's old house-trailer and quickly become lucid.

      I look around the living room and kitchen for my grandmother, but she is nowhere to be found. The couch is not comfortable to sleep on, so I pick up my pillow, blanket, dream journal, flashlight and a couple bottles of water, then wander toward the bedrooms to find the spare bed. The master bedroom has a king size bed with 2 people sleeping in it. Strangely, neither of them is my grandmother. The guest bedroom has no bed at all and is packed full of random junk. I go back into the living room and drop everything on the floor, and then say to myself, “Let's try this again.”

      I look at the floor and watch my feet lift off the carpet. I hover slightly off the floor and look toward the bedrooms again. I feel the dream collapsing quickly, so I look back at 'the floor and rub my hands together. My vision is almost completely blacked out, so I slowly close my eyes and yell, “STABILIZE NOW!!!” as loud as I can. I gently open my eyes and see that I am back in the same room and the clarity has improved significantly. Now, I can smell the mold in the air conditioner and the woody smell that the house-trailer always had. My eyes are able to perceive the flickering of the circular fluorescent ceiling light and my ears can detect the soft buzzing from the ballast. The extra plush carpet tickles my feet slightly as I hover just slightly above it.

      I glide my way back to the bedrooms again. This time, the master bedroom is absolutely huge with four king size beds in it that they are all empty. I float through, then turn around and go towards the guest bedroom. The guest bedroom is even bigger than the master bedroom and it has a king size water bed next to a couple of windows. On the opposite wall is a huge sectional sofa with a low table and some lamps. I turn back to the bed and decide that this is where I am going back to sleep at. The water temperature is perfect and its covered with a huge, fluffy blanket. There are several pillows stacked up and it looks really comfortable. The headboard has bookshelves on both sides that are full of antique books and various ornamental items.

      As I stand there looking at the bed, something sparkles in the window. I walk over to the window and see nothing but darkness outside. Deciding that I must see what's on the other side, I try to open the window, but it's stuck. I look around the room for something to break the window with, but there is nothing solid enough. I hold my hand in front of my face and summon a baseball bat. I put my hand down and see a wooden baseball bat leaning in the corner. I pick up the bat and whack the window, knocking a small piece of glass out. Realizing that the glass is going to put up a fight, I draw the bat back behind me and pummel the ever living shit out of the window. After several strikes, the glass gives way and falls out of the window frame.

      I float up and climb out the window. There is a ledge under the windows which connects to a large 3rd floor deck. I hover around for a moment, and then do a nose pinch RC to reassure my lucidity and validate the dream state before I do something stupid, like jumping off a 3rd story ledge. I step to the edge of the ledge, then jump up and fly into the sky. My first thought is that I want to fly as high as I can and see if I can still see the house. I start to fly and the dream starts to fade. I stop and rub my hands together again and stabilize once again.

      Suddenly, I remember the tasks of the month: walk on water and control at least two of the elements. I look down and see a swimming pool. I fly down and hit the water, but sink quickly. I jump out of the pool, and then look to my right to see a couple of DCs hanging some very large balloons on a clothes line. I take a couple of steps toward them and they immediately stop and look at me with a frightened look. I raise my arms into the air and command the air to fill one of the balloons. The balloon quickly inflates and floats upward on the clothes line. As this happens, the DCs eyes get wide as they take a couple of steps back and stare at the balloon, gasping in disbelief. I look at them and say, “What's wrong? Wanna see that again?” I inflate a second balloon, but the others will not take any air because they have large holes in them.

      I jump up and fly past the balloons, then realize that I need to control another element. I turn around in mid-flight and look at the balloons that wouldn't take air. While in flight, I raise my left arm and clench my fist, then point my fist down toward the Earth. When I raise my arm, there is a hole in the Earth and the displaced dirt is floating just above me. While keeping the displaced piece of Earth up with my left hand, I use telekinesis to push the balloons and the clothes line into the hole, and then I bury them with the dirt that I was keeping elevated with my left hand. At this point, both DCs shriek in terror and run away.

      Feeling quite satisfied, I start to fly away, then realize that I should try the pool again. I fly over to the pool and land on the deck by the water's edge. I stare intently at the water for a moment, then take a step onto it. The surface gives way, but I am able to walk about ankle-deep in the water. The water is very squishy and soft, but it supports my weight. As I walk, the water makes a sound similar to that of walking in wet shows. I walk across the pool, then I turn around and raise both arms, commanding the water to solidify. Instantly, the ripples in the water stop moving and the surface takes on a matte finish. I carefully step onto the surface again and it feels sort of like walking on a water bed. The surface feels solid, but it's squishy underneath. I walk across the pool again and step off onto the deck.

      Being thoroughly satisfied with the accomplishments, I decide that I should wake up and write it all in my dream journal. I close my eyes and say, “Wake up! NOW!” I awaken into my bed and reach over to grab my dream journal. I flip open the cover and slide the pen out of the coils. I reach up above my pillow to turn on my flashlight and it won't turn on. I think to myself, “Shit, I must have bumped it last night and the batteries are dead.” I open my eyes and see a dark room. I press the switch on the flashlight again and the circle of light appears on the ceiling, but no light is reflected onto my journal, nor the rest of the room. I look at the flashlight and the bulb looks like a black hole which is sucking in all of the light around it. I press the switch again and the bulb lights up brightly, but there is no light in the room.

      I give myself a nose pinch RC and it passes. Becoming a bit confused now, I look at my left hand and count 7 fingers and a thumb. I say to myself, “Nice! False awakening strikes again, dumbass!” as I become lucid once again. I quickly jump out of bed and turn around to see myself still laying in the bed. I think to myself, “This is very nice, but I don't have time for an OOBE.” I slap myself in the face a couple of times while yelling, “WAKE UP AND WRITE THIS SHIT DOWN BEFORE YOU FORGET IT! ...WAKE UP NOW! ...DO IT! ...DO IT NOW!”

      I wake up in my bed once again and pass both a nose pinch and finger count. I reach over and grab my dream journal, flip it open and slide the pen out of the coils. I reach up and press the switch on the flashlight that is wedged between the mattress and the wall. The flashlight lights up properly and I commence logging this entry.

      (Note: My maternal grandmother passed away about 17 years ago. She was the only relative that would listen to me and what I had to say. She was always interested in having conversations about anything I wanted to talk about. Most of my other aunts and such were not open to hearing anything that a younger person had to say. They would always say things like, “Children should be seen and not heard.” My grandmother was also the only relative that was not obsessed over the fact that I had no interest in girls. My aunts and uncles would always harass me and ask when I was going to get married and start having kids. Needless to say, it was always an enjoyable time to visit with her, and it was a very sad moment when she passed on.)
    7. Waking up into a Dream 3 times

      by , 08-13-2011 at 10:34 AM
      Dream 1
      I was in a desert and I realised I was dreaming so I looked up and around it was really nice. Then I woke up and it was dark my mum was in the room, I rolled over and touched her arm and woke up again. In real life.

      Dream 2
      I was a huge dinosaur and had been captured by the Krakeder from Space Clash (a game I used to play) there was the green empire there aswell and then I suddenly warped out and became human. I was out on one of the streets and there were muslim girls reading books each at a distance in a row.

      I figured the dinosaur was more fun so I went back but I noticed a pen and gave it to one of the girls. Then I woke up in a nother dream.

      Dream 3

      I was in bed and woke up (false awakening) I could hear my mum and sisterdownstairs and thought to myself "I'm dreaming" I got exicted and ran downstairs I did a nose pinch and I could breathe but since I have a small nose but I was lucid. I was going to go outside but got sidetracked and went into the living room. Where I saw my mum and sister, I lost lucidity and woke up.

      Side Notes
      When I woke up I made sure to reality check. I don't even know if this is real or not LOL.
    8. Angry Reality Check

      by , 08-07-2011 at 08:47 PM (I Have a Problem)
      Date: 05-21-11
      Length: 3 Minutes
      Vividness: 6/10

      I was walking along a snow covered path with the Mexican guy with long hair from my P.E. class. He was talking about how he had a group of people sitting at a table, and he saw one of them do a reality check. He said that he walked over to him and asked him if he was dreaming. He told me that the guy said he gets angry whenever he does a reality check.
      At this point, the guy I'm walking with begins to run towards a little shack not too far away. I start running as well.
      "He gets angry?" I asked.
      And he kind of laughs and says yes. The guy in my P.E. class walks into the shack and grabs some tissues. He brings it to his face and says, "I love it when the bogies run down my face".
      This weirds me out a little, but I make nothing of it. We walk out the other side of the shack and walk around a corner where a bunch of Mexican girls are standing. They looked at me kind of weird, as though I don't belong, and then I woke up.

    9. First (Fully) Lucid dream!!!

      , 03-19-2011 at 11:46 AM (My Nighttime Experiences)
      I had a few dreams earlier which i recall but this is the lucid dream.

      Key: Non Lucid Lucid

      I was sitting in a folding chair with 3 of my friends at the elementary school of our district. And i was listening to my iPod. I don't know what music it was or any music at all but my teacher walked in front of us and started mouthing things, i didn't hear him so when he started to walk away i pulled of my earphones and said," What?" he turned around at started mouthing something again. i pulled my earphones out again and i said, "What?" (should've become lucid taking my earphones out twice! lol) then he started to say something but he was talking really quiet and not how he really talked at all. so i reached up, did a nose pinch RC and was fully lucid!! i ran down the hall screaming," This is a dream!!" And the people just kept walking away. my arms were really heavy so i stretched them out a bit so i could run and jump easily. i walked down the hall and followed my best friend, but like 2 or three people were right on MY back following me. so i screamed, "STOP FOLLOWING ME!" and they turned around and walked away. i followed my freind for a few seconds then said," where r we going?" he didn't say anything, but you know what i heard? the scariest noise ever... it sounded like this:beep, beep, beep,beep, beep, beep,beep! beep! beep!!

      Then I woke up. i was sooo mad i set my alarm for 5:09 but i mustve became lucid at like 5:07 or 5:08! i slapped myself for that i was soo furious, that was my best lucid dream ever in my life!

      Updated 07-26-2012 at 03:57 PM by 42776

      lucid , memorable
    10. Boop on the nose!

      by , 03-18-2011 at 02:02 AM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: March 17, 2011 – ~5:30PM (USA Eastern)
      Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID ·

      (Note: I came home from work a couple of hours earlier than usual, feeling like a migraine was coming on. I checked my email, then laid down for a late afternoon nap at about 4:45PM and had a couple of nice vivid non-lucids.)

      I am laying on a sandy beach with a male friend, J, to my left and a female friend, R, to my right. J tries to boop me on my nose and misses. R reaches over me and tries to boop J, but he rolls over which causes her to miss. Her arm brushes my nose during her attempt. I partially sit up, then lean over and boop R on the nose with my nose. She boops me back with her finger, then I playfully bite her on the nose. She squirms around to get away and makes some really strange noises, then boops me again. I turn around and J is giving me a really strange look.

      The dream suddenly fades. I wake up for a brief moment, laying perfectly still and quickly fall back asleep. This takes me into the next dream entitled; Shooting a white tiger.
      Tags: boop, nose
    11. Overcharged

      by , 08-19-2010 at 04:55 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid

      My recall still isn't what I'd like it to be lately.

      I've had a few dreams that I've had vague recall of that weren't worth recording. They were kind of pointless dreams where I was sat at my computer writing code.

      Anyway, something to record after a few recall-less days:

      I was at the post office. It was totally different, perhaps another post office than the one I usually visit. I was at the counter, and an unfamiliar blonde woman was serving me. She was very pretty but was wearing a overtly bright pink jacket. I noticed that her nose was slightly big/convex - typically an unattractive feature in a woman -- but found her really hot regardless.

      She tried to overcharge me! What a bitch, I thought. I argued that I knew that she wasn't charging me the right amount, but she was insistent that I pay. I paid and said I'd be back to get her fired.