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    1. Dark Tower: Parting of the Ways

      by , 09-27-2019 at 10:22 PM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 09-27

      Dark Tower: Parting of the Ways

      Regular Dream - Video Game / Semi-lucid - Lucid Dream - Notes

      It is night, I am standing near a campfire with Roland, Susanna, Eddie, and Jake from the Dark Tower books. Eddie and Jake are transparent. Susanna is holding Eddie’s hand and Roland is holding Jake’s. There is a young man there I don’t know. He is drawing on a pad of paper. He shows his drawing, which is a work of art. The drawing is of Eddie and Jake. As if by seeing the drawing Eddie and Jake become solid. Susanna and Roland reluctantly let go of Eddie and Jake. As they let go Eddie and Jake start fading again. I look at the drawing and I see that is also fading… but why? Roland says it’s because they’re not really supposed to be here, that’s why. Susanna grabs Eddie, Roland grabs Jake, and they stop fading. But they don’t become solid again…

      I ask what is going on with Eddie and Jake. Roland says ka is trying to reassert itself. If Jake and Eddie don’t go to the world they belong in soon they might completely fade. So far they have only been able to remain in this world because of their connections. I realize that is why Susanna is holding on to Eddie and Roland to Jake, to try to anchor them in this world. Roland says there really is only one answer, Eddie and Jake have to go to the world they were meant to be in. And Patrick (indicating the man with the drawing) is the only one who can make it happen. Susanna goes over and whispers to Patrick for a bit, then Patrick starts drawing.

      I hear something out in the darkness, it sounds like something is creeping about out there. I feel a sensation of being watched. Roland sees me and says Mordrid is out there, and Mordrid’s a-hungry. I say no, it can’t be Mordrid, MoSh killed Mordrid. I am sure of that. Roland says something is lurking out there. I stare out into the darkness, trying to see what’s out there. I see something is reflecting the firelight. I slip into the darkness, ignoring Roland saying I shouldn’t. I use my night vision and I find the thing. It looks like a cross between a giant beetle the size of a large dog and a praying mantis. It attacks me, but I form my right arm into an Alex Mercer blade and slice it in two. The thing melts into a strange black fluid that flows off into the darkness.

      I return to the camp and now there is a door standing near the edge of the campsite. Susanna is looking at the door, still holding Eddie’s hand. She opens it and lets go of Eddie. When Eddie and Jake get near the door they are solid, but they start fading when they move away. Eddie says that must be the place. He is reluctant to leave because he wants to reach the Dark Tower, but he knows if he stays here he won’t make it anyhow. He and Jake will fade. After some debate it is decided that Susanna will go through the door with Eddie and Jake. Roland seems worried that the door is a trap that leads to toedash space. I say if it does I will get them out. I think Roland just doesn’t want them to leave. Susanna, Eddie, and Jake go through the door. After a brief hesitation Oy follows Jake. Patrick stays behind even though Susanna tries to get him to follow.

      The door closes with a resounding thud. Now there is only Roland, Patrick, and me at the campsite. Roland looks depressed. Patrick curls up and appears to go to sleep. Roland sits by the fire and stares into it. He says maybe I should have gone, too. I say it would make no difference, I will wake up back in my prison dimension where I have no skills, no talents, and no abilities. Roland says he doesn’t believe that. I say yes, I always end up there. He said no, he meant he doesn’t believe I have no skills, talents, or abilities there. I don’t answer. He looks more depressed so I put my arm around him and give him a hug. I say I’ll probably wake soon, but I will be back, I am sure of that. I want to see the tower… if the roses around the Dark Tower have the healing properties of the one in the vacant lot then maybe it can even overpower my depression. Maybe both Roland and I can be free. I wake up here.
    2. The Dark Tower: The Laughter Vampire

      by , 09-26-2019 at 07:52 PM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 09-26

      The Dark Tower: The Laughter Vampire

      Regular Dream - Video Game / Semi-lucid - Lucid Dream - Notes

      I am in a strange place. It is snowy all around, but I don’t feel the cold. I draw the conclusion that I am playing Skyrim VR since I can see the snow and feel a breeze but I’m not cold. It is getting dark out and the snow is starting to fall. I see a plowed street and a small house with smoke coming from the chimney. I head in that direction. I hear roars of laughter from inside. I look in the window and I see Roland, Eddie, Susanna, and Jake all laughing their asses off. There is also another man there that I don’t recognize. Something about him looks fake, though… like he was an illusion. This feels off, so I try the door. It is unlocked so I let myself in, hoping to not be seen as too rude… after all, no one would hear me knock over the laughter and for any normal person it would be bitterly cold out.

      When I get inside and close the door behind me I see that none of the people laughing have even noticed me enter. The man I don’t recognize sees me and makes a lame-ass joke about my arrival. I don’t remember the joke, just that I found it about as funny as vomiting. I am the only one who finds it unfunny, though, as everyone else in the room roars with renewed gales of laughter. Susanna slaps her own face while laughing and a sore at the corner of her mouth starts bleeding profusely. This puts an immediate damper on Eddie’s laughter, and as the others look over they also stop laughing. The man telling the bad jokes, they call him Joe, looks annoyed. How dare Susanna interrupt his jokes with her bleeding!

      Susanna gets up and excuses herself. Eddie wants to go with her, but she insists she’s fine and just wants to clean up in the bathroom. Eddie nervously watches Susanna as she goes. He mutters something to Roland about that sore not being a pimple, and he and Susanna should stop bullshitting a bullshitter. Joe tells a joke about bullshit. Eddie gets mad at Joe, saying his wife is bleeding, this is no time for jokes. Joe makes a joke out of that, too. Eddie laughs in spite of himself, Roland laughs, and Jake is on the floor laughing. I still find nothing funny. I think I will go check on Susanna, but then Jake looks like he’s choking so I go to him and try to get him to stop laughing. Joe tells another bad joke, making the laughter worse. I tell Joe if he wants to see something funny, watch this… and I fus him in the face. FUS-RO-DAH! Joe flies across the room into the far wall, falling to the floor in a mess of objects caught in the fus.

      I am trying to help Jake and Joe makes a joke out of my fus’ing him. This especially gets Roland laughing and now Roland looks like he’s choking. Joe is clearly an energy vampire and he’s stealing energy from their uncontrolled laughter! I am about to do something a bit more permanent than a fus when Susanna comes back from the bathroom. She has her Witchblade formed into a sword which she uses to remove Joe’s head. The headless body doesn’t die. It stays on its feet and starts transforming onto something that looks more insectile than human. The strange thing blunders around for a bit before collapsing into the fireplace and catching fire and finally dying.

      Susanna and Eddie embrace but then I notice Eddie is semi-transparent. What is happening? Jake is also semi-transparent. I do a double-take. I ask what is going on. Susanna holds on more tightly to Eddie and Roland embraces Jake as if they can physically keep them from fading. And maybe it works, as they become solid again. Roland tells me that ever since Thunderclap both Eddie and Jake have been fading in and out of existence. He says he thinks ka doesn’t like being foiled like I did. He says I saved them both, but now ka is trying to set things back to the way they were meant to be, and that means no Eddie and no Jake. Susanna says she has been having dreams that indicate there is a world where they are supposed to be right now, and they will be taken there one way or another. I wonder how to counter this unexpected effect when I wake.
    3. Dark Tower: Algul Siento

      by , 09-13-2019 at 04:46 AM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 09-12

      Regular Dream - Video Game / Semi-lucid - Lucid Dream - Notes

      Dark Tower: Algul Siento

      I am in Thunderclap from the Dark Tower books. Roland, Eddie, Jake, and Susanna are all gathered in preparation for their assault on Algul Siento, which is where the breakers are being held while they work on breaking one of the remaining beams supporting the Dark Tower. I tell Roland that I can use a song to remove the brainwashing on the breakers, increasing the chances of them helping. Roland says no, that may help after but for now he didn't want the breakers helping, it would make it too hard to determine who the enemies are. Right now there are only a few people on our side, and anyone else coming at them with a weapon could be assumed to be an enemy. I agree to go along with that plan.

      As we are talking I see MoSh arrive. He looks at me and says that Algul Siento has some serious giant spider problems, but don't worry about it... giant spider went squish. I am wondering if he means Mordred. If Mordred is dead that’s one fewer problems to deal with. I ask MoSh what happened with the giant spider but Roland says the horn will blow soon, signaling the change in shifts. He says we have to be in position by then. It seems MoSh and I don’t have a part in the plan since no one knew that we would be there, so we decide that MoSh and I will just do whatever we can to cause as much chaos among the guards, Can-Toi, and Taheen that we can. And try to keep the breakers safe.

      I think I will stay with MoSh, but I see he has already gone off towards Algul Siento. I try to catch up with him but a couple of guards with guns get in my way. One of them has the head of a rat, the other looks to be human. The human says he doesn’t recognize me, the rat says he’s sure I’m not one of the breakers. I tell them I’m not a breaker, I’m a fus’er. They look confused, the human asks what a fus’er is. I say I’m glad he asked… FUS-RO-DAH! With a sound like thunder the two guards are thrown backwards and they slam into an electric fence, getting electrocution added to the fus’ing. I change my right arm into an Alex Mercer blade and cut through the three electric fences that surround Algul Siento.

      Now the chaos begins. The horn sounds, signaling the changing of the shift. There are explosions from opposite sides of the small settlement. There is the sound of gunfire and someone is sending out a telepathic message to go South with your hands up and you won’t be hurt. I ignore that message, putting up a block so I won’t have to hear it so loud. I have my Alex Mercer blade formed, so I put it to use as some of the Taheen guards are going past me towards the sound of the gunfire. I don’t have a clear memory of the fight, but when it is ending I see the warden of this prison camp, Pimli Prentiss, lying on the ground, wounded. I see Susanna and Eddie celebrating. Then I see Pimli Prentiss raising a gun. This is where he shoots Eddie! I go and step on the hand raising the gun before he can lift it. I say he’s not going to shoot Eddie this time before using my Alex Mercer blade to remove his head.

      I watch Susanna and Eddie embracing for a bit more and then I hear Sheemie running through the streets yelling at the top of his lungs that the beam says thank you, the beam says it’s not too late, all may still be well! This seems to have made Sheemie unbelievably happy. I see he is limping. I go to him and ask if he is hurt. He says his foot hurts a little, but not too bad, and the beam says thank you, all may yet be well! I tell him I want to look at his foot. He says there’s no need, but I insist. He takes off his slipper and I see a nasty cut on his foot. I focus healing energy on that injury, I remember in the book it became infected and Sheemie died from it. Now he won’t be dying from that at least. I wonder where MoSh has gone to. I look around for him for a bit but then I wake up.
    4. The Dark Tower: Ulfric Dreaming

      by , 08-14-2019 at 12:25 AM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 08-13

      Regular Dream - Semi-lucid Dream - Lucid Dream - Notes

      The Dark Tower: Ulfric Dreaming

      I am playing Skyrim VR, I have a Dark Tower mod. I am standing on a dirt road outside of Calla Bryn Sturges. Jake and three other kids leave before I get a chance to approach them. They are creating a false trail for the wolves to follow. I approach Roland, Eddie, and Susanna. I see Susanna is using a Witchblade for legs. Roland says he’s glad I could make it. He asks who my friend is. My first thought is that MoSh is here, but when I turn around I see Ulfric Stormcloak. That was silly for me to think… how would MoSh get in my modded Skyrim VR game? But Ulfric is not supposed to show up in this mod! I am now thinking I’ll be unable to use this mod because it’s broken, including characters that don’t belong here. Well I’ll give it a try anyhow.

      Roland says there’s no time for introductions, they’re coming. He points towards the horizon where there is a cloud of dust indicating the approach of the wolves. Ulfric wants to know what that is. I tell him they’re evil robots… think Dwemer constructs… who are coming to kidnap the children of Calla Bryn Sturges and use them to try to destroy the tower that holds space-time together… it’s the same ultimate goal that the Thalmor have in wanting to break the tower on top of the Throat of the World. That must be another aspect of the Dark Tower, just like the rose in New York is…

      I see Susanna, Eddie, and the others have gotten into a trench to ambush the wolves. Roland is watching for Jake and the other kids. Something is wrong. I tell Roland I’ll check on them. Ulfric is just looking at me, probably when trying to explain things I said both too much and not enough, just enough to sound confusing and more than a bit nuts. I quickly say those enemies are attacking a peaceful town and I’m helping defend that town, so he can either help or just get out of the way. I head in the direction Jake and the three other children went. After a brief pause I hear Ulfric coming behind me.

      I get a short way down the road when I see the four kids. One of them has stepped in a hole and they can’t get him out! I go over to them and try to help. But then the wolves are on us! It’s too soon! The cloaked robots are coming on their robot horses, and they have seen all of us standing out in the open on the road. I tell the kids to keep trying to get the boy free, I have to deal with the wolves. As several are heading straight for us, they are wielding something that looks like light sabers, I fus them. FUS-RO-DAH! The horses don’t go down, but it is effective in blasting the riders off.

      Now the fight starts. There is a lot of gunfire. I think if Ulfric is helping I should tell him to target the dish on the top of their heads, but his axe is charged with electricity so I figure that should short the things out as if they were struck by lightning. Speaking of lightning… I use a lightning spell to strike some of the wolves with bolts of lightning. Their “thinking caps” are like lightning rods! The lightning is also drawn directly to the sneetches. Three of the kids have gotten to safety, Jake is still out and firing at enemies. I hear the whistle of the plates as they’re thrown and I see a couple cut through the top of the hoods of the enemies, severing the “thinking cap” right off. I hear a fus from off to my right.

      It doesn’t take long before all of the wolves are nothing more than scrap metal… with no losses on our side! My lightning struck down the sneetch that had been about to explode Jake’s friend Benny and the wolf that had been about to cut the woman’s head off found itself getting fus’d by Ulfric and then shot by Roland. I see Ulfric is still here. It looks like he is about to say something but then he fades from existence right before my eyes. Roland sees it, too. Roland asks if that’s normal? I say not really, but I think I’m about to do it as well. Then I wake up.
    5. When Worlds Collide

      by , 02-28-2018 at 05:00 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      2018, 02-27

      When Worlds Collide

      I am in a dungeon. As I am trying to get my bearings I see one of the doors open. A fat man comes out and tells someone inside the cell to seriously consider their options. The fat man leaves in the other direction. I then go to that cell door and I find it locked. I use the Harry Potter spell Alohamora to open it. The cell beyond is pitch dark so I use another Harry Potter spell Lumos to light the darkness. Eddard Stark is there, he looks in bad shape. He is staring at me and asks who I am. I say I am here to get him out, but first I have to take care of his leg. I use my hidden blade to cut a disgusting cast off of his right leg. The leg underneath is a mess. I focus healing energy through Eddard and the wounds rapidly heal. I tell him to come with me if he wants to escape. He is still speechless from what I did to his leg. He tests his weight on it and says it doesn’t hurt at all. I say of course it doesn’t, but now we have to go. He follows me into the hallway outside, I am wondering which way to go to get out of here. I have no memory of how I got in. We go around a corner and run into some guards. I toss Eddard a Witchblade and tell him it will form armor and a weapon. But as I am thinking we’ll have to fight, the world starts falling apart like it does in Assassin’s Creed between memories… then it reforms.

      Now Eddard, two guards, and I are on a beach. It is night time out and one of the guards is too close to the water and he has appeared surrounded by the lobstrosities from the Dark Tower books. He starts fighting them with his sword. The other guard stares in stunned silence before turning his sword on Eddard and demanding he take us back. Eddard’s Witchblade forms into a sword and armor and they start fighting. Eddard is trying to say he has no clue how we got to this place and maybe they should work together to figure it out. The guard won’t listen, and Eddard ends up killing him. There is a loud bang as a gun fires not far up the beach. The guard fighting off the lobstrosities gets distracted and they swarm over him, literally tearing him apart. Eddard asks what that noise was. I say I think the source is friendly and I look in the direction of the bang. We go in that direction a short way and soon I can see Eddie and Roland by a campfire cooking one of the lobstrosities. I call out to Roland so he won’t think we’re sneaking up on them. I tell Eddard that I know these two men so there’s nothing to worry about here. We both walk over to the campfire with Eddie and Roland. Roland is asking who my friend is but I don’t get a chance to answer before things get weird again.

      The first thing I notice is MoSh has appeared from nowhere. He comes over to the fire and greets us, also wanting to know who Eddard is. Before I can answer I see a spot up the beach that looks like an Assassin’s Creed memory switch, something is taking shape. A boy emerges and is running towards us, he has a sword in his hand. Roland is unsure and points his gun, asking who the boy is and saying he means no harm, but lower the sword. I recognize the boy… it’s Harry Potter! What is he doing here? Right behind Harry I see a huge snake take form. The basilisk! I yell to everyone to avoid looking the serpent in the eyes, its gaze is lethal! There is a deafening playing from behind me, and I glanced up in time to see one of its eyes explode. There is another bank from off to the side and I can tell that the other eye has also explored. That’s one weapon the basilisk will not be able to use. But the giant serpent still has it sense of smell, and it is single-mindedly going after hairy. Harry has stopped look around and ask what is happening here? The serpent lunges at Harry, and Harry puts the sword through the roof of the snake’s mouth. At the same time, the serpent sunk its fang into Harry’s shoulder. I am thinking that someone had better do something about healing that poison but I do not get the chance to. Here he disappears from site along with the giant snake.

      I figured that now there will be questions about what’s going on, but there isn’t time for them. Enemies start spawning out of nowhere. These are zombies, they all have glowing blue eyes. We start fighting off the zombies. Roland is shooting with his gun, although he looks like he rather not be. I remember that he’s low on ammo at this point time. MoSh has a pair of guns look like Roland’s. I am thinking they probably take the same bullets, so maybe they could share. Eddard Stark is hacking away at zombies with a sword formed from his Witchblade. I form my right arm into an Alex Mercer blade and start hacking away in zombies. Fortunately they seem to be the usual stupid type of zombie. I hear Roland say that he is out of ammo, and sure enough, MoSh throws him a box. This takes Roland by surprise, but he still catches it. He reloads his guns faster than one would think possible. It appears that the only way to really take out the zombies is fight beheading it or blowing its head open. Other wounds don’t seem to hinder them much.

      A few of the zombies are now looking different. They are a bit bigger, and they look more like Nazgul from the Lord of the Rings than regular zombies. I am facing off against one of these when I hear something behind me. I turned and looked and I see a huge wolf tackle zombie that was trying to attack me from behind. I then cut down a zombie who is about to attack a young man I don’t recognize. This young man is looking around as if very confused. I’m figuring he probably does not belong in this world. The wolf has no such problems with adapting to the new surroundings, and is ripping zombies apart one after another. I don’t have much time to consider these new arrivals, there are still too many zombies left. I turn my attention to one of the wraiths that are attacking, and I charge my Alex Mercer blade with light energy before slicing it into. It appears that only light energy can take out the wraiths, but that is OK because MoSh’s ammunition appears to be charged with light energy. Both he and Roland are able to take out the wraiths. After a bit longer, we are finally able to take out all of the enemies. The beach is now screwing with body parts.

      Roland wants to know what those things were? The young man is now standing next to the giant wolf. He wants know where we are? This could get a bit complicated. The young man identifies themselves as Robb Stark. He asks if anyone has seen the Kingslayer? No one has a clue who he’s talking about. He thinks he is clarifying when he says the name Jaime Lannister. I know he means, but no one else does. I tell him Jamie Lannister is nowhere around here, or at least not as far as I know. Robb asked where we are again, because just a couple minutes ago he was in a forest near Riverrun. He has never seen this place. I start to try to tell him something, but right as I am trying he fades from existence. So does the giant wolf. I grab hold of Eddard Stark. I don’t want him to be sent right back to the dungeon. For a short time he had started to fade, but now he seems solidify again. I wonder how badly I’m fucking things up.

      Eddie is asking what the fuck is going on? Roland acts like he knows what’s going on. He says it can’t be happening yet though, can it? Eddie asks what is happening? Roland says the tower must be breaking down faster than expected. He says that’s the only explanation that makes sense. As the tower breaks down, the barriers between the different worlds are getting thinner and starting to break down. As this happens, the normally separate worlds get closer to each other and start to bleed into each other. He says these weird crossings won’t stop until he reaches the tower and does what has to be done. He says it will just keep getting worse. Eddie asked what is it that needs to be done? Roland says he does not know. I am thinking that maybe MoSh could help me explain what might be happening. I look around but I don’t see him. Apparently he has awakened. I turn back but then everything around me fades to black and I wake up. This was one messed up dream.
    6. The Dark Tower – Shootout Between Worlds

      by , 02-13-2018 at 04:26 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      2018, 02-12

      The Dark Tower – Shootout Between Worlds

      I am Ned Stark. I am riding a horse down a dark street in a medieval town, there are other people here with me. Three of my own people, and one other is called Little Finger, but I call him Little Dick. I don’t like Little Dick. But so far, I have managed to refrain from calling him Little Dick to his face. We are riding along the street when some other people get in our way. I recognize Jaime Lannister. Jaime is annoyed about my wife kidnapping his brother. This isn’t true, Tyrion went with my wife willingly. Jaime won’t hear it. Little Dick tells him to get out of the way. By now Jaime has his own people surrounding us. There are a dozen of them. Jaime says that Little Dick can go. Little Dick says he’s going to get the city guard. Jaime says he knows he can’t do me any harm without risking my wife killing his brother. Jaime leaves the circle of soldiers as if they are going to leave us alone. But as he leaves he says that I cannot get out of this without being chastised, and tells his men to kill mine. Three men are with me as guards. It is raining hard, so I think if I can summon a bolt of lightning it won’t look out of place. My people have drawn their blades, and I do the same. We are ready to fight. I am focus on the song Battery by Metallica. I feel an electrical charge building around us, but then everything changes.

      It’s as if the entire world around us has melted away. It looks like the Assassin Creed games when you’re switching from one memory to the next. The world falls apart around us, and then reforms into something completely different. My three men and I are still on our horses. Jaime’s people still surround us with their blades drawn. But we are not on the street. We are in what looks like a large executive office. Both Jaime’s people and mine appears stunned to inactivity. There are a lot of thugs who might be working for the mafia. There is shooting going on. We have appeared in the middle of a shootout. Since Jaime’s people were surrounding mine, they start getting shot first. I hear someone yelling something about shooting the spooks. I am really not sure what to do, but being on a horse doesn’t seem to be beneficial. I get off of the horse to make less of a target. I wonder what happens if Eddard gets killed in this weird world. One of the thugs has gotten too close to me with his gun. He’s now close enough to take out with my sword, so I do so. I take cover behind an overturned table.

      There is complete chaos in the room, horses screaming and panic, people yelling and confusion, other people just yelling for blood… I see one of the thugs taking aim at a young man. I cut him down from behind. The young man looks over at me and looks really confused. I am thinking he is probably surprised to see someone dressed in medieval armor that appears to come from nowhere. I noticed a weird sensation, my hair is standing up on end as if electrified. But I haven’t been focusing on battery… I hear horses crying out I think they’re getting shot, and then the world falls apart again. One of the horses, having been shot, collapses right on top of my leg. I can feel my leg has broken badly. I tried to look around, but all I see are bodies. Every one of Jaime’s men are dead, and mine are, too. I wonder how I managed to avoid getting shot. I am trying to get my leg out from underneath my fallen horse. I can’t do it. The horse is dead. I try to use telekinesis to move it, but that doesn’t seem to be working. I hear someone coming. I am still trying to get free when I hear someone coming. Everything fades to black as I lose consciousness.


      The other side: I am on beach. It is night time, and I look up and down the beach to try to figure out where I am. I see a door, it looks like it doesn’t lead anywhere. I can see and triangle of light shining through. This is one of the doors from the dark tower books. I go over to the door to see which one it is. I noticed a large crowd the lobster preachers all fighting over something on the beach. What the fuck? I ignore them, and go through the door. On the other side of the door I’m in a bathroom. I hear the sound of gunfire from the next room. I know where I am. This is Balazar’s place, and this is where Eddie and Roland are in their shootout. I go through the door into the office to help. The shootout has already begun, I am reminded of this by the deafening roar of Roland’s revolver. There are a lot of other people here, most of them I don’t recognize. I see one that I do recognize. It is a young man with guns look like Roland’s, I think it might be MoSh. I see MoSh take out a couple of thugs with a couple more deafening blasts from the guns. I am still thinking that my abilities won’t work, so I take a gun off of a dead body that has fallen near me. A thug not very far away asks who the fuck am I? He then says it doesn’t matter, if he doesn’t know me then I’m going to die. I see he’s got that backwards. I quickly aim my weapon and shoot him right in the head. I see another thought taking aim Roland from behind, and I put a bullet in him, too.

      That’s when things get weird. People materialize in the room from nowhere. Four of them are on horses, and there’s about a dozen more dressed in medieval armor and wielding swords. I’m not sure what to make this, I don’t remember the previous part of the dream. I hear a man yelling to kill the stroke, then he adds kill all of the spooks. Apparently they think the strange are spooks of some kind. Most of the new arrivals seem too stunned by their new surroundings to do much of anything. One of them acts quickly and slides off of his horse. I see a couple of them manage to take out a thug or two with their swords before they get shot. I’m not sure if these bullets are armor piercing rounds, or if the armor just isn’t very good, but it doesn’t seem to be protecting them. I feel bad that the horses getting shot. Then, just as quickly as they arrived, the strange visitors fade from existence. Both the living and the dead disappear, leaving no trace they ever existed. The man I think is MoSh is not far from me, he asks what the fuck was that? I tell him I don’t know. Soon all the thugs are dead. I see one final thug come to the doorway. He throws something at Eddie, it is a severed head. Eddie freaks out and start shooting at the guy, but he gets only one bang and the rest are dry clicks. Roland shoots the guy in the head, and he falls dead. Eddie keeps trying to shoot him, that was his brother’s severed head and he is both hurt and pissed. I wish I could do something to help, but I don’t get a chance to. Everything fades and I wake up.
    7. The Dark Tower – The Final Drawing

      by , 11-21-2017 at 05:35 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      2017, 11-20

      The Dark Tower – The Final Drawing

      I am in a grassy area with a couple of other people I recognize. Roland Deschain, Eddie Dean, and Susanna Dean are all there. They seem surprised as if I have just appeared out of nowhere. I in a Dark Tower dream. I wonder if MoSh is around somewhere. I don’t see him. We are following a very old road. I see Susanna has learned to use her Witchblade legs well. She is walking with confidence. Eddie is walking beside her holding her arm, but it is not to help her keep balance. It’s because they are in love. We keep going and come to a grassy hill. There are stones standing around it. Roland says this is a speaking circle. He says there will be a demon there and it will be either male or female. He says if it is a female, he will have to keep it distracted while Eddie does what he has to do. He says if it’s male, then Detta Walker would be better suited to it… or me. He says he doesn’t know whether I would be able to deal with a demon or not. I tell him I can kick the demon’s ass. He says it’s not that simple. He says the demons only weakness is sex. He says that is both its strength and it weakness. I tell him that if the demon is a male I’ll rip his dick off and shove it so far up his ass that he’ll be giving himself a blowjob. Roland seems to think I’m not quite understanding correctly.

      We soon come to the circle. We enter into it, and Eddie takes out what looks like a sharp stick. I’m thinking that he is going to stake the demon through the heart as if it was a vampire. I blurt that I didn’t realize we were dealing with vampires. Then I can’t help but laugh. Roland thinks I’m losing it. Eddie goes over to a spot slightly up the side of the hill. He starts drawing in the ground. His stick is sharp enough to cut through the grass and into the dirt. Roland is insisting that the only way to keep the demon off of Eddie will be for one of us to have sex with it. I’m sitting there thinking there will be nothing gained by Eddie drawing pictures in the dirt while the rest of us fuck demons. I sense that there is something approaching. I wonder if it is the demon? We wait for a bit as Eddie draws. Something is approaching us from beyond the circle of stones. Many somethings. Was Roland wrong in thinking there is only one demon? Perhaps we will all have demons to fuck. But these are not demons, or not as far as I can tell. These are those cloaked things from earlier. It looks like masses of darkness concealed in cloaks. Shadow demons, though they are not actual demons.

      There are many of the cloaked figures. They are circling around the speaking circle. I wonder what they are doing here. I step out of the circle and ask one of them what they want here? The one that I spoke to says they want for Roland to turn ‘it’ over. I asked what ‘it’ is? The cloaked figure says Roland knows. I tell the cloaked figure I have something that I will give it… but it won’t like it. The figure says there are too many of them here, this time there is no way we can win. We should just hand over what they want or everyone here will face a fate far worse than death. Before I can answer this, Roland answers for me. He pulls out his gun and blows the thing’s head off. That seems surprisingly effective for something that looks like a shadow demon. I tell the next one I am in full agreement with Roland’s answer. If they don’t want to be destroyed they had better leave. The only response I get is a hollow laughter. I notice absently that it started pouring rain, but I am barely noticing the wet. It is time to kick some ass.

      The cloaked to figure had been right… There are too many of them. So I will even the odds a bit. Divide by Disturbed will have to do the trick. “I’m going to tear a big hole in what is to be, to end all this infatuation with unity. I’m seeking my salvation alone again, I never needed to be one if you anyway. Don’t want to be another player losing in this game, I’m trying to impress upon you that we’re not the same. My own individuality is so unique, I am one impressive motherfucker now wouldn’t you say?“ then with each repetition of the word divide in the chorus I split in two. So it goes from 2 to 4 to 8 to 16… “You might say that I’m the last one standing! And though you try you’ll never find a way to break me! You might say that I’m sick of being stuck in the crowd, I hear the sirens but they’re never going to take me!“ Now that there are 16 of me I form my right arm into an Alex Mercer blade. All of my duplicates do the same. We now have the entire speaking ring surrounded, and there’s no way the cloaked figures can approach Eddie, Roland, or Susanna. Then I hear Roland say the demon is coming as well. I’m a little busy though. Susanna says it is a male, then calls out to someone I can’t see that the pussy is over here. I kind of tuned him out for now. I remember they were able to handle the demon in the book, but these clocked figures aren’t supposed to be here. So all 16 of me start cutting down the cloaked figures where ever they stand.

      I take a glance over towards Eddie. He has completely drawn a door in the ground and is drawing a knob. The door knob becomes three-dimensional, and there is a keyhole. He sticks his wooden key in and tries to turn. It won’t budge. It looks like he’s about to freak out. It looks like Susanna is having some pretty wild sex. Although I think she may be the one in command of it. I can sense something on her that seems to be trying to pull away. Eddie pulls out a knife and makes a very delicate cut on the key. There are a couple more cloaked things left, and they seem to be trying to get away. I am thinking that this should not be allowed. Before they can get very far I use the tendrils of Alex Mercer to impale both of them and tear them apart. With all of the cloaked figures gone, all 16 of me merge back into one. Eddie has turned the key, and the door is opening. Roland pulls Susanna over near the door. He says that when he tells her, she should let go of the demon. I look through the door, and I see MoSh. He is coming up a hallway with a boy. That must be Jake. It looks like the house has come to life around them. There is a monster with several large holes in its face, and it looks pissed. It has a huge gaping mouth that looks like it’s ready to eat anything can get a hold of. That’s when Roland tells Susanna to let go of the demon. He tells MoSh to duck, and then he grabs something invisible from Susanna and throws it into the hallway. MoSh ducks down and the demon goes straight the monster’s gaping mouth.

      MoSh and Jake come up and out of the door. This point the door slams shut. And then it turns back into a drawing. The rain is quickly washing that drawing away. MoSh has been helping Jake along, and it looks like Jake got hurt somewhere. His leg is pretty messed up. It doesn’t look difficult to heal however. I focus healing energy through Jake’s leg. We are all getting hopelessly soaked. It is pouring rain, though this seems to be the first time I’ve noticed how wet I am. MoSh is wanting to know who the fuck these cloaked things are anyway? Maybe I should’ve kept one of them alive so that we could find something out from it… but dead shadow demons tell no tales. Maybe I’ll be able to keep that in mind next time. I’m feeling a little strange, right now I am wanting to get mad at Roland and tell him that he needs to open up another door so that I can get out of my prison. Whatever cause that reaction, I don’t know. But I don’t get to find out because everything fades and I wake up.
    8. The Dark Tower – Missed Contact

      by , 11-14-2017 at 09:19 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      2017, 11-14

      The Dark Tower – Missed Contact

      I am with Roland, Eddie, and Susanna. I look around to see where we are. Roland, Eddie, and Susanna have been making a journey. I am not sure where they are going, but they’re following a path of distraction. I start remembering. This path of distruction was left by Bearzilla, the giant cyborg bear. They seem to be having difficulty with pushing Susanna in her wheelchair. I think maybe I have an idea. They stop, and I hear Roland talking about Susanna getting a piggyback ride. She really seems to hate that idea. I see Roland has a harness on his back that it looks like someone could ride in. I catch up to them and say I have a possible alternative. A sentient Witchblade can form into weapons and armor, why not legs? I reach into the pockets inside my robes and pull out a Witchblade. It looks like a simple bracelet right now. Everyone is wondering how I managed to get there without any of them knowing. Especially Roland. I hold out the Witchblade to Susanna. I tell her that can help. She says she doesn’t see how a bracelet can help her walk. I tell her to put it on, and it will show her.

      While she is sitting in her wheelchair, Susanna slips the Witchblade onto her wrist. It tightens there so that it is firm but not uncomfortable. I tell it to give her legs. The Witchblade forms into armor. But the armor continues and forms complete legs where Susannah’s end in stumps. Everyone around is completely amazed. I tell her it might take some getting used to these new legs. She may need to learn to use them first. I’m not sure how it will feel. She sits there and looks at her legs for a minute, and then moves one of them. She lifts her right leg and stares at the Witchblade foot. She tries to get up from the wheelchair. It is clear that she’s not very stable on the Witchblade legs. Eddie comes over to steady her. With Eddie for support, Susanna takes the first few steps that she has taken for many years. I pull two more Witchblades from my pocket. I gave one to Eddie and one to Roland. I told them that they may not need assistance in walking, but it will still form armor or melee weapons if they need them. I think they’re about to ask some more questions, but the dream has been a pretty short one, and I wake up.


      It seems like it is later in the same dream, but I woke up a little bit in between. I am in a small area where Eddie and Susanna are huddled together on one side of a nearly extinguished campfire, and Roland is on the other. Roland seems very restless. Is tossing and turning, and talking in his sleep about Jake. He keeps calling to Jake as if he thinks the boy will answer somehow. He does not seem sane. I assume it is the paradox. Susanna asks if Eddie thinks they should wake him up to get him out of the nightmare? Eddie says he wouldn’t dare. He points over at gun that is lying on the ground not far from Roland’s hand. I told them that I will do it. They do a double take, looking up at me. I repeat I will help Roland, even if he shoots me it wouldn’t hurt me. So I quietly go over to Roland. I even levitate a little bit off of the ground so I won’t make even a sound. I get so close to him that I’m whispering in his ear. The song My Last Breath by Evanescence. “Hold on to me, love. You know I can’t stay long. All I wanted to say is I love you and I’m not afraid. Can you hear me? Can you feel me in your heart?” As the song continues, Roland seems to calm down. Finally as it is ending he relaxes completely. I believe his dreams are now gone. His sleep is dreamless. I tell Eddie and Susanna that he should be OK now for a while. And soon this paradox will be resolved. And then I wake up.


      I am with Roland and the others again. This time we‘re just sitting and talking. Some of the talk is about the Witchblades, where I try to explain some things about them. That they have minds of their own and will respond to unseen threats and they also respond to their wearer’s mental commands making them like an extension of the wearer’s body once they’re fully adapted to each other. Then Roland starts talking about MoSh. He asked if I know my friend was there earlier? He says that MoSh was there with them earlier, and he is certain that moSh has had formal training as a gunslinger. I tell him I did not realize that MoSh had been there. I ask him what happened? He said he and MoSh were talking, then they found a nest of weird mechanical things that attacked them. He says that even his old teacher Cort would have been impressed by MoSh’s shooting. I ask him for what details he can remember. I tell him that since this is a dream state for us, sometimes we have trouble remembering. Anything that I can tell MoSh might help him remember.

      Roland says they were traveling along the path that the bear had left when they heard strange mechanical noisees. He said he and Eddie went to check it out. He said they saw was six little robots moving around in a circle. There were a lot more around them, but they all appeared to be dormant. He said that Eddie started shooting the little robots. He says Eddie shot all but one of them. The last one was coming at them, right as Susanna came over to see what was going on. Eddie took that one out as it was attacking Susanna. Eddie was getting pissed off at Roland because he thought Roland had left Susanna in danger. And while Eddie was getting pissed off, a couple of flying things attacked them. Roland says he shot those easily. Roland says MoSh came up to them and asked if there was a problem? Before Roland could answer, a whole flock of flying things attacked. There were so many of them that it took all four of them shooting to get them all before someone got attacked. He says he did not see MoSh miss even once. I tell him that that’s good, and I hope that MoSh will remember this when I tell him. I also hope I will remember this so that I can tell him. Roland says he is very interested in this method of travel we seem to have. This dream travel. I tell him that’s hard to explain. And I don’t have a chance to try before I wake up.
    9. The Dark Tower – Split Timelines

      by , 10-27-2017 at 07:19 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      2017, 10-27

      The Dark Tower – Split Timelines

      I am at a campsite. It is dark out, and I am there with several other people. I see Roland, Eddie, Susanna, and MoSh. Roland seems to be having some difficulty. He says he’s going crazy. I remember in the books this is the result of a paradox orchestrated by the man in black. Roland is telling stories, one that he says is real and one that he says was supposed to be real. I do not interrupt his telling. Mosh also stays quiet during this time. Although he seems a bit distracted. I wonder if he sees something out in the darkness. Those strange cloaked figures maybe… After Roland has finished his story, Eddie gets part of the concept correct. He draws a line at the beginning for the timeline before Roland met Jake. Then he skips a space and draws a line after Roland parted ways from Jake. He draws a circle in the middle and says that that is what we’re going to has to just ignore. Roland says that won’t work. He can’t just ignore it. I tell Eddie I can add a bit more detail to this.

      I set to drawing in the circle. I draw the two separate lines that represent the two separate timelines that now exist. I point to the one on top and say this is the timeline where you met Jake. I point to the one on the bottom and say this is the timeline where you did not meet Jake. Both of these things are true at the same time. The only thing that got it all fucked up was the man in black. I draw a few extra things on the timeline. I draw the door where he met Eddie, the door where he met Susanna, and last the door where he interfered with Jack Mort. I tell him at this point, the man in black created the paradox by arranging for him to save Jake. This is where Jake was transported to his world. But he prevented that. So then I draw a line backwards to where he had met Jake. And I don’t technically he’s on the wrong timeline right now. He has memories of the other timeline because he experienced it, but he’s on this one so he’s also got memories of this timeline now.

      He says the only thing that keeps him arguing in his mind about this is the jawbone that he took from the man in black. He throws the jawbone into the fire. It flares up as if it was made of something flammable. Eddie stares into the fire, and I remember that he is now seeing the shape of the key that he will need to help properly draw Jake back into this world. That will fix the timeline. But that doesn’t seem to have eliminated Roland’s issue. I tell him that I think I can help with it, but the only way to fix it permanently will be to fix the timeline. He asked how to do that, and I said it is coming in the future. I feel that it is. I actually know that it is. So I use the song on Roland to help stabilize his mind which is the same one I taught Eddie to use on Susanna. My last breath by Evanescence.

      “Hold on to me love, you know I can’t stay long. All I wanted to say is I love you and I’m not afraid.” I have taken a hold of Roland’s hand, and he seems now focused completely on me. “Can you hear me? Can you feel me in your heart?” Now Roland is holding onto me, he actually has tears coming from his eyes. Frustration? I’m not sure. “I know you hear me, I can taste it in your tears. Closing your eyes to disappear, you pray your dream won’t leave you here. And now you’ll wake to know the truth, he still there. Say good night, don’t be afraid. Call on me, call on me we can face the night. Say good night, don’t be afraid.” That seems to have Roland in a more focused state when the song is over. Now we can present him with facts. Eddie remembers Roland telling him about traveling through the mountains alone. Without Jake. But both MoSh and I remember Jake. So obviously he is real. Susanna can’t say either way, she hasn’t heard any of this before.