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    1. Dire Wolves

      by , 03-03-2015 at 02:58 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      After messing around with magnets, and having a mixed drink, I'm driving down the street with my step brother. There's no one on the road, and we're cruising along at around 40 mph. We both spot something coming right at us up ahead in the road. It's moving fast. I slow down in case it hits us. Bigger than our car, it is a massive wolf. The head of which is a good 5 ft long, and really really big. He bares his fangs at us, and turns his head as he runs past us along the road in the opposite lane.

      Feeling very vulnerable, even in the car, the road gets too snowy to drive on, so I have to get out and walk if I want to make it home. It also gets really steep. Apparently, I'm crossing the continental divide over the Rocky Mountains to get to some town in Colorado. But man is this steep, and with snow up to my chest, it's really hard to push through it. I see a few more of these beastly wolves all around me, just off the side of the road, watching me slowly make my way up the road. I get the feeling that they are guiding me, and probably won't eat me. Just probably though, so I keep my eyes on them. Luckily, I have a towel with me, so I use it to lay on, pushing the snow down to make it easier to wade through.

      Since this might take me a while, I put on my hat and mittens that were in my pockets this whole time. The wolves watch me to do. I nearly lose sight of the road with so much snow, but see a massive wolf laying down in the snow ahead of me, so I walk toward it. Or to my death, but it's not like I can out run them anyway. To my left I see a few snow mobiles and four wheelers abandoned in the snow, just lightly dusted with fresh snowfall, but still with the keys in the ignition. Several of them are still running.

      I think about stealing one, but decide against it. I bet whoever owns them would be pissed to come back and find it gone. So I walk past them. The road disappears, and I am looking over a 300 ft cliff. But in actuality, I'm just standing on some snow that is packed into the branches of a huge tree with snowmobiles stuck in it. Before I get the chance to even think about how this situation might have happened, unusual as it is, I feel the snow start to give way. I run toward the tree and grab onto the trunk as the snow and machines fall to the ground far below. I hear the tree start to crack apart too, so I grab a falling branch and swing down on it to the midway point of the tree. I feel incredibly lucky to have survived that, and now bear hug the trunk to slow my decent as I slide straight down the icy tree.

      Landing hard in the snow, the tree starts to tip over toward me. WTF! I run super fast and dodge it while also noticing some people on the opposite side. I decide to see if they need any help, but I'm going really fast the opposite direction, so I drag my feet stopping like a hockey player, just with a 40 ft slide. Just in time though. As I stop, I notice a fence around the whole area where the tree fell, on the outside of which are a lot of those massive wolves. Just a whole lot more menacing and vicious looking than before. Growling, barking, and drooling, they give me the deathliest stares I've ever gotten from an animal. I bet if I had crossed that fence I would've been killed. Luckily there is a small town here that has some sort of magical wolf boundary or truce. Seems like a small town from Alaska.
    2. MILF

      by , 03-03-2015 at 02:42 AM
      Me and my buddy Erich were at his "house" (his house looked like nothing of his house in real life) his house consisted of a small living room, one bedroom, a kitchen and a big garage. The front door led to the living room which had only a tv and couch. The living room led to the kitchen and the living room was right next to the bedroom. Adjacent to the 2 doorways was the back door which led to an open field with a forest outline and a lake/beach. I remember me and my friend out on the beach/lake and me swimming. He told be about how his mom has slept with a lot of guys and how his dad hates it. Shortly after walking back in his mom took me out side to the lake/beach that i just came from and told me a story about how there is some sort of storm going on in the lake and that it will fight back against the storm and some other random lore about lake creatures needing assistance against the storm. This could of been a great dream about the lore of the lake but instead she lead me back inside and i hung out with my friend again. Erich was watching tv on the couch but i was close to the front door and i could hear his mom in the bedroom moaning so i some how saw through the wall and watched her (some super power i guess?) I then proceeded to get up and go into her room and we were having sex. Shortly after we finished the dad came home and I hurried to find my pants but i couldnt so i stood by the back door with out any pants or underwear just acting all cool like it was the norm. They didnt know intill i walked out the garage door with a pair of shorts and i was then chased around some small rural town. After awhile i got ontop of this guys house and the dad followed up the house, so i jumped off the roof and he looked at me and said "HEY, I SWEAR TO-" before tumbling down a chimney. I walked to the house next door and the guy walked outside wondering what the hell is going on. I said "Some adult is trying to assault me, could you get me a ride home?" He replied with a yes but kept talking to the mom that had followed her raging husband. I told him that we needed to go now so he finally stopped talking and we headed into his garage. When i walk to the back of the garage, the dad breaks through the corner of the roof (the garage was made out of really bad shanty like metal) and started yelling at me. The mom finally told me to just straight up talk to him so i faced my fear and went up to him. He started a swing and then stopped then started laughing. We shook hands then i proceed to say "Dude look im sorry, but you and i both know, your wife is amazing." in which he smiled and we all walked down a dirt road to the end of the dream.

      Updated 03-03-2015 at 02:46 AM by 48340

      Tags: milf
    3. Basic TOTM Saturday and Basic TOTM Success Sunday

      , 03-03-2015 at 02:36 AM
      1 Mar Lucid
      I don’t really remember what I was doing before I went lucid but I remember being very busy and realizing that I should do an RC. I looked at my fingers and had more than I should. I was in a mall of some place inside and I immediately thought of the task to go into a house and see what was going on. I went out of the place I was in and tried to picture houses near. In an immediate left there was just more mall and then I took another left and saw the houses across the street. I was pretty excited and noticed the wind was blowing and it was very dark outside. I was hurrying across the street. There were news papers in the street and the houses looked like they were new, I thought maybe no one lived there and they were empty, I woke before I got to the houses.

      2 Mar Lucid
      I took valerian and melatonin along with my regular 5htp and ginko last night and had a couple of lucids about 2 hours before my alarm went off. The first one I really don’t remember too much detail about except for that I was in some houses doing something of importance and did an RC and became lucid. I started looking for a different house but woke up pretty quick. When I woke from this I think I DEILDed and was in a house with some girls and went lucid almost right away, I pulled the pants off of a girl that was in a house I was in and then thought of tasks before I got too off topic. I left the house I was in and looked for another house. It was night and in my mind it was really late like everyone should be sleeping late. I found a little neighborhood with some smaller houses very close to where I was, I was reminding myself to remain calm. I went into the first one I could get to and as I was entering I was trying to think of something weird that the people inside might be doing. Along with that there was a worry that no one would be in the house. I went into the first bedroom to find no one, then the second bedroom to find no one, at this point I was a little erratic and panicky, in the last bedroom I was really focusing on there being someone in bed. I entered the last room and there were people in the bed. I went up to the beds and it was a small figure, a kid and the kids was made of like a grey and black marble. I am not sure if the kids were real or slept through me doing this but I picked them both up and they remained in their sleeping poses, I even made some weird shrill noise when I picked them up to try to startle them awake.
    4. Random/Eye was growling

      by , 03-03-2015 at 02:30 AM
      -I was inside my house living room and it was dark. Colorful rings were set up all around and a evil, small female cartoon came to cause mischief. I tried to defeat her but ended up hitting my parakeets out of anger instead.

      -I was at a beach singing a song for someone but stopped for some reason. Than i left and ended up at a park i think. As i was walking i began to notice that i felt taller and i was also naked. I began to question how i got naked as i looked for clothes.I bumped into a group of people who were supposedly my friends and asked a guy if he could please do the thing for me. I was going to construct a world with my mind for a game. The guy said no at first which disappointed me.

      I made a sad face than started splitting the floor stairs/tiles with my mind by myself. Than the guy sighed and said fine. That he would help me build a porn game. (Weird...I don't watch or like anything that has to deal with porn.)I was happy about him helping me and than the dream shifted and i was at a McDonald restaurant wondering if i should really buy McDonald or go to burger king.As I was looking around i heard a lady on the phone tell another person to "please hold" and something about transferring the call.

      Than...i noticed two girls next to me trying to sneak out of their job early.One of the girls mentioned how she really wanted to quit.After that the dream shifted again and now the girl was talking about how she wanted to go to the same college as her boyfriend.It started to turn out like one of those old Disney shows.


      I appeared on a bed next to my mom. She asked me if i could get her some iced tea. I went to get it but the iced tea did not want to come out of the container. So i tried the water next but that didn't even work. I went back to tell my mom but warped to the bed quickly somehow.I was happy that i was able to realize i was in a dream now and began to call eye into the dream. My mom annoyed me as she tried to stretch her arm over me so i pushed her back than began to call eye again. I felt Eye appear and saw something that seemed to be him.

      I heard a faint growling sound and felt that it was him being mischievous. I began to call for him again and than he made himself known. Although he looked like someone i don't recognize." Are you going to look like this from now on?" I asked. He didn't respond. I looked around than noticed we were inside a space ship now.Below me was a clear flooring where you could view outer space.I than decided to ask Eye a interesting question."What do you think God's purpose for you is?"(I was asking him in a way to see if the dream could tell me the purpose of dreaming) He disappeared after i asked him that though.

      Disappointed, I turned to look for him.Than noticed a blond boy in the room with me now.A green arrow began to appear on the ground and point at the blond boy. The boy tried to get away from it but it just followed him. "Found you!" I said trying to grab him but than i began to slowly lose lucidity.
      Two little girls appeared and tried to catch the blond boy for me but i woke up before we could.
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Civilized girl friend and break up

      by , 03-03-2015 at 12:29 AM
      This dream was vivid than others. I had this girlfriend who was really pretty and perfect, and we were a really good couple, like out of a movie or something. This is something unusual for me because I don't have a girlfriend like this. we were really sensible and she was really serious about us dating. She had brown hair and looked like someone i recognized from television. We went into this place where an amazing looking airplane turned into two big flying plastic plane fish which i said to my girlfriend wow look at those in the sky, and they came down and bumped our heads like birds would do if they were coming down to us. I thought that is a sign we had being picked for something special (marriage apparently). After that two very well dressed guys made us hold hands and say do you take this to be your beloved wife and walked us down a carpet out into the city. That was a great moment because I wanted us married. But it soon turned dark when I went with her to the doctor and the doctors first mocked us by calling us names. First he called her something which I cant remember then he said I looked like a 'baboon'. I said 'gee thanks', and he laughed. As the doctor starting looking at my foot it was painful. Something was wrong with my foot and he said he needed to give me pills for a certain vitamin that my body wasn't getting. My girlfriend said she had just being to the doctor here an hour ago to have something removed from her back. I was surprised at this and when I saw her talking to one of the doctors I started to get jealous. After the doctor gave me the pills, I picked up some shopping I had in my hand for some reason. After walking out the doctors I touched her hair a certain way with my finger, that was seen as inappropriate and she stopped and said angrily why did you do that. I explained that I was just trying to get closer and have a good time. She started saying how I was acting weird in the doctors, and that when I picked up the shopping acting like everything was 'my domain'. She was not happy with me. Earlier when we were more happy we had decided to go see a movie and we were on our way to see this movie. I told her how I wouldn't be seeing much of her anymore and that my life was changing and how this date was our last opportunity to see each other for a while. Well after she was complaining I stopped her and said "YOU KNOW WHAT?!. she was taken aback and looked at me shocked because i had said it in an unusually angry voice (worse than I intended). Then I said, 'lets just forget the movie'. We walked our separate ways both of us disappointed agreeing that it wasn't working. Then somehow I ended up in a masonic lodge, and they were doing their rituals and one guy said come join us, with such inspiration. And they were doing sword fighting like pirates and having parties. I said I can't do this, and looked for a way back outside. It was raining outside in the city and I became lost. I was on my way back home. There is other details and other things I dreamt like about living in a park, and seeing my old pet dog that had died years ago. But these other details are dream fragments and it would be difficult to type out and I already said the main parts I remember. It's being a long time since I had a lucid dream but at least despite the good and bad in this dream it was a memorable vivid one that was somewhat interesting that I haven't had for a while now.

      Updated 03-03-2015 at 12:44 AM by 75078

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