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    1. DJ#110: Second Hand Sale

      by , 03-11-2016 at 10:32 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: My brother and I were packing up all of these old Yugioh and MTG cards for moving house I believe. We were trying to stack them all up in big piles and we noticed the MTG cards were firmer at supporting themselves. We also took a few out and looked at them and reminisced and stuff.

      Dream 2: I was in a room of some kind or corridor, like in a hotel, jumping around (can't remember details too well)

      Dream 3: I was at a huge second hand sale in this giant convention centre, similar to Jeff's Shed (for Melbournians :p). I was there to buy books I believe, however I had also donated a lot of my own stuff for the sale as I think the proceeds were going towards refugees. Anyway I walked in there and was looking through books when I saw a few books which I had donated there. I laughed to myself at the ide of buying my own books which I had donated, but then my brother appeared and told me that for each book I bought from there I would get a voucher to go meet this guy. I thought I may as well do it and bought two of my own books and went off to get my vouchers. I got the vouchers and then somehow glided through the crowd like I was on iceskates/rollerblades. I went up a set of stairs and then swung around to see the guy I would be meeting behind a desk with a few other people. Turns out I was meeting my old English teacher, Mr Spiller. He turned and faced me and said "Ah, good to see you again Matthew" and waved his arm around. I stopped and looked around, spotting a stack of newspapers for taking. I took one and the front page news was the UK leaving the EU. "Shame, isn't it" Mr spiller said of the story, "Not to mention the Sun's poor writing" he added before turning back to the other people.
      Tags: non - lucid
    2. [11-03-2016]

      by , 03-11-2016 at 09:43 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was in school, it was a cold early spring morning. The building vaguely kept it's architectonical design this time. I left my jacket in my cloakroom locker and waited near the classroom. After a while or so one of the girls from my class appeared and said that that there are no classes this day as something happened. We both rushed to cloakroom. I took my jacket, but realized that I left my backpack somewhere. I ran around the school searching for it, until one of janitors told me that they took it to cloakroom. I ran back there and took it, then I got out of the building, thinking if I'd manage to catch a bus. I was a bit too late, so I decided to run. There were enormous hills near the road, with a set of buildings close. I thought that if I'd climb up the hill, my way back home would be much quicker. I ran to buildings close to school - on a parking lot I saw two dudes from my class wearing strange orange suits and taking care of a small baby. I climbed up one of the roofs and jumped to other buildings until I got closer to hill. It was too steep to climb, so I slid down to road.

      Second dream

      I was in my hometown, it was a late afternoon. I was going from local flats back to my house. On the crossroad I met a girl from previous school. I haven't seen her for a while, and the fact that I haven't looked her added to it that I haven't missed her. She had dark complexion and black hair, and she was wearing a red dress. When I was just about to turn in direction of my home, she caught my hands and put them on her breasts. She said "We can be together... If you don't prefer these kind of women" pointing at a girl from my current class.

      Third dream

      I was in home, fiddling with some new software that somehow worked on my old PC that I'm using after my laptop broke. I prepared some basic scene with textures and a camera set to work, and then used render button. Renderer baked a beautiful scene, the camera was moving downhill, all the vegetation and graphic effects looked great. I toyed with it some more, turning on a strange game engine that I used to create unbelievable visuals and game logic. With one press of a button, I created an expansive cavern system with purple glowing crystals, orbs of condensed energy floating gently above rock platforms, unusual underground vegetation and a way up to overworld. The game started - it was some kind of tower defense game, where I had to protect this beautiful world from invasion.

      First fragment

      I was in home, it was late night hours. With my four sisters we gathered in the hallway that led to both bathroom, exit, grandmas room and sister's bedrooms. We took cards and played a complicated game, which rules I can't quite recall. We played and talked, having great fun. Then we changed the game.

      Second fragment

      I was watching a news tv station. It was late Saturday morning. The color scheme of news station was changed to black, contrasting strongly with white outlines. News reporter was talking about winning of another political faction in Poland. It was a faction that appeared after PiS collapsed. Reporter called it a grand day, with victory of only one right faction.

      False awakening, really short MILD

      I woke up in my bed. Looking at the clock I saw that it was close to 4:30 or 5 o'clock. I went to bathroom, but lights weren't working. I tried to turn on the switch, but in best case it flickered once and disappeared again. I recalled previous experiences with light not working and did a nose RT. It succeeded and I realized that it's a dream. Short MILD practice before falling asleep helped here. I went back to my room and I tried to make another RT just to be sure. I tried to phase my hand through a wall, but it haven't passed through. I had little dream control this time. I went to my parents bedroom. Despite the hour, my mother was still awake and watching tv. I told her that lights weren't working and she replied that she knows. I went to bed and woke up.
    3. The Cyborg Man

      by , 03-11-2016 at 07:19 AM
      My surroundings take place in a post-war type of environment....I see a lot of dust and orange colors about my surroundings...almost like a desert like environment...Everything looks kind of steampunk and old but working items....I see a lot of small tv's and similar electronics but as if they are old...I am surrounded by many people and items...some sort of shop? I go to the front entrance of the tent-like structure I am in..which its large.... I look up at the sky and see a dark orange sun seems darker and smaller than usual...I look behind me and see a man with a old worn fedora hat and trench coat....looks like he is in his late 40's...his face was glowing blue with light/blue spots which all is illuminating a glow and some hints of red glowing in the center of the head-his face is completely human but he is transparent with blue glowing veins lapsing in his face and he looks like a organic cyborg...I start talking...I say- there are half-man/half-machine in the future...the man questions me, how do you know that? I say, when the sun began (past tense) to darken..a woman looking well preserved as if she is in her 20-30's but with white long hair tells Him- She's right...- not sure if she is a cyborg but it seems to be possible...I turn to face the cyborg man and I start to stare at his transparent face that glows blue and red and caress his face watching the movements of the illuminated lights in his face...I wake up right after that...
    4. A gun and a girl

      by , 03-11-2016 at 05:30 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was in a grocery store that was far from home. It seemed to be a wal-mart. There was a birthday party for a baby that was supposed to be held later on, and me and my family came to this wal-mart to find a present for it. They told me to go find the baby some clothes. I started walking around. This store was huge; there was an entire grocery section and an entire clothing and electronics section. I walked over to the clothing section and started looking around. The lighting in this area was rather dim. Not far ahead of me, looking at clothes, was a petite blonde chick with her hair in a pony tail. I knew the baby clothes weren't in the section she was, but I decided to go up to her and start conversation by asking if she knew where baby clothes were. "Hey, do you happen to know where the baby section is?" I asked her. She turned around and as she did my jaws dropped. She had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. "Um, no" she said, "But do I know you?" she asked.
      "Nah we've never met" I told her. We started to have a nice casual conversation. Suddenly, a buff dude in a tight red shirt wearing blue jeans and a hat backwards approached us from the left. "Why are you talking to him?" the guy yelled "I told you not to talk to any guys" he continued. "Aright this is prolly the chicks boyfriend, I'm out" I thought to myself. "You should probably go" she told me. With that I walked off and resumed my search for baby clothes. As I walked away I could still hear her boyfriend clearly yelling at her. I went over to the frozen meats section and looked around. I noticed a huge section full of bags of frozen crawfish, and it looked good. Seconds into looking at all of the crawfish I noticed that there was a random slab of unknown meat on top of one of the bags of crawfish. "Wtf dude this shit is tainted" I said out loud.
      I looked back over where girl was, and her boyfriend was gone. She noticed me looking at her and walked over to me. "Hey, do you want to talk?" she asked. "Nah I don't think we should. Your boyfriend doesn't like it" I told her. "No its okay, don't worry about him" she said. Just then I spot her boyfriend just walk out of the frozen breakfast section ahead of me. "Ah shit, not again" I thought to myself. "What the fuck did I tell you?!?" he yelled from a few meters away. I could see the fear in the girls eyes. He stormed over to us and started yelling at her some more. "We are fucking done" he ended up telling her "it's over". He then stormed off and she walked in the opposite direction with tears streaming down her face. I was left standing there. Suddenly the store's alarm goes off and it is hella loud. "Attention all customers, please evacuate the store immediately. This is not a drill" a voice over the intercom said.
      I looked around a saw many people running to get out of the store. I went to go find my parents to tell them we needed to bounce. On the search for them, I encountered an old lady. "Could you help me take my groceries to my car?" she asked. "Sure thing ma'am" I told her. But right after I said that I remembered that I needed to get to my parents immediately. I ditched the old lady and continued my search. Seconds later I ran into my parents, but it wasn't pretty. My dad was being held at gunpoint by a guy. There were 2 other guys standing behind the guy with the gun, the must've been his accomplices. It then clicked, these were the guys from the neighborhood board association, and they were mad at one of my dad's decisions as he has a high influence and position on the board. The guy then started switching between pointing the gun at me and point the gun at my dad. "I'll fucking shoot you better believe it" he said.
      One of his accomplices went behind my dad and held him by the neck. I could tell the guy was about too shoot now. The alarm was still going off throughout the entire store, and everyone else seemed to be gone but us. Just then, he pulled the trigger. Fortunately he accidentally ended up shooting his accomplice, the one holding my dad by his neck. Just then my dad took the gun out of the guys hands and shot him right in the forehead. "Dad, why didn't you just pull out your gun and shoot him?" I asked him(he's an ex-cop and ex-military and ex-air marshall so he has literally no issue with shooting people lmao). "I don't know son" he replied. "Aright well we need to get out of here. Me, my dad, and mom started hastily making our way out. Once we finally made it outside of the door we slowed to a fast walk.
      The parking lot was completely empty. I looked around. The sky was partially overcast and the weather was nice, cool, and crisp. My law enforcement teacher Mr. Hoffman was standing not far in front of us. "Stay calm folks, but run" he told us. Not far ahead of us across the street there was a huge building entirely on fire. I could see the fire embers floating in the air around it. It looked hyper realistic, but had a dreamlike quality too it at the same time. I was semi-lucid at this point.
    5. Alien Diplomacy

      by , 03-11-2016 at 12:40 AM
      I dreampt I was the General of a space nation. My fleet was enroute to make a diplomacy with an alien civilisation. As we approached the habitable planet and held orbit. I then proceeded down several hallways to the docking bay. We then stepped into the shuttle and made our way to the planet to an alien base. The shuttle hatch opened and we met with the aliens. There were translators in both groups. There was an alien looking city in the distance. We stepped into the alien bunker and sat down at a table and we discussed the diplomacy. The aliens wanted to join and become one nation. They said that they were trying to break away from a nation that's rogue and that it might cause war. After this we went back up to the ship in orbit and the dream was over.