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    1. Eaten up by worries or werewolves? Take your pick

      by , 06-01-2016 at 03:53 PM
      D1 - I am at a workplace and am handed a printout, showing three spellings of name listed on a long list of names. All mispellings are of my name. As a result I am not sure if it is a mistake or if I have a choice.
      I look at the different possibilities for job relocation and where I would be working.
      There are two possible places one really hard to get to. I am worried and believe it may be due to a mean boss.
      Silky helps me look at different possibilities.
      I then realise I will be doing two jobs with the same hours!

      D2- I am in some kind of small japanese style room, all is white linen. There are shiny copper pans stacked in small space to reach up to ceiling.
      I start to climb up precariously to exit in ceiling, where they're maybe food.

      D3- In a strange medieval city, on the outskirts I am wandering lost and having no idea of the time or place, or even my name or origin.
      Also it appears I am peniless and quite miserable. Night approaches and I reach an area near some docks.
      i am approached by a group of men, clearly surrounding me. Soon enough i am captured and press ganged with others. I an tied up and await my fate gloomily. I am offered wine which i fear may be drugged so I ignore it and it splashes down me. The others take it and I realise it is to dampen the pain of what is to come.
      so when I am offered a last time I accept. It is cold and I am already cold and tired in the half light. A cloth is then pressed back into my mouth. We are hauled away and I am sunk under water tied to boat. I am slowly numbed by the wine, cold and icy water.

      D3- I am trying to get portion of white line? on a peice of paper. I use my powers as a vampire and start to shred the paper with my teeth instead.
      Silky grabs the other end she is in werewolf form.
      When we both get to the middle we eat at each other but it does not matter as both our wounds heal. It seems we are making out in a very animalistic way.

      Updated 06-01-2016 at 03:58 PM by 89275

      Tags: medieval, work
      non-lucid , nightmare
    2. Painting before the trains.

      by , 06-01-2016 at 03:18 PM
      My parents had a man over for dinner who was incredibly important. I don't know who he was, but he was very rich. I was in the living room looking at a shitty painting on the wall, and decided to paint over it. I created a visually interesting but totally amateur work, a big black canvas with writing on it and other stuff, looked like something from david carson, the text was asking a daughter to please say the pledge of alliegance next to two stick figures (father and daughter) and the rest of the imagery was interpretive messes depicting the debauchery and violence of america. It was a surprisingly cool painting considering I've never painted in my life. The rich guest in my house came in and looked at that painting and told me it was the most amateur work he'd ever seen. I agreed, and began reading a book of jokes quietly to avoid embarassment. When I looked up he had taped a canvas over mine that was even worse, and was smiling, he was kidding around with me and wanted to get to my level. I took off the canvas, and underneath was something that blew my mind. It was a painting of waves on the ocean, and each wave would stick off the canvas by 3-4 inches at it's crest. This ripple effect would cause the waves to animate very vividly when you walked toward and away from the painting, like those animated holographic childrens book covers. It was a breathtaking piece, with the most beautiful sunset and waves and I stared at it for quite some time.

      Suddenly it all changed.

      I was going to a stop far away to get something I had left behind, but I was so tired that when I checked my phone I realized it was pointless to go grab it as I would lose too much sleep. This is because in reality I am tired as fuck from lack of sleep. I got off the train and went on to the one going back home. I barely made it through the doors and started shuffling toward the very end and my feet made a funny tapping noise. I shuffled right past some girls, and one of them said to me how funny she thought the tapping was. I started talking to her, and we started doing playful boxing or something like that as the other girls chatted with us. It was a nice moment, just hanging with these strangers on the train. It was a very present moment as I wasn't talking or moving around, just sitting on the train talking about my day. The issue was that it was all way too real, and I was looking at my hands already which were normal, and I had my whole day figured out already, no dream confusion. Somewhere along that ride I awoke.

      Dream Signs
      Beautiful girls
      Breathtaking views

    3. [01-06-2016]

      by , 06-01-2016 at 02:09 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      It was an evening. I was in my backyard, through the window I could see the light turned on in the kitchen. There was a piano in the middle of my backyard. With brother's pals we were playing random tunes. When it got to my turn, I was playing a funeral march and then other random songs. I wanted to play something I made up, but it played something entirely different and random. The piano changed colour's and floated in the air. I turned back from it and saw a cat attack a small chicken. It escaped and ran to my mother, who was just passing by. It made crying noises, I wanted to help it and came closer. Then, the chicken exploded with a puff of blood, which hit my face. I came back inside, thinking "I could die in my sleep due to ulcers..."
      Tags: cat, chicken, mother, piano
      non-lucid , nightmare
    4. Tree Hollow-Home Renovations

      by , 06-01-2016 at 12:48 PM
      May 27, 2016: #1 of 2: L. and I are performing renovations on the house. I walk outside the front door and pass our open garage bay and observed numerous brown boxes of various sizes which apparently contain nails, shingles, and other construction materials which so occupy the garage that the garage bay door cannot be closed. I walk onto the side lawn and observe an immense tree with a large triangular hollow at the base between the roots which looks like an animal’s den. A small white dog appears next to my right leg and starts to sniff, paw and explore the entrance area of the hollow of the tree. An orange and white tabby cat suddenly flees from the tree and is lost to sight. After the cat runs away the dog starts pawing at what appears to be bedding material made out of strips of soft foam within the hollow of the tree. The dog pulls out several strips of blankets and closed cell neoprene-like foam which is yellowish from exposure to the elements and/or sun.

      I walk back towards the house as it begins to rain. The rain is getting heavier as I pass the garage. I see that the outermost boxes are getting wet. When I enter the house L. is washing down a wall of what appears to be our future kitchen with a large yellow sponge. She is wearing only a pair of tight jeans and a brassiere. I asked her if it's okay for the outermost boxes in the garage to get wet and she says "yes." I tell her to show me her tits and she does. They look slightly smaller and she appears somewhat younger than in real life. I wake. The time is 4:29 AM.
    5. Beach Party.

      by , 06-01-2016 at 12:42 PM
      May 27, 2016: #2: I find myself swimming in a large body of water about 300 yards from a mountainous shore. I am in the company of a female dream character on a raft. I am attempting to swim back to shore, and as I do so I pass numerous pieces of debris floating in the water such as peach baskets and empty wine bottles. I grow very concerned that this debris will attract bait fish, and therefore larger predatory fish such as sharks.

      The scene shifts. I find myself back on shore where there is a party underway. I quickly realized that I am the host of the party. As I'm walking through the crowd D. K. throws a football to me. Because there are so many people I can't quite reach the ball and it hits my outstretched hands, and I drop it. I pick it up and throw it back to him underhanded. I make my way to a long table which has food laid out on it, much of which I can't identify. I place onto my plate a round disk of cheese about the size of a hockey puck which appears to be coated with shredded coconut. I wake. The time is 6:05 AM.
      Tags: beach, party
    6. June/01/16

      by , 06-01-2016 at 09:09 AM
      I know I've dreamt something but I only remember some useless fragments

      I came home and my younger brother watched over our youngest brother and our sister while my mom was at the supermarket. He said that he is the boss as long as mom isn't at home since she told him to babysit. I just said 'Yeah. Do you stop annoying me if I go to my room?' and he told me my room is a mess. I went to my room and everything was messed up! I didn't understand it because I cleaned it (in WL). But I - once again - didn't RC but I knew that they were inside here when I wasn't at home. But I always tell them to stay out of my room if I don't allow them to go in so I got angry and shouted at them. But my brother said that he is the 'boss' at the moment and I have to listen to him. Still not RCing I laughed and went back to my room. He came in and told me to clean up. We got into an argument and suddenly he had a broom which he gave to me. Again I didn't RC but just started cleaning up. I even remember the dust and everything was and I neither know why I've dreamt that nor what the dream meant XD
    7. The social engineer

      by , 06-01-2016 at 08:27 AM
      I and a fat guy pull into some place. It's like a barn, made of stone and timber. I try to park but the only two spaces are full. I find a third space by the wall and squeeze the car into it. There's a long sheltered walkway to the main door, which is big and wooden. I decide I have to climb to get in. I climb on top of the roof shelter (I feel it's not a roof but a single piece of rope) and before I'm able to get past the door a viscous black smallish sized dog appears and starts to come at me. It attacks me and clings to my t-shirt and won't let go. I'm sure we've woken up the owners now so I'm considering leaving. A black guy appears and I apologise to him saying we were just exploring (I think we were actually trying to break in). I think I fooled him. He seems to disapprove. Fat man has other ideas and urges me to make a break for it and leap over the door. I don't like it. We get close to the door. The door opens and we see a queue of visitors down some stairs waiting for an event to start. Fat man is suddenly wearing an earpiece and carrying drinks and goes inside as a food attendant! The door closes behind him and I'm left outside...
    8. DJ#191: 5 Months Down

      by , 06-01-2016 at 05:12 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was wearing an iron man style suit which was blasting out metalcore music like Killswitch Engage.

      Dream 2: Bernie Sanders was struggling in an election, the news was saying how he had slipped down to 4th or so and had no hope of getting elected.

      Some other stuff which I forgot.
      Tags: non - lucid
    9. Lucid dreams

      by , 06-01-2016 at 05:04 AM
      I'm not sure about this site; what's seen, what's private. If the message box here is for dream records or what? Will I write two pages of thought just to have it all wiped out and my hard work undone after I hit submit? So this is a test. I have been a frequent lucid dreamer since I was a child so tortured by nightmares that I was afraid to sleep. One night so exhausted that I was starting to think I was loosing my mind I just gave in and went to sleep. I decided this was enough and that night was the night I took control.
    10. Odd Dreams from the past week or so

      by , 06-01-2016 at 04:38 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was standing on the side of a street in what looked to be a big city. It didn't look insanely modern, in fact everything looked as though it was a few years in the future from present day. I looked around at my surroundings. Nice cars were driving up and down the street, people were walking to and fro; this place was alive. I looked at the horizon and saw big buildings not too far away from me. I remember looking at a traffic sign and noticing it looked slightly futuristic. Suddenly I got an overwhelming feeling that I was in an alternate reality, and that I was in the UK. I wasn't questioning it, it was as though I just somehow knew without doubt.

      2. I was floating out in space. I had no idea where I was. I remember thinking about the movie Interstellar as I floated around. Suddenly I saw Cooper from Interstellar fly past me in his astronaut suit at an immense speed. Within seconds of passing me he was already close to being just a tiny dot. Out of no where an enormous galactic cloud formed, I knew it was way far from me, but it was so huge that it looked as though it was close. This cloud changed colors from orange to red to green to purple to blue and all the other colors of the rainbow, but at a slow pace.
      I remember talking to Cooper through a built in radio in my suit. "Be careful, you have galactic sized thoughts" he told me. I then realized that I was in a state of vast awareness. This state of awareness was unlike any I have experienced before. I knew now that I had to be careful and watch my thoughts(easy for me to do). Suddenly I found myself looking at a galaxy nearby. It was obviously far away considering I could see the entire galaxy and its shape. Cooper was now flying towards this galaxy and the HUD built into my astronaut suit notified me that this galaxy was the"USA Galaxy".

      3. I was in my house. It was dark and I was just about to go to sleep. My parents were already asleep, but my sister and I were not. For some reason I did not sleep in my room, but I instead got a medium sized wooden bench and placed it right next to the stairs and my sisters bedroom door. I remember feeling a creepy vibe, as I always do when I'm in my house in my dreams. I laid down on the bench after getting a blanket and covered up. It wasn't very comfy to say the least, but I didn't really care. Seconds after laying down the creepy vibe increased substantially. I felt a presence. I looked down the hall from where I was laying and saw what looked to be a ghost, but this ghost was black not white, and it was hard to see considering everything was already extremely dark to begin with.
      I got pretty scared when I saw this ghost. I had a feeling there was more than just one of them too. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and went to turn on my phone flashlight to get a better look at whatever was standing only a few feet away from me. I pressed the button to turn on my phone flashlight, but nothing happened. I looked back up and the ghost was gone, for now. I got up off of the bench and quickly walked to the restroom to turn on the lights, but those lights didn't work either. I then went to my room and tried turning on the lights, and to no surprise they didn't work either.
      At this point I was in a frantic state. I ran down my stairs and noticed a bright light source coming through the blinds on the windows downstairs. I got my keys and opened up the front door and walked out. I immediately noticed that the sky was glowing blood red in color, and it scared the shit out of me. Stuff started falling from the sky, and I recognized it to be hail. It started to come down heavy, so I ran inside quick and closed the door. I ran upstairs to tell my sister and my parents, but when I went to both of their rooms, they were gone. I was now alone in the house. I paced around the house having not the slightest idea of what to do.
      Suddenly I hear movement upstairs. I go upstairs and see that my sister is now sleeping in bed and my parents are in their room. I bang on their door "What is going on?!?" I yell. I get no response.
    11. #152: Lost kid

      by , 06-01-2016 at 03:41 AM
      I'm walking somewhere outside during daytime with my mom. I pass a white kid, perhaps 3 years old. He's alone, so I start asking him questions. It appears that he walked out of his home when his mom wasn't paying attention. I ask him where he lives. He's not sure. He's able to tell me that his dad works in the hospital though and in what department. I take him with me.

      I'm at the hospital now with the kid and my mom. We're in an elevator, going up. I've also got a shitload of bags with me cause I just moved out. The white girl behind the counter looks quite surprised when I show up with all my stuff. I start asking her questions in the hope that she can lead me to this kid's dad. No luck so far. She does say something about wanting to text me later for... not sure what reason. I tell her that won't work as I'll be in Indonesia.
      Tags: family
    12. So tired & frustrated

      by , 06-01-2016 at 12:30 AM
      I was having a lucid dream & going in & out of dreams but never logged a damn thing because Meesha Cat wanted to play all night! Every time I would start to get lucid she would wake me up. This happened like 7 times so I just became more & more frustrated & angry. I finally shut her out of my room but then I had to get up & deal with animal control. They brought another trap for opossums. Apparently there is a serious problem with them this year & I got the last trap they had. One of my friends said her dog has killed 5 already. The consensus is because we had our now infamous tornado in 2011 the animals are repopulating after being displaced.
      lucid , non-lucid
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