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    1. 23/1/17

      by , 01-23-2017 at 08:29 AM
      Starting a dream journal again. Yesterday I remembered nothing. Today small fragments.

      1) Riding a motorbike, started up an incline, it was very muddyand the motorbike wouldn't get any grip, the engine was n't working, so I had to come down.

      2) On a ward, looking for notes in the trolley.

      3) Sitting in a hospital bed. I started to pull the curtain around but it wouldn't go all the way
    2. I am a Boy Actor in a World War II Movie

      by , 01-23-2017 at 07:23 AM
      Morning of January 23, 2017. Monday.

      I become aware of activities I must do for a movie being made that is about a wealthy German family (in Germany and on Germany’s side when the war starts) during World War II (about as far from my real-life associations as possible). I am a boy actor, probably around ten years of age.

      One part of the set is reminiscent of the Loomis Street house, another somewhat suggestive of the southwest Cubitis bedroom. Still another part (in the last segment) seems somewhat like the kitchen of our present home. I have no coherent familiarity with my real-life status other than during the last part of the waking events.

      There is a scene where I have to walk from one area in the house, go outside, and then go back into the house into a different room and look in a mirror (though the mirror curiously seems to be on an outside wall of the house that faces the backyard). I am aware that I only have a white shirt on. This does not bother me at all because I assume that all the scenes presently being filmed are from the waist up. I am satisfied with my appearance at this point.

      At another point, I absentmindedly enter the room that is somewhat like the southwest Cubitis bedroom. An unknown female is there and sitting on the side of a bed, apparently on a cigarette break. On the left side of her face are parallel indentations, almost like the map of where a few stream beds converge (my actual thought within my dream in this scene). She wants to be alone at this time.

      There is a scene where a fictional relative is going into the military at the start of the war. I am standing outside (seemingly at the south side of the Loomis Street house) between at least two adults (and clearly aware of my smaller, shorter body and status as a child actor), an unfamiliar female on my right and at least one unfamiliar male on my left. The camera is on us (filming from east of us). I feel “perfect” as I turn my head slowly to the right, to briefly acknowledge a crow in the sky behind me (which is flying north), making sure part of my left profile is filmed (for at least a second or two) and that the angle of my face at each point is “perfect”. I focus with clear intent to keep my stoic expression “perfect”.

      Eventually, my dream starts to lose cohesion and I am slowly more aware of at least some of my real-life history. Still, I am writing a letter to inform my sister Marilyn (deceased) that I am going to be in a Hollywood movie, indicating some of the details.

      In the last segment, I look in a mirror again. My face is becoming more and more unusual, almost like the classic Frankenstein monster. I have patches of green skin on the left side of my face. It is very wrinkled in that one area, though the wrinkles are in long straight vertical lines. There are what appear to be stone-like features peaking out from parts of my forehead and cheeks. The “stones” are of various colors and textures but are likely meant to be some sort of oversized acne.

      Eventually, I realize my left eye is bulging and I touch it to see that it is like a small plastic dome that is slightly cracked more to the left. (Oddly, I can still see clearly from it within my dream even though it is almost sealed shut.) This is because a crack in my left cheek had reached its perimeter.

      Losing teeth dreams have nothing on this level of dream-self cessation (which otherwise usually have no “interpretation”).

      Tags: crow, movie, war
    3. Skewed Induction and Weird Godzilla Costumes

      by , 01-23-2017 at 07:23 AM
      Morning of January 23, 2017. Monday.

      I am wandering around near an area near the shopping mall. There are a number of people who are involved in some sort of publicity relating to Godzilla and a particular store (or perhaps the entire mall). I walk through the hall of the shopping mall at one point and I am annoyed by seeing three people approaching me who are all in unusual oversized Godzilla costumes (though a few other people are in human-sized Godzilla costumes), though not really looking like any typical movie version of Godzilla. They are about twice as tall as me so I assume that they are wearing stilts and have features within their costumes for more control of the larger arms and such. They do not really regard me directly though I know they are there to annoy people with some sort of promotional gimmick.

      One Godzilla costume is meant to convey the idea of rocky skin (somewhat like the Thing from “Fantastic Four”). Another is a purplish color with polka dots. One has mixed elements of lion and clown, with a sort of mane that seems akin to a wide clown outfit collar. I have an uncomfortable feeling that it will be difficult to shop anywhere in the region with all these annoying promoters.

      There is one scene where I see someone (unknown) watching a Godzilla movie on a narrow wall between two hallways, but the man playing Godzilla is somehow directly talking to the viewer. I get the impression he can even stick his head out of the implied screen unless some sort of holographic technology is involved. (In this case, the Godzilla head is about the size of a human head, unlike the large costumes.) I wonder if the viewer is going to allow himself to be attacked or “eaten” for entertainment purposes.

      I later find myself in a beautiful area near a marsh, eventually within a forest with dense shrubbery. I begin to relax and explore. However, one of the people who are wearing Godzilla costumes comes to where I am, though does not find me. He looks near a large shrub but cannot see me. This time, the costume seems about three times bigger than me but the size does not bother me (and does not even seem a factor).

      Finally, I focus on the nature of gravity. Water seems to run uphill. This is very puzzling. Josh Holloway (the actor from “Lost”) is present. Some small rivulets of water that flow upwards on the wall form a tree-like pattern. I see something very unusual and point to it. At first, I think it might be more water moving upwards along a wall but it turns out to be the glow of the plastic wrap over a new toy cap gun still on the card and somehow stuck on the wall.

      Josh is also apparently annoyed by all the people in weird Godzilla costumes. Several more (unknown) people appear and we explore a large public bathroom (which may be abandoned). I look at the sink and notice water flowing upwards in the side of the basin. Later, we manage to evade a person in a Godzilla costume as he only looks around in the first section of the bathroom.

      Updated 05-21-2017 at 10:07 AM by 1390

    4. Music Theme

      by , 01-23-2017 at 05:55 AM
      I remember a couple fragments of music themed dreams.

      First I was standing with a group of people playing guitars. I was playing some kind of digital guitar stick. We were all playing together. My guitar stick could sound like an acoustic guitar or an electric guitar.

      Later, I was talking with the female lead singer of an amateur rock band. They played an outside gig in a city and virtually no one attended. I tried to give her encouragement and suggestions. I also helped her and her band load equipment into their vehicle.

      Later, I believe I was riding in that same vehicle, a van. There was a commode sitting in the middle and I used it because I had to poop. But then I was embarrassed because I stunk up the van and I apologized.
    5. Portal into a Lucid Dream Mapped

      by , 01-23-2017 at 05:43 AM
      I decided to keep my journal colour coded, so it's easier for me to re-read them and jump into lucid parts or parts that are somehow important. So blue is going to be lucid and red will indicate any insights or an outtake of the dreams.

      In my sleep today I was finally able to fully realize and complete a mental map of my own portal into a lucid dream. Not that I didn't know about it before. I always kept a mental map of it. But it was rather intuitive and I never actually tried to draw it on paper. Today however I was able to "finish" it in my dream and give it structure.

      So my personal portal leading to a state of lucid dreams is a particular building. It means that whenever I see it or find myself inside of it, I know I'm dreaming and thus, start lucid dreaming. I've been there a number of times and took my time to explore it. I know its every corner and every door. It's always the same and always works like a charm.

      It has two parts to it. It has a facade and a rear side that leads me into a reoccurring town. Its left wing leads into a state of a regular dream, meaning that if I choose to go to its left side I will always transition into another dream, usually non-lucid. It's a great way for me to escape an unwanted LD or beat/hide/run away from monsters.

      If I, however, choose to exit through its rear door, which is situated in the right wing of the building, I will inevitably end up in this re-occuring town. The town, just like a building, always stays the same but has a very large territory which i haven't explored fully yet.

      What is interesting though is that in order for me to get to its left side (i.e. regular dream exit) I need to climb a secret staircase in between the building's walls. I access that staircase through a kitchen of a restaurant on the ground floor. There is no other known way to get to the left side. Until today I didn't question why it works this way. Why does it have to be secret and located between the walls? Why is there no easier way to exit to a state of regular dream? Is it because our minds always have to have "doors" to carry us from one place into another?

      The building itself has about 5-6 floors, is non-residential and have numerous offices, where I see people working away. They usually do some kind of office work, using a lot of paper. The building is pretty harmless and nobody usually pays attention to me. They have a restaurant on the ground floor and a pool.

      There is also a scary part to this building, and I don't like it when I somehow end up in there. It has underground floors that go deep below the ground level. From the look of it, it looks like an old hotel with A LOT of similar doors. Its halls seem endless and there is always something chasing me. One time I decided to face it, and it looked like a tall human-like creature with very long hands. I don't know where the doors lead because I am afraid to open them. I tried opening a door once to runaway from that creature, and I found myself in a small room. There was a boy watching TV in that room and he was very surprised and frightened to see me. I wonder what these creatures represent and why I am scared of them.

      So, in my dream today I wondering in a quiet forest and was thinking about this portal. It's funny that mine looks like an office building. I also thought that our mind is a very clever thing always giving you two options to choose from: walking into a LD (in my case, it's a town) or find my way into a state of a regular dream. In 99% of time, I choose to climb the secret staircase to get to it's regular dream side if I'm ever given the choice.
      lucid , side notes
    6. Career best with 11 LDs in one night

      , 01-23-2017 at 04:09 AM
      Night 4: nothing remembered
      Points: 0

      Night 5: nothing remembered
      Points: 0

      Night 6: some remembered
      This night, I didn't remember much but these were the dreams I remembered. I can't even remember if I was lucid during these so I won't count points for dild, wild ext...

      I remember a part of the dream where I had a magic battle with wands with someone I don't remember.

      There was also another part of a dream where I had to transform into someone else to get past some guards.

      The last thing I remember is that I lost a bet and because of it, I had to shrink myself down to the size where I was the same size as a cell. Gravity didn't work as every direction I looked was up

      Misc dream control: 5
      (Cast spell)
      Full transformation: 10
      Misc transformation: 5

      Total: 20

      Night 7: career best, 11 total lucids

      Lucid 1: The first lucid I had was where I found myself in a room that I can only describe as a puzzle room. It was one room of many where I had to align large blocks in all of the rooms to complete the puzzle. There were slots on the ground that each block fit into. When I looked around at the room, I became lucid, no reality check. I used telekinesis to move the massive blocks into the slots. When I completed the room I was in, I possessed my friend who was in another room. Using them, I moved the blocks to the appropriate spots.

      After doing this for 3 rooms, I still needed to do this for one last room. Instead of possessing someone, I used an item called a portable hole.

      This item allows me to travel through any solid object without risking getting stuck and waking up. Using it, temporarily creates a large tunnel that I can move through. After some time, the tunnel will close and the object will be solid again.

      I cast this item on a wall and flew to the final room. Unlike the others, this looked like a 3D puzzle where you had to turn the room and have the blocks fall into place. I changed gravity to have the blocks fall up and then to the corner of the room where they would fall in place. Once I did that, a DC in a robe appeared and stated that I have caused a rule violation. What happens next, I forgot

      Phase through wall: 10
      Advanced telekinesis: 10
      Change gravity: 5
      Mind control: 5
      Fly: 5
      First Dild: 10
      Interact with a DC: 2

      Total: 47

      Lucid 2:

      I find myself in a lobby of some hotel. I feel relaxed and see a group of people that I normally wouldn't see. I realize that I am dreaming, no dild. I fly over to them and talk to them. I think to myself that I don't really want to complete any tasks. That is the last thing I remember.

      Fly: 5
      Dild: 5
      Interact with a DC: 2
      Total: 12

      Lucid 3: I find myself at a dive shop (shop that sells diving equipment). At this point, I look around and see that I'm in a sort of arena and there are people sitting around watching me. I do a RC and find I'm dreaming. I fly over to them and try to talk to them but they stay silent. I fly to the roof and try to portable hole through it. I fly through the solid steel roof but there is nothing on the other side to fly to. At this point, I lose lucidity.

      Dild: 5
      Fly: 5
      Phase through solid object: 10
      Interact with a DC: 2
      Total: 22

      Lucid 4:
      I find myself on the roof of a building. I think to myself that this is a scene from the movie Star Wars. I am with a few Jedi, not anyone recognizable. I walk down the roof to find a ship. In it, I find a sith, I then look behind me and there is the emperor. I realize that there is no way this could be real and flew off into the sky. I used telekinesis to throw the space ship off the roof and flew into the sky. There was a barrier in the sky and it turned to stone. I phased through it with my portable hole but got stuck mid way and woke up.

      Advanced telekinesis: 10
      Fully phase through solid object: 10
      Fly: 5
      Dild: 5
      Interact with a DC: 2

      Lucid 5-9:
      I had woken up at 6:00 am and decided to check DV. I checked out Daniel loves Chanel and decided to listen to one of his wbtb video. One of my family members was getting ready, which caused noise. I went back to bed while facing my alarm clock. I felt shaking and after a while, stillness. (I was very relaxed and tired so this wild was much easier to do than others attempts). I looked around my room and my furniture was how I set it up a few months ago. I knew that I succeeded because my bed was facing the wrong wall. I get out of my bed and fly through my door and window and go to the north of my house. I decide to go through the walls and windows of my house and exit onto the street. I fly through to the houses on the other side of the street and look through them as that usually provides some interesting results. I find that most of the houses are empty of people. I find some people getting ready but I also find some aliens in one house. I also find an apartment with 2 people from a previous dream. My family keeps waking me up though and I manage to chain another 4 very short wbtbs where I go down other directions from my house checking out what changed. On the final wbtb, I fly high into the sky and look over the neighbourhood. I fly at the speed of sound into space when I lose lucidity.

      First wild: 10
      Advanced flying: 10
      Phase through solid object: 10
      4 wbtb: 8
      Interact with a DC: 2
      Total: 40

      Lucid: 10
      I find myself in some castle. Many people are in this castle and the whole thing is filled. There are spiral state cases going up and I see some people I know. I do a RC and I am lucid. I fly up the inside of the castle and find that there is a movie theatre on the inside that people are lined up to enter. After a while, I fly down and look around again. After not seeing anyone, I get on my back, point my feet at the ceiling and flip gravity for me and float looking upside down at everyone lined up. I then flip gravity again and look around. After doing that a couple times, I fly up to the roof. There is a room on the other side of the theatre that is locked. I use my portable hole and walk right through the door without unlocking it. The room I'm in is very small so I use my hands and move the walls further apart to make the room bigger.

      At this point, I don't remember anything after this for this specific dream.

      RC: 1
      Interact with a DC: 2
      Dild: 5
      Fly: 5
      Change gravity: 5
      Misc dream control: 5
      (changing the dimensions of the room)
      Total: 23

      Lucid: 11

      I find myself in a sort of gymnasium. I do a RC and I am lucid I look around and I find that I am with DCs that I seem to think of as friends. I look outside and find that there is a massive explosion (like a nuke) that looks a lot like what happened in the dream I scored 180 points on. As the explosion grew closer, I used my portable hole to open a portal to another parallel world where the explosion didn't happen. I walked through with my friends and it closed. The same person from the very first lucid that night showed up and said that what I did was an illegal action and I will be removed from the dream for it. I reach into my pocket and grab my key. I use telekinesis to grab him and throw him. He starts to fly after me, I open a portal and he follows me through it. I open another and keep flying through them. He continues to follow me. I then teleport behind them, use the gravity command on him so he cannot fly and is pinned to the ground. In a last ditch effort, I use my key and open a long chain of portals that connect in a strait line. I fly and accelerate to the speed of sound, spawn a large Boulder and use the key to close the portals. I then wake up.

      Dild: 5
      Advanced flying: 10
      Telekinesis: 5
      Advanced summoning: 10
      Teleport: 10
      Change gravity: 5
      RC: 1
      Interact with a DC: 2
      Misc control: 5
      (Opening portals)
      Total: 52

      Other non lucid dreams:
      I remember 3 non lucids I had in the same night. In one, I ate icecream and in the other, I flew.

      3 non lucids: 3
      Eat something: 5
      Fly 5
      Total: 13

      Grand total: 241
      (Holy shit)
    7. DJ#337: Orphan & Sneaking

      by , 01-23-2017 at 03:52 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: Someone was asking me about lucid dreams I had had, i told them a story of one where I was essentially playing minecraft, I built a spaceship and flew up to the moon and fought some aliens there. (Doh!)

      Dream 2: I was an orphan in Mexico and found myself with a group of children who went around on the street singing traditional songs for money

      Dream 3: I was playing a video game sneaking around some enemies to steal some powerful artifact

      Fragment: Something about Count Olaf
      Tags: non - lucid
    8. Silent Woods on Aldeterune - lucid Spellbee's Splendid Comp Night #10, 2017 DJ #19 LD #12

      by , 01-23-2017 at 12:21 AM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      Vague Hogwarts dream.


      I RC by putting my fingers through my hand. It shows I am awake. I try again by looking at my hands. I have 7 fingers!
      I become lucid, and remember my goal of making background music for the scene. I phase through a wall and I am in a garden. I focus on I can hear a joyful classical movement for the Haydn Cello Concerto. I teleport to Aldeterune to test it and I now hear 'Silent Woods' by Dvorak. I explore the forest in peace.

      Updated 01-23-2017 at 02:28 AM by 91855

      lucid , memorable
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