18th April 2021 Fragment: I'm in a place that in some ways resembles my old home, but it's a dream generated location. Reminds me of the newer part of the city (L) by the river. At some point I'm with my old school friend Da? I'm not sure if we're actually doing something together or not. There seems to be some kind of animosity between us. Then I remember an open arena or amphitheatre place. There's lot's of people here, mostly people I knew as a teenager besides a dream crowd. Something about football? JC has the ball and he runs away with it at his feet. Two other guys, one of them Mi from earlier years of school, they're chasing after us. I seem to be able to run faster than everyone else in the dream but I feel slow myself. I suggest that I take the ball or something but I remember at that point noticing I have my boots on and remembering that it never worked too well with boots on. (I wake up at some point for my alarm) Fragment: I'm with mom, we're on a street somewhere. It's day time but not quite? We're waiting to cross a road and this double-width lorry/bus thing appears and stops at a junction, blocking us from crossing. It has lights inside and is full of musical instruments or something, seemingly just thrown in as junk, essentially. I tell mom we should put in some of the stuff we have, but she's not feeling so sure about it. Out of her handbag, I take out full-sized electric guitars I think, at least four of them, one was red. One by one, I shove them into an open window at the top, that I can somehow reach. It feels a bit like a recycling drop off place. Mom's bag is now much lighter and I hope that this will be helpful for her. There was something about dad and L boarding this vehicle before. But anyway, soon it starts moving and goes away. The dream scene changes and we are now in a shop like a supermarket. We're in or nearby a fridge aisle. Mom goes off to find something? I forget what I do, but I don't go the same way as her. Notes: - I have been trying to set intentions around the lucid dreaming party before bed but sometimes I get distracted or end up losing my train of thought/the focus on it. - I haven't spoken to Da in a long time. Sometimes I see him online but neither of us have started conversation. Recently conversations have started with old friends but they end up not leading into much. It has left me feeling a bit disappointed on some level. - Recently had some discussions about music with someone I know. - Both dreams were much longer but these were the bits of recall that came easily.
I thought about doing a clay figure when I went to bed but did not become lucid. I'm playing the guitar and working on the project with Hanna. I am very happy because she has added a section where I can solo. I test it out and love the sound of it. Notes: I have wished that this would be the case but I am happy to be able to back her song up. I didn't look on my fingers when I played and did not think about what scale it was but the music was spot on!
I'm upstairs with some people. One of them play the guitar and I also want to play. After a while I take the guitar and start to play "who says" by John Mayer, it feels very realistic. Elina says something about how good it is to be able to play guitar and that I should keep it going. I went to sleep very late and know that I usually get lucids when I resleep in the morning. I program my brain to know that it's going to be a dream when I re-sleep which created this intresting dream. It's pitch black but I'm councious. I'm trying to feel where I am because I can't use my vision and touch a wooden surface. I now know that I am in the kitchen. I try to get my vision but does not succeed. I feel my way foreward and come to the sink. I feel on the metallic water tap and turn it on. I put my mouth under and drink some water and it feels realistic. I try to open my eyes but I'm afraid that I might open my real eyes and wake up. Somehow I enter a game in a fast transition and lose my lucidity. My whole view is a pixilated game that is in a third person view tomb with a dark brown color theme. I'm an adventerur who dodge some tornadoes thrown away at me by some wizards. I woke up thirsty with a dry throat because I was drinking in the dream.
12/11/20 I am with R and E, I gather we are going to a small restaurant to work some big event. Somehow I am in possession of a live crab for some reason. I put it in the trunk of the car we drove over in. We go into the restaurant we are taking it over to cater a wedding I think. I am unsure if I am cooking or serving. The cooks there are unsure if they are working our event or not. I start to help set up tables and chairs in the typical bustle of before event catering. The band is setting up on the stage, I notice a black and white fender that looks pretty nice. I pretend to play the air guitar, it appears on me and I am holding it playing it suddenly. I am embarrassed that I didn't ask to play it first. The guitar belongs to one of the ladies getting married as they are walking onto the stage together. I quickly put the guitar back and apologise, going about my work. I now notice this is going to be a lesbian wedding, they are both older ~mid forties maybe, shorter rounder build and kind of messy reddish hair. They seem kind and non elitist, but they still treat me like the help. All the guests are there and I notice kind of worriedly that no one is wearing masks. I am unsure of my duties or even if I want to stay here. So I sit down at a table with other people and order a glass of wine. There is a younger kid next to me who orders wine as well. I am suspicious but the waiter serves him anyway, whatever, their funeral. I gather this is a somewhat ritzy crowd and everyone is used to getting their way. I eventually end up at the mother of the brides table. She is older and white haired, she almost reminds me of Betty White. She definitely has a charming smile and is very joyful for the occasion. She seems to have taken a strong interest in me, I can tell she likes me, perhaps I remind her of someone from her past. She asks me if I am a time traveler. I say yes, but I can only travel in one direction. She laughs uncontrollably dipping her head towards the table. The other workers seem to be jealous I am now part of the party. The dream fades as we continue our conversation. I see a giant Pringles can on its side it feels like a float, it is floating like a balloon it is mostly white. It reminds me of a falcon 9 booster on its side only it's lighter than air. I put it on like a hat and ride a tricycle like scooter around through crowds and lines of people. Maneuvering my way through buildings that almost remind me of a 90's pizza place. Everyone laughs/ gets bonked by the length of it as I pass them. I try to cross traffic through a highway and almost get hit by cars coming towards me.
I was going to military enrollment this morning. I wake up 5.30 am naturally and can't resleep. I am nervous for military enrollment and go to the train. Recall gap. I stand in the train and go to a back seat. There are a man that enters. I think about corona distance because they warned us about that in the military mail. There comes more and more people and we get pretty crowded in there. Notes: I dreamt about being nervous and that I can't sleep but in reality I slept good. I'm sitting in my chair and look on the big screen in the TV-room upstairs. Gustav show me a music video that he has made from my guitar playing. It sounds like through the fire and flames and I am really impressed with the video. There are some Mike Wachowski memes in the video about him being a big a big sea monster eating a big boat or something. There is a part where the music sounds weird. I ask Gustav about it and he wonders what I mean. He tells me to play the part on the guitar. I don't know what part it is so I try to play something else instead. I improvise Cliffs of Dover and I get some notes wrong but it sounds good. I am impressed with myself and I tell Gustav that I have never played it before. Notes: In the dream I played an open Em with a high G on the E-string. When I woke up I laughed at myself how I could believe I actually played Cliffs of Dover with that fingering on the guitar.
Updated 12-03-2020 at 08:16 PM by 97565
12/2/20 Elon is giving some kind of presentation. I am in the audience. I win a contest allowing me to play the guitar to accompany his band. When they play I still sit in the audience but my guitar is wired into the sound system. It sounds really good and I play better than I have ever played before. There are lead plucking parts and van Halen style taping at one point. The crowd enjoys the show and I can tell Elon was pleasantly surprised at my performance as well. We talk after the show while walking out onto a runway and to his car. His entourage is behind him and we walk side by side. I am starstruck but maintain my composure. I make a joke he likes about how people usually treat him when they meet him "omg I know right! That's totally true, like seriously people!" he responds laughing. We arrive at his car and he says we should totally do this again sometime soon. I assume he is just being nice. But later in the dream I am at another function sitting at a roundtable with some friends and Elon asks me to play along with them again. He is on stage rocking his heart out, he is obviously showing off playing a large drum and the band is just generally jamming. I start playing my guitar along with them only at some point it becomes a bass guitar in my hands. I can't play the bass as well IRL, but in the dream it sounds really good, I remember some of the chord progressions and the accompanyment meshes really well. The crowd enjoys the jam, Elon is in full performer mode sweating up a storm. At a certain point I think he has his shirt off wearing black wrist cuffs and a black headband. My friends around the table are flabbergasted that I am playing with the band from the audience. This time I scoot my chair over in front of the sound guys table who has some lights on his table projecting onto the stage. I sit in front of the light and my silhouette is outlined on the stage. The song goes really well and people clap at the end. I don't get to conversate with him after this time. But I still brag to my friends that I got to hang out with Elon in person 2 times in one week. I am still beside myself. There is another performance this time I don't know who is on stage but I have an oversized midi controller in the shape of a larger misformed original grey nintendo gameboy. It has several lines on it with options on each line like a mad lib. But when I press them they play different sampled sounds that are all in the same key. It is hard to describe but I am pretty much head banging mashing buttons and it sounds like trip hop techno. I see an old friend from highschool and he throws me the rock on horns while smiling devilishly. He asks about the controller after the performance and I attempt to explain it. People around me are generally impressed at the show. I played from the audience again but only the people around me knew I was coming through the speakers. Vr headset playing in a room. Don't recognize the game but it is somewhat surreal. My cat comes and lays down next to me while I am playing and the game sees her and puts her in the game as a dog with a cat's face. I walk into a table in the room I am in while walking around in vr. (I've never tried vr irl) I am looking for G and gather she is at some trump fundraiser, or has been kidnapped to go there or something. I drive my car to a rich neighborhood that I think the place is at and for some reason I keep looking for the place called "Goat Barn" I am unsure if it's a street or location. I park my car and begin walking around the neighborhood. It is very cold and snowy out. I wonder why I got out to walk as none of the street names match what I am looking for. I have a flyer in my hand that is for the fundraiser in typical propaganda style but there is no address on the flyer. I try googling Goat Barn on my phone but come up with nothing. I am standing in front of one of the large houses and for some reason I pull their mailbox off the post. No one is home but I am still cautious someone might have seen me mess up the mailbox. I start to walk away and see the person pull into their driveway. I cut through some yards and smaller walkways between houses to get to the other side of the neighborhood. The Goat Barn is no where to be seen.
Notes: I woke up in the night and remembered the lucid and another dream. But then I forgot it when I woke up because I didn't write it down. I thought that I would remember it. From now on I'm going to suppose that all the dreams that I don't write down I will forget. Then I will probably write them down because I think my dreams are precious. I'm walking out of Det Röda Huset and I'm under the tree. I'm lucid and know it's a dream. I lie on my back and hover over the ground backwards. The apple tree is big and prominent. The sky is purple with different layers of clouds, some of them are getting thinner and dissolving into purpleness. The quiet atmosphere is blissful and I am truly without a worry in the world. I think about how this is a dream. I imagine my real body lying in my bed and I see my sleeping face in the dream. I wonder what I want to do and fly up. I see a house with a window. I know there is someone inside so I try to break the window (my normal entrance into houses) but it's not working properly. It gets cracks but not enough. A big lady comes out from the door and tries to catch me. I lose my lucidity in the chase and I can't remember more. Notes: I've been under that tree in really many dreams now. I am often lucid when I see it. I always get beautiful experiences when I'm lucid in Sturkö, it is an amazing place with many precious memories. I'm walking in school and go to the guitar place. I want to see if the guitar is there. It is lying on the floor and I am feeling happy and relieved. Upon further inspectation I notice that the neck of the guitar is really thick. It is a steel-string acoustic guitar and I wonder why it got a thicker neck than a nylon-string guitar. Notes: The school's public guitar has been missing for some days now and I often go and check if it has returned. Someone probably stole it or broke it which is sad because I really liked it.
Updated 11-11-2020 at 11:08 AM by 97565
I was floating around , like a camera, it was as if I'm in a documentary, or watching one. It's the middle of the desert late at night, I hear Sebiba chants. People meet in the middle of the desert to do blues\ishumar music, tuaregs and people from all over the world, lots of guitars....
I'm in school with Signe and showing her the Dream Journals' section of dreamviews on my school computer. I see one of my posts and there is a picture of a bowl with cereals and milk in it. I see a comment from my classmate Hugo. I'm in school in a sofa with many other pupils from school. I have a guitar and play it. I do some different chords and notice that the chords I'm playing aren't the ones I hear from the guitar. I know it's a dream but I get the feeling that the dream is going to disappear. A transition were I lose my lucidity and teleports to another part of school. I'm walking the D200 floor from the spiral steps to the other part of the floor. I walk to a toilet and slowly realize I'm in a dream. I walk to Helene and Signe. I walk to the spiral stairs and jump down. There is no end to them and I keep on falling. I fly to the stairs and hit the ground smoothly. I want to do it again in order to feel how it felt again. I look down the stairs but there is an end to them now about three meters down. I fly down and Signe and Helene are there again. I feel the dream starts to fade away. I'm in my bed and do a RC. I try to go up from my bed but it's hard and my vision is bad. I open my window and fly away. I fly in through a window and find two girls and a boy sitting in a sofa watching a movie. I test my abilitiy to command my DC:s to do things through my mind and is able to make one of the girls to stand up and jump around without saying anything. The dream fades away. Notes: I played guitar at school yesterday. I wonder if I can stop the random teleportations and have a long lucid dream instead. I am a missionary at a yard. I walk around with my companion and there is a girl there too. We walk into a small house and there are many drinking glasses. I do some tricks with the glasses and walk out. I look back in the house I just was in and see some other persons doing tricks with drinking glasses. Some of them drop them and they break. Some people are mad because they break. Notes: I am preparing to become a missionary and saving money. I'm in the kitchen with Eni and his friends. His friends walk out and I talk to Eni. I tell him that we can camp in the park if he brings a tent and sleeping bags. I eat a Billys Pan Pizza and really feel the smooth tomato sauce between my teeth. I think to myself that we probably won't have time to camp because I will soon wake up. Soon after I wake up because of my alarm.
Updated 10-14-2020 at 10:18 AM by 97565
Notes: I tried one of my longest WILDs 22.30-23.25. I got some very light dreams about people standing in front of me and some eyes. I think they were HH and not light dreams actually. I'm walking in a snowy forest. My backpack is heavy and is hurting my shoulders. I'm walking and walking and I don't know to where I am walking. We reach a cliff and it's no longer winter. Dad wants us (me, dad and my brother) to jump of the 10 meter high cliff into the water. Me and my brother doesn't want to. Dad grabs my brother and starts to carry him while he runs unto the edge of the cliff. Dad makes a really long jump but doesn't make it to the edge of the cliff. For some reason he throws my brother over the edge before he lands on the ground. Dad lands on the cliff while my brother falls down the cliff. I scream at dad telling him that he is an idiot. He doesn't care much and says that he can fix it. My brother is really angry and can swim here (He can't swim IRL). Dad jumps in the water to save my brother but ends up pushing him down almost two meters when he lands on him while swimming to him. I am so angry at dad because it feels as if he wants to hurt my brother. Dad is calling grandpa and talks with speaker on. We listen to the conversation while being mad at dad. Notes: My brother is having a tough time and is screaming a lot now. Dad is always going to him and trying to talk to him even tough my brother doesn't want to. I'm watching a screen. There is a man that is talking english about how to be a better guitarist. He takes his guitar and says that you have to practice to play only using pull offs and hammer ons. He counts down on swedish and starts playing some really good music only using pull offs and hammer ons with his left hand. Notes: I got some inspiration from this dream IRL. I'm playing Among Us but everyone has a heart over them. You are able to give other people hearts during the game to those you don't think are impostors. I think to myself how I would want to win as an impostor and get a heart from everyone. Notes: I played some Among Us with my cousins yesterday. I woke up 04.00 and wrote down the dreams above this. I wake up in a hospital and I am shocked. I have panic in my voice and asks where I am and why I am here. A doctor and mom come to me and say that it's alright. Mom says that they are here to operate my warts away (They use the swedish word for warts but they are talking about my birth marks). I don't have a shirt on me and the doctor shows me where I have different birthmarks I have never seen before (I took a look under my shirt now IRL just to be sure I didn't have the birthmarks the doctor showed to me and I didn't have them). He takes a laser and do some weird patterns on my stomach that is supposed to help the operation. New part. We are in Sturkö and I have got a big belt over my stomach, about 15 cm width. It has shining lights on the inside that are placed over my birthmarks that are supposed to take them away. White lights on the front and red on the back. I turn it on and the lights really hurt in a way I have never felt before. It is like a burning chemical feeling about it. I walk around and it turns out that the belt actually isn't secured that good on my stomach. It falls down and the lights don't hit my birthmarks anymore. I walk around for a long time. New part. I'm at home and some of my cousins are also there. Jonathan is nagging about how he wants to play a game to his mother. The belt is still there and is hurting. During some periods I go to a sofa and can't move because it hurts so much. The pain goes in waves. New part. I'm walking in city with mom and the belt is still on. I look on my stomach and see how some kind of fluid is coming from the birthmarks. I touch the fluid with my finger and inspect it. I see how the birthmarks are starting to disappear. I think about mom's cousin L who has operated some of her birthmarks. I ask mom if it is not wrong to operate birthmarks. If no one would operate away birthmarks no one would look down on people with birthmarks and no one would have to suffer like I have done. Mom's answer has to do with that the world can't change and that we have to adapt. She is not happy with the world but says that I have to suffer because the world is bad. Notes: I talked with mom about L and her operations for some years ago and havn't thought about them for a long time. Dad uses some kind of laser to cure his patients sometimes. I usually don't feel pain in my dreams. The white lights on the front and red lights on the back has to do with car lights. I study for the driving license theory test now. I'm on discord and I see a gif with a girl that is transformed to a man. There is some kind of vacuum cleaner that sucks her breasts out from her. My view comes inside the gif and I see the woman that is now a man but still has a woman's face. She raises up from a operation table with some hospital men around her. She walks out. I become the operated person and wonder what I should do this beautiful morning now when I have changed gender. I am outside my school walking up the street to Centrum. I am aimlessly walking the streets and just enjoy that I am free. Notes: When I was a kid I wanted to be a girl and sometimes walked in a princess outfit. My name in Among Us is Miss Pink and the persons I play with often refer to me as she. Notes: That was an eventful night. The dream about my birthmarks was really long and most of the time I was just idling and feeling pain.
I'm talking with Diego. He says that he doesn't have any parents. Notes: I helped Diego with some math yesterday. I read "To Kill a Mockingbird", and just read about Dill who doesn't have a dad. Fragment I'm in some kind of game with lava. I need to get some kind equipment in order to pass the lava. Notes: My brother talked about about a game he plays where he needs some new equipment in order to proceed. I'm cooking Hasselback potatoes in the kitchen. Andreas E is constantly calling me just to ask me how I am. I tell him I am okey with a short reply all the times. New fragment. I'm in my room with a hose. I am shooting water in my room and try to put my thumb by the mouth of the hose in order to get a more spread out water beam. I don't succeed. My mom calls to me that everyone has to help in the new potato land. Notes: I read about potatoes yesterday. Andreas has been writing sometimes. I think Andreas has the role of Martin more in the dream because he constantly asks me how I am. I woke up 05.19 and wrote down the past dreams then. I tried to WILD and have my breath as focusing point but fell asleep. I'm driving our car up to our street from Albin's house. There is a stranger next to me in the car. He says that I am driving wrong but I think I'm doing it right. He keeps on telling me that I do wrong. I succeed in parking by our house. I'm in some kind of game where we jump on big rocks and Bowser is there. My brother is also there. I realize it's a dream and fly away. I fly to my house and there are my cousins. I have almost perfect lucidity and it feels as though I have all my IRL memories. I remember that I want to eat something good. I go to the kitchen and find Peter there. I ask him if there is anything I can eat. He takes the frying pan and show me some kind of bean mess that looks disgusting. Peter takes his hand in the food and shoves it around which makes it look even less appetizing. I don't want to eat it anymore and fly outside. Morgan and mom are there. I fly up to the tree which doesn't have any leaves in the dream. I fly around it and I feel such blissfulness. I fly in many different positions that makes me really happy. I fly on my back, stomach, I stand on my feet and fly upwards with my feet pointing up to the sky. That was really trippy. This dream has such good stabiliy and everything feels really real I think to myself. I try to fly as high as I can and above the atmosphere. Unfortunately I can't go higher than about 15 meters above the ground. There is like a soft ceiling that I can't break through. I ask the people on the ground if they want to join me. Some people start to fly modestly and carefully. I fly to the city where the dream starts to fade away. Notes: The flying was so easy and it made me feel amazing. I am in city with my friends from school. There is a big glass cage where some people stand. I become more and more lucid. I start to fly in the glass cage and look at the people. I grab two of my friends' hands and try to fly away with them. It is difficult to fly with the extra weight but I manage okey. We walk to Saltö and Gabriel talks about some kind of karate. I look at Signe and she looks different from IRL. Edit: Remembered some more dreams during my morning routines. I'm sitting on a bench in school with the school's guitar. Eni comes through the entrance with his own guitar equipment and someone behind him also has some music instruments. I tell Eni that he finally brought his own things to school. He laughs and says something about how it was time. I'm happy when I think about what we are going to play. Notes: I thought about how me and Eni probably isn't going to play with each other anymore some days ago. I'm looking at my face in some mirror and see that my right eyebrow is cut in half and that the right side of the right eyebrow is just a circle with hair on it.
Updated 10-05-2020 at 11:43 AM by 97565
I'm in a big hall with my family. I see an audience and Martin (Kajsa's Martin) holds a guitar and is playing. He suddenly takes the guitar in one of his hands and stretches it out. While he stands there holding in his guitar, he is simultaneously playing with the fingers of that hand. It looks amazing and I am astounded. He is playing some kind of Cmaj7 chord by the look of his hand (Barre at the third fret) but it sounds like a regular C chord. I take another guitar and tries to do the same thing. It looks like a six-string guitar but it feels like a twelve-string guitar when I hit the strings. Notes: I heard Martin would see us yesterday. I've been drinking alcohol and am intoxicated. Dad is drinking alcohol and is laying in a bed. Me and mom is complaining at him but he is just dodging us. Mom asks him why he would have kids if he would turn up like this. Notes: Me and dad is not drinking alcohol at all. I saw my friends drinking yesterday. Maybe that was why.
Updated 10-19-2020 at 09:43 PM by 97565
Morning of June 15, 2018. Friday. I am carrying an acoustic guitar, walking around in an unknown large room of equidistant picnic tables, similar to the break room of the factory (Northern Engraving) I worked at in the 1980s. The lighting is dim but it is clear enough to see. At first, I am mostly lazily strumming an up and down series of chord progressions that are not musically interrelated; C, D, E, D, C (in Majors). The chords are not fingered correctly even though the guitar is perceived as having the standard tuning. I mostly move my left hand, fingers all in a row, down and up the neck, leaving the second string open, which would not result in a proper sequence of chords either by fingering or by more desirable musical progressions. What I am playing would, for example, imply a C Major chord being F#, B, E, A, B, F# which is incorrect. Danny Trejo sits with others, facing me, and watches me from another part of the room. He looks at me as if he is very annoyed by my activity. I start moving my left hand closer to the sound hole to create chords of a higher pitch, sometimes playing only the first four strings, though with the same unrelated down and up sequences of three Major chords. Eventually, it seems to sound better and takes on more of a song-like quality. I find myself walking near another group of tables and playing both rhythms and melodies. There is a fuller sound, but of which would not be possible in real life, as the melodies and rhythms are simultaneous. A girl unknown to my dream self (though meant to be a rendering of Lucille Starr as in 1965) is soon walking to my right, having stood up from a nearby picnic table. She starts singing very harmoniously in French. (“Quand le Soleil Dit Bonjour aux Montagnes” / “When the Sun Says ‘Good Day’ to the Mountains”.) I continue to walk around playing intriguing melodic patterns as the singing continues, until my dream fades. Autosymbolic threads of the dreaming and waking process: Other than the transformation of the preconscious personification in the waking transition (by way of non-lucid dream control) to the emergent consciousness factor as Lucille Starr (who represented my subliminal memory of Zsuzsanna as I woke), most of this dream is based on literal factors and literally focused awareness (rather than the typical autosymbolic focused awareness). Literal threads of dreaming and waking process (dream state indicators): The song itself (“When the Sun Says 'Good Day’ to the Mountains” as a waking process reference and “Je suis seul avec mes reves sur la montagne”, sang in English as “I’m alone with my dreams on the hilltop”.) Non-lucid dream control evidenced by: Transformation of the preconscious waking autosymbolism from Danny Trejo being annoyed to Lucille Starr singing joyfully on my right. (Waking orientation is typically autosymbolically rendered as to my right as I sleep on my left side, which is less exposed to the real environment.) Present real-life-related literal threads: I follow Danny Trejo on Twitter but we do not post to each other. I am joyful in being married and with a loving family for over twenty years. Past real-life-related literal threads: I produce music, but I do not play acoustic guitar as much as when I was younger. The Lucille Starr song was one shared between Zsuzsanna and me before we met (as well as being a song from my childhood) and is very nostalgic for me. She sent a copy to me on cassette. Abridged and simplified on Friday, 15 June 2018. I offer thanks to the casual reader for their time and interest.
2017, 09-05 Meeting With Metallica I am at my old school campus. This is the ITT Tech building, but I know that school closed up. The building is not being used as a school right now. There something else going on. I think I have won a contest maybe, and I am here to collect my prize. There are a lot of people at the school, we are all going between rooms as if on a tour. There are various things set up in each room. Some of them have food available, and others have music displays. In one of the rooms I pick up piece of chocolate pie. The feeling is thick enough that I can just pick it up with my hand. I do that. There is regular crust, chocolate filling, and chocolate slivers on top. It is tasty. In another one of the room is the main prize. The band Metallica is there. I have won a meeting with them. This is really cool. I meet with the band and we chat for a while about different music that we like. They said something about a new album coming out soon. I can't wait for it. Then the band presents me with a surprise part of the prize. It is a custom made guitar. It doesn't look quite like most of the others I see, but it looks really cool. All of the band members signed the guitar. That is so cool. I can't tell them enough how much I like it. I see now I will have to get to guitar lessons to learn how to play it. I get my first lesson ever from Kirk Hammett. That is so awesome! They only have time to show me some basics, but it is still awesome. I start practicing what they showed me right away. This guitar is so cool that it even makes me sound good. I go outside the school. I guess my mother brought me, because she is out there. She wants to see the guitar. I said this has been so awesome. We are getting ready to head home, but I wake up. Tower on Fire I am in an apartment. I have the feeling it is my apartment, even though I don't live in an apartment in my waking life. I also have the feeling I just moved in recently. I am still trying to get things organized where I want them. I am getting it set up pretty well. It is night time out, but I see a strange light through the window. I go over to the window and look out. I have a nice patio area outside. I am on one of the upper floors, though I'm not sure which floor. But it is close to the top of the building. As I look outside, I see that there is a building on fire. It looks like the building across the street is on fire. I should call the fire department, but for some reason I go outside instead. It is when I get outside that I realize it is actually another part of my own building on fire. I look down off of my patio at the building below me. I see that is on fire, too. My first reaction is to be annoyed that my apartment and my stuff will get destroyed this soon after moving in. Then I think about my kitties. I am worried that I may not be able to get my kitties out in time. I am not sure what to do. First thing, I need to call the fire department. But instead I am looking for my kitties. I have lots of kitties. I find one of them sitting on the couch. This one is a silver tabby cat. I pick up the kitty and pet her as she purrs. I am wondering where the others are, I don’t have much time to find them. But I wake up at this point.
Poker Just a dream of arriving at a casino to play a poker tournament. some players I know from lethbridge were there. Escape I'm in some out door rooftop. I'm tied to a chair and so are two other women. There is some government hired swat team guarding us. I fall over in my chair and try to crouch run by a short wall. I feel it's safe if I just wait and see what happens. Someone else is fighting the swat team and gasses them. They all begin to fall over. I get free by untying myself somehow. I notice my companion (Can't tell who it is exactly since I never see her. I just know her.) Has a black knife in her hands and is cutting herself free. The other woman stands up and revealed she wasn't really tied. she was supposed to interrogate us. I ask the other woman to hand me the knife for a second. She gets scared and drops the knife. I pick it up and stab the other woman and she vanishes as soon As I stab her. The other woman gets free and we run and wind up on a street. We go into a Burger King, but my friend coworker J is there, and he's in his mcdonald's uniform. I talk to him for a bit and he comments on the woman I am with. I go yeah whatever. We leave the restaurant to find a motel to sleep, but halfway there the woman vanishes. Soon after I wake up. Guitar Dream of standing outside of standing outside some townhouses apperently close to where I live. I am playing a 12 strng guitar trying to figure out a song by ear.