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    1. 1/16/17 | Celestia, MacGyver, Hitler, Kidnapping

      by , 01-16-2017 at 10:51 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      -1-I was in a field with about 20 random teens. The sun was at a 9:00am position. The environment was a grassy field. Trees acted as portions of its border. Beyond them, there were implied buildings. At one point, I accidentally inspired a minor historical event. Also, this scene took place in the recent past.

      I felt human, but the dream labeled me as my unicorn OC. (For all intents and purposes, I wasn’t human at all.) I wanted to use magic to take care of an enemy, but there was a serious problem—if I were to use it, there was a high risk of becoming ‘integrated’ with a certain artificial system, trapping me in something or somewhere. For about a full minute, thoughts were going back and forth. If I used magic, the biggest threat would be eliminated. On the other hand (hoof?), I’d be trapped.

      Suddenly, a yellow ball with a similar appearance to the sun (but dim enough to look at directly) appeared north relative to the sun, and in a 7:30am position. It turned out that Princess Celestia was behind it (not literally), proven by her studio-quality voice.
      Celestia: “Look at me as if I were not a threat.” (‘threat’ referring to the ball’s high brightness)
      “Use your powers to defeat the evil in your world!” she continued.

      Then, it clicked. I decided to use magic to take out whatever antagonist there was. I forgot what it was.

      -2-I was inside my house, watching MacGyver with my family. The episode started with a camera panning to the right over a quiet, lit, residential street. The light was white, as was the supercar parked on the side of the road. Then, I found myself along with everyone else in church, watching MacGyver from the pews. I was reading a newspaper. (what? I never read those)

      -3-In my house, the staircase was completely blocked by presents. Nearby, Adolf Hitler was discussing something trivial with a subordinate. There was a horizontal Nazi banner on the wall near the floor.

      -4-Four kids were kidnapped and placed in a building. When I found theme, they seemed almost bored with their attitude. They were aged around 5 or 6. I asked a boy where my sister and my mom were taken, and he told me, “The apartment building.” He pointed at it. I then left the kids behind in the room.

      Eventually, I and a friend snuck inside that building, and made our way undetected to a room on the ground floor. Here, we knocked out a guard by hitting him with a soft blanket. Later, a female guard spotted us, so we did the same thing to her. We hid both their bodies in the closet. I also looked out the window to find my mum. She noticed me, so I put a finger on my mouth. However, she didn’t give a crap, so she walked up to a window and tried to talk to me, somehow not getting caught. Her voice was inaudible from where I was.

      Right then, the now four unconscious guards in the closet woke up at the same time, and they were all wearing tuxedos, except for the woman, who wore a generic black set of clothes. We were kind of screwed, but it wasn’t of much consequence. The ex-guards seemed pretty nonchalant about everything.

      Updated 01-16-2017 at 11:03 PM by 67050

      non-lucid , memorable
    2. [16-01-2017: 3rd competition night]

      by , 01-16-2017 at 10:43 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I recall a fragment in which I was running around some seaside city in a sunny, warm day. Everything felt vivid and was quite detailed.
      Tags: city, running
    3. 2017-01-15 13:15 -- Very short lucid at dock with kid

      by , 01-16-2017 at 10:26 PM
      I was floating above a scene of a dock, with a lake ahead, and a small boat to the forward-left. From the back-left, on a wooden walkway, enter 3 people: a young child (~6), a ~18y male, and a ~23y female. They appeared to be the kid's caretaker. I realized I was dreaming.

      The kid ran over to the edge excited, and started trying to get down or grab something from over the edge of the dock. The male caretaker grabbed onto the child to keep him from falling into the boat/water, however he was struggling to keep a balance, and called for help. The woman started walking over, but was doing so very non-chalantly, so I flew down and helped hold him on the dock. After a few seconds of sustaining this, the dream faded to a non-lucid dream where I started retracing my memories. After a minute or so there (in our downstairs), I woke up for real.
    4. DJ#331: Building a Rocket

      by , 01-16-2017 at 10:03 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was talking with my grandpa about something in the bible/torah, archangel Gabriel came up and some verse about him.

      Dream 2: I was in a tall building, working on building a small rocket powered by electricity. I set up the wires, which are quite dangerous, and launch it from a high up floor. It works and my friends and teacher are impressed.
      Tags: non - lucid
    5. DREAM GUIDE FOUND! - lucid Spellbee Splendid Comp Night #4, 2017 DJ #13 LD #6

      by , 01-16-2017 at 09:11 PM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      Test rubbish
      I am now doing training excersises with other troopers. I get bored, and suddenly feel a playful feeling. I want to see what's around that corner. I start running, and as an afterthought realise I'm dreaming. I sprint at very fast speed and find a wall. I phase through it and I am in a tiny walled garden. I know I will not be disturbed. I say humbly "May I please humbly meet my dream guide?" Two leaves sprout on the silver birch. I attempt again.
      A wildly distorted man steps out of the tree. I ask him "What is your name?" He says "Don Bloot". With him I fly ultra fast into a red-brick house. I am in a room like my bedroom. I ask "Do not be offended, but you do not look how I expected." He replies "Your corrective thinking should fix that" I focus, and he transforms into an athletic average height olive-skinned man. He nods. I suddenly can't remember that I phased through a wall to get in to the garden. I attempt to phase through things and fail. I ask "How can I do it?" He amusedly says "Quiche don't normally fly so high in the sky." I see a quiche peek in at the window, but he is referring to both of us.I wake up. A baked thought comes into my mind, "Do not think outside the box, nor the inside. There is no box."

      I have learnt dream control, but it is clear I needed him as a guide. (Quiche don't normally fly so high in the sky.) Don Bloot means Lord Bare

      Updated 01-17-2017 at 10:32 PM by 91855

    6. Purple Puppet Man.

      by , 01-16-2017 at 09:11 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      01/16/17 WILD. Not terribly impressive. I attempted a few times last night and this is all I ended up with. I started a WILD and entered darkness loosing bodily awareness. The background turned purple. I man was sitting in front of me at a desk. He looked like he was giving the news. I tried to look around, but the visuals were locked on this guy. I did not have a body. I tried to jump into this man's body, but still it stayed just the same. I tried to influence the actions of this man, and found out I could control him like a marionette puppet. I made him extend his arms one at a time and then wave them around. Soon everything went black again.
    7. Camp fire / Pizza delivery

      by , 01-16-2017 at 08:32 PM
      Camp fire
      I'm camping with my family, and we're working on building a fire. One of my kids has a long branch and breaks it up so it can go in my to-be-burned pile. My other kids like the idea and work on finding stuff they can break up to add in. The car is still half full of stuff (though I'm not sure if we're loading or unloading.)

      Pizza delivery
      I'm watching a video about pizza delivery guys and a strange sickness that they've started suffering from. It seems that, in order to give customers a reassuring sense of "sameness," all pizza delivery guys wear the same exact human-looking mask. Now the video is showing clips of some of the delivery guys pulling their masks off and looking pretty bad: they're panting, wiping sweat off of their pale faces, and just generally looking sick. Now it's showing two of them standing next to each other. They've got the same face and are wearing the same clothes, but their heights are very different. One of the guys tells the cameraman that his friend has to do this delivery because he customers will see though the "you always get the same guy" ploy if anyone else goes. Now I'm watching one of them driving to a delivery, snacking on the pizza he's supposed to be delivering.

      Fragment: I'm with my family among some bare trees.
    8. Paint Shop Falls Apart - Transformation Chase

      by , 01-16-2017 at 07:46 PM (A World In My Head!!)
      Notes: Fell asleep super late, dreamed the paint shop literally falls apart (not really working there anymore). Dream becomes about hiding from bad guys and transformation

      Paint Shop Literally Falls Apart
      I'm in the paint shop working. There's a spiral staircase connecting the first floor of the shop to the second floor. (In waking there is only one floor). I need to go upstairs for some reason. As soon as I do, the ground begins to shake. The entire second floor is collapsing! We all try to balance the weight of the collapsing floor by gathering on one side instead.

      But the floor is still falling. Ruby climbs a shelf and I follow after her. As the entire floor gives way the shelf falls towards the window. We climb on top of the window ledge as the second floor completely crashes. I wonder if anyone was down there.

      The whole building is still shaking. She jumps from the window ledge to the stone wall that's outside (dream wall). The gap between the building and the wall is pretty big. I wait for the building to sway a little closer before making the jump. We climb over the wall and onto the other side, a grassy field. My dream seems to morph from there.

      Transformation-Chase Dream
      I'm hiding in the grass. By the fence theres a strange gang of people, both women and men. Theyre looking for me and my friends and laughing as to how they're going to hurt us. Still crouching down, I aim a gun at them and fire tranquilizer darts. But my aim wasn't good enough.

      They chase me through the grassy fields and dilapidated buildings. I quickly hide underneath one of the buildings before they spot me. I don't know why I suddenly decide to transform into a winged cat woman under there. I thought maybe if they did spot me, they wouldn't recognize me because of my transformation.

      They crouch down and take a look under the building. I plan how I would attack and escape. But I woke up shortfly after
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. The Tiger of the White Rotunda

      by , 01-16-2017 at 07:27 PM
      I am at the zoo with my wife and son. The zoo is indoors and it is empty. We wander the silent corridors peering into the glass animal cages, but all the animals are either absent or asleep. We reach a glass cage filled with water that has two tigers deflated under the water. They look like twin neglected floatation toys sitting on the bottom of a pool. Upon closer look, it appears the door to the cage is damaged. I carefully open the door, expecting a wave of water to gush out, but nothing happens. As I open the door wider to look inside the cage, I suddenly see a HUGE Bengal tiger walk out of his cage. He turns his massive head and looks at me. He begins walking towards me, and I step away in panic and turn to my wife and son. They are asleep on the floor in front of the cage. I desperately try to awaken them, but they are unresponsive.

      The tiger emerges from the door and snarls at me. I turn away to run and he chases me. We are in a rotunda and we go round and round and round. The walls and doors of the rotunda are white. I see an opening in the wall up by the ceiling and leap into it and escape his jaws just in time. I now visualize the tiger returning to my sleeping wife and son to devour them. In a panic I run to the zoo's administration offices and burst in shouting, "A tiger's escaped!"

      There is a black lady at the information booth, and she quickly gathers a group of people to go and investigate. As we walk back across the zoo grounds, I am unable to remember where the rotunda was located. She keeps asking me which rotunda the tiger was in, and all I can answer is, "The white one." To my great consternation, she tells me she doesn't know of any white rotunda. She then asks me about my family. I tell her the tiger is "guarding" my family. We continue walking until at last we arrive at a red circular building. She tells me this is the only rotunda the zoo has that she knows of. I say in a fury, "But it is red!" She shrugs and says she doesn't know what else she can do. I tell her that if it were her family, she would be in hysterics. This makes her angry, and I abandon her to go search for my wife and son myself.

      I crawl up a steep hill on my belly, though some high grass and snow and stumble through several different buildings in my quest to find my family. One building looks like a deserted concert hall. I tell myself that I will always despise tigers from now on. When I exit the concert hall, it is evening outside and I am completely lost. I see some strange highway I do not recognize in the distance, with lights from the cars and trucks whizzing by. I reach for my cellphone to activate my GPS, but the battery is dead. As absolute dread sweeps over me, I suddenly realize I am dreaming. I look up to the dark sky, raise my arms above my head and shout, "Oh Paul! Wake up from this dream now!"

      I awaken in my bed and sit up, breathless and terrified. This nightmare was extremely vivid, as I had taken Huperzine-A and Valerian Root extract together in an effort to get past a dry spell. In retrospect, it wasn't very wise and I won't be combining these two herbal supplements again. Dreamt 1/3/2017

      Updated 01-17-2017 at 01:14 PM by 92342

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    10. 5 days of DJ's due to Ice Storm issue & one DJ will make you roll w/ laughter!

      by , 01-16-2017 at 06:42 PM
      Thursday January 12, Non-Lucid: My childhood friend Shannon & I & some other friends of ours were in some sort of picture posing contest. At the end we submitted the photos that we had taken at a checkout counter which was of course odd. There were rows & rows of candy.

      Friday January 13, D1: Non-Lucid: I was staying w/ others at what looked kind of like a bed & bread & breakfast but it was actually a huge house w/ many several kitchens, floors, rooms & no sharing of bathrooms. It was very old but not run down. On the contrary that is what made it very beautiful. It had recessed panels in the walls which are something you might see an older library or very old home owned by someone wealthy. There was a creepy man running the "Inn". It felt like there were people in the walls which made me uneasy. It all felt like a very sinister situation which caused me to wake up. I snuggled up to Mike before I went back to sleep because I felt so uneasy.

      Friday January 13, D2: In & out of lucidity: I unfortunately chained right back into the dream. This time me & the mans son who was also there found a dead woman in one of the walls in a kitchen. Me & the other guests weren't being allowed to leave now. I was pleading w/ the man's son that we wouldn't tell anyone if he could just help us escape but he was terrified of his father. The son was a grown man in his 20's so it seemed as though this more young man had seen many horrors for quite some time. Me & the other guests had many failed escapes which only made the owner even angrier. I finally just woke up out of fear.

      Saturday January 14, Non-Lucid: I was in a minimum security prison but not sure why. I was in a class w/ Dana Carvey the actor/comedian. I was drawing a plan to escape but I'm not much of an artist. He said he'd give it some thought. Another day we came into another classroom much like the first & I sat in the chair that the "Top Dog" of the prison usually sat at. She was angry when she came in but finally let me sit there because I needed to sit there to see out the windows & out of door while I was sketching more ideas for an escape. Later she was very impressed by a fuse system I had developed to help us escape. My wbtb went off but I couldn't fall back asleep because I had to get up & check out the weather again. We have been doing this sense yesterday due to the ice storm warnings.

      Sunday January 15, Non-Lucid: My childhood friend Bobby & I were at a water park. I really wanted to stay asleep because I haven't seen him in a crazy amount of yrs. But of course I did anyway. The dream was pleasant & just a typical dream of having fun at a water park.

      Monday January 16, Non-lucid: This dream is funny but graphic so I need it to have a spoiler for ADULT CONTENT>

      Spoiler for ADULT CONTENT:
    11. DJ of 1/16/2017

      by , 01-16-2017 at 02:34 PM

      Just your average dream tonight.

      I was taking a walk with my mother and we got to this part of the trail where we had to switch shoes or something like that but my mom decided that she would swtich her shoes in a way that made no sense. Like there was mud or something and she was weraing flip-slops so she had to actually put real shoes on, but the way that she did it made no sense to me. Anyway, that weirded me out a little bit and then we continued to walk, we never talked during our walk.
      Then suddenly, but seamlessly it transitions to a special place for me, and we are walking towards the beach of this special place where I would always come as a child and throw rocks into the lake. I did not want to go down there as I had too many good memories there and I did not want to ruin those memories with my current ones and I would not go down there until I was a happier person. I then looked ahead of my life and I thought that I should go down there and then the next time that I was there I would be able to go down there and be happy about my life, but for the time being I did not want to go down there and I remembered what I did the past summer of 2016 and it made me sad that I was not happy like I once was.
      We are back where we started and we are walking through the woods and we get to this open field and we just start walking through it. It's a sunny day and it's a nice day to be walking. Then not too long after I see a plane go by in the sky and it's a smaller plane, it was moving really fast, and then I see I larger place farther up in the sky moving at a more resonable speed. I then contemplate my vision and how depth affects these things and I wonder why the smaller plane is smaller than the larger one. Odd thoughts. After that we are turned around and we are starting to walk back to where we started, but we started just walking, so we weren't going anywhere really.
      There are houses to our left, as if this is a gold course or something like that, but when w get close to this one house, there are 4 massive dogs guarding this house I would assume, they are outside and tied up to the house, they go crazy and it makes me a little scared as I do not want this 4 massive dogs chasing me down. I start running and then we go by this one house with this one massive dog. Just unworldly large. It's chanied up to a trailer with a car on it, and when it gets mad, it actually moves the car and trailer without too much effort. At this point, I am like "this is not okay," and I really start running to somwhere, and I could sense that it got free, I didn't see it, but I knew it was on my ass. I lost my mom during all of that, she is no longer in the dream with me. I run into this random house and I lock myself in this weird playroom sort of with glass doors, there is not furniture in this room, but there are things on the floor and I assume it's for the dog. Of course the dog follows me into this house and I am really scared now. Then the owners come home and now I am going to get caught, I go and hide in a corner of the room and I can see the owners out of the corner of my eye and they look like a normal family. The wife comes into the room and does not see me at first but then she looks at me and she could see that I was scared, and she gave me this weird look and then just walked out of the room. They have many dogs and now the dogs are playing with each other and now trying to kill me. Then I see my dad in this house, by brother is in the house too, but I could not see him. I look at my dad out of the corner or my eye and he's just talking to the homeowners. I am hiding and wondering when I would get caught for home invasion. My dad sees me and gives me this warm sort of look and then I come out of hiding. I am surprised that they do not want to kill me for entering their house and it's all too weird for me. It ends.

      I guess the dream was more vivid than I thought. Bit odd, but I do not feel as though there is too much happening with this dream and it is what it is I guess. It is not like the other dream I had two night ago, little better emotionally. Oh well, until next time.
    12. 1/16/17-My Eaglet Falls out of Tree :-(

      by , 01-16-2017 at 01:54 PM
      I was an eagle perched at the very top of a tree about 200 feet from the tree with the nest that had my mate with two eaglets. I was enjoying the feel of the wind in my face watching the nest from the distance. One of the eaglets was standing close to the edge standing with his back straight and shoulders with wings back when it saw me. I saw its eyes focusing on me and it seemed excited. Its wings were moving but not as if to fly, it was still tiny, it was trying to catch its balance. I watched in horror as it stepped onto a stick that gave way and saw my eaglet fall to the ground. Immediately not giving any thought I leaped from the tree thinking I was flying to the ground and this has never been an issue for me. I somehow was shifting back to me in the fall and lost consciousness in the dream. I woke up very groggy laying on the ground naked at the base of a tree and it took me a few moments until I saw the vision of the eaglet falling and realized what happened. I tried to move over to the tree but it felt as if I was in mud up to my neck and every movement was such a struggle. I was shocked because this was so unusual and I was trying to figure out what happened to my flight down from the tree. I managed to get myself over to the eaglet and saw it laying flat spread eagle (poor choice of words) and it was the size of a frisbee. I started to create my energy ball in hopes of healing the bird I the place one hand on its back and the other on its head and hold it there with every intention on healing it. Then I feel it move. I was so happy. I knew I had to get it back up to the top of the nest so I cradled him in my hands gently and started to float to the top when I could feel myself being sucked out of the dream. I woke up to my neighbors two dogs barking in my backyard. Soooo disappointed I wanted to go back to see the eaglet back to the tree but couldn't fall back asleep. My pillow was wet with tears. I rarely have nightmares but this gave me such a sinking feeling of helplessness. Just goes to show even when you think you have control in your dream you don't always have it when you need it.
    13. Splendid Comp. Day 3 - finally a lucid, and a decent one

      by , 01-16-2017 at 10:46 AM
      i think this one was a WILD but i am not 100 % sure because i didnt initiated a WILD so maybe it was a DEILD from a nonlucid.

      i lay in my bed and imagine how i run down a street. at the beginning my movement is way off and i cant see anything but after some time it feels more and more like real running and i start to have visuals. i find myself in a street that where on my way back from school in those days i went to school. while running i rub my hands too. i smash against something that gives a boost in stability. after turning right i have the feeling that the dream is stable enough. i have good visuals and bodycontrol.
      i approach a flower and look in detail. it moves a bit and it looks pretty nice. i turn around and i see a cherry tree that seem to be in the phase it normally is in springtime. i see small pink flowers. i fly up and look at it. then i land again and think about what to do.
      "okay Three step task no 1: phasing."
      i move to a garage and think to just phase thru but i decide different and draw a portal on it. the drawing is white like made of dust. hm so how to open it. i push but i already know it wont work.
      "it would be to small anyways."
      i draw a bigger one and this time i pull at a little edge. it moves and i see pure blackness behind. i say out loud: "to pandora". i even turn around and repeat it another time but again my expectation is not too high plus i didnt imagine anything while saying pandora so fair enough i jump into the void of pure blackness.
      i find it funny and start making somersaults by flapping my arms in circles. i can feel the movement distinct. visuals come back and i find myself in a apartment.
      "okay three step task now."
      i phase thru the kitchen wall forth and back. then i move into a room that looks like a workroom with a lot of books stapled everywhere. "Mass TK."
      in my foggy lucid head i think for Mass TK i need more then 10 things simultaneously in the air. i wave my hands around and some books start to levitate. i manage to make 2 times 4-5 books in small groups fly around but its difficult to count if its actually 10 items so i decide to do it differently.
      i jump phase out of the window and accelerate down to the ground. i dont mind slowing down and smash feet first on the ground.
      "so Mass TK is also things bigger than human. a car should do."
      i choose which one i want to lift. not too big but not a small one neither. i start to concentrate on it and at the beginning nothing happens. "ah right i need to imagine how it starts float and not just stare strained on it." and the car starts floating. first the front then the whole car. i cant control it too good where it floats. it turns and crashes into the ground. i lift it again and again it smashes.
      "good enough now step three. element manipulation."
      without thinking to much i start throwing my arms around like throwing fireballs on the car. the car btw changed and is now a way smaller car of the size of a child. it is on the ground and instead of throwing fireballs it seems like i throw very small pieces of i dont know Bolognese? i concentrate a little more pull my hand back wait and focus some energy in it until i see it starts burning and i throw a big fireball into a passing car. nothing happens even tho i thought maybe it explodes?
      suddenly a coworker and friend approaches me with some stuff in his hands. we start talking but there is the voice of our boss thru some speakers out of a building. he says something like "K are you coming? how long do i have to wait, this is working time" we stop our convo and he pushes me the things he carry into my hands and hurrys away.
      i walk back into the apartment with the stuff in my hands. i reconsider to not drift away:
      "i dont need that stuff its random and i have better things to do."
      i get the idea that i want to throw this stuff into the wall. i throw the first pieces but they just smash against the wall and fall down. okay i want it to stack in the wall like darts in cork. i throw again and they go half thru and into the wall and stuck there. i am satisfied and push myself thru the wall and out of the house again. i float a small round thinking what to do.
      "ah next to the three step tasks there are personal tasks. i could summon my cat."
      i kneel down next to a pickup truck and move my fingers like i would have something in it and call my cat like i would in WL. not a second and i see a cat approaching me from under the truck. "thats not my cat!"
      i keep looking around and 2 more cats from the left side are coming. not my cat neither. i call him again and look up front where he just appears and approaches me. he looks slightly different but it is him. i pet him shortly. i really wanted to do this longer and soak in some details but suddenly my mother appears telling me something like
      "you guys are old enough so that i can leave for half a year and work in swizerland for a catering company. i need to talk to the guy whos doing this blabla."
      for some reason it makes me feel not good and i loose lucidty and visuals like when i cant be sure if i still dream or am awake and hear my mum talking. i decide to just stand up and walk around. i also rub my hands and it works. the dream gets more clearly again and i can assure myself that i am still in control.
      "okay what else can i do? it dont make sense to do another personal goal... what would give some more points? ah i could try to get invisible."
      i cant to this so far so i tell my girlfriend that seem to morphed out of my mum that i want to get invisible but i want to put on a ring that helps. i start looking in my pockets and ask her to look into hers. i find something that feels like a ring in my right backpocket. i get it out and it looks different then it felt in my pocket. it is black and looks similar to a knucks. i try to put it on but i need to find out the right orientation. after putting it on i ask her if i am invisible but i can see myself still clearly and she shakes her head.
      shortly after i feel like waking up and decide it is time to write all that down.

      Updated 01-16-2017 at 10:52 AM by 87116

    14. night three - more nightmares Oo

      by , 01-16-2017 at 10:30 AM
      D1 - i'm wandering around somewhere and decide to take a short cut through a mown grass area with a bank in the middle. The bank its circular and for some reason I can't go round.
      Inside the cashiers office is also circular in the middle.
      A man there is dressed in a grey tench coat and trilby hat and gloves.
      He askes me the way to a rl street.I think about it. I have a vague idea of where it should be in relation to the bank but realise that this is a dream and so am not sure if it will actually be there.
      I tell him where it should be hoping im right.

      D2 - I have acquired to mannequins one small and one large, both male. They come alive and start playing.
      The bigger one has darker hair and features and accompanying personality. They are playing shadow puppets on my bed. It is a small child's room with white furniture and light by a couple of lamps.
      They both get skewer type blades of grey steel. The dark one looks at me close up deciding whether to skewer me but decides not too.

      I go back to same area
      D3 - The puppet toys have come with me to a garden (looks like end of my my parents garden)
      There is a large weeping willow tree. Children are dancing around in a circle. I think it is me and my brother and sister when we were little.
      The long haired blonde girl now looks like someone else I know and is upset as her bf is being taken away at knife point. He is dragged with a knife to his throat by a gang of boys.
      She has her bf replaced by one of the boys from the gang.
      I am now watching through the puppets eyes and nearer ground level and can see the skewer in my hand.
      Feeling the intent to stab someone, but I resist it and turn the dream back a bit so it doesnt happen.
    15. The Airplane Conspiracy

      by , 01-16-2017 at 07:16 AM
      Morning of January 16, 2017. Monday.

      There is some sort of conspiracy related to a hospital serving as an “airport” for certain flights, this being unknown to the passengers. Apparently, they experiment on the passengers or harvest their organs.

      There is a scene where I seem to be on an airplane, though I also see an unrealistic degree of additional details outside the airplane. The airplane lands on a boulevard near the hospital (in an unknown location), seemingly without any traffic mishaps. It even taxis into a special hangar inside the hospital.

      I somehow phase through the airplane even though I am aware that everyone else on it has gone into some sort of suspended animation (obvious autosymbolism for being asleep and dreaming). I am in the hangar and see several other people who work at the hospital approaching the airplane. They seem happy that a lot of passengers are in it. They do not even notice me at first and by the time they do, I am almost out into the hall. They start to chase me but I close the door and lock it behind me, the act of which immediately makes my dream much more vivid. (This is called “doorway reinduction”, as doors are usually autosymbolic of the implied exit point of a dream, though I have used this knowledge all my life to sustain and reinduce my dream state awareness.) The lock is a rectangular part that extends only a short way out from the face of the doorknob (by almost its full diameter), which I rotate to the left as I close the door (dream state reinduction orientation as I sleep on my left side). They cannot continue to follow me.

      Later, I notice unfamiliar patients in beds in the halls. Some of them join me as I then decide to leave the hospital rather than create any confrontations. I see doctors talking in the hall. I see at least one police officer, but I am not sure if he is corrupt and working with the hospital. Rather than going down one hall where we could get caught, I take one on the left of two choices, where there are no people who would question us or follow us. It seems to be a very simple evasion. We all get to the end of the hall and are able to escape.

      This is a very basic “return flight” type dream with the same overall patterns as always; the subliminal anticipation of the waking shift (which sometimes includes a falling sensation and which creates precursors that include a number of different flight symbols, though which also include elevators and staircases), the liminal space of the hall, liminal awareness of being asleep (a bed as a dream state indicator), and a doorway at the end of the hall to exit my dream though after having sustained its length a little bit by locking the first door. There is no direct preconscious factor here though it is a rather sustained unusual dream just for being based on vestibular system correlation. The organ harvesting was related to a movie we saw recently (“Inhale” from 2010). Still, it seems to imply that the collective unconscious is “experimenting” on the collective conscious, the logic being that the sleeping passengers would represent conscious selves sleeping and the hospital staff being minds active within the dream state, though I suppose it could also just be a simple metaphor for lucidity and how I am often lucid in dreams while many others are not (though I myself am not viably lucid at any point in this dream other than having a degree of the typical liminal dream control, that is, control of the dream state without in-dream awareness that I am dreaming, though my second attempt to reinduce and sustain my dream instead results in slowly waking by way of doorway waking autosymbolism, which has happened in childhood even when choosing the left door).

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