Notes This is by far the best lucid I've ever had. Part of me was hoping that this WBTB would fail because then I would have 3/4 fails for 6hr/10m configuration for WBTB (and therefore a clear indication that I should try something else) but now I basically have 50-50 results with it. Sigh. At least the walk and extended waking RC session were different. Maybe that was the key. Pre-WBTB Fragment A vague impression of a field, like a fairground. Dragonball Z characters are there. Almost didn't count this because of how vague it was. WBTB I did everything the same as the previous 3 WBTBs (10 minutes and 8mg Galantamine). Except, I decided to take a walk this time. So I walked to the end of the street and back. It was nice. It's finally cooling off around here so the morning air was very pleasant. I spend the time outside walking thinking about "The Lucid Dreaming Portal" and his extended version of reality checks. I try to make the 10 minutes one long reality checking session of heightened awareness. I return to bed after that. Post-WBTB Counters & Pizza I find myself waking up, and I think to do a nose-plug RC because I think it may have been long enough for a dream to form. I can breathe, I'm lucid. I double-check with a hand-RC and I see more than five fingers on my left hand. Dream verified. I get out of bed and rub my hands together to stabilize, but don't think to do more than that. I go down the hall into my living room and think about how while the teleporting may be challenging, I can still get points other ways. I think about how last time I licked a wall (and the judgement of the result) so I take a bite out of the edge of the counter. It's very hard on my dream teeth, and honestly I barely get any actually into my mouth. It tasted a bit like how dust smells, but hard to describe. Then I wonder if that is going to count, so I look for something else. Because my brain must believe I am a slob, there are two boxes of cold pizza on the counter nearby. One of the them is square-cut and resembles Jet's Pizza, which is one of my favorites from back home (they have one here in AZ but it is out of the way). I pick up a slice and bite in. It it super-hard like the counter was but I can still taste the tomato sauce. 1/10 do not recommend. Maybe the counter taste was still in my mouth. I feel the dream start to fade and I enter the void. ... Hugging the Goose I test out opening my eyes and they are heavy. Instead of doing that, I try to visualize my bedroom. This works. I get a feel for "dream-eyes" versus "real-eyes" that I didn't really understand before when people talked about it. I get up for another round. This time, I think about other things I haven't done yet, and I remember that I told my girlfriend in waking life that if I lucid dreamed about her I would give her a hug. So I call out to her "Goose! Where are you!" (I call her The Goose because she is basically the goose from Untitled Goose Game, nothing to do with Top Gun). No answer, but I find her in the living room. I walk up to her and give her a hug. She seems happy to get the hug I notice that there is a ring on the side table nearby, so I think that maybe I could use the ring to practice proposing to her. It was at this moment when I realized that I don't know what knee I'm supposed to kneel on. I start to feel the dream fading again. ... Great-Grandma and the Sledgehammer Back in the void. Not letting go yet. I visualize my hands in front of me and end up laying in my bed. Round three, back on my bullshit: Time for the Elusive Fantasy Forest™. I walk out of my bedroom once again and start looking for ways to teleport. My girlfriend is there in the living room and I think to try out Saiz's advice. "Hey Goose, is the elusive fantasy forest behind me?" "...NO!" she says resolutely. So much for that. Maybe I can try something else. I remember Lang's advice and go into the kitchen. I open the fridge and shove my face in. I try to visualize a green swirling portal inside. Despite seeing a weak green glow at the back and spending some time with my face in the fridge among the food, no luck. Damn. I look around for other options. I notice a closet door that isn't normally there. It's white and has a yellow-colored metal handle with a spiral design on it. It is identical to the ones from my Grandma's and Great-Grandma's homes growing up. I enter. Inside is a small room with white tiling from the floor all the way up the walls and ceiling. The door has disappeared behind me. Trapped. I see the tiles start to fall off, revealing new tile beneath. As the tiles fall, ♫ music ♫ starts to play. Yep. My brain is hilarious. The tiles are slowly revealing the Banjo-Kazooie title screen. Guess I'm not going to be trapped in a nightmare room, but rather a weird one. Thanks for that brain. As the scene is revealed, there are more than Banjo-Kazooie characters there. There is some other animated character that is more sinister. Reminds me a bit of Freddy Fazbear, but less horror-themed. Banjo and Kazooie are being chased by this character. I still don't have a way out. This is all so silly. I decide to try out old reliable. The Kamehameha. It's old reliable because it worked for me exactly one time in a lucid dream as a child. I get into the iconic pose and start... "Kuhhhhhhhhh...mayyyyyyyyyy.....haaaaaaaaaa....... mayyyyyyyyyy.......HUHHHHH!" I see a blue energy swirl in my hands, but it doesn't shoot. I think it might be because I said "KUH-MAY-HA-MAY-HUH" (which I think is the correct pronunciation) as opposed to the way I've always said it "KA-MAY-HA-MAY-HA". Brain didn't like that, I guess. I start to panic a little. As if in response, I hear someone yelling from outside the room. "I'm gonna help you out! Don't worry I'll come back quick!" It's my Great-Grandma (who has long since passed away). I turn back to where the door was, and the wall blocking my way is gone. I see my Great-Grandma in the living room carrying a seriously heavy looking sledge-hammer. I tell here that I am OK and she seems content. The dream starts getting unstable again. ... Sexy-Time Back in the void. Nope. Not waking up just yet. This time, it feels like I am in a valley between my mattress on one side and the lowered section of the bed-frame on the other. I visualize my arms and hands in front of me and the dream pieces back together again. Back in my bedroom. Round four. Still on my bullshit, looking for the EFF™. I think it might be a good idea to get out of the house so I head to the living room again. This time there is a knock at the front door. I open it and there is a woman there I don't really recognize. She's a little overweight (but not excessively) and her skin is a bit tan. She has short reddish hair. She has a friend with her but I don't really register her. I wonder if this is an opportunity to earn more points. I decide to try out some DC-control. "You're going to bend over on the couch." I tell her. "OK." she agrees without any hesitation. Fun activities ensue. Spoiler for Spicy Content: At one point she is riding me reverse-cowgirl and I wonder if I can try something crazy. I visualize her transforming into another person. This is easier because she is facing away. I can see freckles appear on her butt as it morphs into another shape. I see her hair grow longer and change to brown and curly. This isn't exactly someone I know per-se, but rather, I'm just adding features I like. The sex feels good but not like the real thing. Guess I could be lucid-er. Then it occurs to me that I can probably drop whoever I want in here. So I think about my girlfriend, and the body morphs again. The butt changes to hers, and I move my right hand up to her chest and my left down her front. I confirm its her based on her voice. She rides to finish. The dream starts to fade once again. ... Silverlight Way It's a bit of a struggle, but I manage to come back one more time. I find myself in the same bed-valley as before. Round five. Same approach but now I actually manage leave through the front door. It's fall outside, which isn't a season that exists in AZ in waking life. I enjoy the orange fall leaves. Other than the impossible season, it looks accurate to my neighborhood. There is an old man standing near my driveway. He's wearing a tracksuit and has short white hair. I refocus back on the mission. "Hey man, do you know where the enchanted forest is?" "Oh! You mean Silverlight Way? It's over that way!" he says excitedly. He has a slight southern accent that I find appealing. He points up past the houses across the street and over the horizon. Jesus Fucking Christ. It's real and it has a name! Silverlight Way! "Can you take me there?" I ask. "Well, can you fly?" he says, like flying is as trivial as knowing how to play chess or something. "Sure!" He starts to float five feet or so in the air and I follow suit. Feet are freedom units, from 'Murica. For our non-American readers, this translates to about 1.5 meters. We start to fly in the vague direction he identified. As we go up, I see the road up ahead. It looks like San Francisco and its hilly streets. Still a beautiful fall-themed landscape. We enter a town-like area and the old man uses telekinesis while flying on what I assume to be his car. A red sedan. It rises up into the air with us. There is a large cube-like package tied to the bottom of the car as it floats. He slides the package off the sedan and into a garage (since this is like San Francisco, the garage is on a slant going down away from the street) and then flies to the car's door as it opens on its own. The old man is driving the car through the sky now, and I sit down in the front-passenger seat. I see there is a teenage boy with mid-length black hair sitting in the front-middle seat. I understand that he is my brother and he is paralyzed. He doesn't look like my waking life brother though. I start to wonder if this is meant to be some alternate reality, where the old man is my dad and this boy is my brother. Later the car is back down on the road, and there is a group of people walking on the sidewalk. They are wearing hoodies and look a bit like they could kick my ass. "Let's see, there are one-two-three-four-five-six-seven, seven people there. You could get like, thirty-five points if you get them all," I tell the old man sarcastically. "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....OK." Our old man then proceeds swerve and pretend to runover all these people. I tell him that we probably shouldn't actually hit the people. Then, the passenger door opens and my 'paralyzed' brother climbs over me and jumps out. Guess he is feeling better. I slide out the door as well (no seatbelts in this dream ya'll), and the old man flies off into the Autumn horizon. No Silverlight Way for me. God. Damn. It. I find myself on some concrete steps going up near a building. All alone, I think to myself. Just a guy, with the ability to fly and unlimited god-like dream powers...whatever will I do?!?! Despite this proclamation, I can feel the dream starting to fade again. Not so god-like, it turns out. ... School Conference Plot-twist, not a false-awakening this time. Now I'm in a school. It looks like one of my engineering classrooms from college. My coworker B is there, and a few others. They are all discussing the epic lucid dreams we just had. I become lucid again, because I realize these are my dream characters and they all remember the lucid dreams because of that fact. I can feel that this dream is very unstable though and I let it fade. I've surely already forgotten details and I need to record.
Updated 09-15-2023 at 07:04 PM by 99808
Biker bar shenanigans I am in a biker bar that is dimly lit There were other instances before this that blurred together I am looking around at the neon signs and people sitting around the bar All of their facial features seem blurred and misshaped I immediately know that I am dreaming Looking at my hands, yup too many fingers and two thumbs per hand I try to remember my dream tasks and decide to summon Swinging my hand out and back in I have a gun in my hand Nope, did that already, I de-summon it while looking at it, just fading into nothing Remembering I’m in a bar I decide a beer would be nice! A bottle slowly phases into my gripping hand while I look at it The DCs around me are staring(through their deformed eyes) I gather I am putting on a magic show of sorts for them lol Hold the beer up to drink it exaggeratedly and feel the liquid going into my mouth It tastes like nothing, like no carbonation or anything, almost like drinking air that has volume to it, I am let down because I wanted to drink something in a dream It seems to be hard to remember the whole list of tasks from the competition I remember thinking about telekinesis (this used to be my most reliable dream sign but had the thought the other day I haven't had any TK dreams in quite some time) Reaching out with one hand I levitate all the bottles sitting on the bar People sitting around stand up and audibly gasp Oh boy now I’m causing a scene I drop them all at once and hear some glass breaking I walk around the bar just taking in the details It seems dimly lit and not as clear as I would prefer so I say in my mind loudly “CLEAR” The picture snaps into focus and brightens some, good enough I then remember thinking how I’ve never made a portal in dream and that would be interesting Holding my hand out with two fingers extended like Dr. Strange I start drawing semi-circles in the air Greenish sparks start coming out of my fingers and I can see the outline of the portal forming I’m unsure where I want to go, the portal seems to be fading in and out It is now a large human-sized oval greenish portal like from rick’s portal gun I sidestep into it without a clear idea of where I’ll end up The dream pauses/does that screen shake thing that happens when you walk through a portal in VR chat The dream destabilizes and I lose lucidity as the next dream locale boots up Fragment I befriend a younger couple, and the girl has eyes for me I attempt not to be disrespectful but the guy is constantly leaving us alone It feels like a survival situation We have a hole with cargo nets in it we can hide in to be safe Fragment of a war game/outdoor airsoft match I throw a grenade through a window a great distance away, and hear the enemies yelp before it goes boom Fragment I am with my friend who has started a fire in his backyard to keep us warm He started the fire inside a dilapidated shed with no roof and missing a wall or two I worry the fire could spread Some time elapses and I go back to his backyard to check on things The fire has completely engulfed the shed as it was mostly all dried aged wood frames He doesn't seem to mind much because they were going to have to clear it away anyway I am slightly concerned at the size of it and people might notice Then we hear the news playing from inside his house They are reporting a house fire seen from miles away They describe the location as being exactly where we are I think, oh boy here we go The dream fades while we talk about how to deal with the tall flames
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Visiting the location of some teachings I am attending, I am amazed by the architecture and decor of the place, the temple, the gardens. I am helping out and looking for a mop to clean something when I stumble across Em. She takes me to her own apartment to get me a mop and says she is also tidying it up. And it really needs, it looks like a hoarder's house. She claims it's her mother who likes to have stuff covering every surface. I find that odd, from what I know about her, but say it's the same with me and my mom, except we don't want to, it just happens. Our teacher is on-site and welcoming small groups for personalized conversations and teachings in a large reception hall. He is receiving a group which I join in by mistake and they are talking about Jesus and calling themselves a church, it all sounds satirical yet they are truly commited to the part. I have no clue what they are up to, but not my business, so I leave. I am then invited to join a larger group who is having some kind of reception with food and drinks. We sit at a large U shaped table that goes around a U shaped corridor. Food starts being served and I ask if this is dinner, they say no and then I reply we will be full and not need dinner later. I meet some nice people and one guy is recording snips and bits of the event and makes a short clip with me, which distracts me for like 10 minutes, enough for all the food to disappear. They suggest I go directly to the kitchen and ask for more, but the only tray they still have is taken to another group and there is nothing left. I realize I am so hungry and can't wait until the next meal. I almost have a meltdown because of it. Some guy and girl invite me to go out and look for some café or other place to eat and I join them. The location feels like some European city with modern buildings. I feel Berlin vibes but it actually looks more like London. We are at some terraced passageway and then we need to go down some stairs to reach the main street where there is the subway and they are asking me where I am staying and where would be more convenient to go and I have no idea. They ask east or west and I mention vaguely an area but my mind is blurry. Then for some reason I decide to not go with them anymore and we separate. I then spot two ginger cats sleeping in the street, their backs against a wall, and I approach to see if they're ok. Apparently so and anyway I can't take them with me, so I leave them be. Then it gets blurry again but I am with a group of 2-3 people in a room and they aren't friendly to me and are menacing somehow, so I leave and try to lock the door behind me. I can't, so I start zigzagging through rooms and realize I am in some kind of the Backrooms, as each room has 3-4 doors only leading to another room and so on. Some are empty, some look like normal rooms in a home. I start becoming lucid and think of what to do next. Not sure, have no plan, but I spot a door that opens to an absolute pitch darkness and I decide to jump through it as a portal and see where I land. Doesn't go as planned. I just enter a darker and most dangerous area of the Backrooms, filled with monsters. First I stumble from room to room in the darkness, finding some hints of a faded light here and there showing a door or some furniture against a wall. Then I came across the first monster. It looks a bit like Venom, shiny black slim body and a big head with sharp teeth. He just appears out of nowhere and falls on me. I just have time to grab his head away from mine and we fight on the floor. I try several hooks to keep him imobilized as I try to find a weakness to hurt him. Eventually I manage to grab some object and slam it into his head, but it takes a lot of times to knock him down and he bits me a couple times. Then I continue wandering and encounter a metal staircase leading to upper or lower levels. I go up and enter a level that has victorian decor in the hallways and beautiful colored bead curtains hanging over many doors. As soon as I cross one such doors and it makes a distinct sound of beads against each other, some woman with a kid appears running and yelling that I just attracted the creature. The creature is a hollow blue mesh figure, a bit like the other slender figure before, but more hunched and walking on four limbs. The front limbs a bit longer than the back limbs. And the head is very thin, basically a neck ending in a jaw. I don't even know how this creature can hurt, because it looks so frail, but it is scary nonetheless. We run upwards but all the next floors are still in the same style with the same damn curtains. Eventually I enter one such floor any way and allow the creature to follow me throughout the rooms. I then face it and grab its head to find it is indeed frail. I rip apart the head mesh as if it is cardboard and that is it. Then I think I see the kid again, can't tell if he is the same, but must be. I call him closer, I don't see his mother around. He stares at me, doesn't move or say a word. Then he gets closer and I noticed he has a snake like tongue and he is actually preparing to attack me. He is just another monster. He tries to snatch me with his tongue and I just have time to jump to the side and escape him. Turns out the woman was walking on the ceiling like a spider and also throwing her tongue to catch me at the same time. Instead both their tongues get entangled and when she pulls her tongue in she swallows the kid whole. I run away again through rooms and rooms, until I find a new level which looks more like the real world. I hear human voices, but not knowing what it is I hide in a room which looks almost normal, with a bed and sheets and even some light coming from some kind of window. I hide under the bed when I hear the voices approaching. It is two guys and they close the door behind them, looking scared and looking for something to block it. They seem human, so I decide to reveal myself. I don't want to startle them, so I whisper to get their attention. They are still spooked at first, suspicious of me, but they end up trusting I am also human. They say they were being chased by some being who looked like a giant leprechaun with two heads. And either he has two faces on the main head or he can send one of the faces down a tentacle-like arm and generate a second head at the end of his arm. The creature arrives at our door and starts pouncing on it heavily. I help them hold it up, but we know he will eventually break it, so I look around for something again that I can use as a weapon. There is some sharp metal thingy from the bed frame and I grab it. The monster finally blasts the door open and throws us down on the ground, but he doesn't come in right away, instead he peaks with his tentacle head first and I stab it with the sharp metal. The creature leaves in agonizing pain, but I still get to see its whole body and main head and it really looks like a leprechaun with a beard and some dusty brown clothing and a semblance of a hat.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I think I am in Brussels wiith some acquaintances. I learn that Sevelina has come out as gay and I am happy for her, but also wonder why she still doesn't talk to me. We come accross a group of street performers, illusionists, and they are inviting people to join some indoor show nearby. I am dragged along with the group and we attend the show, which strangely involves computers. So their trick seems more like hacking than a magic trick and I am sure it is some scam. Also, only people without basic IT skills could not see through that. I sneak into their backstage to have a word with them and ask for a refund, but once they realize I am onto them, they disappear quickly through a back door and lock it. Then my friends join me and say the front door is closed, so we are basically trapped, After some struglle we knock one door down and look for them outside, but they are gone. With an undefined friend, as a passenger in his car. We are in the middle of a forest. He calls Carlos, saying he leaves nearby, to ask if we can drop by. I say he doesn't want us there, because I had asked once if I could come for a visit and he had said no. But my friend is convinced he will not say no and after a long conversation on the phone, he manages to get a yes. But he only says he is bringing me along after the yes and I notice that Carlos gets upset. Not that he doesn't like me, on the contrary, but his wife is so very jealous of me. We drive there, it is an old palace covered in traditional Portuguese tiles, white and blue, depicting historical scenes. I am surprised. Carlos looks very tanned and fit, He is just wearing shorts, no shirt. His wife is a very average looking lady, short, with glasses and unnatractive hair, but she seems welcoming, or at least she is making an effort to be welcoming. There is something odd about how simple they look and the place they live in. They take us over a terrace with potted plants and a couple pets. They actually live in a much less fancy area of this palace and I realize they are the keepers and not the owners. Carlos is strangely being very open with me, very handsy and I fear that his wife might indeed get jealous. But so far, she keeps smiling. Then they takes us to the part of the palace which houses some foundation and a museum. I say I'd love to see the interiors and they take us first to inside the museum, not their home. There, I get lost from them in the visiting crowd. I bump into my friends Nuno and Ana, I say hi and they say hi back but they don't stop walking. I bump with them again further ahead and poke Nuno and say hi again. Again they reply but keep moving, looking a bit annoyed with my insistence, so I let them go. Then at some room is some minister presiding over some official ceremony and he adresses some navy officers and they salute. There are also some navy and army people outside, doing the museum tour and at that moment they all stop in their tracks to salute, leaving everyone else confused if they should wait or walk past them and carry on. The museum is very random and it has stuff about Portuguese navigators and explorers, but also some part about a dude who was an actor and decided at an old age to become a bullfighter and married some Spanish royalty lady and there are photos of their wedding and a real size photo of the lady in her wedding dress with a several meter long tail. Now with Riverstone and some new friends, but I think I am still on that palace/museum, entering a new area that is a bit more surreal. I lose sight of them, and go from room to room looking for them and I find a kind of baby nursery, with a few different rooms for kids of different ages. Then end up at another room which is crowded. People are standing in a long line with bags, like an airport security check place. Suddenly I worry that I am not wearing a mask in the middle of this packed crowd, so I look for an exit. Outside I find myself in the city of Porto. Right in front of me on the sidewalk, I see a dog in need of help, but he growls when I approach him. So I let him go, feeling helpless. I call Riverstone on my phone but he doesn't answer. I feel left alone and angry that my friends didn't care for me and haven't even called in to check on me. Then I meet some tall handsome stranger who says he can get me out of here and I am curious, so I follow him. He takes me inside the facility I came from again, but to some different empty area with wild technology. He speaks to some bodyless voice that guides us through some procedure. Him and some other guys that just appeared there, put on some weird looking helmets. They look like legendary nordic warrior gods. They offer me one helmet too and say to stand by their side and that I might get dizy. And I do. I fall flat on my back and can't move, but I am aware. I feel one of the guys laying me down on some bed and making me comfortable, he touches my clothes and for a second I fear he might rape me, so I flinch and regain some control. He assures me it is ok and I trust. We all need to be in physical contact for some reason, so they interlace their feet with mine and for a few seconds I feel between worlds: I can feel my body laying in bed (real bed? or dream bed?) with them around me, but I also already see the other side, the street where I last was with my friends before we entered the palace/museum/whatever. Slowly I wake up there and I am laying on a bench and I spot my friends sitting on another bench. I wanna hug them, but I am also feeling angry. Riverstone says they looked for me, but the phones weren't working and they also got lost on that surreal place. I think he may be saying the truth. Then there is some kind of parade on the street in front of us. It is either some wedding or a funeral. It is festive but also gloomy and it is hard to distinguish. Night falls and I spot some lights in the skies. First is just a pair of orbs swirling, then they form shapes like minimalistic angels or fairies and one comes down straight at me. People in the parade freak out and run in all directions. I freeze, not knowing if this light thing will hit me like a lightning or not. But it just flies-by like saying hello to me or goodbye and up it goes and disappears and I feel it was the guys who brought me over to my reality, just saying goodbye before they leave.
Updated 12-29-2021 at 10:48 AM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Surreal family encounter, my cousin is still alive and so happy to see me, our energy is pretty good. We flirt, but we have to hide it from the family, so he starts reading poetry out loud from a book and sending me his messages that way. I understand what he is doing, He mentions he'd like to kiss me. Then chaos ensues with an electrical storm. There is a circus passing by and strong winds push everything and everyone in different directions. I end up in a Merry-go-round with Captain Jack Sparrow. I wonder about my cousin left behind, but tell myself I wouldn't mind making out with Johnny Depp either. But he is drunk and misbehaving and things go from bad to worse. Then it's like I am seeing myself through a 3rd person or in a movie and the movie dissects how he was actually sober and a really nice guy and it was me, a mentally ill person who messed up. I feel depressed and go for a walk. Then I am near Nighthawks house and decide to go to a place nearby take care of some business. I hope he doesn't see me passing by his door and thinks I am there looking for him. I am walking fast but think I spotted him in the crowd on the street through the corner of my eye. I reach a nearby mall and move through the corridors, reaching an art gallery or museum with several exhibits. I feel this is not what what I came for, so I plan to go back and figure out my way, when Nighthawk surprises me. He is looking dandy, in a light brown corduroy blazer. Asks me what I am doing here, that he saw me passing by and followed me. I say hi and I feel an awkward desire to hug and kiss him. Seems like he does to, but we both hold back. We sit on a bench and I explain what I am doing here and where I am meaning to go, He first offers to come along but suddenly holds my hand and says "We're not going there, we're going to my home" and my heart races. We just get up and walk fast through the crowd holding hands. I kiss his hand. When the crowd gets thicker and we get stuck in the middle of people, I hug him and feel his body hot and sweaty. I am also hot and sweaty. But it isn't off putting, much the contrary. I wonder if I am properly shaved (lol) but in the end I am not really feeling hung up by my insecurities, I am genuinely ready to let go of everything and just spend all day with him making out, making love. I feel beyond thrilled that he is not holding back anything either. But before we go, he stops by some tables where a group of ladies dressed in vintage clothing (like 18th or 19th century) are chatting and drinking tea. He says he was coming to meet them to discuss some film they are collaborating on and he just needs 5 min with them. I also sit and he introduces me. They are so interested in me because of something he says about me. Food is served to the table and they offer me some kind of crunchy bread. Again with my family, I think in my paternal grandma's village. It's late evening, it is getting dark. We see a fire in the distance and seems to be in the area of grandma's house. We worry and head there but as we approach, we see it is some other house. It is an historical building, of a large wealthy family and the fire is on the 1st floor. The family is moving in and out and I wonder what they are doing. They are taking the elderly out but the youngest keep going inside trying to put out the fire. Seems confined to that floor for now and they say it is also in one particular room. I manage to go inside to help. they don't allow me to enter the room on fire, but I make it to the next room and spot fire coming through the walls and starting to set an old dresser on fire, so I put it out. Then the owner of the house comes in, seems like this is his bedroom, and asks what am I doing here and to get out. He his a big man, dark skin, hairy, big belly, looks middle eastern. He acts like nothing is going on and he plans to go rest on his bed. Seems they managed to control the fire and the whole family is back to normal. Nobody seems to care about my presence, so I take the longer way out, so I can see the rest of the house, which is amazing. I head down to the basement, they have a wine cellar and 3 guys are there talking. I spot a cat carrying a kitty on her back and comment how cute that is. Then the guys notice me and while one who loves cats smiles and engages with me, the others invite me out, so I finally reach for the door. Outside is daylight already. The guy who fancied me came along and I also join some friends that stood outside waiting for me. We walk through this beautiful romantic city that looks from the 18th century, with incredible parks and iron bridges. The guy that came along is about to go his own way, as he feels he doesn't belong in our group, but I let it slip that I find him cute, so now he looks really distressed and keeps walking with us. He is making me nervous so I ask what is he thinking and he confesses he doesn't want to leave me because he is also attracted to me and doesn't want to blow a chance of something happening between us. But I am not that interested and now I kinda fear him a bit, because he seems like he might just snap and drag me behind some bushes and rape me. Then we come across a weird place with colorful tiled hallways forming some kind of maze in a park. In some places the tiles form geometric designs like rectangles within rectangles and they don't feel like just decorative. I feel they are portals, so I decide to try and plunge into one. I get inside a large place that feels very much like "the backrooms". Besides this large room, I see openings to other rooms and corridors all covered in these yellow and red tiles. I fear it a little bit but decide to trust my powers that I can just decide to cross any wall to get out. So I risk exploring a bit and find one large room whose floor is inclined and becomes ever more inclined as I go further. At some point I decide to just have a bit of fun falling down that rabbit hole and I take my feet of the ground and base jump. But it seems to go on forever, so when it is getting stressful, I spot a square opening on the diagonal floor/wall to another tiled room a level below. It seems horizontal, a place where I can walk right up again, so I fly in, to go there. Once back to a stable horizontal room, I again cross the wall and get out, exiting to the hallway at the park. I find my friends there, but also a bunch of other people around some lady. She can also open the portals on the walls and she uses the rooms like personal vaults. And she cons people. She claims nobody can go inside or risks getting trapped there forever (except her servants who are stacking boxes in there under her command and control). She claims the boxes are full of some cryptocurrency that these people gave her money for. I say that's not how it works and she is pissed. She tries to send me away but I enter one of the rooms that has the portal open. I crash into the pile of boxes, not sure what I am doing, but I expose they are full of buttons and other small plastic pieces. Her goons come to attack me, but I move faster and I get out of there. Problem is one of my friends that came to the rescue, is in a choke hold by one of the goons and I have to go back to rescue her. We all escape and start running down those tiled hallways. Then a pink tornado forms at the end of the hallway forcing us to go back. The tornado is growing and we decide to jump out of the maze to the park, then we parkour through the cityscape getting closer to the river where we find a retro shopping center encroached on a hill, which confers great protection. There is a bunch of old ladies sitting in park benches outside and we yell that a tornado is coming and they don't get it. They recognize it is a little windy and accept maybe a storm is forming but don't have a clue what a tornado is. We almost have to push them. Once inside, everybody is seeking cover in the innermost areas of the mall and we hunk down against a wall waiting for the tornado to hit.
Nice character died There was an adventure beforehand. While I and a group of other people were fleeing from monsters that shoot some form of projectile, he was hit and immediately killed. I sort of got sad as if he was a character from a movie that died, thinking that it's sad that they didn't continue on with his story. The character might not have been human. Disastrous tree portal There was something about entering a portal through a tree. It's sort of like a certain tree, where you do a certain thing with the bark and it opens, letting you go in and freefall into a different world of some sort. It appears it is like a trap, as I end up in a weird abandoned building, with strange lighting. It's like it's always dusk outside, the yellow light leading up the ghostly and dark hallways. It feels like the home of somebody who has died. All lights are off, and it seems like somebody just abruptly left. Everything seems like a still-life painting, with things laying around as if they were just about to be used. It's totally silent. I walk through the corridor, which is located on the second floor and on the east side of the building and is pretty narrow. On the right side are the aforementioned windows, and to the left are several doors. Suddenly, some sort of woman appears. Cut to some sort of video clip, showing several catastrophes, such as a rollercoaster accident. In the end, it always zooms into the face of the first person who dies, just a second before it happens, showing their scared, screaming faces. At some point, I am in a sort of white void, with a single patch of forest as a representation of the tree portal and the area around it. There is some sort of large person about it, about 4 meters in height. He is male, and I seem to trust and know him. He gives me advice on how to get back into the normal world. Cut back to the corridor. There is a woman there, I know she is a demon, presumably from the advice I got. I hide in a cupboard of sorts, or maybe behind a door that was set down in the corridor, but she finds me. Quickly, I think about the weak points of the human body, but I don't remember. Then, shortly after, I see a knife right of me on a window sill. I quickly grab it and ram it into the heart of the woman, but she just laughs, so I ram it into her stomach and then, finally, I slit her throat and then I ram it in her throat. Then, she is dead.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I live in some kind of community / village, very backwards and religious, similar to a film I watched about a girl living in Cabul under the reign of the taliban. Everything is censored and forbidden and my brother is to be burnt to death on a public square the next day. At night he is kept locked in a kind of coffin, on-site and I am attempting a rescue. At some point, I see it from his point of view and I feel claustrophobic inside the box trying to break it out to escape. I think following the previous dream, we get an escape ride from some guy of a rebel group. He looks so dreamy and he is a daredevil. He takes us to a highway with lots of self-driving trucks and then makes really risky maneuvers, like getting between them and even underneath them, between their wheels. The car has strange sitting arrangement. The three of us sit on the front and there is no gear stick so I am right beside the driver, in the middle seat. When things get really stressful, he lays his hand on my leg and I enjoy it a lot. He realizes that and he keeps it there. We stop to eat at some place and we clearly are enjoying our mutual attraction and getting cozy with each other. I think we talk briefly about me becoming part of the resistance, so after I am safely at some apartment complex settled with my family - my mom is there too - I receive a message to please come meet someone at the window. I go to the balcony, which looks over a steep valley and I see nobody. They insist they are there and if I don't join them, they'll leave. Then I spot a guy in a blue jumpsuit, coming out from the middle of the green hill on the other side of the valley, quite far away. Then spot half a dozen others scattered around the hill. I wonder why they are so distant. One of them flies over to meet me at the balcony and then together we fly over to the other side and we fly together over some weird border zone and they tell me they operate at the border of realities. I assume they mean reality and dreamscapes. They show me an area over which they have an ongoing mission and need me and a couple others to go undercover and work at an IKEA like store. I show them my flying skills, basically levitating horizontally without making an effort, which is way better than how they do it. It is hard to explain how they do it, but it is not subtle at all. So I join two girls with whom work there and I comment how weird it is for them to have a 9 to 5 life inside dreams and be able to come back to that dream and complete the mission. Then they show me a box of make up products I should use, as demanded at our job site and I find it awful, hate the colors but try some orangey lipstick. Then start the day by having breakfast at a nearby cafeteria in the building complex we live at. I learn that ideally I should go there at this time, like about 6 am, before a lot of other people come there before work. I try to spot what they have that is relatively healthy for me to eat and see they have corn for popcorn and decide to get some packets and just cook them at home on the microwave when I don't feel like eating what they serve. With 4 more people stuck in some square open space surrounded by stone walls. Very much like the Maze Runner. One wall opens up a sequence of doors forming a tunnel and we can see the outside in the end of it but after 5 seconds the various sections along the tunnel close starting from the end to the beginning. After we are sure of the time it takes to complete the process, we test going back and forth, and then we decide to go for it. But when we arrive at the other side we realize it is a time portal and we are seeing the past. There is a battle going on and we see ships in a port attacking a town with cannons. We have 1 sec to decide what to do and we decide going back. Then we discuss if we prefer to check the options as we're convinced the portals opens up at random places and times and we discuss what would be our ideal destination and times we really don't want to go to. It's hard because for the majority of human history there has been war or other bad difficulties, but we end up jumping into some South American country, somewhere in the 1900s. There is some celebration going on, at some town. We blend in (not sure how, as I am wearing jeans) but I notice some guy, acting like a feudal lord of this place, very interested in me and sending someone to go and get me. I slip away through the crowd and I find a Japanese old lady that I am sure I know from somewhere. She is teaching crochet to some ladies and she does recognize me. I wonder how is that possible and she tells me she has access to a portal that lets her go back to Japan in our current time and we met there once. Her English is very poor and my Spanish, which apparently she speaks well, is also not so good, but she asks me if I can crochet and we sort of communicate and I tell her the things I used to crochet and knit. But I really don't wanna talk about that. I am so excited that she has access to our present time, I go look for my friends and tell them we can go home. But some of them don't feel so excited for some reason, so they stay. The Japanese lady takes me to the portal but doesn't cross it with me, so I end up alone at night in some Japanese village and feel a bit lost and cold, but also relieved that at least this is my world.
comment dream lucid Falling asleep approx. 5 I vaguely remember having a FA in the first cycle. Awakening, can’t sleep because I am not feeling well. Time approx. 7. Taking ibuprofen to be able to sleep. Double FA I was sleeping in a long room with a bed. Then I was examining the room because I didn’t like something about it. I wake up in our bedroom. There is a wide blue ribbon hanging in our window, decorating the curtains. At first, I remember the long room - I am not there anymore - and I realize I woke up from a dream. Then I realize what the blue ribbon means. R wakes up too, also notices the ribbon and is confused. I tell him that it is a FA. Jokingly, because it is not real, I start to bite him like trying to eat him. But he screams like it’s real, so it isn’t funny. I want to “correct” the false awakening, focus as much as I can and wake up for real. Time approx 9. I don’t like the stupidly wasted opportunity but I can tell that my baseline awareness tonight is high and I am confident there will be another lucid dream later. Our cat starts doing noise, wanting to be let out of her room. Then she gets quiet and every time I feel like falling asleep, she starts again. The cat problem R went to solve the cat problem (blocking the door so she can’t scratch them and/or letting her out). R and I are again in the long room, there is another bed this time and two more people - a well known politician and his wife. Then there is some police activity going on and someone related to IT, there is a capable young IT guy doing something. I wake up from the dream because the cat makes noise again!!! How is that possible, when I remember R… ok, that was a dream. But I am confused for a while. Then I tell R, who also isn’t sleeping, to go and do it for real. Time 10:55 I try to WILD but R next to me can’t sleep and I feel too distracted by him tossing and turning. Then I (almost) fall asleep but I wake up because I can hear his frustration - he says I was snoring. This happens once more. I don’t feel like sleeping but I know I can’t really tell… I am getting seriously frustrated because heightened awareness means nothing when I can’t fall asleep deeply enough to be dreaming. Seeing squares I am with my mother, in a room that resembles the long room from previous dreams but there is no bed this time. There are two windows, I peek through the blinds to look outside. I don’t see much the weather is bad and the visibility low. I try the second window, there should be mountains visible but I don’t see anything and my vision is bad, like there are square gaps. I sit behind a table with my mother and parts of my vision are still like pixellated, with some squares gray, which surely isn’t normal. I tell my mother that I think this could be a dream and she strokes my hand, looking pleased that I figured it out. I am not 100% sure yet, more like 99% sure. I get up and run towards a distant door, focusing on how it feels and quickly getting 100% sure. As everything around me gets slightly blurry, I slow down. As I reach the door, I decide to pass through it just because I know I can. It works like in the previous dream, the door open in the middle to let me pass through, like a double door. I do it once more with another door. I am outside and there is a black basketball player, looking like Michael Jordan, practicing shooting. I take the ball from him to try it too. We are very far from the basket but this is a dream, so certainly I can throw further than I would in reality. I try it but the ball doesn’t go far enough and it veers off to the right. I don’t feel like I want to try again. I stop for a moment. What am I doing? Don’t I have some goals? I finally remember I wanted to try creating a teleport portal and going to Prague. I go back inside, to the area between the two doors, to be alone and without distractions. I create a portal with my hands, as I planned it and imagined it. No visuals of the portal but that doesn’t mean anything. I spin around to give it something more. Then I try to go through the portal, thinking “Prague”. It doesn’t work. Again, I don’t feel like trying again. I go back to the main room, which now isn’t a small room but a big hall. There is a stall with some cakes. I just take some with my hand, ignoring the seller. I make a mess out of her cake display but whatever. As I go towards the main entrance to the hall, I try to eat the cake but it doesn’t have much taste and there is too much buttercream. I wake up. Time 12:34 I slept more after this but I don’t remember any additional dreams.
Morning of May 15, 2021. Saturday. Dream #: 19,871-02. Optimized 2 minute read. Note; The waking-life model is red. For the image, I made it the same as the predominant color in my dream (though there were other colors). The additional optional outer wing piece is for a torn wing feature. My dream begins with me sitting near a river, though the water lowers over time. (This attribute has remained the same for this dream type for over 50 years. One influence is from isolation tank films I saw as a child, though it also naturally corresponds with melatonin mediation and ultradian rhythm.) Typical indoor-outdoor ambiguity (impossible to discern as such in waking life) is predominant at some points, though there is more morphing of the setting than usual. The locational inferences are unknown. I have recall of my real-life identity to the extent of where I recall I have three sons. I think of creating a portal so that my sons can see a living pterodactyl through it. We do not intend to go through the portal but to watch different events through it. A somatosensory phase response (a natural, predictable shift to attention on using my hands toward resolving REM atonia) becomes predominant, and there is a spontaneous flight-related association with the Aurora Pterodactyl model kit from the early 1970s. I had one when I was a boy. In this instance, the process curiously mixes with finding gold coins (also somatosensory summoning), but only as a supraliminal influence. (I do not think about panning for gold in my dream, only recovering all the pieces of a plastic pterodactyl model.) After my sons watch a living pterodactyl through the portal (a precursor to managing the vestibular phasing of dreaming) for a few minutes, I begin finding many different sizes and colors of pieces from various fictitious versions of what is otherwise the same Aurora pterodactyl model kit. Many parts are smaller than the waking-life kit, but there are no larger versions. I see little cyan plastic wings, but also green, blue, and other colors. There are more outer wing parts than other features. I also notice some small wing connectors; rectangular prisms. I become fascinated by their variety and study their random arrangement for several minutes. However, there is no dream segment where parts of a complete model are collected and assembled.Revealing dream content causation: I continue to be fascinated by how the same processes and phasing responses (often in the same order throughout my sleep cycle) result in so many unique and engaging narratives. This dream’s narrative is a result of my typical familiar lifelong metacognitive status and its management: Water induction corresponds with beginning my navigation of REM sleep and is usually the first process depending on my dream’s time. Vestibular system ambiguity (vestibular cortex phasing response) is from being in REM sleep and links to my metacognitive pursuit of mind-body reconnectivity, often with flight associations. In this instance, however, the phasing curve favors my metacognitive focus on REM atonia (physical immobility in sleep). As is often the case, my dream focuses on managing the virtual division between dreaming and attaining wakefulness. Here, it results in a “portal” (rather than the more mundane summoning of a door) and the mental and physical duality of dreaming that is absent in real life.
19th October 2020 Fragment: I was helping H. There was some kind of old lottery machine thing which we'd salvaged, but it had stops like an organ, almost 100 of them even though only about 50 were required. (Think that was dream intuitive knowledge) But as H put in a dowel thing for a stop, a wasp came out (but not really, it looked like a midge) and it bit or stung him. I suggested they might all be infested and we might be better off making all of them ourselves (the stops I think) but I think H found this to be frustrating. 20th October 2020 Dream: I was in Syria, Egypt or a country near these. I was at a USA military camp. Not sure how I got there in the dream but I remember it was in a valley. From the camp I could see in the distance steep, dusty, rocky mountain peaks. Toward one direction was a city of some kind on a sloped area. It looked more like ruins or slums and I could see flags. They were black with white Arabic script on them, but also a stylised animal trailing off the script too. This area looked vast. In the camp, I remember hearing some soldiers saying that all new troops coming in were being parachuted instead of coming in a ground march. Apparently it'd been this way since some incident with one soldier (there was a name but can't recall) where he'd been surrounded and ganged up on (by whom?). There was a female soldier sitting and listening. She had fake blonde hair tied up in a short pony tail. She looked worried and I realised on some level she was thinking of what I'd already thought of. If this place was a valley and the camp was surrounded by mountains and refugee camps and ruins, how would all the soldiers return home? (recall gap) Inside some hospital. Looks normal/clean. Similar in some sense to the one in the town where I live now. Again, somewhat vast inside. There's some kind of fighting going on but it seems like it's day-to-day business here. The fighting was happening on some other level, a basement? And there was some kind of mini plot about someone being injured and having to be carried away stealthily because he wasn't local. (recall gap) Commanders or captains. Some discussion about charging some kind of portal in a low basement level. Something about hearing reports of the portal's destination being in the Earth's core and really hot, rocky, red and black and also impossibly flat. Some soldiers openly said they didn't want to go or something. (recall gap) Inside some place, still the hospital I think. Mostly sitting on the floor? By a window, it's like a cafe or something this part. Someone tells me about being able to buy things. There are items along the sill and the prices are displayed on folded pieces of card/paper like mini billboard things. Some items were puddings and others were weapons and just random crap in general. I remember wanting some kind of dried out mousse thing, it cost 1.50. It was chocolate-y in taste and looked slightly purple but at first it just looked like a candle. (mom used to have some purple candles that smelled nice, only remembering this now) (recall gap) In the downstairs place. But looked like a warehouse area with certain bits having skylights or something. There were robots and now I had some kind of level-up system and there was another system that meant I could get upgrades from scavenged parts from the robots. I remember trying to create a new fully fledged robot. They were all about 3-6m tall. Notes: - The second dream was odd. The theme of war hasn't really appeared so directly or about a real context so clearly very much in the past. The dream setting and environment all had a very genuine feel to it. There was a certain amount of thematic consistency to the dream plots, for the most part. - The black flags with white script seem to remind me of certain terrorist/rebel groups in waking life, but in the dream they were just the flag of the nation of this place. I think the animal on the flag was a lion. The American army seemed to be there mostly to provide some sort of logistical support to the ruined city/region. But obviously there was still some kind of animosity and fighting going on, but I remember no mention of who "the enemy" actually was. - In the hospital I didn't note anyone wearing any medical equipment or the like.
13th September 2020 Fragment: Some segment where I was in a ship in space, like Freelancer. I think I'd bought a space station, but I can't remember how. Distant space looked dark, not as much as it should be in reality but there were only a few background nebulae. The station had a bit of a T shape and it spinned around its longest axis. I think when I took my ship to dock with the station, the whole station rotated toward my ship and stayed fixed in that orientation. But the station didn't look quite like one from Freelancer. It had more details and looked "realistic". I remember interacting with someone, either through a chat interface or voice chat. Fragment: I'm with Hnk in an open area, it looks like WoW but it's not any actual area from the game. We have a raid group with us and we're killing something like a dragon boss. I'm a warrior and I have T2 gear, I think. I'm alternating threat with another tank. I remember planting Alliance banners. When the boss finally dies, all the currently placed banners from either faction (there were some Horde ones too for some reason) change to the opposing factions'. The area looks a bit like Teldrassil. I remember after the boss is dead we run toward an arch of sorts, gnarled wood and stone? (recall gap) Something about Naxxramas, but it wasn't the "true" Naxxramas, which had some specific meaning in the dream. I talked to someone in the dream about this. Fragment: I'm in a completely flat desert (salt flats?). There are a couple of odd buildings, reminds me of BL in some way. Some dream characters, but recall faded too much. Fragment: Something about winning some kind of chocolate lottery or contest and as the prize I'd get chocolate for a lifetime. Some kind of chocolate bar. This tied in somehow with some kind of chocolate portals and rental servers? Notes: - A lot of the themes from these fragments are pretty well embedded in my head. Both games were games I played for a long time and between which I often alternated. - The chocolate lottery probably comes from having watched "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" but also just from an underlying desire to win a similar kind of lottery, but involving actual money. - The WoW dream is probably partly a reminder that I should talk to Hnk again, as I haven't remembered to do so for some time.
Monday Night, 4/27/20 I was playing in the ocean along with one or two companions. "Come on!" I said, rushing headfirst into the water, swimming as fast as I could. I was half experiencing, half simulating the ocean waves. Upon realizing there were no large waves crashing over me, I began to expect them which then led to their creation and my experience of having large waves tumble me about. The part of me that was scared was drowned out (no pun intended) by my overall sense that I was perfectly safe. A female friend came along with me past the large waves. We were then rapidly pulled far out to sea where the waters became deep and calm. My mind offered up a couple practical concerns. Aren't you worried about dangerous sea creatures the longer you're out here? How far off is land on the other side of this ocean? Won't you get tired of swimming and drown? I decided it was best not to think of dangerous sea creatures. I should simply focus on not splashing around too much. As to getting tired, I found I was able to easily swim at a fast pace with barely any effort. Later we transitioned to walking and gliding along the surface of the water. As night approached, the Narrator said that we would need a place to rest for the night. A dark blue door with orange trim around it appeared. I knew exactly what it was the moment I saw it. I opened it and we stepped through, into my room. Inside it was arranged a little differently than waking life, with bunk beds and a couple random piles of blankets, pillows, and sheets laying around, but it was still fully recognizable. I also found there was a second door which I could open to the rest of the house. I walked around in the upstairs hallway then went back into my room again. Strange. I thought, while my friend just seemed obsessed with playing in the blanket pile and rubbing her face against the pillows. I opened the blue door once again to see that, indeed, it still led right out to the middle of the ocean. "You can change where the door leads." The Narrator informed me. I closed the door and reopened it to try it out. It no longer led to the ocean, now it led to a random room. I closed it for good this time and prepared for sleep, though I don't think I actually did fall asleep. Spoiler for Additional Notes: This one was so close to becoming a lucid dream. I had the awareness of dream control abilities, noticed the oddness of what I was observing, and then there was the presence of the Narrator dropping hints. The Narrator is a disembodied voice that shows up surprisingly often in my dreams and I've referred to it as my subconscious in the past. I'm starting to notice a clear pattern where it shows up when I'm either lucid already or I'm very close to becoming lucid. The ocean is another pre-existing dream sign of mine that's been showing up a lot lately. My relationship to the waves in dreams has gone through an interesting progression over the course of 20+ years of having those recurring dreams, but that's a post for another time. Apparently I'm plunging headfirst into them now.
Morning of April 5, 2020. Sunday. Dream #: 19,466-02. Reading time (optimized): 2 min. This dream is a typical somatosensory-based summoning dream. My waking-life identity is only partially extant (as I am vaguely aware of Zsuzsanna being nearby) but becomes more emergent with the final event. I remain on the porch of the Loomis Street house. (A porch is the result of precursory liminality defining the transition from dream state awareness to the beginning of the waking process.) Generally, I summon eggs from the palm of my hand (trying to force imaginary somatosensory dynamics to vivify my dreaming experience and its tactile illusions) at the beginning of a dream. In contrast, I sometimes focus on summoning coins near the end of a dreaming experience (or the end of my sleep cycle) as they correlate with cognizance (numbers and counting). Despite this being a lifelong lucid practice, it also occurs with precursory liminality as here. I vividly feel two eggs come into existence in my cupped right hand, but they soon crack apart, and I see a green yolk (influence from “Green Eggs and Ham”), finding it amusing. I summon more eggs. There is a purple one and another with a blue yolk. I am eventually aware that my brother-in-law Bob is nearby. At one point, I notice a beautiful bas-relief overhead. It is over a quarter of a sphere. I reach up to touch it. It is the artistic rendering of a puppy (with some other details such as a leafy scroll), and I erroneously associate it with the Rose Street inn. (I use to live above it until 1967 but get it confused with the Loomis Street house in this dream.) Through a porch window, to the north, I notice the house that was on the corner is not there. Instead, there is a lot of digging (and I see at least one bulldozer) going on near a couple of piles of dirt. I talk about this with others. Also, over the sidewalk, there are two upright doorways (about six feet apart) with no door. (This “portal” feature is a traditional dream state exit point, more common in childhood dreams. The digging would be an association with having emerged from slow-wave sleep, especially as I presently live in a corner house though I do not recall where I live in my dream.) My sister-in-law Cindy is in the last scene. I summon a miniature balloon poodle that grows to full size. Other balloon animals arise from out of nowhere (growing over time), including an elephant. The last two balloons arise. One is an orange giraffe. The other is a yellow life-size representation of my middle son (yet I vaguely consider it is Bart Simpson at first). He is facing away from me, towards Cindy. I begin to wake as I tell her who he is. This dream’s typical compartmentalized false memories are quite ambiguous. (For example, despite not remembering Bob and Cindy had died or what country I live in, I still recall my middle son, though he is nothing like Bart Simpson’s fictitious persona.)
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At a magic convention, meeting point is the base of some mountains. As we gather at what looks like a door carved in the rock, with images and writing on the tab around it, the rock starts glowing and bursting into flames and becomes a portal to an underground world. Those that do not deserve entering are crushed at the entrance by falling slabs. I and my friends, we enter without issues, by crossing the flaming rock and inside we follow a corridor leading to an underground city of Incan descendants. It basically consist of gigantic chambers, carved in the stone, connected to one another. Some look like temple rooms, with beautiful carved walls and ceilings and a giant empty space in the center, where people just gather. Others have buildings inside. Their rulers are considered demi-gods and they are white as snow, but the people are dark skinned, like the original incans. I actually understand the light skin on someone living for ages underground, I have more trouble understanding the people who retained their dark skin tone living there. When they see us the first time, they look at us as invaders and become defensive, but then they notice we are white and I am particularly pale, so they think we must also be gods, so we are taken to their rulers, who welcome us in their chambers. A baby comes out of nowhere crawling in my direction. He is quite big and heavy despite being an infant - has the size of a 3-4 year old. I pick him up and he wants mothers milk. I point it out to someone and they say he is the queen's son and they will call the queen. But she takes ages to come and the poor baby is desperate. I almost offer my breasts but I have no milk so makes no sense. Meanwhile he starts to poop on me. He makes a helluva pile of poop, about half his body size. But his poop is basically a large string of kefir like white substance, nothing dirty, just weird. The queen finally arrives and picks him up. They organize us in different groups, according to age and gender and some guides/ chaperones are appointed to tour with us. They assign a group of three 20 year old girls to keep me company. We are close to a majestic building (looks very modern though, not ancient Inca) and they point out some handsome blond dude coming out of some kind of vehicle, being escorted to the building. I say he looks exactly like the actor Ryan Phillipe. They have no clue whom I am talking about. They tell me he is the crown prince and they sigh at just how dreamy they think he is.
Updated 12-04-2019 at 07:49 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening In the future, in an apartheid society where everybody is chip'd and identified wherever it goes. There is a way to clone someone's ID, but to get into some place truly undetected, one has to be really close to the person who has the original ID, so that there aren't records of the same ID in different places. I am trying to get in or out the city (I think out), which I don't have permission to, so I am wearing a clone ID and I don't want to be detected by the system, so I have to tail this person. To get out of the city, we have to go through the tube of high speed shuttles and I am tailing in a smaller shuttle that also goes undetected, but I have to navigate dangerously close at vertiginous high speed. It's awesome. And the tube is light up with all kinds of neon lights. I get semi-lucid and the tunnel becomes like a well in which I sink and go through different eras, taking different roles, from princess, to a japanese ghost (like the one from The Ring), but always dancing and just appreciating the details and their beauty. Nela is staying with us at my mom's. We have to share the bed and I complain to my mom. Then at my mom's doorstep, lots of neighbors gathering. My aunt and cousins are there to. Then I meet some guy from high school and he invites me to join him to some reunion with our school friends. They all look good except Mara who is bald from cancer treatments and is envying my braids.