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    1. Jade Green Sparring Match Two

      by , 07-06-2023 at 08:13 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      Jade Green Sparring Match Two (WILD) 07.06.2023

      My partner K wakes me up when she is getting out of bed earlier than me and when I fall asleep I feel the dream set in before I lose awareness. I do a RC and confirm I am in a WILD. I get out of bed and summon my robes and put them on in one swoop of my arm. I try pulling up the heads up display with the gesture of swiping up from my left wrist but it doesn't work right away. I wake up but DEILD.

      I try again and this time I get the holographic HUD to show up. Instead of being futuristic, this time it looks like Windows 11. I tap the search bar and say "Noma". then I snap my finger and get teleported to a beach. I focus on the details and notice that the plants are exotic and have black leaves. I am indeed on Woue but not in the Noma desert where we can fight without causing damage to the environment. I destabilize and DEILD.

      I repeat the teleportation process from our room. This time when I snap my fingers I find myself laying on a red sandy dune. When I stand up and look over the top of the dune I see a red desert with crashed space craft scattered around! I look behind me and see Hade. He looks like he does in JadeGreen's art! Unfortunately Manei and Jay aren't there. Hade ignites his rockets so I guess it's time to fight! I try throwing a rock at him with telekinesis but it is blocked by a purple hexagonal shield that pops up infront of him. I realize I am a little taken off guard and don't have time to remember my strategy. We both fly at eachother and I try a Superman punch but it is blocked by his shield. We then tangle together (because I grab hold of his arm.) and then we spin around eachother midair. I realize being in close is not a good idea because I have had problems with wrestling in dreams so I let go and we both get flung away from eachother by centrifugal force.

      When I float from the tumble I feel a pain in the leg from where he hit me with a staff in the last dream we fought in. I wonder if I got hit but I realize it's just a bruise. I learn that I don't have healing factor like Hade and Manei do. Hade pulls out a bow and arrow and I know I have to deflect any arrows he sends with telekinesis or I am done for! Unfortunetly the dream starts to destabilize even with neither of us landing a clear hit.

      I DEILD again but this time I don't think I have the energy for another match. I experiment with pulling up the HUD again, trying to study it's buttons, but I keep destabilizing for the rest of the REM cycle.
    2. Lots of dream energy

      by , 07-06-2023 at 03:36 PM
      My sleep-meditation mp3 tracks continue to manifest in my dreams. Last night I listened to a reading of Go Rin No Sho (Book of Five Rings), a text about the Samurai and Japanese Swordsmanship. In a dream I entered a dark space, in a degree of sleep paralysis, then a light appeared and suddenly I could see and move. I would class my consciousness as 90% lucid. The reading I was listening to was coming into the dream as movement and light. After a short time I slipped back into a normal dream-state.
      My sleep meditations at night seem to be appearing more often in my dreams. I am excited, as this would mean I am having an effect on my unconscious mind.
      lucid , memorable
    3. Shared OBE

      by , 07-06-2023 at 12:02 AM
      Originally journal on 06/29/2023.

      Bizarre experience! I've never had anything quite like this happen.

      I had a lucid nightmare the other night. Being lucid, I decided to stay in the dream. However, my spouse (in waking life asleep next to me) woke up in terror and started yelling.
      Her yelling woke me up. I opened my eyes and she was yelling right in my face clear as day. She was looking straight at me, shouting "Go away!"
      I could distinctly see the horror in her eyes. I told her that everything is fine, trying to calm her down.

      Afterwards, she told me that she was NOT yelling in my face at all. That never happened. Not from that perceptive, anyway. She did yell those words, but not at me. She was looking at something red behind me and that's what she was yelling at. She had leaned forward to get close to it when she started yelling at it.

      So, I saw from the perceptive of the red thing she was yelling at, not my body, which was facing a different direction in a completely different position in the room.
      It was completely dark in the room as well. I saw her as though there was a bright light illuminating her face, but there was never any light.
      This was an OBE, I concluded.

      That's all for now!

      Updated 10-05-2023 at 10:33 PM by 99032
