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    1. 1. Turtle Ruin Islands (LD) 2. The Mansion Walls (LD)

      by , 07-20-2023 at 10:31 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      1. Turtle Ruin Islands (LD)
      I aware as hypnogogic images on a screen appear. I'm looking at a square screen with a figure of a dark skinned man in a yellow outfit dancing around. I want to hold this scene until I feel the dream is stable enough to transition into. I remain aware and begin to feel that I can move my dream body. I stand up in the area to my right, take a step and feel that I'm ready to begin exploring. I make my way to the foot of the bed and there's a circular mirror in which I see my reflection, in my periphery - as I'm still looking at the screen - and see a portion of my body as well as the device I'm holding. I look my my body is compressed toward the midpoint and I have a slight short mohawk. It looks a bit strange, so I turn to my right, toward two windows, and decide to phase through and begin exploring. I realize I'm in The Meadow. I fly down to the concrete area below and turn to my left, considering where I want to explore. I see pale rocks which are stacked up in a triangular fashion, in perfect balance (1). There's a small plant next to the formation as well. I make my way past this area, around the edge of the house and through the gates. It seems that the entire landscape of the meadow changed, however. Instead of the typical M Street with the large house and 'treehouse' area beyond, the entire area is simply a wooded landscape in broad daylight, with leaves on the trees being quite sparse. I decide to try one of my dream goals: element manipulation - specifically conjuring a tornado. I wave my right arm, yet nothing happens. I wave both in a circular motion, yet nothing happens once again to my surprise. I then decide to try to throw a fireball, and nothing happens. I conclude with a trying to try lightening, and this doesn't work either (2). I continue a bit down the wooded slope and decide to try to head to the persistent realm I incubated: The Forest (3). I see a large tree with a very thick trunk and phase through easily.
      --In the black void, I imagine music playing, and a soft fantasy melody begins playing. I imagine an area with greenery in my visual field.
      I suddenly appear in an area with a concrete floor with building surrounding me which are roughly two stories high. One of the building has a Bowser marking on it. I have the though: what the f***? I don't know why I would have popped up in such a random scene after imagining the forest area. I decide to explore anyway and begin flying upward. As I ascend, I see that there are actually many floating structure beyond the area I'm in. All of these structures are in the middle of a massive body of water, possibly an ocean. I fly further upward and continue forward, viewing a large floating black inflatable structure filled with more Bowser symbols (4). I fly to the edge of this area and turn right, trying to find a cooler area to explore. To my right, I see two large islands, in shapes that somewaht resemble dagger blades. The islands are covered with dense, dark green foliage as well as the bones of some massive turtle creatures. The area essentially resembles ruins. I think that this would be an awesome place to have a persistent realm in, although it's not quite the forest I imagined. I curve around in flight and begin heading toward the back end of the second island. As I get closer, I soon end up in a false awakening in which I'm drying to DEILD using head vibrations.

      2. The Mansion Walls (LD)
      I'm lucid outside of a large building resembling a mansion with two stories. It appears to be situated on an elevated piece of land with a cliff roughly 30 meters ahead of me. It appears to be just before sunrise, and the scene has a slight amount of sunlight in it. There is a young boy, roughly five years of age in front of me. He has blonde hair and reminds me of my nephew. I have the instinctual drive to teach him some dream yoga skills while where in the scene together. I walk up to him and tell him I'm going to teach him some dream yoga. I turn toward the mansion, and tell him, "First, we're going to practice phasing". I explain that you simply have to fully expect that you can walk right through it, and you simply shouldn't think about it. I phase right through the wall and end up in the first room within the mansion, which is dimly lit, containing antique furniture. The boy follows me. I continue into the second room which has a large glass door to the right which seems to lead downward. I explain to the boy that we're going to practice phasing single body parts. I raise my hand and slowly stick in through the glass, moving in slowly downward. I continue into the next room by phasing through the wall to my left. I end up in an office area with brown furniture along with a lamp and a desk in the center. I explain to the boy that we're going to practice transforming objects next. I decide the chair is too big and head toward a shelf in the back of the room. On a dark, mettalic, rounded tray sits roughly eight to ten silver Hotei Buddha figurines facing the wall. I decide to try to transform these. At this moment, the dream fades and I'm in a black void. I imagine my hands grabbing ropes which support a wooden bridge. I imagine that this bridge is in the treetops of The Forest. As the imagery extends, my lucidity drops and I slip into a non-lucid in which my body slowly descends via a rope.
      (1) The rock formation seems to be a re-creation of images from the book 'Yumi and the Nightmare Painter' that I just started, it which Yumi stacks rocks as a part of her rituals.
      (2) Possibly I need to try the tornado outside of this realm.
      (3) No official name yet - I plan on learning it once I get there.
      (4). The imagery was probably influenced by a podcast I listened to the day before in which a lady was talking about Mario chasing her in a NLD

      Updated 07-21-2023 at 02:15 PM by 50425

    2. Visiting JadeGreen and Manei

      by , 07-20-2023 at 06:31 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      Visiting JadeGreen and Manei (DILD) 07.20.2023

      There was this whole dream about Halloween and getting in trouble for some reason during a celebration but I can't really remember it all. The next section of dream I remember clearly I am in a basement with some friends that I don't know IWL making a diorama of a graveyard out of candy. We go up stairs and the friends mom is really worried about us and sort of mad because, "We are letting the demons in." and other crazy religious things. I randomly think to do a reality check and can breath through my fingers so I became lucid.

      I summon my Robes of Anorak and pull up a heads up display. This time it is bright and vivid. I tap the search bar and then say, "Woue". The map changes to show a tropical area with a river ending in a river delta. I snap my fingers and suddenly I am in a mangrove where the plants have black leaves. This time I remmebered to look up! The sky is cloudless and blue. To my right there was a binary sun. Theses stars orbit eachother in such a beautiful way. Currently they are fairly close but not overlapping. Then I look up and spot one of the moons. It was smaller than our Earth moon. Then to my left, high up in the sky, is the large ringed planet, Asuma, that Woue is a moon of.

      I start flying looking for JadeGreen and Manei's beach. It doesn't seem like I am on that island. I still have the HUD up and I look at the map. This area is mostly mangroves but there are also some markers on the map. I fly past one and see that it represents a modern looking building. I hear a familiar voice so I fly closer. On a second floor balcony I see Manei and Hade! I fly down to them and run up to Hade to give him a hug. He is shorter than me in this form. As I hug him his body flashes purple where I contact him. I stand back and poke his chest and sure enough there is some sort of magic armor made out of small triangular segmants less than a centimeter from his body. "You have made some improvments to your ward!". "Yes I have. I wanted to be prepared incase we sparred." he says. Then I go up to Manei. She is much taller than me and wearing a crop top and a necklace with sea shells, "It is good to see you in dream form." I say and give her a hug.

      They guide me into the building and there is a red skinned alien sitting on the couch eating fruit. I talk to her a bit and then wake up.
      lucid , memorable
    3. Christmas in July

      by , 07-20-2023 at 06:13 PM (Lucid Time!)
      This lucid is from the 18th. I was camping that day so its only been written up and posted now.

      I am walking in some sort of christmas themed town. It feels like being in one of those decorative village sets you sometimes see during the holidays save for the fact that everything is inhabited and at full scale. The set is placed in some fjord with tall mountainous terrain surrounding it on three sides and the open icy ocean around us. There is a very large yellow and orange brick road that has been cleared of snow. It is nighttime with a mostly clear sky (a few clouds present) and a large number of dream figures are making their way along the road. I see children, adults, and many many of santa's elves.

      I become lucid and take off to fly. I note that flying seems easier, I no longer seem to be running into as many negative issues with flying such as struggling to get enough thrust or maintain altitude. I remark to myself in the dream that this is probably one of the many positive side effects of having Jonathan be behind bars. I fly around for a bit above the village doing some stunts and studying how the village distorts and warps as I fly up high and then come back down again, the sensation of flying in a dream never gets old.

      I then recall my dream goal to spar with madmonkey. I remember in some instances he described meeting on the moon. I look and see the moon very low on the horizon over the ocean. I decide I will fly there. I fly out over the ocean, hitting the proverbial gas to accelerate and the dreamworld begins to warp around me. What I expect is to fly straight at the moon, the earth will slowly curve out under me and I will fly up higher and higher. Continuing to accelerate this will result in the earth curving away under me as I take a shallow trajectory up into space.

      As I continue to accelerate I see the moon abruptly shrink in size. It goes from being roughly the normal size to maybe a third the size it would be in waking life. I come to a stop. Looking back a long ways I see over the ocean (which is dotted with icebergs) the village is a tiny speckling of lights in the distance and the surrounding terrain is quite small. I'm a good few kilometers out to sea.

      I back up a little bit and the moon returns to normal size. I move back forward again and the moon is tiny once more. I note this odd invisible threshold over the ocean that upon passing through it actually causes the moon to appear smaller even though by crossing the threshold I am getting closer. I decide I will continue on my journey.

      I fly some more and reach the edge of the world. Instead of curving out from under me, the world just ends with the ocean spilling off into outer space like asgard or the edge of the world in sinbad or something. I stop to examine this, though for not as long and then proceed to the moon. As I get closer the moon changes again.

      The moon is now a concentric series of gyroscopic rings, each rotating on different axes, with a sort of wormhole or celestial object in the middle, floating in space. I think it best resembles the wormhole machine from the movie contact. The rings are made of a white-ish stone and decorated in complex runes and relief carvings or statues which have color applied to their distinct regions. I notice many of the carvings have a religious or spiritual nature. I see one that is a strange eye symbol between two roman columns. Another appears to be jesus on a cross, the cross is brown, jesus' crown is green and theres blood around the nails binding him to the cross. Yet another appears to be series of chakra gates each colored appropriately, and another appears to be some hindu deity, colored in blue with a golden halo. There are many more carvings, many of them unrecognizable to me.

      Intuitively I know that this is the moon as viewed on some higher dimensional plane, and these carvings and runes each provide supernatural power to their respective entities. I know that this is all entities that earth has ever or will ever believe in. Some are from lost or obscure faiths and others are for faiths that will not be prominent for thousands of years to come. I then feel myself being pulled into the central wormhole and grab on to one of the rings. The ring has a carving of a santa hat just above the much larger jesus carving.

      I make the connection that christmas is a christian holiday and therefore santa's source of power is next to the one representing christianity. I grab onto the fuzzball thing on the top of santa's hat (I'm sure it has a name I am not going to google it). It's a stone orb about the size of my chest. I feel myself slipping and drive my fingers into the stone to get a better grip. The stone cracks, but also yields and feels like clay, my grip is secure. I feel somewhat conscientious about defacing this construction but resolve that my own security.

      I see the wormhole flash red. Once. Twice.

      I sense an entity is very confused.

      The wormhole flashes with red energy three more times in quick succession.

      "The teleporter is jammed. Its a safety system someone or something is inside of it."

      "They are in big trouble."

      I know they are talking about me. I intuitively know that this construct is some engine which enables Santa to magically teleport and that me being inside of it has tripped a safety system. I then see through the wormhole that it leads to a christmas village (a different one than before, this one has a large decorated tree in the center and other, larger buildings.)

      I let go and fall into the wormhole. Without much fanfare I arrive at the destination I could see, standing on a large iron platform in a brick plaza. It has a complicated rune pattern on it which somewhat resembles a 2d flattened version of the 3d gyroscopic ring construct. Santa claus stands over me. He seems genuinely angry. Not the "you're going on the naughty list" kind of restrained anger santa is usually shown to have, he is genuinely bonafide pissed and demands an explanation.

      I proceed to rapidly but thoroughly reprise the entire dream beginning with me becoming lucid in a dream, all the odd things that I saw and phenomenon that I observed. Not only is he no longer angry but he belly laughs saying something about how he thought I was the grinch or boogeyman trying to do a magical attack, but upon realizing I was a lucid dreamer who just got lost realized I had no harmful intentions.


      I was in some cave or ancient ruin deep underground, exploring with a team that included Rorkue from Atlantis the lost empire, Carter from Halo Rech and Batman (okay… interesting choice of characters.) We reach a large flooded sort of stone labyrinth deep underground that we must swim through. I am told we must simply hold our breath through this part.

      I swim underwater, discovering I can breathe and possibly becoming lucid. I think I remember using the amethyst bow here though the significance of it seemed lost on me. Upon entering the labyrinth we encountered three or four of these large sea monsters. They had a fishlike body and a bull’s head with large horns. I somehow related this to the original legend of the minotaur being found in a labyrinth.


      There was another lucid dream on this night. I recall being in this mountainous country at a train stop. The sky was a deep forest green and cloudy and the terrain was black. I see a train track with a number of large black robotic arms positioned around it. On the end of each arm is a large green rotating brush, like one might see at a car wash.

      A steam locomotive pulls into the train stop where I am waiting. It seems to be highly detailed within the dream but otherwise of a fairly normal appearance being made of a dark gray metal with some golden livery. The locomotive exudes power. It feels powerful. The robotic arms descend on it and begin cleaning it, even though there is little in the way of visible grime or dirt.

      I become lucid and fly away from the scene, desiring to find MadMonkey for our sparring match. Other stuff happens that I do not recall. I find myself in a janitorial closet somewhere and wake up.
    4. 2023-11-20 allocation, dragon, store guy, friend

      by , 07-20-2023 at 09:46 AM
      S/A = something about
      S/O = someone
      S/W = somewhere
      S/G = some guy

      Sleeping well, but recall sort of low, mostly short disconnected fragments

      + In a store talking with a woman, standing by some refrigerator shelves, she's saying how to get some guy who's bugging is to stop: she recommends giving him a particular meat/roll (piroshki?) (wrapped in a celophane wrapper) to eat, because it contains a mineral that will make him go away

      + I'm walking corridors and going through doors, in an environment sort of like a hospital, with automatic/controlled doors, and I'm concerned that some zones will close and I will be trapped/won't have access, even though I sort of sense that this isn't true, I think I'll still have access, but as some doors are closing, I still hop through just in time to make sure that I'm not trapped outside where I want to be

      + [f] discussion of studying astrology (astro-physics?) as a legitimate branch of mathematics

      + [f] s/a best friend MR in a cot/bed (in a room with other beds?) is offering to share the music he's listening to.

      + [f] I enter a very ornate bathroom, richly decorated with earth tone tiles and towels, browns and reds, I think this is the b/r that some woman uses and she probably doesn't appreciate my being there.

      + [f] s/w a dragon, vaguely seen, deep down some hole, I think that I have a means to beat it but it is claiming victory

      + My sister P is asking about memory allocation techniques. She wants to know if she should use a region 4 or 5 technique. I ask s/g in front of me, sitting at a desk that is covered by hair/beard clippings, he answers "definitely region 4, but it has a limit of 1GB," I answer to P "a colleague of mine says to use 4". As I'm saying this I think that I should remember his name, even though I don't intend to say it, but I don't remember it
    5. Ethernet Hunt

      by , 07-20-2023 at 12:42 AM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      Ethernet Hunt (NLD) 07.19.2023

      I had this dream in a nap. I felt really guilty for taking a nap but this dream was funny to me. I am on a street corner with Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and my nephew. Mark is explaining that there are ethernets running underneath the city and hackers like to go in there to spy on peoples data. We walk up to a manhole cover. He starts loading a large revolver that has a a flashlight on it. Elon opens the manhole cover and I look in. It's dark in there and I can't see anything. I really want to catch a hacker so I jump in. It is much more spacious and lit up now and there are sets of ethernet cables everywhere. I see a person sitting with a laptop further in and he sees me so he picks up and runs. I chase after him and then the tunnel ends and I find myself in a Subway resturaunt. I find this very strange. I see the hacker run out the door and I chase after him. He steals a bike and takes off but somehow I can run faster than he can bike. I push him over and wake up for a moment.

      I see this as a good chance to DEILD so I try to stay still. I am semi lucid and now I'm in a car with Mark and Elon driving on a freeway. I somehow know they are chasing the hacker. They are on the phone with another bilionair who is saying silacious things about my nephew and I somehow know that the person they are talking to is in a car driving behind us. I blink myself into their car and try to stop him from saying these things and I wake up.