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    1. 2LD's and a NLD

      by , 06-30-2023 at 06:00 PM
      I woke up and immediately noticed that the light in my room looked kind of dark and bluish like the sun was rising while it was really cloudy. [COLOR="#008000"]I knew I was in a dream because the light coming in through my window never looks like that. I rolled off my mattress and decided to look around my house. I walked to my bathroom and there were feces everywhere. I got some on my shoestrings, even though I know they're not real, they're still gross. So I go down my hall and into my living room, and I see that the Christmas tree is still up. There's a white shoe box under it, so I open it, and there's some gray sneakers in it, so I start replacing my shoes, but my mother sneaks up behind me and stops me from moving.I tell her to let me go but then I wake up.[/COLOR]

      I was in the stairwell of some hotel or apartment and I had to go up a couple floors to retrieve some groceries or something. Walking up the stairs was very tiring for some reason, but I eventually reached the room. It was had just some toys, a bay window, and a note where the floor slanted down near the wall. I looked out the window, and I could see a city below like I was as high as an airplane. I went up to the piece of paper in the wall floor ditch, and I turned it over. It said something about burning in hell.I woke up around there.

      I don't remember much from this one just that[COLOR="#008000"]I was lucid and my eyes were closed, an I was feeling carpet or something and then I heard a rooster,[/COLOR] because one of my real roosters was crowing.

      Updated 01-31-2024 at 05:11 AM by 100014

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    2. 2023-06-30 some decent dreaming, faded

      by , 06-30-2023 at 01:58 PM
      I had to get up in a hurry this morning for an appointment, so didn't get a chance to jot down any notes.

      + pumping a shotgun, firing it. I see the shells in the "chamber", and know that's how you know that it's loaded. Firing a "pistol" at some guy but it fires a heavy blunt bullet that just thumps the guy in the chest and sort of stuns him

      + attack/invasion into the enemy base.. [Little detail remains]. Moving through rooms. In a shower room?

      + playing water polo in one lane of a pool. JnErt and some other woman have the ball and are charging, I am defending. I'm showing off how quickly and easily I can swim, I switch to the side stroke for a few strokes and shoot in front. Discussion with them that they can't foul me because I am not touching the ball. Think about making a shot by dunking the ball, having it pop up, then butting it with my wrist (or was already awake when thinking this?)

      + [f] in a locker room, I have a lock, and a bunch of small knickknacks like buttons, etc.

      + [f] at work office, some talk about our projects
    3. A Gust of Wind

      by , 06-29-2023 at 11:30 PM (MeiSEKAI)
      Another short semi-lucid, this one a bit more fun than the last. It was my third dream of the night, and during WBTB I tried to mentally explain to someone why I wanted to become lucid, as per Harlequin's suggestion. I thought, Well, you see, lucidity is just cool... I mean, you can do so many things that you can't in waking life... why wouldn't you want that? I think I have a good chance of becoming lucid in this next dream, you'll see, I can feel it.

      Yeah, I'm not too good at it Did SSILD afterward and went to sleep at 4:30. (Forgot the entire beginning of the dream, but it started out non-lucid, so it wasn't a WILD.)

      First thing I remember is walking down a path by the lake with my brothers and mom. All of us have been attempting dream control for a while, and I've failed to fly multiple times.

      I run ahead of them and for no real reason flop down in a patch of grass. A specific type of anticipation comes over me, like I need to concentrate, yet at the same time avoid focusing too hard on what's happening. Suddenly a gust of wind pushes me into a sitting position, and with minimal effort, I begin to hover in the air.

      A grin spreads across my face and I unsteadily fly higher, cheering and showing off to my familial unit. My brother records me as I spin and flap my arms and make little circles in the air. I land in front of them, and my mom asks how I did it. I tell her about the gust of wind and think to myself that this kind of "external assistance" is typical in dreams.

      Later my brothers and I, along with their friends Ethan and Marcus, are lying on a picnic blanket watching the video Z took of me. I apparently do another cool thing at the end, and halfway through Z says impatiently, "Why is it taking so long?"

      I wonder why he doesn't just skip ahead,
      and wake up.

      You can tell this wasn't a high level of lucidity by my reaction to the flying. I've done it countless times, and it usually comes naturally to me, even in non-lucids. This was closer to role-playing. But still, it was pretty exciting.
    4. Plan for skills improving

      by , 06-29-2023 at 10:32 PM
      04.07.23 I'm going on vessel to work so I prepared plan how I wish to improve my skills. Because of inregular sleep schedule I decided to focus on side skills instead of techniques. That include:
      -Dream recall
      -ADA and general walking awarness
      -Last and first thought recall
      -First awarness after waking up

      I will try to write down weekly report in DJ. It's depend of my internet connection but I think this will be not big problem. Also i'm open minded so if you have some advice go ahead

      Dream recalling
      I will full describe one dream and rest of dreams will be write down via tags. I will write down dreams 5 times in week to prevent myselft from burnout and colidation with my duties.

      Recalling at beginning: 0-1 at good quality and/or 0-3 at any quality
      Goal: 2-3 at good quality and/or 4-6 at any quality
      Month 1: 0-1 at good quality and/or 0-3 at any quality
      Month 2: 1 at good quality and/or 1-3 at any quality
      Month 3: 1-2 at good quality and/or 2-4 at any quality
      Month 4: 2 at good quality and/or 3-5 at any quality
      Month 5: 2-3 at good quality and/or 4-5 at any quality
      Month 6: 2-3 at good quality and/or 4-6 at any quality

      Score is calculating via arithmetic mean in week period.

      I will meditate twice per day - after lunch and before sleeping. I will meditate 5 days in week. Reason is the same like in Dream Recalling section

      Goals: 2x20 minutes
      Month 1: 2x5 minutes
      Month 2: 2x7minutes
      Month 3: 2x10 minutes
      Month 4: 2x12 minutes
      Month 5: 2x15 minutes
      Month 6: 2x20 minutes

      ADA and general day awarness
      I will try to be aware as much as possible. Because I can be aware independently from my activites so there is no excuses and I will practice ADA everyday.
      My dreamsign is night (or darkness) so also I relate my “Hukif’s Hook” with awarness of daytime.

      Goal: Reach “very high awarness” level
      Month 1: “Non-zero” (awarnes uptime > 0% of waking time)
      Month 2: “Occasionally” (awarness uptime 5-15%)
      Month 3: “Low awarness” (awarness uptime 15-25%)
      Month 4: “Moderate awarness” (awarness uptime 25-35%)
      Month 5: “High awarness” (awarness uptime 35-45%)
      Month 6: “Very high awarness” (uptime 45-60%)

      Of course this will be very subjectively. I have no device to meansure my awarness level

      Last and first thought recall
      This is my experimental exercise. It is working in the same way like dream recalling but instead of dream I will force mayself to recalling last remembered moment before falling asleep and first moment after waking up. The goal of this exercise is observe border in memory between reality and dream.

      Because this is experimental and non-offical exercise I have no goals.

      First awarness after waking up
      Goal of this exercise is decreasing time what I need to aware myself after waking up.
      Tags: voyage
    5. 1. Flight To The Clouds (LD) ; 2. Waterfall Skies (LD) ; 3. The Campus Game (LD)

      by , 06-29-2023 at 09:26 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      1. Flight To The Clouds (LD)
      I'm sitting at a circular table jotting down some notes onto white lined paper. I have a little sketch of what looks like a chair. I write "don't give up on dreaming". I'm suddenly lucid, and I say out loud: "I'm lucid". I stand up and take in my surrounding. I'm in an area in a large structure which connects to many side rooms. I walk forward to begin exploring a bit. I suddenly remember a podcast I heard the previous day with Holocek and ground my vision onto the floor in the dream, which is quite vivid with a dark cream color and dark green speckling. I then look at my hands in shout "Increase clarity now"! Upon looking at my hands again I notice that I have four finger. One of the middle fingers is a bit bent, yet the entire hand is very vivid. I raise my gaze and begin exploring. I peer into the first room and notice a vacant bedroom with white covers which are pulled back. The bed hasn't been made and the covers are a giant jumble. I quickly leave the room and begin exploring a bit more. It appears that I'm in a large house which is connected to a central hub, which is essentially a large kitchen. I head toward a wall and then think of some dream goals. I immediately think of some dream yoga skills, and slowly phase my hand into the wall, and watch it go through easily. I then think of advanced phasing and phase my whole body through. Once through, the dream begins to fade a bit, and I instinctively begin flying up rapidly to preserve the dream. I rise higher and feel that I'm not going fast enough to I decide to try some advanced flying at start traveling at what I perceive to be hundreds of miles and hour. I'm soon in an cloudy area which lacks clear vision. The dream quickly resolves to bringing me back to the large house I was just in. I approach a staircase and peer up, noticing yet another vacant bedroom with the covers pulled back just like the first. I head across the central area and toward a bedroom in the corner area. I think back to my goal of traveling to a persistent realm via The Purple Crystal. I anticipate it being in the immediate left corner when I enter, yet when I turn my head it's not there to my surprise. The room is quite messy with many items on a side cabinet. I leave this area and enter the kitchen. The central kitchen area is beautifully put together with a deep brown colored wood with a tinge of orange as well as a glossy finish. I make my way around the central island area and notice a large hood type structure above the counter top. I explore for a minute or so, then notice a large fruit basket filled with peaches on the center of the island. I consider taking one, then decide I really don't want any fruit. But I figure, why not have some chocolate! I head to the fridge, pull out a sliding drawer, and quickly find the same dark chocolate I have in waking life. I grab two packages and put one in my left pocket. I begin opening one as I continue to walk toward the back of the house. I put some chocoalte in my mouth, yet my gaze is focused on the back of the hosue and my attention doesn't return to the flavor for a moment. When my attention returns, I don't really notice any flavor. I get the sense the dream is fading, and soon wake up.

      Back to Sleep

      2. Waterfall Skies (LD)
      I'm lucid in a dark void and slowly a dream begins to form. I'm in a hallway of sorts with light gray concrete coloring. I stop and shout "Increase clarity now"! I look at my hands and notice the vivid colors and texture of the skin. I approach a concrete wall in front of me which looks quite solid and think of some dream yoga stages. I have the slightest bit of doubt as I stick my hand into the wall to phase through it and my hand bends against the concrete. I ignore fully phasing right now and look at the concrete stairs which descend along with a slanted concrete ceiling above. I decide to phase half my dream body through the concrete and it works perfectly. Upon reaching the lower level, I see that I can continue straight or make a left. I make my way forward, yet get the feeling the dream is going to fade if I continue, so I turn left toward an area that has a warm yellow hue emanating from it, similar to a sunrise. I enter the area to my left, and it naturally curves right into a beautiful area in nature with lush green grass and a pathway extending down to the left along with a body of water to the right which curves around a mountain structure in the middle. The lake area is crescent shaped and situated on a plateau. On the left most portion is a large floating piece of earth with a large waterfall cascading off of it. I begin floating down the lake, and as I progress I notice additional, yet small floating pieces of dark earth with stone embedded in it. Small streams of water are making their way off of the floating structures and into the lake. I begin thinking of a name for the dream and my mind remembers a song named "I can hear the water at the edge of all things". I feel the song doesn't quite fit the feel of the dream however. I continue to float and notice the third floating piece of earth overhead. I additional begin seeing small bronze statute of young lions on pieces of earth that are surfacing form the lake. I curve left around the central mountain and the dream begins to fade. I make my way to the edge and begin circling my arms alternately to maintain the dream. The dream slowly fades and I wake.

      Back to Sleep.

      3. The Campus Game (LD)
      I'm in a parking lot across the street from what appears to be a mix of my current home and my summer home as a child. I'm with my wife and we're trying to find a way home, yet we don't have a car. We ask a lady i the parking lot driving a large white truck if she could give us a lift. I get in the back seat with H. The explains that she's heading north from Tampa. I'm confused and wonder how she's heading from Tampa. I then state that my body is a asleep in New Jersey. Oh! This is a dream! I turn to the two DCs and say "I like you guys a lot, but I'm gonna go fly and shit" - in an enthusiastic comical tone -and proceed to open the the door and zoom into the sky! The dream goes into a black void and I begin visualizing some colors. The dream quickly forms into a very vivid scene of what appears to be a school campus. I'm on a concrete walkway which extends forward to the main structure which is two stories with a triangular adornment above the doors leading inside. A walkway extends to the left a few yards ahead of me, and large basketball court with several baskets as well as games running simultaneously is situated to the right. I decide to just have some fun and fly onto the court to play with the DCs, yet with the ability to fly around. I attempt to use telekinesis to stop a couple of the balls mid-air, yet it doesn't work and they continue to bound very high from the players dribbling. I fly up to a DC, steal the ball, and continue to play. I leave this group and head to another and notice that one DC is my friend N from back in high school. I steal the ball again and try to fly around him to make a shot but am having some difficulty maneuvering around the super tall players. I start cracking up and tell N that even though I can fly, he's still crushing me. The dream soon fades and I wake up.

      Updated 06-30-2023 at 03:06 AM by 50425

    6. ZMA

      by , 06-29-2023 at 05:35 PM
      I've been taking ZMA for a while, now. It has definitely affected my dreaming, just not in the way I wanted. It seems to be a huge energy rush, with lots of dreams but little recall. The energy I felt last night was intense and lasted all night until it settled into a regular dream. Maybe it's just a matter of getting used to this energy?
    7. The Recalling Experiment

      by , 06-29-2023 at 02:32 PM
      Date: 26/06/2023
      Bedtime: 4am
      Awakening: 7.30am
      Return to bed: 7.40am
      Method: deferred direct
      Attempt: successful
      Final awakening: 9.30am
      The Recalling Experiment


      It's a dark night and I'm part of a brigade searching for an unknown enemy. Next to me, armed and wary of danger lurking in the dark, is the actor Bruce Willis. Suddenly, we observe the infantry being attacked by an invisible agent; petrified soldiers begin to levitate and haemorrhage from every orifice before being dropped from an altitude of fifteen feet by a mysterious force. Me and Bruce look at each other before running for our lives. We hide in a cave-like shelter and keep quiet, hoping that the enemy won't find us. There is a mutual agreement that we are no match for the invisible enemy who wiped out the infantry. We are probably the only two foot soldiers left. We lie down on a mattress on the floor and hide under the covers. I feel hot and sweaty.


      I feel hot and sweaty as I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I get my son up to get ready for school and, exhausted after having had a bad night, I return to bed. Lying on my back and relaxing, I wonder if I'll be able to have an out-of-body experience. I keep imagining standing at the foot of the bed and looking back at myself lying asleep. After a couple of lapses in consciousness (or so it seems), I succeed in reifying the thought of being out of bed.


      It feels like I am actually standing next to the footboard and partially facing a wall which I proceed to rap in order to deepen my phantom environment. My wife rises from under the covers and asks me what I'm doing. 'I'm lucid dreaming!' I excitedly reply and begin expatiating on why it is amazing and deserving of joint exploration before pausing at the realisation that I've been talking to a figment of my dreaming mind. Tapping the wall appears to intensify the environment and the grainy surface melts like a white marshmallow as I press it with my fingers. At this point, I remember the recalling experiment (as part of a plan of action) as well as the previous nightmare where, as a foot soldier, I witness my brigade getting killed by an invisible agent.

      I make an attempt to delude myself (according to this counterintuitive experiment) by entertaining the idea that the nightmare where the infantry perished was real and that I must've been knocked unconscious and carried to this bedroom replica by the invisible agent. Not feeling confused in the slightest about what's real and what isn't despite trying to contrive a confabulation, I also feel the need to tell myself that waking life memories were implanted in my brain by the enemy. This still doesn't seem to be enough as my sceptical mind emphatically rejects self-delusion for lack of evidence, so I tell myself that the enemy is conniving, that absolute certainty of any world being 'real' is impossible and that what I need in this situation is a leap of faith.

      I penetrate the melting wall to find a peculiar staircase adorned with a myriad of glossy beads (instead of my youngest son's bedroom as would be the case in the real world). The stairs appear to reflect weak sunlight coming from arched, stained-glass windows displaying complex mandalas and I scuttle downstairs with the purpose of somehow finding and confronting my mysterious enemy. Before I can reach the exit of the building I'm in, however, I suddenly feel myself to be back in bed. Refusing to give in to these dispiriting sensations, I wilfully interpret them as the enemy magically pulling the wool over my eyes before forcing myself out of bed to glide out of the window with blurry vision.

      I land on paving slabs in broad daylight and begin stomping the pavement, producing echoey footsteps that help me to intensify the scene. There is a hyperreal quality to the esplanade before me as I run alongside a concrete wall—at the end of which is the looming suggestion of a beach hiding behind it. I glance at my bare feet and notice crystalline water in the gutter running counter to my direction. I look up and see a man in black watching me before disappearing behind the wall towards the beach. I feel I must reach him as he might be able to lead me to my enemy. Reaching the end of the wall to access the beach (it never occurred to me to go through concrete as a logical shortcut), I come face to face with the figure wearing a black trenchcoat and a fedora hat. He's a dead ringer for the actor Ed Harris but his eyes are uncannily blue and his gaze chillingly penetrating.

      'Where is the enemy?' I demand as I display my infantryman persona. 'The wizard is in the tower,' the man in black softly replies as he points to a lighthouse on a rocky promontory beyond the sandy beach. I waste no time in gliding to the top of the lighthouse, entering an empty garret overlooking a calm sea and cloudy horizon. Where is the 'wizard' who wiped out my brigade? Perhaps he is invisible in this very room. Could the man in black at the beach be the real enemy? I leap from the lighthouse and descend on the beach next to a stall that wasn't there before. The Ed Harris lookalike is there, apparently polishing an amulet and a few trinkets are on display. 'Are you the wizard?' I enquire. The man in black appears to be smirking as he turns his back on me before vanishing into his little shop as the beach fades.


      I dash off some notes in my journal in conclusion of this experiment. In hindsight, my lucidity was solid enough to maintain the knowledge that what was unfolding wasn't real. I never came to fully believing what I wanted to believe for the sake of this experiment. The most I could achieve was entertaining a what-if scenario, which is surprising because in many past experiences what usually takes effort is countering the loss of lucidity and preventing the manifestation of ordinary dreaming. Most of the time it felt like I was pretending to be a soldier looking for answers to see how it would influence the phantom world of lucid dreaming. Curiosity of what would happen if I entertained a mere hypothesis is what drove me. Deep down I still knew that I would eventually wake up to the real world where my family and everything I care about exist.
    8. Pirate Rivalry

      by , 06-28-2023 at 07:49 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      Pirate Rivalry (NLD) 06.28.2023

      I am in a mideval town and I am part of a crew of pirates who use this town as their hometown. I am the mage of the party, being able to specialize in telekinesis even though I am not lucid. First I pick out an outfit with a fancy hat and then we go to the market to shop. I can't remember much until the part where we run into our rivals. We get in a tussle with them and I use my telekinesis abilities but I don't remember the details.

      The next fragment I remember is we are running into a concert hall and telling the musicians that the rival pirates have placed a bomb in the organ that is set to go off on the final note of the song. They inspect the organ and say they haven't found anything. However, when I look inside I am able to use telekinesis to levitate out the bomb and I throw it into the ocean.

      The next fragment is me heading home. I am worried that we will be attacked by our rivals. My home isn't there for some reason! I have a scale model of the place that looks 3d printed. I think that I can use dream control to convert it into a full sized home but nothing I try works. One of the rival pirates shows up to goad me. She is a young woman with the teeth and eyes of a cat. She patronizes me to come out and play. I realize now that she might have been a dream witch.
    9. Night of 6/27/23

      by , 06-28-2023 at 05:17 PM (Dreamlog)
      I was too tired yesterday to practice the incubation techniques. So I didn't get a forest. Maybe tomorrow.

      Pete is Gone
      My girlfriend has come home with a puppy. It's an aussie, the breed we've been considering for a while.
      We are in the living room by the couch playing with it.
      There is a particular puppy I've been watching online, Pete.
      Pete is black and white, with heterochromia. One eye is husky-blue and the other is dark green.
      I'd decided that this was the puppy I wanted (but couldn't get for logistical reasons).
      The puppy here is not Pete. This puppy has white and grey colors and black eyes.
      I'm happy to have a puppy finally, but I'm a bit sad that it isn't Pete.

      Updated 06-28-2023 at 07:17 PM by 99808

      Tags: girlfriend, puppy
    10. 2023-06-28 hotel pool leak into room / lower floor

      by , 06-28-2023 at 10:41 AM
      + [long, vivid] I'm in my (rooms, apartment/hotel rom?) and I notice some water on the floor. At first I think that it was from son S2 who is sloppy and just didn't dry off properly after leaving the shower. Then I think this might be a water leak from the apartment above us. I look up at the ceiling and I definitely see some dark/wet spots. As I'm looking, a large quantity of water falls through the ceiling down onto my floor. I think there must be a leak in the upstairs apartment, maybe the people have gone, I have to go up there to investigate. I leave my room and try to orient myself, I see the position of my room relative to the elevators, and keep this in mind as I go to the next floor up, and try to figure out which rooms are the ones that are above my rooms. (I think the room is "# 31"). It doesn't look like a residence door, more like a service door.

      Man speaking English teaching a foreign language to one student in a classroom setting. He's standing at a board. I'm amazed that I hear someone speaking English. (He has a large-ish afro?)

      Back in room, getting ready to eat a piece of meat that is (redacted). I think about slicing it and taking a bite. There is a woman there with me. I leave the apartment and observe again the leaking out in the hallway, there are drainage grates outside the front doors of the neighboring rooms and water is rushing down the grates.

      I go in to a neighboring apartment which is it turns out a doctor's office. They're also experiencing the leaks from the upper floor, (I tell them I think it's coming from the pool complex, either the pools themselves or the tubes deep inside where the water flows around).

      I'm walking around the 5th floor trying to determine the layout of the building, the building is multi-part, and here the different major parts are visible. There is a large, fancy pool complex here. I go to the staff members, who are Korean, I think I remember them from (company). I'm trying to get their attention. I do, and tell them about the leak, and they promptly call to all the people in the pool to get out. There were people playing there. (Something about hot dogs?)

      Walking around outside a fence on the pool level I hear my son S1 there talking with his friends, the sons of wife E's old friends whom he (S1) grew up with. I anticipate arriving there and seeing them. I arrive and see a group of old friend's of wife E's are there, the parents of S1's friends, they haven't seen me in a long time, they're not noticing me, I approach and am trying to get their attention, as I start to climb over the fence they notice me. I think they'll notice how slim I've become, since I've lost so much weight since the last time we met. One of them, AnAru does see me and I think is complimenting me on being so slim now. I see that the people who were playing in the pool are leaving, and I feel bad about making the complaint about the that caused the staff to kick them out of the pool.
    11. Dream Incubation: Deep Forest

      by , 06-27-2023 at 02:42 PM (Dreamlog)
      Going to try something new this week. I will try to incubate the forest scene I was targeting for my lucids during the competition. This should help me be lucid - my number one dream sign is grass apparently.

      But being lucid isn't the goal here. I want to experiment and see if I can influence dream content from waking life practice alone, and if so, to what degree. I'm going to try and apply techniques from a 2012 post from Evolventity, Frobthebuilder, Oreoboy1996, and NightSpy2 (https://www.dreamviews.com/general-d...-tutorial.html).

      In a nutshell, the task is to set the intention, visualize the scene using meditation, and use mantras/art/writing to support the incubation. I plan to achieve that by performing a visualization exercise (meditation) about 15m per day in the sauna post-workout. That way it fits into my existing routine. I will also be writing down incubation entries as if they are actually dream recall.

      Goal: Dream about a deep forest setting.

      Updated 09-05-2023 at 08:07 PM by 99808

      side notes
    12. Night of Monday 6/27/23

      by , 06-27-2023 at 01:51 PM (Dreamlog)
      Working the Earth
      I'm on a grassy hillside area, tilling some dirt. It's a sunny Summer day.
      The tilling tool is small. Like a kid's sand rake. I am on my knees near the ground.
      I work at a monastery of some kind.
      I'm with a girl that I like, but it is a forbidden romance-type situation. Will-they-won't-they scenario.
      We are working together on the soil.
      The temple is down the way, to the left of our viewpoint.
      We're talking about our friend (waking life BP).
      There is some project involving computers that we are part of with him.
      DJ is also involved.

      I'm up extra early for work today.
      I reflect how nice it is to experience some cool morning air in the normally oppressively Summer heat.

      Updated 06-27-2023 at 02:24 PM by 99808

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    13. Reverse Gravity

      by , 06-26-2023 at 09:35 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      Reverse Gravity (NLD) 06.26.2023

      I am in a building with some people when I start to feel an earthquake. At first I think it might just be a normal earthquake but it keeps getting worse and worse until suddenly it feels like gravity is pulling from a different direction. Gravity starts pulling everything in the room to the side and then up and it goes all the way around the room like that scene in Inception! It makes mess as everything in the room is flung around.

      When gravity comes full circle and is facing down again the earthquake stops and for some reason it seems like a good idea to go outside. I look up and see little specs of objects in the air. Then cars start to fall from the sky... I take cover under an awning and narowly avoid the falling cars. They fall for some time.

      Afterward the world is a mess so much so that my brain decides its a post appocalyptic setting complete with inventory system from Fallout: New Vegas.
    14. “Purple Lordo” Drink, the Usual Floating, Travel

      by , 06-26-2023 at 09:58 AM
      “Purple Lordo” Drink, the Usual Floating, Travel

      3 minutes to read.

      Monday morning, 26 June 2023.

      Dream #20,643-02.

      My dream begins with inconsistent thoughts (for no particular reason) about seeing ActionKid, a YouTuber, in an unknown restaurant. I do not focus much on this scenario, so this first segment remains without definition or an outcome. Regardless of my recall of this person and the existence of YouTube, I have no recollection of my waking-life existence.

      Proto-cognizance guides my imaginary self into the setting - but without physicality. In this stage, I often read or try to read. An unfamiliar man (emerging protoconsciousness “serving” my precursory consciousness) comes to my table to see if I want to order.

      While reading the menu, I had been studying the phrase “Purple Lordo,” supposedly a drink. I ask him what it is, inferring I want to order one. He tells me I need to be a club member (associated with the restaurant’s bar), but this part of the narrative immediately fades. Instead of telling me what it is, a vague hologram appears on the table, and he pretends to mix the drink in a tall glass tumbler. Although I hear “hard liquor,” which fills about one-quarter of the bottom, the rest of what he says is gibberish. The last part is potato mash, which sits atop the last one-quarter of the drink.

      I order the Purple Lordo drink.

      My somatosensory response to dreaming engages at the typical time. He brings my order to me, but it is not a drink. My dream becomes exponentially more vivid as I open a vinyl package. It has a gray Walkman with a cassette inside (supposedly what I had ordered) and a gray case for an iPhone. Their arrangement is lengthways, side by side.

      I do not have headphones, so I cannot pretend to listen to what I ordered. Instead, the narrative fades, and I enter a different dream.

      There is a Native American man (in tribal regalia) whom I talk to, along with a few other people. He talks about how he cannot recall certain parts of his youth (signifying a direct correlation with my virtual amnesia while dreaming).

      The setting is like a resort.

      At one point during most sleep cycles, my vestibular response to REM atonia creates content where I float upward. In this instance, I float upward and bump the top of my head against the ceiling. It happens several times. The other people do not find it unusual, though I can intuitively sense my thoughts are creating their reaction as in many past dreams.

      It is time for me to leave the resort and go home (though I have no thoughts about where “home” is). I walk to Bob’s car. Marilyn (half-sister on my mother’s side and Bob’s wife) walks with us. My dream self has no recall that they are both deceased.

      I get into Bob’s car from its right side to sit in the back seat (intuitive awareness I am sleeping on Zsuzsanna’s right). There are two people to my left, a teenage boy and a young girl. Only at this point, I recall I have two children (solely my two youngest in real-world correlation when there are five in total). I am puzzled by why they are not in the car instead. Marilyn mentions that someone else is taking them home.

      My dream transitions into the next stage of my proprioception response to REM atonia, making my dream more vivid again. As a result, Bob is driving in reverse before I shut the car’s door. I am unwary, but I make several attempts to close the door, but it does not shut tightly, so I open it again each time (typical arm mobility response as in all sleep cycles).

      I feel extraordinarily joyful (as usual with imaginary kinesthesia). Details beyond the moving side of the car on my right are wholly absent as my physicality becomes more discernible over time. (This factor is because I sleep on my left side, so attentiveness to reality - absent in the dream state in this stage - is “to my right.” In other words, the right side of the dream state illusion is undefined.)

      Cars (as with all vehicles) correspond with my intuitive recognition of real-world mobility while intuitively seeking consciousness. They occur throughout all sleep cycles. Vehicles (or animals) often appear when my vestibular response to REM atonia is predominant. Somatosensory nuances typically emerge above that threshold, with auditory being the last, depending on how I respond to sleep dynamics.

      Tags: car, drink, floating
    15. Illusion of Z

      by , 06-26-2023 at 12:51 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      I had two other dreams, but they're so disorganized that I'm only logging the semi-lucid here. Slept at 2:00 am, possibly very lightly before that, but I was trying out new sleeping positions so it took a while.

      My phone was on a pillow and for some reason thought I was in South America. I searched something up on Google and found an article claiming that the U.S. gets the most unpredictable rainfall, with quotes from citizens like, "I was just minding my own business, eating a Chick-fil-A sandwich, and BAM! Hurricane Katrina!"

      I somehow ended up at a swim center, sitting on the bleachers outside the pool, waiting for a swim coach to finish up with her students. She was a generous woman and gave out food in trash bags. After I ate mine I was still hungry, but most of the others had name tags so I was hanging around to ask for seconds. I remember one of her students came back and pooped in a bag, offering it as a present, and the coach freaked out.

      At some point the bleachers filled with water, so I was swimming around in them, but the lifeguard blew her whistle at me.

      "You can't swim while lessons are in session," she said. Then she sighed and leaned back in her chair. "That little kid can't tread water no matter how long she spends teaching him."

      I glanced at the coach and the student she was with, my brother's friend Javier. He's not little at all, I thought. He was almost as tall as his dad in elementary school, and even body-slammed me once...

      I didn't say anything though, because she might have been referring to my youngest brother N. He was being taught in the other pool and was struggling to tread water at that very moment.

      I looked at the sky, and, blending into the clouds, saw a huge illusion of my brother Z. He was foggy and see-through, particularly his arm, but I whipped out my phone to take a picture. The time read 3:27 am and I worried I'd get in trouble for staying up so late. I had the sense that I'd seen illusions like this before that had never showed up on camera, so when this one did, I was quite surprised.

      "Finally it's clear!" I exclaimed, but slowly awareness started to dawn on me.
      "Ah, wait... it's only clear because this is a dream. Yeah, that must be it. Why does this always happen?!"

      I was annoyed that I wouldn't be able to keep the pics IWL, but decided it was fine since I could show them off to dream characters instead.
      Woke up at 3:30-ish before I could, though.

      The lucidity level was quite low, and it might've just been the result of my imminent awakening, but I'll take it
      Tags: dild, semi-lucid
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