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    1. Dream Fragments 07/03 - 07/4 2023

      by , 07-04-2023 at 08:55 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      My dreams have been pretty fragmented lately so I don't have any full dreams but I thought I should share anyways.

      Teen Titans 10
      I remember yesterday dreaming that I was Dick Grayson as Nightwing again. Jason Todd was killed so I agreed to team up with Batman again and return to the mantel of Robin and go back in time to save Jason.

      Star Wars Battlefront VR
      I put on my VR headset and am totally imersed in the Metaverse. There is a new Star Wars Battlefront game where you get to be different characters from the movies and I go on an adventure playing through the game. When you choose your character you walk up to these statues of the characters to choose. There are all sorts of characters to choose from both sides. I start out as a rebel and save Princess Leia. Then I am her and I am starting to help organize the rebelion. Then I switch to a Jedi in a bar. There is a place for target practice with blasters but three Sith women notice me use the force to pick up a blaster. Their leader has a bow and arrow and I duck under a table only to find someone else is already hiding there. The Sith come down to find me and I try shooting the blaster at them but the trigger is nearly impossible to pull. There was a lot more to this dream but it is so fragmented now from sleeping in.

      Almost WILD
      At about 11:45 AM my partner K starts moving around and I realize I am half awake and I feel that the arms of my dream body are in a differnt position than I left my real arms were when I left them last which is a sign I'm about to get a WILD. I can't maintain it because my K is moving around so my WILD fails. I get short bit of dream I am in a Runescape trying to sell some stuff on the Grand Exchange. I see people wearing adamantine armor before I wake up.
    2. Musical Metamorphoses

      by , 07-04-2023 at 04:35 AM (The Fourth Factor)
      All the most interesting dreams from this week involved music in some way. These included:

      -Applying a temporary tattoo of the notation for the amen break to my face, apparently for some event I was going to attend.

      -Working on a piece of music. As the dream progresses, the different parts become associated with characters, and a story plays out among them. The characters all travel somewhere special, like the moon, a number of times. I think it ended with everything being absorbed back into the composition again. Unfortunately, I can’t remember many of the details as I woke up to one of the cats getting ready to cough up a hairball and had to immediately turn on the lights and make sure she didn’t do it on my bouzouki.

      -Programming a couple weather patterns on something that looked suspiciously like a groovebox. I’m doing this at somebody’s request, at the shop he owns. There’s a sense of the machine making the process much simpler than it would be otherwise, just a matter of pressing a few buttons. When I’m done, I make a mental projection of the future to check that my proposed patterns won’t screw up the weather in other places, and since everything looks OK, I confirm them.

      At some later point in the dream, I gain lucidity flying over a place that’s a cross between a highway and a waterway, with cars going one way and ships going the other. I decide to go back to the scene from the earlier dream, and I speak with the man to find out if he has anything else I can do there. It strikes me as an interesting thing to do while focusing on maintaining lucidity. I woke up not long after, though, which wasn’t surprising as it was actually getting rather late into the morning.

      Tags: music, weather
      lucid , non-lucid