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    1. Why Zelda?

      by , 01-21-2011 at 08:36 PM
      1: A very Zelda:Ocarina of Time setting.In a forest with giant trees.I'm trying to change the behavior of the local villagers, because they are bad and greedy.They don't follow words, so I use Deku sticks and Deku nuts, they're not fatal but are enough to discipline them.I feel righteous and proud in doing so (I'm not much of a violent person).
      2: Again, a Zelda-ish setting, very faint recall, mostly peaceful.
      ...but I haven't even played the game!
      Tags: zelda
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Floating stairs

      by , 01-21-2011 at 08:27 PM
      I'm sitting on stone stairs with two of my friends, nothing else exists but these stairs, there are no surroundings, only the sky.One of my friends talks about what he does to get nice, vivid dreams (Can't remember what he said).I look at the sky throughout the whole dream.It's mostly sunny, clouds are racing around the Sun (literally running circles around it, really fast).We talk about how Mars is easily covered by clouds since it's small in diameter (even though it's clearly the sun).My other friend talks about the lack of musical talent of a third person.I was filled with nostalgia and in deep thought.This was a scene from a town I go to 2 a year, it felt like a moment and an eternity at the same time, weird.
      Tags: clouds, nostalgia
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. What a strange night

      by , 01-21-2011 at 08:18 PM
      Last night I was so excited about potentially having my 2nd LD, which unfortunately ruined it for me. It took me a grand total of 6 hours to get to sleep properly.

      But firstly I need to backtrack somewhat. The first few hours of trying to sleep found me on the verge of LDing countless times. I feel as though the SP I encountered however was somewhat suggested to myself as I didn't even try to move out of it. When I was lying there it felt like my body was getting lighter and lighter, almost as if my consciousness was leaving my body. However try as I might I sensed that whilst I could almost feel myself lifting away my eyes would betray me. This happened about 5 times, every time I ended up opening my eyes just in case it was a FA, with each reality check showing that, unfortunately, I really was in the real world. The closest I feel I got to LDing was when I had this "floating" sensation coupled with slight shapes and colours in my minds eye becoming more vivid. I could also sense my "spotlight" of vision widening and taking in more and more information.

      Once I actually got to sleep my dream recall was somewhat disappointing. I know that I had a vivid dream at some point, but I failed to find anywhere to record it in time. The second fragment of dreaming that I can recall is only audio as it combined with some interference from RL. One floor below my window somebody began repeatedly knocking as hard as they could (student life!). This led me to hear the word "knowledge" said by a female voice with every knock that was made until I gradually faded into a waking state.
    4. An evening gathering.

      by , 01-21-2011 at 08:14 PM
      Very formal evening gathering.Bulgaria has no server for...something, can't remember.I'm a representative for a company and want to take that up.I have a talk with the host about it, a friend of mine with me.||The colors reminded me of "the Fade" => not everything was what it seemed to be.I was under orders from Cerberus(an organization from a game) to infiltrate this gathering and get information, possibly more people involved than just me and my friend.
    5. Dont even know

      by , 01-21-2011 at 07:56 PM
      I went to bed high last night and when i fell asleep i caould remember hearing my dad call my name really loud like he usually does when i pass out high but when i woke up he wasnt there so i guess it was just part of my dream but i dont really remember anything from last night.
    6. Third Lucid!

      by , 01-21-2011 at 07:49 PM

      Note: before the dream I turned off the heater in my room

      I had a false awakening and wake up freezing. I clutch my hands to my chest and let out a huge breath of air which crystallizes in front of me. After getting a sense of my sorroundings (everything in my room seems normal), a woman bursts through my bedroom door. She claims that she is the mother of one of my classmates and wants me to be her son's partner for a theatre presentation. I am hesitant so she approches me with a menacing look which forces me to hide in the corner behind my bed which I kick towards the woman to make room. I tell her "fine I'll do it! Just stop freaking me out!" and she leaves. I sit up in my bed and take a moment to unwind from the previous experience. The I exit my bedroom door.

      I find myself in my theatre room about to preform the scene, except I find that I have forgotten to do any work. The teacher looks close to be calling on us and I freak out and run out the opposite door. I find myself in my english class during lab day. I sit down at one of the computers to seem inconspicuous, but am soon found by my english teacher who tells me to go to class immediatly. I am followed into the room by my partner who I now recognize as my friend nate. He tells me to follow him back into the class or else we will both fail. At this point my teacher reminds me of an essay I have due tomorrow in a very condescending tone. I close my eyes to avoid the situation and when I open them I find myself in a parking lot.

      All my friends from the debate team are running towards a door at the opposite end of the parking complex. Realizing that we are heading towards a tournament I run to catch up with them soon finding myself running through the door. The door heads into a comfortable estate that is owned by the worlds most respected philanthropist. We all rush through the door and stop on a dime as we take in the elegance of the room. I walk through the room looking for the philanthropist and in having no luck rush out the opposite door into a garden. There all of my debate friends catch up with me and we start discussing how we will each probably do at the tournament. I joke with John about how terrible my partner is and bet that we will lose every round he has a major part in. After a few minutes I look to the end of the garden and find a door which I realize opens into the philanthropist's room again, except inside my ex-girlfriend is waiting for me. I tell my friends that the only way forward is through that door and we all rush through it. I find myself again in the elegant room and rush through it as I did before except this time we end up in a hotel lobby.

      I realize that we have arrived at the debate tournament and I rush down the halls to catch up with my friends who are choosing rooms. As I run down the fancy reception hall lined with blue wallpaper I come across my debate coach. I yell: "were is everyone." He responds with: "they're choosing rooms to your right." I turn right and come upon John and Nate who are eagerly moving in and out of hotel rooms to see which one they liked. I asked them where Bennet and Parth are and they tell me to look in the back entrance where everyone is gathering. I run down more similarly furnished hallways and come to a sun-filled back room where I can see a broken down gift shop and outside a terribly kept garden. I then think to myself that the only time this hotel gets any buisness is when MBA hosts the debate tournament here. As I look outside waves of debaters begin flooding in in search of their own rooms. I hear someone yell that because there are no tenants except for debaters in the hotel everyone gets their choice of room. I immediatly rush back to where Nate and John were picking rooms. On the way back I notice Margret, who is wearing see-through tights and is amazingly attractive in them. I rush by and for a few munutes am still looking at her. However, when I remember my job I keep running. I find John and Nate as debaters fill the hallways and tell them that we should take the elevator to the second floor where there will be a better view. They agree and we take the very slow elevator ride to the second floor. Nate and John get off and run towards the rooms. After a few seconds I decide that there are probably better rooms on the bottom floor and get back in the elevator. As the door is closing I notice the far wall that is made entirely of glass and marvel at the sun as it streams through. The elevator doors close and I move down to the bottom floor. The elevator doors open into a small glass box that looks into a sort of terrarium that is filled with and old english rooftop. I move back into the elevator and notice that I now have a visitor: a small boy with clown makeup on his face. I look at him for a second and he seems as though he has a demonic presence about him. I then watch as he waves to something out of the glass box and see an even more frightening girl sitting on the rooftop, dressed in a similar manner. I am so frightened that I run into the elevator and press the number two button. However the button seems to be broken as the elevator refuses to move and the doors refuse to close. I then get into a sort of frenzy and push the button multiple times at a rapid pace. At this the elevator and the glass box become dislodged from the building and speed across the terrain. I look around as houses rush past me and cannot make sense of what is going on. I tell myself that it is impossible for elevators to move sideways on their own. I look at my hands and notice that they are blurred and difficult to make out. I then come to the realization that I am dreaming.

      At the time where I figure this out the elevator-glass box has lost its top and is simply a sort of sled. Now lucid I decide to try a trick I learned on my first lucid experience except on a larger scale. I make the entire elevator structure immaterial and we begin to move through buildings as if they were air. As we near the hotel again the structure starts accelerating at a faster pace. We approach the building and we are thrown out of the structure and land on the ground outside the hotel. I look at the clown-boy who has changed into a normal child and is now playing on the playground outside the hotel. I then make sense of my lucidity and decide to stay in the hotel area and attempt to fly. I jump in the air and am thrown to the ground by gravity. This is the clearest dream I had ever experienced and I was still a little worried about falling. I gave up flying then and there and looked for other means of aerial transport. I look over to the playground where the boy is driving a fake car. I walk up to the fake car next to it and tell myself that it can fly. Without thinking I make the car lurch forward into the air, climbing higher and higher. The boy next to me follows suit and soon we are both driving wooden cars high in the sky. I enjoy this for a few minutes and then decide to touch down in the elegant room that I ran through to get to MBA. I enter the doors (not followed by the child who has taken off on his own) to find the entire place dark with trash everywhere. The entire room has changed into a storage unit with shelves dominating the space. I walk down to the third row and see a sheet thrown over a body. A man approaches and tells me that the philanthropist Kate Hudson has died and that they are throwing a vigil near the hotel. I look around for a second and then realize that I am wasting time that could be utilized elsewhere. I rush out the door and fly back to the hotel, (actually flying but still under the impression that I can't fly). I approach the building and once again turn myself immaterial. I then fly through several rooms passing Margret, who looks bored and is sitting on her bed. Lucid sex crosses my mind, but as it does I lose immateriality and crash against a wall inside a hotel room. In the room forensic experts are examining a prostitute writing around in bed with someone who is attempting to stab her. One of the forensic experts tells me that I can have sex with the prostitute, but I decline, become immaterial and rush through more walls trying to find Margret. After running through a few rooms I find that I have reached the limit and fall out of the hotel towards the ground. I hit down hard and find that it is now night. Still under the delusion that I can't fly I search the playground for another car to pilot. I find myself face to face with a volleyball net, turn immaterial, but as I am about to slide through the net I but my hands out which turns me material again and causes me to become tangled in the net. I shake off the net and find another wooden car which I pilot towards the former elegant room. I enter the room and rush down to the aisle that held the dead body. The man I met earlier is waiting there with several other people and is explaining that Kate has been moved to the funeral home, and that in her place he has recieved a dead swordfish to present. I then notice a swordfish (sans-sword) who is lying against one of the shelves. He then snaps his fingers and two more appear, each larger than the previous, and one with an actual sword. Aware again that I was wasting time I move out the back door and find myself in a hotel room owned by my parents who apparently followed me to MBA. I look around the room and my parents remind me about the essay I have due the next day. Not wanting to deal with that I turn around and look at the bedside lamp. I start to feel the dream fading and rub my hands together vigorously and yell out "increase lucidity!" I then have the odd sensation that I have stopped myself from entering into my actual body and I am kneeling on my bed, rubbing my hands. My sense of touch then increases dramatically, as does my sense of taste, smell, and vision. I am now much more conscious and decide to make a sandwich appear. I picture a sandwich behind a picture on the nightstand and instead find that I am already chewing it. Satisfied I rush out of my parents room, out of the non-elegant room, and fly back to the hotel. I now find the park crawling with suited men looking for me. Looking for a car to pilot I jump in one of the men's black Ferrari rev the engine and begin driving.

      Then I wake up in sleep paralysis. I remember the instant-wild post on DV and try to wiggle my "phantom arm" but the entire time I am distracted by my shoulder which developed a cramp while sleeping. After accidentally moving my actual arm I decide to try and DEILD, however I come the the conclusion that I now absolutely nothing about DEILD and am too distracted by my shoulder to attempt to WILD. So I get up and try and recall the dream
    7. Blade & Fenrir

      by , 01-21-2011 at 07:23 PM

      Thanks to Oneironaut's avatar I had a lucid dream with Blade in it.

      It was a chilly and rainy night and I was walking through the streets of an unfamiliar city. I sensed eyes watching me, all around me...some sort of creatures lurking in the darkness. They were making horrible moaning sounds and reminded me of the creatures that come to take the bad guys away in the movie Ghost. I begin to feel panicky and at this point realize that I must be dreaming. But before I can do anything to change the dream scene, I see a headlight and hear a vehicle skid to a halt in front of me. The dark creatures slink back into the shadows, and I see a motorcycle that looks a lot like Fenrir surrounded in a cloud of smoke and misty vapor. As the mist clears I see a man dressed in all black. Blade. My curiosity peaks, and I decide to let the dream play out instead of attempting to control anything.

      He speaks in a deep, soothing, yet frosty monotone voice, "Are you hurt"


      "Then get on."

      I climb onto the back of the bike and wrap my arms around his waist, noticing how incredibly hard his body is as my fingers move over his chiseled abs. But before I could barely register this strong attraction, he does a burn out spinning the bike around and we speed off through a cloud of smoke.

      I tighten my hold around him as we speed through the city streets and out onto a more suburban sort of landscape with lots of trees and houses. I tilt my head back and look up at the dark sky full of clouds tinged with the faintest reddish orange glow around the edges, leftover from sunset...drinking in the chilly air as it whips the hair around my face...just relishing the moment and enjoying being lucid...allowing the dream to have me instead of me trying to have the dream.

      I lean closer to him and rest my head against his back. ...Comfort. Suddenly I realize that I recognize the neighborhood we are in...and he stops just outside my house. Myold house. Why were we here. I looked fearfully at the large and beautiful house, with the perfectly manicured landscape.

      "But there's something evil in there," I said to him, not wanting to let go. "I don't know where it came from or why it's there. I loved living there." I could hear a desperate and apologetic pleading in my own voice.

      "That's why I'm here." he replied coolly.

      "Who are you?" I asked.

      No response. He puts the kickstand down and turns the bike off. I have no choice. I let go and climb off the bike, still looking at the house, frightened of what I might see. He walks confidently and purposefully in front of me and we enter the house. I glance toward the master bedroom, but realize that...no...now is not the right time.

      We walk across the spacious living room with high vaulted ceilings and windows casting light and shadows upon the now empty house. I stop at the top of the stairs leading down to the basement floor level. He notices my apprehension and looks me in the eye questioningly.

      "It's...down there," I tell him.

      He walks down the stairs and, upon reaching the bottom looks back up at me.

      "I'll be right back...I promise."

      I think to myself, "no, you won't."

      I wake up feeling very confused.
    8. Tiny Fragments

      by , 01-21-2011 at 07:17 PM (Brainy Vapours)
      Last night was really disappointing for recall. I only have 3 tiny fragments. I contemplated not even putting them in here, but as per Stephen LaBerge, apparently I must record everything.

      Fragment 1

      I had this vision (eyes open) of my son falling out of his highchair, so I grabbed for him in a panic. It turned out it was just my man's knees (bent so his feet were placed flat on the mattress) moving under the covers. He looked at me like I was nuts as I explained I thought his legs were our son falling from a highchair. But that's not unusual for him to look at me that way - he knows I do crazy things in my sleep

      Fragment 2

      My Step Dad was farming something in a field. I don't remember what it was, but it was something very unusual - something inanimate/not alive. I was questioning him as to what the heck he was doing.

      Fragment 3

      No real details about this one, except knowing that my Brother in Law was in it, and I had a definite feeling of awkwardness/discomfort. No idea what was going on there.

      Updated 03-08-2011 at 03:03 PM by 40720

    9. January 20th, 2011

      by , 01-21-2011 at 06:59 PM (Bennerman's Dream Journal)
      First Dream: Just meaningless fragments and feelings, it's all but gone from my memory.

      Second Dream: absolutely horrible... unfortunately, what happened is for me to think about, so I will not post it here.

      Third Dream: I was at my elementary school, except the administration, the teachers, the students were all from my current high school.
    10. 20 January 2011

      by , 01-21-2011 at 06:53 PM
      I was at my friend Eric's party, and he was offering everyone peanuts and pecans as a high-protein snack. I got some, but there were black and melted and smelled bad. Then, everyone was drinking but me, and I explained to Eric that I don't drink. Then Josh handed me a glass of beer and told me it was apple juice. I took a sip and realized it was beer, and got PISSED! I pushed him down and wanted to fight. I don't remember ever being that mad in a dream!

      Next, I was outside somewhere, walking through a maze of sorts, but the walls were electric fence. I touched them a few times, and it only tingled. Then I noticed one of the walls that I had to crawl through was more energized. I tried to go through, but I touched the wire, and it electrocuted the hell out of me. I couldn't move, and I just kept thinking that this was the end, and that this is what it must be like to die. A lot of people were just standing around, not helping. Then some larger, middle-aged woman came and untangled me from the electric wire, and saved me. I gave her a big hug and thanked her.
    11. Fuck you, little boy!

      by , 01-21-2011 at 06:47 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I am hanging out with this little four-year-old, which somehow has the mind of a fifteen-year-old.

      I am at his house somewhere in the midwest. It's a little upscale for this podunk town. He asks me to take him to the airport to meet his dad. I tell him to go fuck himself. He can drive.

      He says he's too small.

      I tell him to catch a cab.

      He says he can't and throws his toys at me.

      I pick him up, and set him angrily on a big fluffy chair, and scream in his face: FUCK YOU.

      He seems to find this mildly amusing.
    12. Assassin's Creed meets Thief and takes a course in puns

      by , 01-21-2011 at 06:43 PM
      I'm playing a game, sort of. There's no monitor or controller - I'm doing everything myself as if it were actually taking place, yet I know it's a game because there's a start menu and a heads-up display and little button icons appear for quick-time events.

      The game was supposed to be Assassin's Creed, with me taking on the role of Altair, but most of the gameplay elements were borrowed from the Thief games, right down to the visibility indicator gem. (Of course, it doesn't help that in real life, I've never played AC, and I've only played the first level of Thief: Deadly Shadows.)

      Most of the game is taking place in a large mansion, except its basement is the woodshop/storage room from my old house, and its bathrooms have broken-down stalls like a public restroom. Most of my work involves sitting on top of a bookshelf or other high space, waiting for a guard to walk by, and then pressing Square to knock them out from above. Some of my missions involved, in no particular order:

      1. Locking a guy in his truck while it overheats
      2. Stealing dresses from the girls in the mansion
      3. Breaking a statue in a pool
      4. Killing some of the elite guards by rolling a giant meatball down a staircase

      And then there were the pun-book missions. These involved using wordplay to change the meaning of something the other characters said in order to turn it to my advantage, with the results being written in two heavy volumes. (Sadly, I don't remember much from those, since words in dreams tend to be one of the first things to escape me when I wake up.)
      Tags: video games
    13. 20/1/11 Huge Non-Lucid dream

      by , 01-21-2011 at 06:40 PM
      Normal text Dream Lucid

      This is the entire dream as I remember it. It consisted of lots of different scenes, most of which seem unrelated.

      The dream begins. I am one of a group of about seven people, all of us scientists. We are in some kind of laboratory workplace where we work. But something is wrong - we've discovered that one of our co-workers has been affected in some way by one of our experiments, and he is now a murderous psychopath. He walks in and starts talking to one of the female members of our team, trying to persaude her to stay behind after work; we know the real reason why he asking and manage to escape. We manage to lock ourselves in a bathroom. The murderous one is outside the door, some 20 feet away. One of the team doesn't make it in time and is stabbed. We watch through a crack in the door, but there's nothing we can do.

      The dream cuts to a new scene. Us survivors have managed to escape the building unharmed and we are walking down the street, feeling pretty pleased with ourselves. It's night and the street is dimly lit - tall brick buildings line either side of the street. We get to a crossroads where we are surprised by a crowd of about 20 people coming the other way. But they're not just passing by, they came to stop us. As we stop, more crowds of people come from the left and right, and from behind us. It's an ambush. There is a brief conversation with one of the leaders of the ambush. I don't remember it word for word, but he makes it clear that they're here to stop us. "We can't let you do that", he says. Suddenly the crowd swarms inwards; some of my coworkers are being wrestled to the ground by three or more men. I sprint through the crowds into a corner and use my speed to hoist myself up onto the top of a wall. It is about a foot thick with a drop on either side and I follow it carefully round the side of a building. I look down and the wall is easily high enough to kill me if I fell. The wall forms a kind of rectangle against a building, with a drop on either side. Men from the ambush are starting to follow me round the wall - some of them slip off toward the building - the rectangle forms a small garden for a block of flats. The drop on that side is not as high as the other but still a good 20 feet. The two that slip off are killed by the fall. I decide I need to get out of here and so climb down carefully, into the little walled garden. More men are climbing down after me.

      I look for an exit but see only a little tunnel facing into the building in the corner of the garden. I run over to it, but it is almost completely bricked up. It is circular, about 2 feet in diameter. I pull at the bricks and they start to come out, but it is too slow. Instead I start pushing inwards, and push the whole layer of bricks into the tunnel using my head. It seems one of my coworkers made it the same way as me, and we both turn a corner in the little tunnel and escape out the other side.

      This is the next major scene change. The inside of the tunnel is like white plastic, very clean. I exit and am faced with a mobile operating system - I am literally looking at Google. I tell myself there's something not quite right about that, at which point it turns into a room, or rather three rooms. They are arranged in a line, and all the walls and ceiling are made of this white plastic-like material. There is a room on the left and a room on the right. I have a look at the left one first. It is spherical, and there is clutter everywhere - it looks lived in. Maybe a children's bedroom? There is a cupboard on the right. I walk back and into the room on the right of where I came in. This is a large room, normally shaped. There is a large TV on a table in one corner and near to it is a big old TV with a GameCube hooked up to it. As I turn around to leave, I see more, similar stuff on the floor.

      The owner of the room has arrived back. I sprint back to the first room, and climb into the cupboard, pulling a blanket over me. The friend who followed me in re-appears and climbs in to hide as well. The owner opens the cupboard and sees my friend; he doesn't really react though, just closes the door again.

      Suddenly I can tell that an exit has been opened - possibly due to a loudspeaker announcement? Previously there was no way to get out of the three-room suite; I've forgotten about the tunnel I used to enter, so it disappears. Anyway, me and my friend climb out and go to the other room - a pair of black stairs as appeared going upwards. We climb them and come out in a large office building. Suddenly the other co-workers are there too - I just assume we all made it. We have no idea how to get out of this office building, so we wander around that level for a while. The building has very high ceilings, a green carpet and featureless walls. We walk down a long corridor and find another set of stairs going up - we climb them. At the top is a corridor exactly the same as the one below. There is, however, an office leading off the main corridor. I am about to lead us into it when I hear voices - I stop and listen. I hear two men talking, one fo them says "Haha, they think they're free."

      They are talking about us, I am sure of it. And what's more, they know exactly where we are. I creep back down the stairs and am wondering what to do, when I have an idea. I follow a green sign for a fire exit; it points at a large wooden door. I pull it open and inside is a toilet, not obvious exit whatsoever. Nontheless, I pull two of my friends (that's all that would fit) in with me and close the door. I then hit the big circular green button with the fire escape logo on, hoping it would give us an exit and not set off a fire alarm.

      Immediately after pressing the button, the floor dropped down from the walls like a hatch. We plummet down into darkness. I honestly can't tell if we're moving or not, and it's taking a long time to do anything. Just as me and my friends start wondering if we're gonna be stuck here, we feel the floor beneath our feet - we're in some kind of foyer. There is a receptionist behind a desk, and one of my schoolfriends playing on a GameBoy. The rest of the group arrives next to us and we walk out the front door, onto a busy daytime street in London. We've escaped! Our group has grown to about 20 people, and I remember one of my teachers from school congratulating me.

      Now we have the major plot shift of the dream. It is still one dream and flows smoothly from that last scene to the next, but almost all of the plot is forgotten.

      I am now with two friends from real life, not imaginary characters. We are on some kind of island, and they are looking for a swimming pool/leisure center. This entire phase of the dream is weird: it is both real (we actually act it out) and it is in a computer game, and we control it with the arrow keys. There are elements of both.

      Despite the swimming pool being apparently quite close, we get in a gyrocopter (yes, a gyrocopter) and start scanning the coast of the island. my friend is both flying the copter round a real island and controlling it with arrow keys round an island from a video game; the gyrocopter is red and yellow.

      After painstakingly searching about half of the coast and crashing the gyrocopter, I tell my friend to give the controls to me. We get back in a new gyrocopter (respawning on the game) and I crash it almost immediately, as the up arrow makes the copter go down, and vice versa.

      I get back in the copter for third time, and have slightly more success, but end up crashing it near a bank. The dream now switches 100% back to the 'real world' view. I figure we should ask the men in the bank for directions, but upon approaching, a security guard runs out and tells me not to come any closer. It's fair enough, I suppose, I did almost just crash a gyrocopter into the roof of his bank. I call him over and he comes to talk to me and my friends. I take pains to ascertain that he speaks Italian (I have no idea why, because I don't), and then ask him in slow English where the leisure center is. He gives us directions: "just over there, cross the road and then go back"

      We follow his directions and reach a busy roundabout - suddenly we have 10 people in our party, spread out into groups of two or three. I am at the front, and I cross the road leading in to the roundabout first; I reach the grassy patch on the other side, then set off from the same way I have just walked, leaving the others to catch me up.

      I reach a collection of brick buildings; it looks like I'm at the back of the leisure center, as it looks run down. After some searching, though, I find the entrance to the changing rooms; a dim room with wooden cubicles for changing. The cubicles have swinging doors like you see in the bars in western movies. I get changed, and then me and my dad (he's suddenly there too) walk through into the leisure center. The dream is beginning to fade. The center is a fairly large square room; my dad gets in a hot tub/jacuzzi that is playing music, this all seems normal. I remember commenting on how jacuzzis always play exactly the same song, and I remember walking toward a shower. Then the dream ends and I wake up.

      And the funny thing was, when I first woke up I had no recall. Then I remembered one fact, and slowly this entire story unravelled itself for me

      Really? There are so many dreamsigns here that I'm not going to list them all - I honestly don't see anything that would definately not be a dreamsign! I'm not going to list everything, but ones that stand out are the constantly changing numbers of people in my groups and the gyrocopter.


      Updated 01-21-2011 at 06:43 PM by 41285

    14. I'm too tired to make up a title, 30-35 minutes

      by , 01-21-2011 at 06:14 PM
      I think the dream started from about a kilometre high in the air. I am falling down. Soon I open a little parachute (way too small to help from that high). I float down. There are about a dozen of young men with their shirts couloured depending on their countries. They are standing in a circle. When I am on their level I turn my body into a vertical position and turn twice so that I kick them all (twice). They start to protest and leave (I might have been lucid and kicked them just to annoy them). Only the dutches in their brown shirts stay. I ask them if I could visit any of them. One of them agrees so we go to his home. It is an old cave-like stone building. Soon he leaves, but there are other people in the room. There is a flagstone in the floor. It has three differently coloured circles in it: red, yellow and green. It needs three people that represent those colours in order to activate. I can represent any of those colours so now we just need two people of two different colours. Soon I find fitting people. The other one of the two goes to his spot and I go to mine, but the third one goes briefly to her circle (red) and then steps off, saying it doesn't work. I tell her to stay there. Soon all the circles start glowing. The projector in the ceiling activates.
      I leave the room. I enter a room that looks like a classroom. Soon my history teacher and a boy from a special class, who is going to try normal class for a while. "We'll make you normal", the teacher keeps telling to him. When they leave, two girls come in. They have a calendar and ask me about several parties they are going to arrange. I leave after them and arrive in a square. There is a small corner store with a red button on its wall. The button reveals a secret passage. I can't remember the rest of the dream very well. I spot my teacher and go to tell her something. After it she takes me to the secret passage.
    15. Preparing for the nuclear apocalypse

      by , 01-21-2011 at 05:17 PM (Jogui's Dream Journal!)
      - Real life and comments.
      - Non-Lucid Dreams
      - Lucid Dreams

      Preparing for the nuclear apocalypse
      With school tests... less recall, but well, i remember something ^^

      I appear in my house, suddenly, opening a closet, and searching a lot of things for carry into the bunker. I don't know why, but I remember that I was searching pens ( I don't know why x'D), but very anxiously, the whole dream searching it...
      While i was searching the pens, I thought that why i need pens. I remembered:
      - Jogui, if you have to live years in a underground bunker, people will need hundreds of pens, for write.
      I found a box full of pens, and the dream finish.

      When I woke up, i remembered that in the dream, I was knowing that de bunker was like Metro 2033. But in the dream, it wasn't a though, it was like a feeling.