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    1. 1/3 Tue: A Lonely WILD and others

      by , 01-05-2011 at 10:23 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      0559: This one is hard to explain. I remember it made sense in the dream but makes no sense now. Just going to dump my handwritten notes: Michael from TV The Office. Halloween skit. Tape record interview about haunted fishing boat or something. Supposed to be 30 minutes but goes over 2 hours. Speaking in southern accent. Describe Bryce character who is a zombie or serial killer or something. He wears bright blue overalls and a bright red hat. Then move in front of audience to all of a different some on the boat.

      Summer School, Car Search
      0939: This seems to be a occasional recurring dreamplot for me: going to school and then searching for my car in a parking lot. Summer school math class. It's Friday. Pay tuition on Monday. Teacher gives us oven trays with French fries and tacos to take home for homework. One guy raises his hand. The teacher anticipates his issue. He is a vegetarian. The teacher give him a bowl of just fries instead.

      Class ends and I leave. It's bright day outside. Teacher walks with me toward the parking lot. Parking lot looks like my elementary school. Teacher has a Tylenol PM sticker on his car. We part. I can't find my car in the parking lot. The lot is almost empty. Some one moved it to the nearby residential street. I hand my keys to some guy, like he's a valet. He hands them back to me. Then I walk to a nearby woman who says she had to move my car.

      I go looking for my car, pressing the lock button so that the alarm beeps. Now the area seems more like around my high school. I briefly see old elementary school friend Jason, also looking for his car. I finally find my car. I open the trunk and lay the math homework oven tray inside, which I have been carefully holding this whole time. A stray dog jump in to the trunk.

      Lonely WILD
      Method WILD
      Lucidity B
      Vividness C
      Control C
      I wasn't visualizing this time. Instead I was imaging the sink-through-the-bed feeling. I feel my head sink slightly, as if in the gap between two pillows. I only use one pillow so I know I've transitioned into the dream. But I can still feel the stiffness of my physical body so I wait. After a moment, I start floating like an OBE, without intention or control. I float feet-first off my bed, still in a supine position, and toward my bathroom. I float into the bathroom and my body automatically shifts and moves into a seated position. I float down to sit on the toilet. I notice the bathroom is arranged wrong. The toilet is facing the door. It's where the shower should be.

      So now the dream seems stable and I can move my own limbs. I stand up and walk out of the bathroom back into my bedroom. It's mostly dark. My room is full of tall lamps, all turned off. They all look the same: a tall metal pole that splits into three sections, which loop back down and end with a light bulb and a decorative shade. I don't have a lamp like this but it seems familiar. Anyway, there are probably 20 of these in the room. I step carefully between them, like a bamboo forest. Very strange.

      I recall my plan which is very simple: talk to a DC. Okay, but there is no one around. I step through the lamp forest to my dresser with the TV on top. I reach for the power switch but stop myself: No, this isn't the plan. I start to get logical: If I'm going to talk to someone I need to find someone first. I walk toward the door and say "More clarity! More excitement!" I see light from the crack under the door. I recall a similar scene from another LD that turned out well, so I am hopeful.

      I burst through the door and into the living room, expecting to find someone of something. But no one is here. It's just my quiet living room, dimly lit by morning sunlight. Hmm. I feel lonely. End.
    2. Independence vs. Companionship

      by , 01-05-2011 at 09:51 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)

      1- Getaway Car
      I am living in a mansion with my haughty mother who expects me to be perfect for the party we are throwing. However, I have learned that some unknown villain wishes me harm, so I spend the entire party sneaking around and spying on people. My pursuer is no one at the party, as I find out. He is a very powerful magic user. If it weren't for the help of Alice (from Resident Evil), I would never have made it out alive.

      I become separated from my rescuer and must now go solo. ((I end up going on this super long quest that I unfortunately only remember bits and pieces of.))

      *lapse in time*

      My point of view flashes to a man walking around in a greenhouse. He is examining some plants that have been psychicly altered and is contemplating eating them. Suddenly the man's face is torn off, by a friend who had been possessed by the evil magician after me.

      I flash back to myself. I have made a pit stop at my Aunt's house for supplies. For some reason I get in my car from the passenger's side, and am crawling through to the driver's side. Suddenly my Aunt hijacks the car and starts laughing like an evil maniac. I panic for an instant, believing that she has been possessed. Then she laughs normally and asks, "How could you possibly think I was evil? I'm hurt."

      "I don't have time for this!" I mutter, taking the driver's seat and shutting the door. "Goodbye." Suddenly, the evil magician walks up with a little boy. He hands the child a gun and tells him to point it at me and pull the trigger. Before I can get the car started, I have a bullet through my arm. It hurts, but not as bad as I would have expected. The boy tries to shoot me again, but the trigger jams. He looks down the barrel of the gun and experimentally pulls the trigger. His brains blow out the back of his head.

      I drive off as fast as I can, ducking low as more shots come.

      My pov flashes to this spider lady. She is facing the evil magician, who appears to be working for her. "Tell me," she says in a seductive voice, "Do you find me attractive in this form, or am I grotesque to you?" The man stammers incoherently. "Be honest," she murmurs.

      Back to myself as I stop at a cafe of some sort. I walk inside, ending up at a wall painted with strange creatures and odd phrases. Near the bottom of the wall was the phrase "Paper due. Sad day." Beside it was a picture of a hotdog with a face, sticking its tongue out. After examining the wall with some amusement, I turn the corner into a secluded area where Alice is waiting for me. "I thought I might find you here," I say, sitting down at one of the booths. Apparently we had met here sometime in the past.

      "Of course," she answers. "I couldn't leave without you."

      One of the waitresses (the one who "usually" waits on us) is sitting nearby. I examine the bullet wound on my arm--- it isn't as bad as I would have expected. Must have just grazed me. "What happened to your arm?" Alice asks me, her eyes intense.

      "I was shot."

      The waitress obviously thinks I'm joking. "Did you cut yourself with those long fingernails?"

      "I was shot," I say again, this time more forcefully, "by a two year old. Who then proceeded to shoot himself in the head."

      Much to my disappointment, I awaken at this point.

      Updated 01-13-2011 at 01:27 AM by 10998

      non-lucid , memorable
    3. 5.1.11, non-lucid and freaking weird

      by , 01-05-2011 at 08:43 PM
      I remember traipsing around Warrensburg, where my university is, yard sale shopping, but all anyone had was mountains of pink and yellow plastic baby gear (Stupid estrogen!). Then I was back in Illinois, in my childhood home, and we somehow had a pet mini-polar bear. It was about 8 inches in length, and had a baby that was the size of a hamster. I loved tickling the baby mini-bear, as it would growl all tiny and try to maul my hand. Cuuuuuute! But then I'd see the mother mini-bear climb my leg all mama-bearish and she'd maul my knee trying to get the baby back. So I gave it back to her, and she washed it, then growled at the family cat for looking at the baby too hungrily.

      I woke up, then went back to sleep. I was visiting my granddad's house in Christopher, and hanging with his houseguest while Dad and he chatted. This houseguest was Joe Pesci, and we played with rollerblades in granddad's kitchen when no one was looking. Dad came in, told me to get my regular shoes on so we could leave (never complained about rollerblades), and I had trouble. I can never tie my shoes in a dream. Then Antonio Banderas wandered up from the basement, don't ask me what he was doing in there, and put on a tango CD. He and Pesci (still in rollerblades) began to dance purely for the silliness of it in the dining room, with Banderas leading. After a few moments of tango, still silly and pretending to quarrel, Pesci grabbed a yardstick and Banderas a broom handle and they proceeded to have an old school fencing match in the dining room. I got a bit weirded out, so I tried to put on my headphones (P!nk's "There You Go" was playing) but the earbuds shattered when they touched my ears. Then I woke up, very confused.
    4. Dream OBE :) even though its a dream :)

      by , 01-05-2011 at 08:07 PM
      I had a dream OBE was weird i was in a hospital bed i felt the vibrations and could hear them i then rolled out of my dream body and fell on the floor i got up and saw my body in the hospital bed i started to walk around the place it was dark but i opened a door and was in the secretary area and no one could see me i went out of the hospital and started to fly around was good fun then i went back into the hospital and met this lady who was a soul like i was at the time but she said the next time you see me you will be disconnected entirely from your body and she dissapeard and then i woke up ino this was only a dream but it was a DREAM OBE
    5. Learning Wizardry in a lucid dream was great fun made me laff no wonder i shifted into another dream

      by , 01-05-2011 at 07:57 PM
      Hihi i had this dream last night i became lucid and my bro had a wand in his hand and he was summoning clothes haha so i was like hey teach me how to do it so he gave me the wand and i just flicked it alittle and totally smoked the carpet and he was like no thats not how you summon youve got to think what you would like to summon and do the nice swish and they should appear well i couldnt do it so i said you do it then and i said summon me some chineese warrior armour i swear i was thinking of a past life of mine thats why i said well anyway he couldnt do it instead he was summoning those kawaski Ninja full piece suits and i said hold on give it to me i then summoned a different colour pair this started to get hilarious cause all wat started to happen was me and him making all of these clothes appear i then shifted to another dream accept wasnt lucid but sort of was this girl ino gave me a letter to read she really liked me and wanted me and we was in a shed i was talking and that then these ppl started ripping the shed apart and the windows and grabbed me was freaky well anyway people appeard from everyone i knew everyon from school and i hit a few but then they started being nice to me then the dream faded
    6. Ark of the Covenant

      by , 01-05-2011 at 07:49 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I float up out of my car. I look at myself. Why am I sleeping in my car? Fuck it. I have shit to do. Meet Raven on the Moon... and what...? Indiana Jones?... shit...

      An army of Templars float down on winged beasts. I ignore them, and create a portal. My fly pods open, and swarms of flies attack their eyeballs, munching on them.

      I open a portal to the Moon, and fly through. The Templars follow me through the wormhole. The Wormhole Wyrm battles them. I turn and shoot bolts of red energy at them. I fly out the portal landing on the Moon.

      Moon dust kicks up. Raven is standing above me. She helps me up. “I thought we terraformed the Moon.”

      “We did, Nomad. This grey moon is the illusion. We put this here to protect The Green Moon. Don’t you remember?”

      “No. Yes. What are we supposed to do?”

      “Open the Ark of the Covenant.”


      Raven and I are just outside the Biodome, which zap-teleports them away from us as they come through the portal. Raven rolls her eyes at the Templars, and makes a portal. We step through.

      We are in a large cold cave. It reminds me of the ice cave I would play in with Selene and MoSh in dreams when we were children. I shiver. Raven laughs at me, and tells me it’s a dream.

      “I don’t give a shit, it’s cold.” I summon up a big furry jacket.

      “Nomad, are you lucid?”

      “No. Look up ahead!”

      Raven puts her hands on her hips. “Nomad, look at your nose, pinch your hands or something!”

      I look past Raven into a large cavern. There are bunch of Nazis and Templars standing in a circular formation around a large golden box. Indiana Jones and the chick in the movie are tied to a stake. The creepy dude is about to open the ark. I put on my cowboy hat, and bust out my chain whip. “Nomad, that’s a lame copy of Indiana Jones.”

      I sing the theme song in her face, and gently push her aside. I shoot my whip around a stalactite, and yank on it. I grab Raven around the waist to swing her with me to the ark, and she pushes my arm off, annoyed. “Nomad, I can fly, thank you very much!”

      “Wait! Look! The Ark!”

      I swing out over the people, and the creepy guy reaches for the ark. “Screw this!” I teleport in front of him, and push him aside. I reach for the ark.

      “Nomad! Wait. We have to do it together.”

      “Oh, right.” Raven teleports next to me. The ark hums and glows. I feel excited, but a little afraid... especially when golden snake carvings slither up the ark, then the two of them stare at me, one with ruby eyes, the other with emeralds. “We are DNA! We are the caduceus! We are the Tree of Life! And now, you will die!”

      The snakes strike at me, and I slow time. Raven and I cut their heads off. They die and become flesh. I grab one and bite it. Raven asks me why I did that. “For its power.”

      “What does it taste like?”

      “Gross raw fish or raw chicken? Yuck.”

      “Ok, weirdo. Let’s open this!”

      Raven and I grab the lid together, and open the ark. A scream of a thousand souls vibrates my skull, and pierces my brain. The shrieking vibrates the cave itself. Spirits pour out of the ark, flying madly about. The Templars and Nazis melt. Raven and I begin absorbing the souls.

      Diverge #1
      We become two great bulbous chimeras... strange slimy wraiths.

      We are on the Moon somehow.

      We laugh and explode. Dark energy goes everywhere like black oil. It’s gross. We go back to original forms, and burn up the dark energy ectoplasm with violet flame.

      Diverge #2
      “Nate?” Angel is standing at the entrance to the cave. Raven nods to her, smiling madly as she fills up with the ghosts. “OMIGOD NATE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”

      “I am absorbing these ghosts. It’s okay.”

      Angel roars at me, and morphs into Angelwitch. She flies into the sky outside the entrance to the cavern, and summons lightning into her staff. She channels it to us, and puts the ghosts into the ground.

      Gifts of the Shark

      I am in the Biodome by the koi pond with Raven. She is staring at the fish. She looks sad. “Raven, you okay?”

      “Sorry I didn’t help you in that last dream when you were being attacked.”

      “By that shark guy.”

      “He’s my friend. Wait. what are we talking about?”

      “In that weird nightclub you like to go to with MoSh. That fucking shark bit you in half. I knew you wouldn’t remember.”

      “I am confused.”

      “It’s okay, it was just a dream. Anyway,” she says, smiling brightly, “he gave you this, because you ate him in the next dream.” It’s a strange device that looks like red steel swim shorts with a rocket that straps to your back. I put it on and zoom around, swimming in flight.

      I land next to Raven.

      “He said it’s supposed to help you swim faster, in waking life.”

      “Are you serious?”

      “I am. I don’t know if he is.”

      “Also, this.”

      Raven gives me a pendant carved from a huge shark tooth. On it is a carving of a vampire dolphin holding a knife and fork. I put it on. A strange pale shield forms around me, and I smell something like the ocean.

      “This is to protect you from sharks, in waking life.”


      “And, this...”

      Raven hands me a tiny greenish yellow gem in the shape of a rhombus. “And this...”
      It floats up out of her hand, and it sticks to my forehead. My perception is altered. She sounds far away. “...will help you communicate with sharks, and all animals in dream and waking life.”

      I close my eyes, and stare up and cross-eyed into my third eye. I stare at the world through the crystal. I see the Selenite.

      “Nomad? Nomad? You okay?”

      MoSh comes out of a portal, and lands in front of me. He looks like.... a green crystal?

      Everything is so bright and sparkly. I acutely sense the aliveness of everything. I open my eyes.
      “Whoah!” MoSh stumbles backwards. “You look like some crazy Hindu god, Nomad!”

      “Huh?” For some reason I feel extremely tired, and I fall asleep.
    7. 3rd Lucid Dream of 2011! Can't count to 5 in a dream? = FAIL

      by , 01-05-2011 at 07:15 PM
      Non Lucid

      Ok, so I've had two other lucid dreams this year, but I pretty much woke up straight after becoming lucid.

      Before going to bed I wrote my first entry of my waking journal. It worked really well and I remembered 4 dreams instead of 1 or 2 which I usually am able to record.

      This was my last dream of the night:

      I dreamt I was walking through the courtyard of my school with my dog. She wasn't on a lead and was walking along beside me. I then spotted one of my friends in the courtyard who called me over. He was holding one of the school's acoustic guitars. I saw another student walk away from him and into the school canteen. I panicked, thinking for some bizarre reason that it was my dog was going inside, despite it obviously being a human! Looking around, I saw my dog, standing a few metres away from me.[/COLOR] This made me become lucid. I decided to complete a lucid task which I had seen on someone elses DV profile, which was to use all 5 senses in a dream. I looked around, that's sight completed. I then tried to play some fancy fingerstyle guitar, but it turned out messy. That's touch and sound. Grinning smugly because I thought I had completed task, I explored the environment a bit before waking up.

      After waking up I realised I hadn't done taste and smell!

      Trust me, i'm not as much of an idiot in real life, as I am in my dreams!
    8. Evil dogs and flying

      by , 01-05-2011 at 07:13 PM
      non dream dream lucid dream

      here is the dream I had last night
      I was walking on a road close to my house. Suddenly there was a big dog that looked really angry. I stared at it for a little while and then I realised it was gonna attack me. It lunged for me, trying to take a bite outa my leg. I didn't wanna hurt it but I could see I didn't really have much of a choice. So I hit it and then I tought. Wait, that dog's bark is weird! In fact, it sounds like me cough! (I have bronchitus) This is a dream! Then I became lucid. I jumped away from the dog and began flying!!! I flew all around town, it was like a birds eye view! It was so fun! Then I woke up.

      Here is a dream I had a year ago. Last night's dream made me think of this one.
      I was in my backyard, sitting next to a tree. And there was a male tabby cat sitting next to me. We were talking. I know, I'm a cat freak, and that's why I dreamed about a talking cat (haha!). Then suddenly the cat ran away and a big, black, evil wolf with gleaming red eyes appeared. I jumped up in sheer terror and clung to a tree. One of my feet slipped and I tried kicking the wolf. I hit it and it looked REALLY mad. I slipped and fell off the tree, right in front of the wolf. I kicked him again and he grabbed my left hand, biting it in the center and scratching it underneath the circle. Kinda like this o except imagine the line closer to the circle. Then the wolf ran away, leaving me laying on the ground, my hand _ bleeding like heck. The male tabby cat came back to me, his brown eyes gleaming with fear. (oh my gawsh I should write a story about this!!!!) He took me to another cat. It was a female cat. She had calico fur and green eyes. She put her paw on my bleeding hand and looked it over. She licked the blood away to reveal that the wounds were quite deep, the bite almost going completely through my hand, and that they were slightly infected. The male tabby looked at me seriously, and he said, "I must get something for this wound. Don't worry, I'll be back. Don't worry about me." Then he left, leaving me with the female calico. Her eyes watched the place where he'd left. It seemed like a long time passed, and he hadn't come back yet. We were very worried for the tabby. The calico looked at me and said, "He is not coming back..." I swear, there were tears in her eyes. My hand by then was almost totally purple and black from infection. I asked the calico, "What are we going to do." She said, "Nothing... We can do nothing." He eyes seemed to burn holes into me, her serious tone telling me that it was more serious than a wounded hand. Then suddenly the dream turned into blackness and I woke up. Immediatly once I woke up I looked at my left hand, it hurt so freaking bad when I woke up, but the pain quickly faded.

      Here is another from 3 years ago I'd like to share. (my mom thinks the dream means something. Just wanna know what you guys think, because a few months ago, before I told her of my dream, she had a similar dream)
      I was in a green van with my family. We were driving down a long road. Everyone in the van, my family, were depressed looking. I looked out my window, to the right, and I saw that there were blue and red tornadoes sucking up all the wheat in the fields and destroying everthing. There was a barn too, burnt and falling apart. But in the middle of all the destruction, there was a white calf, standing in the only patch of ground that wasn't destroyed. It was surrounded by light and the grass it was standing on was so green, with flowers surrounding it. I remember it all so clearly. Then I woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    9. More confusing fragments

      by , 01-05-2011 at 07:07 PM
      I find it odd that my dreams are becoming more and more confusing. It's almost like a Salvador Dali painting.

      As usual I don't know very well where it started. It remember I was, once again, travelling somewhere. I believe I was climbing a mountain similar to one I climbed some years ago, but I'm not sure if it really exists or if it's just a product of my imagination.
      The landscape consisted in a lot of underbrush (I don't know if this is the right word to describe it) and was very dry.

      Now comes the weird part. I'm in some sort of hut, Vietnam style. Very rustic. No electricity.
      I remember I was in a mixture of living room, bathroom and music studio. In there was my father, a friend of mine called Joao D, and although I don't remember the picture, I have the feeling my mother was present in some other room.

      I recall I was jamming with some sort of string instrument, and Joao D was playing music from a portuguese band I appreciate, called Men Eater. I remember I told him I only like one song called Lisboa and he became very confused because he told me that song was one of the weakest in his repertoire. He stated that he composed much better than that, and with that I reasoned he was insinuating I didn't know shit about music. I remember I became angry and went to take a bath. I turn the shower on, and suddenly I noticed my new 2 week laptop was at the bottom of the shower and would break down with the water. I even remember the letters in it: Asus EEE 4000H

      Next, I wake up on the top of a similar mountain. I was sleeping on a rock near a huge precipice/abyss. I stood still looking at the horizon and saw some buildings far away. I thought it was Porto city, at the North of my country. I only been there once, but I knew it was a little bit different.
      I stood up and started walking away. Then, I started to watch myself in the 3rd person as if I'm in a movie. Kind of similar to my last dream. The thing is that, now I'm a very old guy dressed with a lot of old stained rags.
      I notice some kids like 100 yards from me, and went there to talk to them. Suddenly they start to attack me, shoving their small bodies against me, using bricks. I thought it was really odd, but then another old guy appears in front of me. I looked at him, as if he was my father, but he looked like Hannibal from the A-Team.

      He told me the end was near and that we had to continue our mission. Then I woke up with my alarm clock. Unfortunately I forgot a lot of my dream, since I was in a hurry and didn't had time to write my dream.

      Updated 01-05-2011 at 07:08 PM by 40240 (Image too big)

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. 1/5/11 Demonic Markings

      by , 01-05-2011 at 05:10 PM
      Demonic Markings (Non-lucid)


      This dream was earlier in the night, so I don't remember most of it. I do remember being outside, talking with some other guy about these intricate patterns on the ground in front of us. They seemed to be part of some video game / mini game, though I don't remember the details. I remember being paranoid and worried because the patterns would change instantly when I "changed the difficulty setting" (Don't ask, I don't know. xD), but I was the only one who noticed the change. I could change them around other people and they would be completely oblivious to the fact there was any change at all! One other thing I don't know where to put: At one point the patterns looked like they were laid out with garden hose, and at another point they looked burned into the ground.

      There's some dream content I can't remember, then I remember hopping in the shower. This was a big shower like we have up on campus. I feel my head and realize that I have a headache, and I'm bleeding from somwhere on my head. My stomach was already feeling uneasy, but seeing my head bleeding caused bile to creep up my throat. It was at this point that I woke up.

      Two interesting things of note. The first is that though my head felt perfectly fine when I woke up, my stomach was grumbling somewhat. I'd eaten too much before going to bed. So I sat up for a few minutes, sipped some water, and went back to sleep. The other thing is that some details were surprisingly vivid compared to others. The pain and acidic bile were very realistic, and my thought patterns within the dream at that point seemed reasonably clear. But I can't remember whether the shower was even running, whether I was still wearing clothes, etc. Nevermind the first part of the dream, all of that is hazy.
    11. New Boyfran, Princess Leia Hair, and Hide n Seek

      by , 01-05-2011 at 04:58 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I can only recall 3 short dreams from last night...I've been having a lot of trouble staying asleep, I think it's because I've been crashing on my rents' living room couch. I'll have my own room again tonight, so maybe that will help with my sleeping and dreaming...the living room is NOT ideal for that kind of thing (people walking around, coming downstairs at the asscrack of dawn, etc. etc...).

      Anyway, here's what I can recall.

      I started dating my friend JS. I was at work, and I was talking about my new boyfriend to whoever I was working with. They asked me who it was, and I said that I'd point him out when he came in. He finally came in, and wasn't wearing a shirt. Now, I'm sitting at a computer desk, but I'm still at work (I work in a coffee shop). JS comes up behind me and starts to massage my shoulders.
      "You're dating JS?", my coworker queries. She sounded very surprised. Then, I was talking to JS about his friends, and about how much support he has from them. I started naming them off to him. I then asked JS what my work schedule was, because he was in charge of scheduling, even though he didn't work there.


      A girl I work with, L, was working in my fam's kitchen, but it was supposed to be the coffee shop. She had 2 kids. One of her daughters was in there. She had the most beautiful, long, wavy/curly brown hair I've ever seen. It reminded me of a hairstyle that Princess Leia from Star Wars would sport. Anyway, the daughter was about 16 years old.


      My brother and I were playing hide and seek in my apartment with my dad and my brother's friend. We kept hiding in the same place, which was behind my bed. My dad was the seeker. Dad kept finding me, and I was angry at him for some reason. The last time we played, I bunched up the covers on my bed so it would look like I was hiding under them. Blake's friend found Blake first. It was like they had rehearsed it, so dad wouldn't find me. They high-fived one another. Dad said that he had thought I was under the covers.

      EDIT: Remembered a fragment.

      I drank the airplane shooter of peppermint shnapps I got from a customer at work, and was surprised that it was gone so quickly.

      Updated 01-05-2011 at 07:09 PM by 32059

      Tags: work
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. wbtb wild

      by , 01-05-2011 at 04:13 PM
      did a wbtb and walked around for a few minutes. tiny smoke then back to bed. found myself lucid on top of a massive cliff/diving platform, so realised that i could just fearlessly throw myself off it and go and buzz my mates down below. only other bit i remember was looking at my surroundings in my front room and having them move as if i was tripping.

      many long drawn out near lucids this week, but only a few moments of true wow lucidity
    13. Gaming theme

      by , 01-05-2011 at 04:08 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Got another lucid last night, but it was so short! I lost my lucidity and the dream continued on. Could have been a very cool one though. Anyways, the "2011 Dream Recall Challenge" has really spurred my recall it seems. I know it's because I've been sleeping so much, but it makes me more motivated.

      03.30: Sleep

      08.00: LAN
      I'm at a large LAN party. My friends are at their computers and there are a few more guys there. We're all about to play some game like Civilization but two of the computers have frozen. I take a look at one of them. "Can't you just tab out?" I ask. Obviously it's just the screen that has frozen. "No, it's a virus" one of them tells me. I sigh and tell everyone to start the game. "Alright, the challenge is to build a penis shaped village" I say and laugh. No one seems to find this weird at all... They all start building the tip of the thing on a mountain with buildings that are all shadows. I spot someone doing it wrong. "No! You need to make it more round, and don't build across like that" I instruct.

      08.00: Fragment
      *I'm running around in a town similar to those of Assassins Creed. I see my character in third person and I'm being chased. More than ten people show up and I try to escape them by dodging to the left and right. They are too many though and they soon catch me. They beat the living shit out of me with sticks while I stand up and I fall down all limp and bloody.

      08.00-08.30: WBTB

      9.30: Counter strike MILD
      I'm with my friend Eric. We're playing Counter Strike and it's in first person mode. We buy all our weapons and our team takes the elevator down a level. We take the other one but we go up instead of down. I realise I'm dreaming. I stop the elevator and tell Eric we're not going up. I push the button to go down again. "Don't do anything, the elevator is tricky in dreams" I tell him as I hope the elevator won't get stuck. It feels smaller and I touch all the walls with my hands to stabilize. The elevator isn't going fast but after a while we reach the first floor again and we get out. I look around and spot a dark door and try to open it.

      I lose my lucidity. We break down the door and end up in a huge, dusky warehouse. There's old stuff lying around everywhere and I tell Eric he needs to equip his gun. I give him a bag with an MP5 in it. He won't take it. "Fuck's sake! Take the damn gun!" I tell him angrily and shove it into his arms. I give him two clips of ammo aswell. My brother Martin and two of his friends are in that warehouse I see. They start shooting at us with BB guns. Eric starts shooting back and I keep close. We walk through the place.

      I throw a pair of protective eye wear to him. I run away from the battle to a table. I need to fill my clips with bullets and gas. I spot my friend Henrik next to me. "If you shoot me I'll fucking punch you in the face" I tell him. He tells me he won't as he's shooting Eric instead. Everyone laughs as Eric goes down. "We are using sour cream as a propellant" Henrik tells me.

      10.45: FA
      I wake up and look at my clock. "14.15" It's almost dark outside. "Oh shit... I'm exhausted and it's already this late..." I think.

      10.45: Blind date dinner
      I'm at my friend G's house. Eric is there and he's preparing food for our date with two girls. I'm supposed to be a wingman or something I guess. The grill looks awesome, on it are two skewers filled with juicy meat and vegetables. One is already lying on a plate on the table. I grab a fork and knife and cuts a piece.

      "It's a bit too rare for me" I say as it's almost red in the middle. Eric hands me a small cracker with roe on it. I eat it and comment on how unmanly it is. He hands me another small dish, it's cucumber with some kind of dressing on top. They both taste nice though.

      The dream skips. I'm sitting at the table now with G's sister infront of me, and Eric on my side. We're waiting for the girls to arrive. Two girls show up all of a sudden. "I guess I should introduce myself" I say and start to rise. "That's not them, those are Sandra's friends" Eric tells me. I sit back down.

      "What if they are too hot? I've already got a girlfriend, that might suck" I think for myself. Two girls enter the front door and from where I am, they look to be very hot. One's got a white dress with a nice cleavage. I start eating food. Before they sit down I have almost finished my plate. I've got my headphones on one ear and Eric tells me to greet the girls. I look up and to my relief, they are not good looking at all. One of them even has a baby on her hip. I barely say hi.

      12.15: Bastard
      I'm in a car with my dad. It seems as if we're driving Monica's car. The small red car is having some engine problems it seems as it splutters and shakes. The car dies and we get out. The house we stopped at was apparently one we had to do something in. We enter the house without taking our shoes off, a crazy woman greets us. She hands my dad half a bun and takes a bite off another one, which she hands me. My mom starts complaining about how disgusting it is to wear shoes indoors. I get out of the house and sit down at a swing. Some black haired boy is there and apparently there's something wrong with him. He's a bastard and my brother. I feel guilty for some reason. We talk some, but I can't remember about what.

      13.30: Porno
      I'm walking down the road outside of my appartment. Monica's with me and her friend Emo. I start talking about some porno I want to remember. Apparently I know the names of all the different porn actors and I name them all. Monica seems to recognise the names and tells me what kind of movie it is. I leave my computer headphones in the snow next to the road and Emo unlocks her bike. She hadn't really locked it, just put a metal bar through the tires.

      13.30: Wtf
      I'm sitting at my computer and Monica's in the shower. I can hear someone moaning and I realise it's coming from the shower. I walk to the door and sneak a peak through the crack. I can see Monica behind the curtains and she's touching herself. I walk back to the computer and I notice she's been on a forum. "Weird dildo's" the topic says. I scroll down and spot a fleshy one with tentacles sticking out in all directions. A superman dildo is just below it. "Uhm okay" is all I manage to say.

      13.30: Fragment
      *I'm squeezing two pimples. They are very deep ones.

      13.30: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 9½ hours

      Supplements before bed: 200 ml applejuice, 2 x Omega-3

      That's it! MILD is working great for me atm. I've had intentions of becoming lucid and lucidity I achieved! I might try to get up earlier tomorrow to rebound my REM for friday morning, last "dream day" of my vacation. Will use galantamine to try to induce a lucid then.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 01-05-2011 at 05:44 PM by 36346

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    14. thirty

      by , 01-05-2011 at 03:41 PM
      Fragments again, but more sleep.

      In which I suddenly have a baby...

      I'm sitting in the living room of my childhood home with my mother and with K. I have a blond, light-skinned newborn on my shoulder. I'm trying to hold the baby girl in a way that supports her little neck, but her head keeps slumping over. I express my surprise at having the baby. My mom is trying to convince me that it is my child. I tell her that I have no memory of giving birth. She says that is because I was heavily drugged. I respond that I have no memory of the pregnancy either. K says, "Don't you remember when your water broke?" And I do.

      I'd been sitting on my couch in my current adult home. K and H were in the living room with me. My belly was swollen with pregnancy. Out of nowhere, my water broke and flooded the living room. K and H put on waders and carried me out to the car.

      "I remember," I tell them and accept that this child is mine. I'm still confused about who the father is since the child has such a light complexion. I start to ask about this when I hear the kettle whistle.

      I walk back into the kitchen (still exactly like the kitchen in my childhood home) and prepare a bottle of baby formula. K lectures me that I should be breastfeeding. I admit that it would be best for the baby, but I tell her there is no way I'm going to do such a thing. She says I'm being selfish and I concede that I am.

      Then the baby says, "mama I'm hungry." K and I are amazed that a newborn is speaking so well.

      In which R has a camera that shows the user's perception of objects and people...

      I'm back in my current home. R and I are sitting in the dining room. I still have the baby but she is older now and sitting on the floor next to the snake plant in the corner of my dining room. R shows me a new camera that he bought. The user takes a picture of something and then looks at the screen to see an image of what the user really thinks about the subject of the photo. He demonstrates by taking a picture of our backyard. We look at the viewer and see a beautiful and wild jungle, green with life and full of birds. I take a picture of the baby. We look at the viewer and see a monkey. I know this is true. I don't really care about the baby. She seems like an alien creature and I have no feelings of attachment to her. I don't know where she came from and I'm still confused about how I ended up with a baby. But at the same time, I feel really guilty about being such a bad mother. I'm embarassed that the camera exposes my lack of feeling for the child so I try to argue with R that it is not working properly.

      He suggests that I test it out by taking a picture of Lucy, our dog. I point the camera at her and click a picture. Then I look at the viewer to see a happy, cheerful dog with little digital hearts rising out of her. I love my dog more than the surprise baby. I shrug my shoulders and admit it's true.

      In which I purchase a coffee table from the local antique store and discover a treasure trove...

      R and I walk Lucy down to the local antique store to pick up the coffee table. The owner has a dog too, and we all step out to the garden behind the store to let the dogs run around and play. She shows me a back room where she has stored the coffee table. Then she returns to the front desk and leaves R and me outside.

      While we are examining the coffee table, I notice a secret door in the floor. I look inside and see a treasure trove of gold coins and jewels. We marvel at it and then shut the door.

      We go to the checkout counter to pay and I hand the lady 75 dollars in cash which is the deal we'd made for the table. She charges me 100. I ask why she is charging so much, and she says that she has added on a 20 dollar fee to support local businesses. I tell her that I just want to pay the 75 that we'd agreed upon. She rings me up again with the correct amount, but now she looks sullen. She makes me feel guilty for not supporting local businesses.

      I know the math doesn't add up, but it did in the dream.

      Updated 01-07-2011 at 11:50 PM by 38879

    15. The Curious Case of Jotaro Kujo (was that Alicia Silverstone in the dorm scene?)

      by , 01-05-2011 at 02:48 PM (Journal #86)
      1/4/11: Sometimes I don't even understand why I get dreams like this: one where you're running around in circles and running into random people that seem very attractive--and the setting is in a big building. Recently I've been having dreams where there's been some sort of hybrid when it comes to these big buildings: Some are colleges mixed with apartments, while some are independent high schools--next to apartments.

      In one scene, I'm in a dorm inside the body of someone who thinks there has been a failure/cheating. The roommate's had enough of his/her conspiracies.

      "You've got 30 seconds to explain to me what you're talking about." she replies. She looks a lot like Hollywood actress Alicia Silverstone in the face, only younger. I haven't seen ANYTHING movie-wise starring Alicia Silverstone in over 15 years, and I'm 24 now.

      After this, the "running around in circles" thing continued as a different character, running into random people and offices, even accidentally sitting on what appears to be a conveyor belt. I land on the ground, luckily, and on my own two feet.

      I'm guessing this part of the dream came when I thought about doing some JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fanfiction starring a character who has a Stand similar to series main character Jotaro Kujo, Star Platinum, and this was likely everything he (the fanfic character I created) saw, along with the college scene belonging to a character from another work of mine, Tracy Weston.

      A Stand, as many people who are fans of the JJBA comic book series know, is basically a supernatural power. Out of all the "bizarre" dreams I've had, I'd have to say this is one of the top ten, though I don't really see what big buildings have to do with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. One of my goals in life is to be an author, and I think this dream might have been what I needed to get going. I'm new to this JJBA thing, so I guess I'd better read more in order to understand what's going on in each of the arcs.