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    1. Parkour RPG Maker 2k

      by , 07-29-2010 at 01:09 PM (My world, my rules)
      [PT] Sonhei que eu havia baixado um jogo de RPG Maker 2000 de parkour. O jogo era em 3D, e era possível fazer várias manobras, como correr, pular, pulo duplo e até salto mortal! O objetivo era correr dentro de uma casa e pegar todas as moedas, sendo que algumas eram praticamente inalcansáveis. Enquanto você ia jogando, o jogador mudava automaticamente, isso deixava o jogo bastante estressante.

      [EN] I dreamed that I had downloaded a parkour game for RPG Maker 2000. The game was in 3D, and it was possible to make several tricks, such as running, jumping, double jump and somersault! The goal was to run inside a house and get all the coins, and some were virtually unreachable. While playing, the character changed automatically. This left the game fairly stressful.
    2. The miraculous Ipad - O Ipad milagroso

      by , 07-29-2010 at 01:03 PM (My world, my rules)
      [PT] Sonhei que meu irmão tinha feito aniversário, e ganhou um Ipad. No dia seguinte, ele foi trabalhar, mas esqueceu o Ipad em casa. Então, eu o levei para a escola. No intervalo, eu fiquei tentando usá-lo, tentei descobrir como funcionava. Quando eu desisti, fui para o ginásio procurar meus amigos. Eu os encontrei lá, mas havia duas garotas (Daniela e Gabriela) que queriam ver o Ipad. Elas raramente falam comigo, na hora já pensei "Nossa, como elas são interesseiras!".
      Elas estavam insistindo para ver o Ipad, e eu dizia que era do meu irmão, mas elas não queriam saber. Resolvi sair do ginásio e ir conversar com alguém lá fora. Daniela continuava insistindo para mexer no Ipad. Desisti e cedi-o para ela. Ela também não sabia mexer nele, então ficamos tentando descobrir como usá-lo. Ela me devolveu o Ipad e sentamos em um banco, junto com várias pessoas. Eu me levantei e vi que ela estava ficando com Emanuel. Na hora que eu fui me sentar no banco, ele virou e todos caíram. Pedi desculpas, mas o Emanuel disse até que tinha sido bom. ~

      [EN] I dreamed that my brother had birthday, and won an Ipad. The next day he went to work but forgot the Ipad at home. So I took it to school. In the interval, I was trying to figure out how it worked. When I gave up, I went to the gym looking for my friends. I found them there, but there were two girls (Daniela and Gabriela) who wanted to see the Ipad. They rarely speak to me, so I thought "Wow, they are so self-serving."
      They were insisting to see the Ipad, but I said it was my brother's, but they did not wanted to know. I decided to leave the gym and talk to someone outside. Daniela was still insisting to use the Ipad. I gave up and gave it to her. She also doesn't know how to use it, so we tried to figure out how to use it. She returned the Ipad and we sat on a bench, along with several people. I got up and saw that she was kissing Emanuel. When I went to sit on the bench, it fell, along with everybody. I apologized, but Emanuel said it had been good. ~
    3. Midnight Thief - O Ladrão da Meia-Noite

      by , 07-29-2010 at 12:48 PM (My world, my rules)
      [PT] Ontem a noite, eu assisti Príncipe da Pérsia: As areias do tempo no cinema. Então, eu sonhei com isso. Sonhei que havia saído do cinema, era meia-noite, e me dirigi a uma loja próxima (que, inclusive, tinha um poster do Gasparzinho). Vi que a loja estava fechada, então resolvi ir para casa a pé (o cinema estava perto da minha casa, mas na verdade não é). No caminho havia um homem andando a pé também, mas estava andando devagar. Logo, passei por ele. Eu estava passando por uma esquina, que tinha uma cerca de madeira, e ele falou: "Eu só queria voltar...". Eu responde: "É, eu também!". O homem falou novamente: "Pra tocar terror!". Ao me deparar que eu seria assaltado, comecei a correr. Peguei várias ruas para despistá-lo. Devido ao medo que senti, acabei por acordar. Mas acabei me mexendo, e perdi a chance de fazer um DEILD!

      [EN] Yesterday, I watched Prince of Persia: The sands of time in the cinema. So, I dreamed about it. I dreamed I left the cinema, it was midnight, and I went to a nearby store (that had a poster of Casper). I saw the store was closed, so I decided to go home on foot (the cinema was near my house, but it isn't in the real life). On the way, I saw a man taking a walk, but he was walking slowly. I was walking faster, and I passed him. I was going through a corner, when he said: "I just wanted to come back...". I replied: "Yeah, me too.". The man spoke again: "To kill!". When I realized I was going to be assaulted, I started running. I picked up several streets to foil him. Due the fear I felt, I woke up and I moved myself. I just lost a chance for DEILD!

      Updated 11-27-2010 at 09:51 PM by 32539

    4. Angry General In Vietnam

      by , 07-29-2010 at 12:46 PM
      Only one dream recalled from last night, unfortunately.

      It starts off with a view of Vietnam sort of like I would see in Hearts of Iron. Of course, it's a bit different, but it's a dream. I'm hearing over some sort of radio the President (somebody) announcing that "Communism is fine for Asia! Communism works for the Asians! Let the Communists have Asia!" The general that's commanding the troops in Vietnam responds very harshly, commenting that he'd coup the mother fucker if he withdraws from Vietnam.

      About half of the provinces in Vietnam are held by Communist troops. My forces, however, have surrounded several armies, and we consequently begin capturing several of them. The Chinese begin to pour fresh troops in, and the game turns into a more traditional RTS. I send up my elite flamer unit and begin to simply burn every single Chinese troop that tries to cross the border. He gets caught in a large wave eventually, though, and subsequently gets run over by a jeep. We still manage to hold on to the entirety of Vietnam, but no victory screen comes.
    5. Fail night #2

      by , 07-29-2010 at 12:32 PM (My world, my rules)
      All right... This night I lost 3 chances of LD...
      The first one: I woke up in the middle of a dream (Midnight Thief), but I moved and lost the chance of DEILD...
      The second one: I woke at 7:00am and I stood still. I felt my legs tremble, and I just couldn't move them (SP). So, I used almost all my concentration to fall asleep, and just a bit to stay awake. Then, I found my self moving to turn the TV off (but I did not sleep with the TV on). After a few minutes, I woke and regretted having lost a LD.
      The third one: I downloaded the Custom Alarm Clock for my computer. So, I adjusted 45min. before I normally wake up (8:15am). But today, I woke up 7:30am, and I couldn't sleep anymore!

      I'm really upset about this... But at least I've managed to enter SP, and now I know how to do it!
    6. More Bad Recall

      by , 07-29-2010 at 11:17 AM (Hazel's Boiler Room)

      Something involving... Batman and Robin. (I keep getting flashes of this one, but it's not coming to me.)

      Some kind of crime. I'm probably lucky to be alive. I wish the police would stop interrogating me. My family agrees.

      CRAZY preacher who is spouting off utter blasphemy. My mother starts shouting questions in the middle of the service.

      Wandering around school again at lunch time. This time with Shelbi. I have a terrible cough, and she doesn't believe that I can't really talk.
      dream fragment
    7. Late for work, and electrocuting ghosts

      by , 07-29-2010 at 10:41 AM (Purple Trees and Zombies: Trippy Dreams of an Artist/Writer)
      I recall little of the beginning, but it might have been the night (or morning) before work. Melanie (co-worker from Subway) was in bed with me, but we weren't playing around like that. It was more "slumber party", than sexual. I remember setting the alarm, angry at Melanie for some reason.

      Cut to the car; we are driving down the road, my lap desk is on the roof of the car, or in front - not sure. But I'm concerned for my belongings, so I bring it inside. I take out my laptop and pen tablet; Melanie is watching and in the back seat. Not sure who's driving, lol.

      I want to go to a store before work, I look at a clock in my mother's kitchen to gage the time (should have known then I was dreaming, being "suddenly" in my mother's kitchen) and determine I have 15 minutes to get to this store. However, my dad has to get money from the bank. He drives us into the parking lot; it's empty, but he tries the door anyway. The bank is closed. We leave, and I mention something that he should have known the bank was closed since no one was parked outside. He makes some flippant comment back, but I can't remember what it was.

      Back to the house and Melanie is unconcerned with getting to work on time. I'm getting pissed at her, not for being late for work, but I really want to get to this store (have no clue what store it was, but I really wanted to go). Mom gives me marshmallows for some reason, says I should eat. I put one in my mouth, but then take it out and set it on the counter. Melanie it doing something with laundry, or is in the laundry room doing something, not sure what because -

      Outside, we are getting ready to leave. These people show up, a few college-type guys, and a lady with short, blond curly hair. She is carrying munchies and a large butcher knife. This gives me pause, but Melanie assures me she's cool. The woman affirms this with a grin and shakes the chips in her hand. We all pile into the car, and I'm annoyed I'm smushed against the door. The door itself becomes only a frame, a yellow steel frame I have to lock or it'll open while we're moving. I don't want to fall out.

      Now I'm outside a house, it's fancy, maybe a mansion. There is a gondola on the roof, lit up and with windows. Everyone that was in the car is inside, frightened by all the water on the floor, running from the sinks. No one can shut them off. I know there is something nasty inside the house, waiting to hurt people.

      To confirm this, my awareness goes to the gondola, where Melanie is there with two children. I can't remember the details of the children, just a boy and girl. The girl is blond and wearing a dress, I think. Melanie has been taken over by...something. It makes her jump in a graceful arc from the gondola ledge into a window. For some reason, I remember her hair rippling in the wind. That really stands out in my dream.

      I'm back inside, and I try to get off the floor (where the water is) by holding onto a sink and holding my legs up. Why I'm doing this...I have no clue. But I know whatever is in Melanie, it's going to electrocute people. A moment later, I relax. I'm immune to electroshock. Silly me.

      I go downstairs and confront Melanie, who then changes into an old man in a tan suit. He smiles before trying to kill me, and I smile as the attempt fails. The others aren't watching, too busy running around panicking. He frowns and becomes angry. The shock itself is uncomfortable; I can feel it shooting up my legs. He leaves and I follow, taunting him that he's angry I won't die (yes, let's taunt the mean electrocuting monster :/ ). He falls into an ornate chair as if exasperated, changing appearance again into a blond heavy-set woman who rolls her eyes at me.

      I wake.

      Themes seem to be blond hair, water (as usual), food (I am on a heavy lifestyle change, lost 35 pounds so far), and perhaps money? Work seemed to be the farthest thing on my mind during the dream.

      Updated 07-29-2010 at 10:29 PM by 34551 (because I suck writing dreams at 5 am)

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Strange Fragments

      , 07-29-2010 at 10:25 AM
      I can remember two dreams and one fragment from last night. Here goes!

      I remember it being the last day of school (which finished one week ago today). The last lesson was geography (my least favourite subject, which I'm giving up next year ). I remember that we were in my school library, working on one final 'project' (which was surprisingly like a game of hangman... without the hangman) before the year was up. We basically had to come up with a bunch of words to do with geography, and then guess each other's words. Of course, none of the words we came up with actually had anything to do with geography (even my subconscious doesn't take it seriously ).

      Finally, the bell went, signifying the end of the day, the end of the year, and the end of geography forever! I remember everybody ripping up the sheets of paper that we'd been working on (which were A3 for some reason), and stamping on them. Then we all ran outside.

      We were in a beautiful vista, in a valley between two mountain ranges. It was full of cottages, and was a perfect neighbourhood. For some reason, some of the residents decided to modernise the small town, turning it into a bustling city. We went up to one of the mountain ranges (I say mountain, though it was really more like tall hills), and decided to build our vista above our valley. Next thing I know, we are standing in the middle of a massive urban city, with huge business everywhere you look. Of course, this brings with it a higher crime rate, a less friendly neighbourhood, and in the end, a not very nice place.

      The residents decide to do the one thing that they can - abandon the city. I can remember a beautiful view of us just outside the city, looking back at beautiful skyscrapers, with nothing but green in the distance. It was like a city in the middle of nowhere.

      We turned towards our village, and started to restore it to how it was, and ignoring the city. I remember halfway down, as we were walking down the side of a motorway to get to the city, going into a small wooden building. Inside was an old man, obviously dying. He was stuck inside this cramped room by the side of the motorway with his dog. We helped him out, and took him back to the village. His dog jumped out the back window, into a river which was behind it.

      I think that was when the dream ended.

      For the fragment, I remember being on the plane back from a holiday somewhere. I remember being very tired. I remember going through Heathrow, and then going into a car. I remember falling asleep in the car, and then waking up home. At home, I remember going inside and calling up my family to let them know that I was safe. That's all I remember.
    9. Flying Lazyboy made out of clouds.

      by , 07-29-2010 at 09:20 AM
      So this morning i was sleeping in, and in my dream I am in my old house i lived in as a kid. I was just walking around waiting for a hamburger to be cooked for me. I decided to lay on the couch and wait for supper when i fell asleep. This is rare for me to have a dream inside a dream but it does happen. In the dream within the dream i am walking in an open field and the sky keeps opening up forming circles in the clouds. I stared at them as they circled around and swirled to form shapes. One shape it formed was a big skull with blinking eyes. Then another form shaped into a lazyboy recliner. My brother showed up in the dream and said, wow i bet that would be cool to sit on. I said yeah it would, and then the lazyboy recliner came down and let me sit on it. When i sat on it it took off, flying with me holding on for my life, as the recliner flew all over the place. I woke up from the dream, still inside the first dream and there was this girl staring at me, she asked me what i was doing. I told her that i just flew a recliner. I then had to go to the bathroom, so i went down the hall and urinated in a cardboard box, lol i still don't know whats up with that, it's funny though. My older brother told me to hurry up because we were getting ready to go somewhere. On the way out, i saw a piece of paper that had test results on it. I looked at it and my name was on it. It was a drug screening urinalysis, and it said that i tested positive for a medication given to breast cancer patients... that was weird. most of my dreams are very left field all the time.
      non-lucid , false awakening
    10. Conspiring Neighbours

      by , 07-29-2010 at 07:52 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      Last night I was too tired to repeat my recall sentence, because I was cramming for a test today, so I only said it once and fell asleep. As a result I only remembered one of my dreams again


      It was morning and I waiting for my mum to get ready so she could take me to school, instead of normally catching the bus. I went outside and into the street, when I saw the old lady who lives opposite me open up a door I had never seen before.

      I went and talked to her, making sure to look out for when my mum gets in the car. This new door opened up to her bedroom, and made a path from it to her car, (which she doesn't have in RL). So we walked up to the car, still talking, when I saw my mum get in the car over at my house. So I said "Goodbye" and went back over.

      For some reason, even though I was supposed to get into my mum's car, I went to where it is usually parked and went to open it, as my dad's car was there instead
      I had keys to unlock it, but I saw the lock snap up before I pressed anything, so I looked outside the garage, and saw my neighbour (from two doors down) standing there apparently surprised that I saw him unlock the car with a copy of the keys.

      I was shocked so I said things like: "What are you doing here? Go away. Get lost!"
      The thief ran into the yard of the house on our left, and I went over to my mum who had parked the car on our lawn. I was still saying things like: "Thief! I'll report you to the police!"
      My mum was also concerned, but then we heard yelling from the backyard behind the garage.

      I went over and saw my dad arguing with the owner of the house next to us on our left, where the thief neighbour ran to.
      The thief said "I was only going to smoke pot in your backyard, like I do everyday when you all leave."
      My dad disapproved of this and told him to come out of the house next to us, where that neighbour was protecting the thief from us, but the house's owner started shouting about how bad we were or something. He specifically mentioned my branch of Christianity: "You Seventh-Day Adventists always... *something something* ...and I'm going to die at the second coming while you don't!"

      I wanted someone to say something back, but no one did. That's all I remember.

      So my neighbour seemed to be attacking us based on our faith, which is in lots of my dreams. He just seemed so angry at us
      It was ALMOST a nightmare

      I'm still waiting for lucidity!!
      Tags: angry, neighbors
    11. 9ft tall Brock Lesnar = OMGWTF

      by , 07-29-2010 at 07:14 AM
      Brock Lesnar was getting edited, like on UFC the game or something. Changing his "stats" (height weight etc.). There was some kind of glitch and he instantly gets super huge... 9 feet tall, all stats 100%. Ends up fighting this little country boy who was pulled out of the hospital by a mysterious female. He's nervously pawing at the ground, playing with the grass with his feet. On his feet you can see some white fungus, so I assumed that's why he was in the hospital. Boy starts walking towards Brock Lesnar, and he's punching some big ass oak tree. Get a text and woke up. Non-lucid.
    12. The journey begins.

      by , 07-29-2010 at 07:14 AM
      I have just got done reading the general posts on the front page of the website, and they made me realize the quite large number of times I have been partially lucid, and even fully lucid before in dreams. As I read the list of dream signs it also brought me back to a large number of dreams wherein I experienced those very signs. Many of them I never realized I was in a dream, but some of them I did.

      This is all so fascinating to me, and after having a very intense dream just a couple of days ago, I haven't been able to get it out of my mind, which has led to me having more curiosity about this very website.

      Tonight I will begin practicing the techniques listed on the front page. I will try to wake from my dreams, and have my journal (which I already use regularly) ready to write down what I can remember from my dreams.

    13. nightmare

      by , 07-29-2010 at 07:09 AM
      i need help interpreting my dream it was very very weird and scary
      i was in a room with about 10 to 15 people and my friend was layin down in a bed wrapped around many blankets and the group of people told me to not sit down on the bed because it was possesed by the devil and i said forget the devil he isnt doing nothing to me and i still sat down and i yelled you see nothing and then next thing i got possesed by the devil and i started to rock back n forth and i was killing my friend that was layin down in the bed with my mind tho and then the group of people pulled me off the bed and thats when i snaped out of it and i woke up

      and the next day i told my friend about the dream i had and he said that same nite i had that dream he had a dream that the devil was killin him resemblin to mine but in my dream it was me killing him
    14. more golf... holy socks

      by , 07-29-2010 at 06:57 AM (scumpy's journey to lucidity...)
      Only remembered 1 dream last night

      I'm setting up for some kind of event there is some kind of curtain/banner thing that needs to get washed no-one volunteers to wash it... Later I'm in my childhood home people are coming to stay my cousin S will have to sleep in my room. In my room I notice the curtain/banner thing my wife has been chopping green peppers, apparently because my son had holes in his school socks we are being punished by having to wash the banner and bring chopped green peppers to the school. I decide that this is ridiculous and am suddenly at the school fetching my son, I almost leave without talking to the teacher but decide against leaving. I have a word with her that this is ridiculous and that we won't be washing the banner or bringing the chopped peppers. WE walk toward another area in the school and cue up for something on the way I'm telling school kids to take off their school shoes to prove that lots of people have holes in there socks, I only find 1 with holes in. At this point I realize that I'm wearing a school uniform and start to complain that the other parents don't have to wear a uniform (I really should have become lucid here). We get to a place where we have to cue I'm talking to my wife about how the teacher will hate us forever but it isn't the teacher it's another teacher in the school who we know, I tell the principle about how ridiculous all this is. At some point I'm in the very back of the line and we're cueing for registration for a golf day. I'm at the very back with an unknown friend, I feel very intimidated and competitive. I'm showing my driver to my friend. I get to the front and I have been pre-registered and collect my stuff. I go through the stuff it includes pills and tags for your golf bad and other stuff, I organize it into my golf bag... I think I wake up at this point
    15. 7/27 The Dark Portal

      by , 07-29-2010 at 05:47 AM (Link's Adventures)
      I am going on a field trip with my class(i actually recognize most of them) to Atlanta to a water park(been here before but i forgot). We arrive and we just have a blast and i noticed its getting extremely cloudy,but the clouds seem sinister. I ignored this and kept on having fun. We soon left and got on a charter bus to go back. After a few minutes, it was pouring and i noticed a large thing that looked kind of like a rainbow, but again, was sinister and just had a bunch of random, dark colors. I realized as i soon after i told everyone else about it that it was a portal, espically when weird writing started forming in the sky as the portal vanished. Then there a actual rainbow above the portal, but it still was dark and sinister looking. I was kind of scared and wanted to go home. then, i was home instantly, i look in the garage and see giant boxes of popsicle(random). It was still pouring and i noticed a circle forming and the writing looked weird but said, anonymous euphemia, although i didn't get it. I heard a woman voice and it seem seductive, i figured she came from the portal. She wanted me or she would kill me. I didn't want to because i didn't trust her. She said it was ok to trust her. Kept going back and forth like this for about a minute and i woke up. I never saw her either, just heard her voice. I wanted to see who this mysterious woman