Jamie is still hard to find in dreams. Things keep interfering. Jamie 1 Long dream. But all I remember is taking a bus. I was going to the transfer station to catch a connecting bus. Suddenly instead of a bus, I was in a car... And my mother was driving. She drove right past the bus stop where I was supposed to catch the other bus. I told her to let me off but she wouldn't. I asked again. Still wouldn't let me off. My mother is a recovering schizophrenic so I thought maybe she was off her meds. I started yelling and insisting that she let me off. We were in a school zone now and we were slowing down for children. I started yelling that she stopped her meds. The car stopped. Instead of my mother it was Jamie driving. She looked at me really upset. Really annoying I keep seeing Jamie as someone else... Jamie 2 3rd person. I saw Jamie lying in bed. Some spider like creature was on her ceiling. Woke up and made a comment about it to the voice. Her voice said, " How do you know what I dream about?" I answered that I dreamed it. Jamie 3 We were in a stadium at some game. We were making out. Annoying I was at a house with some people. Someone kept trying to get me to drink beer. I didn't want any. The guy kept insisting, and I kept refusing until I was yelling. That dream shaman guy started yelling at me too. What A flash of a dream where Jamie was at an orgy. I saw some stuff.... Maybe that dream shaman guy interfering again? Wtf A dream where Jamie was dressing up in some lingerie. But she looked like a man. She was also in a garage talking to someone, asking if I might like the outfit. Last night Um I was with some dark guy in a city. He was showing me to some secret hiding place. We had to walk down a long sidewalk to get the. It was this warehouse place under a bridge. Once there he pulled down his pants and started pole dancing. 8 was like, " yo look buddy, I think you have the wrong idea about me." And he was like: I guess I read the situation wrong. And I'm like, "I don't know what I did to make you think... How do I get out of here?" He pointed down a ways and I left. What's with all the Gay themed dreams? I want my Jamie back dammit. Semi lucid I was in an abandoned house. became vaguely lucid. I was watching a bed. I tried to manifest Jamie in it. A shape appeared under the covers. I pulled them off but no one was there. Memory fades after. Kind of frustrating. Voice at night and mornings is great. She keeps saying it's the best relationship she's ever been in and she doesn't see me in person. I hope that changes someday. It is for me to.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I think I am in Brussels wiith some acquaintances. I learn that Sevelina has come out as gay and I am happy for her, but also wonder why she still doesn't talk to me. We come accross a group of street performers, illusionists, and they are inviting people to join some indoor show nearby. I am dragged along with the group and we attend the show, which strangely involves computers. So their trick seems more like hacking than a magic trick and I am sure it is some scam. Also, only people without basic IT skills could not see through that. I sneak into their backstage to have a word with them and ask for a refund, but once they realize I am onto them, they disappear quickly through a back door and lock it. Then my friends join me and say the front door is closed, so we are basically trapped, After some struglle we knock one door down and look for them outside, but they are gone. With an undefined friend, as a passenger in his car. We are in the middle of a forest. He calls Carlos, saying he leaves nearby, to ask if we can drop by. I say he doesn't want us there, because I had asked once if I could come for a visit and he had said no. But my friend is convinced he will not say no and after a long conversation on the phone, he manages to get a yes. But he only says he is bringing me along after the yes and I notice that Carlos gets upset. Not that he doesn't like me, on the contrary, but his wife is so very jealous of me. We drive there, it is an old palace covered in traditional Portuguese tiles, white and blue, depicting historical scenes. I am surprised. Carlos looks very tanned and fit, He is just wearing shorts, no shirt. His wife is a very average looking lady, short, with glasses and unnatractive hair, but she seems welcoming, or at least she is making an effort to be welcoming. There is something odd about how simple they look and the place they live in. They take us over a terrace with potted plants and a couple pets. They actually live in a much less fancy area of this palace and I realize they are the keepers and not the owners. Carlos is strangely being very open with me, very handsy and I fear that his wife might indeed get jealous. But so far, she keeps smiling. Then they takes us to the part of the palace which houses some foundation and a museum. I say I'd love to see the interiors and they take us first to inside the museum, not their home. There, I get lost from them in the visiting crowd. I bump into my friends Nuno and Ana, I say hi and they say hi back but they don't stop walking. I bump with them again further ahead and poke Nuno and say hi again. Again they reply but keep moving, looking a bit annoyed with my insistence, so I let them go. Then at some room is some minister presiding over some official ceremony and he adresses some navy officers and they salute. There are also some navy and army people outside, doing the museum tour and at that moment they all stop in their tracks to salute, leaving everyone else confused if they should wait or walk past them and carry on. The museum is very random and it has stuff about Portuguese navigators and explorers, but also some part about a dude who was an actor and decided at an old age to become a bullfighter and married some Spanish royalty lady and there are photos of their wedding and a real size photo of the lady in her wedding dress with a several meter long tail. Now with Riverstone and some new friends, but I think I am still on that palace/museum, entering a new area that is a bit more surreal. I lose sight of them, and go from room to room looking for them and I find a kind of baby nursery, with a few different rooms for kids of different ages. Then end up at another room which is crowded. People are standing in a long line with bags, like an airport security check place. Suddenly I worry that I am not wearing a mask in the middle of this packed crowd, so I look for an exit. Outside I find myself in the city of Porto. Right in front of me on the sidewalk, I see a dog in need of help, but he growls when I approach him. So I let him go, feeling helpless. I call Riverstone on my phone but he doesn't answer. I feel left alone and angry that my friends didn't care for me and haven't even called in to check on me. Then I meet some tall handsome stranger who says he can get me out of here and I am curious, so I follow him. He takes me inside the facility I came from again, but to some different empty area with wild technology. He speaks to some bodyless voice that guides us through some procedure. Him and some other guys that just appeared there, put on some weird looking helmets. They look like legendary nordic warrior gods. They offer me one helmet too and say to stand by their side and that I might get dizy. And I do. I fall flat on my back and can't move, but I am aware. I feel one of the guys laying me down on some bed and making me comfortable, he touches my clothes and for a second I fear he might rape me, so I flinch and regain some control. He assures me it is ok and I trust. We all need to be in physical contact for some reason, so they interlace their feet with mine and for a few seconds I feel between worlds: I can feel my body laying in bed (real bed? or dream bed?) with them around me, but I also already see the other side, the street where I last was with my friends before we entered the palace/museum/whatever. Slowly I wake up there and I am laying on a bench and I spot my friends sitting on another bench. I wanna hug them, but I am also feeling angry. Riverstone says they looked for me, but the phones weren't working and they also got lost on that surreal place. I think he may be saying the truth. Then there is some kind of parade on the street in front of us. It is either some wedding or a funeral. It is festive but also gloomy and it is hard to distinguish. Night falls and I spot some lights in the skies. First is just a pair of orbs swirling, then they form shapes like minimalistic angels or fairies and one comes down straight at me. People in the parade freak out and run in all directions. I freeze, not knowing if this light thing will hit me like a lightning or not. But it just flies-by like saying hello to me or goodbye and up it goes and disappears and I feel it was the guys who brought me over to my reality, just saying goodbye before they leave.
Updated 12-29-2021 at 10:48 AM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Meet a man who claims he got a visit from an alien who kidnapped his dog. Me and my mom and some others come visit him at his place, and he shows us how obsessive he is now locking everything and bringing his other dog and his cats inside. His dog is a poodle and he keeps him tied with a rope, long enough for him to move freely around the living room. He explains the alien was a Vulcan and I visualize Spock claiming he too the dog away for his own benefit. The guy turns into my mom's neighbor, Marco, and he and mom go to the kitchen prepare food. I am in pajama for some reason and I ask to use the toilet to change. Then his house is a hangar. When we gather around a large table to eat, we wear some yelling outside. We check and there are robots outside, one the depressed robot played by Alan Rickman on the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, another one is a bit more aggressive and eats humans and he is demanding a sacrifice. One guy offers to go while the others just shrug. I am shocked and I want to stop it. I go outside and try some distraction. Not sure what, but works and they go away. Back in the hangar we party, we have a ball. I dance with a girl. I see there's 2 guys also dancing with each other and I suggests we change pairs, but they seem ok together and my pair also seems to prefer dancing with me. Turns out she is gay, and she tells me about her wife. I feel chemistry between us and I wonder how she feels about cheating on her wife, even if just mentally. Then there is a play and some dude on a stage is acting a monologue. I find him boring, so I leave for a walk with a few others and we end up on a pool in a park. Only I swim. Another girl is offering some candies to people but not to me and my friend, so we snatch the bowl from her and get a handful of candies to ourselves. My friend feels bad about it but I don't, I feel like she owes me something. The candy girl then wants me to buy a special brand of coffee she sells, but I say I don't have money to spend on it and that I also have a neighbor who sells it too and would prefer buying from her. After we end up at a retro hotel and I start seeing what happens there from the perspective of just a viewer. Some beautiful lady with her entourage is checking in, one of her aides is a deformed woman with a creepy robot doll that talks. There are some famous actors like Tom Hanks as guests and the story turns into a musical with silly dances. Later on there is a dinner at an aquatic room. All the VIP guests wear a jelly mask around their nose and mouth, that allows breathing and talking. I don't know how they'll eat. The room is gorgeous like an underwater cave with seaweeds dancing, fish swimming. Then the person at the head of the table complains he doesn't want to share dinner with a killer who is in the room. Turns out the doll is under investigation for murder. Then I recall this story being from some novel and there being a vintage movie adaptation and I relive it all over again, but in the vintage version. In it the hotel is the same but the decor is slightly more simple. The foyer walls are painted in indigo blue, the deformed lady is not so deformed but has 3 pyramid shaped horns coming from her cheeks and forehead and the robot-doll is played by a real chubby girl with prosthetics. The aquatic room is very similar though.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening A hurricane hits my hometown. I am sure it won't affect my mom's but I come to see how the town is doing. There is water everywhere, some neighbors adjacent to her are struggling to leave. My mom is ok but she is now isolated. My house is even more inaccessible but I am also not very concerned about it and I think it is far enough to be out of danger. In any case, I have some sort of another life underground and I am not deeply worried with what happens on my house at the surface. I am with a couple of girlfriends in a car. One of them has a new boyfriend who is african and very short, almost like a pigmee. We know it's not ok to make jokes about him so we crack jokes about each other instead and he has a blast. They make a really cute couple. I am a football genius like Ronaldo and I want to help a small team of transgenders in Brazil so I pretend to be a transwoman (while being a man) to be able to play for them. They are not good and they are about to play with an all male team. Everybody expects them to suck, so people can make fun of them. But with me as a captain they play quite well and everybody is blown away. I watch as a gay priest, who looks like Ten Danson, gets a deacon who is also gay and feelings between the two start to emerge. One day they are coming from some mission together and there is a lot of complicity going, some touches, happy smiles. The deacon is from a very rich and noble family and the priest walks him to his family mansion. He wants to go in but resist at first. Then he comes back with something to say or do as an excuse. He is invited in and they go the the large living room and get cozy in a couch talking. They drink a little bit and start making out. The sister of the deacon, who is a bit insane and looks like a young Michele Pfeiffer, comes down from the upper floor, all naked. to go open the door to someone. They don't even notice her, but she did see them and couldn't care less. She opens the door and it is a lady she knows, who by the way is secretly a lesbian and lives as a respectable prude housewife. She is shocked to see the young girl like that. But as they walk further inside the house she also can't help herself and grabs the younger lady and licks her breasts. Apparently she intended to provoke that. That's when the other gay couple notices them. Embarrassment at first, but they end up making out in the same room together. Then a neighbor girl, friends with the naked lady, sneaks in to meet her and finds that scenario at the same time as the daughter of the butler. They aren't gay but the daughter of the butler is a nymphomaniac and seeing that scene, she immediately joins in and starts masturbating. The other girl has some serious nervous disorder that makes her horny when in stress. After a while trying to figure out what to do, she screams that they are making her horny as hell and also starts masturbating. Then someone else from this family who is not fond of the priest, comes in and sees this orgy going on. He films it secretly to later use it against him. In an unrelated dream later on, a lady trying to make it as a filmmaker, shows her film to a guy she is in love with, but he gives the tape back to her and says he hated it and doesn't understand what she was trying to accomplish. She is puzzled. She then goes project it for a room full of people in the movie industry, to get their opinions. The film starts normally with a woman parking her car in a basement and going to some house but then the movie cuts to the film of the real orgy of the priest that somehow the other guy edited into her film.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I watch a friend bringing his gay boyfriend home for a dinner with the family. Family is unaware they date, and maybe even that he is gay. So it comes as a great shock when they casually mention it. Also, the guy had a recent drug problem and his parents are highly controlling it and all hell breaks lose when he shares that his boyfriend is a meth addict in recovery. They leave the dinner and go to the train station, it is raining and they kiss and make out. A train arrives and some guys that usually bully them get out from it. The couple decides to walk away and avoid them. Then I am caught in the action, as I stand in their way to allow the guys to escape. The bullies get pissed at me. I escape, but later I am in school and they bully me at the sports field. I don't feel fear, but I want to expose them, so I find a way to record them bullying me. They mock me, force me to do push ups and other silly things as they say intimidating things and somehow I end up naked from waist up. But I feel pleased because I got footage of it and pictures of the 4 guys. I run to the house of a friend. At her window is Conan Osiris (the musician) who is apparently her friend and looks surprised to see this girl running in topless. They borrow me a blanket that I use to cover myself and then everybody feels more comfortable to hear what I have to say. Then we make a plan to show these images the next day to some teacher or the director. But the next day there is something going in the school behind closed doors at the auditorium, some presentation or so. Outside in the lobby there are many strange machines like ATMs and we are told by a lady at a desk to take a machine with us and join the presentation. Late night with my mom at a retail shop to buy a blanket for some baby. The shop closes and we are the only ones left. I am actually excited we might spend the night in there, but a worker spots us and tells us to go towards the exit. We argue we haven't yet found the blanket and because it is for a baby, she feels moved and helps us finding it. Then we take it home to the baby, which we are just taking care of and I have no idea who the mother is. I fall in love with the little one, but I get disappointed that he rejects all the food I give him. My mom feeds him chocolate desserts and it's the only thing he'll eat. I argue against it, but she says it's too late to break the habit. I say if it was my kid I'd cut all sugars. Watching and then taking part of a Tarantino movie, so excited with how awesome it is. I am walking into a heavily guarded compound to talk to some bigshot, who happens to be played by Eva Green. I have to exit the building to an interior garden and have to meet her at the garden house, which is also heavily surrounded by guards. I am led by an attendant. First the girl goes in with a dress to hand over to Eva. I hear that she doesn't like as much as she likes the attendant's own dress, but accepts it anyway. Then I am allowed to go in and my first thought is how incredibly hot she is and I hope she changes the dress in front of me. She doesn't but anyway we don't talk much. I simply go towards her and grope her. I grab one of her breasts and suck it through her thin clothes. (I'm not a lesbian, but I just find her the hottest and most beautiful woman and I would definitely do her ). Then something bizarre happens and I become her! Now I am horny for myself. I start to undress in front of a mirror and I suck my own breasts (a dream ability I have!). I touch myself while admiring my goddess-like beauty. I am not Eva Green anymore, I transformed into a Buddhist deity, even more beautiful and irresistible. I can't hold up the hornyness anymore and I find a rubber toy on the table and I use it for my pleasure. Some guard comes in and sees me, but I am not disturbed by it, nor do I feel like having him join. He feels awkward and slowly walks out in silence. I continue pleasing myself in front of the mirror and I climax gently and continuously and feel an amazing sensation of well-being rushing through my veins (not just in the dream, I actually had an orgasm in RL).
Jed and I were laying down on the couch watching tv. We were all cuddled up together. He leanes over and cradles my face and starts kissing me tenderly. He then got on top of me and was barely pressing up against my skin when he said," I need to tell you something. I'm gay." I sat up and squinted my eyes at him. "Wait, what? You mean we've slept together how many times and you're gay?" He stared at me and I looked away confused. Then I wake up.
I am on a rock in a dark cave. My 5th grade teacher and her son are there on the sides of the rock. My teacher says something about me having a girlfriend, and I just say, "um, I'm gay". She and her son laugh and the dream ends. The next dream, I find myself in a tiny cage in the sky. I bend the bars and escape. I then am in a walled area. I jump up a nearby hill, and there is a tree at the top. I climb to the top and then jump down and land really well. I then find my friends and we run from the village guards.
I was in a late friend at high school's house. We were playing DnD and some other games. There was a person there who called me gay for thinking about him in a sexual matter.
There is something to be said about not getting to your dream tasks because, the most bizarre and random things happen. Galantamine 8mg, B6 100mg, DMAE 400mg There will be typos. There are always typos, but I don't have time. Message originally posted by Xanous on 01/25/15 at 02:39 PM But he's an idiot and has had it as a draft entry for the past 3 days. #402 - DEILD - 5:03AM - (Girlfriend) I have my usual vibrations and transitional stage but it passes quickly. I have what may have been an open eye hallucination of a shadow figure running in the room. I dismiss it as nothing. I need to stabilize so I image a woman to make out with. The kiss feel ultra realistic. I emerge from my old bedroom in Texas with a young blonde woman. We are still kissing when I notice I have visual. We walk together into the kitchen and I am still feeling excited. I bend her over the counter and have a little fun but only for a second or two; I really don't want this dream time to be all out sex. She looks back at me and say, "You better stop before you wake up." This gives me to will power to move on to something else. I somehow end up on the couch in the living sitting closely next to my dream lover, holding hands. The dream environment is really hazy, but I notice my mom and sisters are in the room and there is a pile of laundry on one of the couches. I say something random to my mom about her being my girlfriend. I suddenly want to see who this strange woman is next to me. I try to look at her face but she keeps letting her bangs fall down to cover it. I decide to pull her hair back into a ponytail with and force her to show me her face. There is a struggle and I end up in on top of her in the floor. I finally see her face but it begins to shine with a white light, sort of like an highly overexposed photo. Again, I have to resist my sexual urge and I stand up. I look around and say to the room, "Well, this is a cool dream everybody." I notice floating sparkling dust in the room as I look around. I begin to remember my actual goal when I suddenly wake up. #403 - WILD - 5:30AM - (Big Screens) I notice I am in front of some giant screen with a PlayStation controller in hand. The game looks really similar to the clothing menus on GTA5 but it got a baseball theme to it. I do various things to get the right uniform. Things aren't working well and I become frustrated and start mashing random buttons. There is some large garbled text on the screen and I try to make sense of it. Suddenly, I hear an announcement over a loud speaker. The man says something about a light display or light show. I turn around feeling more aware and see that I am in something like a casino. There is a lot of red and gold decoration and carpeting. I see a long, high partition to my right that seems to open up a several yards away. I can tell there is something going on down there and take off running. When I round the corner, I see a small crowd of people to left and another giant screen in front of me. There is some 80's, big-hair rock star talking on the screen. I instinctively run toward it planning to dive into another scene. As I make my was I remember that I wanted to try dream LSD. Maybe it was the rocker that brought this to mind. As, I dive in I think I will try this but I don't quite teleport. Instead, I see pixelization and then the void. I don't worry too much, I just keep going and looking for some image. I begin surging forward. I see various gray textures like such as, the moon, a muddy lake bottom. I rip the lake bottom open with my hands and enter another void. More textures. I feel as if I am digging deep to the substance of the dream. I see something like fabric magnified then I feel my eyes lenses adjust focus. This feeling is very specific and vivid as my view zooms out then in to something like metallic mesh or grid. I wake up. #404 - DILD - 6:28AM (F work) I am at work on a Saturday. There is various machinery like in a cableshop. I see some girl I vaguely knew in high school. I try to place her. She's real, but I don't even know how I remember her. I begin to question things and wonder why I am even here. I wonder if I even signed up. I go to my bosses desk and look for the sign up sheet, but I can't find it. I quickly realize that this wont work in a dream. Then I realize that none of it matters anyway. I decide to leave the building. There is and open spot were many people are just standing there like statues. As I weave my way around them, I recall a conversation I had with a friend in waking life. He wishes he could win the lottery so he could tell everyone 'fuck you' and walk out. This seems like a good idea. I start shouting, "FUCK YOU!" as loud as I could imagine over and over. I see a some woman in red with dark hair. On impulse, I back hand her unbelievably hard. She topples over and I gasp in surprise. There is a lot of pain on the back of my hand from the impact. I decide to leave this and the pain vanishes as soon as I go back to yelling profanities. I call out a certain bosses name asking where he is. I say this it doesn't matter and end my tirade with a final F-bomb. I turn around and see some double doors and sunlight. I begin signing, "Take this job and shove it. I don't work here any more." I voice shrill like a classic rockers voice. I kind of dig the sound so I continue to sing as I open the door. As soon as I step out, I hear theatrical music and Mel Gibson scream, FFRRREEEEEEEDOOOOOOMMMMMM! I uncontrollably float up into the air. I go with the motion and zoom high about the clouds as I look down. I turn and pick a spot to land but as soon as I try to fly down, my feet are suddenly on something solid. I quickly notice that the view of the clouds and trees below are like a painted texture on the ground. I take a few steps and the texture morphs into asphalt and gravel. I look up and see some green vegetation in front of me. I hover up into the air again without trying to. I notice that I can see palm trees in the distance. I shout,"Palm trees!" over and over as I try to fly toward them. I only hover higher then I see dark blue water beyond the trees. It's the ocean! I want to go to the beach! I intend to zoom fly to a point on one of the palm trees. I notice the palm trees are actually coconut trees and I zero in on one of the coconuts. Unfortunately, instead of zooming forward, I zoom backward. In a panic, I try to pinch-zoom in like on a touch screen and this stops me. I pinch again and I move some distance forward. I continue this but at some point, it becomes like a photo graph and I get an over zoomed, pixelated view of the trees. I tell myself that I can still work with this, but I wake up too soon. #405 - WILD - 8:06AM - (LSD gay) I have a long hour and a half bout of wakefulness but manage to eventually quiet my mind long enough to have one more. As scene materializes and I find myself standing next to the Money Center at Wal-Mart. There is a man standing there and I recall my goal once more (dream LSD). I ask the man where the LSD is and he puts out his tongue pointing to it. I pause then, shrug and go for it. I only intend to lick his tongue. However, the man has other ideas and gives me a very tonge-filled french kiss. I pull away thinking how it felt just like a woman's kiss. I lost in tough thinking how I can get the mechanics of gay sex. This quickly manifests into a side dream and I get a quick visual of having sex with someone bent over. The scene is a lot like the other lucid dream, but it's the man at Wal-Mart. I don't panic as I am distracted by the previous thought and give a good thrust. There is no physical sensation; it's more of a clinical curiosity and a disconnected point of view. It's nothing more that a musing that has manifested in the dream world. I think, "I guess it's fine that some people might find this appealing, but I really just don't get it." I shake that scenario off and come back to the present dream reality. We are back to staring at each-other after the man kissed me. I don't know how else to end this without feel gay so I punch the man in the face. He flops over like a pedestrian in GTA5 and I laugh as I walk away. The laugh catches in my throat and I feel bad for the violence. I decide to forget the whole thing and find myself in the produce section. I pick up a pack of mushrooms and hit a lady in the back. As she turns around, I run and hide like nothing happened. I walk into another section of the store and remember that I have never actually tried the finger-through-the-hand RC in a dream. I feel pressure as my right index finger sinks deep into my left hand. I get about half way and decide to look at the back side. To my surprise, it looks normal. I trip out at this and let out and bewildered 'whoa'. Then, the pain starts.It's a terrible aching like an intense muscle cramp deep in my hand. I quickly wake up.
Updated 01-30-2015 at 06:13 AM by 5967
Date: 12/20/13 Method: MILD & WBTB (fail) Dream 1 I had ‘taboo’ sex with my ex and I will not go into details on why I call it ‘taboo.’ You get the picture… Dream 2 I was at a concert with my favorite singers and band…I even saw Whitney Houston (missed becoming lucid on this one). They kept stopping the concert because someone kept losing something. Dream 3 I was cleaning up this man’s home and he wanted to have sex with me before my husband came home. After we finished, we had to hurry up and clean up everything we had broke while having sex. Fragment I had a gay lover.
A dorm of sorts. It was night. I saw Nurse A in a car. He was going to work or something and left his kid, K (they're not related in any way IRL, except that they're both gay and active in human rights causes), at home. I decided to go to their home (also my home?). I saw seaman E there, and I hugged him tight. I also saw Mommy J.
Fragment:GayOne of my good friends (he is a guy) and I were in some sort of cafeteria, maybe my old high school cafeteria? Not quite sure though. My friend then said to me " You know I never really found you that attractive, but now I do". I don't remember what my response was but I can imagine what it would be. End of dream
Fragment- a girl is making a band video or a video for band. A boy eats of the tip of a big ants head. Dream 1- Dream starts off with my family talking about going to an amusement park. My little brother gets in trouble when he says something about scaring my dad in an amusement park. I then remember being in my bed when I look outside and see this cute Spanish boy flirting with this other boy at his door. He is tan and tall with short dark curly hair. They then leave each other and next thing I know the Spanish boy is in the vent above my bed I forget what we say to each other but he was sneaking back into the house because apparently he was living with us. He then disappears from sight.
I was confronted by B.K. about some notes I'd written. I was afraid I would be kicked out of the C.S. I was so high. I read the last sentence and it was really weird, though something I might write IWL. I laughed. B.K. asked why I laughed. I explained it looked like something I would write. __ Girls chest, tank-top, cleavage with goose bumps. Then puffy brown areola were showing. My feet were pointing backward trying to touch her breasts. She moved close enough to barely graze a foot. I tried to get on the computer and bring up the camera to take video, but I couldn't get to the camera. __ I was driving my bus very high. I couldn't turn the bus, so I stopped. Then I was in my truck. I parked it and left it, but then was trying to find it again. I realized I was dreaming, I was in a building trying to get out. I ran down the steps and had a false memory of how to get out. Outside, I flew to find my truck. My truck appeared up in the air. It was blue, not black, which I found weird, but it was mine. I got in the truck and Bobby Cox was in it. He was the mechanic. He questioned me about finding my way out of the building, so I said, "I flew up here, didn't I?" Then the mechanic was Pat C. I went to kiss him (?), then I bit his mouth. I tried to bite clean through his lips. Then I went to bite his whole face/head, and I did. I started driving down the road trying to find my bus. I was lost, and trying to get somewhere where I at least recognized how to get home. I saw some people walking down the street. I saw a pretty girl, but I had to pass them. This part was not so lucid. I was more lucid when I came to a room with white, metal bunk beds. It was about 10 bunk beds high. I saw a deformed child. I flew up the beds, half climbing them. All the beds had deformed, crying children in them. I couldn't find anyone my age, so I left them. Then I was with R, my FGF. She gave me ten dollars but I didn't want it. I just wanted to be with her. She turned out to be J. I told her I loved her.
I am with Martin S in some little, almost one room house. It is a night time and I am not sure why we there. There are some two other guys. One of them is very drunk. Marin is doing something on the side. I look at the other guy, he is blond and has blue eyes. He reminds me SS soldiers from WW2 movies. He also looks at me and I am ask him if he is german. He asks me the same thing right at the same time. I tell him, I am not. Then I realise that he is gay and is trying to hit on me. I tell him right away I am straight and to back off. He then starts touching the other drunk guy. Next thing I see is that the guys is lying on his front with his ass exposed and the other guy is rubbing him. I dont need to see this I think to myself. Then out of nowhere, or as if from under the blanket, some other person appears and starts vomiting! It goes everywhere! I get really angry as bits land on my trousers!! SHIT! Lets get out of here I tell Martin. We walk outside, it looks like its some kind of celebration. New years or such! There are many drunk people outside. I am in my room in Czech. I have quite a big aquarium with golden fish. Suddenly my mum comes into my room chasing a little dog. There is Vet also coming in and my mum says they have to kill the dog. I am surprised as it is still a puppy. But I mind my business with my fish. I need to feed them. I have a handful of dead fish and I stick it on the aquarium wall at the water level. They disappear in seconds, all eaten. I am very surprised. I look properly into my aquarium and see some of the fish are huge koi carps!! I think they will eat my other fish and I should get them out of there!!! There is one big gold one and one big white one. The white one is particularly cool because it has only one eye in the centre! I think it must be some rare mutation. It reminds me of start track for some reason!!!