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    1. Still low recall

      by , 12-12-2024 at 03:39 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Maybe A Jamie sighting while I was on 2 A between Dids and Olds. Dodge Caravan? Voice suggested it was her. I was on my way to do a piano 10 minutes east of Didsbury.


      I was with Jamie. A small creature was attacking me. It looked like it was infected with that thing from, "The Last of Us." Jamie said it was cute and wanted to hold it. I tried to explain it was dangerous and she might have seen tendrils try to attack me before I killed it.


      I was in some building. Some woman attacked me. I stabbed her. She didn't die and we fought or something.

      (I'm in a rush to type. I have to get pizza for everyone.)

      Dream about Sam and Dean from Supernatural. They had wonky hair.

      False break up

      I was crying because Jamie apperently broke up with me

      (Voice said we didn't break up. We had a very nice morning, talking)
    2. been a while

      by , 10-14-2023 at 03:44 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Let's start with... Jamie Dreams! There have been a few.

      1st: Vague dream where we might have been kissing or something.
      2nd dream: I wasn't lucid but understood the dream world so to speak. I was sitting in a living room with people. My dead cousin Kiah since 2021, popped up and was like, "hey, hello..." etc. And I asked her, "Can you do something for me? I need you to check someone name Jamie for me. She was supposed to show today but I can't find her." I specifically remember saying to Kiah to, "Just go through my memories, You'll find her." Kiah pulled a curtain made of nothing out of nowhere and wrapped herself in it making her disappear.
      Dream skips to where Kiah comes back and says that she had seen Jamie bragging someone that she had a "dream of only," boyfriend. (referring to me, also hinting that Jamie doesn't actually plan to talk to me in person ever. Which is pretty bad in my view, how about I just don't post dreams anymore about this subject. Me, I want a future without this insanity. I'm pretty sure Jamie can find loads of simps to stroke her ego because they think they have a chance. I'm not one of them. seriously.)

      I ask Kiah to show me. We teleport to some weird wannabe Harry Potter dream world. There's an english school. We go in. I'm in a role I think I've played before in this scenario. I'm in a teachers or principals office. 2 people are talking about a conspiracy or something. I just lose interest as Jamie's not around.

      This morning: Jamie at a funeral being sad, Second funeral dream about Jamie hm...

      Too many other dreams to really write down. Scariest one being I kept going into an elevator that would take me to a dark hallway where people were sleeping. A vampire would come by and kill them. not in the typical vampire way... In a way that's impossible do describe, you'd only have to dream it. (Raven if you still read these, try dream viewing this one. might be an exciting dream supernatural scenario that you're recently fond of) The guy would like teleport inside their skin and/or behind them, causing them to choke to death on a most horrific way. The guy seemed unaware of me. I saw this happen a couple times. I was also semi lucid at times.

      Driving dreams... almost crashing a LOT. Driving up and down impossible hills.

      One dream I had a really angry roommate or something. Walk on eggshells kind of guy.
    3. Epic Dragon Escapade

      by , 01-27-2021 at 06:39 AM
      Monday Night, 1/25/21

      I was basically Sam Winchester from Supernatural. I was returning from a mission with a group of fellow hunters where we'd had to translate between various languages. I walked up to a linguist guy and asked, "Do we ever translate messages from the 21st language over the phone?" (I had knowledge from the dream the the 21st and "final" language was demonic and therefore forbidden, with few people who could translate it, but we needed it nonetheless.)

      "Yes, we have to sometimes." The linguist told me.

      "Right." I realized our plans and knowledge were probably being constantly intercepted, which would explain a lot about our recent troubles. I quickly cooked up a scheme. "Alright, we're going to steal the book from the source so we don't have to pass information over the phones anymore. Come on." I grabbed the linguist by the arm and led him down a corridor. The section of floor we were standing on was actually an elevator, which transported us rapidly below ground.

      "Wait, where exactly are we going?" The linguist asked with great confusion.

      "Just popping over to hell real quick. Don't worry, I do it all the time."

      "What!" The elevator reached the bottom and opened up into a series of corridors. "I didn't sign up for this..." The linguist complained but I shushed him. The place looked more like the version from Charmed than Supernatural. I scurried down a corridor, apparently knowing my way around very well, and the linguist trailed reluctantly behind me. I came to what looked like a dead end. I put my hand on the wall and it opened to the central chamber with the book. Unexpectedly, the room was packed full of bad guys, as they were in the middle of a major ritual. Oops. I ran back down the corridors pushing the poor linguist back in the other direction.

      We made it back to the elevator, which took us back to ground level. "Split up!" I told the linguist, "They'll recognize me but they haven't seen you yet." I ran off to the left while he ran right. I made my way down a long hallway and then went outside. Now I could see that we'd been inside a large, black castle. The kind you'd expect villains to live in, with intimidating Gothic arches and lots of spires.

      I morphed into a young boy and clambered over the rocks surrounding the castle. In front of me was the sea, stretching out into the foggy horizon. I found myself climbing on the Statue of Liberty... or perhaps a replica of it, since it wasn't to scale. It looked like it had seen better days but it was more or less intact. I worried that I would be seen and hoped the bad guys couldn't look everywhere at once. I scaled down to the base of the statue, where I discovered that mermaids were carved into the green stone. They looked like they were just part of the statue but I knew from my dream memories that they were real. "Hey, remember me from years ago?" I asked one of the mermaids. No response. They appeared to be sleeping. Good. I recalled a group of allies warning me that when these mermaids smelled blood in or near the water, they could attack viciously. Is there any blood around here? I wondered nervously. It was late in the evening and I was crouching on the shady side of the statue, right next to the water and a sleeping mermaid. I couldn't see very clearly. I pulled out my phone, looking for the flashlight app. It took a while to turn it on since droplets of water kept getting on the screen. I was eventually able to confirm that there was no blood, however.

      Relieved, I turned the light off and looked back out toward the sea, wondering about my next move. My phone morphed into a wizard's wand. Maybe I could use the flying spell? How's that work again? Then I recalled an in-dream memory of my "magic mentor" laughing and saying, "The so called flying spell is completely useless! It's a joke, really. If you want to fly, what you really need is a dragon." Oh, right. But where would I get a dragon? I happened to know that the bad guys had stolen all the dragons in the country and were keeping them locked up deep underground. However, there is one dragon I could get to. I looked back to the castle and craned my neck to see a large black dragon chained to the highest spire of the castle. This was, apparently, the personal dragon of the head bad guy, aka "the Night King". That is, he was magically bonded with the dragon, allowing him to command it.

      At some point I morphed again to resemble my waking self. Somehow I managed to scale all the way up to where the dragon was located. I crept around to the side of the dragon at first, trying not to be noticed by it just yet so I wouldn't get fried. "What are you doing here?" The dragon asked telepathically.

      "Getting you out of here." I said quietly and unhooked the chain around its neck. The dragon grunted in response, seeming disinterested. Dream logic said I would have to ride the dragon (without a saddle I might add) and that the only way to accomplish this, since I wasn't bonded with it, was to command it to fly first and then jump onto its back while it was in mid air. "Vlar!" I shouted, and the dragon spread its wings and launched itself into the air. I flung myself from the spire, flailing wildly in midair for a while before just barely landing on the dragon. This seemed to destabilize it for a few moments, but I hoped that as a relatively smaller woman the dragon would have an easier time carrying me than the Night King. Sure enough, the dragon's flight smoothed out soon after.

      We were traveling in the opposite direction of the sea. I only had minimal steering control of the dragon, who informed me his name was Rijik. He was flying close to the ground and we were narrowly missing obstacles. I hope he accounts for the trees that could knock me off. I thought.

      "Trees can't hurt us at the speed we're going!" Rijik replied, "They're like bugs in the wind."

      Easy for you to say. You've got armored scales. And you're a dragon.

      Rijik laughed but flew a little higher. "It's these pillars you should be more worried about." Sure enough, we narrowly avoided a series of tall, white pillars. By this point I suspected the dragon was purposefully messing with me. "Doesn't it feel liberating to have that castle so far behind you, a tiny speck in the distance?"

      I glanced back at the castle. It did look a bit smaller, but we'd only escaped about 30 seconds ago and it seemed a little soon to be celebrating already. I would like for it to be much further behind us and much tinier looking.

      After traveling a while in silence, I was about to suggest we fly up as high as possible, enough to get some cloud cover so we wouldn't be seen by any potential pursuers. However, I noticed a strange looking tree out in the middle of an otherwise empty field. It was dead and it had strange branches that curved out and then straight upwards like many fingers reaching towards the sky. In the center of this circle of branches was a big hollow with stuff piled inside it. "That's the Knob Tree." Rijik said.

      "The what? Uh, that sounds kind of..."


      "Never mind."

      "It's called that because of all the doorknobs."

      "Oh right. Of course." Upon closer inspection I could see that the stuff inside the tree was, indeed, a pile of many doorknobs.

      Psi Power Tutorials-weird_tree.jpg

      Up ahead, there was a gigantic palace in ruins. It looked as though it had been sliced vertically in half such that all the interior rooms were exposed, on every floor. Despite its condition, it loomed over us and gave me an uneasy feeling. It must have been nearly twice as tall as the black castle we had fled. It was built upon a mountain of rock, which functioned like a wall that even the dragon would have a hard time clearing.

      A narration began, describing an event that had occurred long ago. Decades ago? Centuries? The Narrator said that the palace had been inhabited by an evil ruler. One man had, little by little, betrayed his own people in an attempt to appease this ruler. Each time, the man had a chance to redeem himself by recognizing how far he'd strayed from his moral compass, but each time he only sank deeper into self delusion. Finally, the man "fell beyond saving" (presumably in a spiritual or moral sense), and his last betrayal led to horrific atrocities. All the remaining people banded together and ultimately sacrificed themselves in order to ensure the evil could not persist any longer. They broke down every door to every room and placed the doorknobs of each door of the palace into the tree. I glanced back at the dead tree in the field and saw a sort of time lapse animation of the tree's hollow going from being empty to being piled high with so many doorknobs that they fell to the ground around it.

      By this point Rijik had to fly almost vertically upward because we were so close to the palace. I got a closer look at what was inside the faded and crumbling interior. I was horrified to see that each room contained one or more pictures of smiling children, some so many that they were stacked on top of each other. Sometimes there was a photo of a parent next to them. In a few places there were cubbies containing small caskets. I realized the whole place was like a cross between a war museum and a mausoleum. I could see debris, leaves, and tiny spiders strewn about the floors and I wondered who had set all this up, how long ago, and whether it was still being maintained.

      At last Rijik and I reached the top of the palace, but there was only more mountain and no clear way over to the other side. Climbing down to the roof, I saw an old woman. I realized she had been the one narrating the story. "Quickly, through here!" She said, revealing a hole in the rock covered by a curtain of vines. "They've already opened a wormhole to get to you." Great, wormholes? I thought, Now they'll be able to get to us just by knowing where to look and we won't be able to simply outrun them. So much for putting as much distance as possible between us. "There is one location that's safe from them," The old woman continued, "But the only way to get there is via a specific bus. There's a bus stop right down there." She pointed. "The next bus leaves in 3 hours."

      I lay flat on my stomach and rolled through the hole in the wall, barely able to fit. I lost my grip and fell but luckily the drop wasn't far on this side of the palace wall. I could actually see the wormhole nearby (kind of like the ones from Stargate but without the gate) and I hoped I hadn't been seen already. Rijik must have found a way over the wall because I saw him fly past. The bus stop was tiny, and there was nothing at all next to it except for a little bush. Three hours waiting at a bus stop with the bad guys here any second? How can this work? I considered taking Rijik off in a random direction to kill some time and try to shake the tail, then circling back in time to catch the bus, but then I decided it would only increase our chances of being seen. We'd have to find a place to hide, much as I disliked the idea. I crouched behind the bush and started digging with my hands in the dirt, hoping to find a secret passageway or something. It seemed unlikely so I gave up shortly after.

      I scanned my surroundings for other options. The coast looked clear, so I entered a random dark garage, as one does. A small metal case was sitting on the floor. Intel! I thought, and scooped up the case with delight. Suddenly light shone in from an opened door and two men in suits walked in. They looked kind of like Yakuza. "Hunters are so stupid." One of them said, laughing. "They're so good at picking up our little 'gifts' but not so good at finding anything of actual value." I'd be offended, but he's kind of right. We never questioned the conveniently located cases of intel. Darn.

      Looking past the Yakuza guys I saw that Rijik had been captured. He was being forced to battle a red dragon in an outdoor arena. I assumed other dragons were in the area as well. The Night King must have brought them all here. I started hatching a plot to try to break them free and escape again, myself, in the process. Of course, my options were limited at the moment. Perhaps I could get close to the arena and convince Rijik to turn on the Night King despite the magic bond and then help free the other dragons? Rijik knew me a little now, after all, and the Night King had been abusive. I didn't know enough about dragons to know if that even had a chance of working, but it was my best shot. Unfortunately I woke up before I could try saving the dragons.

      Updated 02-08-2021 at 05:07 AM by 17503 (added tree drawing)

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Archdevil Aboroth and other bright and happy dreams from last night

      by , 04-08-2017 at 04:45 AM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      21 - 22:30

      Covered in Oil and Fire
      I was with an inventor in a dark room. Computers and other gear provided some blue light. I wanted to help him, but got distracted. I was on my way to the bathroom and picked up a dirty piece of paper. It was night and the hallway looked like army barracks. A group wearing masks was covering all the doors with a massive blanket. They didn't notice me walking in the middle until later. I saw them throwing buckets of oil on sleeping people, throwing a torch in the mix and sealing the door with the blanket so everyone burned to death inside. The screaming started. The bad guys noticed me and threw oil on me. Before I was lit on fire I used the dirty paper to clean some of the oil off my face and arms. I decided to play dead. I fell down burning. The bad guys finished setting the place on fire and half of my body looked like charcoal.

      I got up and looked for survivors. I found some, about ten of us were alive. Somehow there were fleshy pink wolves in the building now. They tried to bite me and I had to fight them off. I got false memories of were I was. The bad guys called this "Dev Shack H" A building made completely from wood and in the middle of a vast forest. We had built this place on our own and it was all just a trap. I found a dying woman while exploring the place for survivors. She was too far gone, I had to leave her.

      We found a room that was still somehow in one piece and decided to rest there for at least the rest of the night. Two cats had appeared out of no where, one of the survivors stopped them from fighting each other. The cats had all the colors of a rainbow, odd. A woman asked if we should move the corpses. I told her that the bad guys might return and we shouldn't go outside yet or move anything.

      22:45 - 1:15

      Archdevil Aboroth
      I'm a DO floating over a massive golden table in a large hall. The table is probably 15 meters in diameter. The place looks regal. I don't know where I am, but it's probably not Earth. There are people around the table and I recognize some of them. Asgardian gods Loki and Thor are there. Apparently this is some sort of auction. A woman announces a new arrival as "The Archdevil Aboroth". One god near Loki grabs his stuff and gets up. He seems scared of Aboroth. Aboroth has the appearance of a 50 year old man with short brown hair and well-kept beard. He wears a dark suit. As one of the gods left, the announcer lady says to Aboroth "You may join. I do hope you're more fun than the last one." Aboroth sits down and answers "I'll try." His voice is deep and he speaks very formally. He looks at a man with gray hair and mustache across the table. "Haven't seen you at the factory." he says. The mustache guy looks terrified and says nothing.

      Scene changes. I'm inside the first level of a small lighthouse. I can see the ocean through small windows, the room is round and the walls are white. Dean from Supernatural is in the room and on the other side of the room, looking out the window is Aboroth. Aboroth's shadow is unnatural, it's climbing up the wall and there's a small creature next to Aboroth in the shadow that's not visible in the room. "How did you get here." Dean asks. He seems tense. "I'm sure you know...there's only one way for me: a Witness Angel. If I'm brought here, you know it's BAD. A war is coming." Aboroth says while smiling.


      Nine Hells
      Group of adventurers that call themselves Vox Machina leave the Nine Hells with plane shift. Vax stays behind for some reason. A contract with a devil maybe. He walks through a city where the dominant color is red. He walks through an empty square. The ground has weird markings and messages all over it. Vax walks into a house and finds a small bedroom. Through the window I can see a dim, blue hue fighting the dark red sky. Green lights are scattered across the red city, I have no idea what those are. Some devils nearly discover Vax, but he appears to be protected. Maybe his god, the Raven Queen, keeps him hidden. Vax falls asleep.

      Dream changes. I'm playing Diablo 3 now. I know nothing of this game, but my brother is helping me. I haven't even killed Diablo, but it's apparently not needed. We enter an area that was just released in an expansion pack. We dive into the depths of hell and the final boss is none other than Aboroth. We kill him. I have a feeling he won't stay dead.
    5. 12/17 and 12/19/2016 - "Screamulator;" "Snowy Trail with JJ;" "Reality Killavision"

      by , 01-04-2017 at 08:03 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Fragment One

      I was on a virtual reality / roller coaster hybrid-thing with Cierra. It was supposed to be scary, but it really wasn't all that impressive...at first. At some points, along the ride, I would lift up my VR visor and look at the inner-workings of the ride. It was some bizarre marriage of industrial-grade, metallic structures, electronics, and live, supernatural-looking creatures - as if many of the virtual creatures we were seeing in the visors had actual, real-world counterparts, which were being manipulated (practically-tortured) for the purpose of making this ride work.

      It was very strange and surreal, and I don't think Cierra ever took off her visor and saw what was going on.

      Fragment Two
      "Snowy Trail with JJ"

      My girlfriend and I were walking down a snowy mountain, at night. At some time during our walk, we were approached and followed by a white wolf. At first, it made my girlfriend nervous, but I squatted down a little, as it came close, and put out my hand. The wolf moved into it and allowed me to pet it without incident. It then continued to follow us on our walk, until being deterred by a large, tan/orange scorpion that cross our path. It wandered off in one direction, following the scorpion.

      "Reality Killavision"

      This started as some sort of mix of a haunted house and a TV show. There was a group of about a dozen people, all moving through this "haunted" set. During the course of the show, people would be disappearing from the group, one by one, and sometimes completely new people would take their place. It felt very Saw/Hostel-inspired. Later, though, the 'fantasy' nature of the show disappeared, and we found that we were all in very real danger - not so much from anything supernatural, but from actual murderers lurking within the set, including a sniper who was waiting in one very large room with a high wall on the far side.
    6. 12/06/2016 - "Locked In"

      by , 12-07-2016 at 12:22 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Gonna TRY to get my ass back in gear!

      "Locked In"

      I remember being in my old neighborhood, with friends, and getting into some supernatural situation. We were looking around for what might have been ghosts or some other things that go bump in the night, when my old friend JC decided to play a joke on us and start screaming for help, after we'd split up. While running, frantically, to find him, I began to suspect that I was dreaming. We found him in his own driveway, seemingly locked inside of a car. Still convinced that I was dreaming, and before doing any reality checks, I reached in to the window, phasing my hand through the glass as if it were water and opening the door from the inside.

      JC got out of the car, laughing, saying that he was fine and was just joking about being in trouble.

      That's all I recall.
    7. Helping the Winchesters Fight the “Stork Witch”

      by , 06-11-2016 at 10:58 AM
      Morning of June 11, 2016. Saturday.

      In my dream, where I seem to somehow be a different person or character yet still feel like myself in most ways, I am an individual who has traveled around extensively and I am also seemingly a hunter in the manner of Sam and Dean Winchester from the “Supernatural” television series. I am aware that they have been called in to face the most difficult “monster” that they had ever dealt with. This creature is supposedly impossible to kill but can be subdued for a time until it rises again. It is kept in a cage on an isolated property (I assume in America, possibly Ohio) reachable by an old back road. Sam and Dean are on the scene.

      I meet with them to help them at the location where the creature is presently sleeping in a cage though supposedly about to rise and kill a number of people. They seem hesitant at first but then are totally okay with me being there and both are receptive of my authority and apparent advanced skills (though on one level I know that this is pretense and that I am “creating everything under my will” even though I am not at all lucid in any way, as this is a state of awareness that I have experienced thousands of times in dream states since earliest memory).

      I tell them that I know James (although I actually mean Bobby Singer), having gained much experience from him, and they seem to understand and are happy with it.

      We are preparing for the upcoming battle as we are told by the owner of the property that the monster is stirring. It is apparently some sort of anthropomorphic white stork (with fur as well as feathers) with deadly far-reaching supernatural powers. We are told to get some weapons. These “weapons” turn out to be large pillow-like hessian sandbags (obvious dream sign) filled with some sort of magical concoction to help put the beast back to sleep (another obvious situational concurrent dream sign). These “pillows” which are aligned along the fence (concurrent liminal space symbol), some slightly buried (implied to be at a deeper level of concurrent awareness within the dream state), are taken out by us. I also see a few barbells in the dirt but decide we may not need these.

      We go into the house and one side of a large room is like a jail. The monster is inside but starting to move around. At first it looks like a white-furred Bigfoot but it eventually becomes somewhat of an anthropomorphic stork. This stork creature is ready to attack (even though it is in the cage).

      The owner of the residence opens the cage door and we go in. Sam and Dean Winchester start hitting this creature with the “pillows” as hard as they can. Powder flies through the air but not enough to lower the visibility of the scene by that much. I join in and also whack this “stork-monster” (of human height) with my “pillow”. It seems to remain dazed and never fully stands up at any point. Sam, Dean, and I soon leave this “cage” and start talking in the other area of the room with the owner.

      Soon however, the creature is active again but now appears totally human; a dark-haired female of perhaps thirty. Her hands are raised up and out in mimicry of a spider or martial arts position and she is apparently a powerful destructive witch. As I stare her down, my dream becomes more and more vivid and intense. Orange lightning (conscious mind symbol) comes from her hands and her hair stands up, but I am also able to raise my own hands in defense. Simply by holding my gaze and moving my hands out and around a bit, she eventually falls back and is defeated for another cycle.

      “Awesome,” says Dean as Sam smiles and nods in my direction, both from my left (even though a “witch” like me would not be liked by them in the actual television series).

      After this, we all get in a car. Dean drives though Sam sits in the back seat (on my right) in Speedo swimwear. He is singing some sort of song and using words like “Speedo”, “Guido”, and “Buido” and Dean looks back at him as if greatly annoyed.

      To those who understand dreams and their nature (though there are various types), this is a surreal but typical sleeping, dreaming, and waking adventure all in metaphor. Nothing could be more obvious than that than slapping a white bird with a pillow to put it to sleep (especially when inside a cage or jail which represents restricting the energies of the preconscious state). The white bird is a moon (dream induction) sign, a typical concurrent consciousness displacement symbol, and this entire series of dream events is a metaphor for circadian rhythms and the waking transition as is often the case.

      The clever references in the song seem at least partly related to trolls on the Internet, unfortunately (which is something that in all honesty is pointless to dream about as nothing can really be done about them). “Guido” is a possible play on “Guido van Helten” which in turn is a play on VonHelton, the bizarre narcissistic YouTube troll, who is possibly one of the strangest personas and crazed individuals on the Internet. “Buido” apparently has various associations. However, in Spanish, it mostly seems to be a reference to something that is corrugated, fluted, or sharp. It is associated with “puntiagudo” (“pointed”) or “con punta aguda” (“with a sharp point”), which is obviously a play on my birthplace of “Punta Gorda” (or “Fat Point” in describing the shape of the region), which is a dream reference to returning to who I really am in whole consciousness, as a sort of “rebirth”.

      Updated 06-11-2016 at 08:08 PM by 1390

    8. Game Into Reality?

      by , 01-09-2016 at 07:01 PM
      I had a dream that started out at my house. There was a problem I had in mind and I was trying to remain calm and find a solution for it. Meanwhile there was two supernatural beings staying in my house because they felt like it and had the power to destroy us if we tried to kick them out. One was a girl with unlimited power and the other was a guy with super strength.

      I went into a room in the house to see what the guy was doing. The girl was present but said she would leave to go to the roof. I looked at the guy admiring him as he lifted a bed like he was lifting weights. But as he was talking to me I felt like I should say something when suddenly he let go of the bed and the floor collapsed. I saw from a distant point of view how the house was now a white apartment building collapsing one by one.

      My point of view than changed back to a close first person view and I was inside the room again. Except there was now a giant hole and smoke all around. Not to mention scary music that showed the seriousness of the mood. I looked down and saw what was the mark of a hole in the floor. Somewhat like in the shape of the body.

      The music gave me the impression that it was some type of ps2 game I was playing. I also got the feeling that my brother did not reach up to the level of the game. I heard the cry of a woman as I began to leave the room. Mixed feelings of continuing and being brave or running away overcomes me. I walked quickly out but than a spirit like character appeared asking me to take something. He was accompanied by another. I said no and he asked me if I was sure about my decision.
      I than ran calling out for my older brother feeling scared if the game was actually coming into reality.
    9. #218. Witch vs. Witch

      by , 09-14-2015 at 07:12 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favour fire...

      Infiltrating a sorority/fraternity and it's terrible. And my female SHIELD agent is covering for the fact that Captain America is terrible at undercover work.

      Now I'm part of a group of three people who are living semi-harmoniously in an older part of town. We have some interesting projects on the go, like improving playgrounds and adding giant transparent red walls to sidewalks so that people have to zigzag through.

      I'm looking through a catalogue that has sheaths for ritual daggers that are being advertised pinned to the pages. There are daggers for earth, air, fire and water, and unsurprisingly I'm interested in the fire one.

      And then I remember that I already have a ritual dagger. I turn it over in my hand. The blade is pure silver in the dream, unlike the real one.

      I'm walking down a road, trying to find my way back to the original path.I know that if it takes too long to get back, I'll lose the thread of the dream, so I hold out a hand to the end of the street and soar towards it.

      The street I want to take is the second from the end, but I can't find it, because the second path is now an alley that goes into someone's backyard. I follow the path and find a raspberry bush, and I look around for a basket. I decide that there will be one on the deck when I go to find it, but there's only a box that holds some kindling. I empty out the kindling onto the pile of smaller pieces of wood.

      I look around and see an old, dying tree, and all I can notice is that the branches are so dead that they'd make great kindling for the cabin owner's fire.

      There are workmen in the backyard. Apparently there are signs saying that they'd be in the area.

      I'm Dean Winchester now. Sam and I know that when you get caught somewhere, you pretend that you belong there, so we approach the workmen and strike up a conversation.

      They're vampires, as it turns out.

      There's a fight.

      I drive a stake into one man's chest—

      wait, that's zombies in this universe

      —and my silver dagger appears in my hand. I swing it around and slice into the vampire's neck as I throw my weight forward. The vampire stumbles, still off-balance from the stake, and I'm behind him, slicing into his throat and grabbing at his hair so that I can fully behead him.

      (There's an argument as to whether this works according to the rules of the game. I win.)

      There are bodies all over the back yard, now. We're going to have to burn them.

      I grab wood from the shed out back and set to covering our dead vamps with lumber and kindling. I'm lighting the shed itself on fire when I hear a shout.

      The man who appears was a friend of John Winchester's, and he's angry that his property is going up in flames.

      I'm trying to choke him out without killing him. He struggles, and it's not working, but then he changes tactics and tries to grab at my ears and pull.

      I decide that it's a trope of the genre that you can hit someone over the head and knock them out without being at risk of killing them, so one of us hits him over the head with the butt of a rifle.

      Fire burns, and the old tree from earlier provides us with as much kindling as we need. I go over to the cabin, and realize that there's meat drying in the racks along the outside wall. My stomach churns as I realize that it's cursed all to hell—I don't want to think about what kind of meat has gone into the ground meat patties that are sitting on the rack, but there's a telltale haze of angry spirits hanging around the meat. Somehow, at least one of them is an ancient, powerful indigenous spirit, how the fucking hell...

      I set it all on fire.

      A blonde, average-sized woman with curly hair enters the yard, looking curious. "What's going on?" she asks, looking genuinely curious.

      Because all we need is another civilian to knock out and haul away before they die of smoke inhalation.

      "Ma'am," I start—

      She looks past me. "You know, certain spirits are actually freed when you burn them."

      Witch, I think. Of the Supernatural-style variety. I run forward, brandishing my knife, and she laughs as I plunge it into her chest. Light explodes from the place where the knife stabbed into her, and she soars up into the sky, a being of pure white light and destruction.

      I turn around to deal with the spirit, and I think I'm calling up an explosion of—hellfire, soulfire?—and it's enveloped completely.

      My long black cloak trails out behind me as I crash into the other witch, tearing into her. I snarl as I grab part of her cloak—pull it away with part of her essence as a ripping, tearing noise fills the air—and shoot past her. There are three of us, beings of darkness and the night, tearing through the sky and tearing into the thing of light that wants only to destroy.

      Darkness can be a force for good in the world just as light can, and both can snuff out life as well as they can extend it. All we need—I think, flying at the other witch—is for some idiot to think that the good guy is being outnumbered here just because they're burning with Light.
    10. #213. Who's Hunting the Hunters?

      by , 09-07-2015 at 09:19 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      I'm a vampire that's hunting vampires.

      Sam & Dean Winchester are hunting me.

      The woman I killed was a vampire preying on the local townspeople, but you can always trust Hunters to not understand nuance.

      Later, I'm using telekinesis on small objects around my grandmother's living room. I'm finding that I can easily lift objects that are within about four feet of me, but to move anything further away, I have to move closer. I find this frustrating, because I know I'm dreaming, and this is all about what I believe I can do.

      It's a rubber band bracelet thingy, for gods' sake! This shouldn't be that hard!

      Updated 09-09-2015 at 09:40 PM by 31096

    11. Beta reading fanfiction, and a ride on top of a car

      by , 08-29-2015 at 04:35 PM (Mouka's Mind Palace)

      I was in high school, and it was the last day before spring break. After class the teacher kept a few of us in the room, and asked us to beta read some fiction that other students wrote. She laid all the stories out in a vertical row on this bar thing, and we went up and picked one each. Mary, a friend of mine from high school, picked up the weird Zoolander fanfic, which was the one I wanted. So instead I picked the erotic MA rated story, figuring I could learn a thing or two about writing that sort of thing. As I was flipping through it, I realized it was HORRIBLY BAD. Like, they used the most disturbing terminology to describe penises and I just kept laughing. So I put it in my bag and left the room.

      Before I left the school, I realized I was on my period (ugh) so I ran into the restroom to get a tampon real quick, and I noticed the restroom was DISGUSTING. Like, there were puddles of pee all over the floor and stuff. I nope'd on out of there and went into the men's restroom instead, and it was super clean. Which was weird, because usually the stereotype is the other way around. So as I left the restroom, I put on my headphones and put my mp3 player and my iPod in my pocket, and walked down the hall. I bumped into Misha Collins, but I kept calling him Castiel, and we walked out into the parking lot together, talking about things. It was raining outside and he lamented over the fact that he couldn't put his headphones on like me because he was afraid the rain would short circuit them and that his iPod couldn't fit in his pocket. He was totally bitching about it. I was like "Dude, they totally fit in your pocket..." and showed him that I had both that and my phone in my pocket. This just blew his mind for some reason. We parted ways in the parking lot and I headed out to my car.


      Mom was headed on a road trip to see grandma, and I was pissed because she wouldn't let me come along. So as she drove off, I grabbed on to the car and just sat on top of the trunk while she drove along. I have no idea how she didn't notice me there.

      The road trip was super long, and a few times I fell off and had to grab onto the bumper to keep from hitting the road, so by the time we got there, I was tired as hell. She pulled in down the gravel path and stopped and got out, and was pissed off that I'd hitched a ride like that. She was also screaming about how I could've died. I replied that she was a horrible driver because if she had looked in ANY of her mirrors she would've seen me. I walked around the property by myself.


      Something about Cory withdrawing $100 from the bank account and using it to buy some little thing, and I got angry because he kept taking money out of the account so he could spend it on things without me knowing. He was also late from work a lot so I was accusing him of horrible shit.


      Something involving Seru getting really pissed and drop kicking some dude. I remember feeling tense and thinking WTF. Also at some point I noticed my nail polish was completely wiped clean. I just stared at my nails all weirded out. It was the first dream of the night, and by the time I finished remembering the other dreams, I totally forgot most of this one.

      Updated 08-29-2015 at 04:37 PM by 64971

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. The betrothed princess, Majin Buu, and a bigfoot episode of Supernatural

      by , 06-29-2015 at 05:42 AM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      I was a princess, the daughter of some super rich king who wanted to marry me off to some prince I'd never met. On the day we were supposed to meet, the king hired all sorts of people to doll me up, hair stylists, makeup artists, fashion experts, etc. First I was sent to the hair stylist, who was this young lady with light neon blue hair up in two ponytails on either side of her, and her hair had streaks of other colors in it, mostly pink I think. I was so in love with her hair and asked for something similar, so she gave me the same style but made mine super colorful and rainbow-y. After that, they sent me to the makeup artist, and I was really nervous because for some reason I thought I had guy-stubble on my face and I was afraid the artist would get weirded out and not cover it up, but she said she could do that easily. After that, I worried over the dress selection, because I seriously badly wanted a Victorian style dress that poofed out at the bottom, and I thought they'd give me some ugly straight one. But they had a huge dress selection to choose from so I felt better. Later on, the king told me the prince didn't really like me, but that wasn't the point. The point was to marry so they could combine kingdoms. I got so upset and told the king that I refused to be just some object he could use to take over countries with, and I ran away.

      An evil man kidnapped me and locked me in his house. It was kind of a shitty house, and I remember seeing a round wooden table next to glass patio doors. I was so scared but determined to escape. I acted really nice to him so he would wind up trusting me, and then I secretly opened the patio door so his pug ran out. He was freaking out over his dog escaping so I told him I would go out and get it. So I ran out into the yard but instead of chasing the dog I ran along the fence until I found a spot low enough to climb over, and I did and took off running frantically. I knew I wasn't a very good runner but I tried, and by the time I got to his front yard, he intercepted me and held me in place, smiling and laughing all creepy-like. He told me he didn't care if I screamed because anyone passing by wouldn't bother to help anyway, so I started screaming and reaching my hand out to people walking down the sidewalk, and they just turned their heads and kept walking. The neighbor did the same thing but went into his house. I felt so hopeless and desperate, and I couldn't believe nobody would help me, but the man kept holding me and laughing. But suddenly this Worgen guy from WoW came up and told the man to let me go, but he didn't. He acted all nice and invited him in for tea, so the Worgen said okay and said he'd save me afterward. I told him to be careful because he was only level 98 and the man was level 100, but he didn't care. The creepy man wound up catching us both. After that, I was saved by Majin Buu, who flew me away on a cloud. We were both sitting on the cloud and flying through the sky, doing loops and such. Suddenly we saw another person flying towards us on a cloud that also had Majin Buu sitting on it, so we stopped and said hi to each other.

      I was standing in a house by the window, looking up at storm clouds. There was a serious amount of rotation, and I saw one cloud close to the ground start rotating pretty fast. I made a joke that it would turn into a tornado... but then it actually did. When I went out onto the porch there were tornadoes everywhere, but it looked like that one was heading away from us, and as soon as I pointed that out, it turned around and came toward us. They told me to get back into the house and hunker down in the hallway, but I was like 'fuck that shit' and made a mad dash out into the road for some reason. They called me insane and said I'd die, but I kept running and running, hoping to find a safe place before the tornado caught up with me, I felt scared but at the same time confident I'd get away. I saw a big school and ran inside quick, and the school was empty and dark. On the floor was a small window, like the kind you see on the bottoms of houses that lead to the basement, so I hoped it was also a basement. I could hear the tornado close and dived into the window, squeezing through. The basement was huge with a concrete floor and a sloped roof like an attic's, and I grabbed at random plywood boards in an attempt to protect my head. Then I saw another person down there, but we didn't say anything to each other, we just nodded in approval like 'I see you were smart enough to come down here too'. When the tornado finally hit, I realized I'd left the window open, and it was trying to suck me out, so I grabbed onto a rafter and held on tight, and survived.

      Sam and Dean saw an article in a paper about bigfoot terrorizing a small town way in the forest, so they went to check it out. The bigfoot was killing everyone, people were dying left and right, and there was blood everywhere. They did some investigating and were up on a wooden porch when they found a glass jar filled with congealed blood, so they had it DNA tested and found it belonged to nearby people who hadn't died yet. They went to check them out and found two terrible teenagers with skin the color of a corpse and crazy eyes. They realized there was no bigfoot, it was just the bloodlust of the two evil teens, and they made up the bigfoot story to the sheriff to hide their own murders. Sam and Dean were kind of pissed it wasn't 'their kind of case' after all and left the teens to the cops.

      Apparently I lived in an apartment complex that was in some city that Seru destroyed before his tournament. Everyone was dead and the complex was falling apart, and there was a flood that went up halfway to my knees. But I was happy and excited, and spinning around through the parking lot singing. I was going to go see him. The scene cut to a news station surrounded by debris, with the only road leading out going directly to Seru's arena, so the reporter just said 'fuck it' and they got in their van and decided to go out there, even though they knew he already killed a bunch of reporters. The dream never finished their story, so I have no idea what happened to them. After that, it cut to me at the arena, and I remember seeing him standing there looking all passive but... I can't remember anything about our interaction. Thanks brain. Thanks for making allllll my other dreams super-detailed but completely forgetting the one part I'd want to remember most from this one dream. Ffffffuck that.
    13. “Supernatural” Escapades

      by , 04-06-2015 at 08:39 AM
      Morning of April 6, 2015. Monday.

      This is only the second longer dream related to the “Supernatural” television series as far as I know. However, there is a huge number of older dream records I have not looked at recently that were never online or newly researched, so it is possible there are older ones. In this case, it is concerning the actual characters rather than the actors as in my last related dream.

      Firstly, Sam and Dean join with Crowley to kill hellhounds and other beasts (including the “monster” from “F/X” from 1986). Sam, Dean, and Crowley seem like best friends with a long history of helping each other. The setting seems to be some sort of isolated hall inside a building or offset from this world. Crowley is injured by the F/X beast and Sam and Dean pull him to safety after defeating every beast. I am seemingly not directly part of the action here because I am never threatened in any way even though I am on the scene fully in-body and thus actually present.

      Eventually, I am in a large mansion that apparently belongs to another member of the Winchester family. It is a younger male. Sam and Dean stay in this place while Crowley gets better. Oddly, he rests in a large drawer in a large four-tier chest of drawers, I think the third drawer up. He has cuts and bites all over his wrists and around his neck.

      An amusing scenario is when I hint at what Sam and Dean have been doing for a long time, as the other male who owns the mansion does not know anything about it. Every now and then, I mention words like “supernatural”, “hellhounds”, “ghosts”, and so on. Every time I use a word as such, Dean gives me a concerned “don’t you dare” look as if the other male is not supposed to know anything about Sam and Dean even though he is family. Finally, I say “hunters” (my last “hint word”) which makes both Sam and Dean look at me in an extraordinarily annoyed manner. The other male never really understands what I am talking about, though, as I am only giving clues rather than directly explaining or revealing anything.

      At one point, I show the unknown male the scar on my left wrist. It is larger than in real life (typical in-dream “magnification”) and with several more defined hollow areas. Dean has a scar similar to mine also on his left wrist, though with stitch marks in a straight line near where the hand meets the wrist, about five or six small holes. I explain how my scar was caused by a fight with an octopus-like sea monster. (I even have a vague false in-dream memory of this fictional event).

      Eventually, Crowley wakes up and slowly crawls out of the drawer and his wounds are all somehow healed. He is apparently completely human now. He attempts to move things with magic, such as a book and a stack of papers, but nothing happens. He also now seems only about twenty years old and seems very dejected. A voice comes down from a corner of the room. It is his mother (who has apparently taken over Heaven and has a lot of minions). He does not say anything about having no powers though I am aware he is scared because she demands to see him and he cannot teleport. I am uncertain as to what his fate will be.

      I try to move some papers (by magic) from a high stack of old papers on the chest of drawers but nothing happens. I am annoyed but do not draw attention to myself. I end up leaving and walking out the front entrance into the night, finding myself on Loomis Street walking southerly. Behind me is a cheerful group of about six college or high school students, one being a young version of my wife (which I do not realize until later). As I walk, I sometimes cause, by apparent “magic”, a single maple leaf (there is only one here and there along the way although there is other organic debris on the sidewalk) to move from the middle of the sidewalk into the street. At one point, however, the trick seems to be done by blowing downwards with my hands cupped and works as such. The others do not notice or at least are not astounded or impressed. However, it dawns on me that this is “not possible” (I am never lucid) and I cannot do either the magic or the blowing again to make a leaf move anymore, though I attempt it again several times as we walk. There is ambiguity here; sometimes the “maple leaf” is more like a piece of Spanish moss or steel wool (which seems the “same”) with a very vague association with a miniature cage or cage-like “nest”.

      Soon, it is late morning even though it was around midnight just seconds before. I am attracted to my wife (the group now walking ahead of me) and cause some sort of cable near the sidewalk (probably the large telephone cable being installed here recently) to rise slightly and move around near her legs to stop her from getting too far ahead of me. Another (unknown) female sits behind an unlikely “outdoor counter” on a street corner. Eventually, my wife and a couple others of the group sit down against an outer wall that is somewhat like part of a school. I notice that my headphones are entangled within the cable I had been magically moving about by telekinesis. I mentally cause the headphone cord to become disentangled and rise straight in the air and “plug itself into” the underside of the roofed sidewalk. I also notice that sections of the eaves are like the ground, that is - upside-down ground by which the dirt and a few pieces of debris (as well as a gum wrapper or some such) somehow does not fall. (Do I detect a play here on “plugging into Eve?”)

      I then start to admire my wife’s legs (which are still partly within a section of the cable but not that entangled) and contemplate how to be with her from then on. It seems the only concern worthy of focus.

      Later, there is some sort of secondary dream or slowed-down hypnopompic “epilogue” where Sam is sitting in a dungeon-like room with straw on the floor near an old wooden door with bars. A holographic human torso (no arms or head - just the torso, but wearing some sort of Middle Ages doublet) keeps moving through the closed door at about a forty-five degree angle, ghost-like, but not threatening, causing Sam to jump in exaggerated surprise and puzzlement each time. This scene eventually changes to a dalmatian in the same place barking at, and dodging, red targeting lasers from an unknown source (illogically, seemingly from the inside wall of the room opposite the door, though this actually does not seem to be the case as the dog does not seem to notice anyone with a rifle in the room). For a short time, I “remember” that Sam Winchester is a dalmatian, but then I realize I am thinking in abstract terms and wake.

      Yet again, my dream seems to be partially triggered by something my wife had seen and thought about (which has happened hundreds of times over the past several years). She had checked the details of the “Supernatural” show a day before she usually does (without saying anything). The cables (and “plugging in my headphones”) could actually be some sort of metaphorical form concerning telepathy between two people. That is my guess at this point, anyway.
    14. First Winchesters dream

      by , 03-01-2015 at 10:06 AM
      Morning of March 1, 2015. Sunday.

      This is, I think, the first clearer dream (though not lucid) that featured the actors from the television show “Supernatural”; Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles (though I did have a short dream of the Castiel character some weeks ago which I did not post anywhere yet).

      In my dream I am filming the popular television show with a small hand-held camera. It actually takes me some time before I realize that I am filming “Supernatural” and become more aware of the actors. I eventually notice that I am walking down the sidewalk near commercial businesses with Jared and Jensen (on their right) through a bland urban area in an unknown city. My dream slowly takes on rather strange imagery. The two actors have larger and larger mustaches when I look over at them. At one point, the mustaches look somewhat like three pairs of bird wings (at different angles) hanging down, like three separate mustaches growing and hanging over each other. It is an unusual though interesting “style” I reason. (The three ends on each side do not curve upward but sort of randomly point outward and down in three different layers.)

      At first, Jared’s three-tiered mustache seems rather mystical and almost creates an atmosphere of authority (and for some reason reminds me of perhaps an outlaw persona from an old western movie) and very unique personal diversity, yet it also seems “wrong” or “off” somehow, though this strange unlikely imagery and slightly eerie unexplainable feeling about the imagery does not trigger any level of lucidity at all. A little later, as they walk off towards their car, I notice that Jared mostly only has half his proper mustache with the other side (right side of his face) being a very thin half, with only sparse hairs. He seems self-conscious at this and casually covers up that side of his face at random moments. I am not sure how this scene relates to the particular fictional episode of the show, or if it is meant to be integrated as such into the plot.

      Later on, I am filming near a large open vestibule directly facing a parking lot. The area does not look familiar though I consider it may be some kind of church. I hear a male mention something about the Winchesters in a loud voice from near the church-like building but I am not sure about what is going on. (It still does not dawn on me that I am dreaming.) An older wealthy-looking woman walks by and I notice some sort of minor disturbance. When I walk closer to the actors, the woman apologizes and says, referring to Jensen, that it is not every day that she gets to see God. This seems vaguely amusing and we all laugh about the remark. When I look down, I notice pieces of her necklace all over the street, both gems and beads and a couple larger yellowish diamond-shaped parts. Apparently, she had gotten excited upon seeing Jensen, absentmindedly grabbed at her throat thus tearing off her necklace, and then bumped into him. Nothing happens after this as I focus more and more on the broken necklace (as my in-dream awareness starts to fade), but I am vaguely wondering if she will even notice it or start to retrieve the pieces.

    15. 01.26.15 LD: Second Market

      by , 01-27-2015 at 02:45 AM (A Strange and Nonsensical Adventure)
      LD. Ran around place. Met lots of DCs. Forgot a lot of things. It's funny how my personal goal is to talk in-depth with a DC because my usual LDs are devoid of people, and then my brain starts throwing DCs at me... heh. Too bad everyone was in a hurry .-. Still haven't had that conversation yet.

      I'm in this city where there's snow and something is happening and apparently someone is also named Ivy and I am also. I end up climbing up walls sideways and then I start tossing vines to tree branches. I begin swinging on them faster and faster and then I end up in a place that looks like my neighborhood. At some point here I become lucid.

      I do an RC (nose pinch) and then start walking around, and the place becomes similar to Manhattan with the sidewalks and buildings.

      At some point I run into Castiel in his trenchcoat and all that (from Supernatural) and he's rounding the corner and I'm like "hey Castiel" and I don't remember what he says but it wasn't anything notable probably?

      I run into these two guys who tell me their names when I ask (McGebbers and Eddy) They're stereotypical goons. Apparently I saw their boss somewhere on some tv show or movie) but I can't remember what he's called now.

      I see this girl walking and think she's Emily so I go up to her and say "Hey Emily!" And she turns around and whoops she's not Emily. She starts going down this subway station but I call down to her and ask if she has anything interesting to tell/show me and she says something in response.

      While running around I run into these two men in suits and sunglasses. I ask them their names and they look at each other and one of them presses a gun to my head but I don't remember what they say. I escape unscathed, though.

      I get to this park or sth and see Noah. He's going somewhere but I pull him back and he's really light. I tell him that we're in a dream and he says, "Oh cool, is it my dream?"
      "Mine actually."

      I also meet this serial killer somewhere? Or someone like Ted Bundy, only not Ted Bundy.
      I meet a lot of people but I'm starting to forget what's happening and I run into this wall with a list of "have you seen these people " sort of task list and I wish I had paper or something to mark them off. I realize I don't have my backpack with me, just my regular clothes. I think about conjuring up some paper but I don't. I read the lines and some of them mention "Elmo" and "McGebbers" and "Eddy".

      I go into this school but I change my mind since I don't want to be stuck inside for the rest of my dream and I turn back and of course the entrance is blocked off by a stone wall. So I go to the edge of it and dig my fingers in and pull, and I get out.
      Possibly see the night sky and stars and cliff?

      At one point I end up near these creepy windows with this thing peering out, like those movie posters where a creature is looking through a crack in the curtain and you can only see their eye. I just remember that it was creepy, though.

      When I wake up I'm in this FA where I imagine myself writing down the stuff in a Muji notebook and noting it as Second Market. Apparently I've met the two goons before and I've drawn one of their faces and it looks remarkably similar. I write about sleeping in and how it's like 1:30 pm. And then I fade back into reality, and it's actually 9:10am or so.

      Updated 01-27-2015 at 03:08 AM by 65810

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
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