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    1. #99. RPGs

      by , 07-04-2010 at 09:45 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Sunday, July 4, 2010

      I scrutinize my real life appearance for effectiveness as an assassin. I conclude that I will easily be able to infiltrate the corporation.

      I get an apartment in Halifax that's mostly identical to my old one. Apparently I'm subletting from someone else, though, as I keep finding old-lady clothes around the place. It's also furnished, which is nice, even if the furniture is ugly as hell.

      I'm Dean Winchester. I help Sam choose a truck and trailer so he can go drive off into the prairie sunset. The theme of this dream is basically that it's time to let Sam go on his own. This is a much more peaceful scenario than the Supernatural finale.

      I'm a guy with a mullet, driving a semi-trailer. I'm about to be accused of a crime I didn't do, and I'm trying to skew the evidence in my favor before they think to come after me. Maybe I had an in-dream premonition, or maybe I'm on another dream-loop.

      I'm mad at the really cold weather, then I'm mad at the really hot weather, then I'm mad at the really cold weather, and oh my God, that really is freezing. Warmth now please.

      I'm living with my second cousins, and also fighting my brother for one of the basement suites. His friend gets it. Damn.

      One of my cousins finds out something about my character (I don't know what), and she takes her sisters and leaves.

      I'm driving along the highway, now, but the lane I need to be in keeps changing, and I'm cutting people off. I end up at a McDonalds, because there's something I need to pick up there.

      I'm inside. The place is empty, and isn't being used as a restaurant. Something about a box. I check my inventory and see a vat of cotton that I have to sell later.

      The city is being evacuated. I have to hurry. I go upstairs, blue and red lightsabers drawn. I wonder if my cousins could have been party-members if I hadn't scared them off. Oh well, I'm still near the beginning of the game.

      I enter one of the offices and fight the people inside. I win.

      RPGs. Scare Factor: 1.
    2. Creepy Semester

      by , 07-04-2010 at 09:06 PM (GA's DJ)

      I live in an apartment near a new school campus of sorts. It's five stories high surrounded by a bustling town with churches, monuments and busy roads. My brother and I are roommates and we both have girlfriends with us. Mine is a plump black-haired woman and while nice I'm surprised to find I have absolutely no feelings towards her. We had supposedly gone out for a long time and she was about to leave with her dad to do something for a couple of days. I'm relieved and start to articulate plans to break up with her but am unable to come up with anything that wouldn't completely hurt her feelings. I'm playing some sort of card game when she comes in and asks point-blank if I wanted to come with her on this trip with her father. I feel pressured and mutter out a yes. It was then I realize I don't even know her name and look at an ID card she had nearby. My thoughts were "What would her dad think if I didn't know how to pronounce his daughter's name?" It was something weird and unlike real life so I don't recall the name now. Sometime soon after this I work up the courage to tell her that I want to break up. She takes this with both anger and sadness, and from then on intentionally ignores me. Still, I literally had just met her after all.

      My brother Kyle, his girlfriend and I go to the cafeteria in the school complex (complex being a better term than building given its fortress-like size and feel). One wall had a cutout where a stack of hay was piled up probably referencing the dream I had the night before. Rows of tables were set out each belonging to a certain family. The three of us began eating without regard to who the food belonged to and eventually worked our way into a corner where a bunch of pizza was lined up. One lady asked me how I knew the family who brought the pizza. Thinking Kyle might actually know I pointed to him and made up that he was acquainted with a gentleman in a business suit standing nearby. She didn't let it drop there and hailed Kyle over. On being asked Kyle got mad and began yelling so the whole cafeteria could hear that he ate the food of other people so he could get a tax write off. It made sense at the time.
      Moments after this I left alone.

      Being near the top floor I get into an elevator and press to go for the ground level. On the way down the lights go off, the elevator car slants slightly and a loud grating sound fills my ears. It soon becomes apparent that the elevator has stopped and I'm stuck within. I locate the emergency call button. It didn't work at first so I held it down. Red lights flash and an alarm sounds whereupon the elevator doors open. I'm between floors but there's enough space at the top for me to climb up and get free. A muscular man who knew me said he was paying me back a favor (I recall nothing about this) and there I meet up with a few nondescript fictional friends I supposedly knew. I pull out an old large journal to record the happenings. My friends want to go to the ground level and like a complete mook I suggest the elevator. We get in to find the floor opens up in the middle where anyone could fall to their doom. In fact, each level had such an opening floor. I advise the others to hug the wall when one of them, possibly the girl who was with Kyle, falls to the level below. She is unharmed but the floors seem to open up more. Eventually my friends each start falling. Then some chandelier-type fixture from the ceiling comes undone and crashes down. Each friend dies a horribly gory death. Making matters worse I kept rewinding time and watching the same scene over and over with no ability to help.
      There were a lot more incidents of death and disturbing injuries in this dream but the memory has faded on many of them.

      Somehow I make it down the elevator shaft only slightly scathed. Instead of being on the ground level I'm in the basement alone since everyone else was dead. I find an old cassette tape in a nightstand that stood in the center of that sewer-like environ. I began to ponder how using a tape recorder instead of a journal would be safer as I could be more alert-- seems I was writing in my journal when my friends initially fell. I forget how but I manage to weasel myself outside the school complex. I begin to wander the city. I pass by a group of nuns and a rivaling school that was much smaller in size. I take a break in front of a factory on a crate next to a row of bags, cans and broken computer monitors. Writing again in my journal a gruff worker notices me and starts a conversation having noticed I wrote "Act XIII" at the top of the page. I don't feel comfortable talking with him so I find a way to slip away.

      It becomes night. I lost my shirt somewhere and the rain feels cold. Some people look at me and mutter how the nuns wouldn't accept a poor man like myself. I come to a point where I must cross two six-lane roads. All I can see are oncoming headlights and the silhouette of a GIANT TARANTULA WALKING ON TWO LEGS creeping up behind me. Freaked I then must cross a busy street and stay clear of the rapidly approaching spider. On multiple occasion I swear I feel the fangs of the tarantula all the while dodging speeding cars in a frenzy. I make it to the other side and into a small supermarket. Conveniently a doctor, my dad and a few others were there to receive me. The doctor asks me strange questions to confirm I haven't been poisoned by the mutant spider. One involved seeing how well I could pray.

      Updated 07-06-2010 at 09:10 AM by 164

    3. -=[ July 4th ][ 7 dreams ][ 0 Lucid ]=-

      by , 07-04-2010 at 08:48 PM
      Dreams recalled: 7

      FOURTH night in a row with 7 dreams remembered. Weird... My dream recall seems great, but I want an LD!

      Again, my dreams were short and very random. The first was some kind of big group of people getting excited about something... like a pep rally from high school but with adults...

      Then I was in some weird softball game. I didn't bat but I was already on base. We were in a big stadium but it was completely grass. I was on third and talking to a few people who were standing behind me for some reason. I was laughing at how short the basepaths were. When I looked at home plate, it was only about 6 feet away. No one was there tho. I was then back in a line to bat. The man running the game was old and seemed grumpy. He started calling in people from the other team to come bat and made some weird changes...?

      Then I was line for some type of buffet lunch with some friends, and it was everyone from the game. I couldn't find a plate, and saw that they had only brought out 5 plates, but there was about a hundred of us. We laughed at them only bringing out that many for so many people and started putting our food on napkins.

      I had a brief dream about driving somewhere with one of my exes... Not sure where that went.

      Another dream had someone behind a door. At one point I knew it was one of my friends but that kept changing. Two people were at the door with some type of guns, and they were going to bust the door down and rush in. I was watching this from afar, not really involved. It ended as they opened the door.

      My first dream with a lot of running in it. I was in some kind of store with a couple friends. I went through an opened 'secret' door of some sort, but ended up in a room that looked like just another part of the store. One of the racks had only one shirt on it. I was then suddenly back in the main part of the store, and started running back towards the other room, idk why. My friends chased me, and it was some type of game for me to reach that shirt before they could catch up. When I got there I was taken back to the main part of the store again, and the chase repeated. The dream ended as I won the 'game' a second time and turned to look at my friends.

      The last dream was a false awakening and I was half awake, one my exes(not the one from the earlier dream) called me. I answered and she said hi and it ended as I realized I couldn't be talking on the phone because my phone was downstairs.

      I tried FILD last night, with no success. I think its because I tried it when I went to bed, instead of waking myself up in the middle of the night. I dread waking myself up but it would be worth it if it worked....

      Updated 07-04-2010 at 08:50 PM by 33414

      false awakening , dream fragment , non-lucid
    4. 07/04/10

      by , 07-04-2010 at 08:40 PM (Dreamscapes)
      This dream lasted all night. Every time I woke up I thought about how I wanted to write it in my dream journal. I was sleeping at my friends house and did not have it with me. I kept waking up and slipping back into the dream


      It was so long its hard to remember much. I remember people making fun of me. I was at some weird school and everyone hated me. I kept hearing a weird ohm sound in the back of my head. So many things happened in this dream, but they are all blurs. I am getting a lot of hints of green. almost like toxic. The last thing I remember clearly is going to a pizza shop with a couple of people and my uncle. There was a lady saying that dominos pizza was 5.99 a large and it was either digornos and dominos. In the end we chose dominos. I met up with a girl who told me that she loved me. She was extremely beautiful and told me that everyone hated me at that place because she spread rumors. She did not want anyone to like me because she wanted me all to herself. There was something very significant about this dream. I just wish I could remember more.
    5. Crazy amount of dream fragments

      by , 07-04-2010 at 08:23 PM
      This night I slept very light, awaking several times. That caused me to remember fragments from many dreams. A fun fact is that I felt strangely well rested despite that light sleep.

      1st dream:

      I was in some house in a forest at night with a friend, can't remember who. It was my house. Suddenly a fire started and quickly spread through the house. We left and entered the forest. After a while we started to get chased by Uffe (my dads friend that I haven't seen many times in my life. Strange appearance) and some random villain. They were going to beat us to death so we ran back to the house.

      The house was now completely in flames. It was like a wall of fire at the entrance. I thought "If they are going to beat us to death I might as well jump into the flames since it would be a less painful way to die!" and so I took a step into the entrance and instantly died. I became a glowing skeleton. It was a quite strange sensation. My friend followed. When the bad guys arrived and stared into the burning doorway I though "Now when I am dead I don't need to fear them. This is also quite cool, so they might appreciate it as well!" and then I pulled them into the fire. xD They also turned into glowing skeletons. I don't have any clear thoughts on what happened after this.

      2nd dream:

      I was at my parents place in the kitchen. Dad was there working on getting some LP player device to work. Apparently it was old and didn't work as it should. After a while we tried using it to record a radio channel on a VCR tape. The channel was foreign from australind (lol xP) so there was a lot of noise and flickering on the TV.

      3rd dream:

      Some fragments about doing slomo-acrobatics. Don't really remember it. But I had it written down when I woke up in the morning.

      4th dream:

      It was morning and I was sleeping in the top bed of a bunkbed and I felt really tired. I wanted to sleep more (might be related to the fact that I woke up several times irl with that feeling). Suddenly a whole bunch of people entered the room. Among them my friends and brothers. I got very annoyed because they were so noisy. I remember trying to fall back asleep while they poked me and asked me stuff. I got so annoyed that I hit my brother several times in the face with a plastic box (It was really weird because I never get that annoyed irl :S) xD. He didn't seem to care though. I threw the box in my other brothers face. I felt bad at the same time for being so lazy and annoyed.

      5th dream:

      I was biking with someone outside. It was spring time or something because it was extremely muddy everywhere. I had to bike in the mud and it was very slippery.

      6th dream:

      I was at some uni or something at a convent. I was there with Lucas but there was a lot of other geeky persons there. One event they had was to read the lord of the rings trilogy together and I thought "wow, that is soo geeky! They are also extremely fast at reading so they must have read it much before.". Me and Lucas were going to read the hobbit/lotr/some strange book. In some way it was like studying physics because we quickly found a problem in the book that we began to think about. Similar to a problem in a physics book. Suddenly Lucas said "Oh, it is easy! We just have to do a Ljung effect!". I instantly agreed. That was obvious! To do a Ljung effect was to apply some formula (fun that Ljung was a psychiatrist and not a physician lol). I started to look up the Ljung effect formula in a physics book and that is the last thing I remember.


      I was playing with my parents cat. As usual I scratched it on its stomach and it bites when you do that. This time it bite me harder than usual. It wouldn't let go of its grip and it bite harder and harder all the time. I knew now that the cat was evil. There was something wrong with its brain. It was not curable.


      I was in my room at my parents place and Peter and my brothers was there. They talked about something random. I went to my mineral shelf (that doesn't exist lol) and pulled out a meter long quartz crystal. I showed it to them and told them that the chemical compounds of quartz are sulphur and silicon (which it isn't, it is just SiO2). They didn't seem to care much and I don't remember anything more


      A faint fragment of some game of tag that I played outside with my brothers and some random very young kids.
    6. Crazy night (long post)

      by , 07-04-2010 at 08:04 PM
      Okay ummmm.... WOW?! What happened to me last night? By far that was my longest lucid dream ever. OK here goes:

      Non Lucid

      Okay so the non lucid part is all mixed up and hazy but these are the parts I can remember. I realised I was in school which is kinda weird because we just left school. What's even weirder is that I was only wearing my boxers. Okaaaaay so I'm walking around school in my boxers then I think I dropped something on the floor because I remember crouching down to pick something off the floor and thought hmm this looks like a nice place to sleep. At the time I must have thought it was RL and when I woke up I thought did I sleep on the floor last night or was that just in the dream. I was really confused about what was dream and what was reality. Well anyway while I was crouched on the floor going to sleep I must have done the opposite of a false awakening. Having a dream within a dream . I try to imagine it like a normal dream is (dream) and a dream within a dream is (dream(dream)). In this case I woke up from the second dream inside the first dream. So I woke up in my boxers on the floor of my school . I hope you understand what I'm talking about here.

      So another part of it I remember is being in mud-land or something with my sister and her best friend. We jumped down some massive tube of mud that was being emptied and down some massive underground tunnel. Why? I'll never know.


      Ok so far it's all been non lucid. But now I find myself outside my old house. I turned lucid somehow. Okay now it's time to experiment with something I thought. I tried to change the scenery around me to a massive white room to try out some stuff in. It sort of worked. The view in front of me went a patchy white as if the scene had half changed then decided not to. I had to use my arms to wipe off the rest of the old scenery and turn it into the white room. I started to hear my voice echoing when I spoke. I find that saying what I want to happen in my dreams helps it happen. So I turn around and behind me I'm still on my old room. One half of my dream is in the massive white room and the other half is on my road. It's the weirdest thing. So I turned the other half of it into the white room too. Then I realise that I can hear birds singing. "No birds" I said. The birds disappear. Then there's some light rain. "No rain" I said. The rain stops. I really started to appreciate how realistic this dream was. The big white room doesn't last long. I found myself in the town centre and I try to summon people. It works but from then on it got stupid. I tried to summon some other stuff but when I started someone walked up beside me and started pointing at the thing I was summoning and screaming "MODS! MODS!". okaaay then. So everyone disappears and then it gets to the best bit.

      I'm outside a building on the edge of a lake with a pier but it looks cartoony. Like it's in Beautiful Katamari style animation. I'm looking out over the lake and behind me to my left there's a kitchen door with a person making burgers in it. He looked like somebody from burger king or something. So I think to myself how about some pyrokenisis. I cup my hand like I'm holding a football in it and really concentrate on making fire. A small blue flame appears in it like the size of one out of a lighter. I fell sort of proud of myself for doing this so I tell the guy that's making the burgers to come and see what I could do. He said something like "I can't I'm making burgers". Yeeeaaah I'm making fire with my mind and all you can think about is making burgers. Idiot. So I try to make a fireball with my mind and throw it at something. I cup both hands as if I'm holding a ball between my hands and concentrate on making a ball of fire. It works but it starts to get really hot. It's not like I'm immune to fire like you would expect. I start getting burnt so I hurry up and throw it. I end up throwing it into the water. Then I try to make lightning. I do the same thing as with the small flame but I concentrate on lightning. I make a small ball of energy in my hand and throw it into the water. For some reason I find myself falling in the water as well. OMG if I fall in that water I'll get killed by the electricity. There's people laughing at me trying not to fall in and I manage not to. THEN (and this is probably the strangest part of the dream) I find myself inside a huge monster's mouth with the burger guy. Seriously? WHAT?!?

      Then I think I must have woken up. "MUST GET ON DREAMVIEWS BEFORE I FORGET ANYTHING" unfortunately I probably forgot a lot of stuff. Also at one point I remember half waking up. I was thinking I wonder if imagining you're spinning around when you're halfway into a dream helps induce lucidity? Apparently it does but I don't know if I was truly half awake or if I was having a false awakening.

      Anyway that was the best lucid dream I've had. Glad I was able to share it with all of you lovely people .

      P.S: I listened to almost the whole of the new pendulum album writing this. Remember how I recently left school? This is the most writing I've done for a loooooong time
    7. Multiple fragments

      by , 07-04-2010 at 07:30 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      I don't recall much about my dreams last night.
      A couple things that stand out:
      I heard a woman being raped. In the dream, I knew her. I couldn't access the room so I banged on the wall, yelling at the man. The woman quietly told me to leave them alone, that it was concentual. I knew he was making her say that, but I couldn't do anything. I felt utterly helpless.

      In another dream, I was running through a building with many rooms. This is a recurring theme. A very large (both tall and fat) man opened the door and taunted me. "Is she in here? (it was a very small bathroom and I was hiding behind the opened door)" He asked. Then "Should I run along now and keep searching or" then he stepped into the room to look behind the door. I hit him as hard as I could then kept running. Don't recall how it ended.

      In another dream I was some other woman. I had been kidnapped and taken........ no, the dream started in a car. I was with a guy who had abducted me. He gave me a red wig to wear but it fit me poorly. We were in a nightclub and I heard someone talk about a guy who was missing. In the dream, he was a friend. I told my abductor that I wanted to look for him. I thought I knew where he was. But that made the man very mad. He called the friend my lover and said I wouldn't see him again.
      When we left, the dream continued in 3rd person and I saw the news. There was a picture of me and there was an announcement about my abduction.
      Then I was by the sea, on a cliff with caves. There were several people, but they were all clones (3 different sets). Some were bad guys, others good. I tried running, but got caught. The man then gave me a syringe. I don't remember why I HAD to stick under my eye. I think the life of someone else was at stake. Anyhow.. he gave me a syringe and explained what would happen. I stuck it through my lower eye lid and into my eyeball. The sollution dissolved my eye. It looked REALLY gross and I was surprised there was no pain. Then I had to do the other eye. The colors I saw as my eyes liquified were amazing.
      There was a huge fight
      There was a battle and I fought though blind. Don't recall how it ended.

      In another dream, I was on a spaceship. We were lost for a really long time, but we ended up finding a Planet of the gods or some such. When we landed a car drove us through a neighborhood. One home had a plate which read : "The Last of the Jetsons" lol.
      Our finding the planet was crucial for earth. Don't recall why.
      Then the dream was narrated my a girl who was supposed to be my daughter or granddaughter. She spoke of moving into the last house on Jackson.

      In another dream, I was in a car with a former Elder of my Congregation. He spoke to me about quitting smoking and getting back into the Congregation. That's all I recall.

      In another dream, I was a guy... I remember nothing else though.

      That's it for today.

      Updated 07-04-2010 at 08:02 PM by 23745

    8. July 4 2010 - Schoolyard Survival

      by , 07-04-2010 at 06:20 PM (Mah Journal)
      I started off the dream in Mrs. P's classroom. It was the last day of school again. The lights were out, and it was dark. We were waiting for the bell. Mrs. P was yelling at us and telling us that we couldn't leave if we were this noisy. No one really listened.

      Then I was in Mrs. G's class. We were still waiting to leave on the last day of school. I was looking at some chart; apparently it was some activity that we had done at a field trip. As I looked at it, I saw that everyone's name was on the chart. Beside it there was a rank (as if we were in the army or something), along with statistics: how many people liked us, how many people we hated, and how many people we liked (ever so random?). When I looked at the top of the chart, KA was there with the rank of Commander. It said that 1 person liked her, she hated 11 people, and liked some amount that I can't remember. Then I was with RE, and we tried to find our names. We found it in the middle; ours were beside each other, ranked at about 43 or 44.

      Then I ended up in the hallway. I asked KA if I could go to her house. She told me I probably could. But then she was going to some other random person's house, and apparently I was to go with them. The random person's mother was there. She asked me if I had a bike. I said yes, and she sighed with relief. But then I realized that even though I had a bike, it was at home.

      I ended up in the front yard. I was with my friends. We were saying our goodbyes. I started to leave since I had to meet KA and her random friend at the front of the yard. As I tried to get out, I realized I was pretty well trapped. There were fences everywhere. I hopped the short fence of the yard onto the street, but in the middle of the street was a wooden building with a wooden tunnel dug out under it. There was fence all around it. Somehow I knew that it was from TR, where the people apparently talked to us before we departed. I went up the wooden ramp and into the little wooden hut, but a fence blocked off the exit.

      I then realized that the only way out was to go through the school. I went into the school and turned left to the exit. As I went to the exit corridor, I saw my principal. She was in front of my. I walked cautiously behind her, trying not to make her notice I was here. Then when we were in the corridor, there was a set of stairs and a door on each side of the little room. She was at the bottom of the stairs. As I prepared to go through the door, she stopped and turned around and blocked my path. I jumped to the other side of the stairs, but she followed my lead. I made a dash for the door to my left. I exited, thinking, "She can't catch me, she's just walking around in high heels! I'm running! There's no way!" But yet I could feel her behind me. I tried to run, but the "dream gravity" pulled me back. This made me lucid. I randomly decided to try and transform into a purple dragon, but the dream ended there.
      lucid , non-lucid
    9. First LD / Semi-LD

      by , 07-04-2010 at 05:28 PM
      I used a mixture of WBTB and MILD for this one, since this is my first post i may aswell outline colours i will use
      Dream = Black
      Lucid = Blue because i like it

      It starts in what seems to be an elongated airport corridor, kinda like what you walk through before you go onto the plane. It seems like they all merge into a central area, the area i was in. Since never seeing anything like this in real life and wondering what was going on I decided to try out an RC, I now realized I was dreaming and become "Lucid" well, kinda

      For some reason some men came out from one of the corridor exits and appeared to be hostile. I instantly tried Telekenesis and to my surprise, it worked, throwing him against the wall and knocking him out. (Although I should mention this dream was like an extremely badly drawn cartoon, also hinting that i was dreaming.) Although knowing this was a dream i could not manipulate my surroundings or objects, i still had to follow the dream. I continued down a corridor and saw a further two badly drawn characters and decided to use Telekenesis on these two aswell. After this being sucessful, I continued on down the corridor, must have got over-excited and woke up.

      The main reason for posting this was as this was my first LD, i heard that some people only stay lucid or semi-lucid for seconds, i was able to use telekenesis on my first try and stay lucid for some time, which really surprised me.

      Updated 07-04-2010 at 05:32 PM by 33460 (Checking if it makes sense lmao and grammer tihi)

    10. June 3, 2010 - Part Two

      by , 07-04-2010 at 05:17 PM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      Slept between 11:30p-6:00a.

      DV-related fragment

      Just a short fragment here. I was in a car with Naiya and possibly Akono. We all had DV going on our cellphones and we were checking up on people. Someone was helping out on some top-secret projects, but they kept leaking info on the forums by way of asking people to help them gather information on certain topics.

      Had decided to try a DEILD this morning, so my lucid weaver alarm was what woke me. Unfortunately, I was quite confused at the sound of the alarm and wasn't sure why I was hearing beeping noises. Once they stopped I remembered, "Oh right, it's supposed to be a DEILD... What was I dreaming about?" and it was mostly gone I should probably remember to do an auto-suggestion before sleeping if I'm going to try a DEILD

      Decided to turn the DEILD into a WILD using a suggestion I had gotten from someone using music (in my head) as an anchor, rather than music on earphones (since on earphones tends to carry over into dreams, so they say, and it gets annoying, I guess. I honestly don't think I would mind it, but I couldn't use my earphones, anyways).

      It is definitely too difficult for me to WILD with the BF next to me To be fair, it wasn't a very serious attempt. I only got a light SP, barely any vibrations, and I found it hard to roll out due to that. Gave up, RC'd, just in case, then dozed very lightly and woke up for work, at 6am.

      Updated 07-04-2010 at 05:19 PM by 28724

      Tags: akono, naiya
      side notes , non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Show

      by , 07-04-2010 at 05:09 PM (Darkness Beyond Time)
      I was with my brotherin some theatre watching some show. It looked like sports hall. I suddenly started screaming and went down and started dancing. I looked at my hand and I had some strange something-o-meter and I was near some limit. I got back to my seat and noticed it was really dark there. I had my backpack here and I started searching for something in it. I was making some noise and police officer came and warned me. Finally I got candies out of my backpack and started eating them. After that my friend came to me telling me about how police officers came to me.

      Updated 01-29-2011 at 02:46 PM by 25701

    12. First logged dream

      by , 07-04-2010 at 03:48 PM
      Waking time: 12pm
      Writing time: 15:48

      I can't really remember much. In the dream I was the boyfriend of one of the characters in One Life to Live. We were celebrating Thanksgiving (Watched an episode recently where they celebrated Thanksgiving, we don't even celebrate thanksgiving in my country ) with our family (Characters from the show).
    13. When Things Go Wrong

      by , 07-04-2010 at 03:37 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)
      1- Gross
      ((I'm not going to describe the events that led up to my lucidity. Believe me, you don't want to hear it. I'll just say that it involves tonsil stones.)) I look in the mirror and decide that I'd better RC for good measure, because this is NOT normal. To my relief, I am dreaming. All I remember is going out in my backyard...

      2- Hitler's Reincarnation
      A man who is the spitting image of Hitler is doing some experiments on a dreamstone. He is progressively getting crazier and crazier. There are some people that he has locked up, and he is talking to one of them. "I wonder how the stone will react," he murmurs, "when it absorbs all the negative energies from your massacre!" He opens the gates, and the prisoners flood out. Men on horseback come, slaughtering every one of them.

      3- DEILD attempt

      I am trying to DEILD, but I don't realize that I'm already dreaming. It's too late to even call it a DEILD anyway, 'cause I've already opened my eyes. I am looking at my reflection in a mirror above my bed. She is gesturing for me to come closer. I refuse, telling HER to come closer. She walks out the mirror door, subsequently walking IN my real door. Cool, now there's two of me! ((I'm semi-lucid at this point.)) My reflection doesn't seem to like me that much, but I don't care. I try to think of something interesting we can do, when...

      4- Wild Chase
      Chris calls me, and I "wake up."

      "What is it!?" I yell from my bed.

      "Come here!"

      He hands me two cookies wrapped up in a piece of paper. He tells me I have to take them to Nathaniel. "Why can't Steven do that?" I ask irritably. "It's his friend." But I go out to the car anyway. For some reason, Jordan's there, and he's in the driver's seat. What's the point of me even going?

      We start off down the road. From the talking in the back seat, I conclude that Tony, Eve, Charles, and my brother are with us as well. Why are THEY here?

      Jordan is swerving all over the road, and I yell at him to get in his lane. "I can't! I'll hit the pigeons!"

      "How can you even see any pigeons!? You don't have your lights on!" While he's trying to find the lights, he swerves off the road and nearly crashes. We come to an abrupt halt. Charlie runs out of the car and pukes all over the road. When he gets back in, I'm about to tell Jordan to let me drive, but he takes off at an alarming speed.

      "Slow down, you idiot!!!" Now the cops are chasing us. They're shooting! He manages to get away, and I force him to stop the car. "I'm driving!" I fume angrily. He doesn't argue.

      I have another run-in with the cops, but I'm driving a hell of a lot better than Jordan was. They're only chasing me because of his stupidity... But using my new-found super driving skills, I easily evade them. Steven tells me we have to stop at McDonald's to get his friend's burger.

      Somehow, I'm on a motorcycle now, and everyone else is just walking around me as I pull up to the drive through. After ordering, I realize that we must have left those cookies in the car...

      Conclusion: Samael is right. DC's should never be allowed to drive.
      Tags: lucid
      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    14. First Entry and First *Real* Lucid Dream!

      by , 07-04-2010 at 03:34 PM (GypsyDiver's Dream Bible)
      Last night I had three dreams and a lucid!


      I was with my brother and sister. We were in a trailer, and they were going to go out for the night. My brother has this tattoo he wanted to add to, and he had this idea to stick eyes in it. My sister hated the idea so I started to design a swirly design to go inside. Later, we were at the tattoo parlor and he came in and got it done.


      I was in a lesbian relationship with one of my (former) best friends (who is totally straight.) We had been holding hands in the hall and this girl from my high school jumped out and started attacking her. I tried to defend her, but the more I yelled, the more people came to hurt her. One person ran up and dumped a movable tray with a bunch of A/V equipment on her, and she fell over passed out. I started kicking and biting, screaming as hard as I could, but no teachers came. I can't normally scream in dreams, and this time it was because the girl had her hand over my mouth. They started beating me, and once I stopped screaming, someone came and helped us both. I even think the girl got in trouble, yay!


      It started out on a plane. There was a large group of us, and we were landing. We separated into groups, and I got the lame no-group group. There was a Pikachu group that my old manager from Waldenbooks led (all the kids in it had to wear Pikachu outfits XD) and there was a Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat group. A friend/musical rival from high school was going to play Joseph, even though she was only chosen two days before it started. She wasn't very good, and sometimes she wasn't even singing. I was pretty upset and wished I could have auditioned instead. I was going to sing after the performance stopped, but got embarrassed halfway through.

      My First (more than five second) Lucid!

      I don't remember much beyond the beginning of the lucidity. I was with a girl, and suddenly, can't remember what the DS was, I thought, "Oh, that's because I'm in a dream!" And I had to convince myself, like my mind didn't want to believe it. I tried sticking my finger through the nearest thing... I think it was a fence or a wall of some kind. It worked! After that, I tried convincing the girl with me we were in a dream (and in the process, totally forgot to center and look at my hands...) because we were running from someone. She ran ahead, so I went after her. Already it was getting really hard to focus, but up ahead I saw a huuuge building! I remember thinking, "Oh, yeah, this is a dream. I'm gonna run up it!" I had to psych myself up, because I wasn't sure it was gonna work. I picked up some speed, and I thought, "I'm running sooo fast, it feels so great, I can definitely do this!" I jumped to early, and my foot didn't hit the building, but I had gathered so much speed that for a minute, I was running about an inch above the building. All I remember thinking before I woke up was, "If I had a sword, I would be too badass right now."
      lucid , memorable
    15. Trying to get contacted while getting blocked

      by , 07-04-2010 at 09:42 AM
      Blue = Lucid
      Green = Semi-lucid
      Red = Non-lucid

      I woke up from a normal dream and didn't move 1 inch so I DEILD'ed without even trying at all.
      I woke up in my room, I sitted on the bed and looked around, I saw my older sister and she was being all hyper which was unusuall for her. I knew from the start I was dreaming but I wanted to make sure so I looked at my right hand, it had 5 fingers, I checked my left hand and it had 3 fingers, I closed my eyes and opened them again and it had 5 fingers now. Now I was sure that I was dreaming, after some time my sister exited the room and dissapeared, I couldn't remember at all what she was saying. I stood up and walked a bit around the room, rubbing my hands just to make sure everything stays. After a few moments I started calling out "Yranul!" after my first shout some tiger like creature with weird colors jumped on me and tried to kill me, but I fought back, as I hitted it my hand just went trough it, breaking it into 2 pieces, for some reason it's insides were out of wood, but the creature seemed like it was made from flesh and bones o.o... After defeating it I stood up again and called out again "Yranul!" this time nothing attacked me but I saw a small shadowy creature walking on the already shadowed floor, the room was halfly bright but the floor was dark and shadowy. I picked up the creature that was walking down there and it was a pitch black eevee with black eyes, I took it into my arms and held it like a baby and petted it, it enjoyed being petted. It couldn't talk but it talked to me by showing me signals with it's paws, I can't remember what we talked about besides the last thing. It took some kind of a small book and listed trough it looking for the calendar for 7th month but it couldn't find it, it kept listing and listing looking cofused how it's not there. While it was doing that I kept hearing in my head "Birthday....birthday..." I tought maybe it meanth Noom's birthday so I pointed to 30.1 but it shook it's head and kept on looking, then I tought maybe it meanths it's own and mine so I pointed 29.3 but again it shook it's head. It gave up after some time and went back into my arms and I petted it some more. It dissapeared for some reason and I was transfered into my mom's house into the kitchen and in it were my mom and stepdad, I was semi-lucid at this point. They started shouting at me and kept telling me what a failure I am and looking for any insult they could find. For some reason I couldn't move or anything, I could just sit and watch them scream at me. After some time I was again transfered somewhere else, this time I was in some small store and I was non-lucid. I looked around the store looking what they had, 1 thing caught my eye, It was a box with packings on it saying "lolipops" but inside the packing were regular pencils. I looked confused at them and then I heard 2 girls talking about something. I turned around and one of them was pregnant, she said something about those pencils help her become pregnant. Before I could get even more confused I was again transfered somewhere else, this time outside of a huge mall. I saw a person walking and talking to someone how he got a car on luck games, sold it and made himself a house. Before anything happened I was transfered into the huge mall but I don't remember anything that happened from that point on untill I woke up.

      As I woke up I remembered it all for 1 second but I quickly forgot ALOT of it and got a huge headacke and got tired.

      Notes :
      Yranul - My sub-c or Dream guide
      Noom - My love's sub-c or Dream guide
      Sub-c and Dream guide are pretty much the same thing as far as I know. xD

      And final note :
      I have something called mental block and it is causing me not to be able to contact Yranul and it forces out any memory from dreams I am not allowed to have by it's opinion and it also dissallows me to visualise in colors and alot of other stuff but that is not important. xD