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    1. Sunday Morning Fragments

      by , 08-01-2010 at 03:39 PM (Beyond the Horizon)
      Had many dreams, but only remember 3

      ---Dream 1---

      I was inside a game that I played a while ago. It is a maze game, but in the fourth dimension. It's found here: 4D Maze Game. This game is CRAZY difficult to comprehend. You can go up, down, left, right, forwards, backwards, IN AND OUT!!!

      It was a dream where me and my friends were running around the maze, but it was in freaking four dimensions! This means my subconscious can actually comprehend it. I can't in RL!

      I remember them coming towards me, but I went "in" and so they went past me in all directions

      Anyway, that would have been the best dream to have become lucid in; I think my brain would have exploded trying to render four dimensions for me

      ---Dream 2---

      I vaguely remember being near my xbox, but I had just bought Kinect, the motion capturing technology for Xbox 360. To this, my friend said "Wow you have Kinect!" and he went off and told kazd362

      ---Dream 3---

      I've had this dream before.

      I'm a secret agent or something that has to carry out a covert mission at night time. The mission has 3 parts, but I forget the first part.

      So, everything is really dark blue, because it's night time, and I'm in a quiet street/alleyway. At the end there is a small truck just off the street. I plant a bomb underneath it, then I proceed to break into the truck.

      I slide the window around the doorframe just right, and it unlocks the door. I scramble inside, trying not to make a sound, and reach for the glovebox on the opposite side. I open it, but the information isn't there. So I open the armrest compartment, and there it is, in a folded manilla envelope. There's a car coming up the street so I quickly get out, shut the door, and crouch down behind the truck, and move around it as the car goes past.

      This happens a few times, one with police, and another time with motorbikes. I then back away from the truck and onto the street, press a button, and it blows up. It looked so cool!

      I woke up, and went straight back into the dream

      The whole dream repeated, except this time there was someone with me; a friend who I haven't seen for 8 years, and thought I saw the other day in RL. We carried out all the same actions, talking as well, quietly.

      But the police saw us this time, so we had to detonate early. The truck was white after that, and we couldn't interact with it anymore, like in the game Call of Duty, the vehicles are just solid and stationary.

      What was supposed to happen is that after I blow the truck up, a helicopter will fly by,
      and I'm supposed to grapple-hook myself to it

      But we were in lots of trouble and things went bad. There were snipers everywhere, and more people were coming down the street

      I woke up.
    2. First lucid dream

      by , 08-01-2010 at 03:07 PM
      Right now, I'm home in Memphis, and I'd already woken up for real a few times this morning, but I was being a typical teenager and trying to milk every bit of sleep out of the day, so I kept going back to sleep. The last time was different, though. I woke up in my bed like I had been, and then I was walking into the house I stayed at in Daytona during the summer, but I was confused because it wasn't really the house I had stayed at. It had a different layout. Then I looked around and saw two of my friends from here in Memphis and remembered that that friend was getting a place off campus to live and that this was his house, not mine. And then it hit me. I thought, "This doesn't make sense. I just woke up in my bed in memphis, how did I get to Daytona? I must be dreaming." At that point, I was back standing in front of my room. First thing I tried was to fly down the hallway, succesfully. I walked out the front door, levetated a rock and changed it into something else, don't remember what. Some of my fraternity brothers were outside when I walked out the door. I tried changing some more rocks, but it didn't work and I was getting frustrated because the world was becoming out of focus, so I remembered an article I read and sad "clarify" out loud a few times and it seemed to work. I walked a little further around the house and at the corner, one of my brothers was digging a hole and it had an enormous spider in it. I tried to materialize something to kill the spider, but it didn't work and the spider jumped out and scurried down to the barn. Next, I'm at the barn. One of my brothers and Legolas (yes, Legolas from Lord of the Rings) are there with me. Legolas goes upstairs and finds the body of the spider. It's dead but seems as though babies have come out of it. We all go outside and there are bees flying around. I try making the be swarm disappear, and it slowly does. Then, I look up and and see that it's cloudy and I want it to be brighter, so I raise my hands and start trying to move the clouds out of the way of the sun. I am successful in this, and in moving the sun further off the horizon. Then I notice that the sun isn't a ball, but is shaped like a flag and has a symbol on it from Saints Row 2. I look back at the people around me. I recognize three of them as my fraternity brothers: Tim P, Kenneth H., and Joey J.. I look at Tim and realize that he is wearing glasses and braces, which he doesn't have in real life so I make them disappear. Then I look at Joey and notice that of all the people I've seen in the dream, he looks the most like he does in real life. Then I woke up. This is the first time I've actually been able to manipulate parts of my dream, and it was so exciting. I can't wait to try again.

      Updated 08-02-2010 at 03:39 AM by 34758

      lucid , false awakening
    3. Dio's death + Hannah Montana = ?

      by , 08-01-2010 at 02:26 PM (My world, my rules)
      Sim, eu sei que isso aconteceu já faz tempo. Mas mesmo assim, sonhei com isso.
      E eu NÃO assisto Hannah Montana, ok?
      Dio é um famoso cantor de Heavy Metal, e morreu a alguns meses. Sonhei que isso tinha acontecido e, na minha cidade, várias bandas começaram a fazer shows tributos em vários lugares. A cidade estava lotada de gente com camisas do Dio e de outras bandas do mesmo gênero. Lembro de estar em um show onde meu irmão estava tocando. Firmino estava entre os fãs, com uma camisa do Dio e, claro, muito emocionado.
      Eu e meu pai tentamos ir para outro local, mas o trânsito estava praticamente parado, devido ao número de pessoas no local. Estávamos sendo seguidos por vários metaleiros, o que tirava um pouco da privacidade e do conforto.
      Chegamos em uma loja, onde haviam exemplares de miniaturas de carros, que eram muito bem feitas! Meu pai estava mostrando-as para mim, e os metaleiros que estavam nos seguindo também estavam adimirando as miniaturas.
      Chegamos no museu da cidade, onde haviam várias cadeiras. Victor e Pelz estavam lá, e disseram que nós iriamos fazer um tributo ao Dio também. Mas não sabíamos tocar nenhuma música dele, e eu sabia que aquilo não ia dar certo. Victor estava sentado, se aquecendo na guitarra, quando eu disse "Ta bom, eu me sacrifico", e fiz que iria pegar a guitarra dele. Ele já estava se levantando e cedendo a guitarra, quando eu disse "Eu me sacrifico, vou assistir vocês!". Pelz riu diante da minha piada.
      Victor ficou nervoso, então jogou algumas cadeiras para o lado, e sentou-se perto de mim. Havia uma TV na nossa frente, e estava começando a passar Hannah Montana.
      Nesse episódio, ela estava com uma amiga na praia, cantando juntas, quando o telefone da amiga dela toca. Era a mãe dela, dizendo para ela voltar para casa. Ela, nervosa, jogou o telefone para longe. Quando ela foi buscar, percebeu que o telefone (que agora era um sutiã) havia caído perto de um homem, por quem ela logo se sentiu interessada. Ela se ajeitou toda, e foi buscar o sutiã, mas o homem nem percebeu. Ela o colocou rápido e saiu correndo, olhando para o homem ainda. Mas, no caminho dela, estava um metaleiro (com uma camisa do álbum Fear of the Dark, da banda Iron Maiden). Ela tropeçou no chão, e foi deslizando até esse metaleiro. Ela deslizou de tal modo que acabou beijando o metaleiro na boca, acidentalmente.
      Não me lembro de mais fatos ou detalhes desse sonho
    4. From work, to Halloween, to the eighteenth century...

      by , 08-01-2010 at 02:21 PM (Purple Trees and Zombies: Trippy Dreams of an Artist/Writer)
      I'm at a table at work, making a sign for the employees, something about encouragement. Char, one of my co-workers is annoying me, but I never remember why. I'm trying to find space on this poster board for what my manager, Brian wants. I think I ask Arayna, the day baker, if making a checklist for the employee's achievements is okay to conserve space.

      Then it's Halloween and I'm putting on makeup. I don't remember the details, but my mom is there and we are in my old kitchen in the trailer I grew up in. I'm dressed in white, but the costume details are fuzzy. I'm waiting for my friend, Mark to come. I think he'll be impressed by my makeup job. I grab my orange pumpkin pail and head out.

      Cut to a woman's house. It's down a dirt road, in the country. I remember white siding and a screened porch. I'm still dressed for Halloween and I think Mark is still with me. The woman gives me these old books instead of candy. They look like picture books from the 50's. I look over to her pile and see two art books on dragons. I ask if I can have one. She gives me one, but then I know the other has more techniques on "how" to draw the pictures inside. Mine just has the pictures. I ask for the other, but she refuses, says it's not for sale. She'll let me look though. This isn't enough and I wonder if I should steal it. The art inside is by Luis Royo, a Spanish (and my favorite) artist. I do remember some of the pictures, most of them had females, blond hair. (There's that blond hair again).

      Then Mark is gone, and I'm inside this old mansion. I think I'm babysitting this boy, dark haired and around 12 years old. His mother is sleeping. Another fragment invades this dream and I'm unsure if it's context or where it truly fits. I'm outside in a red snowsuit, covered from head to toe, sitting in the snow. I'm warm and I'm burying myself inside the snow drift. it's sunny outside and I'm right outside my parent's window at their house.

      Back to the babysitting, the boy runs away and I have to find him. Joey (friend from work) is there and opens one of those books the Halloween lady gave me. It's newer this time, looks like a travel book. He says the boy might have went to a place inside the book. I have to hurry before the mother wakes and realizes her son is gone. I go outside, cobblestone road under my feet, and there's all these alleys I pass, "hallways" from inside the house. Their walls were wooden, but the floor was the road. One at the end had a cabinet filled with glass tubes and bottles, like a lab. Others had storage cubbies and doors. I see a woman poking around, she has reddish hair and dressed in eighteenth century garb. I wonder what she's up to, but don't investigate at this time.

      I go outside and into a marketplace. It's something out of the renaissance, but with goth people dressed in black instead of the renaissance clothing. I look down and realize, I'm dressed in a black dress myself, out of the eighteenth century, but my feet have gray socks, no shoes. I seemed unconcerned, even proud of this for some reason as I walk down the road.

      I wander around and forget about the boy. Jewelry stands are everywhere, glittering with every type of jewelry I love. I reach for my purse, but have none. I wonder where Jenny and Adam are, my best friend and her husband. I know they are there, somewhere. I go back to get some money from the mansion, and realize the woman poking around earlier has my money. I see her dart between the hall/alleys and chase her down. I push her around a little, angry and she doesn't fight back. Hugh Jackman, dressed in the same style clothing I have gives me a sickle and says "You know what to do." I ask should I cut the woman's head off, and he laughs, says the sickle isn't sharp enough. So I angle it and slit her throat. She doesn't struggle the entire time, and I feel nothing when I do this.

      Once dead, Hugh searches her body and gives me three pouches, one maroon, and two dark green. There's money inside, but I'm not sure how much. I know she robbed the mother while she slept, and apparently someone else besides me. I keep all three purses.


      The last dream was one I had right before waking, therefore, all the details were still quite vivid. No lucid. Which is, again, annoying, but I'm starting to notice a few themes I haven't before. The blonds are now looking dubious to me. Why the hell am I dreaming about blonds? Every night so far has had blond females. The art books are kinda self-explanatory as I wish to get back into drawing again, but I'm not sure of my skill level. Halloween is my favorite holiday...and Mark in RL is a makeup artist, among other things so yes, I would be interested to see what he thought of my makeup. Snow and the snowsuit...have no clue. A memory invading? I never owned a red snowsuit though. The jewelry and the whole renaissance bit is also simple. I love those type of necklaces and Ren fest is coming up this month. I'm afraid I won't have the money to buy anything. Not sure on my clothing or lack of shoes. Not sure about the boy and the sleeping mother, or what was going on with killing the thief. As for the work part of the first dream, not sure either. Maybe because things have been tense with the managers and district manager lately.
    5. School Vacations

      by , 08-01-2010 at 02:14 PM (My world, my rules)
      Sonhei que, nas semanas de férias, os alunos ainda poderiam ir para o colégio. Mas não tinham aulas, era apenas para aproveitar o tempo com os amigos e com os professores. Eu estava na sala azul com a minha turma e com a professora Fátima. Eu estava lendo alguma coisa, quando ela me chama para tocar violão junto com o Renato (que iria cantar). Renato me disse que iríamos tocar Ala Rustica, que é uma peça um pouco complicada.
      Ao ver a partitura, me surpreender por estar grafada de um modo bem mais simples. Mas, apesar de indicar os acordes, não indicava o rítmo que deveria ser tocado. Comentei isso para Fátima, e dei um exemplo de como o rítmo pode interferir no resultado final. Ela disse que iria pesquisar o rítmo da música e me traria na próxima aula que tivessemos com ela.
      Voltei para o colégio na sexta-feira, e encontrei Vini, Lui e WIll na entrada. Vini perguntou por que eu estava lá, e eu disse que era por causa da aula de inglês.
      Nós iriamos tentar entrar na sala antes de bater o sino, que é proibido. Então, saímos correndo e nos escondendo pelos corredores. Quando estávamos bem perto da sala, ouvimos alguém vindo na nossa direção. Nos desesperamos e corremos muito rápido, até chegarmos na sala, sem ninguém nos ter visto.
    6. Best Night's Sleep in Ages!

      by , 08-01-2010 at 02:13 PM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I went to bed at midnight, but woke up at 8:45 *NATURALLY* as in without an alarm!
      I remembered two dreams, but one of them was split up over multiple awakenings.

      ---Dream 1---

      I was up the front of my church, being interviewed about Pathfinders; a program like Scouts. I said something like "Yeah that camp was really fun."
      Then the person asked "And what are you doing next weekend?"
      I said "Oh, we're going on another camp!!"
      I then went off the stage and sat down in a pew, the pastor had to move a little bit to let me in. I was then the floor manager; the person in charge of handing people microphones, which I haven't done in RL for years.

      I woke up late in the night.

      ---Dream 2 (Reassembled)---

      I remember dreaming about this place before, but with different things happening. I find myself standing on the very end of a thin piece of ice jutting out from some rocks on a shoreline. It must have been 100 metres long. I was there with someone who was going to visit my house for lunch in RL later that day.

      The sky was vivid red from a sunset, and there were lots of clouds to be coloured by the sun.
      Immediately the ice started cracking and I said "Quick, run!" and we started running back towards the rocks, the ice cracking the whole time.
      I thought for a second, as I was running and jumping across the ice, why are we all the way out here? The ice would have cracked if we walked out onto it before, but my stupid self didn't think twice about it. I'm not sure if the other guy made it.

      ~~This dream was split up all over the place, so I'm just going to organise them into the most sensible order~~

      After I woke up the first time, I re-entered the dream. This time, landing back on the end of the ice. The sun was a bit higher above the ocean, and my sister was there, as well as kazd362's old crush that he wrote about.
      Also, the fish guy from Hellboy was there too (wtflol)
      Someone was talking about this yellow gadget I had on my arm. They said something about how if someone else uses it, a swarm of bees gets unleashed from it and attacks them. Then, this happens, and I just run around a bit until they disappear, much to our amusement.

      Then they showed another feature; a tracker. I took it out to show everyone. It was flashing red. Then the fish guy grabbed and threw it into the water. I was like "No! I'll never get it now,; it's in the ocean!"

      I dived after it anyway. The water was light blue underneath, and I tried to get it, but I realised I can't breathe underwater. So I take a big breath to hold (I was already under the water) then suddenly I could bring up a HUD in my vision and enable some options, like the one in Mass Effect 2. So I select Breathe and Vision. When I selected Breathe, I could, well, BREATHE. But when I chose Vision, the water went all green, and the HUD turned red, and it allowed me to see further through the water.
      I suddenly saw the fish guy swimming away through the water with the tracker, so I also enable some suit function, so that when I move my legs like a dolphin, the suit would amplify it and make me go faster.

      So I followed the fish guy around underwater, before we resurfaced, and suddenly we were all looking at some large structure built out into the water, and we were in a large bay area, all bobbing in the water far out from the shore.

      Someone said "Okay, keep your heads down and your *(can't remember; probably tails)* up!" and with that, we all dove under the water to infiltrate the structure.

      I woke up, and when the toilet stopped flushing, went back to sleep

      I went straight back into the dream, but we were all further inside the bay, about 30 metres from the shore, still bobbing up and down in the water. We were dispersed, but started to get out until the water was at knee-height. Then we all stopped to look out across the water, and we saw ships like the ones in Avatar: The last Airbender.

      I woke up, feeling absolutely, amazingly refreshed for the first time in 6 months, and went to church.

      Updated 08-01-2010 at 03:42 PM by 34314

      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Monster Hunter + Eragon

      by , 08-01-2010 at 02:07 PM (My world, my rules)
      Sonhei que estava no mundo de Monster Hunter, um jogo onde você caça monstros, dragões, etc. Uma das missões (na região chamada Forest&Hills) era matar um dragão azul (uma alusão ao livro Eragon, que estou lendo). Com um pouco de prática, eu já conseguia completar a missão facilmente. Após um tempo, habilitei outra missão, no mesmo local, onde deveria matar um dragão vermelho (Eldest). Era mais difícil que o outro, mas com o tempo conseguia matá-lo facilmente.
      Tive um fake awakening e vim anotar esse sonho no Dream Views, que inclusive tinha dado um texto enorme, com direito até a imagem!.

      non-lucid , false awakening
    8. Saturday 31st July 2010

      by , 08-01-2010 at 01:39 PM

      The Karate Claus

      This is my first DJ entry and the first dream I've remembered in a long time. My dream recall was pretty poor so I don't quite know how what I remembered came about within the dream. Also of note is the fact that it seemed a lot of it it was in third person. I have a hunch that the majority of my dreams are.

      I was learning kung fu and was at a reasonable level(I knew this in the dream i never actually saw myself train in it) and was at the post office with my wife. I think we must have been talking about me, because I remember thinking that it was hurtful that she said her and her family thought I was weak; I wanted to disagree but for some reason didn't. It was then I noticed that I was wearing a Santa costume complete with jingly-jangly bells. Just as I noticed this a bear came charging up to the window and for some reason i had to fight it. Just as I went outside to start wrestling this bear I woke up
      Tags: bear, kung fu
    9. Money & DNA- 8-1-10

      by , 08-01-2010 at 01:35 PM (My Randomness)
      this one starts out on a bus, not my usual bus, theres people on it that i don't know. as we pull into my old middle school, i remember that i had tons of money in my back pack, so i zip it up quickly. then i see this girl in the seat in front of me, sitting at the window. she was talking to me and my friend. i think she goes to my school, i dont know, she was really pretty. then, after a small memory gap, im standing outside of the bus, and i walk towards what was supposed to be the entrance to the school, it now was some lab tables, and a few scientists. i walked over and asked what they were doing. they were doing research on DNA, they were telling me all this technical stuff, while inserting this white liquid into a clear liquid. when the white stuff hit the clear liquid, it broke up into tiny pieces. im thinking to myself "woah, i had biology last year, what?" one of the scientists, a female (actually i think they were all females) said to me "what didn't you take biology?" and i say "yea, it was last year, i could probably brush up in a few seconds..." (lol apparently i was cocky in my dream ). i think thats all i remember of that one.
    10. 29/07/2010 Pokemon Rush

      by , 08-01-2010 at 09:50 AM
      This dream was particularly weird especially because I havn't played a pokemon game or collected the cards since I was about 10 (7 years ago). But this dream was quite enjoyable.

      I'm in a huge shopping centre. I walk around it and find a section of the shopping centre which is basiclly devoted to pokemon cards. It has a basic layout to an electronics section in a shopping centre but on all the shelves are pokemon cards and not just packs of cards but the single cards. Some guy then tells me that you can play this awseome game if you go to the sections counter, so I do. The lady at the counter is kind of fat and seems like a really nice lady. She tells me about the game where you have 60 seconds to collect up to 80 of any pokemon cards. So I agree to do the challange. Just as I sign my name down on the sheet to go next in line for the challange she says "but I making a rule that you can only collect Japanese cards" I get anoyed with this and try to plead a case but she doesnt care. 3,2,1 the time has started, I run round franticly trying to find Japanese cards. Everycard I see and want however is not a Japanese card and when I think I see a Japanese card I can't properly see if it's Japanese. Its like the sun is in my eyes everytime I reach for a Japanese card I want. The time runs out really fast and I'm really anoyed that I didnt get any cards. I wake up soon after.

      This dream was really easy to remeber and later when I thought about it the shopping centre it seemed like a place I wanted to visit again.
      non-lucid , memorable
    11. 5 dreams in one night, basic version of the MILD technique.

      by , 08-01-2010 at 09:22 AM (The Mind is Power; My Dream Journal)
      So I went to bed a few hours ago and decided to try a little bit of the MILD technique before I went to sleep. Basically I repeated "The next time I dream, I will perform a reality check, and realize I'm dreaming."

      So I dreamed that I was in some sort of giant maze with a bunch of random people who were randomly transported there. We were all running like mad back and forth. The maze wasn't one level. It was multi level. There was the main level which was gigantic, like a closed of basketball court, and covered in a padded like substance. At one end of this padded level, about a hundred feet in the air, was this tower looking area with a slit for a door.

      Anyways. Suddenly we're all running around like a race had just started. I notice that, as we're running around, some people are wearing all white and some people are wearing red and white clothing. Sort of like the Assassins Creed outfit. At some point in the dream I realize I'm supposed to chase down and try and save the people that are wearing both red and white and to try and be with them because the groups of straight white are chasing us down and capturing us and doing, I'm not sure what. But every time anyone gets caught they start screaming, terrified. I remember thinking: "What kind of God or gods would make us follow one thing and then make us suffer for it?"

      At this point I almost become just a pair of eyes with no arms/legs and simply watch as things unfold. I remember this one man running up to a high level and seeing three different options to continue running. It's dark up here and he sees a flash of red and white so he knows to run that way but then he sees flashes of JUST white and knows that he's been cornered. In "my" head or the narrators head I remember narrating his final actions: 'And knowing full well it would be his last desperate moments the man sprinted head on towards what he believed.' And sure enough: my narration was right. He get's tackled and I'm whisked away somewhere else.

      I think I'm "me" now in the dream. I'm running up and down more of these padded stairs. I see this woman running screaming and across some sort of opening I see a man wearing white and red face paint, very vividly. I feel like I should follow that person. He feels important. So I start chasing after him and I'm running up stairs to keep up and another guy is with me running, he's on my team. We reach a point where the stairs don't go any further so we turn to run back but take a different way. I yell, "This way is no good!" and sure enough, it isn't. We near a part where it looks like the stairs are OK but in fact, at a different angle, they are all broken except for one. We turn back and run again.

      And then I must roll in my sleep or something because suddenly I'm at the bottom again and there are a bunch of boxes, about 8 feet tall, that look like giant pillows set all over the bottom floor. The lights are bright and I feel like a ton of people are there again. At the middle of the room is a guy that looks like Drew Brees, a football player, and he is being interviewed by some guy with a mic. He says: "I'm not going to do anything crazy. If I could: I'd like to hit in an NL ballpark." Or something to that affect. He's talking about some sort of baseball competition he's going to have, with just himself, to show off. I then woke up and my heart was racing and my first thought is: It's kinda funny I had two dream fragments but both of them deal with "teams". Hm... back to bed. It's still only 3:22. Will edit with more dreams.

      For some reason I start dreaming and I'm running the "fast break" in basketball and I do a behind the back pass to another kid with curly hair and freckles. He doesn't seen the layup coming and it goes outta bounds. I run over to him after the play ends (and suddenly we're in a cafeteria) and introduce myself. I tell him that I didn't know his name or else I woulda warned him about the pass so he coulda got it. And then suddenly my dream warps into this next one. I'm not going to post much about this fragment as it was super jagged and weird: I was Bart Simpson, or a look a like, and I was running around all over this school wreaking havoc. I would make things blow up or hide things or make mean people get in trouble. And I was constantly getting chased again. My " final moment" in this dream was when I decided to do a suicide mission. I made something blow up and then I tried running away But the explosion caught me as I was running and launched me backwards. And suddenly that dream bled into the next one.

      So I dreamed that I was in some sort of sitcom where I would stage situations to make me look like a hero in order to pick up chicks. I pretended to save Emily Mortimers daughters life (she seemed to live in the same apartment complex as me) and later that I day I made myself "happen" to walk by and she invited me in to chat. She had just broken up with her boyfriend/husband (played by a guy I know, Matthew D) and everything was really tense. But anyways we get to making small talk, which I can't remember, and it seems like she's liking me when suddenly her brother (or a close friend of Matthews) comes over and sits down on the couch while she's in the kitchen. I can tell he's pissed I'm there but I act polite and say "Hey, what's up." He says not too much and is mostly polite back. I don't remember what happens next but suddenly he snaps at me. I get mad at him and almost drop an "f bomb" which he starts to grin and say: "Oh yeah? An f bomb? That's not her style at all." And I get even more angry but I hold it in and mutter that he's the kinda guy that sits at the top of the movie theatre so he can look down on everyone. He goes "So I'm some kinda class racist eh?" and starts laughing at me. Emily walks back into the room and says: "I don't need this!" and then next thing I know the brother/Matthews friend is kicked out. And then suddenly we're in a different POV, almost like a sitcom opening, where I'm following three similar looking brothers. One brother is played by the guy from Cloverfield, the main character, and then two guys that look kinda like him. And they're walking up some sorta steps to the top of the apartment building. It's sunny and it looks kinda like California. As they walk up the steps some music is playing and scenes of guys telling girls to "go to roof 7" occurs. Apparently, in this dream sitcom, when you don't want to get with a girl you tell her to go wait at roof 7. And then one of these guys shows up and "sweeps her off her feet" for a one night stand. Anyways. These three guys make it to the top of the apartment building "rooftop 7" and look around. It's all concrete with a few potted trees and benches. There are two groups of people: all guys. The brothers seem super dissappointed and then one brother mentions Emily living in the apartment and how he's going to try and get with her. At this point I realize that I am the main character (the guy from Cloverfield) and for some reason I don't say anything back. My "brother" says "it's gonna be awesome. Gettin' the second girl this week that you been with, haha" implying that they'll enjoy being with him more. And that's pretty much it for that dream. I DO remember that the one brother had one giant tooth instead of regular sized front teeth. Teeth getting messed up seems to be a theme in my dreams.

      And my fifth dream in one night: I remember standing around in a parking lot with a buddy of mine, Austin. He had come driving up from somewhere. And anyways in the back of his van was a bunch of music equipment. So he comes flying across the street to where I'm hanging out at and pulls around and parks and pops his trunk. I'm super worried he forgot something we'll need but I keep finding out that he has everything. I remember, from across the street, watching him running holding my amp head with one hand and the thing dangling around like it was going to fall. It was sorta funny. So we start jamming out and I keep all of the equipment underneath the door of his trunk because I'm afraid of rain. And then we invite my friend Chris to come play with us and he shows up, too, from across the street. From there forward it gets pretty hazy. He mentions how his class gave him the day off or something but he's thinking of going back anyways. Somebody makes a joke where the punchline is "I wouldn't even show you my penis online." And that's pretty much it.

      So, wow. The MILD technique really does work. No Lucids but 5 completely separate and memorable dreams. I'm going to keep this up.

      Updated 08-01-2010 at 02:36 PM by 33935

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable , dream fragment
    12. #2 First Lucid dream

      by , 08-01-2010 at 08:09 AM (East of East St. Louis)
      dream lucid talking about the dream, but not part of the dream story

      First dream of last night -

      My family and I were at Denny's and I was showing off a couple of Apps for my iPod. I showed one about food to my Mom, who was supremely skinny. She said the sushi looked good and pulled a pair of chopsticks out of somewhere and reached into the picture and pulled out some of the sushi. I realized this wasn't possible and thought "Oh my god, I'm dreaming!" The ensuing excitement woke me up.


      Second dream of last night -

      first it started up a third person p.o.v and I was looking at song lyrics for a new Rasputina cd. They talked about this house, it was haunted and bad things had happened there. Then it was like I was watching videos of the stuff that had happened. there were a lot of turtles involved. and breaking lightbulbs.

      A couple of other people and myself went to the place. When we got there we were told a bit about stuff that had happened.

      In the dream I was a character I role-play. Some others and myself - four including me - went to the creepy house. We walked around first - it seemed like a hotel of sorts. Then I spotted a light flickering on and off like a signal. We went and found a secret passageway with cramped stairs going up, and we came to a place that looked like a jungle. There were wooden walkways and we followed them. To our right was a wide river and a walkway leading up to it and to the front of us was another river. We went to the river in front of us.

      In the middle of the river was a big light that gave off heat, at one point making water shoot up into the air. I didn't want to go in at first, but one of the boys in our group went into the water and said it was fine, so we all went in, myself last.

      I was looking around and there were these glass display cabinets with runes in them. They had the English translation of them, and at one point they told my (character's) beginning/ horrible thing that happened that made them the way they are. I turned to the other girl in the group and said to her "You want to know about me? Here." and waded away, annoyed.

      There were now shelves on either side of the river holding beads and clay. I didn't really touch them but other people did. I saw a miniature clay loom and piano. We were starting to see more people, and it turned into a supermarket type setting, but there was still water around my legs. I got separated from my group and started looking for them. I saw a little girl, also lost, and for some reason it really made me sad, seeing this lone little girl. At this same time I heard "Playboy Mommy" by Tori Amos play over the speaker in the grocery store.

      At that point I woke up because my Mom was calling me. I still had "Playboy Mommy" playing in my head.


      Part of this is understandable - I can even pick out stuff that happened from the day before. My Grandparents took me to Denny's for dinner, I listened to 'Playboy Mommy' the day before, and of course I was looking at iPod apps. Some I'm not sure.
    13. Difficulties at the gas station.

      by , 08-01-2010 at 07:59 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Difficulties at the gas station. (Non-lucid)


      One of my lowest nights. I had some finger pain this night and that prevented a long rested night. Two dreams.


      I was in a gas station. It was day and I wanted to fill up my car. The gas station was huge but it only had two pumps. I would see the pumps but when I tried to drive by them, I would miss them. I remembering seeing the pumps from several feet and trying to drive to them without success.

      I finally was able to pump my gas and a DC appeared. He tried to sell me something I cannot recall. I could see like some images of the past of my dad
      (the jerk one)

      I jumped in my car, turned the engine on and started to move. I realized I was still pumping gas. When I noticed, the pump just finished. I closed up the pump and left to somewhere.

      Missed Dream Signs:
      - Not being able to get to the pump.

      What I would have done if lucid:
      - Head for a ToTM.
    14. Robots

      by , 08-01-2010 at 07:54 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Robots (Non-lucid)


      One of my lowest nights. I had some finger pain this night and that prevented a long rested night. Two dreams.


      - I was indoors.
      - Four robots with different functions. The robots were happy with their owners.
      - The robots revealed something.
      - The robots would go up and down depending on a specific condition.

      Missed Dream Signs:
      - Unknown.

      What I would have done if lucid:
      - Unknown.
      dream fragment
    15. Tornado Game

      by , 08-01-2010 at 06:48 AM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I was playing a tornado game with a bunch of dreamers. Everyone tries to suck everyone out of the playing field into portals overhead.

      My team won. We were like gladiators. We fought with weapons now, with tornadoes whirling around us, then weapons and magic, then, hi tech weapons and magic. My team was owning, then we kept getting pwned by the same team: TEAM GAWN.

      These big devil bastards grinned at us at spat acid. You really want to fuck with us? We are the Sons Of Gawn. I said, "Fuck yeah, bitches. I like the spicy taste of devilflesh." We roared at each other, and had one last match. I morphed into a devilman myself, but, I was badass-iest! I had six horse legs, a snake tail, and a mane of flame down my back. The leader of the other team transformed into a blue flaming minotaur, and we clashed heads, locking horns. There is a great explosion.

      Q yells. DRAW.

      We buy them all drinks in the City of Nowhere at one of the Bars. The club is amazing. I can't believe I am in a dream, yet, I am surrounded by mythical beasts. This dude with yellow cat eyes, and a red devil face wearing a pink and black suit says, "Ey buddy, you talking to yourself?" Then I realize it's me looking in the mirror.

      I stare at myself for five minutes. My face doesn't change. Okay, this is a dream. This dude walks in the bathroom, "But, it feels so real," he says smugly. He has purple skin, and kind of a fishy face.

      "Hey who the fuck are you, man?"

      "I'm your dream guide, idiot. Don't you recognize me?" He morphs into many forms. I then realize he's in literally all my dreams.

      "So, tell me what the hell is going on, Xaphor!"

      "You are actively lucid dreaming. You are remembering your dreams exactly as you dream them. Everything is now crystal clear in the remembering. Ever since you drank that Lucidi-Tea mixed with the Vivid-ity."

      "So why do I not usually dream like this."

      "The reality is quite the opposite: you always dream like this. You only remember blurry. You know what it is: a filter you installed so you would not get obsessed with dreams. Now that your life is more balanced as a result of cycling the power, you are ready for this type of real remembering.

      We are suddenly sitting on a cliff near a huge waterfall. It's gorgeous.

      All of this, you made, in the Land of Nod. Your dream body, everyone's dream body, does so much more than the waking mind can even comprehend. When you can be aware of all planes at all times, then, you are full of power. This requires great effort, along with non-effort. Please do not try to hard, or get disappointed if your subconscious grows the filter back. Just remember... remember your dreams... and remember... I love you... I love you... Nomad...

      I see Xaphor and I in other dimensions, as brothers, friends, enemies, lovers, mothers, it's all so weird, but fascinating...

      "Well, it's only parallel versions of us," I tell myself.

      Xaphor and I fall asleep on a cloud. He merges with me, and I become a red dragonman.