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    1. July 13

      by , 07-13-2011 at 07:58 PM (Dreams of Hash)
      Went to bed 1240-1
      Goals: teleport
      Me and my sister are trying to sneak up to higher levels in some kind of labratory. I say lab because of the look of the place, sterile white walls and tile, strange machines and whatnot. We are at the bottom on like a service level looking for a way up. We walk into a corridor with an elevator used by cooking staff. The elevator dings and a dude about my age walks out wearing a chefs uniform. I consider trying to knock him out with a chop to his neck but dont do so. He walks out of the elevator looking at me, i move towards it and he pushes the button to close it as he gets off, i can tell he does this to keep me from getting on. I walk up to the elevator as it closes and then turn around. I ask him something and he responds in some made up spanish. What he said was subtitled in my vision too. Another chef, like his boss is now walking around, me and my sister leave this area as the head chef talks to the other one for a bit. We go to another area where i try to jump up to the next level but it doesnt work. I rem thinking i need to get to the next level so i can find a weapon.

      *Was talking to my sister about the cat
    2. Hit and Run / Attempted Homicide 06/13/2011

      by , 07-13-2011 at 07:47 PM
      8:00 AM

      I found myself standing just off the curb of a sidewalk at night. The scenery was pretty vivid especially the lighting from nearby from nearby shops, street lights, stars, and incoming headlights. Just to my left was a lady in a business suit, skirt and black shoes. She was facing away from me. I looked over to my right to see a pair of headlights. They were bright and seemed to be headed for me so I stepped up on the sidewalk next to a sighn. I was about to warn the lady when I realized that the lights were slowing down. As they got closer I figured that the car was just meaning to park on the wrong side of the road. Then I saw the man inside what I now recognized as an old station wagon. He was obviously angry.
      He was going slow as he came in behind the lady but then stepped on the gas. The lady flew up on to his hood and they both sped around the corner to my left. I could still see the road they were headed down because it there were no building in the way. The the road they were headed on slopped down slightly. To the left of them and in front of me was a recess where there were pick-nick benches. A fenced railing separated me and the drop so I ran around the way the station wagon had gone. Before I got to the corner I saw the lady roll off, across the road and onto some grass beneath some trees. The station wagon sped away and around the next corner to the left next to (where the police station is in waking life)
      I ran down towards the lady and saw that she was in pain but not bleeding externally, The area she landed in was park like. Off to my left was a set of apartment buildings that were just off to the side of the side of the recess with the pick-nick benches. I don't have a cell phone so I decide to ring the first door bell to have them call 911. (I think I was dreaming of this set of apartments earlier.. there were some shady people living here). There were lights on inside but still nobody answered. I rang again. A dog came up behind me(was dreaming about this dog before as well) and started snarling. It eyed my leg as I rang the doorbell for the last time. Still no answer but as i looked back at the dog a girl in scrubs came walking up and fumbling with her keys.
      I was glad to see her and said what had happened and to call 911. She looked over my shoulder and pointed at the paramedics. Someone else must have had a cell phone I thought. They had already placed the business woman on a stretcher and were beginning to move her. I went over to report what I had seen. One of the paramedics, Ben, happened to be someone from my old church who actually works for UPS. I told him my story, he didn't seem to care to much but I still felt like things would get taken care of.
    3. Hallway Traps 06/13/11

      by , 07-13-2011 at 07:02 PM
      3:43 AM

      Working in a wide hallway with childhood friend Thad. Note: Thad is now working at an automation company I currently interviewed at. Our task was to take a rolling cart down the hallway. Note: The rolling cart is just like the ones that we used to roll around large machines around at my last job. They are made out of steal beams and large casters. they stand about 1.5' off the ground. Anyway the hallway has a simple yet frustrating set of traps. There are two large gates about 1' apart, then a large area with spikes coming up out of the floor, then two more gates. The gates are times so that as on comes up a little the other one closes and visa versa. We settles on taking either side and going for it. For some reason I used a couple pillow to help me slide underneath. We made it to the other side so we could stand up. the spikes couldn't reach the cart. John an old restaurant owner where I used to work was there and he was our foreman. Behind the next to gates was pitch black, maybe a wall.
    4. Freezies!

      by , 07-13-2011 at 06:48 PM (Shooting from the Sun: Solarflare)
      I waas buying something at a store, and i was looking at all the selections, there was Dr Pepper, mars bars, freezies, coke, and coffee, i chose the freezie, but i never got any O_O
    5. Swords ^-^

      by , 07-13-2011 at 06:47 PM (Shooting from the Sun: Solarflare)
      I remember using swords and killing people, but it wasnt very vivid
    6. flirting with lucidity

      by , 07-13-2011 at 06:39 PM (Clarity Filtering)
      I dream a lot about work. I really should do more RC while I'm there. Something to work on.

      A random dream at work which led me to a room with about eight of my coworkers sitting at a round table. I asked if anyone knew what a lucid dream was and no one said a thing. I was astonished and a little baffled so I started to explain dreams themselves which most if not all of them could understand and I was going to slowly lead up to lucidity but was woken up. On my way to work now so I'm going to try to RC more often there starting today.
    7. 07/11/2011 - Untitled Fragment; "All Hands On Deck"

      by , 07-13-2011 at 06:19 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream Fragment One:
      I was with two of my ex-girlfriends and some other gorgeous chick who looked like EH. The first thing I remember is laying on the bed and talking/flirting with EH. Before too long, we were all hugged up on each other, and things were just going great. I was kind of resting on top of her, and she actually lifted me up in the air with her feet, like one would do a child, and kind of 'flew' me around over her. Then she let her hands go and I was suspended by nothing but her legs on my stomach. I remember being amazed at how strong her legs were. It was then that I realized I was only in my boxers, and my, uh, 'infatuation' was fully exposed, through the unbuttoned hole in the front; pretty much just hanging down right in front of her, and everyone else. More than just a bit embarassed, I had her put me down so I could 'adjust.' Shortly after this, I got up from the bed. She quickly followed - jumping off the bed and onto me, wrapping her legs around me and holding on with her arms around the back of my neck. Playfully, I carried her around the room like this, resting her back up against one of the walls at some point.

      Don't really remember much else from this dream.

      Dream Two:
      "All Hands on Deck"

      I was a crew member on a military ship. A frigate, maybe. My earliest memory of this dream was my unit being poised to attack an enemy ship, not too far from us, at night. Apparently, everyone was waiting for me to fire the first shot, and kick off what was supposed to be a covert attack. I had this huge, cumbersome chaingun, which had two joysticks and an array of buttons on it. I just looked at the thing, really having no idea of how to work it. The enemy boat was far enough away that I couldn't see what I would be aiming at, in the dark. There had to be some kind of sight on this thing. Fumbling with the buttons, I flipped a switch and mistakenly turned on a huge spot light, which shined across the water and directly onto the enemy ship. Well there went any chance of a surprise attack. Quickly, I tried to recover, hearing the hushed curses of the guys in my unit. I flipped another switch and a night-vision display came up, between the joysticks. Not having much time to adjust to the image, I just opened fire at all of the little blips on the screen. Following my - quite embarassing - lead, the rest of my team opened fire as well, kicking off the full force of the attack.

      The next day, I was having to report to my superior's quarters, presumably to get chewed out for making such a mess of what was supposed to be a precision attack. On my way across the dock/harbor area, which seemed to be a mixture between a dock and an airport, I saw my best friend just getting back home from his trip. Completely surprised by this, I went over to greet him. A crowd of our family and friends were around, including JD, MR and I think JS. We all gave him a huge group hug and welcomed him back - with a few tears of joy throughout the group - but I knew that I didn't have time to stand around. I told him I had to go, because I was about to get reamed out for what had happened the previous night. I jogged off and continued my way across the dock and onto the ship, trying to find my way to my CO's quarters. The ship was basically a labyrinth; just an endless maze of tiny compartments, suffocating hallways and ladders. I rounded a corner and came to a wide area, within the hull. On the outside of the room was an Autobots symbol, and inside, there were dozens of giant robots, many of them identical, practicing drills. Apparently, we were in the midst of a joint operation with the Transformers. They were going over tactical transformations and timing, repeatedly transforming and de-transforming in unison.

      Moving on, I finally made it to where I was supposed to be. Just before stepping in the door, though, I noticed that I wasn't wearing any shoes or boots. I knew that it would be unacceptable to show up like this, so I had to run all the way back to my own quarters (wherever that was. Can't remember). On the way back across the deck, I remember weaving through some male and female soldiers that were doing PT; mainly pushups. While running across the ship's deck - not too far from the edge - it became hard to run. It's that old, dream scenario where, no matter how hard you're running, you just don't seem to be getting anywhere. It didn't quite feel like I was running underwater - as it usually does. Instead, it felt more like trying to run into a hurricane, and the wind was just so strong that it was holding me in place. After trying to run for a bit, I would slow down, and the sensation would completely go away. And then, once I started running again, it would come back again, and this imaginary wind, which did not affect anything around me, would keep me running in place.

      This strange sensation caused me to realize I was dreaming. I tried to confirm this by focusing on a window a few yards away and motioning with my hand, toward it, trying to break the glass from a distance with telekinesis. I could almost 'feel' an impact, from afar, but didn't really seem to affect the window at all. Still, I knew that I was dreaming. There was a cargo net in front of me, which I would have to climb, to get back to where I needed to be. It was elevated onto a platform, at the far end, and I took one high jump toward the center of the net. It was maybe a good 20ft jump, and I could hear some soldiers gawking and gasping in amazement. I made a second jump, bounding maybe another 30 feet in the air and landing on the top of the platform, skipping most of the obstacle. I had to walk along a slender catwalk, after that. It was somewhere around here, where I lost lucidity. And the last thing I remember is just going back through the hallways and trying to find my CO's office again.

      Updated 07-13-2011 at 06:25 PM by 2450

    8. Hiding from the word "Wee."

      by , 07-13-2011 at 05:47 PM
      Ok so it all started in the school corridor lol and someone said "Wee" but I was so scared of the word that I ran away and had to hide then there was this big epic adventure while I was wearing camo gear!

      Sorry, cant remember this one very well. lol
    9. Apocryphal

      by , 07-13-2011 at 05:45 PM (Dragging my Mind Over the Gap Between Is's)
      Wednesday, July 13th

      I. Apocryphal

      I remember little about this dream but the theme seemed to be that I was attempting to separate my apocryphal beliefs and also the ideas that I've absorbed from others from the "real" ones.

      The only events I remember are seeing D.N at my house on his way to class, looking extremely intoxicated. This happened twice.
      There were also two fireworks displays I was at.
      dream fragment
    10. Creature Trapped; Bank Robbery

      by , 07-13-2011 at 05:39 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      There was man in a cave. For some reason it started turning into a monster type figure, though he
      wasn't evil.

      He slowly started walking out of the cave. In the middle of the cave was a kind of cave doorway
      without a door. As the creature approached the cave doorway, sideways stalagtites grew like
      cave teeth to block its passage.

      Trapped in the cave now, the creature turned around to go back in the cave. With his back to the
      toothy, sideways stalagtite protrusions, the creature grew wings on the outside of the new cave growth
      while he was on the inside. He was now trapped exactly in place.

      I thought there might be some way to free him just by busting up the rock.

      This was about the strangest dream I've ever had.


      Someone had robbed a bank. I ended up with the get-away car with two bags of money in the back.
      An old ex friend stopped a truck in front of me so I couldn't get away. He knew I had robbed the bank.

      He pointed a strange gun at me and told me not to move. My windshield fogged up and I thought about
      my situation. I decided I would rather die than go to jail. As the fog cleared, I told the guy my decision.
      I backed the car just waiting to be shot, but he never did.

      I drove away and drove into a warehouse. Dream skip ~ The dock door was shut behind me.
      I saw a trailer from an 18 wheeler outside. It couldn't fit in the warehouse. This is residue from my last job driving a truck. I didn't remember driving the trailer, and wondered if it was full of money.

      All of a sudden, it was like a bedroom, but I was still in the warehouse. Someone had set up there bedroom in the warehouse as if they were going to live in it. Then they came around and I was hiding.

      Dream skip ~ I am knocking on a door and opening it to see if it is OK to come in. It is my grandparents house. They are very old. I shouldn't have been bothering them. They are gone in real life and I think my subconscious was incorporating that into my feelings.

      They were so old that they couldn't enjoy grand-kids. The end of like was a great burden and they couldn't
      enjoy other things.
    11. Creepy Psycho Mom

      by , 07-13-2011 at 05:17 PM
      I was with a friend (i never saw him before) and we were gong to a different state for awhile. We got to this weird place and they were having a party in the back. people were dancing and everything. Me and my friend went in to the house and we went in to a room that looked like my moms (i didnt know it looked like it untill i woke up). I was on the floor next to this bed like thing. he jumped of it and tried to stab me with a knife (one of those knives that you use for cutting foam installation and cardboard and etc.) and he got me in the arm. Then this is what scares me. His mom took the knive from him and then tried to stab me but some how she stabbed her baby (like 2 years old) in the forehead with the knife. I tried to pull the baby away and she ended up having a cut about 4 inches deep all the way across the forehead witch killed her and the mom blamed it all on me for killing her. She kept me and was torturing me. I finally made a dash for it out the front door (it looked like my front lawn and had the same porch) but some one was standing there so i pushed them and ran but my dream made me slow so a cop (a dirty cop) that was working form the lady caught me and threw me back into the house. I was tortured even more intill both of them were occupied (paying the pizza man and grabbing the pizza they bought) so i ran out the door again there was a hooker and i said to screw off and i ran like no tomorrow. I was even using my arms to help me run then i saw my moms car at the end of the drive way all messed up (i thought she was dead) but i got in the back and she was under the seat (wtf?) and she started driving but i started to know it was a dream because she was driving from the passengers side (like a right hand drive car) and then i closed my eyes and i woke up.
    12. Jumping into a Waterfall

      by , 07-13-2011 at 05:11 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)

      Talking Non-Lucid

      I was going to go down a waterfall. The scenery was very basic, with the dark brown rocks with a few tropical flowers. The water was crystal clear, when I jumped into the water from a pretty high point, it was like being transported to another area.
      I can’t remember much of this dream because everything was so quick I guess.

      Suddenly I’m at the same location again, and apparently this anime chick that’s named Avon is my wife, but I know that’s not her name at all. (I think she is that white haired chick that came from Outlaw Star or something, oh it's Aisha haha).

      And one of the characters from King of the Hill (The guy wearing a white vest and blue pants and has a bald spot with hair on the side of his head) was threatening he was going to kill Avon.
      His name is Bill Dauterive

      I didn’t care, and I continued on riding the waterfall. That’s all I could recall.

      Then another dream was where I was trapped in this room with a few random DCs, and we had to do some nonsense to prevent us from being killed. Something was banging on the door I think, but that dream was short because I realize all that everyone was doing was just panicking for no reason and doing random things lol.
    13. One Hell of an LD...7/12/11(Mid Morning)

      by , 07-13-2011 at 04:44 PM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      Goals: Gone With the Wind TOTY, visit the Dream World Academy.

      I dreamed that Cedar Point had been moved to a nearby city to mine. So, my Dad takes me and my brothers to Cedar Point. We are now at Cedar Point. [SPOILER][/SPOILER]
      We go in. The place is awesome. My older brother and I go over to a newly installed ride. We get on. It is an orangish-colored coaster. We ride the coaster, and there is some sort of mission we have to do. We end unfailing the mission(I can't recall what it was). But we still had fun on the coaster. We get off and go to play a real life game of Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I forget exactly what happened, but I do recall kicking some major ass. So now, I believe I saw a dream sign. So I became
      lucid! Oh hell yeah! Time to do some serious business! I recall having to do the Gone With the Wind TOTY. Time to do it! I now ki speedily my way to a house that looks fancy. It's a brick house.
      I see Rhett walk out very fast with a black suit case. Scarlett follows close behind.
      "Wherever shall I go? Whatever shall I do?" Scarlett asks Rhett.
      "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." Rhett harshly replies to Scarlett. He stops when he sees me.
      "You don't give a damn, huh?" I say. Rhett knows I mean business. He brakes into a sprint, and Scarlett tries to chase him. I break into a sprint too. I'll give that bastard a piece of my mind. I begin chasing him. I easily pass Scarlett. After about running a whole block, I reach Rhett. I grab him by the shoulder and turn him to face me. I punch him square in the face!
      "Just take Scarlett back or you'll be a worthless piece of shit for the rest of your life Rhett!" I snap(not my exact words, I can't recall them exactly). Rhett recovers. We're now under a brick bridge. A lot of people notice the scene happening. Now, Rhett gives Scarlett a super romantic speech(I sadly can't recall any of it). I realize that we're near a church. What a place to make a romance scene, eh? So, now he's done, after a literal three minute speech. The two kiss. Yucky! LOL. Anyway...I must have put some damn good power into that punch. If Rhett was able to forgive and forget that easily. Oh well. Yay! My eighth TOTY is completed! Four more to go! Now, I need to go visit the Dream World Academy. I start to fly over the church, when I see George Lopez sitting with the Priest at a white table with a white umbrella.
      I land by them.
      "What's up George?" I say. I notice he's making something. "Making pot? Haha. Just kidding." George laughs too. The priest doesn't notice me. I walk past him, then ki speed fly away. I fly past some trees, and then there's the Dream World academy. It's set up is like what insideout drew in his DWA dream. Two bed post towers, castle in the back, village up front. I land and there's a gate the reads "Dream World Academy." the castle looks cool.
      I proceed through the gate, and like twenty armed Templars come at me. Oh shit! I pull put two Westar-33 Blaster Pistols and aim.
      "It's okay! I'm a lucid dreamer!" I say, rest to fire. They stop.
      "You may go in." One guard says in a deep voice. They have cool armor. All black, with spikes and stuff. The helmets had two black horns bent like an L. They had giant-ass black swords too. You could see there eyes in the visor, which were just blue circles. I proceed into the castle. The castle is all black on both in the inside and outside. I walk in, a man walks up to me. He looks a lot like George Washington.
      "Are you worthy enough to wander in Dream World Academy?" he asks. I quickly beat him down and put one blaster pistol to the back of his head, and the other to his chin.
      "Is this worthy enough for you?" I ask, applying pressure with the blasters.
      "Yes. Please let me give you the tour." he replies. I let him go.
      "One second, I need to carefully observe the castle." I say. I look around. A hallway on both sides of me, and one in front of me. A red carpet leads from the door to the first room in front of me. Down the left hall, I see another hallway going both ways, and a set of stairs going up is at the start of the hall. The right hallway also has two more halls going each way. This place is pretty awesome. We now go the the room in front of us. The red carpet leads down about a fifteen foot hallway. There are lit torches about every three feet on both sides. At the end of the hall, the carpet ends. We proceed into the kitchen. The first room. It has white-tiled walls and floor. On the left are stairs going down. On the left, is a gas stove and oven. Then past that is a countertop and sink. I notice another exit on the parallel side of where I am. It leads into a dark room. The guide now leads me down stairs. The room is semi dark. A few windows are here. There are multiple shelves, and tables all over here. There everything you could ask for here. The ground is solid grey brick. As well as the walls. The guide now stands in a far corner of the room. I notice a vintage drum kit, and go over and sit down and I play a blues beat.
      They literally have everything down here. I go over to a table with hand guns on it. There's a price tag that said something around $9.00. I'm surprised by the low price. It's a real hand gun! I now go back to the drums. A girl comes down the stairs. She has an old Revolutionary War pistol. She shoots me in my left shoulder with it. And it actually hurt! What the fuck, bitch?! I jump over the drums as she runs into a corner.
      "Kamehame...HA!" I blast her with a large blue ki blast. There's nothing left of her. Oops. Shit. I didn't mean to go THAT far. I go behind the drums now. Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Herminie Granger all come downstairs now. [SPOILER][/SPOILER]
      Harry fires the death spell at me!
      "Avada Kedavra!" he shouts. What the fuck? I easily deflect it with my hand though. Wow, I stopped an "unstoppable" spell! Haha! Mike Dirnt now comes down with his bass guitar. Holy shit! Mike Dirnt!
      He now throws his bass at me. I dodge it. Hey! I feel betrayed by my favorite bassist now! Now, Billie Joe Armstrong comes down with his guitar.
      I run over an hug him. He's my idle! Now, everyone is grabbing weapons and getting ready to kill me. I better go. I run outside the castle now, and the Templars are coming in fast now. What the hell did I do to deserve this? It was that bitchy girl who started it! I keep running and I get away. I land in the village, where I'll be safe for now. I soon

      Updated 07-15-2011 at 04:18 AM by 30650

      memorable , lucid , task of the year
    14. how i love my car!!!

      by , 07-13-2011 at 04:33 PM
      so i dreamt i was in my house and i looked out the window to see people taking stuff out the boot of my car, i instantly ran down the stairs and outside. the car was gone but the were young boys running down the street away from where my car had been. i ran after them and caught one at the bottom of my street, i pinned him against a fence and kept asking who stole my car but he kept telling me he cant say and it was best if i didnt know so i told him if he didnt tell me i would be taking it out on him. he then spilled the beans and it was someone that i use to go to school with and in my dream my brother knew and spoke to this person so my brother was trying to gwet in touch with him and all he told me that if i didnt get the car back i would get the money for it and i was telling him i didnt want the money aqnd if i didnt get the car back i was going to deal with it myself and at this point my 2 cousins walked in and when i was in the middle of explaining this to i woke up in my bed...... i was gutted i had not gained LUCIDITY but very glad i had not lost my car lol
    15. wtf

      by , 07-13-2011 at 04:23 PM
      I think i recall dreaming about a TV talkshow. And they where hosting Shared dreamers to come tell their shared dream experiences on TV.

      Took a nap this morning.

      I dreamed i was in a park talking to people. I was thinking about lucid dreaming and i hopped on my bike to ride away. Then i noticed this huge billboard sign saying : "NOTHING BEATS LUCID DREAMING, DV FORUM"

      I'm like.. wow how didn't i notice that sign. I guess lucid dreaming is getting populair if there are billboards like that noawadays. Wait a minute ! I pinch my nose and i'm able to breathe.
      But fuck.. i'm back in my bed. I was vaguely aware of that the whole time actually. Seeing both scenes at the same time. I didn't bother pinching my nose in bed. I was pretty sure i woke up. I just tried to get back in the dream, without success.